Growing onions at home for sale. How to succeed in this business

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  • Growing greens for sale

    Growing green onions

    Dill for sale

    Parsley for sale

    Chives for sale

    Fresh herbs on the table are not only a wonderful decoration for cooked dishes, but also a wonderful aroma of summer. It is also a storehouse of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Where can you get fresh herbs that are so good for health? If it comes to rural areas, then everything is clear - you need to pick it from the garden bed where you once planted it.

    In the city things are a little more complicated. Growing greens in an apartment is quite problematic, since there may be no space for its location or other categories of problems. All that remains is to buy it at the grocery market or store. But sometimes what we see on the shelves is far from a healthy product, especially when it comes to greens. Then you should roll up your sleeves and start growing it yourself, and if there is a bountiful harvest, you can also sell some of it.

    Profitable sale of grown greens

    By growing greens for sale, you can get good benefits and good financial help. This can be done not only in dachas and country houses; a city apartment is also quite suitable, in which there are favorable conditions for it. This type of activity has long been welcomed by city pensioners and housewives, who not only save on purchasing greens themselves, but also use the grown products to make a profit.

    As you know, greenery does not take up much space on the site, is quite unpretentious in care and costs quite a lot, especially in the winter months. In addition, without fresh herbs the table is not the same, there is no aroma and the taste is rather poor. Therefore, people who want to earn extra money at minimal cost should start growing greens. There are cases when people literally earned a lot from selling greens during one season.

    On average, from one hundred square meters of soil you can get about two thousand kilograms of fresh herbs with skillful care.

    Here's your money! Let's look at the main types of greens that most people in our country grow on the windowsills of their apartments.

    Growing green onions

    An indispensable product during spring, summer and autumn is rightfully green onions. Its excellent taste and fresh aroma attract not only as part of many dishes, but also when eaten fresh. Usually. Since winter, many have been planting it in their apartments to obtain a harvest already in the winter months. The peculiarity of growing green onions is their ease of care, rapid growth and a large number of benefits for the body.

    Usually, purchased or grown onion sets are used as planting material.

    In the absence of it, you can use relatively small onion bulbs. There will be a harvest in both the first and second cases. Onion sets produce a rather delicate onion feather, and onion sets can produce quite a bountiful harvest! In both cases, the products remain for sale.

    Secrets of growing green onions:

  • Before planting, you need to decide on the planting material. For growing onions, the onion material from the samples is quite suitable. In the fall, a lot of it is sold, so purchasing such seed material will not be expensive at all. The main thing is to preserve such seed material until planting time!
  • For planting onions on feathers in an apartment, small containers are suitable, where the required layer of soil is first placed. It is advisable to choose coarse-textured soil, since it is the one that allows water and air, which are necessary for normal plant growth, to pass through well. First, a small amount of hydrogel is added to the soil, pre-soaked in a small amount of a biological product called Gumi. This biological product is used to strengthen and nourish the plant body. Growing onions for growing in an apartment is quite dry, but using a hydrogel easily solves the problem of moisture deficiency.
  • To obtain fresh onions throughout the year, plant onions every ten days. Thus, throughout the year you will receive a harvest of fresh herbs, which can be sold at a profit.
  • It is best to plant onions in an apartment in small containers, which can be purchased at specialized garden supply stores. It is advisable to first sprinkle the bottom of such containers with expanded clay, which ensures the formation of small holes for draining excess water. Then the soil with the soaked hydrogel is placed and the prepared planting material is planted.

    After planting the bulbs, lightly compact the soil and water generously.

    After some time, the first green feathers appear, with good watering and abundant light, becoming larger and larger. Having reached a certain height, green onion feathers can be cut and used for sale.

    Dill for sale

    Dill is in no way inferior to green onions in terms of popularity in use. Kitchens don't have the same dishes without dill! This plant is also indispensable as a source of fresh herbs on your table.

    Tricks for growing dill:

  • Dill should be planted with pre-soaked seeds. Dill seeds germinate well, even in conditions where the soil has warmed up only two degrees.
  • It is not advisable to germinate seeds in water, as green shoots of dill may suffer when planted. Soaking dill seeds is necessary to dissolve the essential oils they contain.
  • Dill should be planted in rows. With this method of sowing, young dill shoots will receive the maximum amount of light rays, heat and moisture necessary for growth. The rows should be positioned relative to each other at a distance of ten centimeters.
  • Having placed the seeds in small containers with pre-designated rows, cover them with soil and water them.
  • After the formation of seedlings on the soil surface, if necessary, weed the rows with dill.
  • Young shoots of dill need watering, which should be provided by a gardener who wants to get a good harvest.
  • Young green shoots of dill are well watered before cutting for sale. Then the selected area with dill is dug up a little and the roots are cleared from the soil. Next, the roots and shoots are washed with water and installed vertically in the space of a waterproof container. Young shoots of dill in a container are placed with their leaves facing up.

    You can store dill in such a container for quite a long time.

    Thanks to the container, cut dill can remain fresh for up to five days without showing any signs of wilting. This is very convenient for selling or transporting goods over long distances. During the winter cold period, sales volumes of such fresh greens increase significantly.

    Parsley for sale

    An ideal and healthy type of greenery at any time of the year is parsley. It is healthy and tasty, and also very aromatic. When growing parsley for sale, you definitely can’t go wrong, as it is easy to care for and indispensable in the human diet.

    There are two main ways to obtain fresh parsley at home: sowing seeds directly into the ground or forcing young shoots from prepared roots.

    The first method is easier to use, while the second requires little preparation. It is advisable to prepare seed material for planting from the end of summer. If you were unable to stock up on planting material in time, you can purchase it in specialized stores.

    Let's consider obtaining fresh parsley by forcing it from the roots:

  • For these purposes, we take healthy root vegetables. Showing no signs of wilting.
  • Be sure to check for the presence of an apical bud on these roots, thanks to which the growth of parsley will begin. If there are no buds on the roots, then you may not get the expected harvest of parsley.
  • The roots should be planted in small boxes or flower pots.
  • It is advisable to use turf soil for planting, as it is very fertile and has excellent oxygen and moisture permeability to the roots.
  • Having placed a small amount of prepared soil in the required containers, water it. Abundant watering is the key to the rapid appearance of greenery from the roots. Then we place the prepared root vegetables in these containers and sprinkle them with a small amount of soil.
  • If necessary, we water and ensure the penetration of heat and light to the planted roots.
  • After some time, we notice the appearance of a small carpet of fresh greenery on the surface of the soil.
  • Young parsley leaves need good lighting, but direct sunlight can be harmful to them.
  • When the leaves reach a certain size, they can be trimmed for sale.
  • The cut leaves are placed in small bunches and tied. It is convenient to buy and sell parsley in such water.
  • To ensure a fresh and healthy appearance, the tufts are periodically sprayed with a small amount of water.
  • Parsley can also be grown from seeds at home. It is worth considering the long period of time required for parsley seeds to germinate. Before planting, you should also prepare the soil, moisten it and sow the prepared seed material there.

