Fun starts in the preparatory group of kindergarten. Scenario

Scenario for a sports festival in kindergarten “Fun Starts!”

Prepared by: teacher: Saldaeva G.I.

Target: promotion of a healthy lifestyle, involvement in systematic physical education and sports.

Tasks: bringing children and parents together;

Give children and parents pleasure from joint physical education classes. Develop physical qualities: endurance, speed and promote the development of positive emotions.

Participants: 2 teams, physical instructor, presenter.

Equipment: rubber balls, jump ropes, hoops, skittles, sandbags, cones, wooden. spoons.

Teams enter the hall to the sounds of cheerful music.

Phys. Instructor: To grow and harden

Not by days, but by hours,

Do physical exercise

We all need it, guys!

To be completely healthy

Everyone needs physical education.

To begin with, in order -

Let's do some exercises in the morning!

Phys. Instructor: Today we will find out who loves sports, who is strong, dexterous, resilient, persistent.

Leading : Guess the riddle.

Legs and muscles are constantly in motion -

It's not just a person walking.

Such fast movements

We call it briefly - ..... (running)

Physical instructor: And we have our first relay race

1. Relay race “Who is faster”. Two teams. Running with a stick in your hands to see who can run faster.

Presenter: We'll play together

Run, jump and gallop

To make it more fun,

We'll take the ball quickly.

Phys. Instructor:2. “Pass the ball over your head” relay race.

Presenter: Two braids, two sisters

They fly up like birds.

With a jump rope in the morning

The game begins.

Phys. Instructor: 3. Relay race “Jumping ropes”.

Ved: The next competition is a spoon!

And there are potatoes in the spoon.

You can't run!

You can breathe, just be careful!

4. Relay race “Carry it, don’t drop it.” 2 teams are selected. Each player needs to carry the potatoes in a spoon along the line of movement to the mark and put them in the basket. And back to your team.

Physical instructor: And now we will play for attention. “At Malanje’s, at the old lady’s. We lived in a small hut."

Leading : Now listen carefully, riddles about sports and health:

1. It can be basketball,

Volleyball and football.

They play with him in the yard,

It's interesting to play with him.

Jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping!

Well, of course, this is..... (ball)

2. The air cuts deftly,

Stick on the right, stick on the left,

Well, there is a rope between them.

This is a long….. (jump rope)

3. We compete in dexterity,

We throw the ball, we jump deftly,

Let's tumble at the same time.

This is how they go...... (relay races)

4. We are like acrobats

We do jumping jacks on the mat

Over the head forward

We can do the opposite.

For the future of our health

There will be everyone………. (somersault)

5.We are physically active

With him we will become fast and strong.

Tempers our nature,

Strengthens muscles.

No need for candy, cake,

We only need one..... (sport)

6.Fight for winning, recognition

We call it all…… (competition)

7.Win in competitions -

This is our credo.

We don't demand recognition

We need….. (victory)

8.We were divided into teams

And they give you a task.

We are participating for the first time

In sports………… (competitions)

9. The legs in them are fast and dexterous.

Those are sports. (sneakers)

10. You can play with him during class,

Roll it and rotate it.

It's like the letter "O":

Circle, but inside - nothing……….. (hoop)

11. Found in vegetables and fruits.

Children need to eat a lot.

There are still pills

Tastes like pills.

Take for health.

Their cold times.

For Egor and Polina

What is useful? - ... (Vitamins)

12. Get up earlier in the morning

Jump, run, do push-ups.

For health, for order

People need everything (charger)

13. So as not to be “dirty”,

You should be friends with me.

Foamy, fragrant,

Handles will be clean.

If I get in your eyes,

I’ll pinch it a little...

But as soon as the foam was washed away,

Stopped pinching... (soap)

14. What shines brightly, warms,

Does it make people healthier? (Sun)

Physical instructor : 5. Relay race “From hoop to hoop”. (Jumping on two legs)

6. Relay race “Run and don’t get hurt.” Running between the pins.

7. Relay race “Jump over the puddles.”

8. Relay "Penguins". Jumping with a bag.

10. “Tug of War” relay race.

11. “Take it quickly” relay race. The cubes are laid out in a circle, by color. Each player must quickly take the cube.

