Types of human personalities. Human personality types: schizoid personality

Socionics- this is an interesting science that allows you to classify people into types based on data about their personality, psychological traits, general habits and habits. There are several classifications that associate people with certain objects.

After passing the test, you should not live with these canons, rejecting everything that was close. You don't have to take it too seriously. Just take note of the new information if it corresponds to the surrounding reality.

How to determine your result?

For this, a personality test is used. But if you want to get the most clear and impartial answer, don't treat it like another ridiculous test on the Internet. The truth can be known only if there is a similar sincerity. Your answers will not go anywhere, so you can safely answer all the questions. The result does not have to be advertised.

Take the test in a good mood. You don't have to be tired, angry or resentful. Try to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. Focus only on the screen. Turn off music or movies - nothing should be distracting, even in the background.

Don't try to overthink the questions that come up. Choose the first option that comes to mind. Do not allow an analysis like “this is what I would do, but in such a situation it is more correct to do so.” What matters is the impulse and the first thought, not the fruit of reasoning.

This definition of a person's psychotype is the most accurate. You will not be able to choose your own type on the basis of “which one you like best”. You can't fake an answer.

Please note that the correct test contains a large number of questions. It will take a lot of time to get through it.

How to determine the result of another person?

The classification of people's psychotypes is a complex science that requires thoughtful analysis. If you want to know what type of acquaintances belong to, the usual test is indispensable. They may not want to go through it.

In this case, carefully study all the options and choose the most suitable, associated with the behavior of a friend. But for this you need to know the chosen person well!


All male psychotypes are divided into 16 categories.

Jack London (entrepreneur). An unrepentant optimist. More often an extrovert. Prone to manifestations of romantic feelings. Possesses business acumen and a clear sense of time.

Stirlitz (administrator). An intellectual, restrained in emotions and clothes. Initiative, enjoys work. Not lazy, prefers activity. Able to easily organize the workflow.

Hamlet (mentor). Refined, outrageous. Too artistic, somewhat arrogant. Wears bright and unusual clothes. Capricious and narcissistic, hypocritical. Likes pathetic speeches.

Hugo (enthusiast). Looks optimistically at the world. Ready to help anyone, without expecting help in return. A little slow, but always smiling broadly. Until the last hides negative emotions.

Robespierre (analyst). He carefully walks along his path, carefully chooses a life partner. Does not depend on anyone, defends his freedom. Too restrained and dry, not inclined to show emotions.

Maxim Gorky (inspector). Executive and responsible. Respects discipline, prone to perfectionism. Does not accept other points of view, stubborn and persistent. In some matters, too scrupulous.

Dostoevsky (humanist). Acts as a peacemaker in conflicts. Doesn't quarrel with anyone. Friendly, attentive to details. Able to forgive, true to his ideals. Can't stand loneliness.

Dreiser (guardian). Mandatory and decent. Differs in unprecedented performance. Critical in their judgments. He is vindictive and vulnerable, secretive, keeps a grudge in himself for a long time.

Don Quixote (seeker). Charming romantic, a little infantile. Pure in his thoughts. Doesn't hurt other people. Believes in world peace. Too naive, unable to change anything.

Zhukov (marshal). Strong, resistant, does not break even from strong tests. Fair, wise, energetic. Narcissistic, distrustful, gets used to people for a long time. Depends on the mood.

Huxley (adviser). Protective and emotional. Easily finds an approach to other people. Able to become a true friend. Windy and talkative, unfaithful. Doesn't stay in one place with the same people.

Napoleon (politician). Activist in all matters. Initiative, acts according to his clear plan without deviations. Painfully related to defeats. They do not apologize, they do not admit their mistakes.

Balzac (critic). Plan your day to the minute. Assiduous and calm. Improved. Looks at everything with cold eyes. Too pragmatic. Unable to understand and comfort.

Gabin (master). Practical, stubborn and humble. Achieves set goals. Helps relatives and friends at any cost. Hides all emotions and experiences. Does not allow emotional communication.

Yesenin (lyricist). Thoughtful, often creative. Always in yourself. Very emotional and sensitive. Impractical, do not climb into serious matters. Very vulnerable, remember evil words.

Dumas (intermediary). Eloquent optimist. Able to convince anyone to go over to his side. Too capricious and pampered. Lazy, does not like responsibility and important assignments.


Women's psychotypes are similar to men's. When determining, one should additionally take into account the features inherent in the weaker sex.


