Vitiligo causes. Vitiligo causes in adults

Sometimes you can meet people in whom areas of normally colored skin alternate with bizarre islands of pale skin, devoid of any pigment. It is then that it becomes clear how pale, in the literal sense of the word, people deprived of melanin would look.

  • This disease is called "dog skin", or "piebald skin". In medicine, the condition has received a beautiful name - vitiligo, or leucoderma.

Of course, the popular name for piebald skin eloquently suggests that this condition has something to compare with. Piebald and spotted colors of skin and fur are found all over the animal world.

What are, for example, apple-colored horses or Dalmatian dogs worth? It looks like these dogs were deliberately sprayed with ink stains. In people, everything looks different, and if similar areas devoid of pigment appear on a person’s skin, then we can talk about a disorder in melanin metabolism.

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Vitiligo - what is it? + photo

vitiligo disease photo of age spots

Vitiligo is a disorder of the metabolism of the skin pigment melanin, which is classified as focal hypopigmentation. There are also conditions of hyperpigmentation, for example, the well-known ordinary freckles, but we will talk about them next time.

The extreme version of hypopigmentation is the complete absence of melanin. This condition is called albinism. We will talk about this extremely interesting phenomenon later.

Why does vitiligo occur? Before we talk about the reasons, we need to remind you why the color of a person’s skin depends.

Why are we "colored"?

Deep in our skin there are special cells - melanocytes. In their organelles, namely bodies - melanosomes, melanin is synthesized. For its appearance, the amino acid tyrosine is needed, and this process is catalyzed by the enzyme tyrosinase.

Copper takes an active part in this enzyme. This is how the “basic” process of melanin formation occurs, for example, in winter. In summer, the process is activated under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

It is clear why this happens: the shorter the wavelength, the more energy the quanta of electromagnetic radiation have. The near-ultraviolet region is the last of the high-energy regions that is beneficial to humans, and only in reasonable quantities. Next comes hard ultraviolet, deadly x-ray and gamma radiation.

The process of melanin formation occurs in several stages, through the synthesis of promelanin. Melanocytes themselves are nothing more than mature melanoblasts. As soon as tyrosinase activity increases in a young pigment cell, the number of melanosomes in it increases and it begins to produce melanin.

But there are cases, for example, in albinos, when there are many melanosomes in the cell, but melanin production does not begin. In the case of vitiligo, such a failure in the process of melanin synthesis occurs spontaneously. Why is this happening?

Causes of vitiligo

vitiligo photo in a child (discoloration of eyelashes in the spot area is visible)

Dermatologists around the world are trying to understand the cause of this disease. Special cases that lead to this process have been studied, but it has not yet been possible to strictly prove it, and it has not yet been possible to “sort everything out.”

It is known for certain that there is a genetic autosomal recessive factor and vitiligo can be inherited, since a tyrosinase defect is inherited. This is proven by the fact that people with gray or blue eyes are less likely to be affected by vitiligo than those with brown eyes.

Patients often exhibit various hormonal, hypothalamic-pituitary disorders, changes in the functioning of the adrenal glands and thyroid diseases. In addition to various, multiple endocrinopathies, the causes of vitiligo, or leucoderma (the Latin name of the disease) can be:

  • Severe immunity disorders that occur with autoimmune and systemic diseases, or collagen diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma);
  • Local, trophic reasons. If the skin is damaged and there are traces of burns on it, a scar process occurs, then the chances of discoloration in these areas are much higher, since intradermal immune inflammation is triggered, which can also affect melanocytes;
  • Vitiligo can develop as a result of taking certain medications;
  • Endogenous intoxication. Most often, vitiligo can appear due to stagnation of bile, which occurs with dyskinesias, as well as with severe intestinal autointoxication, which develops with habitual constipation;

Finally, vitiligo may be caused by impaired absorption of nutrients in various parts of the intestine. Thus, an increased incidence of vitiligo occurs in patients with Whipple's disease, pernicious anemia (cyanocobalamin deficiency).

Finally, the last but not least cosmetically important cause is contact vitiligo. It appears when certain chemicals are applied to the skin.

Surprisingly, bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide and chlorine are almost not to blame. Most often, cosmetics are to blame. In the event that vitiligo occurs on the face, and even if it was done “with your own hands,” this situation can lead to stress and severe depression, which can contribute to the emergence of new foci of the disease. How does the process of vitiligo begin?

The initial stage of vitiligo, the first signs

initial stage of vitiligo photo - first spot

The initial stage of vitiligo most often occurs unnoticed. If a person sees an area of ​​skin that appears devoid of pigment, he may not feel anything.

In rare cases, a patch of skin with signs of inflammation, such as redness and mild discomfort, may appear on this area of ​​skin along with the appearance of discoloration or just before it appears. This spot is called.

After a spot appears, it begins to grow, and if several spots appear, they have a certain tendency to merge. With leukoderma, the spots have clear edges, often of irregular configuration.

Signs of vitiligo include discoloration of hair that is in the affected area. Less often they retain their color. Also, with vitiligo, spots can appear on symmetrical areas of the skin.

A distinctive feature of spots devoid of pigment is an acute intolerance to ultraviolet radiation. Those who believe that exposure to the sun helps to cure these anomalies are mistaken: the pigment is restored very rarely. Most often, sun exposure leads to the formation of inflammatory erythema, since skin without melanin becomes defenseless to sources of ultraviolet radiation.

  • Sometimes, in the middle of a pale area, “as luck would have it,” islands with pigment appear, even excessive ones, that is, hyperpigmentation is formed.

If the spots merge, they can cover large areas and even cover most of the body. In this case, the person acquires that same “piebald appearance.”

Most often, areas of leukoderma appear on the buttocks, abdomen, and back. With vitiligo, there is no skin atrophy, no scarring, and no peeling. In a word, this is a pure pigmentation disorder, “without consequences” for the skin.

