Return of Tiamat's wealth. "Return of Tiamat" - new Neverwinter update

Not long ago, the “Rise of Tiamat” update was installed on the Neverwinter Online game servers. One of the main events of this update was the battle with the new boss “Goddess Tiamat”. But this time the developers opened access to players only after a short time. It was proposed to spend this period on exploring the new location and further completing the Tyranny of Dragons campaign.

Last time, we already looked at the battle with Lostmouth in detail and conducted a joint playthrough of “The Shores of Tuern.” Continuing tradition, last night we tried our hand at fighting the goddess Tiamat.

Return of Tiamat

Before we begin, I would like to briefly remind you what the new update brings to Neverwinter Online players. The developers continued to introduce a new type of artifact equipment. New belts, off-hand weapons, and cloaks are now available. The principle of pumping, access to additional gain cells and growth of parameters remains the same. Players now have a good selection of such equipment.

We paid attention to the crafting system (professions). A new profession “Jewelry Making” has been added to the game. Here you can create jewelry with additional enhancement options. The items you receive are tied to the character; you won’t be able to get by by buying rings at an auction; you need to upgrade them yourself.

Balancing of game classes continues. The biggest changes affected the “heels” and “rogues”. So far, according to the players, this is most noticeable in the example of “rogues”. PvP is now a holiday for the owners of this class. In general, the changes can be assessed as positive; the number of errors and incorrect functioning of skills is reduced. But, of course, there is still work to be done. By the way, “warlocks” received another development branch.

Returning to the new location, the emphasis is on collective action. The first prerequisites were already in “Tyranny of Dragons,” but there they were limited to the need to kill dragons in locations. Here the need for interaction between players has become even more urgent. This is also the need to receive a general gain reward, 4 levels. For this purpose, the received items and coins are donated. The latter were collected in abundance during the campaign; for a long time it was impossible to spend them on anything valuable.

According to observations from the first days, on the Russian server they gain 2-3 levels of this gain. Perhaps this is due to the number of players, or maybe the Russian-speaking community has not yet gotten used to it. The event itself starts every hour 15 minutes before the end of the hour. First you need to kill five dragons in the new location, for this you will also receive rewards, including equipment and scrolls of strengthening and protection from the dragon.

Exactly at **:00 the entrance to Tiamat opens. Each instance has up to 25 players. There is a complete random selection here; most often, even as a group, it’s difficult to get into one instance due to the high activity. That is, there is no need to gather and select a group; there is no dependence on guilds. The event will be interesting for both clan players and individuals. The latter will be spared the tedious search for a good group, and what to hide, not all professions are popular.

The fight with Tiamat is divided into several phases. You have 20 minutes to complete. Killing mobs, protecting NPCs alternates with fighting dragon heads. We must pay tribute to the developers, everything was drawn perfectly. No lags or freezes were noticed.

Killing the “wife of the Serpent Gorynych” is not so easy; in a 2-minute phase you need to kill all the heads at the same time. In case of failure, the killed heads are completely revived; to the delight of the defenders, two heads do not appear at once in place of the severed head. Players are required to either distribute them evenly across 5 sites, or consistently bring goals to the minimum HP, followed by completion in one phase.

During testing and recording the review, we made about 7 attempts in two days. So far we are just approaching success. It was not possible to successfully kill Tiamat, this further fuels interest in the new epic boss. I’m also pleased that there is no need for a tedious daily passage to access the battle.

To summarize, I would like to note that Neverwinter Online “Rise of Tiamat” began to bring to the game what the developers had been waiting for a long time. This is content for high-level players, for those who have already spent a lot of time and effort on leveling up their character and obtaining equipment. I would like to believe that this trend will continue further.

Are you ready to fight her?

Comments and reviews Neverwinter Online Rise of Tiamat

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Dragon Spring is a new location in Neverwinter. This is a place where dragons feel like masters. This is because they are led by the dragon goddess Tiamat. The Dragon Spring was “populated” by your old acquaintances sectarians from other locations.

This material is not exactly a guide, but rather an impression of getting to know the new Neverwinter location and new daily quests Tyranny of Dragons campaigns . Dragon Spring became available on the server in early December of this year and immediately attracted a huge number of dragon hunters. The reason is clear: this location has a good drop, you can quickly find artifact equipment and, thanks to valuable gifts, speed up the development of your character.

Dragon Spring- a large location, conditionally divided into several parts. The gathering point for heroes is the center of the location. It is surrounded by a moat with several bridges across it. So, in the area called A place for dragons you will meet dozens of different dragons, not flying, but quite dangerous. However, they are not difficult to deal with solo.

An old friend, Sergeant Knox in the Protectorate, helps open the new location. You need to take a quest from him Return of Tiamat and go to Dragon Spring.