12. Relay race “Climb through - don’t hit me.”

Physical instructor: Let’s consolidate our relay races with the active game “Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out.”

Presenter: And our parting order:

To grow up healthy, energetic and intelligent,

To drive away fatigue, laziness,

Eat vitamins every day!

Phys. Instructor: Don't be lazy early in the morning, get ready to exercise!

The sun, air and water always help us!

To strengthen your muscles, do physical exercises!

MDOU "Staroshaigovsky kindergarten No. 2"

combined type"

Sports festival

"Fun Starts"

(in the older group)

Prepared by: physical education instructor

Pyanzina Elena Vasilievna

Old Shaigovo 2017

Target: Instilling in children the need for physical education and a healthy lifestyle.


Improving running skills in a competitive form.

Develop speed, agility, coordination abilities.

Cultivating attention, respect for opponents and teammates, mutual assistance, patience and determination.

Promote a positive emotional uplift in children.

Preliminary work:

Groups come up with team names and greetings.

Inviting guests.

Preparation of material for musical accompaniment.

Hall decoration.

Materials and equipment:

2 eggs; 2 spoons; 2 children's hats; 2 skis; 1 rope; 2 hoops; gymnastic sticks; cardboard spouts; 2 golden keys; blue and red plastic balls.

Progress of the event:

Commands for the audio recording “Physical Education. Hooray! Hurray!..” they enter the gym, take a lap of honor, then line up at the designated places.

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys and guests. We are glad to see you at our “Fun Starts” holiday. Today two teams participate in sports competitions: “Torch” and “Koster”. Let's greet our participants with friendly applause!

And our competition will be judged by a jury(jury presentation)

Host: So, all the guests have gathered,

The athletes were tired of waiting.

Our holiday begins

The teams introduce themselves.

Presenter: The floor for greetings is given to the “Torch” team

Team captain:Be healthy, strong, brave,

Agile, fast and skillful -

Be ready!

All: Always ready!

Greetings from the Koster team:

Team captain:Never be discouraged

Strengthen your body

Do physical exercise.

Try to be healthy.

It's time for everyone to understand this,

Good morning!

All: Physical education - hurray!

Host: Well, now – a fun warm-up(Members of two teams perform rhythmic gymnastics to the audio recording “Aunt Veselchak”).

Host: To become an agile athlete,

We will hold relay races.

Everyone run fast and together

You really need to win! (Vasily Boychuk)

Teams, take your seats!

1) And the first relay race is called “Egg in a Spoon”

(you need to carry the egg in a spoon to the cone, go around the cone, reach your team, pass the spoon with the egg to the next participant and stand at the end of your team)

2) The next relay race “Snowmobiles - fast walkers”

(participants put on hats and skis, run to the cones, run around it and return to their team, pass the hat and skis to the next participant and stand at the end of their team).

3) Presenter: Well done. And with the help of this relay race we will find out whose team is the strongest “Tug of War”

(children line up in two chains. They take the rope in their hands and try to pull it to their side)

Host: Now, take a rest and use your mind.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

On the wrong advice

Say: No! No! No!

1) You constantly need to eat

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, omelette,

Cottage cheese, yogurt.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

2) Do not bite the cabbage leaf,

It's completely, completely tasteless.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?

3) Luda told her mother:

I won't brush my teeth.

And now our Lyuda

A hole in every, every tooth.

What will be your answer?

Well done Luda?

4) To give shine to teeth,

You need to take shoe polish.

Squeeze out half a tube

And brush your teeth.

Is this the right advice?

5) Oh, awkward Lyudmila -

She dropped the brush on the floor.

He picks up a brush from the floor,

He continues to brush his teeth.

Who will give the correct answer?

Well done Luda?

6) Always remember,

Dear friends,

Without brushing my teeth

You can't go to sleep.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

Host: Aren't you guys tired while I was giving you advice? Then

Let's continue our competition. Well, which one of you will answer:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but a baker? (Sun)

4) Presenter: And the next relay race is “Lay down the rays of the sun.”

