Introduction to the discipline “International etiquette and protocol. Business etiquette and protocol

What is etiquette and protocol?

This question interests many people who want to keep up with the times and, if not even know, then at least understand what these words mean. This resource is dedicated to a detailed disclosure of these terms and to help everyone who wants to know how to behave in a given situation.

A person’s life takes place in his constant interaction and communication with other people. To ensure that contacts do not lead to conflicts and do not upset social balance, so that everyday communication is harmonious, pleasant and useful, rules of etiquette have been developed since ancient times. What is etiquette?

ETIQUETTE is an established order, a set of rules regulating the external manifestations of human relations.

History of etiquette

The term “etiquette” appeared in the 18th century. But sets of rules were created back in Ancient Egypt: around 2350 BC. e. A book called “Instructions for Behavior” was written here. The great thinker of Ancient China Confucius (Kunzi) (551-479 BC), the founder of the most influential of the ancient Chinese philosophical and religious movements - Confucianism - assigned a special role to etiquette (li). Li etiquette, according to Confucius, was supposed to form harmonious relationships between people and regulate human behavior in different life situations. The concept of “decorum” is very close to the meaning of the modern European term “etiquette”. Etiquette, among many other things, is the norm of behavior in the family, the rules of relations between subjects and the sovereign.

Courtesy and “beautiful behavior” were highly valued in the ancient world. As Aristotle wrote, there are three types of courtesy: “The first kind is in circulation: for example, in the way you address everyone you meet and greet them by extending your hand. The second is when they come to the aid of anyone in need. And finally, the third type of courtesy is when they are hospitable to table guests.”

An example of courtesy was the behavior of Julius Caesar: “... when at someone’s dinner old butter was served instead of fresh and the rest of the guests refused it, he alone took it even more than usual, so as not to show that he was reproaching the host for negligence or impoliteness.” .

Merchants and wealthy townspeople tried to follow noble etiquette, and this often took on absurd, ugly forms.

The manners of Parisian and London high society, brought to the point of absurdity, widened the gap between the wealthy strata of society and the poor. The hatred of the exploited majority for the exploiting minority, the events of 1917 and the first post-revolutionary years led to the so-called etiquette nihilism. The liquidation of the nobility and bourgeoisie as social groups was followed by the eradication of etiquette norms, which took forms no less absurd than many of the requirements of this etiquette. For example, in the 20s, a handshake was declared a carrier of infection, and girls considered themselves insulted if they were given a coat.

Gradually, as the irreconcilable class struggle faded and the material well-being of our people increased, classical norms of etiquette began to return to life.

In recent years, in connection with the formation of market relations, and therefore the emergence again of the rich class, secular manners, knowledge of the elementary fundamentals of etiquette, the subtleties of conversation, table setting, proper placement at the dinner table and in cars, etc., have become relevant. But This is not the only issue.

Etiquette, free from extremes and outdated formalities, does not complicate, but simplifies and makes everyday life more enjoyable. Its rules are based on such moral categories as politeness, tact, correctness, and decency. Thus, mastering the rules of etiquette contributes to the development of a sense of tact (the ability to speak and act taking into account the individual psychological characteristics and mood of other people), teaches one to maintain one’s own dignity and respect others even in difficult, conflict situations.

An integral part of etiquette is decency. Etiquette helps a person to refrain from unseemly actions - such as petty fraud or theft, slander, slander.

Knowledge of the rules of etiquette eliminates constraint, allows you not to offend a business partner with an awkward word or action, and at the same time not to damage your own dignity and the prestige of the company. Mastering the behavioral stereotypes suggested by etiquette makes it possible to establish a favorable psychological climate for business communication, which makes business both successful and enjoyable.

Currently, Ukrainian enterprises and organizations are integrating into the economic, political and cultural life of Europe, and relations are developing with business and political circles in other regions of the planet. Communication with representatives of other countries requires special attention to etiquette, strict adherence to its special rules and adherence to a business image. Fruitful, mutually beneficial relations between states are based on the principles of respect for sovereignty; equality; territorial integrity; non-interference in internal affairs.

Rules of diplomatic protocol

DIPLOMATIC PROTOCOL is a set of rules, traditions and conventions observed in international communication.

The generally accepted rules of protocol are the basis of the diplomatic practice of any country, although each of them also has certain features determined by the specific national traditions and social system. Deviation from diplomatic protocol or violation of its norms is unacceptable, as it may damage the dignity of another state and cause undesirable political consequences.

The protocol regulates the procedure for receiving heads of foreign states or governments, government delegations, representatives of state and public organizations and business circles; all types of official diplomatic contacts. The attitude towards protocol, the introduction of minor changes to it (more or less solemnity, increasing or decreasing the level of representation at official ceremonies, etc.) is used as an instrument of foreign policy. These rules were formed on the basis of long historical experience. Therefore, the diplomatic protocol is a model of international communication, which all organizations and individuals are guided by. What is business protocol?

BUSINESS PROTOCOL, like diplomatic protocol, regulates the procedure for meeting and seeing off delegations, conducting conversations, negotiations and receptions, conducting business correspondence, signing treaties and agreements, etc.

But unlike diplomatic protocol, business protocol is not observed so strictly. In the field of business communication, its rules may be more flexible. However, reputable commercial structures in international communication most often strictly adhere to the rules of diplomatic protocol.

BUSINESS ETIQUETTE is the rules of behavior in society. And also a standard of business communication, established rules of business ethics, the observance of which at the final stage contributes to better mutual understanding, the establishment of normal business relationships in the team, and based on all this, the prosperity and stability of any business.

In modern society, mastery of business etiquette in most cases has a positive effect on the success of an entrepreneur, and adherence to ethics only further emphasizes the image of a professional in the eyes of business partners. When communicating with foreign partners, you simply must know the rules of etiquette and their countries, otherwise a wrong step in a conversation or during a meeting can result in significant losses in business.

Introduction to the discipline "International Etiquette and Protocol"

The concepts of “etiquette” and “protocol” are in many ways similar and interrelated. Therefore, it is better to consider protocol and etiquette not separately, but as a whole. For example, court etiquette includes the observance in states with a monarchical structure of certain protocol norms when conducting certain ceremonies. An example is Great Britain, where ceremonial norms have remained virtually unchanged for 500 years. At the same time, participants in these ceremonies are required to strictly adhere to the rules of court etiquette.

The rules of etiquette are fundamentally international, since most of them are observed in all countries of the world. At the same time, the etiquette of each country inherits customs and conventions from ancient times to the present day and has quite significant features, which are determined by historical, national, religious and other traditions.

Unlike etiquette, protocol standards are almost the same in all countries of the world, i.e. they are international. The basis and essence of the protocol is an expression of deep respect towards the distinguished guest, the country and people he represents. Although, naturally, the protocol of each country has its own nuances, knowledge of which contributes to the implementation of international and foreign economic contacts.

Etiquette and protocol are one of the main components of forming the image of any business person, civil servant, organization and play a very important role in the successful conduct of business, including international ones.

So what is etiquette and protocol? Etiquette (ethics) - rules of courtesy and politeness, form, manner, established order of behavior accepted in a particular society.

There are several types of etiquette: court, military, diplomatic, civil and business. Most of the rules of general civil, business and diplomatic etiquette are identical or to one degree or another coincide and are equally observed, but among officials the rules of diplomatic etiquette are observed more strictly.

The rules of etiquette in communication between people take into account their status and position, gender and age. The hierarchy of etiquette principles is as follows.

1. Status (position, rank).

2. Age and gender (in the case of a small difference in the age of people, representatives of the weaker sex have an advantage, but if the difference is large and we are talking about communication between a young girl and an older man, then the man has an advantage).

There are no trifles in etiquette; all the constituent details are important: behavior, manners, gestures, voice, tone, appearance, etc. The rules of etiquette should firmly become part of the everyday life of every person, becoming his inner need. The requirements of etiquette presuppose compliance with the rules of good manners in all cases of life, regardless of the mood and psychological state of a person at one time or another.

The Protocol is a set of rules for the conduct of governments and their representatives on official and unofficial occasions. Protocol events include meeting and seeing off guests, negotiations, presentations, receptions, congratulations, funeral ceremonies, presentation of state awards, etc.

The most commonly used phrase is diplomatic (state) protocol, which is used in relation to international communication between officials. Diplomatic protocol is a set of generally accepted rules, traditions and conventions observed by governments, foreign departments, diplomatic missions, and officials in international communication.

Diplomatic protocol has a rich history. It originated in ancient times. At one time, the ancient Romans developed a strict peace ceremony, during which, in particular, the priests read out the text of the peace agreement and made sacrifices.

The famous French diplomat J. Cambon writes: “The rules of protocol nowadays seem somewhat old-fashioned, but not observing them is as stupid as not taking off your hat when entering a church or your shoes when entering a mosque... In essence, not everything is so bad in these solemn trifles."

With its solemnity, the protocol gives greater significance and evokes greater respect for the events, ceremonies and documents being signed.

Protocol standards are also observed in relationships between businessmen, including between partners from different countries. This is a business protocol - the rules for organizing various events during business contacts.