Classification of stages

Dermatologists distinguish four stages of vitiligo: onset, progression, plateau and repigmentation.

  1. Initial stage. The first signs of vitiligo are the appearance of a single first spot. It can both develop and immediately disappear;
  2. Progression. Time criterion – 3 months. If during this time the spot increases significantly, new ones appear, and fusion occurs, then they speak of progression;
  3. The plateau period, or stationary stage. The existing spot (spots) remain in a “dormant” state for a long time, but do not decrease;
  4. Repigmentation. The most “long-awaited” stage. The stain disappears. Unfortunately, most often this happens when a single, “random” stain appears, for example, due to contact origin. If marbling is located throughout the body, then in almost 100% of cases, spontaneous and complete return of pigmentation is impossible.

Some myths about vitiligo

It should be said that the following has been reliably established:

  • Vitiligo is non-contagious and harmless to others; it is not transmitted in any way: from contact to sexual contact. Talking about the “contagiousness” of vitiligo is as absurd as talking about the “contagiousness” of myopia, hearing loss or hypertension;
  • The only way vitiligo can be transmitted is by inheritance, and even then, the maximum probability is 40%, no more;
  • The true danger of vitiligo for its carrier is that it is a symptom of serious problems in the body (except for the hereditary variant).

Vitiligo in children, features

Sometimes vitiligo begins in childhood. With a rapid and aggressive onset, this process often accompanies a person throughout his life. To avoid this, you need to know that a predisposition to a disease, which is inherited, turns into a disease if permissive factors begin to operate.

These include:

  • Pronounced ultraviolet insolation;
  • Drug aggression (the child is seriously ill for a long time and receives a lot of antibiotics);
  • Stress;
  • Local skin processes. Children often have abrasions, wounds, and burns.

If parents have vitiligo, then it is necessary to protect the child as much as possible from these skin-traumatic factors.

In conclusion, it must be said that even with congenital vitiligo, it begins to appear at primary school age. If any white spots are noticed on the skin of a newborn baby or a young child, then this is not vitiligo, but other skin diseases or allergic manifestations.

Getting rid of vitiligo is difficult. There are cases of spontaneous healing, but this is very rare, especially with extensive spots. A visit to a dermatologist is required. Modern medicine has various means, including ultraviolet irradiation with a special wavelength, laser therapy.

In special cases, if the patient persists, whitening options for adjacent skin can even be used to even out the tone and smooth out shade transitions. Even surgical methods of skin transplantation (melanotransplantation) are used. But all these methods are determined by the doctor.

How to treat vitiligo at home?

1) At home, you can wipe the skin with a weak solution of copper sulfate, since the enzyme tyrosinase is activated by copper salts.

2) To suppress autoimmune inflammation in the skin, various ointments containing corticosteroid hormones are used. But this can only be used in the progression stage, and as prescribed by a doctor. After all, even local use of hormones can lead to systemic effects.

  • The most commonly used are Elokom, Dermovate, and Beloderm.

3) In some cases, Elidel and Protopic help with vitiligo. They are new anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce the cellular response of T-lymphocytes, suppressing the synthesis of interleukins - inflammatory mediators, as well as other components of inflammation.

In conclusion, it should be noted that if vitiligo appears, you should immediately go to a dermatologist. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then you need to undergo a complete examination, and you need to start with a doctor - an endocrinologist and rheumatologist, then start checking the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. If any pathology is detected and promptly treatedthere is a high chance that vitiligo will be cured in its infancy.

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Vitiligo (lat. vitiligo - “skin disease” from vitium) is a pigmentary skin disorder characterized by... In vitiligo, some or all of the melanocytes (specialized skin cells that produce the pigment melanin) are destroyed.

Gradually, the area of ​​spread of the disease can expand: new spots appear and old ones increase in size. Medicine has not yet established exactly why this pathology occurs.

The disease affects 0.5-2% of the world population, and the average age at which the disease begins to progress is 20 years.

The disorder has no racial or ethnic association and can occur in any person.

The disease is often associated with disorders of the autoimmune system, with the glands being the most common.

Vitiligo causes white patches on the skin. The disease does not threaten life and health, but, according to recent research, it may indicate the presence of serious pathologies in the body. In most cases, vitiligo causes cosmetic problems in patients.

Just apply this preparation to the spots and leave for half an hour. After this, rinse with running water. To achieve the first results, you need to carry out only a few such procedures.

Try looking for Sulsen soap, it also has medicinal properties, but is rarely found on the market. But, judging by the reviews, it is even more effective than the ointment. Some patients claim that the spots go away in a few sessions.

Other folk remedies that help fight the disease

Sesame. Scientists have found that regular sesame also has very beneficial properties that can help in the early stages of the disease.

It's very simple: grind 10 tablespoons of beans in a coffee grinder and take one tablespoon daily. This should be done in the morning, on an empty stomach.

After regular consumption of sesame seeds, small yellow circles appear on colorless areas of the body, and after 3-4 months of such treatment, vitiligo disappears forever.

Birch tar. Many people suffering from this disease use tar for treatment. This product is very popular because it is sold in literally any pharmacy for quite reasonable money.

Here, too, everything is very simple: lubricate the spots for 15-20 days, after which they will gradually acquire the color of healthy skin and disappear.

Garlic and onion can not only “drive away evil forces” and strengthen the immune system. They are a good way to combat vitiligo at different stages of this disease. All you need to do is cut a clove of garlic or onion into two equal parts and rub the stains with fresh juice every day.

It is advisable to use these products alternately: use garlic one day, onion the second. As a rule, new spots disappear in 5-7 days, healthy pigmentation will return to old ones within a month.