(On the side near the start there are gymnastic sticks “rays of the sun”, opposite each team there is a hoop. At the signal, each participant takes one gymnastic stick in turn and lays out the sun)

Leading. That's not difficult at all,
Quick question:
Who put it in the ink
Wooden nose? (Pinocchio)

5) Relay “Pinocchio”

(The participant puts on a long cardboard nose with an elastic band, hangs a “golden key” with a large ring on it. The next participant also puts on a nose, but without a key. The first participant with a key on his nose must run to the cone, go back and hang his key on the nose of the next participant).

6) Presenter: Let’s move on to the next relay race “Salute”

(Balls of two colors are scattered around the hall - blue and red. In front of each team there is a basket. At a signal, all team members collect balls of a certain color into their basket)

Leading: Our sports competitions have come to an end. In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, let's play the game "Baba Yaga's Tail" (the song "I am Yaga, Yaga, Yaga......" sounds)

Host: The most exciting moment is coming, because the jury will announce the results. The jury's word.....

(announcement of competition results, awarding teams with certificates and sweet prizes)

Host: There are no losers today! Today each of you won a small victory! A small but convincing victory over yourself. We also received a boost of energy and a lot of positive emotions.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

My speech will be short -

I say "goodbye"

Until happy new meetings.


Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle;

Develop children's motor activity;

Reinforce the rules and motor skills in games, competitions and relay races;

Promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships;

Foster friendliness, honesty, hard work, responsibility and respect.

Equipment: small balls according to the number of children, 2 baskets, 2 water containers, 2 basins with water, 2 spoons, 2 children's raincoats, 1 pair of large galoshes, 2 balls and clubs, 2 goals. , umbrella 2 pcs., “puddles” 6 pcs., children's first aid kit 2 pcs., various toys 6 pcs. balloons 2 pcs., obuchi 2 pcs., cones 2 pcs.

Progress of the event:

Leading: Hello dear friends! Today, teams of the most dexterous, fastest and most erudite guys will prove in a fair, open and fun fight that they are worthy of the title “Champions!” Teams of pupils and parents of preparatory groups meet in the “Fun Starts” competitions (Name). So, meet the participants of our competition.

(Children enter the playground to the sound of a sports march.)

Sports March

Leading: We wish the competition participants success, but before moving on to the tests, it is necessary to warm up.

(Warm-up for the show.)


Leading: Are the teams ready? Then let's start the first test.

Leading: Everyone knows that a person is cheerful, happy, and vigorous only when he is healthy. But maintaining your health is not easy! Guys, what do you need for this!

(Children’s answers, conversation about vitamins that are found in vegetables and fruits.)

And in order for us to stock up on vitamins, we need to harvest.

Relay race “Harvest a vitamin harvest”

(There are small balls in a hoop on the starting line; at a signal, participants take one ball each and move it to the opposite side, put them in containers for “vitamins”, and return, pass the baton to the next participant.)

Leading: Our guys are not only fast and dexterous, but also erudite, they know a lot of proverbs and sayings about a healthy lifestyle.

1. Heal the sick, and take care of the healthy.

2. A healthy body, a healthy mind.
3. Walking is a duty to live.
4. Give time to sports, and in return get health.

5. Ingenuity is needed, and hardening is important.

6. He who loves sports is healthy and cheerful.

7. Anyone who plays sports gains strength.

8. Health is more important than wealth.
Well done boys! And I know another saying: The sun, air and water are our best friends! We cannot live without them. Each of you loves to soak up the sun, breathe fresh air and play with water. Now you have to fill the containers with water using spoons.

Relay “Sun, air and water are our best friends!”

(There is water in basins on the starting line; at a signal, participants take spoons of water and carry them to the opposite side, pour them into water containers,return and pass the baton to the next participant.)

Leading: Autumn is outside the window now, its mood often changes: it rains, a cold wind blows. Therefore, you need to dress according to the weather so as not to catch a cold.

Relay race “Get ready for a walk”

(each team is given one galosh and a raincoat; at a signal, the participants put them on, move to the landmark, return, pass the galoshes and raincoat to the next participant).

Leading: You need to make friends with sports

To all those who are not yet friends with him.
He will help you all to cheer up,
It is very necessary for health!
One of our favorite sports in Russia is hockey. And now our guys have to play bandy.