The protocol requires knowledge of politics and geography, economics and culture, national and religious traditions of various states, and close attention to the smallest details. Behind every such protocol “little detail” there are centuries-old traditions and experience accumulated by diplomacy since ancient times. Therefore, you should always remember that in the protocol, as in etiquette, there are no trifles. According to the writer H. Mackay, “little things don’t matter, little things decide everything.”

The established moral norms are the result of a long-term process of establishing relationships between people. Without observing these norms, political, economic, and cultural relations are impossible, because one cannot exist without respecting each other, without imposing certain restrictions on oneself.

Etiquette is a word of French origin meaning manner of behavior. It includes the rules of courtesy and politeness accepted in society.

Modern etiquette inherits the customs of almost all nations from hoary antiquity to the present day. Fundamentally, these rules of conduct are universal, since they are observed not only by representatives of a given society, but also by representatives of the most diverse socio-political systems existing in the modern world. The people of each country make their own amendments and additions to etiquette, determined by the social system of the country, the specifics of its historical structure, national traditions and customs.

There are several types of etiquette, the main of which are: - court etiquette - strictly regulated order and forms of behavior established at the courts of monarchs;

Diplomatic etiquette - rules of conduct for diplomats and other officials when contacting each other at various diplomatic receptions, visits, negotiations;

Military etiquette is a set of rules, norms and behavior generally accepted in the army by military personnel in all areas of their activities;

General civil etiquette is a set of rules, traditions and conventions observed by citizens when communicating with each other.

Most of the rules of diplomatic, military and civil etiquette coincide to one degree or another. The difference between them is that greater importance is attached to compliance with the rules of etiquette by diplomats, since deviation from them or violation of these rules can cause damage to the prestige of the country or its official representatives and lead to complications in relations between states.

MOSCOW STATE INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (u) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

on ethics of business communication

on the topic :

"Business etiquette and business protocol."

Abstract prepared by:

Abdullaev Islam.


1. Introduction 2 pages

2. Business etiquette 2 – 3 pages.

3. Business protocol 3 – 16 pages.

a) Business protocol 3 pages.

b) Negotiations 3 – 9 pages.

c) Business letter 9 – 11 pages.

d) Business conversation on the phone 11 – 12 pages.

e) Telefax 12 pages.

e) Email 12 pages.

g) Business etiquette and trade secrets 12 – 16 pages.

4. Conclusion 16 – 17 pages.

5. List of used literature 18 pages.

1. Introduction.

The established moral standards are the result of a long-term process of establishing relationships between people both in public and family life. Without observing these norms, political, economic, cultural and family relations are impossible, since people cannot exist without taking into account each other, without imposing certain restrictions on themselves. And here etiquette plays a very important role.

Etiquette is a word of French origin meaning manner of behavior. It includes the rules of courtesy and politeness accepted in society.

However, the requirements of etiquette are not absolute. The norms of etiquette, in contrast to the norms of morality, are conditional; they have the nature of an unwritten agreement about what is considered generally accepted in people’s behavior and what is not.

Business etiquette is a set of written and unwritten rules of conduct, the violation of which interferes with the normal conduct of business. It is reliably known that countries where business ethics is absent or extremely poorly developed live poorly and difficultly, because dishonest relationships interfere with cooperation. When mastering the civilized market, modern entrepreneurs should know that only 10-15% of those who want to establish themselves in the market world achieve their goals. Business is done not only on an economic basis, but also on an ethical one. Just as it is unacceptable to violate generally accepted rules of entrepreneurship in commerce, it is also unacceptable to violate the rules of business etiquette. Compliance with the rules of business etiquette is one of the necessary elements of professionalism.

2. Business etiquette.

End of form

Business etiquette is an established procedure for behavior in business and business contacts. Everyone knows that any employee of a company is the face of the company, and it is important that this person is both attractive and professional, friendly and adamant, helpful and independent.

Modern business etiquette is a deep knowledge of decency, the ability to behave in a team in such a way as to earn everyone’s respect and not offend others with your behavior. By the culture of behavior of a company employee and by his ability to communicate with clients, one can judge the entire team of this company.

Knowing the rules of business etiquette helps you avoid mistakes or smooth them out in accessible, generally accepted ways. Therefore, the main function or meaning of business person etiquette can be defined as the formation of such rules of behavior in society that promote mutual understanding between people in the process of communication. The second most important function of business etiquette is the function of convenience, that is, expediency and practicality. Starting from the smallest details to the most general rules, business etiquette is a system that is close to everyday life. After all, the most important principle of etiquette is that it is necessary to act according to etiquette not because it is customary, but because it is more expedient, more convenient, and more respectful towards others and oneself. Business ethics is one of the main “tools” in shaping a company’s image. In modern business, the face of the company plays a significant role. Those organizations that do not observe business etiquette lose a lot. Where business etiquette has become the norm, labor productivity is higher and results are better. Entrepreneurs around the world know the most important tenet of business: good manners are profitable. It is much more pleasant to work with a company where business etiquette is observed. It has become the norm almost all over the world. This is because etiquette, due to its vitality, creates a pleasant psychological climate conducive to business contacts.

Etiquette helps only when there is no internal tension arising from an attempt to do something according to the rules of etiquette that we have never done before.

3. Business protocol.

Experience shows that legal norms alone are not enough to ensure normal relations with business partners. It is also very important to comply with certain protocol rules and customs.

The word “protocol” meant in Byzantine diplomacy the first part of a document drawn up in solemn terms, which listed the composition of the participants in the negotiations. Currently, the protocol is a set of rules according to which the order of various ceremonies, dress codes, official correspondence, etc. is regulated. Any violation of these rules will create difficulties for the party who committed the violation, as he will have to apologize and find a way to correct the mistake.

The protocol observed during negotiations and the preparation of various treaties and agreements gives, through its solemnity, greater significance and greater respect for the particularly important provisions contained in them. The protocol helps to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere at meetings, negotiations, receptions, which promotes mutual understanding and achievement of the desired results.

One of the basic principles of everyday life is maintaining normal relationships between people and striving to avoid conflicts. This principle is even more important in business relationships, since we are talking about due respect and attention to business partners. It is the protocol that contributes to the successful resolution of large and small business issues.


Negotiations are becoming part of our daily lives. This is required by such realities of Russian life as a multi-party system in politics and market relations in the economy. Today, it is increasingly necessary to resort to negotiations, since every person wants to participate in decisions that affect his interests. Already today, most decisions are reached through negotiations, on which certain hopes are placed, rightly believing that they should lead to a reasonable agreement, if possible, and improve or at least not spoil relations.

Preparing for negotiations. Negotiations have two sides: external (protocol) and internal (substantive). As for the first, over many years of practice certain rules of negotiation have been developed, which are not accepted either in the business world or in diplomacy.

· The day and hour of negotiations are agreed upon in advance.

· They are seated at the negotiating table only after the owner of the house has taken his place.

· The initiative to conduct a conversation always belongs to the head of the receiving party.

· The initiative to end any conversation always remains with the guest.

· Upon returning from negotiations, you should not forget to briefly thank the host party for their hospitality.

Preparing for negotiations involves having a thorough knowledge of the issue to be discussed. Negotiations on fundamental issues of relationships, terms of agreements or contracts should be conducted only with authoritative representatives of the other party. Knowledge of the rules, customs and, especially, internal relationships existing in the partner organization will allow you to avoid miscalculations that could slow down the adoption of the expected decision.

Preparation for negotiations and their conduct are usually divided into three stages.

At the first stage it is necessary to collect all the necessary information, understand the problems facing the negotiators, and determine ways to reach an agreement.

At the second stage You should consider various negotiating options and choose the most acceptable option.

At the third stage it is necessary to identify differences in approaches to the problems under discussion and try to understand them.

Practice shows that when planning negotiations, it is important to imagine your partner’s possible reaction to your proposals and take into account his own expectations from these negotiations. Therefore, the negotiation plan should be quite flexible, but provide for an answer to all your questions.

Any negotiations must be limited in time.

One of the indispensable conditions for contacts with representatives of other organizations is a preliminary agreement on the time and place of the meeting.

In general, the negotiation plan should contain:

· place, date and time of the meeting;

· list of participants;

· Issues for discussion;

· alternatives in case of counterproposals;

· responsible for the preparation of reference materials;

· responsible for meeting and seeing off the representative of the other party;

· responsible for organizing refreshments during negotiations;

· Responsible for organizing and conducting the reception after the negotiations.

Conduct of negotiations.

Negotiations should be held in a separate room. Negotiators from the receiving party must take a seat in the negotiation room before representatives of the other party arrive there.

It is perceived as disrespect for a partner if the greeter introduces him to an empty room, and the recipient and his colleagues enter there after this and, moreover, not at the same time. A negative attitude is caused by absences or calls from the host from the meeting room. Repeated behavior by a manager can be perceived as obstruction. The situation is also considered when negotiations are conducted by an employee who occupies a lower official position and does not have the right to make decisions binding on the organization. The leader’s withdrawal from the negotiations is possible only when all the fundamental issues have been resolved and the parties only have to agree on certain details, but even in this case it is necessary to obtain the consent of the other party.