In fact, there are still a lot of folk methods. It is enough to trust the recipes of our grandparents and stop poisoning yourself with chemistry. Of course, you can and should consult with your doctor, however, remember that pills and numerous ointments rarely help cure vitiligo the way folk remedies do.

Which doctor should I contact if I get sick?

First of all, you need to contact a dermatologist.

In cases where vitiligo may be associated with an autoimmune disease or other pathologies, referral to an appropriate specialist may be required.

Thus, a consultation with an ophthalmologist may be justified because there is a suspicion of ocular damage.

A person may also require psychological help as vitiligo affects a person's physical appearance and there are various psychological and social consequences associated with it that need to be reviewed with a psychiatrist.

During the disease, patients also showed high levels of social anxiety. Patients may also experience low self-esteem, social stigma, shame, intimacy avoidance, adjustment disorder, fear, suicidal ideation, and other mental illnesses.


Vitiligo is a disease that is accompanied by discoloration of certain areas of the body due to the destruction of the melanin pigment. Doctors from all over the world are constantly studying the nature of its occurrence and the nature of its development. Treatment of vitiligo is carried out comprehensively, taking into account the factors that led to the manifestation of specific symptoms.

Description of the disease

Vitiligo is a disease during which discolored areas of skin of different locations and sizes form on the body due to the destruction of melanin (natural skin pigment). The pathology is chronic and difficult to treat. Most often it is found in people under 30 years of age (more than 50% of cases). The disease is equally likely to affect both men and women. Also, the frequency of its development does not depend on a person’s race. But in dark-skinned people, white spots on the skin are more noticeable.

According to recent studies, vitiligo occurs in 1% of the world's population.

In medical practice, other names for the disease are used - leucoderma, leukoderma. The pathology is one that has not been sufficiently studied, so choosing the right treatment is not always effective.


This disease begins with the appearance on the skin of clearly defined spots of light white or milky color. The occurrence of vitiligo lesions is typical for such areas of the body as the face (around the lips, eyes, nose, near the ears), extremities (back of the hands and feet, fingers). Very often, discolored spots appear under the arms, in the groin, near the genitals and other intimate places, on the elbows and knees. The lesions are more visible in people with dark skin. Quite often, colorless spots form on the head or where the beard grows in men.

The main signs of vitiligo include:

Types of vitiligo

There are several criteria on the basis of which vitiligo is classified.

Classification according to the course of the disease

Depending on the stage of development of vitiligo, there are:

  • Initial. One discolored spot with a round shape is identified on the body.
  • Stability stage. The emerging spot gradually increases in size. No other changes are observed.
  • Progress. It is characterized by an increase in the size of the old spot, while other depigmented areas appear.
  • Repigmentation. Sometimes it happens that discolored areas of the body begin to be painted back.

Types of vitiligo depending on location

The localized type of vitiligo, the symptom of which is the appearance of one depigmented area of ​​skin, is divided into the following types:

  • Focal leukoderma. One or more spots are observed on the body of a sick person, which are in close proximity to each other.
  • Segmental. The appearance of light spots occurs in an area of ​​the body along the nerve fibers.
  • Mucous leucoderma. The problem manifests itself exclusively on the surface of the mucous membranes.
  • The generalized form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of light spots throughout the body. It is divided into several types:
    • Vulgar. It is characterized by the formation of discolored spots that are randomly scattered throughout the body.
    • Acrofascial. The appearance of spots usually occurs on the surface of the hands, on the face, and lower extremities.
    • Mixed. It is characterized by the presence of signs of different types of vitiligo.
    • Universal. The negative process develops throughout the body and occupies 80% of the skin area.


Vitiligo usually begins when exposed to certain external and internal factors that affect the human body. People are never born with this disease; it is considered an acquired pathology. Most people notice the development of vitiligo in the first ten years of life, during puberty. Women may encounter this pathology during pregnancy or at the onset of menopause.

Doctors have found that the development of light spots on the skin is largely associated with peaks of solar activity that occur in the spring and summer.

The causes of vitiligo are not fully known. But there are a number of unfavorable factors that directly affect the development of this disease.

Autoimmune processes

Autoimmune processes are those processes in the body that are accompanied by the production of antibodies to its own tissues. In this case, the patient's immune system attacks the cells responsible for producing the skin pigment melanin.

Quite often, doctors discover other autoimmune diseases in people with vitiligo:

  • systemic lupus;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Hashimoto's goiter;
  • Addison's disease and others.

Genetic predisposition

Scientists have identified a hereditary factor in the development of vitiligo. Parents with this pathology will almost certainly have children with the same problem. It has been established that the disease occurs much less frequently in people with fair skin and blue eyes than in people with brown eyes.

Neuroendocrine causes

A sharp change in hormonal levels, provoked by diseases or natural causes (due to pregnancy, menopause, puberty), leads to the appearance of light spots on the skin. Also, provoking factors include stressful conditions that negatively affect the functioning of all organs and systems.

Trophic disorders

Trophic disorders mean disorders of skin nutrition associated with its traumatization. They are provoked by mechanical, chemical influences or radiation. After a violation of the integrity of the skin, an inflammatory process develops that has an autoimmune component, which provokes the destruction of melanin. And with prolonged exposure to the sun, the existing pathological process is aggravated.

Effect of drugs

Some medications can trigger the development of a disease such as vitiligo. The exact list of medications and the effect of the duration of the period of their use have not been fully established.

Presence of liver diseases

In adults and children, the development of vitiligo is associated with the following diseases:

  • parenchymal changes in the liver;
  • bile stagnation;
  • helminthic infestations (including giardiasis).