  • Emotionality.
  • Susceptibility to insults.
  • Sociability.

These traits are the most common.


Determining the psychotype of a child is difficult. Even the most correct test can give an inaccurate result. Children are constantly growing and changing, life experience turns their character on the right path. Therefore, with age, the type changes.

Testing can be done after reaching 5-7 years, when the main character traits have already been formed. The answer is distorted in adolescence under the influence of a hormonal explosion.

For an accurate definition, it is necessary to follow the behavior of the child in the team, relationships with elders. The role is played by methods of knowing the world: communication, reading or tactile study. See how he relates to your instructions and words, study the system of authorities inherent in him.

Well-known psychological types were identified and described by the Austrian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst C. G. Jung.

His theory of "introversion - extraversion", as well as the four types of perception of the world has developed and continues to develop.

Psychotypes of personality proposed by Jung:

  • Personality types depending on the vector of its orientation:
  1. An extrovert is a person who is psychologically oriented towards the outside world; sociable, active, active.
  2. - a person focused on the inner world; closed, sensitive, judicious.
  • Psychological types depending on the predominant way of perceiving life, in other words, on the main mental function:
  1. The thinking type is a person who, in making decisions, mainly relies on logic and thinking. The sphere of feelings is suppressed.
  2. Feeling type - a person focused on, judges in terms of "good - bad", and not logically.
  3. Sensing type - a person who perceives life directly with the senses, he looks, listens, touches and makes a decision based on the information received. they are suppressed.
  4. The intuitive type is a person who relies on a "sixth" sense; such people make decisions based on intuitive, unconscious knowledge, and not on direct sensations.

Based on Jung's typology, in the seventies and eighties of the last century, the Soviet sociologist A. Augustinavichute developed one of the most detailed and reliable personal typologies and became the founder of a scientific direction called "socionics".


Another Soviet scientist A.E. Lichko, observing adolescents, identified psychological types that describe the types of character accentuations. Accentuation is an excessive strengthening of individual character traits, psychological deviations that border on psychopathology, but do not go beyond the norm.

  1. In adolescence, crisis age, accentuation is most pronounced.
  2. Later, the character is "smoothed out", and accentuation appears only in crisis,.

The German scientist K. Leonhard proposed a similar classification, but did not limit it to the pubertal period. The classification is based on an assessment of the style of communication of a person with a close environment.

Psychological types according to K. Leonhard:

  1. Hyperthymic. Optimistic, sociable, initiative, active, conflict, irritable, frivolous.
  2. Distimny. Pessimistic, silent, closed, non-conflict, conscientious, fair.
  3. Cycloid. Changeable type, combining hyperthymia and dysthymia.
  4. Excitable. Slow, irritable, sullen, domineering, conscientious, tidy, loving animals and children.
  5. stuck. , inquisitive, fair, ambitious, touchy, suspicious, jealous.
  6. Pedantic. Formalist and neat, serious, reliable, non-conflict, passive, boring.
  7. Anxious. Timid, insecure, defenseless, pessimistic, self-critical, friendly, executive, sensitive.
  8. Emotive. Excessively vulnerable, tearful, passive, kind, compassionate, sympathetic, executive.
  9. Demonstrative. Can be both a leader and an opportunist; self-confident, artistic, courteous, captivating, extraordinary, selfish, boastful, lazy.
  10. Exalted. Extremely sociable, bright and sincere feelings, amorous, altruistic, compassionate, changeable, prone to panic and exaggeration.
  11. Extroverted. Sociable and talkative, open, executive, frivolous, prone to excitement and risk.
  12. introverted. Idealist, closed, philosophizing, non-conflict, principled, restrained, stubborn, stubborn.

Classification of personality psychotypes depending on temperament

Most often, personality typology is compiled on the basis of differences in temperaments and characters of people.

  • Hippocrates

The first known typology of personality depending on the type of temperament was proposed by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. It still remains relevant and popular, although the scientist did not connect the individual typological features of the personality with the properties nervous system(as it is now).

According to Hippocrates, the human psychotype depends on the ratio of various fluids in the body: blood, lymph and two types of bile.

Psychological types of temperament according to Hippocrates:

  1. phlegmatic - a person whose body is dominated by lymph (phlegm), which makes him calm and slow;
  2. melancholic - a person whose body is dominated by black bile (melane chole), which is why he is timid and prone to sadness;
  3. sanguine person - a person in whose body there is a lot of blood (sanguine), mobile and cheerful;
  4. choleric - hot and impulsive, in his body a lot of yellow bile (chole).

