Taste of salt in the mouth causes and treatment. Salty taste in the mouth: causes and solutions

Each person may experience a persistent salty taste inside, causing discomfort due to its duration and changes in taste when eating food; As a result, a person reduces portion sizes, loses weight, and becomes more irritable.

In most cases, this condition does not cause serious concern and does not pose a threat to health, but in some situations it can be a sign of serious diseases, so the appearance of a salty taste should not be ignored and it is best to understand its causes at an early stage.

Main causes

Some of the most common causes of a salty taste in the mouth include:

  1. Dehydration caused by various reasons, including insufficient fluid intake, taking pharmacological drugs or following certain dietary supplements.
  2. Diseases affecting the mucous membranes and soft tissues of the nasopharynx.
  3. Disruption of brain activity.
  4. Pathological processes affecting the functioning of the salivary glands. Here you will find in more detail the answer to the question about.
  5. Some other types of diseases.

Lack of fluid in the body or dehydration is one of the most common causes of a salty taste in the mouth.

This condition is most often observed in patients for the following reasons:

Diseases of the nasopharynx

Diseases that affect the nasopharynx can also cause a salty taste in the mouth.

Most often this is caused by the following ailments:

  1. Sinusitis in most cases it develops as a complication after respiratory diseases if they are not treated in a timely manner. Inflammation is localized in the paranasal sinuses and affects the mucous membranes; a large amount of pathogenic fluid, often with purulent impurities, also forms and accumulates. The nasal reservoirs gradually become overfilled, after which mucus begins to flow down the back of the throat. A small amount of it enters the oral cavity, which provokes the appearance of a characteristic salty taste.
  2. Sinusitis is another common disease that affects the nasopharynx. The main symptom is inflammation of the maxillary sinuses with the formation of large amounts of mucus; the salty taste occurs for the same reasons as in the case of sinusitis.
  3. All respiratory diseases, in which the patient develops a cough reflex. The appearance of a salty taste in the mouth most often occurs with a dry barking cough, accompanied by wheezing, since there is scanty and heavy discharge of small volumes of sputum. A characteristic taste usually appears when a person takes a lying position, as well as during prolonged stay in a hot room, inhalation of tobacco smoke and severe overexertion. Softening of the walls of the trachea can also provoke this phenomenon.

Brain dysfunction

In some cases, the cause of a salty taste in the mouth is a disorder of brain activity, however, this usually causes a whole range of symptoms.

Among the provoking factors are:

  1. Impaired cerebral circulation due to active and prolonged smoking or abuse of alcohol-containing products.
  2. Traumatic brain injuries of varying severity.
  3. Tumor formation.
  4. Staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time with the impossibility of changing it, which is typical for paralyzed people.
  5. Severe intoxication of the body.
  6. Stroke.
  7. Epileptic seizures.
  8. A sharp and severe increase in blood pressure.
  9. Tendency to deposit fat on arterial walls and gradual loss of their elasticity.
  10. Pathological decrease in blood supply to local areas of the body.
  11. Impaired blood flow due to the formation of blood clots.

Disruption of brain activity, regardless of its causes, provokes complex disruptions in the body, including the functioning of taste buds, so the appearance of a salty taste in the mouth is a common symptom.

Pathologies of the salivary glands

Saliva performs the functions of washing away food debris and protecting the oral cavity from pathogenic microflora and various dangerous microorganisms. Their dysfunction disrupts the functioning of the taste buds in the mouth or affects the chemical composition of saliva, causing it to taste salty.

Among the most common reasons are:

  1. Viral infection of the glands.
  2. Bacterial infection of the glands.
  3. Sjögren's syndrome, which is essentially an autoimmune disorder, in most cases becoming chronic.

The exact cause can only be determined by a qualified specialist after a thorough diagnosis, and he will also prescribe an appropriate course of treatment depending on the diagnosis.

Other factors influencing the appearance of the symptom

There are other factors that can cause a salty taste in the mouth; Some of them are discussed in more detail below:


Ways to eliminate the unpleasant salty taste that occurs in the mouth depend on the causes of this phenomenon:

  1. If you have other signs that may indicate a serious illness, you should immediately seek professional medical help. In such a situation, it is not symptomatic treatment that is required, but measures to eliminate the underlying disease; Only a specialist can prescribe a course after conducting diagnostics and making an accurate diagnosis.
  2. If there are no other symptoms, you should make an appointment with your dentist, who will assess the condition of the oral cavity and identify possible problems. A qualified specialist will not only carry out professional cleaning, but will also prescribe individual care for the teeth and oral cavity as a whole, which will prevent relapses in the future.
  3. Increase the amount of drinking water consumed daily, bringing it to 1.5-2 liters.
  4. When taking pharmacological drugs You should inform your doctor about any side effects that have occurred; if necessary, he will cancel the prescribed course and prescribe other medications.
  5. Regardless of the causes of the symptom, it is recommended to start rinsing the mouth with decoctions of pharmaceutical herbs. Sage or chamomile are ideal for these purposes, as they will provide high-quality antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity and eliminate bacterial microflora if present.