The diagnosis of vitiligo is made by a dermatologist based on an examination and study of the course of the disease. Modern medical practice involves performing the following manipulations to determine skin pathology:

  • Examination of the skin using a Wood's lamp. This diagnostic method is considered one of the most effective. During the examination, depigmented areas of skin glow white-blue and acquire clear outlines.
  • Biopsy of modified tissues. Helps to accurately diagnose and distinguish vitiligo from other skin diseases.
  • General and biochemical blood test. Helps determine the presence of concomitant pathologies.

Principles of treatment

It is extremely difficult to cure vitiligo, since the appearance of spots is often associated with disruption of the immune system, liver and other organs. The lack of adequate therapy leads to a worsening of unpleasant symptoms and the spread of the pathological process over a large area. Although there are cases of spontaneous recovery.

To quickly restore the natural color of the skin, patients must undergo a comprehensive examination of the body and be constantly monitored by a dermatologist (if necessary, an immunologist, endocrinologist).

List of drugs used

Based on the test results obtained, drugs of local and systemic action are prescribed.


Vitiligo can be cured with the help of hormonal drugs - glucocorticoids. These drugs act directly on the immune system, which helps stop autoimmune processes.

In the localized form of the disease, glucocorticoids are used in the form of ointments:

In the generalized form of the disease, glucocorticoids are used in the form of tablets. They produce a systemic effect on the body, so they should be used strictly under medical supervision. It regulates the dosage of drugs, which avoids many side effects.

Photosensitizing agents

Many doctors prefer to treat vitiligo with photosensitizing drugs. They affect melanocytes, as a result of which they become more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. As a result, skin cells begin to produce pigments, which leads to the disappearance of areas of depigmentation. These drugs are also called plant furocoumarins and include:

Other drugs

In the fight against vitiligo, other means are used, the most popular of which are:

Application of ultraviolet lamp

The therapy involves exposing the affected areas of the skin to ultraviolet light.

If type A rays are used during treatment, all patients are first prescribed a course of photosensitizing drugs. This method has a high risk of side effects and complications - nausea, burning, cataracts, and carcinoma. Therefore, this method of treatment is prescribed less and less.

An excellent alternative is the use of ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of 310 nm. When using this method of therapy, it is not necessary to take photosensitizing drugs. The risk of developing malignancies and other complications is minimal.

When using each therapy method, there is a risk of burns, and the skin may become red and irritated. To eliminate such complications, special creams are used.

Laser therapy

A laser with a specific wavelength is used to treat vitiligo. The therapy method is effective only for a localized form of the disease, the development of which began no later than 5 years ago.


To hide a skin defect, special products are injected into problem areas of the body. They help even out skin tone. The most popular drugs in this group are called Monobenzone and Hydroquinone.

Due to the large number of side effects, such medications are used strictly under the supervision of a physician.

Skin graft

Vitiligo can be treated surgically. Melanocytes responsible for the production of melanin are transferred from healthy areas to pathological ones. They can also transplant the skin itself, but the method is fraught with various complications.


Can be used as local or systemic therapy. In the first case, special preparations are applied to the skin, after which it is exposed to ultraviolet light. Systemic therapy is used when 20% of the skin is affected. In this case, the patient takes a special drug, after which he is exposed to UVA.

Folk remedies

Vitiligo can be treated at home using some folk remedies.

Other methods

Other traditional methods of treating vitiligo:

Treatment prognosis

The prognosis for vitiligo treatment is usually unfavorable. The use of even the most modern methods of therapy is not able to completely get rid of light spots on the skin.. They only stop the pathological process and prevent its progression.

You can prevent outbreaks of discolored spots by following a special diet that involves following healthy eating principles. The patient's diet must meet the body's need for all vitamins and minerals. It is possible to take alternative medications (Protopic, Elidel).

How to cover up stains

There are several ways to disguise spots on your skin:

  • The use of special cosmetics. An experienced cosmetologist will help you choose a foundation and makeup base.
  • Self-tanning. If you need to mask spots and not stain the skin, it is recommended to use this method.
  • Dermabrasion. The skin is polished, which helps even out its tone.

Vitiligo is not a contagious disease. Contact with the patient will not cause any harm. Despite this, the pathology is accompanied by significant psychological discomfort, so its treatment should not be delayed.

Vitiligo is considered one of the most unstudied diseases that are very difficult to treat. It is represented by white spots that appear on the skin of people at different ages. White spots are the result of a lack of melanin (pigment) in the skin layers. This article will tell you in detail what the symptoms, causes and methods of treating vitiligo disease at home with folk remedies in children and adults are, show photos of patients and give useful tips.
vitiligo disease causes

Features of the disease

Vitiligo occurs in different countries. The most unpleasant thing is that this disease has become increasingly common in people of all ages. The reason for this widespread prevalence has not been determined.

Most often, women and young people under 20 years of age go to the hospital. The disease causes inconvenience to about 1% of the world's population.

Doctors believe that this pathology does not pose a health hazard. At the same time, white spots indicate the presence of any serious disorders in the body. People are also concerned about aesthetic issues. The disease manifests itself in the form of white spots, which are an unpleasant cosmetic defect.

Vitiligo is a poorly understood dermatological disease. It does not cause any specific unpleasant sensations or discomfort, but the patient is guaranteed psychological and aesthetic problems.

The doctor included the pathology in question in the group “skin dyschromia” (dyschromia cutis). Translating from Greek a disorder of skin pigmentation: “dys” - difficulty, dysfunction, “chroma” - color, color.

In normal condition, skin color is provided by the following pigments:

  • Carotene (yellow);
  • Melanin (brown);
  • Reduced hemoglobin (blue);
  • Oxygenated hemoglobin (red).

Affects changes in skin color. The disease in question (vitiligo) is also popularly called “white spot disease”, “dog”, “leukopathy”, “piebald skin”. Translated from Latin, vitiligo means flaw, deficiency. This disease is considered acquired primary skin dyschromia. But a third of cases are genetically transmitted.