For many centuries the doctrine of temperaments has been developed and supplemented. In particular, the German philosopher I. Kant and the Russian physiologist I. P. Pavlov were engaged in this. Today, the names of the types of temperament have remained the same, but the essence has changed.

Temperament is a combination of innate features of the work of higher nervous activity. It depends on the speed and strength of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain. Thus, a weak type of higher nervous activity corresponds to the temperament of a melancholic; strong balanced, but inert - phlegmatic; choleric - strong and unbalanced; strong, balanced and mobile - sanguine.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, the German psychiatrist E. Kretschmer identified different personality types depending on the character. This was the first character classification. Kretschmer associated the psychotype of a person with the constitution of his body.

Three types of bodily constitution:

  1. Asthenic. Thin and tall people, they have elongated arms and legs, underdeveloped muscles.
  2. Athletic. People are strong, with well-developed muscles, growth is average or above average.
  3. Picnic. Overweight people with underdeveloped muscles and musculoskeletal system, of medium or small stature.

Since E. Kretschmer was a psychiatrist, he compared personality psychotypes with a tendency to one or another psychopathology and grouped them into two personality types:

  1. Schizothymics are mentally healthy people with an athletic or asthenic physique, vaguely resembling patients with schizophrenia. They are characterized by such character traits: artistry, sensitivity, alienation, selfishness, authority.
  2. Cyclothymics are mentally healthy people with a picnic physique, reminiscent of patients with manic-depressive psychosis. These are cheerful, optimistic, sociable, frivolous people.

The theory of E. Kretschmer was based only on his personal observations, but served as the basis for subsequent, more complex typologies of character. Much later, scientists came to the conclusion that the shape of the body really affects the character and individual typological characteristics of the personality. The connection between the constitution of the body and the tendency to accentuation of character (an extreme degree of the normal functioning of the psyche) and psychopathology does exist.

Classification of personality psychotypes depending on the character

People differ not only in character traits, but also in their attitude to life, society and moral values. Despite the fact that there is a concept of proper behavior, people behave differently.

The German psychoanalyst and sociologist E. Fromm introduced the concept of "social character" and defined it as a kind of identical set of character traits in the personality structure of the majority of members of a particular community. Any community, class or group of people has a certain social character.

The social character was taken as the basis for the classification of psychological personality types.

Psychological personality types according to E. Fromm:

  • "Masochist-sadist"

A person who is inclined to direct aggression at himself or at other people, if he considers them guilty of ongoing personal failures or problems of the whole society. Such people strive for self-improvement, insecure, punctual, responsible, demanding, domineering, like to terrorize others, justifying their actions with good intentions.

Psychological masochism is almost always combined with sadism. However, there are people more prone to one of the types.

Individual typological features of the "masochist": self-abasement, self-criticism, the tendency to always blame yourself for everything. "Sadist" Fromm defined as an authoritarian person. This is a man-exploiter, imperious and cruel.

  • "Destroyer"

It does not cause suffering either to itself or to people, but aggressively eliminates the cause of its troubles. In order not to feel powerless and frustrated, a person ends the relationship or interrupts the business he has begun, that is, he uses destructiveness as a means of resolving any trouble. "Destroyers" are usually anxious, desperate, cowardly people, limited in the realization of their capabilities and abilities.

  • "Conformist-machine"

Unlike the two previous psychological types, the "conformist" is passive. He does not fight, but resigns himself to difficult life circumstances. This is a too labile person who has practically lost his

He is an adaptable person who will change his point of view, behavior, principles, and even type of thinking, if the situation requires it. Such people are immoral, therefore they do not see anything shameful in changing points of view and life values.

Such a social typology does not characterize people from the best side, but it reveals the problems of society and remains extremely relevant in our time.

It is impossible to say which of the typologies is better, they complement each other. Any typology of personality allows an individual to know himself and at the same time realize his uniqueness.

The reason for the division into psychotypes

Philosophers and scientists at all times of the existence of a civilized society have tried to distinguish and single out psychological types of people from the diversity of the nature of human nature. Many classifications are based on observations of people, life experience, or the conclusions of the scientist who proposed a particular typology. Only in the last century, in connection with the flourishing of psychology, personality psychotypes became the object of research and received proper scientific justification.