The variety of factors influencing the appearance of salty taste often makes it impossible to carry out self-diagnosis, therefore, if the symptom persists for a long time, it is recommended to seek help from specialists who will help determine the causes of the problem and select the most appropriate ways to eliminate it.

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Preventive measures

Considering the large number of factors that can provoke a salty taste in the mouth, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from this phenomenon.

However, taking the following preventive measures will help reduce the likelihood of this symptom occurring:

  1. Quitting bad habits, primarily smoking; It is also important not to be in areas where other people smoke, as this will contribute to the inhalation of tobacco smoke.
  2. Preventive visits to dental clinics at least 2 times a year.
  3. Rinsing the mouth with herbal decoctions every 2-3 weeks, which not only reduces the risk of developing dental diseases, but also prevents local inflammation and eliminates bacterial microflora.
  4. Timely treatment of all emerging respiratory diseases, preventing the development of complications.
  5. Drink sufficient fluids daily.

Many diseases begin with minor changes in the senses (smell, touch, vision, hearing, taste). One of the warning symptoms is the appearance of a salty taste in the mouth. Normally it shouldn’t exist, because saliva is neutral. An unpleasant feeling bothers you constantly or occurs sporadically.


The taste of salt in the mouth in women and men can occur for various reasons.

Factors provoking the pathological process are:

  • taking certain medications;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • frequent stress;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • dehydration (dehydration).

A combination of several conditions (against the background of decreased immunity) often becomes a trigger for the development of the disease.

The main pathologies are:

  • lesions of the salivary glands;
  • hormonal changes;
  • sinusitis;
  • inflammatory processes of the oral cavity;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • sinusitis;
  • disruption of brain activity;
  • blockage of tear ducts;
  • malignant diseases.

A salty taste periodically occurs after traumatic brain injury.

Oral discomfort in men and women often causes increased irritability.


Dehydration occurs when drinking insufficient amounts of fluid or excessive use of diuretics (coffee, strong tea, sweet carbonated drinks). The composition of saliva changes at the molecular level and a sour-salty sensation appears in the mouth.

Inflammatory processes of the oral cavity

If oral hygiene is not sufficiently thorough, caries, stomatitis, gingivitis, and periodontitis occur. Various bacterial infections can also affect the teeth, gums and tongue. Often the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is involved in the inflammatory process.

A specific taste may occur after tooth extraction: painkillers and antiseptic medications change the chemical composition of saliva.

Lesions of the salivary glands

The functioning of the salivary glands can be disrupted by certain diseases.

The main ones are:

  • mumps;
  • stones in the salivary ducts;
  • sialadenitis;
  • Sjögren's syndrome;
  • tumors.

Often the first sign of pathological changes is a salty taste in the mouth.

Sialadenitis is an inflammatory process in one or more postauricular salivary glands.

Pathology manifests itself:

  • local swelling;
  • dry mouth.
  • When massaging the altered gland, pus may be discharged.

Stones in the salivary ducts - the formation of mineral formations in them. The disease is rarely diagnosed - in 1% of the population. Symptoms appear only when the size of the stones changes.


  • pain while swallowing;
  • swelling in the area of ​​the salivary glands.

Mumps is a viral disease that most often affects the parotid salivary glands.


  • temperature increase;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • swelling in the area of ​​the salivary glands;
  • difficulty swallowing.

Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease that affects the lacrimal and salivary glands.

The pathology is characterized by:

  • xerophthalmia;
  • xerostomia;
  • dry skin;
  • changes in joints and muscles.

Neoplasms can be diagnosed - benign or malignant in the area of ​​the major or minor salivary glands. Benign changes are characterized by slow growth. Malignant formations quickly increase in size, cause discomfort, and the skin becomes ulcerated.

Blocked tear ducts

Inflammatory narrowing or blockage of the lacrimal canal (dacryocystitis) occurs as a result of infection, mechanical injury or the appearance of cysts and tumors.

A pathological process appears:

  • pronounced lacrimation;
  • blurred vision;
  • pain and swelling in the eye area.

A specific symptom is the production of bloody tears.


Sinusitis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses.

The type of disease is:

  • sinusitis (maxillary sinus);
  • frontal sinusitis (frontal sinus);
  • sphenoiditis (sphenoid sinus);
  • ethmoiditis (ethmoidal sinus).

Common symptoms of all types of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses are:

  • headache;
  • mucous discharge from the nose;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness.

The localization of discomfort depends on which sinus is inflamed.

Brain dysfunction

With some neurological pathologies, a change in the functioning of the body occurs.

Most often this is associated with the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemia;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • stroke.

An unpleasant taste is an infrequent symptom of such ailments.

Oncological diseases

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy used in the treatment of malignant tumors act on the receptors. The chemical composition of saliva changes - the taste of salt appears in the mouth.

Digestive system disorders

Erosive and ulcerative changes in the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer) cause discomfort in the abdomen, nausea, and weakness. One of the signs of gastrointestinal dysfunction is distortion of taste buds.

Hormonal changes

Some illnesses (thyroid disease, diabetes) significantly affect hormonal levels. There is a decrease in weight and appetite. There is a change in the chemical composition of saliva, and an unpleasant taste appears.