The host must warmly greet his guests (in many reputable companies this is done “at the door”). At the same time, gestures and smiles addressed to guests should express sincere pleasure from meeting them. The host must introduce his colleagues by name and position, including representatives of other organizations invited to the negotiations. Then the leader of the other side introduces his colleagues. If the negotiators do not know each other very well or are meeting for the first time, then they should first exchange business cards. By placing the cards in front of you in the order in which the negotiating partners sit, it is easy to carry on a conversation, addressing each other by name and at the same time having a good idea of ​​the level of authority and competence of the interlocutors.

Traditionally, guests take seats facing the window, with their backs to the door. In an informal setting, mixed seating for meeting participants is preferable, as this facilitates a frank exchange of opinions. The leaders of the parties usually sit next to each other, the rest of the meeting participants sit by liking or by the principle of subordination. After everyone has taken their place at the negotiating table, access to the meeting room should be stopped, with the exception of additional invitees, which is highly undesirable.

Regardless of the importance of the negotiations, they should begin with informal phrases that emphasize the recipient’s attention to the interlocutors and his personal, benevolent interest in them. Although there may be more than one person involved on both sides of the negotiation, the conversation generally should be between managers. It is unacceptable if the presenter is interrupted by his colleagues during negotiations. Of course, he can give the floor to one of them, especially on specific problems, but in most cases the leader must take on the entire burden of the conversation on the entire range of problems discussed.

During the conversation, on the one hand, you should avoid direct questions that require “yes” or “no” answers. On the other hand, it is necessary to formulate questions clearly, without forcing the partner to guess what they want from him. You cannot openly push your partner to make a decision that is favorable only for you, but when differences are overcome, you should not delay in fixing the agreement, so as not to leave the interlocutor the opportunity for new thoughts and hesitations.

Negotiations should begin with the most important issues on the agenda, trying to gradually reach agreement on fundamental issues. Then, issues that can be agreed upon relatively easily and without much time are discussed, and only after that they move on to key issues that require detailed analysis. It is useful, however, to remember that a negative response from your interlocutor during negotiations can only be a tactical technique. If not very categorical arguments are given, then this may mean waiting for a compromise proposal.

Various types of objections are a natural phenomenon. Without some resistance, there can be no negotiations as such, but good preliminary preparation and skillful conduct eliminate objections. Therefore, we must try to adhere to time-tested tactics:

· clearly explain your proposal;

· do not promise anything impossible;

· learn to reject impossible demands;

· write down everything you agree to and promise;

· do not believe the reason for refusal unless it is convincingly justified;

· do not engage in direct confrontation;

· discuss difficult issues at the very end, when agreement has already been reached on all others and when none of the negotiation participants is more interested in their unsuccessful outcome.

Be strict with your words and wording. Provide only reliable facts and logical, evidence-based reasons for your position. Do not rush to impose your “valuable” ideas and “ideal” solutions on your interlocutor. They can become such if they “arise” in his head. To do this, you need to learn to present ideas as if by chance, but in such a way that the interlocutor perceives them and can later express them as his own.

Before submitting your ideas to your partners for consideration, it is advisable to look at your proposals and arguments through their eyes, anticipate their doubts and objections, and provide alternative options. Such preparation for negotiations will shorten their duration, avoid tension in relationships, and maintain a calm business environment until the end of the meeting.

Do not ignore details, self-evident “little things,” especially if the interlocutor is indecisive. It is advisable in negotiations to completely avoid topics and expressions that may seem to the interlocutor to be fraught with hidden subtext (new conditions, obligations), which he is essentially not ready to consider.

Respect the opinion of your interlocutor. Try not to interrupt him. It is useful to learn to highlight and remember (write down) the main points in the interlocutor’s speech, analyze his proposals, try to predict the further course of his argument and the conclusions he can draw. But while giving the interlocutor the opportunity to speak, we must not forget about the prepared negotiation program: ask questions clearly and logically, encourage the interlocutor to talk not only about problems, prospects, plans, but also about the means of solving them and practical implementation; not only about difficulties, but also about the reasons for their occurrence, the possibilities of overcoming and preventing them.

You should never make comments to your interlocutor, much less lecture him. If he expressed some thought and you consider it wrong and are even absolutely sure that it is wrong, do not cut him off, especially in front of colleagues or strangers. At the first pause in his monologue, acknowledge that his arguments may be the result of an erroneous, unclear formulation of the question by you, and offer to calmly understand the facts. This will immediately stop the dispute, force the interlocutor to admit the possibility of a mistake on his part, and move the meeting into the direction of a business analysis of the facts. It is advisable to speak calmly and quietly even in the most acute situations. The ability to restrain yourself and manage your actions and emotions is an indispensable quality of a business person. Follow the “golden” rule: negotiate convincingly, but unobtrusively.

Refrain from empty promises and assurances. Remember that the other side is also well prepared and can logically argue its proposals without succumbing to all sorts of tricks.

In business negotiations, you should not use the “you” address, although it is considered good form to use personal names.

During a conversation, there is no need to move your hands, drum your fingers, tap your hand or foot, play with facial expressions or show your emotions in any other way. During a conversation, it is completely unacceptable to take your interlocutor by the button or lapels of his jacket, pat him on the shoulder, tug at his sleeve, vigorously gesticulate in front of his face, and obsessively return to issues already discussed. It should be remembered that all manifestations of emotions can be incorrectly assessed by your interlocutor and cost you lost profits, the opportunity to establish business relationships, and deepen mutual understanding. Of all the possible manifestations of emotions during business contacts, only a smile is welcome.

Any negotiations, even if they did not meet your hopes, should be ended in a friendly tone. In business relationships, you should never burn your bridges: business problems may require new contacts with the same people. It is advisable to maintain normal relations with everyone with whom you communicate and exchange greeting cards at least once a year.

If the negotiation plan provides for refreshments in the office space, it, with the exception of tea or coffee, must be prepared in advance and placed in the negotiation room on a separate table under a napkin.

Etiquette does not allow removing jackets or loosening ties during negotiations, except when the head of your partners’ delegation suggests doing so, thereby making it clear that the time has come for informal communication.

Negotiations are the most important part of business contacts and, of course, the most meaningful. But if we want to make it the most valuable, we must learn to confidentially handle information received in confidence during negotiations. In negotiations and correspondence with other partners, even from the same company, the source of such information should not be named, and the information itself, if there is a need for its public use, should be prepared in such a way that it is not associated with the source. And, of course, you should never use confidential information against the source itself.

Each party involved in negotiations must consider the interests of the other party and work together on options that are mutually beneficial. If passions flare up beyond all measure, then established practice allows for the possibility of interrupting negotiations for several days to allow the emotional intensity to cool down.

The art of negotiation is to achieve more than what can be achieved without negotiation. The likelihood of success increases if you do not hide your interests. One of the main principles is to be as precise as possible when outlining the boundaries of your interests, and in order for your arguments to make the proper impression on the other side, you need to justify their regularity.

After each conversation during commercial negotiations, a record is drawn up, to which a previously approved negotiation plan is attached. Of course, it is impossible to record a conversation during negotiations, unless a special employee is invited to do this (except for specific negotiations, inviting a stenographer to them or turning on a recording device, as some Japanese business people do, is considered unethical in relation to the other party). But during negotiations, especially if they are multifaceted and touch on fundamental issues in which all the nuances are important, it is necessary to take brief working notes. There should be no tricks or ambiguities. The recording should be made openly by the negotiator himself or one of his employees participating in the negotiations and officially introduced to the partners. The working notes themselves must strictly correspond to the content of the negotiations. The recording must objectively reflect everything said, seen and heard during the negotiations. A recording of a conversation is not a formal document. Based on it, not only decisions are made on operational issues, but long-term plans can be developed and approved, involving many organizations and at significant costs.

Negotiations will be successful if you follow these guidelines:

· focus on interests, not positions;

· separate negotiators from the subject of negotiations.

The ability to negotiate is one of the most important qualities of a modern business person. There is no ready-made recipe, but there are certain rules, following which helps to achieve the desired result:

· be punctual and obligatory;

· value your partner’s trust;

· listen carefully to all arguments;

· avoid superficial answers;

· know how to compromise in time;

· value your reputation.

There are no small details in negotiations. Even the environment and service can affect their progress. During negotiations, flowers, fruit and mineral water are placed on the tables, open but with a cork, and wine glasses are upside down (a sign of their unused state). If the negotiations drag on, tea and coffee are served with sandwiches and cookies.

Sometimes several days are allotted for negotiations. In this case, techniques are practiced on both one side and the other. The reception is held for friendly communication between the negotiators in an informal setting. A number of issues can be resolved here, but the reception should not be turned into a continuation of negotiations. Negotiations are considered successful if both parties value their results highly.

Business letter.

Forms for writing business letters are almost the same for all countries. There is a certain etiquette for writing correspondence:

· the letter received must be answered within a week;

· a letter of gratitude for the hospitality provided is sent approximately a week after departure;

· a letter of congratulations on the occasion of any pleasant event is sent within a week from the date of receipt of the message about this event;

· a letter expressing condolences is sent within ten days from the date of receipt of the message about the sad event. In this case, only funeral envelopes should be used. Such a letter requires special cordiality and does not tolerate banal expressions;

· congratulations, thanks, condolences and answers to them are always written by hand, and never in pencil - only with a pen.