Bandy relay race

(At the starting line, the first participants receive a stick and a ball; at the signal, the participants dribble the ball with the stick to the goal and score the ball, take it away,return and transfer the equipment to the next participant.)

Leading: It's time to compete in accuracy.

Relay race “The most accurate”

(There are small balls in a basket on the starting line, an adult stands on the opposite side holding the basket, at a signal, team members take a ball one at a time and try to get the ball into the basket.)

Leading: The parents of our children are attentive and caring, so their children will always be healthy. The next test is for parents.

Relay race “Caring Parents”

(Each team is given an umbrella, dad carries the child behind his back, stepping over puddles, and mom runs after them, covering the child with an umbrella from the rain).

Leading: For each of us, mother is the dearest and closest person, mother is our friend and helper. For us, mom is a fashion designer, a cook, and even a doctor.

Relay race “Mom is the best doctor”

(a variety of objects are laid out in front of the teams; upon a signal, the participants need to choose only what can be treated)

Leading: And how many affectionate and kind words our children hear from their mothers. Thanks to them, children recover faster.

Quest “A kind word”

(Moms take turns saying affectionate words, who can name the most words.)


When life is friendly,
What could be better!
And there's no need to quarrel
And you can love everyone.
You're on a long journey
Take your friends with you:
They will help you
And it's more fun with them.

Relay "Friends"

(Children become pairs, they are given balloons at a signal, hold the balloon together and move to the landmark without dropping the balloon, return and pass the balloon to the next pair.)

Leading: Our competition has come to an end, it is time to reward all the participants who tried very hard today.


Leading: Our holiday is over. All team members showed their agility, strength, speed, and most importantly, they received a boost of energy and a lot of positive emotions! We wish you good health, smile more often and never lose heart!

(The competition participants leave to the sound of cheerful music.)


1. Kirillova Yu.A. Scenarios for physical education and sports events for children in speech therapy groups diagnosed with ODD and children in mass kindergarten groups from 3 to 7 years old. – SPb:, CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2012

2. Stepanenkova E.Ya. A collection of outdoor games for children 2-7 years old. – M.: “MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS”, 2013.

3. Aksenova Z.F. Sports holidays in kindergarten. - M.: “ENLIGHTENMENT”, 2003.

Natalia Ryabinina
Scenario of sports entertainment with children on the street in the yard “Fun Starts”

Target: Creating an atmosphere fun, goodwill, friendly competition and pleasure. Formation of motivation for physical activity and the ability to self-organize in activities.


Improve children's motor skills and abilities.

Increase interest in sports holidays.

In competitive form develop physical qualities: agility, speed, strength, ability to navigate in space.

Cultivate mutual assistance, organization, courage, and the ability to act in a team.

Equipment: hero of the Olympic Games in Sochi - Leopard, horse, stands, caps - landmarks, spoon, potatoes, balls, rope, musical accompaniment.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon! We come to you from kindergarten No. 134, with a bright, warm name "Ray". We are offering to you have fun with us. We will play, run, jump, dance.

Leading: Any meeting, any communication, friendship begins with acquaintance. Well, take your hands and stand in a wide circle. So let's get to know each other! Let's introduce ourselves; on command, everyone will shout out their name. Ready? 1,2,3 – say your name (children shout their name).

So we got to know each other better!

Presenter 2: I know one secret of friendship. Do you want to know? “A smile unites!”.

So let's turn to each other and smile at each other. Well done! It's great you did it!

Now we need to say hello like friends. And we will say hello in different ways, jokingly, funny.

Children and adults move around the playground to the music; the music stops at a signal "hot five", "hangers", "backs" etc. greet each other with the corresponding parts of the body. In conclusion Leading: At the end he says the words “I’ll raise my hands up, Hello everyone, I’ll tell you”.

now we "Friendly family"!

Presenter 1: Do you want to compete in strength and agility? To do this, you need to warm up well (Children walk in a circle and repeat the movements after the leader. Music. "Dolly the Sheep". Then they hold hands and line up in a stream, passing under the collars made from the hands of adults).

A game "The stream overflowed".

Leading: Well done! We invite you to a dance warm-up.

Dance to the music "Zebrick loves to dance".