Along with dragons, sectarians - hunters, guards, warriors - also became your enemies. IN Dragon Spring not only members of the Dragon Cult came, but also monsters from the Dread Ring, who settled in Thayan camp. All of them will have to be destroyed constantly and in large numbers. The fact is that dragon treasure chests periodically fall out of dead enemies. A huge number of these chests will be required - 15 pieces (after the appearance of the Dragon Spring, 25 had to be collected, but later this number was reduced to 15) will have to be turned in on a weekly quest to Elminster Aumar, the grandfather-wizard who is actively fighting the goddess Tiamat.

These chests are required for the quest Treasure Reward, in which coins, chests and treasures of the dragon empire must be placed in a cart. Coins, as you know, fall from dragons (it’s not very difficult to collect a hundred or two coins a day, except that it will take a lot of time to farm dragons and complete Tyranny of Dragons quests), chests - from mobs and sometimes from heroic encounters, and treasures can be purchased for 50 thousand astral diamonds for Bazaar of Miracles. So, this is another reason to speed up your mining of Astral Diamonds in Neverwinter. Heroic encounters in Dragon Spring is a very effective way to achieve this...

Dragon Spring - new location, new tasks

Every hour, dragons (in the last 10-15 minutes of the hour) appear in special areas almost simultaneously. There are five such sites in total - this means that you need to kill five dragons in a short time. The heroes begin to move to the place where the dragons appear ahead of time. And their route lies clockwise or counterclockwise in such a way that the last dragon killed is red. It is believed that in this case, epic equipment or artifacts will be obtained for sure...

In addition to dragons, other heroic encounters occur regularly in the game. But since the chances of getting valuable equipment from them are significantly lower than from dragons, practically no one is interested in these events.

There are two solo dungeons in the location - Thai magical refuge, remembered mainly for the fact that all the corridors there are mined (in order not to waste hit points, just walk not in the center of the corridor) and Cult Prison.

IN Thai magical refuge you need to destroy everything - mobs, summoning portals, planar anchors, and at the end the boss, who constantly summons new monsters. IN Cult Prison- do the same with local monsters, dragons and the main boss, the jailer. The prison is a rather complex labyrinth, and if the character does not have enough defense-resistance-vampirism (for warlocks)-penetrating damage, then this dungeon may not be passed...

Solo dungeon The Thays' Magic Vault is stuffed with explosives. So walk the corridors carefully.

Main attraction Dragon Spring- this, of course, Temple of Tiamat. It represents both a heroic encounter and a small dungeon that everyone can get into without restrictions. The more heroes who take part in the battle with Tiamat, the greater the chance of victory.

In every instance Temple of Tiamat there are up to 25 people. They can join a group or act independently. At the end of the heroic meeting, its outcome is summed up - all participants take places in accordance with their contribution to the victory over the dragon queen... or defeat.

Battles with Tiamat are a series of several tasks. First try to kill the summoner Severin, protect the clerics and then seriously damage the heads (black, green, blue, red, white) of Tiamat (but do not kill completely - otherwise the head will revive). Protecting the clerics and destroying the heads is required twice during this heroic encounter. So, within 20 minutes, having protected the clerics twice and dealt with all the heads, you will defeat Tiamat. As in other heroic encounters, you must avoid falling under her attacks (red areas, heads still throw players off).

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to defeat Tiamat; more often you will have to suffer defeats. But the wizard grandfather turns back time so that the heroes will play better next time.

Mobs of level 65, which are quite strong and... endless, interfere with beating the goddess. You have to constantly dodge them. While moving, you still need to avoid falling into the abyss. At the end of the heroic encounter (if you win), you can look into the chest. To do this, however, you will need to complete several tasks. Tyranny of Dragons campaigns : thwart the Thayan plans and sectarians, prevent Return of Tiamat and finally get the key. This key is used up every time.

Among the daily quests there are several very interesting ones - for example, searching for bones with the help of a ghost wolf, delivering a volatile potion to the opposite end of the map in a limited time (fights should be avoided). A rather tedious (in my opinion, of course) quest is collecting 15 dragon chests. However, it belongs to the category of weekly tasks.

Try it Dragon Spring- you will definitely like it...

Post Views: 3,595

The Season of Dragons, which all participants in the online product of the series had already learned, simply had to receive a logical continuation. The pre-New Year mood touched all Neverwinter online fans long before the general holidays. The developers have released a new large-scale update. It includes not only a new boss, but also other equally useful and interesting updates. They will affect PvP battles, leveling up some classes, daily locations, abilities and much more. The add-on prefix is ​​already firmly attached to the base, so even hardcore fans call the game Neverwinter: Rise of Tiamat and nothing else. We’ll find out what other bonuses Cryptic Studios, the company responsible for the development of the game, has prepared for us right now.