This video will tell you what vitiligo is:

Stages of vitiligo

Doctors distinguish 4 stages of vitiligo:

  • I. Initial. It is characterized by the formation of a single spot on the skin. Depending on the characteristics of its development, this stage flows into one of the following.
  • II. Stationary. The patient has only one spot, which has not grown over a long period; it is in a stable condition. No additional neoplasms appear on the patient’s epithelium.
  • III. Repigmentation. It is typical for those cases where depigmentation was provoked by therapeutic measures or taking medications. This stage is very rare.
  • IV. Progressive. It is characterized by an increase in the number and size of white spots over several months (2 – 3). Progression can occur slowly (new spots appear very slowly around the old formation), lightning fast (the number of spots throughout the body rapidly increases. Literally in a week many new white spots appear).


Taking into account such features as localization and the nature of spread, in clinical practice it is customary to distinguish 3 forms of the disease:

  1. Focal. Spots form on different parts of the body in patches.
  2. Generalized. White spots appear all over the body.
  3. Universal. Depigmentation is observed on almost the entire epidermis.

Focal has 3 varieties:

  • Focal. The presence of one or several spots in one lesion.
  • Segmental. White spots are grouped in the area of ​​the nerve plexus or localized in their direction.
  • Mucous. Spots form only on the mucous membranes.

The generalized form also has its own varieties:

  • Acrofascial. Epithelial damage occurs on the hands, feet, and face.
  • Vulgar. The spots randomly cover the epidermis of the entire body.
  • Mixed. It is characterized by mixing individual varieties, for example, vulgar + acrofascial, segmental + vulgar, acrofascial + segmental.

Dermatologists have identified 2 types of disease (A, B):

  • And “non-segmental”. It is characterized by the absence of disruption of the sympathetic nervous system. In such cases, the disease in question is associated with autoimmune diseases.
  • In "segmental". Pigmentation disorders are localized in the direction of the nerves and their plexuses. It is associated with disruption of the sympathetic nervous system.


In rare cases, there is a genetic factor influencing the occurrence of vitiligo. But this disease is not congenital. Its occurrence depends on the influence of certain factors (external, internal). Experts have noted an increase in cases of the disease during periods of increased solar activity (summer, spring).

The disease develops in the presence of such factors:

  • Genetic. The connection between genetics and disease has been experimentally proven. R. Spitz (a scientist working in the state of Colorado) confirmed the presence of a family predisposition to the occurrence of this pathology. People with brown eyes are more at risk of developing vitiligo.
  • Presence of autoimmune disorders. When immune function is impaired, healthy cells of the body are damaged by antibodies. These conclusions were made by doctors who, in practice, noticed that patients suffering from skin lesions often have a concomitant disease (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid dysfunction).
  • Taking medications.
  • Disruption of the functioning of the endocrine gland. Malfunctions of this gland and changes in hormone levels can cause the development of vitiligo.
  • Disruption of the ovaries, adrenal glands, pancreas, pituitary gland.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases. Due to impaired absorption of enzymes in diseases such as malabsorption, dysbiosis, essential nutrients (magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese) enter the skin in insufficient quantities. Without these nutrients, melanocytes (special cells) cannot produce enough melanin needed for pigmentation.
  • Violation of epithelial trophism. Typically, trophic disorders are a consequence of injury to the epithelium (microtraumas, burns, scars).
  • Enzyme deficiency of tyrosinase.
  • Action of chemicals. The skin can be affected by low-quality cosmetics, formaldehydes, and phenol.
  • Impaired functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

Vitiligo occurs when the body is weakened by injury, infection, or intoxication.

Read below about the signs and symptoms of vitiligo skin disease in children and adults.


The appearance of vitiligo is indicated by the formation of white spots; perhaps only one such spot will initially appear. The depigmented spot has a milky white color and is small in size (diameter 0.2 - 0.3 cm). Over time, such a spot grows, and similar neoplasms appear around it. Their shape can be oval, round, the boundaries of the depigmented area are clearly defined.

Scales do not form on top of the white spots, the spot does not rise above the pigmented skin, it is located equally with it. An accumulation of pigment is visible at the edge of the spot/spot. It turns out. That the spot is clearly outlined by a dark ring at the border with a healthy area of ​​the epidermis. Interspersed with intense pigmentation can even be found within a depigmented area.

From the initial spots, which are small in size, large lesions with an irregular shape are formed over time. The edges of such a lesion are also endowed with increased pigmentation.

Pigmentation often affects open areas of the body (neck, arms, feet, face, elbows, fingers, legs. Less commonly, the disease is localized in the peri-anal area, groin area, and scalp). In men, spots may form in the mustache and beard area. Merging into foci, depigmented spots can spread to the entire abdomen, buttocks, and back.

The spread of the disease to the entire body is very rare.

Hair in the depigmentation zone also loses color and becomes discolored. There was a disturbance in the functioning of the sweat glands. In the sun, the affected areas do not tan, but the area with hyperpigmentation surrounding the spot becomes darker and more saturated.

Vitiligo is sometimes accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • lichen planus;
  • nest-shaped baldness;
  • psoriasis;
  • chorioretinitis;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Symptoms of vitiligo


To make an accurate diagnosis, differential diagnosis will be required. This disease is differentiated from the following:

  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis;
  • partial albinism;
  • chemical, true, post-inflammatory leukoderma;
  • leprosy;
  • lichen versicolor.

The patient needs to undergo a comprehensive examination. It includes a lot of research:

  • general blood analysis;
  • examination of the epithelium using a Wood's lamp;
  • examination using a videodermatoscope;
  • to detect the complete/partial absence of melanocytes;
  • blood for the Wasserman reaction.

Knowing the causes of vitiligo, let’s consider its treatment.