Despite the variety of psychological types that exist today, it can be difficult to determine what type of personality a person belongs to. Often, when reading the classification of types and wanting to find himself, he cannot decide or finds several types at once, similar to the individual typological features of his own personality.

The disadvantage of any typology is that it cannot accommodate all possible personality types, because each person is an individual. It can be said that it rather belongs to one or another type, is more similar to it, or at some moments manifests itself in a similar way.

Any psychotype of a person is a generalization, an attempt to combine into a group close and often observed together qualities, temperamental characteristics, and other individually typological personality traits.

Personality types are often exaggerated and simplified, describing deviant behavior (even psychopathology) or only those personality traits that are pronounced and stereotypical, stereotyped.

Pure types are rare. However, every second person, reading this or that typology or passing a psychological test, easily determines his psychotype and agrees with the characterization given to him.

The more developed the personality of the individual, the more difficult it is for him to attribute himself to one or another type of personality. A harmoniously developed personality and a bright personality hardly “fits” into any individual psychotype.

Despite the imperfection of typologies and personality types, they allow you to understand yourself, notice shortcomings, and identify development paths. It is easier for people around the individual who know what psychological type he belongs to to build relationships with him and predict behavior in a particular situation.

Personality typology helps professional psychologists to carry out psychodiagnostics of the client. The psychological portrait of a person necessarily includes a description of his psychotype. Individually typological personality traits are extremely important, because they will tell about temperament, character, abilities, emotional-volitional sphere, orientation, attitudes, motivation and values ​​- about all components of individuality.

There are many pseudo-scientific classifications of psychological types that people use in everyday life. For example, the division of people depending on the time of day, when there is the greatest activity and ability to work, into "larks" and "owls".

On the Internet great amount pseudo-scientific tests, rather entertaining than allowing you to understand yourself. But even such psychological tests have the right to exist, since they give rise to a person's desire to know himself. What psychotypes of people are described in the science of psychology?

Each person is unique from birth, plus all the innate psycho-physiological properties of people: from the genetically inherent characteristics of higher nervous activity, physique and interhemispheric asymmetry to innate intelligence, inclinations and mental abilities ... there are also individual emotional-psychological and cognitive-behavioral characteristics of the individual, incorporated in the process of upbringing and socialization, which form psychotypes of a person's personality (psychological types of people, men or women).

To determine psychological types, various methods of psychodiagnostics and personality testing are used, from complex multifactorial personality questionnaires, such as the SMIL test or the Cattell test, to testing temperament and character accentuation, as well as to better determine psychotype of a person, use individual psychoanalytic conversation.

How to determine the psychotype of personality (psychological type of a person)

Ever since the time of Hippocrates, people began to be divided into personality types: Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic and Phlegmatic - they are also temperaments.
Pavlov divided people according to psychological types of higher nervous activity, which also, in fact, refers to human temperament.

A similar theory of human psychotypes arose from Eysenck - his test for temperament and neuroticism (not to be confused with neurosis).

Jung divided people into extrovert, ambivert and introvert psychotypes.

Leonhard identified the extreme psychological types of people by character accentuations (10 psychotypes) - take a test with a description ...

Gannushkin and Lichko (13 "Devil's Dozen" psychotypes) had similar works on distinguishing people by accentuations, with an emphasis on borderline states of the personality (close to neurosis), for example, neurotic or psychopathy, psychasthenic, etc.

Kretschmer discovered the difference in the psychological types of people and the similarity with temperaments in human physique ("Athletic", "Picnic" and "Asthenic"), which are associated with human behavior ("Practitioner", "Interlocutor" and "Thinker").

Also, psychotypes are distinguished by interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain: right hemisphere, left hemisphere and ambidexter (test for the leading hemisphere).

People also differ in the way they think and perceive information, i.e. according to the leading representative, sensory system, for example, such psychological types as "Kinesthetic", "Visual" ...

In a word, if you dig, you can find many more differences in people according to all kinds of psychological types (psychotypes) in the works of various authors, including contemporaries.

It is necessary to study all these psychotypes of a person for psychologists, sociologists, advertisers and PR people, marketers and manipulators. The layman can be driven only by curiosity or real information and disinformation about the benefits of knowing one's own and someone else's psychological type.

For an ordinary person, of course, it is good to know one's psychotype of personality in order to level out the minuses and enhance the pluses. Also, it is good to know the psychological type of your partner, husband (wife), child, friend, etc. to build harmonious relations of cooperation and avoid unnecessary quarrels and conflicts.

