Instead of menstruation, ovulation began according to ultrasound. Is it possible to ovulate during menstruation? Reasons for the atypical phenomenon

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Calculating the timing of ovulation is not an easy task. You need to take time to study your body and cycles. To determine the time of ovulation, it is necessary to use a set of methods: observing cervical mucus, measuring body temperature, maintaining a menstrual schedule. The American Pregnancy Association encourages women to learn the method of determining their fertile days, which involves keeping a chart of their cycles, and along with this, use ovulation kits to determine the time of ovulation as accurately as possible. The association estimates that this occurs between 11-21 after the last menstrual period, or 12-16 days before the next menstrual period. The easiest way to use ours!

Does ovulation occur on the 14th day after the first day of menstruation?

Unfortunately, this myth is still believed by too many women, including healthcare workers. The day of ovulation occurs differently for different women, and even each month can be different. The 14th day misconception may be an average, or simply the result of dividing a 28-day cycle into two. Although this myth persists, it is not an accurate way to determine ovulation because many women do NOT ovulate on day 14 of their cycle.

How many days during ovulation am I fertile?

During the period of ovulation, the egg can only be fertilized within 12-24 hours. But since sperm can remain active in a woman’s body for 3-5 days, and an egg for 1 day, fertility lasts no more than 5-7 days.

Does ovulation occur during menstruation?

For women with a regular monthly cycle, ovulation during menstruation is almost impossible. Some women have very irregular cycles, menstruation occurs once every 3 months, or 2-3 times a month. These women are more likely to ovulate during menstruation. However, ovulation rarely occurs during menstruation. But due to the ability of sperm to remain in a woman’s body for 3-5 days, pregnancy can occur from intercourse that occurs during menstruation.

Can ovulation occur immediately after menstruation?

The answer to this question depends on how many days are in the cycle. For example, if you have a 21-day cycle (from the start of your period to the start of the next) and your bleeding continues for 7 days, then ovulation may occur immediately after your period ends. This is due to the fact that ovulation occurs 12-16 days before the start of the next menstruation, which means on days 6-10 of the cycle.

Pregnancy can result from sexual intercourse that occurs during menstruation. This is because sperm can stay in a woman's body for up to 5 days, and if ovulation occurs immediately after the end of menstruation, then conception can occur from sexual intercourse that occurred during menstruation.

Can ovulation occur if I haven't noticed clear, stringy cervical mucus?

Ovulation can occur even if you have not noticed the “egg white”, which is an invariable companion to ovulation. Each woman has her own cervical mucus, so the mucus may vary in appearance. When ovulation occurs, a woman produces the greatest amount of mucus.

What if the “egg white” appears within a few days?

Many women observe such discharge several days before ovulation begins, and even after it has ended. When a woman monitors her discharge to determine her ovulation period, she identifies a period of 12-24 hours when the discharge is most intense and the egg is ready for fertilization. In this case, sexual intercourse that took place a few days before can also cause pregnancy.

If the ovulation kit results are positive, does that actually mean ovulation has occurred?

Ovulation kits detect the presence of luteinizing hormone (LH). Its level rises before the onset of ovulation. Therefore, these kits are designed to determine whether ovulation will occur, but cannot provide information about whether ovulation has actually occurred.

A woman may have high LH levels if, for example, she has polycystic disease, ovarian failure syndrome, or if the woman is over 40 and has entered perimenopause. Any of these factors can cause a false positive test result.

Signs of ovulation - what are they?

Ovulation can be accompanied by any of the following symptoms, although many women experience just one or two of them:

  • Changes in cervical mucus
  • Changes in the position of the uterus and its hardness
  • Sudden or dull pain in the abdominal cavity
  • Slight bleeding
  • Increase libido
  • Elevated levels of luteinizing hormone recorded by the test
  • Change in body temperature graph
  • Swollen breasts
  • Bloating
  • Increased vision, smell, or taste

Can ovulation occur more than once per cycle?

Ovulation cannot occur more than once per cycle, so you can get pregnant once per month. Multiple ovulation can occur when two or more eggs are released during a cycle. Both eggs are released simultaneously within 24 hours, causing the birth of fraternal twins. It is estimated that this phenomenon can occur in 5-10% of all cycles, but due to Vanishing Twin Syndrome, which is a kind of miscarriage, both fetuses are not necessarily carried to term.