    To speed up germination, parsley seeds can be soaked in a small amount of Gumi solution in advance. The soil with sown seeds should be moistened as necessary.

    Containers with sprouted parsley seeds can be kept on the windowsill of the apartment.

    The plant is not at all afraid of cold weather, but needs constant light and good moisture. The windowsill has ideal light conditions for intense photosynthesis. And to provide additional soil moisture, you can place a little hydrogel in the container before planting. This substance will provide additional hydration to young parsley shoots. Once the plants have reached a certain height, they cut into and form bunches. Now you can use these products for sale.

    Chives for sale

    Growing chives, compared to other described types of greens, is somewhat more complicated and requires preliminary preparation. It is advisable to harvest planting material for chives in the autumn months. For this purpose, small clumps of chives are dug up and the feathers on them are cut off. The prepared jackets are placed in small containers for storage.

    With the onset of winter, the curtains are brought into a warm room and placed as close to the light as possible. Chives are characterized by the rapid growth of feathers, which are either plucked from the bush or cut off.

    Growing chives at home can be done to obtain two harvests.

    This is very profitable, but after the second harvest the plant becomes much weaker and is no longer capable of producing feathers. It is better to choose planting material for forcing from pre-thinned plantings.

    Growing Tips:

  • For this plant, the level of soil moisture is important. If there is little moisture in the soil, then the plant begins to wither; its feathers become rough and even slightly bitter. To prevent this from happening, you should monitor the level of soil moisture and water the plants as necessary. For irrigation, it is better to use water at room temperature.
  • Light is important for plants and must be supplied in sufficient quantities. It is better to keep chives on a windowsill or near a light source. Having reached the desired size, the feathers are cut off and small bunches are formed. This is the form in which the greens are sold. It is advisable to moisten green feathers with water from time to time. This way it will look fresh and juicy for a long time.
  • When growing greens for sale at home, you should choose those plants that are completely unpretentious in care. This way you can quickly get the desired harvest at minimal cost. You can grow radishes, salads and much more on windowsills.

    One only has to take into account the consumer demand for these crops and the degree of care for them.

    Selling greenery is a good income for many categories of citizens, carried out at low cost and effort. In addition, the owner himself will always have healthy green parsley, fragrant dill and much more on his table.

    How to harvest green onions at home

    Fresh greens are rich in vitamins. In order not to have a shortage of it even in winter, you can grow green onions at home. It contains a large number of healthy substances - iron, vitamins B and C, iodine. Its essential oils are natural phytoncides that protect against bacteria and viruses. Green onions are used as a spice - it is a natural flavor enhancer.

    You can buy this vegetable in the store, or you can grow it on your windowsill yourself. You don’t need to make any effort for this, it doesn’t require special care or constant attention, and the result will exceed expectations.

    Growing in the ground

    How to grow green onions and get high yields? To achieve the maximum amount of harvest, carefully select the planting material and prepare the place for planting it. Windows facing south and southeast are suitable for growing, and it is better to grow greens from rhizomes and root crops in wooden containers or boxes.

    Planting material

    For planting and subsequent forcing, large sets, selections, seeds and seedlings are used. The larger the planting material, the higher the yield. Local varieties are chosen for distillation at home. Most often, ordinary medium-sized onions (more than 6-7 cm in diameter) are used as planting material. Bulbs should be chosen that are healthy, with a bottom without damage and a thin neck. Try to use onion heads grown on your own plot, and when choosing in a store, choose medium-sized ones that have already begun to sprout. For 1 sq.m. The land area needs about 10-11 kg.

    If the bulbs have not yet sprouted, their necks must be cut off and soaked in water slightly above room temperature for a day. This speeds up germination. A day later, we plant them in wooden boxes with pre-prepared soil, the distance between the planted plants should be 1.5-2 cm so that they do not interfere with each other as they grow, and the planting depth should be such that half the bulb is above the surface of the soil.

    Forcing green onions from seeds is also possible. How to grow green onions from them? Before planting, the seeds must be soaked for 10 hours in warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then plant it in a container to a depth of 3cm. You need to sow sparsely so that you don’t have to thin out later. Then water, cover with film or glass and place in a bright place. Remove the covering only when the green onions sprout. With proper sowing, it takes up to 10 days before the first shoots hatch from the ground.

    When using small bulbs as planting material, be sure to add fertilizer to the soil for greater germination.

    Preparing the landing site

    Any container is suitable for forcing green onions at home: from plastic cups and plates to wooden boxes. It all depends on the amount of onions you decide to grow.

    The selected containers must be filled with soil mixture. You can buy such soil at any flower shop or prepare it yourself in the fall. When buying in a store, give preference to a soil mixture for cacti - it contains the largest amount of sand. If you decide to prepare it yourself, take soil from the garden with humus and mix it in equal parts with regular sand. When growing green onions from seeds, sow them in well-moistened soil. Place boxes and containers with planted bulbs in sunny but not hot places.

    Forcing green onions does not require special care. There are only a few rules to follow:

  • water for irrigation should be warm (about 35-40 degrees);
  • the temperature in the room should be within 18-22 0 C, with a significant increase the onion feathers become sluggish, a decrease in temperature to 12 0 C is well tolerated;
  • if forcing green onions takes place in a poorly lit room, additional light sources are needed;
  • Green onions from seeds immediately after germination require mineral feeding.
  • Many people wonder how to grow green onions without fertilizing? The answer is simple - high-quality soil and proper watering make it possible to completely abandon additional feeding and get a completely natural harvest.

    Method of growing on water

    Forcing green onions does not have to be done in boxes or containers with soil. There is a cleaner and no less effective way to grow green onions at home. For those who don't want to bother with soil, there is a method of germination in water. You can’t grow green onions from seeds this way, but this option is suitable for ordinary bulbs. In winter, this approach is very relevant.

    Selected bulbs without damage are cut in half and dipped in ash, manganese solution or hot, but not boiling, water for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards they are placed in cold water, the husks are completely removed and planted in any container with water: jars, glasses, special containers for germination.