Don't underestimate the impact that the appearance of your letter has on a business person. Business letters are written exclusively on white paper and only on the front side of the sheet. If the text does not fit on one page, you should continue on another page. Avoid word wrapping whenever possible.

Recently, the full-block style, in which paragraphs begin flush with the left margin of the page, has become increasingly popular. At the same time, in order to separate one from the other, each new paragraph is printed at four intervals.

A business letter to a foreign partner must be written in the language of the addressee. If it is impossible to do this - there are difficulties with translation into rare languages ​​- it is permissible to compose a letter in English as the most common language in the business world.

The letter should be brief, clearly express the sender's thoughts and avoid double interpretation. Corrections and erasures are not recommended in the text.


The envelope must include the full and accurate address of the recipient of your correspondence. It is customary to print it in capital Latin letters.

In the first position of the address - To whom? – indicate the addressee’s surname, his position and the full name of the institution or company. When specifying a position, it is permissible to use abbreviations.

In the second position - Where? – indicate the house number, street name, city name. When sending a letter to England, you must indicate the county; in the USA, the name of the state. At the very end the name of the country is indicated.

If the letter is placed in an envelope with a transparent window, then the address is written once - in the upper left corner of the letter. In this case, the letter is folded in such a way that the recipient's address is visible through the window of the envelope.

The sender's address is usually not indicated on the envelope, but if necessary, it can be written on the back of the envelope.


A business letter is written on the letterhead of the sending company, which shows the company logo, its full name, postal and telegraph address, telephone number and bank details.

A business letter typically consists of six parts:

· addresses,

· introductory address (written with a red line, represents a generally accepted formula),

· the main text (for ease of reference, it should be divided into paragraphs; long letters are not accepted in business correspondence and it is advisable to limit it to one page; in a multi-page letter, each sheet except the first should be numbered),

· final formula of politeness,

· signatures (must be handwritten).

Sometimes there is also a postscript or a message about attachments to the letter.

A business letter is folded with the text facing inward, but it is better not to fold it, but to send it in a large, thick envelope.

Business conversation on the phone.

The culture of telephone communication has long been part of business etiquette. It characterizes a person no less than clothes and manners.

Before you pick up the phone, think about what information you want to receive or convey. This is best done in the form of a memo - a list of questions for conversation. If it is assumed that during a conversation there may be a need to refer to any documents or facts, they should be selected in advance and systematized on your desk.

Choose the time to call, since you do not know what situation you will interrupt and whether your interlocutor will be able to treat you with due responsiveness.

Maintain confidentiality. If you are talking on the phone from a room in which other employees are working, you should not make them part of the conversation; and if you yourself find yourself an unwitting witness to a conversation that, in your opinion, a colleague would like to have without witnesses, find a reason to leave the room, even if the conversation between you was interrupted by this phone call. In a shared workroom, telephone calls should be made in a low voice and briefly.

· any questions with people with whom you have not previously had contact or with whom you have not developed a personal relationship;

· questions on which you can assume the opposite opinion of your interlocutor;

· Acute or sensitive issues concerning the interlocutor himself or the company he represents, as well as personal problems;

· controversial issues of relationships, coordination and subordination of activities between you or the organizations you represent;

· questions regarding third parties or organizations whose representatives may be in your interlocutor’s room at the time of your call.

You should also avoid communicating negative decisions on requests over the phone, as this may be seen as callous and disrespectful on your part.

In the work of foreign companies, it is common practice to provide mandatory written confirmation of the very fact of negotiations and the agreements reached, especially if the negotiations took place over the phone. Such a document should not be large in volume. It records the issues discussed, agreements reached and unresolved problems. The document is signed by the manager or the person speaking on the phone and is addressed to the manager of the other party or the person on the phone in compliance with the “canonical” forms of politeness.


Facsimile communication is used to transmit fixed images via telephone channels: letters, photographs, drawings, drawings. The message is sent by simply dialing the fax number of the called subscriber within the country or through an international telephone exchange.

The recipient receives a copy of the transmitted document with all details of the image preserved. It is convenient to use fax for the prompt execution of contracts, protocols and other documentation that requires display of the partner’s signature and seal.


E-mail is an effective means by which hundreds of thousands of personal computer owners exchange information messages. It allows you to send and receive various messages of a personalized nature and have access to the “Bulletin Board” or “Teleconference”: network news about commercial offers, databases, etc. A business person on the go can connect his personal computer to the network and select the information he needs from a desktop computer in his own office or get current stock quotes.

Today, many official documents, including UN Rules and Conventions, recognize the legal status of communications received via email.

Business etiquette and trade secrets.

In Russia, in connection with the transition to a new type of market relations, a new concept has emerged - a trade secret. It is an important part of business cooperation and, therefore, business etiquette.

Trade secrets are economic interests and information about various aspects and areas of a company’s production, economic, managerial, scientific, technical, and financial activities that are deliberately hidden for commercial reasons, the protection of which is determined by the interests of competition and possible threats to the economic security of the company.

A trade secret, unlike a state secret, is not defined by a list, since it is always different in relation to different enterprises. The procedure for handling information related to a trade secret is regulated by the “Regulations on the preservation of trade secrets of an enterprise.” The validity period of a trade secret is determined in each specific case by the person who signed the document, in the form of a specific date, either “indefinitely” or “until the conclusion of the contract.” In the upper right corner of the document it is written: “KT” (or in full - “Trade secret”), “Confidential”, “Enterprise secret”. Such a mark is not classified as confidential, but only shows that the ownership of this information is protected by law.

Trade secrets are subject to protection by the enterprise security service. In everyday life, trade secrets always appear in the form of trade secrets.

Trade secrets are a form of manifestation of trade secrets. They represent information drawn up in the form of documents, diagrams, products related to trade secrets, and are subject to protection by the security service from theft, eavesdropping or leakage of information.

To protect trade secrets, the following rules must be followed:

· security should always and everywhere be ensured only by professionals;

· preventive measures taken should include a special program for disinformation of industrial spies;

· the system of preventive measures must include such an important element as organizing the movement of protected information while excluding any possibility of its leakage.

Secrecy in market conditions protects the manufacturer from unfair competition, which includes various illegal actions, such as hidden use of a trademark, counterfeiting of products, deceptive advertising, bribery, blackmail.

Protection of business information.

When developing measures to protect trade secrets, it is necessary to economically justify the feasibility of classifying this or that business information.

First of all, information is highlighted, the leakage of which could lead the company to bankruptcy. This is strictly confidential information, it includes “know-how”, information about the development prospects of the company, its clients, terms and amount of lending. Information, the disclosure of which may be associated with adverse consequences, is not subject to public disclosure, namely: addresses of the company’s managers and employees, home telephone numbers, current work plans, information about conflict situations in the team.

When signing an agreement, it is recommended that representatives of the parties sign not only at the end of the agreement, but also on each sheet in order to avoid replacing one text with another. A strict procedure for storing the first copies of contracts and rules for working with them should be established. They must be stored in a certain place and issued only against receipt with the written permission of the manager. Persons responsible for storing contracts and working with them are personally responsible for the loss of contracts or leakage of information from them.

Intellectual property protection.

Related to trade secrets is the concept of intellectual property, which in the broadest sense can be defined as commercially valuable ideas. It is not necessary that it be something new, the main thing is that the information is not generally known.

Intellectual property has not only a real value, which includes the costs of obtaining information and its protection, but also a potential value (possible profit from its sale). Possible sources of intellectual property leakage can be congresses, conferences, symposiums, and trade and industrial exhibitions.

There are three generally accepted methods of protecting intellectual property:

· Patent the right of the inventor to “legally monopolize” the use of the invention for a certain time is formalized. A patent is a way to protect industrial, not commercial information.

· Copyright protects only the form in which a particular idea is expressed, not the idea itself. Original thoughts contained in books and scientific articles, after reading them, belong to everyone, they can be freely used, but references must be made to the specific author.

· trade secret As a form of intellectual property in our country, it is still far from being fully covered by legal regulation, so other protection measures (moral and ethical, administrative measures, physical protection measures, technical security systems, cryptographic methods, employment and dismissal contracts) become of great importance.

Work with documents.

When working with documents containing trade secrets, certain rules must be followed. To do this you need:

· develop instructions for working with secret documents;

· appoint responsible persons to control secret paperwork;

· exercise strict control over personnel access to secret documents.

The most important documents should be stored in a safe, less important ones in a special metal container.

Documents that tax inspectors or law enforcement officials may rightfully require should be kept separate from other confidential papers.

The preparation of documents containing important information should be entrusted to trusted people. The number of copies must be strictly limited. If necessary, the degree of confidentiality of the document, as well as the validity period of the restrictive stamps, should be determined.

Multiplying equipment must be under reliable control. The number of copies must be strictly taken into account, and their destruction must be controlled. There is a rule - managers copy the most valuable documents themselves.

Drafts of secret documents must be prepared in notebooks with numbered sheets. After preparing the documents “right”, the drafts are destroyed.