But the main thing for the layman, nevertheless, is not the psychotype of personality as such, but how a person lived, lives and will live his life, having this psychological type ... what is his life scenario ... who is he in life: "Winner", Banal middle peasant "or" Jonah? And most importantly, is it possible to change anything in yourself and your life?

That's what is really useful for an ordinary person, and not a "game" in the division into personality psychotypes ... (


Traditional theories and classifications of character types are based on the fact that a person is equal to one type. The specificity of the classification of six character types is that a person is considered as a complex of several characterological types, of which one is dominant. The structure of character determines the appearance and material environment of a person. By any external signs - a car - you can evaluate and predict behavior. But there are exceptions when only one type of personality is inherent in a person, if his character was not influenced by society, but this rarely happens.


The technique allows visual signs (body build, appearance, design of individual space, physical activity) to determine the character and predict human behavior. It is based on the recognition in the character of groups of psychological qualities (psychotypes) of the same root in origin and the identification of their sequence. In order to recognize the character, the method uses six personality types: hysteroid, epileptoid, paranoid, emotive, hyperthymic, schizoid.


The classics of characterology correlated the characteristics of a person necessarily with one of the personality types (psychotypes), but it seems to us that this is too simplistic an approach. The technique of six types differs in that the character of a person is understood as a complex of character types, one of which prevails. Each person has a different number and different sequence of character types. The leading personality type determines the main motive, the main goal of behavior, and the second - the means to achieve this goal. For example, for a hysterical character, the main goal of behavior is self-presentation. In the epileptoid - the organization and ordering of the surrounding space. If these two psychotypes are combined and the hysterical one is the main one, then the goal of human behavior will be self-presentation, and the tool for achieving it will be the ability to approach any task in a highly organized, technologically, professional way.

Also, the third, fourth and other personality types, as complete ones, are extremely rare, since this requires insanely difficult work on oneself, but borrowed features from psychotypes can be different. Acquiring these traits is also not easy, but easier than fully embedding a full-fledged epileptoid, schizoid, or any other type of personality.


Hysteroid has a weak and mobile nervous system, he cannot solve problems that require prolonged and constant nervous tension. It is easier for him to create the illusion of real achievement. It is unlikely that this person can keep a corporate secret for a long time. Someone will praise him, he will be delighted and will tell everything, "merge" the company's client base. He has intermittent, unstable performance, increased depletion of energy potential, a rapidly developing need for rest, restoration of mental and physical strength, a tendency, based on all of the above, to save what little (in terms of energy reserve) that nature has awarded. Under such conditions, the hysteroid is looking for easy ways in everything.

But on the other hand, hysteroids have developed social flexibility, that is, wide adaptability to a wide variety of social conditions, groups of people, types of activities. They are artistic, they make good actors and singers.

The hysteria's goal is to satisfy his ego, and the means is to attract attention.

epileptoid- a gloomy, disciplined and well-organized person. He does not like people, but at the same time he is a professional in any activity. It is absolute, unconditional for everyone. Powerful and confident. His position is the law for the rest. Violators of this law are severely punished. Finding himself in a new social environment for himself, he begins to “probe” everyone, to test for strength, finding out what place in the intra-group hierarchy he himself can claim. At the same time, the epileptoid classifies people and its classification is simple. He divides everyone into "strong" - those who did not allow him to push them around, were not afraid of his aggressive pressure, fought off his expansive claims to foreign territory (in a broad behavioral sense), and into "weak" - those who conceded, succumbed, chickened out, gave in to him.

The thinking of an epileptoid is concrete, situational, he does not think at the level of high philosophical categories. He is more interested in where the miner's money went, who is to blame and what to do. In the thinking of an epileptoid (as in a paranoid one), goal-setting prevails. The purpose of the epileptoid is to protect consciousness from unnecessary information through control and order.

One of the basic features on which much depends in the epileptoid is the love of order. And as a private manifestation of it - love for order in things. And this, in turn, is manifested in the fact that the epileptoid likes the chairs to stand exactly, in a line, so that the keys do not lie in the box, but hang on a specially arranged display case, each in its place, so that all the necessary tools are at hand. But, more importantly, he likes to make people put things in order - this is also his basic trait.