    • Until the roots grow back, keep the dishes in a cool place;
    • the water in the container needs to be changed 2 times a day until the roots grow, then once a day;
    • if you add mineral fertilizers, changing the water is acceptable once a week;
    • to avoid rotting of the bulbs, leave them without water for 3-4 hours or dry them with a towel;
    • Periodically, the roots need to be washed with running water.
    • Video “Home hydroponic setup for growing green onions”

      This video reviews a home container for growing onions hydroponically.

      It is best to grow in special germination containers. They are sold in any gardening stores. How to grow green onions in such containers is not a great science: the bulbs are placed in the holes intended for them, water is poured into a closed tray and, using a compressor, it is sprayed all the time. The roots practically do not come into contact with water, but they grow quickly and produce a good harvest.


      In boxes with soil, onions begin to sprout first shoots after 2-3 days, and after about 16-18 days, depending on the variety, their feathers can reach 30 cm. Bulbs grown in water yield a harvest on days 15-17. In winter, these periods may increase slightly due to short daylight hours.

      Carefully cut the stems with sharp scissors, do not break them. If the bulb is rotten or wrinkled, the root crop should be removed and another one planted in its place. This will allow you to have fresh herbs on the table continuously - in autumn, winter and spring.

      Video “Growing green onions at home”

      This video contains tips on growing greens at home. Growing in water (hydroponics) and sawdust.

      Growing green onions business

      Growing green onions for sale home business.

      The business of growing green onions is relevant from October to April. In the spring and summer, when onions are grown in gardens, their cost in markets and retail outlets drops significantly, so onions for sale should be grown no earlier than October.

      The price of onion greens increases significantly in December closer to the New Year holidays and amounts to 400 - 500 rubles. for 1 kg. During this period, you can make good money selling onions.

      Growing onions for sale at home.

      Almost any room, even a garage, can be adapted for growing onions. The presence of windows in the room for forcing is not necessary; onions are not very demanding of sunlight and you can limit yourself to illumination from fluorescent lamps.

      The main condition is the room temperature, which should be maintained around +15°C. To reduce heat loss, the same garage can be insulated from the inside with any available insulation.

      You can use a basement, garage, room in the house, greenhouse, insulated shed or utility room for forcing onions.

      Now the room needs to be arranged. It is more practical to grow onions for greens on shelves. Shallow boxes or sheets of plywood with sides made of 5 cm slats are placed on the racks, and polyethylene is placed on the bottom.

      The racks are placed one above the other at a distance of at least 70 cm from each other.

      Fluorescent lamps should be installed above each rack; you can also use ordinary household light bulbs.

      Conditions for growing onions.

      The key to successful forcing of onion feathers is in planting material; not every bulb is suitable for forcing feathers. It's all about the number of cobs in the onion; to check the number of cobs you need to take several onions from the bag and cut them in half. If the bulbs contain one cob, then it is better not to use such an onion for forcing; the yield of green feathers from such an onion will be small. To force onions, you need to use bulbs with at least 2 - 3 cobs, and preferably with 3 more cobs, the feather yield from such bulbs will be maximum.

      The soil is poured onto the racks in a layer of 3–5 cm.

      After planting the bulbs, the soil must be moistened, the soil must be moist, the water must not stand, otherwise the bulbs may rot. In the future, as the onion grows, the soil is periodically watered.

      With constant lighting and maintaining the room temperature at + 15 - 17 ° C, onion greens will reach a height of 40 cm within 25 - 30 days. Once the feather reaches 40 cm, you can begin harvesting.

      The onion feathers are freed from the bulbs, collected in bunches, and weighed on scales. Typically, the weight of onion bunches is 70 - 80 g. The bunches can be wrapped in cling film or tied with a rubber band. The finished bundles are placed in boxes and sent for sale.

      Growing onions for feather business.

      Growing onions is only half the battle; it also needs to be implemented. There are several options here.

      Go around the nearest grocery stores, market outlets, vegetable stalls and offer the supply of greens at a wholesale price, in this case you need to deliver the onions to the outlets yourself 2 - 3 times a week. You will have to take back the remaining onions that are not sold. If you supply small quantities to outlets, then everything is usually sold.

      As an option, you can sell onion greens on the market yourself; to do this, you only need to pay for a place to sell. To trade onions, you do not need to register your business activity.

      Growing onions video.

      Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse; the video shows the process of planting onions.

      Another original way to grow onions in plastic vegetable boxes. In this method, no soil is required; the boxes with the bulbs are slightly submerged in water.

      Growing green onions: business idea

      Growing green onions at home - home business idea: technology for growing green onions indoors, detailed description.

      The market price of green onions in the period from October to April reaches 300 - 400 rubles per kilogram; growing onions for sale is profitable, you can see this by reading this article.

      Planting onions can be purchased in the fall for 8 - 10 rubles per kilogram. The yield of green onions is 50% of the planting weight; when planting onions with an area of ​​10 m2, the planting material will be about 150 kg of bulbs.

      In 20 days you will receive about 70 kg of green feathers, the profit will be about 10,000 rubles if sold wholesale, or 20,000 if sold at retail. And this is from 10 m? landing area, when placing racks in two or three tiers, you can use a very small room.

      Technology for growing green onions.

      1. Premises.

      For growing onions, you can use any room that can maintain a temperature of about +15 degrees; the ideal option would be a heated greenhouse, but you can use a garage, basement or utility room.

      2. Planting material.

      It is advisable to purchase onions in September, when their cost is minimal. Purchasing can be carried out at vegetable bases or farms. Not all onions are suitable for forcing to be harvested; to find out their suitability, you need to cut a couple of onions; if there are several cobs in the onion, you can buy this onion; if there is only one cob, this planting material is not suitable.

      3. Arrangement of the premises.

      If you use a garage as a room, then it is advisable to additionally insulate it; you can use polystyrene foam or flexible insulation. It is more expedient to grow onions on collapsible racks, which can be made of wood. The racks are shallow boxes covered with oilcloth, the height between the racks is 60 - 70 cm. It is not advisable to do less, the length of the onion feather reaches 50 cm.

      For lighting, you can use ordinary light bulbs, but fluorescent lamps are preferable - the onion feather turns out dark green.

      4.Planting and cultivation.

      The racks are covered with a 5 cm layer of soil. Sand or a 1:1 mixture of sand and earth can be used as soil. Before planting, the bulbs are trimmed by cutting off the neck with pruning shears, then planted tightly, lightly sticking them into the soil. After planting, water the soil; the soil should be wet, but there should be no standing water, otherwise the bulbs may rot.