In the process of storing and transmitting secret documents, security and alarm systems may be used in case of unauthorized access to them.

Work with personnel.

The main place in organizing reliable protection of classified information should be given to working with personnel. Work should be organized in such a way that the employee has access only to the information that he needs in the performance of direct official duties.

Experts in the field of combating industrial espionage make the following recommendations:

· use every opportunity to promote secrecy programs;

· to stimulate in every possible way the interest of employees in complying with the secrecy regime;

· periodically reward employees for success in protecting classified information.

Information about clients and competitors.

In capitalist countries, information about clients is usually considered not a trade secret of a company, but rather its capital. Therefore, the list of the company’s clients and other information about them is compiled primarily through the efforts of the manager, and this information is not trusted even to his immediate circle.

For each client, information is collected about his habits, characteristic behavioral traits, interests in his personal life, and the privileges provided to him by the company. This information also reflects information about the client’s requirements for the quality of goods and services, the modes of delivery of goods to him, the frequency of deliveries, information about the features of payment and other specific features of contracts with this client. The data that determines the profitability of cooperation with him is also indicated here.

The collection of information about clients and competitors must be organized in the most careful manner, and this information should only be kept by the head of the company.

The market and its information structures are still at the initial stage of development, so obtaining reliable information can be carried out:

· on our own through the creation of an analytical department, a marketing department, and a service for studying supply and demand;

· obtaining the necessary information from those commercial structures that have it (banks, insurance companies, stock exchanges);

· seeking help from industrial counterintelligence services and private detective agencies.

4. Conclusion.

So, I would like to summarize the above and give some advice to a business person.

A businessman is translated from English as “a business person”, or more correctly it would be “a man of business”, but in order to become one, it is necessary to overcome two qualities inherent in most of us: incompetence and optionality.

Always respond immediately to any expressions of interest, even if you have not yet made a final decision. It would be nice to adopt the slogan of Japanese businessmen: react immediately, act with lightning speed.

Before establishing contacts with partners, you need to know whether they can contact you without any problems - pay attention to the means of communication.

A special place in the activities of a business person is occupied by the selection of partners. Therefore, your task is to establish that the company with which you are going to deal really exists, that it is reliable and successful.

“Letters of intent” are common in the business world. Companies write to each other to inform each other of their intentions regarding cooperation in some matter. This does not impose any obligations on anyone. Such letters only indicate that people are serious about business, and if you really have something to offer, then negotiations to conclude a deal should be carried out without delay. Learn the art of negotiation, carefully prepare for any business meeting and close work with any partner, and be sure to calculate everything down to the smallest detail before starting any business. Do not start producing goods and services until you are sure that you can sell your products. If there is no demand for it, then there is no point in releasing it. Finding out what people need requires careful market research, which takes time and money. But these funds will pay for themselves many times in the future - the market is owned by those who own the information.

It’s a good idea to think about how you would like to present yourself, what image of the company to create. An image can be created using memorable slogans, letterheads, envelopes, and business cards. Don't underestimate the impact that the appearance of your letter or your business card has on the recipient.

Knowledge of a foreign language will not hurt, since negotiations through an interpreter are not the best option.

Your workplace should radiate joy and peace for both you and the visitor. The interior shapes the internal state. This leads to increased productivity and improved well-being of people. Therefore, the concern for making the workplace attractive should largely determine the activities of every business person. Take care of the interior.

In 1912, Russian entrepreneurs developed seven principles for doing business in Russia:

· respect authority;

· respect the right of private property;

· respect the working person;

· be purposeful;

· be true to your word;

· be honest;

· live within your means.

To the above you can add:

· don’t get irritated, don’t get lost, don’t get distracted;

· remember that there is nothing more painful for a person than humiliation;

· be tolerant of the shortcomings of your partners if these shortcomings do not interfere with your business.

5. List of used literature.

1. Soloviev E. Ya. “Modern etiquette. Business Protocol” - M., 2003.

2. “Ethics of the Russian market. Anthology", editors Mark R. Elliott, Scott Lingenfelter - M., 1992.

3. Kholopova T. I., Lebedeva M. M. “Protocol and etiquette for business people” – M., 1995.

A). Business protocol

Experience shows that to ensure normal relations with business partners, legal norms alone are not enough. It is also very important to comply with certain protocol rules and customs.

The word “protocol” meant in Byzantine diplomacy the first part of a document drawn up in solemn terms, which listed the composition of the participants in the negotiations. Currently, the protocol is a set of rules according to which the order of various ceremonies, dress codes, official correspondence, etc. is regulated. Any violation of these rules will create difficulties for the party who committed the violation, as he will have to apologize and find a way to correct the mistake.

The protocol observed during negotiations and the preparation of various treaties and agreements gives, through its solemnity, greater significance and greater respect for the particularly important provisions contained in them. The protocol helps to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere at meetings, negotiations, receptions, which promotes mutual understanding and achievement of the desired results.

One of the basic principles of everyday life is maintaining normal relationships between people and trying to avoid conflicts. This principle is even more important in business relationships, since we are talking about due respect and attention to business partners. It is the protocol that contributes to the successful resolution of large and small business issues.

b). Negotiation

Negotiations are becoming part of our daily lives. This is required by such realities of Russian life as a multi-party system in politics and market relations in the economy. Today, it is increasingly necessary to resort to negotiations, since every person wants to participate in decisions that affect his interests. Already today, most decisions are reached through negotiations, on which certain hopes are placed, rightly believing that they should lead to a reasonable agreement, if possible, and improve or at least not spoil relations.

Preparing for negotiations. Negotiations have two sides: external (protocol) and internal (substantive). As for the first, over many years of practice certain rules of negotiation have been developed, which are not accepted either in the business world or in diplomacy.

The day and hour of negotiations are agreed upon in advance.

They are seated at the negotiating table only after the owner of the house has taken his place.

The initiative to conduct a conversation always belongs to the head of the receiving party.

The initiative to end any conversation always remains with the guest.

Upon returning from negotiations, you should not forget to briefly thank the host party for their hospitality.

Preparing for negotiations involves having a thorough knowledge of the issue to be discussed. Negotiations on fundamental issues of relationships, terms of agreements or contracts should be conducted only with authoritative representatives of the other party. Knowledge of the rules, customs and, especially, internal relationships existing in the partner organization will allow you to avoid miscalculations that may slow down the adoption of the expected decision.

Preparation for negotiations and their conduct are usually divided into three stages:

At the first stage, you should collect all the necessary information, understand the problems facing the negotiating parties, and determine ways to reach an agreement.

At the second stage, you should consider various negotiating options and choose the most acceptable option.

At the third stage, it is necessary to identify differences in approaches to the problems being discussed and try to understand them.

Practice shows that when planning negotiations, it is important to imagine your partner’s possible reaction to your proposals and take into account his own expectations from these negotiations. Therefore, the negotiation plan should be quite flexible, but provide for an answer to all your questions.

Any negotiations must be limited in time.

One of the indispensable conditions for contacts with representatives of other organizations is a preliminary agreement on the time and place of the meeting.

In general, the negotiation plan should contain:

place, date and time of the meeting;

list of participants;

Issues for discussion;

alternatives in case of counterproposals;

person responsible for preparing reference materials;

person responsible for meeting and seeing off the representative of the other party;

person responsible for organizing refreshments during negotiations;

responsible for organizing and conducting the reception after the negotiations.

Conduct of negotiations. Negotiations should be held in a separate room. Negotiators from the receiving party must take a seat in the negotiation room before representatives of the other party arrive there.

It is perceived as disrespect for a partner if the greeter introduces him to an empty room, and the recipient and his colleagues enter there after this and, moreover, not at the same time. A negative attitude is caused by absences or calls from the host from the meeting room. Repeated behavior by a manager can be perceived as obstruction. The situation is also considered when negotiations are conducted by an employee who occupies a lower official position and does not have the right to make decisions binding on the organization. The leader’s withdrawal from the negotiations is possible only when all the fundamental issues have been resolved and the parties only have to agree on certain details, but even in this case it is necessary to obtain the consent of the other party.

The host must warmly greet his guests (in many reputable companies this is done “at the door”). At the same time, gestures and smiles addressed to guests should express sincere pleasure from meeting them. The host must introduce his colleagues by name and position, including representatives of other organizations invited to the negotiations. Then the leader of the other side introduces his colleagues. If the negotiators do not know each other very well or are meeting for the first time, then they should first exchange business cards. By placing the cards in front of you in the order in which the negotiating partners sit, it is easy to carry on a conversation, addressing each other by name and at the same time having a good idea of ​​the level of authority and competence of the interlocutors.

Traditionally, guests take seats facing the window, with their backs to the door. In an informal setting, mixed seating for meeting participants is preferable, as this facilitates a frank exchange of opinions. The leaders of the parties usually sit next to each other, the rest of the meeting participants sit by liking or by the principle of subordination. After everyone has taken their place at the negotiating table, access to the meeting room should be restricted, except for additional invitees, which is highly undesirable.