Presenter 2: we danced well, prepared well. Is everyone warmed up? And now we invite you to compete in strength and dexterity. Whoever is fast and dexterous, come out and ride on our horse.

Relay race « Happy Riders» (children gallop on horseback to a landmark and back).

Leading: Well done to our riders, fast and agile.

Presenter 1: We would really like to know if you can solve riddles? The riddles are not simple, sports.

The air cuts deftly,

Stick on the right, stick on the left,

Well, there is a rope between them.

This is a long one. (jump rope)

We compete in dexterity,

We throw the ball, we jump deftly,

Let's tumble at the same time.

That's how they pass. (relay races)

We are physically active

With him we will become fast and strong.

Tempers our nature,

Strengthens muscles.

No need for candy, cake,

We only need one. (sport)

Fight for winning, recognition

We call everyone. (competition)

Win a competition -

This is our credo.

We don't demand recognition

We need. (victory)

You can play with him in class,

Roll it and rotate it.

It's like he's a letter "ABOUT":

Circle, but inside - nothing (hoop)

The ball is in the ring! Team goal!

We are playing in. (basketball)

Teams kick the ball around the field

The goalkeeper at the gate was caught by a trickster.

He doesn't let him score a goal with the ball.

Boys are playing on the field. (football)

It can be basketball

Volleyball and football.

They play with him yard,

It's interesting to play with him.

Jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping!

Well of course it is. (ball)

Presenter 2: Are there any dodgers among you who can handle the ball? Come forward, the ball is already waiting for you.

Relay race "Pass the ball"(passing the ball with both hands from above to the end of the column, the last player runs forward and begins passing the ball back).

Leading: Well done our teams! Thanks to them!

Do you want to take a car ride? Well then everyone come out cheerful dance.

Dance "Bibika"

Presenter 1: we danced well! Who among you knows and can tell me what time of year it is? Autumn gives us a lot of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and berries. Did you help your parents harvest? Those who helped, come out.

Now we will find out how it worked out for you. Here's a spoon, here's a potato, you need to transfer the potatoes in a spoon.

Relay race "Move the potatoes"

Presenter 2: it becomes autumn Cold: a strong wind is blowing, it is raining, the trees have thrown off their leaves and many birds are flying south, to warmer climes.

They gather in flocks and take flight, and dance goodbye cheerful dance. Come out and dance! Now you are not guys, but little ducklings. Stop, don’t yawn, repeat after us.

"Dance of little ducks"

Presenter 1: Well done! Are there any strongmen among you? Whoever is ready to measure his heroic strength, come out and pull the rope.

Attraction "tug of war"

Leading: Well done! Did we have a great game? Did you like it? Now we are friends? Are they real?

It’s very sad to part with you, but it’s time for us to get ready. Only we can't leave without happy dancing friends which is called "Lavata".

Come out, stand in a circle and repeat after us.

At the end there is a disco for children.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the summer outdoor sports festival “Fun Starts” for older children Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Solnyshko" Scenario of the summer outdoor sports festival "Merry.

Scenario for conducting sports entertainment “Fabulous Fun Starts” with children of senior preschool age Goal: strengthening the health of preschool children, increasing interest in systematic physical education and sports. Objectives: Educational:.

Scenario of entertainment for Health Day in senior, preparatory groups “Fun Starts” Progress of the event: Children enter the gym in teams. They are built in 2 ranks opposite each other. Instructor: If you want to become skillful...

Entertainment script “Fun Starts” for 2 ml. gr. Entertainment in the second junior group “Fun Starts”. Goal: development of basic movements of children. Objectives: to attract children to active participation.

Goal: - fostering a sense of cohesion and a desire to engage in physical exercise. Tasks: -Create a positive emotional mood.

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 28 »

Scenario of sports entertainment “Fun Starts”

in the older group.


Bratishko D.L.

Mikhailovsk, March 2016.

Target:Attract children to a healthy lifestyle through sports entertainment.Tasks:Wellness: help strengthen the musculoskeletal system and form correct posture.
Educational: to form motor skills;
to form children’s ideas about the health benefits
physical exercises on the body; teach team play.
Educational: develop speed, strength, agility, accuracy, memory.
develop interest in sports games;
Educational: instill in children the need for daily physical exercise;develop a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, and interest in physical culture.
Equipment: Whistle signal, relay batons according to the number of children, 2 skittles, 2 large balls, cubes 4 pcs. , hoops 6 pcs., rope.
Musical arrangement: marching music for the exit of teams, musical accompaniment for competitions, fanfare sounds for awards.