      The growth rate of onion feathers depends on the room temperature:

    • 25C ° - after 17 days,
    • 22C° - after 22 days,
    • 20C ° - after 20 days,
    • 17C° - in 26 days,
    • 12C° - after 28 days.
    • The onion harvest is harvested when the feather reaches a height of 35–45 cm.

      The bulbs are peeled with a knife, the root is cut off. Onion feathers are collected in bunches of 70 - 80 grams, tied with thread or rubber band and placed in cardboard boxes. Onions are ready for sale!

      I recommend reading another interesting article about the onion growing business.

      Growing onions as a business

      Green onions organically complement the taste of many dishes, giving it fresh spring notes and at the same time saturating food with various vitamins. This product is in demand all year round, but you can find it in abundance on shelves only in the summer, when farmers and villagers harvest from the open ground.

      Considering growing onions as a business, you can see that this type of activity is not only profitable, but also accessible to beginners: agricultural technology is a set of simple and understandable operations, and the crop itself does not require complex care or the creation of special microclimatic conditions. Therefore, even novice entrepreneurs who follow the recommendations can plant several beds and get a good harvest with minimal labor costs.

      Business Features

      The technology for growing onions at home is known to every housewife: in the spring, on the windowsills of many houses and apartments you can see jars and glasses with onions filled with water. However, such primitive hydroponic installations can hardly be called productive: the resulting harvest is not enough even to satisfy personal needs. Therefore, in business we are talking about a slightly different scale: in summer, onions are massively cultivated in beds directly in the open ground, and in winter, heated and unheated greenhouse complexes are used for these purposes.

      If you have a plot of land, the summer option seems to be the simplest, since to grow onions for sale you only need planting material, water and fertilizers. However, in the warm season, the farmer competes with numerous summer residents and rural residents who massively fill the markets with their goods. As a result, supply many times exceeds demand, the price decreases, and the timely sale of perishable products is in jeopardy.

      The situation looks somewhat different in the off-season and winter: there are basically no green onions on the market, and the few suppliers cannot cope with the demands of stores and supermarkets. As a result, the price of fresh feathers increases four to five times, which fully compensates for the huge costs of maintaining greenhouse complexes. Moreover, growing onions in a greenhouse in winter under controlled conditions leads to an increase in crop productivity by 30–50% and allows harvesting every 35–45 days.

      Considering the above, we can highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of the business idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing onions. The first include the following factors:

    • Even in winter, the profitability of the enterprise exceeds 150%;
    • There are special varieties that can be cultivated all year round;
    • Greens are constantly in high demand among buyers;
    • You can start a business on your personal plot in a small greenhouse;
    • The technology for growing green onions indoors is accessible and understandable for beginners;
    • A huge sales market allows you to quickly find buyers without significant marketing expenses.
    • Listing the main disadvantages of the business, it should be noted that:

    • The cost of an industrial greenhouse complex exceeds the capabilities of many beginning entrepreneurs;
    • Market price fluctuations may be unpredictable;
    • The products are characterized by a short shelf life;
    • At the beginning of summer, the level of competition exceeds reasonable limits.
    • Varieties for cultivation

      Fortunately, there are other types of onions that have a dormant period of no more than a few weeks - spring onions, multi-tiered onions, chives, slime or shallots:

    • Onion. The leaves are identical in appearance and taste to the feathers of the ordinary onion variety, but this variety does not form a real bulb, so farmers often grow onions for greens from seeds. At a temperature of 15°C and a humidity of 80–85%, the yield of the batun reaches 3.5–4 kg/m?;
    • Leek. Wide feathers, reminiscent of garlic, grow on a thick white stem, which is also edible. To form it, shoots obtained from seeds are planted in grooves 8–10 cm deep, gradually adding soil as they grow. The average crop yield is 2 kg/m?;
    • Shallot. It also resembles an onion, but differs from it in the strong branching and structure of the bulb, more like a garlic bulb: up to 10 lobes are formed in each nest, simultaneously releasing shoots. Feathers up to 30 cm long can be collected within a month; the yield in this case is 3–4 kg/m?;
    • Chives. Not only long narrow leaves are eaten, but also false bulbs with a diameter of up to 1 cm. Productivity reaches 3 kg/m², however, this variety requires a special lighting regime - otherwise the shoots grow thin and pale green. Chives are propagated by dividing the rhizomes;
    • Slime bow. A special feature of this species is its wide feathers with a garlicky odor, filled with slimy juice. Perennial slime does not have a dormant period and grows continuously, with maximum yield achieved in the third year - up to 4.5 kg/m?. For propagation, growing onions from seeds and dividing the rhizomes into shoots is practiced with equal success;
    • Multi-tiered onion. Also called Egyptian. It is characterized by the formation of small air bulbs at the ends of the shoots, from which young feathers subsequently grow. In 25–40 days, the leaves grow up to 45 cm, and the yield reaches 4 kg/m?. Egyptian onions are grown from both underground and aerial bulbs;
    • Bulb onions. The most common species, expelling feathers up to 30 cm long in a month. To grow green onions at home, southern varieties with a short dormant period are used. The crop yield when using intensive technologies reaches 13–15 kg/m?.
    • Growing methods

  1. In the soil. Light soils rich in organic matter are used as soil - for example, garden soil or a mixture of peat and sand. Agricultural technology is the same for all varieties; differences are observed only in the method of propagation. In open ground, seeds are planted in early spring to obtain a summer harvest, or at the end of summer to overwinter the plant under the snow. In the greenhouse, seeds are sown at any time, and last year's planting material is sown at the end of the dormant period, the duration of which is determined by the type of onion;
  2. On sawdust. The main advantages of sawdust are its loose structure and the ability to retain water well. However, this material does not contain nutrients in a form accessible to plants, so the beds must be regularly watered with a solution of NPK complex fertilizers, adding wood ash and saltpeter as necessary. On the other hand, sawdust does not stick to the feathers at all and does not contaminate the bulbs, which somewhat simplifies the harvesting process. In addition, this material does not need to be changed after each cycle - just add a fresh layer of 2–3 cm on top and water it generously;
  3. On hydroponics. Hydroponic technology for growing onions involves the use of special mats saturated with a nutrient solution. Coconut fiber is used as a basis for them, which has an optimal structure for the root system and good hygroscopicity. To ensure rapid development of roots, plants are kept in the dark for the first 10 days, and after germination is complete, they switch to normal daylight hours;
  4. On aeroponics. Aeroponic installations do not use any type of substrate at all, which eliminates contact with dirt and prevents the development of many types of diseases. The essence of the method is as follows: the plants are placed in special containers so that the entire root system is exposed to air. Onions are fed by continuously irrigating the roots with a fertilizer solution in the form of an aerosol, which helps to maximize the saturation of the shoots with oxygen and achieve the highest yield.
  5. Cultivation technologies