Regardless of the importance of negotiations, they should begin with informal phrases that emphasize the recipient’s attention to the interlocutors and his personal, benevolent interest in them. Although there may be more than one person involved on both sides of the negotiation, the conversation generally should be between managers. It is unacceptable if the presenter is interrupted by his colleagues during negotiations. Of course, he can give the floor to one of them, especially on specific problems, but in most cases the leader must take on the entire burden of the conversation on the entire range of problems discussed.

During the conversation, on the one hand, you should avoid direct questions that require “yes” or “no” answers. On the other hand, it is necessary to formulate questions clearly, without forcing the partner to guess what they want from him. You cannot openly push your partner to make a decision that is favorable only for you, but when differences are overcome, you should not delay in fixing the agreement so as not to leave the interlocutor the opportunity for new thoughts and hesitations.

Negotiations should begin with the most important issues on the agenda, trying to gradually reach agreement on fundamental issues. Then, issues that can be agreed upon relatively easily and without much time are discussed, and only after that they move on to key issues that require detailed analysis. It is useful, however, to remember that a negative response from the interlocutor during negotiations can only be a tactical technique. If non-categorical arguments are given, this may mean waiting for a compromise proposal.

Various kinds of objections are a natural phenomenon. Without some resistance, there can be no negotiations as such, but good preliminary preparation and skillful conduct eliminate objections. Therefore, we must try to adhere to time-tested tactics:

clearly explain your proposal;

do not promise anything impossible;

learn to reject impossible demands;

write down everything you agree to and promise;

do not believe the reason for refusal unless it is convincingly justified;

do not go into direct confrontation;

Discuss difficult issues at the very end, when agreement has already been reached on all others and when none of the negotiation participants is more interested in their unsuccessful outcome.

Be strict with your words and wording. Provide only reliable facts and logical, evidence-based reasons for your position. Do not rush to impose your “valuable” ideas and “ideal” solutions on your interlocutor. They can become such if they “arise” in his head. To do this, you need to learn to present ideas as if by chance, but in such a way that the interlocutor perceives them and can later express them as his own.

Before submitting your ideas to your partners for consideration, it is advisable to look at your proposals and arguments through their eyes, anticipate their doubts and objections, and provide alternative options. Such preparation for negotiations will shorten their duration, avoid tension in relationships, and maintain a calm business environment until the end of the meeting.

Do not ignore details, self-evident “little things,” especially if the interlocutor is indecisive. It is advisable in negotiations to completely avoid topics and expressions that may seem to the interlocutor to be fraught with hidden subtext (new conditions, obligations), which he is essentially not ready to consider.

Respect the opinion of your interlocutor. Try not to interrupt him. It is useful to learn to highlight and remember (write down) the main points in the interlocutor’s speech, analyze his proposals, try to predict the further course of his argument and the conclusions he can draw. But, while giving the interlocutor the opportunity to speak, we must not forget about the prepared negotiation program: ask questions clearly and logically, encourage the interlocutor to talk not only about problems, prospects, plans, but also about the means of solving them and practical implementation; not only about difficulties, but also about the reasons for their occurrence, the possibilities of overcoming and preventing them.

You should never make comments to your interlocutor, much less lecture him. If he expressed some thought, and you consider it wrong and are even absolutely sure that it is wrong, do not cut him off, especially in front of colleagues or strangers. At the first pause in his monologue, acknowledge that his arguments may be the result of an erroneous, unclear formulation of the question by you, and offer to calmly understand the facts. This will immediately stop the dispute, force the interlocutor to admit the possibility of a mistake on his part, and move the meeting into the direction of a business analysis of the facts. It is advisable to speak calmly and quietly even in the most acute situations. The ability to restrain yourself and manage your actions and emotions is an indispensable quality of a business person. Follow the “golden” rule: negotiate convincingly, but unobtrusively.

Refrain from empty promises and assurances. Remember that the other side is also well prepared and can logically argue its proposals without succumbing to all sorts of tricks.

In business negotiations, you should not use the “you” address, although it is considered good form to use personal names.

During a conversation, there is no need to move your hands, drum your fingers, tap your hand or foot, play with facial expressions or show your emotions in any other way. During a conversation, it is completely unacceptable to take your interlocutor by the button or lapels of his jacket, pat him on the shoulder, tug at his sleeve, vigorously gesticulate in front of his face, and obsessively return to issues already discussed. It should be remembered that all manifestations of emotions can be incorrectly assessed by your interlocutor, and cost you lost profits, the opportunity to establish business relationships, and deepen mutual understanding. Of all the possible manifestations of emotions during business contacts, only a smile is welcome.

Any negotiations, even if they did not meet your hopes, should be ended in a friendly tone. In business relationships, you should never burn your bridges: business problems may require new contacts with the same people. It is advisable to maintain normal relations with everyone with whom you communicate and exchange greeting cards at least once a year.

If the negotiation plan provides for refreshments in the office space, it, with the exception of tea or coffee, must be prepared in advance and placed in the negotiation room on a separate table under a napkin.

Etiquette does not allow taking off jackets or loosening ties during negotiations, except when the head of the delegation of your partners suggests doing this, thereby making it clear that the time has come for informal communication.

Negotiations are the most important part of business contacts and, of course, the most meaningful. But if we want to make it the most valuable, we must learn to confidentially handle information received in confidence during negotiations. In negotiations and correspondence with other partners, even from the same company, the source of such information should not be named, and the information itself, if there is a need for its public use, should be prepared in such a way that it is not associated with the source. And, of course, you should never use confidential information against the source itself.

Each party involved in negotiations must consider the interests of the other party and work together on options that are mutually beneficial. If passions flare up beyond all measure, then established practice allows for the possibility of interrupting negotiations for several days to allow the emotional intensity to cool down.

The art of negotiation is to achieve more than what can be achieved without negotiation. The likelihood of success increases if you do not hide your interests. One of the main principles is to be as precise as possible when outlining the boundaries of your interests, and in order for your arguments to make the proper impression on the other side, you need to justify their regularity.

After each conversation during commercial negotiations, a record is drawn up, to which a previously approved negotiation plan is attached. Of course, it is impossible to record a conversation during negotiations, unless a special employee is invited to do this (except for specific negotiations, inviting a stenographer to them or turning on a recording device, as some Japanese business people do, is considered unethical in relation to the other party). But during negotiations, especially if they are multifaceted and touch on fundamental issues in which all the nuances are important, it is necessary to take brief working notes. There should be no tricks or ambiguities. The recording should be made openly by the negotiator himself or one of his employees participating in the negotiations and officially introduced to the partners. The working notes themselves must strictly correspond to the content of the negotiations. The recording must objectively reflect everything said, seen and heard during the negotiations. A recording of a conversation is not a formal document. Based on it, not only decisions are made on operational issues, but long-term plans can be developed and approved, involving many organizations and at significant costs.

Negotiations will be successful if you follow these guidelines:

focus on interests, not positions;

separate the negotiators from the subject of negotiations.

The ability to negotiate is one of the most important qualities of a modern business person. There is no ready-made recipe, but there are certain rules, following which helps to achieve the desired result:

be punctual and obligatory;

value your partner’s trust;

listen carefully to all arguments;

avoid superficial answers;

know how to compromise in time;

value your reputation.

There are no small details in negotiations. Even the environment and service can affect their progress. During negotiations, flowers, fruit and mineral water in bottles, open but with a cork, and wine glasses are placed on the tables upside down (a sign that they have not been used). If the negotiations drag on, tea and coffee are served with sandwiches and cookies.

Sometimes several days are allotted for negotiations. In this case, techniques are practiced on both one side and the other. The reception is held for friendly communication between the negotiators in an informal setting. A number of issues can be resolved here, but the reception should not be turned into a continuation of negotiations. Negotiations are considered successful if both parties value their results highly.

V). Business letter

Forms for writing business letters are almost the same for all countries. There is a certain etiquette for writing correspondence:

a letter received should be answered within a week;

a letter thanking you for your hospitality is sent approximately a week after departure;

a letter of congratulations on the occasion of any pleasant event is sent within a week from the date of receipt of the message about this event;

a letter expressing condolences is sent within ten days from the date of receipt of the message about the sad event. In this case, only funeral envelopes should be used. Such a letter requires special cordiality and does not tolerate banal expressions;

Congratulations, thanks, condolences and answers to them are always written by hand, and never in pencil - only with a pen.

Don't underestimate the impact that the appearance of your letter has on a business person. Business letters are written exclusively on white paper and only on the front side of the sheet. If the text does not fit on one page, you should continue on another page. Avoid word wrapping whenever possible.

Recently, the block style, in which paragraphs begin flush with the left margin of the page, has become increasingly popular. At the same time, in order to separate one from the other, each new paragraph is printed at four intervals.

A business letter to a foreign partner must be written in the language of the addressee. If it is impossible to do this - there are difficulties with translation into rare languages ​​- it is permissible to compose a letter in English as the most common language in the business world.

The letter should be brief, clearly express the sender’s thoughts and avoid double interpretations. Corrections and erasures are not recommended in the text.

Envelope. The envelope must include the full and accurate address of the recipient of your correspondence. It is customary to print it in capital Latin letters.

In the first position of the address - To whom? - indicate the addressee's surname, his position and the full name of the institution or company. When specifying a position, it is permissible to use abbreviations.