New boss

The goddess of dragons, who, judging by the trailer, has risen from the nine circles of hell, will repel all attempts to encroach on her life and treasures. Unlike previous updates, where the main monster could be killed in a dungeon format and with a group of five people, Neverwinter: Rise of Tiamat uses a different system.
In fifteen minutes of every hour, you can optionally kill five dragons, after which a portal to the boss itself opens. The group, which now numbers 25 people, is formed by chance. There is also a chance of being separated from your party, so you shouldn’t be surprised by this coincidence of circumstances. On the other hand, often your union remains untouched. In any case, you will end up in one place after passing through the gate.

Battle with Tiamat

The battle with a huge multi-headed dragon ends in defeat for many. In the new update for, Tiamat is one of those types of main bosses that even the most experienced gamers will not be able to kill the first time. This is because in short periods of time, event participants need to kill quite a lot of defenders, become a human shield for NPCs and cut off heads every two minutes. Otherwise, the hated dragon grows them again. A smart division would be 5 fighters on each site. Only then and with sufficiently competent pressing of the necessary keys can you try your luck.


Neverwinter: Rise of Tiamat will be remembered by all event participants not only for the new dungeon, but also for the opportunity to create jewelry with your own hands. The “Jewelcrafting” skill is now available to everyone: you can now increase characteristics in this way. It is noteworthy that things created by your own hands are automatically assigned to the character, so you should not rely on the auction.


In pvp, rogues now have a noticeable advantage, according to their own assurance. Clerics have also been tweaked a bit, and warlocks can now try to develop in a new format, because they received a whole branch of new skills.


Offhands already known to many fans have finally appeared in Neverwinter: Return of Tiamat. Belts and cloaks were also added. As you might guess, each of these items adds stats to the character. These things can be a set.

Territories and the new temple of Tiamat

For daily quests, a land called Well of Dragons has been added, which in appearance resembles the homeland of the Egyptian pyramids. This location will not please you with the variety of monsters - all the inhabitants are taken from already existing analogues. Of course, a new dungeon has also been added, “Temple of Tiamat”. It’s simply impossible not to mention it – after all, this is the main goal of the update.

Graphic arts

Thanks to constant work on the engine, which in online format cannot compete with full-fledged clients of competitors, the new NPCs look as if they were alive. Changed, more detailed buttons in the equipment window are also being added.


The sequence of updates that are coming out for the Dungeon&Dragons universe cannot but rejoice. Despite the shortcomings that are found mainly in PVP, the developer is firmly moving towards his goal: creating a cloud game that can compete with competitors with an offline client. And the new Neverwinter Online: Rise of Tiamat is a clear confirmation of this, the game is on the right track.

In connection with the release of the update, the storyline will be finalized. Tell us a little about this.

We began Tyranny of Dragons with a story about the mysterious collaboration of several factions whose activities were tied to the future of the Sword Coast. For some unknown reason, these factions came together. The player's task is to find out why this happened. During the entire period of "Tyranny of Dragons", the heroes found out that this powerful group is collaborating with dragons and all their efforts are aimed at finding a mysterious island. This mysterious faction is called the Cult of the Dragon. Their nefarious plan was to collect all the dragon poppies and talk to the ancient Dragon on Tuern Island. Eventually, the player learns that the Cult of the Dragon is planning a blockade of Neverwinter and the entire Sword Coast. He must come to the rescue and protect the Sword Coast from a new threat.

In the Rise of Tiamat update, adherents of the Cult of the Dragon headed to the land with an ancient temple of dragons, called the Well of the Dragon. It is here that the followers of the Cult of the Dragon gather their strength to summon the mighty Tiamat with the sole purpose of destroying the world. You must use all your strength to stop them.

The update includes a new dungeon for 25 people. Please tell us more about this. What other dungeons will be added in the new module?

Tyranny of Dragons is the first of a major module consisting of several major updates. The first part of this story began back in August. In the second part, players survived the siege of Neverwinter, and the last part told about the appearance of Tiamat. Here you'll need to fight in the new Temple of Tiamat dungeon, alongside 24 other players, to send Tiamat back to Hell. In addition to a difficult battle, a lot of treasures and artifacts await you

Relatively recently, a new race appeared in the game - the Draconids, available only for real money. Will new races be added? If yes, how can they be obtained?

We will be constantly adding new races to the game and will likely offer other ways for players to obtain Draconids. As for the new races, not all of them will be available only for money. Some of them will be given away for free or for certain achievements. As for premium packages with new races, they will all be accompanied by unique bonuses.

In the announcement of the new module, you said that a new path will be added to the Warlock class. Please tell us more about this.

Warlock is very cool. This is the exemplary path of a real sorcerer, which adds a slightly new type of gameplay. Soul Eater, for example, collects the lives of enemies to transform their power into spells.