(The soundtrack of a cheerful melody on a sports theme sounds).
Children in tracksuits enter the hall to the music of the march (in one column, one after another). They walk in a circle, divide into two lines and stop opposite each other.


To the sports ground

We invite you children!

Celebration of sports and health

Starts now!


- Hello, dear guys and distinguished guests! We are very pleased to seeall of you today at our holiday! We are starting the most fun of all sports and the most athletic of all fun games - “Fun Starts”! Competitors will compete in strength, agility, ingenuity, and speed!

Let's support and welcome our participants.(clap)

Before you are the best athletes from the groups (representation of teams and captains).
Which team will be the fastest, the most dexterous. The most resourceful

and, of course, the most, friendly, we will see soon.
To achieve good results in competitions, you guys need to not be discouraged and not arrogant. I wish you guys great success in the upcoming competitions, I wish you victories, and all the teams: – Fizkult!
Children: Hello!

Leading. Teams are committed to competing!

Everything: honestly, according to the rules!

Now for a little warm-up!

We do exercises every morning!

We really like to do everything in order:

Have fun walking (marching)

Raise your arms (exercises for arms)

Squat and stand up (squat)

Jump and jump (jump)

Health is fine - thanks to exercise!


To become an agile athlete

Relay race for you!!!

Let's run fast, together

You really need to win!

Relay No. 1.

Inventory:relay batons.

- The first participant picks up the baton, runs, runs around the pin and, returning to the team, passes the baton to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay No. 2.


The first participant from each team holds the ball between his legs and jumps with it, running around the pin, and returns back. Passes the ball to the next participant. You cannot hold the ball with your hands! If the ball falls, you need to stop and correct the ball, only then continue moving. The winner is the team that finishes the relay first and with the fewest errors.

Relay No. 3 with the ball.

Participants stand one after another. The captains are given balls. At the leader’s signal, the captains pass the ball over their heads to the second player, the second to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received the ball, must run around his team, stand at the head of it and lift the ball up.

Relay No. 4.


The captains are the first to pass the baton. The team captain stands in the center of the hoop, holding it with his hands. On command, the captains run around the pin and return back, where the next team member clings to the hoop from the outside. Together they run to the pin, run around it, the second participant remains at the pin, and the first participant returns for the next one. The relay continues until the entire team is behind the pin. The fastest team wins.

Leading:Now let's rest a little.


I wake up early in the morning,

Together with the rosy sun,I make the bed myselfI quickly do... (Exercise)

I don't look like a horse

And I have a saddle.

There are knitting needles, I must admit,

Not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram,

And I’m calling, so you know. (Bike)

I'm not sitting on a horse,

And on the tourist's back. (Backpack)

On an empty stomach

They beat me - unbearably!

The players shoot accurately

I get punches with my feet. (Soccer ball)

When spring takes its toll

And the streams run ringing,

I jump over it

Well, she does it through me. (Jump rope)

The legs in them are fast and agile.

Those are sports... (Sneakers)

Relay No. 5.

"Riders"(teams stand in columns. The firsttwothe participant is being heldgymnastic stickbetween the legs. At the signal, they begin to run to the pin, go around it, return and pass the gymnastic stick to the next pair).

Leading : - Today there are no losers in our competitions - everyone has won, because... The competitions helped children make friends with sports. Friendship won. And friendship, as we know, begins with a smile. So let's give each other and our guests the kindest smile possible.

And your fans cheered for you wonderfully and this undoubtedly gave you strength. Let's turn and greet our fans and all together, in unison, tell them “Thank you!”

To sum up the results, we give the floor to our wonderful jury (Presentation of diplomas and gifts )

Leading: And here we sum up,

Whatever they are.

We will be friends with sports,

And cherish our friendship.

And then we will become strong.

Healthy, capable,

Both dexterous and brave.

Play sports, improve your health, develop strength and endurance!Be healthy, see you again!