In the second position - Where? - indicate the house number, street name, city name. When sending a letter to England, you must indicate the county; in the USA, the name of the state. At the very end the name of the country is indicated.

If the letter is placed in an envelope with a transparent window, then the address is written once - in the upper left corner of the letter. In this case, the letter is folded in such a way that the recipient's address is visible through the window of the envelope.

The sender's address is usually not indicated on the envelope, but if necessary, it can be written on the back of the envelope.

Letter. A business letter is written on the letterhead of the sending company, which shows the company logo, its full name, postal and telegraph address, telephone number and bank details.

A business letter typically consists of six parts:

introductory address (written with a red line, is a generally accepted formula),

main text (for ease of reference, it should be divided into paragraphs; long letters are not accepted in business correspondence and it is advisable to limit yourself to one page; in a multi-page letter, each sheet except the first should be numbered),

final formula of politeness,

signatures (must be handwritten).

Sometimes there is also a postscript or a message about attachments to the letter.

A business letter is folded with the text facing inward, but it is better not to fold it, but to send it in a large, thick envelope.

G). Business conversation on the phone

The culture of telephone communication has long been part of business etiquette. It characterizes a person no less than clothes and manners.

Before you pick up the phone, think about what information you want to receive or convey. This is best done in the form of a memo - a list of questions for conversation. If it is assumed that during a conversation there may be a need to refer to any documents or facts, they should be selected in advance and systematized on your desk.

Choose the time to call, since you do not know what situation you will interrupt, and whether your interlocutor will be able to treat you with due responsiveness.

Maintain confidentiality. If you are talking on the phone from a room in which other employees are working, you should not make them part of the conversation; and if you yourself find yourself an unwitting witness to a conversation that, in your opinion, a colleague would like to have without witnesses, find a reason to leave the room, even if the conversation between you was interrupted by this phone call. In a shared workroom, telephone calls should be made in a low voice and briefly.

any questions with people with whom you have not previously had contact or with whom you have not developed a personal relationship;

questions on which you can assume the opposite opinion of your interlocutor;

acute or sensitive issues concerning the interlocutor himself or the company he represents, as well as personal problems;

controversial issues of relationships, coordination and subordination of activities between you or the organizations you represent;

questions relating to third parties or organizations whose representatives may be in your interlocutor’s room at the time of your call.

You should also avoid communicating negative decisions on requests over the phone, as this may be perceived as callousness and disrespect on your part.

In the work of foreign companies, it is common practice to provide mandatory written confirmation of the very fact of negotiations and the agreements reached, especially if the negotiations took place over the phone. Such a document should not be large in volume. It records the issues discussed, agreements reached and unresolved problems. The document is signed by the manager or the person speaking on the phone and is addressed to the manager of the other party or the person on the phone in compliance with the “canonical” forms of politeness.

d). Telefax

Facsimile communication is used to transmit fixed images via telephone channels: letters, photographs, drawings, drawings. The message is sent by simply dialing the fax number of the called subscriber within the country or through an international telephone exchange.

The recipient receives a copy of the transmitted document with all details of the image preserved. It is convenient to use fax for the prompt execution of contracts, protocols and other documentation that requires displaying the signature and seal of a partner.

e). Email

E-mail is an effective means by which hundreds of thousands of personal computer owners exchange information messages. It allows you to send and receive various messages of a personalized nature and have access to the “Bulletin Board” or “Teleconference”: network news about commercial offers, databases, etc. A business person on the go can connect his personal computer to the network and select the information he needs from a desktop computer in his own office or get current stock quotes.

Today, many official documents, including UN Rules and Conventions, recognize the legal status of communications received via email.

and). Business etiquette and trade secrets

business etiquette commerce negotiations

In Russia, in connection with the transition to a new type of market relations, a new concept has appeared - a trade secret. It is an important part of business cooperation and, therefore, business etiquette.

Trade secrets are economic interests and information about various aspects and areas of a company’s production, economic, managerial, scientific, technical, and financial activities that are deliberately hidden for commercial reasons, the protection of which is determined by the interests of competition and possible threats to the economic security of the company.

A trade secret, unlike a state secret, is not defined by a list, since it is always different in relation to different enterprises. The procedure for handling information related to a trade secret is regulated by the “Regulations on the preservation of trade secrets of an enterprise.” The validity period of a trade secret is determined in each specific case by the person who signed the document, in the form of a certain date, or “indefinitely”, or “until the conclusion of the contract”. In the upper right corner of the document it is written: “KT” (or in full - “Trade secret”), “Confidential”, “Enterprise secret”. Such a mark is not classified as confidential, but only shows that the ownership of this information is protected by law.

Trade secrets are subject to protection by the enterprise security service. In everyday life, trade secrets always appear in the form of trade secrets.

Trade secrets are a form of manifestation of trade secrets. They represent information drawn up in the form of documents, diagrams, products related to trade secrets, and are subject to protection by the security service from theft, eavesdropping or leakage of information.

To protect trade secrets, the following rules must be followed:

security should always and everywhere be ensured only by professionals;

preventive measures taken should include a special program for disinformation of industrial spies;

the system of preventive measures must include such an important element as organizing the movement of protected information while excluding any possibility of its leakage.

Secrecy in market conditions protects the manufacturer from unfair competition, which includes various illegal actions, such as hidden use of a trademark, counterfeiting of products, deceptive advertising, bribery, blackmail.

Protection of business information. When developing measures to protect trade secrets, it is necessary to economically justify the feasibility of classifying this or that business information.

First of all, information is highlighted, the leakage of which could lead the company to bankruptcy. This is strictly confidential information, it includes “know-how”, information about the development prospects of the company, its clients, terms and amount of lending. Information, the disclosure of which may be associated with adverse consequences, is not subject to public disclosure, namely: addresses of the company’s managers and employees, home telephone numbers, current work plans, information about conflict situations in the team.

When signing an agreement, it is recommended that representatives of the parties sign not only at the end of the agreement, but also on each sheet in order to avoid replacing one text with another. A strict procedure for storing the first copies of contracts and rules for working with them should be established. They must be stored in a certain place and issued only against receipt with the written permission of the manager. Persons responsible for storing contracts and working with them are personally responsible for the loss of contracts or leakage of information from them.

Intellectual property protection. Related to trade secrets is the concept of intellectual property, which in the broadest sense can be defined as commercially valuable ideas. It is not necessary that it be something new, the main thing is that the information is not generally known.

Intellectual property has not only a real value, which includes the costs of obtaining information and its protection, but also a potential value (possible profit from its sale). Possible sources of intellectual property leakage can be congresses, conferences, symposiums, and trade and industrial exhibitions.

There are three generally accepted methods of protecting intellectual property:

A patent formalizes the right of an inventor to “legally monopolize” the use of an invention for a specified period of time. A patent is a way to protect industrial, not commercial information.

Copyright only protects the form in which a particular idea is expressed, not the idea itself. Original thoughts contained in books and scientific articles, after reading them, belong to everyone, they can be freely used, but references must be made to the specific author.

Trade secrets as a form of intellectual property in our country are still far from being fully covered by legal regulation, so other protection measures (moral and ethical, administrative measures, physical protection measures, technical security systems, cryptographic methods, employment and dismissal contracts) become of great importance.

Work with documents. When working with documents containing trade secrets, certain rules must be followed. To do this you need:

develop instructions for working with secret documents;

appoint responsible persons to control secret paperwork;

exercise strict control over personnel access to secret documents.

The most important documents should be stored in a safe, less important ones in a special metal container.

Documents that tax inspectors or law enforcement officials may rightfully require should be kept separate from other confidential papers.

The preparation of documents containing important information should be entrusted to trusted people. The number of copies must be strictly limited. If necessary, the degree of confidentiality of the document, as well as the validity period of the restrictive stamps, should be determined.

Multiplying equipment must be under reliable control. The number of copies must be strictly taken into account, and their destruction must be controlled. There is a rule - managers copy the most valuable documents themselves.

Drafts of secret documents must be prepared in notebooks with numbered sheets. After preparing the documents “right”, the drafts are destroyed.

In the process of storing and transmitting secret documents, security and alarm systems may be used in case of unauthorized access to them.

Work with personnel. The main place in organizing reliable protection of classified information should be given to working with personnel. Work should be organized in such a way that the employee has access only to the information that he needs in the performance of direct official duties.

Experts in the field of combating industrial espionage make the following recommendations:

use every opportunity to promote secrecy programs;

to stimulate in every possible way the interest of employees in complying with the secrecy regime;

periodically reward employees for success in protecting classified information.

Information about clients and competitors. In capitalist countries, information about clients is usually considered not a commercial secret of a company, but rather its capital. Therefore, the list of the company’s clients and other information about them is compiled primarily through the efforts of the manager, and this information is not trusted even to his immediate circle.

For each client, information is collected about his habits, characteristic behavioral traits, interests in his personal life, and the privileges provided to him by the company. This information also reflects information about the client’s requirements for the quality of goods and services, the modes of delivery of goods to him, the frequency of deliveries, information about the features of payment and other specific features of contracts with this client. The data that determines the profitability of cooperation with him is also indicated here.