Diagnosis of probable causes of pathology

Contacting a specialist is necessary if the salty taste in the mouth becomes a constant occurrence and is accompanied by additional symptoms indicating a disruption in the functioning of the body.

The doctor performs a visual examination and palpation of the salivary glands and collects anamnesis. Then the patient needs to undergo blood and urine tests. In case of inflammatory processes in the nasal sinuses, a cytological examination of mucous secretions is prescribed to clarify the nature of the infection.

Among the instrumental diagnostic methods used:

  • radiography - the procedure is performed to differentiate pulmonary and cardiac diseases of an infectious nature (arthritis, pneumonia, myocarditis). Sometimes X-rays of the digestive organs, joints, kidneys, spine and liver are performed;
  • echosinusoscopy - helps to find out the quality of blood circulation in a certain area and study the structure of tissues;
  • computed tomography - layer-by-layer scanning of tissues and body systems using x-rays;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging - using electromagnetic waves and a magnetic field, allows you to obtain a detailed image of organs.

After completing the research, you may need to consult a specialist (endocrinologist, otolaryngologist, dentist, neurologist).


Relieving a specific taste consists of eliminating the factor or disease that provoked it.

Dacryocystitis is eliminated with:

  • hormonal agents in the form of drops (Betamethasone, Hydrocortisone);
  • anti-inflammatory medications (Ketanova, Ketorola);
  • antibiotics (Penicillin, Aminoglycoside).

Sinusitis is treated with anti-inflammatory and painkillers (Daleron, Aspirin, Erespal). Sometimes antibiotic therapy (Amoxil, Cefaclor, Abiflox) may be necessary.

Drug treatment of sialadenitis consists of prescribing:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketanov, Nimesil);
  • antispasmodics (Drotaverine);
  • analgesics (Analgin, Pyramidon).

In case of dehydration, it is necessary to establish a drinking regime.

Caries, gingivitis, periodontitis require sanitation of the oral cavity.

Treatment of hormonal and brain disorders is usually complex and selected individually.


If a salty taste occurs, the diet should be adjusted.

You need to avoid foods that contain a lot of salt:

  • canned food;
  • marinades;
  • salty snacks: chips, crackers;
  • spicy dishes.

The daily menu should include fish and lean meat, vegetables, fruits, and walnuts.

A salty taste in the mouth is a kind of signal from the body that its functioning is impaired. To normalize taste sensations, it is important to correctly diagnose and eliminate the provoking factor or illness.

A sudden unusual taste in the mouth will alert and worry any person. Especially in the absence of obvious reasons for this. Fear for your own health arises instinctively, because something unusual happens to the body. Normally, saliva is neutral and is not perceptible to us in any way. Where does the salty taste suddenly appear on the lips and tongue, is it an alarm signal? Many diseases begin with minor symptoms.

Taste of salt is an abnormal symptom

A salty taste in the mouth that is not associated with the use of salt in foods is not such a common occurrence, so the average person knows little about this strange symptom. And this is precisely an alarming sign, indicating a possible infectious process or chronic lack of moisture in the body.

A person often tries to drown out the obsessive salty taste in the mouth with sweets, strong tea or coffee. This is a mistake that leads to the development of a pathological symptom.

A feeling reminiscent of the aftertaste of just eating something salty, when it follows you throughout the day, cannot be called pleasant. Every meal becomes problematic, because an unpleasant symptom distorts the taste of the dish and does not allow you to enjoy the variety of flavors as before. A person loses a healthy appetite, and at the same time, irritation rapidly accumulates, causing aggression and insomnia. This condition is characterized by constant thirst, which can only be quenched for a short time.

Causes and factors for the occurrence of salty symptoms

A variety of external and internal factors can cause a salty taste.

Neglect of oral hygiene

A banal lack or insufficiently thorough oral hygiene. The fact is that bacteria in the oral cavity actively accumulate and develop throughout the day. They must be regularly eliminated with a toothbrush and toothpaste. However, those who ignore this procedure or are lazy to perform it at least twice a day risk “accumulating” a whole arsenal of pathogenic bacteria in their mouth, and the sticky film that forms on the teeth every day turns into dense plaque and tartar. A characteristic feature of the accumulation of bacteria in the form of a film is a salty taste in the mouth in the morning. Thus, by regularly performing a primitive procedure - brushing your teeth - you can easily protect yourself from plaque and related problems.

Plaque on teeth is nothing more than a bacterial colony consisting of glycoproteins, living and dead microorganisms, and their metabolic products - all together it feels like a sticky film on the tooth surface.

An important point is to maintain oral hygiene after every meal. Dental floss, which removes food debris from the spaces between the teeth, and a special mouth rinse will help with this - it fights bacteria for several hours after use. It must be remembered that the tongue is also a reservoir of microbes and a suitable surface for the formation of pathogenic biofilm (many harmful microorganisms). Therefore, when brushing your teeth, you should not forget about the hygiene of the tongue, especially its root.

This reason lies on the surface, but there are also hidden, at first glance, reasons for the appearance of a salty taste.

Paranasal sinus infections

A chronic inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses is accompanied by swelling and the secretion of salty mucus. It flows down the back wall of the throat and provokes discomfort and the desire to cough up. An allergic process may also be an indirect cause.