Target paranoid type - large-scale reforming everywhere, achieving the goal through human resource management. His strength is efficiency, a high level: he never deviates from the goal. Bring a paranoid man to the swamp and say: there should be a garden city here - he will do it. A paranoid person can withstand great program tensions, he is prone to them, he loves them. Paranoid - a creative person, but with his own specifics. Paranoid creative thinking depends on the organization of the mental associative range, and it is not wide enough and limited by the narrow focus of the paranoid personality.

The creative thinking of a paranoid person is purely purposeful, and the process of thinking itself, its “by-products” are not interesting to a paranoid person. Paranoid thinking is usually fairly consistent and one-sided. He digs deep at one point - where he is interested and where he needs to dig to achieve his goal. And the goal of the paranoid personality is to globally change the social order, previously established by one of the previous paranoid figures and supported by zealous epileptoids. The paranoid one considers this order of things to be bad, the relations that have developed in the world of people and are supported by tradition, he recognizes as worthless and subject to replacement with the best, invented by him. So, a paranoid person is a principled revolutionary. And at the same time - unprincipled. His principle is to subvert anything.

emotive the psychotype is thinly feeling people. The personality type is based on a low threshold, the goal of behavior is the harmonization and humanization of the environment, balance in relationships. These are connoisseurs of everything beautiful, these are the main consumers of art, but they are not creators, like schizoids (see below about them). This is a man of true, not simulated emotions, sympathetic, empathetic to other people. He is always ready to give his vest to the crying. In relation to humanity, the emotive is the antipode of the epileptoid. He is an altruist, a philanthropist, he perceives the pain of his neighbor more acutely than his own. Unlike the paranoid, he appreciates the needs, the aspirations of the individual is much higher than the abstract, from his point of view, "the good of society."

Emotives are good educators (mainly where it is necessary to soften the pupil's naturally steep temper), nurses, family doctors, psychologists, and social workers. They make good waiters, hotel employees, sellers. Emotive cannot stand a hint of vulgarity, rudeness, disharmony, and this makes it an indispensable editor, in the broadest sense of the word, of any product of creative activity. His goal is to create harmony and restore balance, through a kind attitude towards people.

Hyperthymic personality type - based on a strong and mobile nervous system. Hyperthym is a tireless lively and optimist. Superficial, does not set large-scale goals, lives one day, his main motive is fun, adventure. Hypertim is always an informal leader, gathering a party around him. He is constantly full of energy, but at the same time he is not concentrated on anything specific, he does not have a stable goal, the only direction in which he would spend his powerful energy reserves. As a result, hyperthym is “dispersed” into many small activities.

He is a playboy, loves spree, he - to walk so walk. Spends a lot of money, can blow everything. Hypertim strives for entertainment companies, he is bored alone. Hyperthyms communicate not for the sake of business, communication is important for them for the sake of communication. They can talk for hours, forgetting about business. The frankness of hyperthym knows no bounds. He can tell everything about himself, about his wife, down to sexual details. It has already been mentioned that he easily betrays other people's secrets entrusted to him. He often lies, but he does not put himself at the center of the story, unlike the hysteroid, who puts himself at the center of his own lies. Hypertim composes just like that, without getting any material benefit from it. The goal of hyperthym is to get new emotions, the means is a change in activity and social mobility.

Schizoid personality type is expressed in a specific feature of thinking. The schizoid, in the formation of concepts about objects and phenomena, operates not with the main signs, but with secondary ones. He thinks unorthodox. For example, ask a schizoid what the main feature of a cup is, and he will answer: “Depending on what to use it for.” His main feature is a penchant for theorizing. This is a man-formula, a man-scheme. This is the thinking type. With him, thought prevails over action and over image. Asociality, the difficulty of mastering and implementing even relatively simple stereotypes of behavior, the unpredictability of actions (you can never be sure how the schizoid will behave, what quality of the situation he will determine as the main thing) - all this, no doubt, makes adaptation difficult.

The schizoid is a truly creative person. He does not strain, does not force himself to create, he simply sees everything differently than the orthodox. Every familiar thing, a banal phenomenon, well known to everyone, set on edge, the schizoid perceives as something new. Whatever task the schizoid undertakes, he will certainly deviate from the intended goal in the process of solving. The fact that the schizoid does not put things in order, but floats at the behest of the waves of his creative element, is closely related to the fact that he does not set goals for himself and does not achieve them. Something seems interesting to him - he does it. This “something” can turn out to be productive, then he strains and sets a certain task. He still sets some small goals, it’s impossible to do without them, but these are not big, not long-term goals. The goal of the schizoid is to create something new through non-standard thinking.