Vitiligo is considered a difficult to cure disease. Until now, scientists have not been able to accurately determine the cause of depigmentation. Also, the mechanism of development of the disease is not fully understood. In very rare cases, the disease goes away on its own, without any treatment. Although modern medicine has given people the opportunity to use various medical therapeutic methods, it is possible to completely cure the disease only in some cases.

Therapeutic therapy is prescribed by the doctor after an examination. Treatment is selected taking into account the following features:

  • age;
  • somatic status;
  • stage of disease development;
  • size of the affected area;
  • localization of spots.

The video below will tell you about the treatment of vitiligo:

In a therapeutic way

Taking into account the progress in the field of medicine, the treatment of vitiligo began to be performed using various methods, among which we highlight:

  • Laser therapy;
  • Herbal medicine.
  • Macro-, microelement therapy.
  • Therapy with glucocorticosteroids.
  • Epithelium whitening;
  • Use of the drug "Melagenin Plus".

Experts are busy developing a vaccine, the effect of which is to eliminate the autoimmune reaction that often provokes the development of the disease.

According to medical practice, comprehensive treatment brings maximum effect. In this case, non-surgical methods of therapy are combined with surgical ones. Stopping the pathological process depends on the accuracy in detecting the factor (external, internal) that provoked the development of the disease.

UVB therapy is also used in the treatment of vitiligo. The affected areas of the epidermis are exposed to ultraviolet radiation. For the best effect, it is worth using waves whose length is 310 nm. Narrow wave therapy is considered more effective than exposure to type A rays.

By medication

The following medications are used to treat vitiligo:

  • "Thiamin."
  • "Riboflavin".
  • "Ascorbic acid".
  • Vitamins C, E, B 12.
  • "Melagenin".
  • "Gel VITISKIN".
  • "Vitasan".
  • "Ammifurin".


Surgical treatment, which involves melanocytic transplantation, autotransplantation. But doctors still do not guarantee a stable, long-lasting effect from the operation.

We will deliberately not describe how to treat the skin disease vitiligo in children and adults with folk remedies, since such treatment is of no use.

Disease prevention

Experts did not find any specific preventive measures. But doctors recommend:

  • less time to stay;
  • carry out hardening procedures;
  • take vitamins.


One of the significant complications is the formation of sunburn due to the loss of the skin's protective function.


For those suffering from this disease, the prognosis will certainly seem unpleasant. Vitiligo is chronic.

It is almost impossible to cure it. Doctors can only stop the progression of the disease.

In the video below, the girl shares her methods of treating vitiligo:

Vitiligo is a skin disease that is characterized by the development of white spots due to the loss or decrease in the function of melanocytes, primarily in the skin, hair, and retina of the eyes. Hair with vitiligo can also turn white. The disease can begin at any age, but in 70% of cases it occurs before the age of 20. The question of the causes and mechanisms of vitiligo has not been clearly resolved, and therefore, the problem of effective and complete treatment of this disease remains unresolved. Vitiligo is a disease in which skin pigmentation is impaired due to the destruction of melanocytes (pigment cells). There is a possibility that people with vitiligo inherit a group of three genes that convey susceptibility to depigmentation.

Facts about vitiligo

Here are some key facts about vitiligo.

  • Vitiligo can affect people of any age, race or gender.
  • Scientists estimate that there are up to 45 million victims of vitiligo in the world.
  • The average age of onset of the disease is 20 years.
  • There is currently no cure for vitiligo, only experimental methods.
  • Vitiligo affects melanocytes, which produce the pigment melanin.
  • The exact cause of vitiligo is unknown, but some researchers believe it is an autoimmune disorder.
  • Some scientists believe that vitiligo is caused by a virus.
  • You cannot get vitiligo from another person.

Causes of vitiligo

The broadest and most generally accepted view of the causes of vitiligo is that depigmentation occurs because vitiligo is an autoimmune disease, a disease in which a person's immune system reacts against the body's own organ or tissue. So, perhaps the human body produces substances that change the pigmentation of cells and cause the destruction of these cells. Another theory suggests that melanocytes destroy themselves.

Some people have reported that an event such as sunburn or emotional stress preceded the development of vitiligo; however, these facts have not been scientifically proven. About 1% of the world's population, or 65 million people, have vitiligo. Some people who develop vitiligo are younger than 20 years of age; But more often, vitiligo develops in people over 40 years of age. The disorder affects both sexes and all races; however, people with dark skin deserve more attention.

Vitiligo is slightly more common in people with certain autoimmune diseases. These autoimmune diseases include: hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland), adrenocortical insufficiency (the adrenal gland does not produce enough hormones called adrenocorticosteroids), alopecia (hair loss), and anemia (low red blood cell levels). Scientists do not know the reason for the connection between vitiligo and other autoimmune diseases. However, most people with vitiligo do not have another autoimmune disease.

There is a hypothesis that the cause of vitiligo may be heredity - the disease can develop in several representatives of the same family. Children whose parents have a depigmentation disorder may also develop vitiligo. In fact, 30% of people with vitiligo have at least one relative with the condition. However, only 5–7% of children develop vitiligo, even if one parent is affected, and most people with vitiligo do not have relatives with the depigmentation disorder.

Symptoms of vitiligo

The disease usually begins unnoticed. Sometimes the initial symptoms of vitiligo are slight itching, hyperesthesia and a couple in the form of tingling, crawling or primary erythema (“vitiligo pink”). Vitiligo spots are clearly defined, have smooth or scalloped edges, often round in shape. The color of the spots can range from white to milky white. The skin in the lesions (except for discoloration) is externally unchanged, without signs of atrophy and peeling.

As the disease progresses, these spots grow and merge with each other, thereby forming quite extensive lesions. Lesions can be multiple or single and located on any part of the human skin, but most often they are observed on the neck, face, upper and lower extremities, in the folds of the anus and external genitalia.