Can ovulation occur without menstruation?

Since the egg matures in the female body 12-16 days before the expected start of menstruation, it is possible to become pregnant without menstruation. Women who, due to certain reasons (eg, low body weight, breastfeeding, perimenopause) are exposed to the possibility of ovulation anyway. For those who are trying to conceive without getting their period, it will be a little difficult to determine when you ovulate without charting your body temperature and observing changes in your cervical mucus. But if you do not have menstruation and want to avoid pregnancy, you must use contraception, because it is not known when ovulation will occur.

Can menstruation begin without ovulation?

Menstruation does not mean that ovulation has occurred. Some women may have an anovulatory cycle (a cycle without ovulation), but bleeding that is mistaken for menstrual bleeding is not. This bleeding may be due to the replacement of the uterine lining or an increase in estrogen levels. The main way to determine whether ovulation is occurring is to note your body temperature daily.

Many processes taking place in a woman's body, are closely related to each other. Medicine has long proven that such a connection can be traced between menstruation and. But not in all episodes the absence affects the arrival of menstruation. This is what makes it difficult to notice a deviation in the reproductive system in time.

    Woman's menstrual cycle

    Any phenomenon of the reproductive system is carried out under the action of hormones. The menstrual cycle consists of two, which are distinguished. The first one is called . It begins with the arrival of menstruation and is characterized by the growth of follicles (10-12 pieces) in the ovaries, inside them.

    But approximately on the third day after the end of menstruation, dominant follicle As a rule, there is only one, but in rare situations there are several of them, which continues to grow. The rest shrink and disappear. Also during this phase there is an increase in the functional layer, which is necessary for implantation of the embryo in the event of conception.

    About 17 hours before the body experiences a powerful LH hormone release. Under its influence, the follicle bursts and is sent to the fallopian tube to meet. During this period, a woman has the opportunity to become pregnant.

    The body works hard to prepare to potential conception. This is reflected in external signs. The most obvious of them include:

    • Increased amount of cervical fluid.
    • Increased libido.
    • Appearance.
    • Characteristic.

    If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum resolves by the end of the cycle. As a result, progesterone also decreases. As a result of this, the grown layer of the endometrium is rejected in the form of bloody discharge - menstruation. And the cycle begins again.


    The phenomenon in which the follicle does not rupture and exit is called. In almost all situations, this condition is the main one a symptom of developing infertility. The disease has a specific cause. It could be as follows:

    • Disruption of the hormonal system.
    • Decreased thyroid function.
    • Nervous tension.
    • Infection.
    • The strongest physical exercise.

    A few are within normal limits. This process can be influenced by seemingly insignificant factors. These include changing your place of residence, taking certain medications, or reducing your body size. The absence is also typical for the period breastfeeding.

    Will I get my period if I haven't ovulated?

    When , as a rule, it is observed amenorrhea(complete absence of menstruation) or oligomenorrhea (scanty periods, the duration of which ranges from 2 hours to 2 days). Long delays are also possible.

    Sometimes it happens that menstruation comes with the same intensity, without giving cause for alarm. In this case, it is quite difficult to determine the problem. And only when conception does not occur for a long period do many women learn about this deviation.

    Availability menstrual flow depends on . It is the tissue that covers the area of ​​the uterus. If conception is successful, the fertilized egg attaches to the formed mucous membrane.

    If this does not happen, the endometrium is shed during menstruation. Its growth is influenced by estradiol. With its deficiency, the functional layer of the uterus does not increase to the required thickness. As a result, menstruation weakens or there is no bleeding at all.

    To confirm the fact of presence or absence, special methods are used. These include:

    • Ultrasonography(folliculometry).
    • Tests that respond to the growth of LH.
    • Construction.
    • Study of cervical fluid.

    Some women are guided only by indirect signs. Only a qualified specialist can restore. In each individual situation, a certain dose of hormones is selected.

    Most often, the drugs are tablets. One of the popular ones is. Sometimes injections are prescribed. Additionally, it is recommended to use vitamin therapy.

    There are also traditional methods of treatment. They represent various herbal preparations. It is not recommended to take decoctions based on them without a doctor’s prescription. Herbal ingredients are not as harmless as they might seem at first glance. Some of them contain large doses of phytohormones, tannins and flavonoids. During treatment, it is important to adhere to a certain dosage.