The key to character recognition is a good knowledge of personality types (psychotypes) in its purest form: body features, appearance design (clothing, hairstyle, accessories), space (apartment, office, car, etc.), motor activity (facial expressions, gestures , gait, posture, speech).

The first step in recognizing a person's nature is to identify all personality types included in the character, and the second is to arrange them according to their severity using a special technique. If we see an athlete, this does not mean 100% that he is an epileptoid, but it indicates that there are such character traits in his character. He may have another leader. Usually, the more signs of one personality type, the more likely it is to lead. A good expert will determine this 99% accurately.


The hysteroid is bright, fashionable, he is always seen in group photos, he takes unusual poses, wears a mimic mask of friendliness, constantly plays, is realized only in the environment of spectators. The gesticulation of hysteroids is mannered, works for the public. Hairstyle original, attracting attention. Not like everyone else. Hysteroids often dye their hair, change their hairstyle, like things in a wardrobe. Hysteroid women are plastic. Their movements are elegant, smooth, uninhibited, dexterous, flirtatious. If the epileptoid decomposes behavior into separate actions that are performed together, if the schizoid cannot perform even one action together, but clumsily performs a set of isolated movements, then the hysteroid easily and smoothly performs complex combinations of actions.

Epileptoid - athletic build, wide bone, short neck, large head. The look is direct, confident, sometimes it may seem heavy to the interlocutor. Epileptoids are characterized by constancy in clothing. They get used to things. They cannot understand how it is possible to throw away a thing if it has not yet worn out, but has only gone out of fashion. Even if you have to stop wearing some thing, they do not throw it away, but put it in the closet - it will suddenly come in handy. But if the schizoid wears a jacket until it falls apart from dilapidation, then the epileptoid will turn over the worn thing, re-sew it, and repair it. The clothes are dominated by dark tones.

Paranoid - a follower of the classical style. It has stood the test of time, it is recognized by the overwhelming majority of people, it is understandable and close to the masses, and most importantly, it reflects a very definite social position - the unconditional priority of social goals and values ​​over individual ones. The facial expressions of the paranoid imperious and confident. The movements of the paranoid person are often jerky, he gesticulates vigorously, knocks on the table, rests his hands on the table.

The emotive is able to feel harmony and bring it into line with itself and everything that is in the surrounding space. Emotives have no outwardly characteristic physique, but it is always quite harmonious. Emotives do not like sharp corners. Including in clothes. They love to wear knitwear. Soft, loose-fitting sweaters, pullovers, dresses, neckerchiefs. At the same time, tight, pressing clothes, accessories (ties, gloves, tight jeans) are avoided.

Hyperthyms are very curious, mobile, walk fast, look into the faces of passers-by, quickly get to know each other and quickly forget. They are characterized by illustrative gestures. Outwardly - picnic addition, limbs are poorly developed. The hyperthymic style of appearance design is a gravitation towards leisure clothing. The hyperthymic trend also brings a special flavor of hasty negligence to clothes, makeup, accessories (not to be confused with the dense sloppiness of schizoids). Hyperthyms always do everything on the run: they rush to finish their sandwich, drink their juice, while pulling a sweater over their heads or buttoning up their shirts.

The schizoid outwardly is an asthenic physique, often tall, eclectic in appearance, untidiness, dirty clothes. In a schizoid, everything is not the same as in people: facial expressions are an orchestra, gestures and postures are awkward, the gait is like a puppet, they will definitely drop something, break it. Often wears a beard and mustache, does not like to shave. And if he shaves, then not completely, and then you can see the protruding hairs one by one. And it happens that they stick out of the nose or from the ears. Among the signs of appearance specific to the schizoid, we name, first of all, a distinct eclecticism - a disharmonious, paradoxical mixture of style-forming details.

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A personality psychotype is a set of character traits from the point of view of psychology. The correct definition of the psychotype will help not only to better understand the person himself, but also to find the necessary approach to him.

Basic theory

There is no unified system of criteria and assessments that can be used to derive one actual classification of psychotypes. The most popular is the theory of Carl Jung, which is based on the functions of the psyche and attitudes. First of all, he singled out the scale of introversion and extraversion.

The energy of introverts is directed inward. Such a person will prefer to actively communicate with the outside world to develop himself and spend time with himself. An introvert, on the other hand, is active and with pleasure "wastes" his own energy on the people around him.