  6. Use of seeds. Seeds purchased or obtained independently are heated, soaked in water, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then sown in continuous lines with an interval between rows of 7–10 cm. When planning to grow onions from seeds in one season, it is necessary to take into account that the growing season in this case takes two three months, and the feather turns thin and short, since all the plant’s forces are concentrated on the formation of the bulb.
  7. Using sevka. The growing season does not exceed one month: even in open ground, four harvests can be obtained per season. To grow green onions, buy varietal types of sets or selections - medium-sized bulbs with a diameter of up to 5 cm, which are planted in two ways:
  • Sostov - the bed is completely covered with bulbs touching each other, and the planting density is 15–22 kg/m?;
  • Ribbon - the bulbs are planted in two lines with an interval of 3–4 cm and a line spacing of 10–20 cm.
  • Obviously, the bridge method allows you to get the maximum yield per square meter - up to 16 kilograms of green onions. The sequence of operations when planting material using this method is as follows:

  • The top of each bulb is cut off up to the shoulders, and then the planting material is kept in hot water for several hours;
  • The bulbs are planted closely, without gaps, in beds or trays, burying them approximately halfway into the ground;
  • At the end of planting, the plantation is watered abundantly.
  • It should be remembered that with such a planting density, the costs of purchasing planting material also increase proportionally, so choosing one or another method requires preliminary calculations.


    Onions prefer light and breathable sandy loam or loam, but forming crusts. The pH value should be neutral, since high acidity negatively affects plant growth. The ideal option is ordinary garden soil mixed with peat and sand. Basic inorganic fertilizers should also be added to this mixture:

  • Nitrogen - 10 g/m?;
  • Phosphoric anhydride - 7–7.5 g/m?;
  • Potassium oxide - 18–20 g/m?.
  • Planting material is purchased in the fall: the required amount of seeding or sampling can be purchased from farmers or at wholesale stores. Bulbs suitable for forcing are characterized by the presence of at least two or three shoot primordia: to ensure the quality of the batch, you need to take a few at random from each bag and cut them crosswise.

    In addition, the bulbs are often treated with a composition that suppresses the formation of buds and prevents their germination during storage. Of course, such planting material is unsuitable for further use. That is why it is recommended to buy a sample immediately after harvesting: in this case, the likelihood of not being treated with chemicals is much higher.

    Growing and care


    The crop grows better in relatively cool air, so when planting seeds, the temperature until the first shoots appear is set at 23–24°C, and then gradually reduced to 18°C. At night, the temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained at 13–15°C with a humidity of 75–85%.

    Considering the reduction in daylight hours during the cold season, onions must be additionally illuminated so that the total duration of the light period is 13–15 hours per day. The recommended light level is 3000 lux: with insufficient light, the feathers grow pale yellow and tasteless. Lamps are placed strictly on top of the beds to avoid creases and lodging of young shoots.

    You need to water the onions regularly, with exceptionally warm water, periodically dissolving medications and fertilizers in it. An approximate watering scheme looks like this:

  • The first time the soil is moistened immediately after planting, using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The recommended rate is 7–10 l/m?. If the farmer is confident that the soil is clean and sterile and free of pests, fungal spores and mold, then adding disinfectants to the water can be abandoned;
  • A week later, during the second watering, Fitosporin, intended to combat various diseases, is dissolved in water. The approximate fluid consumption rate is 3–5 l/m?;
  • Subsequently, the onions are watered every 4–5 days at a rate of 5–6 l/m2.
  • When using fertile soils saturated with organic matter, onions should not be fed. On sawdust and depleted soils, 14 days after planting, it is necessary to perform a single fertilizing with a 0.15% solution of nitrophoska or a 0.2% solution of ammonium nitrate. You can also water the beds with a 0.2% solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

    Pest protection

    Feathers that have grown to 15 cm must be treated with an aqueous solution of liquid soap and copper sulfate (one spoon per bucket of water) according to the norm of 0.5 l/m2. Plants that show traces of fungi, plaque or leaf drying should be destroyed to avoid infection of the entire plantation.

    The collected onions are placed in plastic bags and kept at a temperature of 12–15°C for two hours. Then the bags are sealed and laid out in boxes, placing the plants with their roots in one direction. It is not recommended to fill the container to the top to avoid damage to the greens during storage and transportation. While awaiting sale, onions are stored in a refrigerator at 0°C for 20 days.

    The appearance of the product is of no small importance for successful sales. Therefore, you need to cut off the feathers carefully so as not to damage them, not to stain them in the ground and not to erase the waxy coating from the leaves that retains moisture inside. A high-quality product that attracts the attention of buyers and resellers is 25–30 cm long and has a rich dark green color.

    Sales organization

    New entrepreneurs are usually confident that customers will sweep fresh onions off the shelves at any time of the year. However, in reality, the sales situation is not so optimistic: firstly, the high price of the product in the off-season scares off customers with low incomes, and secondly, few people buy more than two or three bunches at a time. Thus, it is almost impossible to quickly sell a ton of green feathers without significant effort, and therefore in a business plan for growing onions, the following methods of selling goods should be separately considered:

  • Wholesale sales. In almost every region there are companies that purchase agricultural products in bulk. In addition, you can use the Internet: both buyers and sellers post their ads on virtual trading platforms. This method is considered the simplest and least expensive;
  • Sale to catering establishments. In this case, the entrepreneur will have to make some efforts and convince the owners of cafes, canteens and restaurants who are already working with some suppliers of the prospects of cooperation;
  • Working with grocery stores. For buyers of this kind, price, volumes, delivery times, availability of returns and deferred payment are important. In addition, products are accepted for sale in packaged form, and therefore the farmer will have to include the cost of purchasing packaging material in the business plan;
  • Independent sale. This method is associated with maximum costs: to sell green onions in kiosks and markets, it is necessary to hire sellers and equip retail outlets with refrigeration equipment.
  • It should also be taken into account that to grow onions all year round, the business will have to be registered: having the status of an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm simplifies the procedure for issuing certificates of conformity for products and allows you to provide clients with various accompanying documents that have legal force.