    Equated to infertility. Despite this, it can be successfully adjusted. A large number of women with this diagnosis have repeatedly become mothers of healthy babies. To do this, it is enough to identify the deviation in time and carry out recommendations from experts.

happens normally. You should be aware of the nuances of this phenomenon, since it always has a basis.

    Ovulation process

    ON A NOTE! If successful before menstruation, the expectant mother will find out about the presence of pregnancy much later than it would be in a normal cycle.

    Time of menstruation

    On exit and absence, the cycle is completely shifted. A woman begins to worry because pregnancy tests show a negative result and her period does not come. A reasonable course of action in this case would be to contact an antenatal clinic. The following manipulations will help in making a diagnosis:

    • Ultrasonography.
    • Analysis .

    As part of the survey, the patient can provide information about the sensations that she has had over the past few days. It is quite possible that were present, painful sensations were observed in the lower abdomen.

    Some representatives of the fair sex may experience an increase in libido during the period of release, their mood and attitude towards the environment changes.

    Menstruation in this situation will come no earlier than in two weeks. The results of an ultrasound examination will reveal the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone. Menstruation will begin only after it has subsided, when corpus luteum will disappear completely.

    The nature of menstruation will not differ from the usual state. Its duration and intensity will remain the same. To avoid this phenomenon, a woman must adhere to the following rules:

Her health, including the reproductive system, depends on the correct course of processes in a woman’s body. But it happens that disturbances occur in it, leading to unexpected consequences, for example, ovulation during menstruation. Could such a phenomenon exist?

What is ovulation?

This term refers to the process when a mature egg leaves the follicle and goes into the fallopian tubes. The cyclicity of ovulation in women is determined by the menstrual cycle. The best time to conceive a child is during the ovulatory period. An active egg lives for 24 hours, during which time it travels through the fallopian tubes, and if it does not meet a sperm on its way, it is rejected. This indicates the beginning of menstruation.

Depending on external factors, emotional and physical health, ovulation may not occur every month. If it is absent too often, then this indicates problems with the woman’s reproductive health. In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If it lasts 28 days, then the day the egg leaves the follicle falls on the 14th day after the start of the next cycle. But most often this period varies from the eleventh day of the cycle (plus 7-10 days). Each woman has a different duration of menstruation, so to understand when ovulation will occur, you need to monitor your menstrual calendar. You can also measure your basal temperature - it changes during ovulation. You can confirm the onset of ovulation with special test strips. But is ovulation possible during menstruation?

Signs of ovulation

The process of the release of a mature egg from the follicle is accompanied by various changes in the woman’s body. Her hormone levels change, her basal temperature changes upward - all this contributes to the manifestation of signs by which you can recognize the onset of the day to conceive a child. Careful observation of your own body will help to identify the beginning of the release of the egg. How long after ovulation menstruation occurs is an individual question, it all depends on the cycle. But in order to determine the time of conception, namely the ovulatory process, you need to know what signs it is accompanied by:

How to determine the offensive?

Not all women may experience these signs during ovulation, since each woman's body is different. One symptom or all at once may be strongly manifested. Some people feel very sensitively all the reproductive processes in their body, while others need accurate calculations in order not to miss favorable days for conception or, conversely, to avoid them. Your doctor will provide an individual approach to calculating ovulation.

If your cycle is not the ideal 28 days, then the best way to determine when your next ovulation will occur is to measure your basal temperature. This process should take place over a month, preferably at the same time in the morning. Monitoring your basal chart with precision will help you determine the time of ovulation after your period. When basal temperature increases, depending on the purpose of the study, it is necessary to increase or eliminate sexual contact with a partner.

What is the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle in women is the process of cleansing the upper layer of the endometrium in the uterus in order to get rid of the unfertilized egg. Normally it lasts from 28 to 35 days. But there are times when the cycle passes in less than 28 days. This is also considered the norm.

What are the phases of the menstrual cycle?

The days of the menstrual cycle are divided into several phases:

  1. During the menstrual stage, the walls of the uterus are directly cleansed of the endometrium, accompanied by bleeding. Menstruation lasts on average up to 6 days. During this time, the uterus manages to clear itself of the upper layer of the endometrium and unfertilized egg.
  2. Simultaneously with the menstrual phase, the follicular phase begins. It lasts about 14 days (with a cycle of 28 days). This stage is characterized by the formation and maturation of a new egg in the ovary, as well as renewal of the endometrial layer.
  3. The next phase, ovulatory, is described above.
  4. After ovulation, a woman’s body enters the luteal phase, lasting from 11 to 16 days. During this period, processes in the woman’s body begin to prepare for a possible pregnancy - the amount of hormones estrogen and progesterone increases.