Vitiligo is divided into several types, which directly depend on the spread of depigmentation:

  • General pattern: uniform distribution of depigmentation throughout the body (most common type)
  • Local pattern: one or more limited areas of depigmentation
  • Segmental pattern: individual spots of depigmentation are located on one side of the body
  • Total stage: almost all skin is affected

White depigmentation spots on the skin are not the only symptom of vitiligo; in some cases, irritation and inflammation of the skin may occur. Vitiligo is sometimes combined with skin diseases: focal baldness, scleroderma, lichen planus, psoriasis. In addition, patients with vitiligo have a decrease in the antitoxic function of the liver, chronic diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract. Dysfunction of the pituitary gland and gonads play a special role in the pathogenesis of vitiligo.

Treatment of vitiligo

There are two fundamentally opposing methods of treating vitiligo, aimed at creating the same type of skin pigmentation. The essence of the first method is to bleach small normally pigmented areas of skin located against the background of continuous depigmentation. The second method is more common and is aimed at enhancing pigment formation or using various cosmetics to mask skin color defects. This treatment method can be carried out either surgically or non-surgically.

When treating vitiligo, many dermatologists use a non-surgical method, which includes phototherapy (PUVA therapy, short-wave ultraviolet B-ray therapy), laser therapy (low-intensity helium-neon, Eximer-lazer-308 im), corticosteroids (systemic, local), phenylalanine therapy, kellin, tyrosine, melagenin, local immunomodulators, calciumpatriol, pseudocatalase, herbal preparations.

In recent years, with the development of microsurgery, microtransplantations of cultured melanocytes from healthy skin into vitiligo lesions have become increasingly used. A promising direction is the use of a combination of several non-surgical, as well as surgical and non-surgical methods of treating vitiligo. In PUVA therapy, 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP), 5-methoxypsoralen (5-MOP), or trimethylpeorapene (TMP) are often used as a photosensitizer. In recent years, reports have appeared on the high effectiveness of phototherapy with a wavelength of 290-320 nm. However, this (Broad-band UVB Phototherapy) UVB therapy turned out to be less effective than PUVA therapy, which was the reason for the unpopularity of this treatment method.

Local FTX is used in cases where the patient has a limited form of vitiligo or the lesions occupy less than 20% of the body surface. A 1% solution of oxaralen is used abroad as a photosensitizer, and in Uzbekistan (and in the CIS countries) ammifurin, psoralen, psoberan are used in the form of a 0.1% solution. There are many reports on the effectiveness of local corticosteroids, immunomodulators (Elidel, Protopic), calcipatriol (Daivopsx) in the treatment of the disease.

Whitening (or depigmentation) of normally pigmented skin in vitiligo is used when the patient's depigmented lesions occupy large areas of the body and it is practically impossible to cause their repigmentation. In such cases, to color the patient's skin in one tone, small islands (or areas) of normal skin are bleached or depigmented using 20% ​​hydroquinone monobenzene ether (MBEG) ointment. First, 5% MBEG ointment is used, and then the dose is gradually increased until complete depigmentation is obtained. Before and after using MBEG, patients are not recommended to expose their skin to sunlight.

Psychological aspect of vitiligo treatment

While vitiligo is not medically dangerous, the emotional and psychological effects can be devastating. In India, women with the disease are sometimes unable to get married. The development of vitiligo after marriage can cause divorce. The appearance of white spots can have an impact on emotional and psychological health and self-esteem.

People with vitiligo may experience emotional distress, especially if the disease develops on visible areas of the body such as the face, arms and legs, or genitals. Young people who are particularly concerned with their appearance may be devastated as the disease develops. Some people who have vitiligo feel frustrated, ashamed, depressed, or concerned about how others will react.

Fortunately, there are some methods that can help people cope with vitiligo. So, various types of treatments can minimize, disguise, or in some cases even eliminate white spots. It is very important to first consult with a doctor who is knowledgeable about the disorder and will take it seriously. Family and friends are an important source of support.

Some people with vitiligo use cosmetics that help disguise the white spots, improving their appearance and helping them feel better. You can experiment with different cosmetic brands until you find a product that works well.

Treatment of vitiligo with folk remedies

To cure vitiligo, you can turn to time-tested folk remedies and home treatments. These include various tinctures and ointments for external use.

In the traditional treatment of vitiligo, various medicinal plants are used, before using which you should consult a doctor to avoid allergic reactions.

  • Soak napkins in rosehip oil and apply to affected areas of the skin.
  • Lubricate the depigmented areas of the skin with bergamot oil and keep the affected area of ​​the body in the sun.
  • A pulp of boiled wild anise roots is used as a poultice on depigmented areas of the skin.
  • It is recommended to use wild strawberries.
  • Prepare an infusion of 20 g of mountain arnica herb and a glass of boiling water, drink it half a glass 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • To treat various skin diseases, traditional medicine uses St. John's wort, which increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Pour 1 teaspoon of dry St. John's wort herb into a glass of hot water, leave for half an hour and take 1 tablespoon after meals. The duration of the course is 3 weeks, then there is no need to take the infusion for 1 week. Improvements will become noticeable after 8 such cycles.
  • Grate the Jerusalem artichoke tubers and squeeze to obtain juice. Moisten the gauze with juice and apply lotions to the affected areas of the skin. Improvements will appear in 3-4 months.
  • Pour 40 g of peeled walnuts into two glasses of water, bring to a boil, cool and add 500 g of honey. Take a tablespoon before meals. Treatment with this method can be carried out throughout the year.
  • A mixture of honey and horseradish root in equal proportions is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon.
  • Warm baths with the addition of a small amount of dry string, St. John's wort or calamus root decoction, which are especially effective for large areas of damage, have a positive effect on the healing process.
  • Mix red clay with ginger juice in equal proportions, apply to a napkin and apply to the skin.