Disorders of the salivary glands

Humans have three pairs of large salivary glands, which are located near the ear, under the jaw and under the tongue. In addition, there is a whole system of small glands in the mucous membrane. Why does a person need constant production of saliva? This transparent secret is nothing more than a liquid biological medium that has many functions necessary for the body, including having a disinfecting effect, destroying pathogenic bacteria and washing away food debris from the interdental crevices. The functioning of the salivary glands can be disrupted by diseases such as mumps, blockage of the salivary ducts with a stone, benign and malignant tumors, Sjögren's syndrome - an autoimmune disease involving the salivary glands. Often the first symptom of complications of these diseases is a salty taste in the mouth.

Inflammation of the postauricular salivary glands (sialoadenitis) is externally expressed by local swelling, and mucus, pus and condensed epithelial cells are detected in saliva

Infectious sialadenitis (inflammation of one or more salivary glands at the same time) causes dry mouth, as well as distorted perception of tastes. When massaging the affected gland, purulent fluid may be released. The admixture of purulent exudate also gives off a salty taste.

Infectious stomatitis

The cause of a salty taste in the mouth may be stomatitis. Moreover, the nature of inflammation of the oral mucosa can be different: bacterial, viral, fungal. Symptoms of the disease: fever, disturbances in salivation, rash in the mouth, at the same time, the condition can be complicated by distortions of receptor sensations, including an obsessive salty taste.


Hidden dehydration of the body can manifest itself as a sour-salty sensation in the mouth. This condition is typical for people who drink caffeine-containing drinks in large quantities. Coffee, strong tea, so-called energy drinks and even sweet soda are diuretics, that is, they provoke increased urination due to the fact that they contain caffeine and theophylline. Fans of these drinks are advised to try to at least partially replace them with ordinary drinking or mineral water.

Blocked tear ducts

Inflammation of the tear duct is dangerous due to stagnation of fluid, which is a fertile ground for fungi, viruses and bacteria

Inflammatory narrowing or blockage is possible due to eye infections, mechanical trauma to the face or tumor. The disease is expressed in excessive tear production and, at the same time, disruption of natural outflow. The lacrimal ducts carry fluid into the nose, from where it enters the throat and the patient feels the taste of tears in his mouth.


Some medications, when taken for a long time, cause distortion of the functions of taste buds. Antibiotics often have this effect. You should inform your doctor about an unpleasant side effect, and he will decide whether to replace the drug, or whether you can continue the treatment course without harm to your health.

This symptom appears as a side effect after undergoing radiation therapy or during a course of taking anti-cancer drugs. In this case, it will be possible to get rid of the strange taste only after a certain time after treatment.

Brain disorders

How does a person distinguish between salty, sweet, sour and bitter tastes? By influencing various substances on taste receptors (they are located on the tongue, soft palate and the back wall of the pharynx). Information from the receptors is transmitted along nerve fibers, and the taste sensations themselves are formed in the corresponding part of the cerebral cortex.

Scientists have established the presence of special neurons in the brain that decipher signals emanating from taste buds on the tongue. Exactly how the brain processes the information it receives is not precisely understood, but what is clear is that decisions about taste are made in the brain, not in the mouth.

It is extremely rare, but there are cases when the correct functioning of the brain area responsible for taste is suppressed by the action of pathological internal factors. The culprits may be diseases such as epilepsy, tumors of various types. And although this pathology is the least likely in the case of a salty taste, it cannot be completely excluded.

These are the main reasons for the appearance of an extraneous salty taste in the mouth. Perhaps the most common culprit of salty saliva - and the most obvious - is foods containing excessive amounts of sodium chloride:

  • marinades and canned food;
  • snacks and beer snacks;
  • smoked products (meat, cheeses);
  • seafood, etc.

It is logical that after you have eaten a large amount of salty food, its taste will be felt in your mouth for some time, causing thirst every now and then. Normally, this is a temporary phenomenon that lasts a maximum of several hours and is eliminated by increased fluid intake.

Diagnosis of possible causes of pathology

You should consult a doctor about a salty taste in the mouth in cases where the symptom is prolonged and accompanied by additional signs of ill health. The initial examination by a therapist will consist of the following steps:

  • a detailed survey of the patient about the onset of unpleasant sensations and the characteristics of its course;
  • familiarization with the patient’s medical record, medical history (whether these symptoms bothered you before);
  • conducting a physical examination - it includes a visual examination, palpation (of the salivary glands), listening with a stethoscope (to exclude other diseases).

Physical examination of the patient is a basic method that allows the doctor to determine the suspected disease.