    Greenhouse equipment

  • Greenhouse frame. The basis is a serial model with a width of 7.5 m and a length of 23.4 m, made of a profile metal pipe and installed on a strip concrete foundation;
  • Coating. In cold climates, the covering material is cellular polycarbonate 8–10 mm thick. The polymer is characterized by high light transmission and low heat transfer coefficient, which allows minimizing energy consumption to create optimal conditions for growing green onions;
  • Shelving. To ensure rapid heating of the soil in the beds and facilitate access to plants, a multi-tiered shelving system should be installed in the greenhouse. Onions are planted in wooden or plastic trays placed on shelves;
  • Lighting. The level of illumination required for growing green onions in winter under short daylight conditions is created by attaching a sodium, halogen or LED lamp above each shelf, the latter option allowing you to create the required luminous flux with minimal energy consumption;
  • Irrigation. To automate the watering process in greenhouse complexes, drip systems are used, which make it possible not only to control the amount of moisture entering the beds, but also to feed the plants by dissolving fertilizers in water. If there are none, the beds can be watered with a regular watering can;
  • Ventilation. When growing onions for greens, carbon dioxide is released into the environment, which is removed using ceiling exhaust fans with a capacity of 1600 m³/h each. Fresh air is supplied through air intakes protected by filters from insect pests. Each air intake is additionally equipped with a water heat exchanger designed to heat the incoming air flow;
  • Heating. The basis of the heating system is a hot water boiler connected via polypropylene pipes to radiators located along the walls. Calculations show that heat loss from the surface of the greenhouse at an outside air temperature of –30°C is at least 48–50 kW. Thus, taking into account the reserve, the required boiler power is assumed to be 70 kW.
  • Growing green onions as a business

    This type of business activity is ideal for those who are familiar with the basics of land management and own a plot of land, even if it is small.

    We recommend viewing the section: business ideas for villages and villages
    Growing green onions for sale is not a new idea, but it is relevant. Great demand and ease of cultivation make this type of business very profitable and profitable. There is especially high demand for such goods in winter and early spring.

    How to succeed in this business

    In order for the cultivation and sale of green onions to be profitable, you need to take into account several nuances, especially if you have not done this before.
    It would be a mistake to think that the larger the bulb, the more feathers it will produce. Bulbs larger than 6 centimeters in diameter are already considered unsuitable for cultivation. It is best to select small bulbs with a diameter of 2-4 centimeters. The chosen growing method is also of great importance, as well as actions aimed at stimulating the growth of greenery.
    There are two main ways to grow greens. In the first case, a bridge scheme is used, in which the bulbs are planted very tightly, and with a half-bridge scheme, a fairly large distance is maintained between the bulbs - from two centimeters.
    In order to start growing onions in large quantities, you need to invest a certain amount for the purchase of planting material. It is advisable to purchase onions from wholesalers and in large quantities, it will cost much less. Today, you can buy onions for planting for about 10 rubles per kilogram. However, if you grow onions from seeds yourself, costs can be minimized.

    A little about sales

    Plant onions, and getting greens is only half the battle. The grown greens still need to be sold profitably. Let’s say you managed to grow about 300 kilograms of produce, the cost of which (depending on the season) ranges from 10 to 70 rubles per kg. It is almost impossible to sell such a quantity of onions on your own. In this regard, you need to start looking for wholesale buyers in advance. The approximate price at which green onions are purchased by wholesalers ranges from 30 to 100 rubles/kg. Again, the cost will depend on the season.

    Growing green onions in a greenhouse in winter

    Growing onions in winter is very profitable. In addition, onions grow well in greenhouses, while occupying little space. In order to speed up the growth process of onions, you can use some techniques. For example, soak the bulbs 12 hours before planting in warm water. Or you can warm the bulbs at a temperature of 25-30 degrees for 24 hours.

    Video on the topic: how to properly plant onions before winter

    Homemade onions love sunlight. Therefore, the more light there is in the greenhouse, the faster the crop will grow. Regardless of which planting scheme is used, care must be taken to ensure sufficient lighting. The temperature inside the greenhouse should be about 25 degrees. If you overdo it with heating, you can cause the feathers to become thinner, which will reduce their quality and, accordingly, cost.

    Growing green onions at home

    In order to start growing green onions for sale, you need to have at least one hundred square meters of land and a small storage facility for storing the grown crop. With a reasonable approach, you can get up to 600 kilograms of feathers per month from one hundred square meters.

    Any resident of the private sector, in addition to vegetables, also grows green onions on their plot. However, few people know how to get more harvest. For this purpose, you can plant not only onion sets, but also small fractions of selected onions, called wild oats and obtained by highly thickened sowing of seeds "chernushki". These seeds are ideal for winter planting. If you sow them a couple of weeks before the onset of frost, you can get a rich harvest in early spring.

    Video on the topic: Onion sets - planting before winter

    At the beginning of spring, the beds sown with wild oats are cleared of snow, fertilizing is applied and filled with warm water. Then, film tunnels are installed over the beds. Thanks to these simple steps, you can get your first harvest a couple of weeks earlier.

    In addition, from “nigella” you can get not only seed onions, but also excellent greens that have a marketable appearance and good quality. To get greenery, “chernushka” must be planted from July to September, leaving bulbs for the winter.


    The profitability of any business can be calculated only after conducting an in-depth analysis regarding the expected costs of its organization. In this type of business, profitability depends on the chosen method of forcing greens. If the greenhouse planting option is chosen, the profitability will be about 30%, and the profitability of the field method is estimated at 50 percent or more. This is due to the fact that greenhouse production requires additional costs for heating and additional lighting. On the other hand, the sale of onions increases significantly in winter.

    Also, when calculating profitability, it is necessary to take into account a possible decrease or increase in the cost and quality of the purchased material, as well as some other points.

    Growing green onions is without a doubt an economically profitable enterprise.

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    Fresh herbs on the table are not only a wonderful decoration for cooked dishes, but also a wonderful aroma of summer. This is also a storehouse of microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Where can you get fresh herbs that are so good for health? If it comes to rural areas, then everything is clear - you need to pluck it from where you once planted it.

    In the city things are a little more complicated. Growing greens in an apartment is quite problematic, since there may be no space for its location or other categories of problems. All that remains is to buy it at the grocery market or store. But sometimes what we see on the shelves is far from a healthy product, especially when it comes to greens. Then you should roll up your sleeves and start growing it yourself, and if there is a bountiful harvest, you can also sell some of it.

    For sale you can get a good profit and good financial support. This can be done not only in dachas and country houses; a city apartment is also quite suitable, where there are suitable ones for it. This type of activity has long been welcomed by city pensioners and housewives, who not only save on purchasing greens themselves, but also use the grown products to make a profit.