Ovulation during menstruation

The traditional belief among women is that pregnancy cannot occur during menstruation. This is also used to calculate “safe days”, during which the possibility of conceiving a child is extremely low. But this only works with a constant balanced cycle.

As described earlier, the menstrual and follicular phases of the cycle begin simultaneously. If there is a malfunction in a woman’s body, ovulation during menstruation is possible. Then conception becomes a reality. Of course, this is rare, but to exclude this phenomenon means not to protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy.

Irregular menstrual cycle

Representatives of the fairer sex with irregular menstrual cycles are more susceptible to this anomaly. In women whose periods come once every few months or more than once every 30 days, the process of egg maturation occurs at odds with all phases of the menstrual cycle. Its release from the follicle may begin parallel to menstrual bleeding.

Some women have no idea what's going on in their bodies, so they don't use contraception during menstruation. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, it is better to protect yourself and use protective equipment every time you have sexual intercourse. After all, the fact that your period came during ovulation does not mean anything.


Disruption of the menstrual cycle contributes to the beginning of the release of the egg from the follicle. The reason for its shift may be hormonal imbalances, reproductive diseases and problems. With such a malfunction in the body, ovulation during menstruation is not excluded, so you should always contact a gynecologist to identify problems. The doctor will help you find the cause of the disturbances and return the process to normal.

It is worth noting that menstrual irregularities can also occur in a healthy woman. In this case, it is believed that such a cycle is an individual feature of this particular female body and treatment is not required. Ladies with such problems are more susceptible to early egg maturation.

Unscheduled ovulation

If your period begins during ovulation, the problem may be caused by other factors:

  1. Long-term and deep stressful situations in life. Stress is one of the main reasons for poor health, not only in women, but also in men.
  2. Developing pathology of the female reproductive system.
  3. An inflammatory process occurring in the ovaries or uterus.
  4. Progressive infections.
  5. A sharp change in lifestyle, climate, place of residence.

A short cycle is one that lasts less than 28 days. During it, the egg may be released in the last days of menstruation. During this period, bleeding is already running out and is insignificant. A woman’s increased libido promotes sexual intercourse, so if ovulation occurs during menstruation, then during this period, with unprotected contact, fertilization with a mature egg is possible. The percentage of such conceptions is very small, but it is better to protect yourself in advance.

Symptoms of the onset of a “dangerous period”

The characteristic signs of ovulation that are observed during a normal menstrual cycle do not work in the case of irregular periods. Thus, standard symptoms are superimposed on signs characteristic of menstruation, so it is impossible to determine the onset of ovulation without research. Bloody discharge still makes it difficult to determine the amount of secretion that occurs precisely during the maturation of the egg.

A long-term study of basal temperature will help determine the possible onset of ovulation during menstruation. But its measurements may not be accurate, especially if it is not done every day. It is advisable to monitor your basal temperature regularly to accurately determine egg release.

It happens that pregnancy occurs immediately after the critical days. This is not a consequence of spontaneous ovulation during menstruation. The reason is that in this case the menstrual cycle itself lasts about 21 days, and the menstrual phase is more than 6 days. It is difficult for women with irregular cycles to determine favorable and safe days for conception using the calendar. To accurately count and identify the exact period of ovulation, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Carrying out an ultrasound to determine ovulation

At the moment, for women who have an irregular menstrual cycle, ultrasound is the most accurate way to determine the onset of ovulation. Diagnosis is performed on the third or fourth day after the end of menstruation. To determine the quality and period of ovulation, the period of the follicular cycle is used. At this time, the specialist determines how the egg develops and what duration of maturation is inherent in it.

Thanks to this method, possible problems with the woman’s reproductive system are identified and treatment is carried out. This method is used when planning a desired pregnancy. It helps women with irregular cycles determine favorable days for conceiving a baby.