The collection of information about clients and competitors must be organized in the most careful manner, and this information should only be kept by the head of the company.

The market and its information structures are still at the initial stage of development, so obtaining reliable information can be carried out:

on our own through the creation of an analytical department, a marketing department, and a service for studying supply and demand;

obtaining the necessary information from those commercial structures that have it (banks, insurance companies, stock exchanges);

turning to industrial counterintelligence services and private detective agencies for help.

In the practice of business relations

a person’s behavior patterns determine

are not so much occupied by

as much as correspondence to it.

Ilya Shevelev

Etiquette– a set of norms and rules governing forms of behavior that reflect moral standards. The norms of etiquette, in contrast to the norms of morality, are conditional; they determine what is generally accepted in people’s behavior and what is not. Etiquette is a conventional language with the help of which you can evaluate a person, judge the level of his culture, morality and intelligence (how he enters a room, how he greets, what tone he speaks, what words he pronounces - whether he follows the rules of courtesy and politeness accepted in society ).

Business etiquette (protocol)– these are the rules of conduct and norms of treatment in official partnerships. Knowledge and adherence to business etiquette highly characterizes an employee in any field. Business etiquette is determined by the following factors: individual clothing style; manner of behavior; the ability to have a beneficial influence on people and situations; positive impression of another person; correct conduct of telephone conversations and business correspondence.

Practice shows that mastering the rules of etiquette contributes to successful entrepreneurial activity, and neglecting them can contribute to the destruction of a career.

Business protocol at their core, these are the same rules that regulate the procedure for meetings and departures, conversations and negotiations, organization of receptions, execution of business correspondence, etc.

In this sense, diplomatic protocol plays a special role.

Diplomatic protocol- is a set of generally accepted rules, traditions and conventions observed by governments, foreign affairs departments, diplomatic missions, diplomatic staff and other officials in international communication.

The rules of diplomatic protocol are based on the principle of sovereign equality of states. The norms of diplomatic protocol are based on the principles of international politeness.

Professional etiquette– an integral part of business etiquette, represented by the norms and rules of business interaction in a particular area of ​​professional activity. The etiquette of a particular field of activity is determined by its specifics - commercial (entrepreneurial) activity or government activity. There are also differences of an educational nature (views on moral criteria); belonging to technical professions or to the field of science and art plays a certain role. At the governmental level, deviation from the rules or their violation can cause damage to the prestige of the country and lead to complications in relations between states.

Ethical Standards– these are the values ​​and rules of ethics that members of the workforce must adhere to in their activities. These rules provide for rights and obligations, liability for failure to fulfill obligations or excess of rights. Ethical standards apply not only to the quality of the activities performed, but also to maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the team conducive to it. The most important condition for the success of a business person is mastery of techniques for building interpersonal communication. To avoid mistakes in relationships, it is recommended to adhere to the following generally accepted interaction models:

Compliance of behavior with the norms of public order and moral criteria (honesty, justice, conscientiousness);

Assessment of a specific situation. Intuition and logic are important conditions for optimizing a behavior model;

Self-criticism and the use of a specific behavior model;

Determination and specification of one’s own capabilities;

Taking into account the psychological and sexual characteristics of the interlocutor’s personality.

Ethical standards can be violated due to lack of education, ignorance of social rules, or their fundamental violation, disapproved by society or the team.

The reason for the most characteristic contradictions between ethics and business lies in the duality of the educational and stimulating functions of the state. One of the positions of the state is the education within the framework of morality of a person who must be well-intentioned and law-abiding. Another position is the need to have incentives to work more intensively, the reason for which is growing competition.

In business, moral requirements are not always taken into account. An entrepreneur often has to deceive, be cruel, and ignore ethical commandments for the sake of selfish goals - achieving material profit. The contradiction is reinforced by cultural values ​​and religious beliefs. Historically established cultural traditions of human relationships, views on the importance of personality, the natural essence of objects and phenomena exalt the role of the spiritual principle; the development of a person’s inner world is recognized as a priority, rather than the value of material wealth.

The moral standards and patterns of behavior of a competent leader are based on norms of ethical behavior - rules that are based on knowledge and ethical skills that determine respectful attitude towards subordinates and people around them. He must have the qualities of a labor organizer. The orderliness and lack of conflict in the activities of an enterprise are determined by management functions, which include planning and organization, stimulation and control, and regulation of relations in the business sphere.

To maintain a good moral and psychological climate in a team, it is not enough to have only professional qualities. The manager must comply with the ethics of business relations, have psychological knowledge and behavioral skills in relations with subordinates. This is knowledge of the basic patterns of interpersonal relationships in management activities. The causes of stress and conflict in a team are often the infringement of a person’s self-esteem, self-esteem and personal status. Written and oral instructions to subordinates must be correct and unobtrusive. The ethics of corporate relations presupposes that the manager knows how to prevent and resolve conflicts, and the ability to conduct a business conversation correctly.

Failure by a manager to follow the rules of criticism is a common mistake that leads to aggravation of relations. One of the main conditions is the creation of a friendly and trusting environment, the ability to listen to subordinates in a correct and interested manner, and give a critical analysis of their activities.

There are oral and written forms of orders. Written The order form is a laconic resolution containing a brief instruction to perform an action based on the social-role position of the subordinate, or a set of responsibilities, a list of means for performing the functions performed. Oral the order is not recorded on paper, has a lesser degree of legal protection, its purpose is to encourage the subordinate to take active action using means of varying degrees of formality. The main characteristics of the order are as follows:

The order can be transmitted directly by the manager or through authorized persons;

Intended for a subordinate person, group or a certain number of persons, up to large professional communities;

Addressed to representatives of the next rank level;

May relate to employee incentives;

The degree of confidentiality of the order is expressed by the corresponding stamp;

Can be passed from hand to hand or delivered by other means of communication.

Ethical standards and principles of business communication between subordinates and the manager influence the nature of the relationship and the general moral and psychological climate. This applies to management orders, service discipline, participation of subordinates in decision-making, their rewards, and the manager’s consideration of their personal qualities.

The relationship of subordinates with the manager is based on the following principles of business communication ethics:

Confidentiality - you should not talk about yourself, the secrets of the institution, a specific transaction, or retell what you heard from colleagues about their personal lives and activities;

Courtesy, friendliness and goodwill;

Attention to the interlocutor, the desire to understand the boss’s point of view, respect for his opinion, criticism and advice, modesty, but self-confidence;

Punctuality, literacy, appropriate appearance.

Ethical standards include culture of communication and behavior, empathy and the ability to be a good listener.

The ethics of business communication “horizontally” are norms of communication and behavior that are a regulator of relationships in a team, which contributes to successful activities to achieve set goals, or creates obstacles and leads to the disintegration of the team. If relations are not regulated by the administration, this process occurs spontaneously.

Norms are always a means of implementing the principles of ideology and reflect certain views of a group of people. If immoral norms are widespread in a team, then it cannot exist long and effectively (its authority will decrease, and conflicts within it will increase). The level of ethical standards of an organization largely depends on the leader. The ethics of communication in a team presupposes:

“you”, obscene expressions, familiarity, etc. are unacceptable);

Consistency in the use of communication styles;

Interest in the positions and opinions of colleagues on certain aspects of activity.

Despite the formal optionality of taking into account personal likes and dislikes in a business atmosphere, for the purpose of constructive activity and maintaining a favorable psychological climate, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

Develop friendly relationships and correct tense ones;

Avoid expressions that provoke conflict situations;

Observe, if necessary, the principle of confidentiality in communication with each other;

Do not discuss the personalities of colleagues, the shortcomings of their behavior or actions behind the scenes, do not spread gossip and do not criticize on any occasion;

Be careful about the dignity and self-respect of your colleagues.

A favorable psychological climate in a team is characterized by:

A relaxed atmosphere of communication, in which team members feel free and are not burdened by discipline;

Respectful attitude of team members towards each other’s opinions, new ideas are publicly disclosed;

Active discussion of problems in order to improve work;

Criticisms that are not personal attacks;

Employees correctly understand the goals of the enterprise, new goals are discussed collectively;

If something is wrong with employees, they freely express their thoughts and emotions, while being guided by the requirement to be fair;

The work is carried out without much stress and emergency work;

A clear distribution of responsibilities and the absence of a manager does not reduce labor productivity;

Decisions are made on a routine basis; formal voting is rarely used;

If during the discussion of ideas, opinions differ, there is no “pressure” from authorities, the arguments of the parties are discussed and weighed, the collective judgment on a controversial issue is accepted as a group norm;

The team leader is its unofficial leader and has great influence and authority.

Failure to comply with ethical standards of communication can lead to punishment of the “violator” by other members of the team, which manifests itself in the form of sanctions expressed in the following forms: hints, ridicule and bullying; isolation by silence; comments “in plain text”; transition to official relations; denial of assistance, recognition of successes, invitation to events, creation of obstacles in the performance of official duties; provoking nervous breakdowns and scandals; creating a negative image among members of other teams; denunciations and slander to superiors.

The negative side of adherence to group norms is the phenomenon of conformism, i.e. unconditional acceptance by team members of the established order and prevailing opinions, indicating a refusal of independent views and actions.