When the therapist has a certain picture and a presumptive diagnosis, he will send the patient to one of the methods of instrumental examination and the necessary tests, the most common of which are:

  • clinical detailed blood test - allows you to determine the presence of infection;
  • biochemical blood test - demonstrates the content of potassium and sodium salts, the level of urea and creatinine - an indicator of kidney function;
  • general urine analysis - allows you to understand the causes of dehydration and the degree of development of dehydration through the assessment of urine parameters: color and transparency, specific gravity and the presence of ketone bodies (acetonemia);
  • cytological examination of mucus from the sinuses - reveals the presence of inflammation, its nature - infectious or allergic; specifies the types of microorganisms and their sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • X-ray - in this case, examination of the paranasal sinuses, carried out on an outpatient basis using an X-ray machine. With its help, the doctor examines the condition of the soft tissues and the presence or absence of a deviated nasal septum, acute and chronic inflammation;
  • Ultrasound of the sinuses (echosinusoscopy) is a harmless method, prescribed in cases where X-ray examination is contraindicated or undesirable (for example, during pregnancy). Allows you to determine the structure of soft tissues and, if necessary, the quality of blood circulation in a specific area (if you have a Doppler attachment);
  • CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - both studies are designed to obtain images of sections of any tissue in great detail, the only difference being that CT uses the penetrating action of x-rays, and MRI uses electromagnetic waves and a magnetic field .

When the results of the necessary studies and tests are ready, the patient, if necessary, will be referred for additional consultation with a specialist. This could be an otolaryngologist, dentist, neurologist, gastroenterologist or endocrinologist.


It is necessary to combat the taste of salt in the mouth based on the main reason causing this symptom. If the trouble is caused by a simple lack of oral hygiene, then first of all you need to solve this issue by gradually introducing into the daily habit of brushing your teeth at least twice a day, using additional dental floss and an antibacterial rinse.

When the problem lies deeper, you will have to resort to drug therapy. The specific groups of drugs will depend on the diagnosis made by the doctor.

Drug therapy

If the cause of the symptom is stomatitis - infectious or viral - then appropriate treatment is prescribed. For viral stomatitis this is:

  • antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, Zovirax, Arbidol);
  • antihistamines - to relieve inflammation and swelling (Loratadine, Suprastin);
  • tissue regenerator preparations (Carotolin, Solcoseryl, vitamin A);
  • immunostimulants (Imudon, Immunal).

Acyclovir is an antiviral drug, especially effective against herpes of the mucous membranes and skin

Bacterial stomatitis is caused by microorganisms of the genus streptococci, staphylococci, diplococci, clostridia, etc. The most common type is erosive stomatitis, which usually occurs after influenza, sore throat, especially if there are wounds or burns in the mouth. The main treatment is carried out with the following drugs:

  • local antiseptics and anabolics (Furacilin, Metrogyl, Trichopolum);
  • anti-inflammatory epithelializing drugs (Solcoseryl, sea buckthorn and rose hip oils);
  • antibiotics or sulfonamides, if necessary (Lincomycin, Gentamicin, Ampiox).

Candidiasis (mycosis) of the oral cavity is treated with systemic drugs:

Local antifungal drug Clotrimazole, ointment 1% is suitable for the treatment of candidiasis of the oral mucosa

  • antifungal antibiotics (Nystatin, Levorin, Clotrimazole);
  • antimicrobial against fungal diseases (Fluconazole, Nizoral);
  • general strengthening effect (calcium gluconate, vitamins B, C and PP);
  • local action (aniline dyes, iodine preparations, Levorin and Nystatin ointments).

Of particular importance for successful treatment is the sanitation of the oral cavity - the treatment of all diseases that develop in the mouth, including diseases of the teeth, gums, tonsils, and proper care of dentures.

Infectious sinusitis, as one of the causes of salty taste, is treated with the following means:

  • nasal sprays (Tizin, Nok-spray, Sanorin), including corticosteroids (Nasonex, Flixonase) - to reduce swelling and discharge;
  • antihistamines - for an additional antiallergic effect (Cetrin, Claritin, Erius);
  • antibiotics - drugs against bacterial infections (Amoxicillin, Cefaclor, Levofloxacin);
  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic (Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Fenspiride);
  • secretolytics and stimulants of respiratory tract motility (Guaifenesin).

Nasonex is a glucocorticosteroid nasal spray, its use requires a clear dosage

Drug therapy for inflammation of the salivary glands (sialoadenitis) is carried out in the absence of a purulent process and includes drugs:

  • analgesics (Analgin, Amidopyrine);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Imet, Ketanov, Nimesil);
  • antispasmodics (No-shpa, Spazmalgon);
  • rinses to relieve swelling and inflammation (Chlorophyllipt, Furacillin).

Inflammation and narrowing of the lacrimal duct (dacryocystitis) is one of the possible causes of salty impurities in saliva, treated with the following pharmaceuticals:

  • eye drops (Levomycetin, Tsipromed, Vitabact);
  • antibiotic ointments (Levomekol, Tetracycline, Erythromycin);
  • broad spectrum antibiotics (Penicillin, Aminoglycoside);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketanov, Ketorol);
  • hormonal drugs in drops (Betamethasone, Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone).

Levomycetin eye drops are an antimicrobial agent, it is widely used in ophthalmology

The doctor prescribes specific medications and dosage in each case individually.


The diet should be balanced and contain a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits. It is especially important to drink as much water as possible, giving up for a while the usual drinks containing caffeine - tea, coffee and carbonated sweet water.