Ovulation is the main component of reproductive function: without it it is impossible to get pregnant. The process of releasing an egg occurs monthly. The most favorable days for conception are the days immediately before ovulation and ovulatory time. After that, menstruation begins, and it is believed that it is impossible to get pregnant, because the next egg is maturing. But not everything is so simple: the female body knows how to surprise. Can you ovulate during your period? Is it possible to conceive immediately after menstrual bleeding ends?

One of the most exciting moments is the unity of mother and child

The easiest time to conceive is during ovulation. It is then that the mature egg leaves the follicle and begins to move towards the fallopian tubes. She is ready for fertilization. The egg is “active” for about a day. If at this time there is no meeting with the sperm, then the egg is rejected, and menstruation begins. The countdown of the new menstrual cycle begins with bleeding.
Ovulation normally occurs every month. But any woman can also experience anovulatory cycles, when the egg does not mature. This is a common occurrence, the main thing is that it does not happen often. Frequent anovulatory cycles indicate reproductive problems. But their frequency also increases with a woman’s age.

It is believed that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. However, this only happens with an “ideal” cycle consisting of 28 days. The duration of women’s cycles varies; various factors (stress, illness) can delay or advance the maturation of the egg, so you should not focus solely on the 14th day.

When planning pregnancy, the calendar method for determining ovulation is often used. However, it is important not to take into account the “reference” indicators, but to focus on your cyclical processes and analyze your own ovulatory schedule. If the menstrual cycle is not ideal, it is better to track fertile days using a basal temperature chart, supporting the chart readings with test strips to determine egg maturation.

Ovulatory signs

When the egg leaves the ovary, cyclical changes begin in the body: hormonal levels change, and basal temperature increases. This provokes the appearance of symptoms that will indicate the onset of days favorable for conception. If a woman listens carefully to the signals that her body gives, she will be able to recognize ovulation. This can be done using the following criteria:

  • Copious vaginal discharge. Normally they are transparent. A variant of the norm is whitish. The consistency of the secretion becomes viscous. Sometimes bloody discharge is observed.
  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen. Pain appears when the egg leaves the follicle.
  • Bloating. Often before ovulation, a woman is bothered by gas.
  • Breast tenderness. Changes in hormonal levels provoke breast hypersensitivity, hence the pain.
  • Changes in taste preferences, heightened sense of smell. This is due to changes in hormone levels. An acute reaction to smells, a change in taste preferences is a temporary phenomenon: everything returns to normal at the beginning of a new cycle.
  • Increased libido. During ovulation, hormones “jump”, which increases sexual desire. This is intended by nature itself: this way the chances are higher that the moment favorable for conception will not be missed.

Not every woman exhibits all the signs at once: there may be one or several. Some girls clearly feel the symptoms and accurately determine ovulation, others cannot recognize the approach of those most favorable days - everything is individual.

When planning, ovulation is usually determined by a method based on measuring basal temperature, and not by a calendar method. During ovulation, temperature indicators, which previously remained at the same level, make a jump. The same method is often used for the purpose of contraception: by determining the ovulatory period, you can find out when the likelihood of pregnancy increases and exclude sexual intercourse on these days.

Ovulation during menstruation: is it possible?

The date of onset of menstruation is individual for each woman.

Many representatives of the fair sex believe that it is impossible to get pregnant during menstruation. In fact, conception during menstrual bleeding is a reality, although it is rare. Ovulation also occurs during menstruation. This phenomenon is observed extremely rarely, but it should not be excluded. In women with a regular cycle, atypical ovulation cannot occur.

Not everyone menstruates regularly. There are cases when bleeding occurs once every few months or, conversely, several times a month. Then the maturation of the egg can occur in parallel with the critical days. Often a woman doesn’t even know about it. Considering menstruation days to be the safest, some ladies do not refuse sex during this time, and then are surprised by two lines on the test, signaling pregnancy. It is important to remember that the female body is a unique “mechanism”; it is capable of surprising.

Reasons for the atypical phenomenon

If there are irregularities in the menstrual cycle, ovulation may occur during menstrual periods. Cyclic “shifts” are usually observed with hormonal imbalances, problems with reproductive function, and “female” diseases. When the cycle is disrupted, you need to contact a gynecologist. Only a specialist can find out what caused the irregularity of the cycle and prescribe treatment that will help bring the reproductive process back to normal.