    As you know, greens do not take up much space, are quite easy to care for and cost quite a lot, especially in the winter months. In addition, without fresh herbs the table is not the same, there is no aroma and the taste is rather poor. Therefore, people who want to earn extra money at minimal cost should start growing greens. There are cases when people literally earned a lot from selling greens during one season.

    On average, from one hundred square meters of soil you can get about two thousand kilograms of fresh herbs with skillful care.

    Here's your money! Let's look at the main types of greens that most people in our country grow on the windowsills of their apartments.

    An indispensable product during spring, summer and autumn is rightfully green onions. Its excellent taste and fresh aroma attract not only as part of many dishes, but also when eaten fresh. Usually. Since winter, many have been planting it in their apartments to obtain a harvest already in the winter months. The peculiarity of growing green onions is their ease of care, rapid growth and a large number of benefits for the body.

    Usually, purchased or grown onion sets are used as planting material.

    In the absence of it, you can use relatively small onions. There will be a harvest in both the first and second cases. From onion sets you get a rather delicate onion feather, and from onions you can grow quite plentiful ones! In both cases, the products remain for sale.

    Secrets of growing green onions:

    • Before planting, you need to decide on the planting material. For growing onions, the onion material from the samples is quite suitable. In the fall, a lot of it is sold, so purchasing such seed material will not be expensive at all. The main thing is to preserve such seed material until planting time!
    • For planting onions on feathers in an apartment, small containers are suitable, where the required layer of soil is first placed. It is advisable to choose coarse-textured soil, since it is the one that allows water and air, which are necessary for normal plant growth, to pass through well. First, a small amount of hydrogel is added, pre-soaked in a small amount of a biological product called Gumi. This is used to strengthen and nourish the plant body. Growing onions for growing in an apartment is quite dry, but using a hydrogel easily solves the problem of moisture deficiency.
    • To obtain fresh onions throughout the year, plant onions every ten days. Thus, throughout the year you will receive a harvest of fresh herbs, which can be sold at a profit.

    It is best to plant onions in an apartment in small containers, which can be purchased at specialized garden supply stores. It is advisable to first sprinkle the bottom of such containers with expanded clay, which ensures the formation of small holes for draining excess water. Then the soil with the soaked hydrogel is placed and the prepared planting material is planted.

    After planting the bulbs, lightly compact the soil and water generously.

    After some time, the first green feathers appear, in good and abundant light, becoming larger and larger. Having reached a certain height, green onion feathers can be cut and used for sale.

    Dill is in no way inferior to green onions in terms of popularity in use. Kitchens don't have the same dishes without dill! This plant is also indispensable as a source of fresh herbs on your table.

    Tricks for growing dill:

    • Dill should be planted pre-soaked. Dill seeds germinate well, even in conditions where the soil has warmed up only two degrees.
    • It is not advisable to germinate seeds in water, as green shoots of dill may suffer when planted. Soaking dill seeds is necessary to dissolve the essential oils they contain.
    • It should be planted in rows. With this method of sowing, young dill shoots will receive the maximum amount of light rays, heat and moisture necessary for growth. The rows should be positioned relative to each other at a distance of ten centimeters.
    • Having placed the seeds in small containers with pre-designated rows, cover them with soil and water them.
    • After the formation of seedlings on the soil surface, if necessary, weed the rows with dill.
    • Young shoots of dill need watering, which should be provided by a gardener who wants to get a good harvest.

    Young green shoots of dill are well watered before cutting for sale. Then the selected area with dill is dug up a little and the roots are cleared from the soil. Next, the roots and shoots are washed with water and installed vertically in the space of a waterproof container. Young shoots of dill in a container are placed with their leaves facing up.

    You can store dill in such a container for quite a long time.

    Thanks to the container, cut dill can remain fresh for up to five days without showing any signs of wilting. This is very convenient for selling or transporting goods over long distances. During the winter cold period, sales volumes of such fresh greens increase significantly.

    An ideal and useful type of greenery at any time of the year is. It is healthy and tasty, and also very aromatic. When growing parsley for sale, you definitely can’t go wrong, as it is easy to care for and indispensable in the human diet.

    There are two main ways to obtain fresh parsley at home: sowing seeds directly or forcing young shoots from prepared roots.

    The first method is easier to use, while the second requires little preparation. It is advisable to prepare seed material for planting from the end of summer. If you were unable to stock up on planting material in time, you can purchase it in specialized stores.

    Let's consider obtaining fresh parsley by forcing it from the roots:

    • For these purposes, we take healthy root vegetables. Showing no signs of wilting.
    • Be sure to check for the presence of an apical bud on these roots, thanks to which the growth of parsley will begin. If there are no buds on the roots, then you may not get the expected harvest of parsley.
    • The roots should be planted in small boxes or flower pots.
    • It is advisable to use turf soil for planting, as it is very fertile and has excellent oxygen and moisture permeability to the roots.
    • Having placed a small amount of prepared soil in the required containers, water it. Abundant watering is the key to the rapid appearance of greenery from the roots. Then we place the prepared root vegetables in these containers and sprinkle them with a small amount of soil.
    • If necessary, we water and ensure the penetration of heat and light to the planted roots.
    • After some time, we notice the appearance of a small carpet of fresh greenery on the surface of the soil.
    • Young parsley leaves need good lighting, but direct sunlight can be harmful to them.
    • Once the leaves reach a certain size, they can be produced for sale.
    • The cut leaves are placed in small bunches and tied. It is convenient to buy and sell parsley in such water.
    • To ensure a fresh and healthy appearance, the tufts are periodically sprayed with a small amount of water.

    Parsley can also be grown from seeds at home. It is worth considering the long period of time required for parsley seeds to germinate. Before planting, you should also prepare the soil, moisten it and sow the prepared seed material there.

    To speed up germination, parsley seeds can be soaked in a small amount of Gumi solution in advance. The soil with sown seeds should be moistened as necessary.

    Containers with sprouted parsley seeds can be kept on the windowsill of the apartment.

    The plant is not at all afraid of cold weather, but needs constant light and good moisture. ideal light conditions for intensive photosynthesis. And to provide additional soil moisture, you can place a little hydrogel in the container before planting. This substance will provide additional hydration to young parsley shoots. Once the plants have reached a certain height, they cut into and form bunches. Now you can use these products for sale.

    Growing chives, compared to other described types of greens, is somewhat more complicated and requires preliminary preparation. It is advisable to harvest chives in the autumn months. For this purpose, small clumps of chives are dug up and the feathers on them are cut off. The prepared jackets are placed in small containers for storage.