Vegetables and fruits are the basis of an anti-inflammatory diet

It is better to abstain from heavy food for some period. If the problem is caused by a bacterial infection or virus, it is recommended to follow what is called an anti-inflammatory diet. Here are a few of her postulates:

  • the amount of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet should be about 50% of the daily amount of food;
  • to replenish protein reserves, it is better to choose poultry (chicken, turkey), limit the consumption of red meat (up to 1 time per week);
  • It is advisable to prefer low-fat fish and walnuts as sources of omega-3 fatty acids;
  • saturated and trans fats must be excluded from the diet (a large amount of them is in semi-finished products for heating, store-bought baked goods, factory-made confectionery products - cakes and cookies);
  • Replace refined carbohydrates (white rice, pasta) with cereals and brown brown rice.

At the same time, if there is a pronounced taste on the tongue, you should not eat foods that contain large amounts of salt, or that provoke severe thirst and dry mouth. These include:

  • smoked meats and marinades;
  • canned fish and meat;
  • salty snacks: chips, nuts, crackers, dried fish;
  • confectionery and chocolate products;
  • hot spices in various dishes.

Such a diet will help improve the results of the main treatment and promote recovery in a shorter time. The body does not waste energy on digesting and absorbing heavy food, which means it has more energy to fight inflammatory processes.

Prohibited products - gallery

Smoked meats contain a large amount of preservatives, dyes, stabilizers, and, of course, salt You should also avoid marinades for the duration of the symptom. You will automatically stop eating salty snacks if you are concerned about changes in taste sensitivity
Canned food makes life easier for travelers, but it contains a lot of sodium chloride Sweets cause thirst - it is better to abstain from them during illness Abuse of hot spices can lead to loss of sensitivity of taste buds

Folk remedies

The salty taste can be muffled for a while by using medicinal herbs and plants. When eliminating an unpleasant symptom with the help of folk remedies, you need to understand that alternative medicine is good as a complement to the main, traditional one. It is impossible to cure the root cause with herbs alone. But if your goal is to get rid of a symptom for the next few hours, check out the following advice from traditional healers in action:

  1. Herbal infusions for rinsing. You can use chamomile, sage, calendula, eucalyptus - your choice. You need to prepare the product using 1 tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials per 250 ml of boiling water. Leave with the lid closed for 25–30 minutes, strain and rinse at least three times a day, but more often is better.
  2. Decoction of oak bark for rinsing. To prepare the product, you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of crushed oak bark per 0.5 liters of water, heat in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. Immediately after this, without waiting for the broth to cool, strain it, then cool, add boiled water until the original volume is obtained. You can use the mouthwash from 3-4 to 7-8 times a day, as needed.
  3. Chew several coffee beans for 5-10 minutes. Regular roasted coffee beans are suitable. You can use celery or parsley root in the same way.

If you chew a couple of coffee beans, you can not only temporarily get rid of foreign tastes, but also freshen your breath no worse than chewing gum.

Outcome of the disease and result of treatment

A salty taste in the mouth does not occur in isolation; it is always a signal of a problem in the body, and necessarily has an underlying cause. If it is identified and treated correctly and in a timely manner, complications in the form of a protracted illness can be safely avoided. When the underlying disease is eliminated, a healthy sense of variety in taste will return to you.

By ignoring the problem, you will only achieve a decrease in the quality of your own life due to constant discomfort and the following complications:

  • decreased pleasure from eating, and as a result, appetite;
  • irritation from constant foreign taste in the mouth, causing neurosis, aggression and insomnia;
  • decreased body immunity due to indolent infection;
  • the transition of an acute disease (root cause) into a chronic form;
  • penetration of infection from the oral cavity into nearby structures or vital organs through the blood and lymphatic channels.

As for hidden dehydration, its negative consequences for the body are difficult to underestimate. This, for example, is a thickening of the blood, a decrease in its volume, and as a result, a decrease in elasticity and a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels. As a result of a long course - atherosclerosis. Immune cells suffer greatly from dehydration, which is fraught with the appearance of immunodeficiency states in the future.

But there is also good news. Many unpleasant conditions and serious disorders can be prevented at the very beginning of the disease, when the only harbinger of possible complications is a salty taste.


It is always easier to prevent health problems at the slightest sign of ill health. The case of saltiness in the mouth is no exception. What to do for prevention?

  1. Maintain oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice a day: morning and evening, use antibacterial rinses.
  2. Remember about drinking regime. The daily norm for an adult is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. When a symptom has already occurred, caffeinated drinks should be avoided. To prevent problems, minimize them.
  3. Consult a doctor in a timely manner, diagnose and treat any inflammation in the nasopharynx, salivary glands and oral cavity.
  4. Be attentive to side effects during long-term treatment with medications. If unusual symptoms occur, immediately inform your doctor.

Cleanliness of the oral cavity is the key to health and the absence of foreign tastes

Under no circumstances should you ignore foreign tastes in your mouth for a long time. For your own peace of mind, it is better to exclude truly serious diseases.

Features in women and men

Quite often, a salty taste in the mouth bothers pregnant women, which is caused by dehydration of the body due to severe toxicosis. In addition, against the background of hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, a taste disorder - dysgeusia - may occur.

Men are more likely than women to drink alcohol. Alcohol can also cause a salty taste because it causes severe dehydration.