Atypical cycles can also occur in completely healthy women: then this is considered as an individual characteristic of a particular organism. However, in such cases, the patient should be aware that there are risks of egg maturation during menstrual bleeding.

Spontaneous ovulation during menstruation can be triggered by various factors. These include:

  • serious stress;
  • pathologies of the reproductive system;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infectious diseases;
  • dramatic climate change.

If the cycle is short (less than 28 days), then ovulation may occur on the last day of menstruation. The discharge is already insignificant, it does not interfere with sexual intercourse, the unpleasant sensations pass, so some representatives of the fair sex do not refuse sexual contact. Moreover, these days are considered safe. But if they ovulate, then conception will take place. Short cycles occur in a small percentage of women; even less often, the egg is ready for fertilization in the last days of menstruation.

Is it possible to determine ovulation during menstruation by symptoms?

You should take any medications only on the advice of a doctor.

If ovulation occurred during menstrual bleeding, then determining it by characteristic signs is quite problematic. During the normal course of the cycle, ovulatory symptoms do not always appear in full force, and during menstruation they are often completely hidden. Painful sensations associated with ovulatory processes are superimposed on the unpleasant symptoms that accompany menstruation, and it is simply impossible to recognize what is happening in the body, no matter how much you listen to it.

You can determine that the egg has finished maturing by the characteristic mucus. However, it is mixed with blood discharge, so attention is not always paid to it. Basal temperature readings will help you navigate. But there is one difficulty here: if before menstruation a woman measured her temperature vaginally, and then, for obvious reasons, decided to use the rectal method, then the measurements will be inaccurate. The graph can be considered reliable only when measurements are carried out in one way.

The release of the egg immediately after menstruation

Early ovulation also occurs after menstruation, that is, literally a few days after the bleeding stops. This happens if women have a short menstrual cycle and long menstruation. It is difficult for ladies with atypical cycles to determine safe and dangerous days using the calendar method, because they need to be guided by completely different counting criteria. If difficulties arise in calculations, you should find out the nuances of egg maturation during a short cycle from your gynecologist.

Often, girls who have had sexual intercourse during menstruation or immediately after it and become pregnant think that they have experienced spontaneous ovulation, but in fact the problem lies in the continued activity of the partner’s sperm. For example, sexual intercourse occurred on the fifth day of the menstrual cycle (there was still bloody discharge or no longer - it doesn’t matter). But conception occurred during ovulation, which occurred, for example, on the 11th day of the cycle. If the sperm are viable, then theoretically they can remain fertile for a whole week. Although the egg matured early, it did not immediately after menstruation, it’s all about the sperm.

Planning: Ultrasound to determine ovulation

The most reliable way to determine ovulation is ultrasound. The diagnostic procedure is not recommended to be performed during menstruation, however, a study conducted in a specific cycle will give an idea of ​​how the patient’s follicles develop and how high-quality ovulation is. Women turn to the ultrasound method at the planning stage. Diagnostics allows you to understand whether there are problems with the reproductive system: ultrasound reveals cysts, fibroids, and abnormal structure of the reproductive organs. The study allows you to monitor the growth of follicles, the formation of a dominant, the process of egg release and the formation of the luteal body. If there are problems with folliculogenesis, timely diagnosis will help solve them at the initial stage, which facilitates the conception of a baby.

An ultrasound can determine which days of the cycle are optimal for conception. This is relevant for healthy women who cannot get pregnant due to choosing a non-fertile period for sexual intercourse.

Studying folliculogenesis using ultrasound also has disadvantages. Monitoring should be carried out four times per cycle, and then the full set of procedures should be repeated in the next cycle. Only in this way will a reliable picture emerge. The research takes a lot of time and money, but the result will be truly truthful, unlike the calendar method of determining ovulation or charting basal temperature, where it is impossible to insure against errors.

If the cycle is 28 days, then the first ultrasound is performed from 8 to 10 days. When the cycle is long or short, but regular, the examination is scheduled five days before its mid-cycle. If menstruation is irregular, diagnosis is carried out 3 to 5 days after the end of menstrual bleeding.

Early checking of ovulatory processes is the key to successful conception in the future. This is a mandatory point in pregnancy planning. It is important to remember that processes can occur in the female body that defy logic (ovulation during menstruation, repeated ovulation in a cycle, etc.). At the planning stage, it is important to make sure that everything is normal, and for this you need to make an appointment with a qualified doctor.