In addition, a patient with vitiligo should pay attention to the diet and include in it foods such as: raw carrots, strawberries, apricots, cherries, beans, figs, buckwheat, melon, celery, seaweed, persimmons and seafood.

Stages of vitiligo

There are three stages of vitiligo.

initial stage

The process of formation of single spots. Depending on the characteristics of the course, the disease passes into a stationary or progressive stage.

Stationary stage

It is characterized by one spot, which does not increase over time and no new spots appear. In some cases, it is possible to restore skin pigmentation.

Progressive stage

An increase in the size of the discolored spot and/or the appearance of new spots. A slowly progressing disease is considered a normal development of pathology, but development can be lightning fast.

Group of diseases:

News on the topic "Vitiligo"

April 26, 2016

Researchers from New York University have determined what affects skin and hair color and conducted experiments on mice and human cells. They believe that thanks to their discovery, the problem of treating vitiligo will be solved, and people will soon forget about gray hair and other problems with skin and hair.

June 25, 2015

Experts from Yale University have discovered that the drug tofacintib (Yaquinus), which is prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis, can treat vitiligo. The experiment involved a 53-year-old volunteer with vitiligo patches on the face, arms and body who took tofacintib for 5 months. Thanks to the drug, the spots on the man’s hands and face disappeared, and only small spots remained on his body. Although this is an isolated case so far, experts believe that tofacintib could help people suffering from vitiligo in the future.

February 14, 2008

British Journal of Dermatology: British researchers have discovered that piperine, which gives black pepper its flavor, stimulates the formation of skin pigment and could serve as the basis for a drug for vitiligo. Scientists studied the effects of piperine and its synthetic derivatives on mice by applying the substance to the skin of rodents suffering from vitiligo. As a result, over six weeks of the experiment, the skin of the mice acquired a uniform light brown tint. With additional exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the skin acquired an even darker shade.

Questions and answers on the topic "Vitiligo"

Question:My son is 2 years and 9 months old. He has faint white patches on his neck. What could it be? Who should I contact? He tested positive for helminths (pinworms).

Answer: Helminths can cause changes in the skin, but other causes are also possible. You need an in-person consultation with a dermatologist for examination and examination.

Question:Are vitiligo and severe iron deficiency anemia (iron level 0.9; Hg 53-56) somehow related?

Answer: Vitiligo is slightly more common in people with certain autoimmune diseases, including anemia (low levels of red blood cells). Scientists do not know the reasons for this.

Question:I have been suffering from vitiligo since I was 12 years old, now I am 26, 15% of the skin is affected. Can vitiligo be treated with boric acid?

Question:Hello! Please tell me what are the causes of vitiligo and what methods of treatment are there? Is it possible that it may worsen, for example, during pregnancy or other hormonal changes? (The diagnosis was made at the age of 15. I tried to be treated with herbs, I managed to stop the spread of the spots, but it was not possible to completely cure). Thanks for the answer.

Answer: Unfortunately, the causes of vitiligo have not been fully established. And there is no specific treatment for this condition. Most likely, pregnancy will not complicate the course of this disease, however, before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a therapist and a dermatologist.

Question:Hello, my 9 month old daughter saw a small white spot on her back when she was 3 months old. Before that, we were in the hospital with a diagnosis of newborn jaundice. I showed the spot to the pediatrician and she said that it could be due to the intestines. Please tell me if this could be vitiligo (my mother has this disease), which doctor to see and what tests need to be done, and could this be due to the intestines?

Answer: In this case, a personal consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. The diagnosis can be made based on data revealed during examination of the child.

Question:Over the past 3 years, the number of white spots on my body has sharply increased. What could be causing this? I have suffered from vitiligo since I was 3 years old. In addition, there are nodules on the thyroid gland. Age 41 years.

Answer: Exacerbation of vitiligo may be associated with changes in hormonal levels. You need to undergo a re-examination and examination by an endocrinologist.

Question:Fuzzy whitish spots appeared on my arm - the doctor said it was vitiligo. No one in our family had it. Where does this disease come from? We planned to go to Asia on vacation, but now I don’t know if it’s possible? The doctor does not advise, but one of the methods of treatment is ultraviolet light, why then is it undesirable to go to the sea? The girl is 8 years old.

Answer: Sunbathing if you have a confirmed diagnosis of vitiligo is not recommended, because this may worsen the course of the disease. If you decide to go on vacation, it is recommended to cover your skin with protective creams before going out into the sun, try not to be in direct sunlight for a long time, and use protective hats. predisposition to this disease could be present from birth.

Question:Hello! I am 17 years old. At the age of 8, white spots began to appear on my face and hands. Doctors said it was vitiligo. Every year the spots increased and after 5-6 years the skin became completely white. There were no problems, except for sunburn, which quickly passed. There is gray hair on my head that I constantly have to paint over. When I went to the doctor for examination, he was very surprised that I had vitiligo. And about 2 years ago, pigment spots appeared on my face. This year from the sun, although I always use sunscreen and try to stay in the shade, all my arms are covered with spots similar to freckles, but a little larger in size. Tell me, will they go away and is it even vitiligo?

Answer: According to the symptoms you describe, the areas of depigmentation are similar to those of vitiligo. To diagnose the nature of the emerging areas of increased pigmentation, it is necessary to perform a biopsy of these areas of the skin for subsequent histological examination.

Question:My 15-year-old son has developed spots similar to vitiligo, can it be cured with your medications, where should we start?

Answer: First of all, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis; for this it is recommended to consult with a dermatologist-geneticist; only after making an accurate diagnosis will it be possible to adequately select treatment, as well as, if necessary, homeopathic treatment.