If you obediently completed the treatment prescribed by your doctor, but normal taste perception has not improved, do not panic. It will take some time to restore the taste. Follow the preventive advice and recommendations of your doctor - and gradually healthy sensitivity will return to you.

The reasons for which we will describe below can occur in any person. Some people experience such discomfort from time to time, while others feel it for days, weeks and even months. Of course, this problem has its roots. In this article we will tell you about who most often feels a salty taste in their mouth. The causes and solutions to this problem will also be presented to your attention.


The most common cause of this phenomenon is dehydration. People who consume too little fluid harm their bodies. Due to lack of water, a change occurs at the chemical level. As a result, a person may experience a salty taste in the mouth.

The reasons for this phenomenon lie in the fact that the minerals present in the body begin to be excreted and cause noticeable discomfort in the form of taste sensations.

By the way, dehydration is especially common among those representatives of the fairer sex who regularly drink weight loss tea with a diuretic effect.

How to get rid of it?

If the taste is slightly salty due to the reasons described above, then it is recommended to change your lifestyle and include as much clean drinking water in your diet as possible. It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of drinks containing caffeine and alcohol. By the way, along with diuretic teas, alcohol similarly removes too much fluid from the body. That is why people who suffer from alcohol addiction very often encounter the mentioned problem.

Taking medications

Why else might there be a salty taste in the mouth? The reasons for this phenomenon are often hidden in the consumption of any medications. After all, each of us has ever gone to a doctor who prescribed a huge number of different drugs.

Methods of disposal

If you notice that an unpleasant (salty) taste in your mouth is associated with taking medications, you should immediately consult a doctor. If he thinks that this is a side effect of the medicine, he will definitely prescribe you another one. As a rule, when you stop taking the drug, the discomfort goes away.

A salty taste in the mouth is a sign of a serious illness

As you know, the brain controls all activities of the human body. After all, absolutely all signals about our feelings first get there. That is why, in the presence of neurological diseases or a brain tumor, this organ cannot properly respond and regulate the body’s activities. In such cases, a person very often feels the appearance of a salty taste.

It is also worth noting that the use of anti-cancer drugs and radiation therapy almost always cause a particular feeling of saltiness in the mouth. This is due to the fact that during the treatment of cancer, all and other systems of the body are damaged.


If an unpleasant taste in the mouth is associated with oncology or the process of cancer treatment, then you should definitely inform your doctor. Of course, he will not be able to take any measures to eliminate this discomfort. After all, radiation therapy is mandatory for cancer patients. But in some cases, doctors may recommend some remedies that will noticeably reduce the unpleasant taste.

Poor hygiene

The bad one also causes the mentioned trouble. Poor brushing of teeth contributes to the appearance of plaque, including on the tongue, and, as is known, in such an environment various bacteria thrive, which are the source of the salty taste.

How to fix it?

To avoid this problem, you just need to thoroughly brush your teeth and tongue twice a day, as well as use oral hygiene products (balms, gels, sprays, etc.).

Infectious diseases

Why does a person sometimes feel a salty taste in his mouth? The reasons for this phenomenon may be hidden in the presence of serious infectious diseases. Thus, mucus that accumulates in the sinuses can gradually flow into the mouth and cause discomfort.

It should also be noted that some bacterial and viral infections similarly cause problems with the salivary glands, which in turn lead to a salty taste. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to eliminate the source of infection. To do this, it is recommended to consult an experienced doctor.


Do you cry too often? Then you should know that tears entering the oral cavity through the nasopharynx can cause a feeling of saltiness in the mouth. To get rid of this trouble, you should not give in to emotions and cry in vain. If tears well up, it is recommended to wash your face and rinse your mouth with regular tap water (you can add a couple of drops of a refreshing mouthwash).

Taste of salt in the mouth: healthy recipes

Now you know why some people have an unpleasant salty taste in their mouth. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to strictly observe oral hygiene. After all, only timely brushing of your teeth and tongue will help you avoid this problem and prevent a visit to the dentist.

Also, to get rid of the salty taste in the mouth, it is recommended to eat only natural foods. Try to reduce your consumption of fast foods, chips and other foods that are low quality and high in carcinogens. In addition, limit your intake of spicy, fried and fatty foods.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the appearance of a slightly salty taste in the mouth can be avoided by drinking large amounts of clean liquid. After all, water is the source of life. Without it, the full development of body cells is impossible. The lower the drinking fluid intake, the more salts (sodium chloride) accumulate in the human body. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day and you will be healthy!

If you feel a salty taste in your mouth for a very long time, you should definitely consult a therapist. After all, such discomfort is often associated with the presence of serious deviations.

A salty taste in the mouth appears most often due to physiological phenomena - tears, consumption of unhealthy or over-salted foods, alcohol. But sometimes such a symptom indicates the presence of serious diseases, each of which has characteristic symptoms.

The appearance of a salty taste in the mouth is a possible sign of the development of diseases

Causes of salty taste in mouth

One of the main reasons for the appearance of a salty taste appears due to severe dehydration of the body - not every person drinks 1.5–2 liters of clean water daily, but only takes a few sips when they are very thirsty. With a lack of fluid, the blood thickens and the saliva becomes salty.

The problem of dehydration increases in hot weather, with severe vomiting or diarrhea, during intense physical activity, and with toxicosis.