Many players are interested in the introduction of artifact items. How will this affect the balance of equipment? Will players who can afford to spend large sums of money each month stand out significantly from the rest in terms of the quality of their equipment?

These artifacts will give the player significant advantages. Many of the bonuses are based on a static basis, but the latest artifact pieces open up some very interesting possibilities by interacting with the player's power. They improve class specializations and can significantly influence the situation by interacting with the player's abilities.

Will there be a way to solve the huge dependency on gear quality in PvP arenas? The current situation is such that players with completely different CS (quality of equipment) on their equipment are thrown into one battle.

We are always looking for ways to improve PvP and follow the wishes of our community. We currently have a whole list of proposals for PvP and we are trying to implement it. Our goal is to ensure that the community enjoys the game without queues and everything else that can interfere with fighting each other.

At the moment, the player has to spend a lot of time completing daily tasks. Will this issue be somehow resolved so that the pleasure of the game is not overshadowed by routine duties, without which it is difficult to survive at a high level?

We love our campaigns in . They are based on classic D&D gameplay. For some, this is a great way to make progress. A new type of gameplay is currently being proposed in an open PvP world. You can expect us to have both types of content in the future.

We bring to your attention our interview with the developers of Neverwinter, in which they share their plans for the near future and talk about the latest update to the game.

1. Please tell us about the new area Dragon Spring. What are its distinctive features and how will it be interesting for players?

This area is filled with new threats, inhabited by new creatures, several heroic encounters, fights with dragons, and is very important for the battle with Tiamat. The Cult of the Dragon seeks to resurrect their five-headed goddess Tiamat from the Nine Hells. They collect a huge hoard of treasures to attract the attention of this formidable dragon. To complete this location, players will need a well-coordinated team. After all, among the new monsters players will meet the Heralds of Tiamat. These evil creatures are similar to dragons in many ways, they were seen during the attack on the Sword Coast and will play a significant role in the final battle. These small dragons can increase Tiamat's power, but players can also take some of their power for themselves and use this advantage in the battle with the dragon queen. Another important aspect is the treasure that the adherents of the dragon cult accumulate; if the players manage to return it, this will also give an advantage in the battle with Tiamat.

2. How was the “Tyranny of Dragons” campaign expanded and what interesting things appeared in it? How long will it take players to complete it?

“Tyranny of Dragons” is one of the largest additions to the game, which consisted of several large updates; we started it back in August. Several major updates have been released: “Siege of Neverwinter”, “Attack on the Sword Coast” and “Rise of Tiamat”. Lastly we conclude our story “The Tyranny of Dragons”. The final chapter will take place in the Temple of Tiamat. The queen herself will not appear to players immediately, only some time after the update is released. Although this is a whole story, the plot and quests are not its main goal - new rewards, powerful artifacts and many other useful things that players can take for themselves. It is important to note that players do not have to complete other campaigns to take part in Tyranny of Dragons.

3. Many players complain about the excessive strengthening of the Trickster class in PvP. What do you think about it?

We carefully study player feedback to identify such issues. We're excited to work with the community to resolve class and balance issues as they arise. There is no doubt that the Trickster is a very useful class in PvP and we are monitoring its performance. But questions of class and balance will never end in any MMO.

4. How long does it usually take to collect statistics or player opinions in order to decide on changes to the balance? What criteria do you most often use?

We are very active on the forums to keep in touch with the community. We have a very active forum on the test server where we get tons of feedback and have active discussion. We regularly meet with teams from all regions to discuss issues received from the community. Everything is based on an analysis of the players’ attitude towards the project. a large number of requests for content development. Based on all this, we are adjusting our game development plans. Time is always different, depends on the content

5. You developed your engine, what kind of technologies underlie the games?

Our team of engineers is responsible for this part of the game. I can tell you that our engine and game technology are largely decoupled from each other. New changes are constantly being made to the engine. as a result, some may have a significant impact on Neverwinter, and some may not.

6. Which community is the most active - Western or Eastern?

They are all very active. The difference is rather between PvE and PvP fans, but the entire community is very active and important to us.

7. Do the developers have plans for the next update? When can we expect it? Share details.

I can't go into detail about it right now, but we have some really cool stuff in the works for Neverwinter. There's some great stuff for PvP fans and those looking forward to new classes. It will be pretty soon that they can mark 2015 on their calendar. It will be very interesting and fun! I can't wait to play with you after these updates.

8. Will there be PvP events in the game?

Yes, we are working on it. We have big plans for PvP events. I really want it myself. to make PvP a slightly larger part than it is now.

9. Do you plan to introduce new classes and professions into the game?

To this I must answer very carefully. We haven't made any new classes or professions in Neverwinter yet. I know that I really want to see the Bard, but we haven’t done him yet;)