K. Jung also used the concept of “personality function” in his works. To them he attributed sensation and thinking, intuition and feeling.

Depending on the predominance of one or another function, their combination and psychological attitude, he identified 8 personality psychotypes. They are needed not only for the study and ordering of a huge variety of psychological characteristics, but are also an excellent tool for a practicing psychologist.

Types Based on Extraversion

based on introversion

Accentuation of personality

Psychologists share several types of personality or types of accentuation. A personality type is a set of character traits that determine not only the behavior of an individual, but his lifestyle and behavior in society. In practical psychology and psychotherapy, types of character accentuation are used, which Andrey Lichko brought out and systematized. In its pure form, each type is quite rare, but if you have the necessary skills, you can determine the leading type of accentuation in a person.

personality typeDescription
Hyperthymic typeSuch people are highly active, excitable, and cheerful. They are active, lead a fairly successful and diverse lifestyle, easily converge with people and take on the role of leader. Their unquenchable thirst for activity, seething energy attracts others and makes such people the soul of the company.

However, they often quit what they started and quickly lose interest in everything. Often their actions are dictated not by principles or morality, but by momentary desires and a thirst for new experiences. They are not able to take their duties seriously, and are not adapted to long-term monotonous work.

Cycloid typeSuch people are often prone to mood swings. The phase of cheerfulness and cheerfulness after a short time (1-2 weeks) is replaced by lethargy and passive behavior. During a period of mood rise, it is easy to mistake them for a hyperthymic type of personality; during a mood decline, features of a dysthymic type of accentuation appear.
Dysthymic typeSuch people are called pessimists. They are serious, closed, often in a depressed mood, laconic. People of the dysthymic type prefer to avoid noisy companies, do not enter into conflicts. Their social circle is small, they are distinguished by stable morality and are guided by their principles.

Professions that require activity and vigorous activity are not suitable for them. People of the dysthymic type appreciate a calm, measured life and choose the same job.

epileptoid typePeople of this type of accentuation are driven by emotions. They do not manage their own impulses well, tend to fall into a rage, impulsive, not restrained. In conflict situations, they feel like a fish in water, they often start squabbles and scandals themselves.

Poorly converge with other people, in the team are not able to maintain a healthy working atmosphere. Subconsciously destroy all relationships, often oppress and suppress weaker individuals.

stuck typePersonalities of this type literally "get stuck" in their own thoughts, experiences, situations. It is quite difficult for them to switch, they forget insults badly and acutely feel injustice towards themselves. Vengeful, vindictive, prone to protracted conflicts.

At the same time, such people like to dominate, clearly define friends and enemies for themselves. Their character is dominated by a selfish affect, to which all his actions are subordinated.

labile typePeople of this type are prone to frequent mood swings, react sharply to attention from others. Because of their heightened sensitivity, they often become emotionally distant from their loved ones as a result of some sort of trauma.
Astheno-neurotic typeHypochondriacs are a prime example of this type of personality. They quickly get tired, irritable, prone to emotional breakdowns. In professional terms, they try to do their job accurately and are very zealous about their duties.
sensitive typePersonalities of this type are sensitive and very impressionable. They often suffer from complexes and feelings of inferiority, often become the object of ridicule. With the right relationship with society, they show kindness and try to help loved ones.
Psychasthenic typeSuch people are prone to introspection and excessive reflection. It is difficult for them to make decisions, they weigh all the options for a long time. Their hallmark is a high level of self-criticism and reliability, they are not prone to frequent mood swings.
Schizoid typeSuch people are distinguished by isolation and an absolute inability to find a common language with other people. They are characterized by emotional dullness and an almost complete lack of intuition. People of the schizoid type are stable, have a rich inner world.
hysteroid typeSuch people like to be in the center of attention, they are quite selfish, but at the same time they are not self-confident. They do not tolerate blows to their own pride, they are prone to demonstrative behavior.
Unstable typeThe main character trait of such people is laziness and unwillingness to work. It is difficult for them to concentrate, the ability to self-learn is almost zero. People with an unstable personality type are prone to empty entertainment for the sake of fun. They strive for lack of control over themselves and rarely recognize other people's authorities.
Conformal typeThe main feature is the desire not to stand out. These people love to be in the crowd and obey its laws. Conformity and blind faith in public opinion makes them ideal performers and members of society.