What causes the feeling of salt in the mouth:

  • the presence of infection, foci of inflammation in the nasopharynx, dental pathologies;
  • dysfunction of the salivary glands;
  • malignant tumors;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous system, malfunctions of the brain.

Frequent dehydration can cause the development of osteochondrosis and a number of other serious pathologies; fluid deficiency is especially dangerous for children.

Diseases of the salivary glands, dental problems

A salty taste can be caused by malfunctions of the salivary glands, improper oral care, and dental diseases.

Taste of salt in the mouth - what does it mean:

  1. Inflammation of the salivary glands - pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the ducts from the lymph nodes, from tissues affected by stomatitis, the cause may be carious teeth and inflamed gums. The person begins to complain about the constant presence of a bitter-salty taste, increased salivation, and discomfort in the lower jaw.
  2. The presence of stones in the salivary ducts is a rare pathology, which is accompanied by swelling in the area where the salivary glands are located, an unpleasant sharp taste of salt, and pain when swallowing.
  3. Infectious dental processes - caries, gingivitis, periodontitis, tartar, bleeding gums. Bacteria begin to actively multiply, penetrate the salivary ducts - the lips become salty, and an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth.

A sweet-salty taste in the mouth often appears after tooth extraction - anesthesia and antiseptic drugs change the quality of saliva.

Dental processes, such as gingivitis, can cause a salty taste in the mouth.

Diseases of the nasopharynx

Infectious pathologies of the nasopharynx are accompanied by the accumulation of large amounts of mucus, which causes an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

What ENT diseases can provoke the appearance of an obsessive salty taste:

  1. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, accompanied by copious mucus secretion that flows down the wall of the throat, which causes an unpleasant taste.
  2. Sinusitis - the source of inflammation is located in the maxillary sinuses, causing the release of mucous formations in large quantities.
  3. Respiratory diseases, inflammation of the throat mucosa - with a severe attack of unproductive cough, a little thick yellow sputum is released, which has a salty taste.
  4. Chronic tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis - sputum appears with an unpleasant odor and taste.

Salty sputum can be released when coughing in people who suffer from allergic bronchial asthma - the secretions contain impurities of blood and mucus.

Sinusitis causes a salty taste in the mouth

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

In rare cases, salt on the lips appears as a result of disorders of brain activity or malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

Salty taste and cardiovascular pathologies:

  • dysfunction of the brain due to epilepsy, ischemia, atherosclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury;
  • thrombosis;
  • arterial hypertension:
  • the presence of tumors of various origins in the brain, in the immediate vicinity of nerve endings, can cause an unusual taste.

Thrombosis may cause a taste of salt in the mouth.

The sour-salty, bitter taste is a consequence of the treatment of oncological pathologies. Radiation therapy and the use of potent chemical drugs negatively affect the composition of saliva and the condition of the body as a whole.

Other reasons

A salty taste in the mouth can be a side effect of medications - lips dry out, a coating appears on the tongue. Therefore, it is always necessary to carefully study the annotation; if unpleasant symptoms intensify, treatment should be stopped and consult a doctor.

Reasons for the taste of salt:

  • stress, nervous tension - in such situations the oral mucosa dries out, coughing attacks may begin, and a salty taste appears;
  • The cause of the appearance of a salty taste may be smoking, alcoholism, prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position, severe intoxication - all these factors negatively affect brain activity, failure occurs in all systems;
  • profuse lacrimation with ophthalmological problems, as a reaction to external irritants;
  • pyloric dysfunction – enters the stomach, which leads to the appearance of a bitter or salty taste after eating, in the morning;
  • pregnancy - often during this period, women’s sense of taste is disrupted, food seems salty, fresh, sour, against the background of hormonal imbalance, many changes occur in the body, chronic diseases worsen.

The appearance of an unpleasant salty taste in the mouth after eating unsalted food indicates a low quality product, a high content of carcinogenic substances and dyes.

When stressed, the oral mucosa dries out, resulting in an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Which doctor should I contact?

To identify the cause of the unpleasant taste of salt, you must first. After collecting anamnesis, examination, and obtaining the results of the initial diagnosis, it may be necessary.

How to get rid of the taste of salt in your mouth

To get rid of the obsessive salty taste, you should review your daily routine and diet, eliminate all infectious processes in the body, and undergo a full examination if the symptoms do not disappear for a long time.

Treatment with drugs

Since various pathologies can provoke the appearance of a salty taste, different drugs are used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Therapy methods

Cause Treatment
Dental diseases Sanitation of the oral cavity, strengthening of gums using Chlorhexidine, Cholisal gel
Diseases of the nasopharynx · rinsing the nose with saline solution;

· vasoconstrictor drops – Nazol, Rinazolin;

· antiviral drugs – Kagocel, Lavomax

Tonsillitis · antiseptic rinsing solutions – Miramistin, Rotokan;

· antiseptics in the form of lozenges – Lizobakt, Strepsils;

· antibiotics – Cephalexin, Amoxicillin.

Inflammation of the salivary glands · antibacterial drugs – Streptomycin, Benzylpenicillin, they are injected directly into the ducts of the glands;