    With the onset of winter, the curtains are brought into a warm room and placed as close to the light as possible. Chives are characterized by the rapid growth of feathers, which are either plucked from the bush or cut off.

    Growing chives at home can be done to obtain two harvests.

    This is very profitable, but after the second harvest the plant becomes much weaker and is no longer capable of producing feathers. It is better to choose planting material for forcing from pre-thinned plantings.

    Growing Tips:

    • For this plant, the level of soil moisture is important. If there is little moisture in the soil, then the plant begins to wither; its feathers become rough and even slightly bitter. To prevent this from happening, you should monitor the level of soil moisture and water the plants as necessary. For irrigation, it is better to use water at room temperature.
    • Light is important for plants and must be supplied in sufficient quantities. It is better to keep chives on a windowsill or near a light source. Having reached the desired size, the feathers are cut off and small bunches are formed. This is the form in which the greens are sold. It is advisable to moisten green feathers with water from time to time. This way it will look fresh and juicy for a long time.

    When growing greens for sale at home, you should choose those plants that are completely unpretentious in care. This way you can quickly get the desired harvest at minimal cost. You can grow radishes, salads and much more on windowsills.

    One only has to take into account the consumer demand for these crops and the degree of care for them.

    Selling greenery is a good income for many categories of citizens, carried out at low cost and effort. In addition, the owner himself will always have healthy green parsley, fragrant dill and much more on his table.

    More information can be found in the video.

    The business is attractive due to the plant’s fertility, modest start-up investments, and great demand all year round. If you master all the intricacies of growing green onions and the features of their marketing, you can build a profitable business on this.

    How to grow green onions

    If your plan includes growing commercial-scale green onions, be prepared to do so year-round. In summer, it is cultivated in the fields, and in winter - in a heated greenhouse. Please note that it is expensive to install and maintain a greenhouse yourself. It’s easier to rent specially equipped premises from farms and factories, or equip it yourself. Profitability in winter is about 30%, since a lot of money is spent on heating in the greenhouse and rent. In summer it reaches 50%. Although in practice it is sometimes possible to reach 200%.

    You can grow green onions at home only for a small part-time job. If you are planning to organize a separate business, you need to purchase or rent a plot of approximately 25-30 acres. Growing green onions begins by planting the seeds after the last frost. It is better to take seeds from Japan or Holland. The bulbs are planted in a greenhouse before winter.

    Whatever method you choose, you need to take care of preparing the beds and fertilizing them. For a greenhouse you will need loose soil and superphosphate at the rate of 30 g per 1 square meter. m. Before planting, onion seeds must first be soaked. Onions are planted in a greenhouse or in open ground in ribbons at a distance of approximately 5 cm from each other and between rows. Green onions require a lot of light, frequent watering and loosening of the soil. This work plan must be carried out regularly and extremely carefully.

    If you decide to grow green onions at home, the bulbs should be soaked overnight in warm water and then planted in boxes about 10 cm high. To increase the growth rate of the green plant, it should be watered with warm water not lower than 20 ° C, and the air temperature should be maintained at approximately 18-22°C.

    The plant reaches marketability in about 20 days. But when using aeroponics technology, this time can be reduced. This system helps eliminate the disposal of substrates and other waste during cultivation, but the savings are noticeable only in large areas of the greenhouse. The cost of such a system is 1-4 thousand rubles. per square meter. The payback period plan is 2-3 years.

    What to grow green goods for sale from

    It doesn’t matter where you decide to start producing green goods - in a field, a greenhouse or at home - you can do this in three ways: growing from seeds, small bulbs (sets) or large ones. The fastest way to get results from a green business is from seeding, if before planting it was carefully sorted, processed and properly cared for. The main problem in growing this plant is diseases and premature bolting. Therefore, the growth site must be well ventilated and illuminated. In addition, the cost plan must include the purchase of chemicals for treating plants. Without them, growing greens in artificial conditions will become unprofitable - most of the crop will simply die.

    Growing from seeds requires three times less planting material and four times less area. True, for better productivity, seedlings must be thinned out during growth, which increases the losses of the green business. Moreover, not every seed will germinate. But this type of green plant practically does not bolt, ripens quickly and does not rot for a long time, which makes it easier to store, allowing you to earn extra money from the bulbs.

    Expenditure part of green business

    Fixed funds will be spent on planting material, care, fertilizers, and transport. This will be about 30% of the costs. Entry into a business costs about 150 thousand rubles if you have your own site with a water supply installed on it. If you plan to grow for sale in large quantities, you should worry about green product certification.

    It is best to organize a business in the fall. You must first conduct a market assessment to get an idea of ​​the volume of demand. Based on these data, determine a plan for growing a green plant. If it is difficult to determine how much of a product can be sold, it is better to grow less than the expected sales volume. You will always have time to increase production.

    From 10 acres of land, the production of this green product will bring 30-90 thousand rubles per month. Additional cultivation of other popular green raw materials will help increase the sale of feathers:

    • dill;
    • parsley;
    • basilica;
    • arugula;
    • mint;
    • salad;
    • cilantro.

    It is difficult to say how much money will be spent on opening a business. It all depends on the type and scale of cultivation. If your plan involves cultivating a product in a greenhouse, a significant amount will be spent on its arrangement. You can reduce costs if you cover it not with glass, but with polycarbonate. This material better maintains the desired temperature in the greenhouse in winter.

    The plan for organizing a large business must include the purchase or rental of premises or fields. Many entrepreneurs who decide to cultivate vegetables in a greenhouse rent production space in factories. Of these, approximately half are designated for harvest, and the rest for storage and household premises. The following are installed in this area:

    • instantaneous water heaters;
    • lifts;
    • furnaces for heating water;
    • ultraviolet lamps and fluorescent lamps.

    For a month from 70 sq. m. you can remove an average of 400 kilograms of feathers. Depending on the season, the cost of a kilogram of greens will be 10-160 rubles.

    Sales and risks

    Sales depend on production volumes. It can be organized in two ways: through wholesalers or directly at retail - shops, supermarkets, stalls, markets, catering establishments, etc. The packaging of the goods also depends on the type of sales. If this is retail sales, you should think about special packaging and appropriate equipment. In summer, wholesalers buy goods for 30-50 rubles. per kilogram, in winter this figure rises to 100. Sales of goods by medium-sized enterprises are approximately 1.5 kg of goods per month.

    The main risks come from the floating price of goods. Over the course of a year, it rises and falls significantly. In addition, feathers are a perishable commodity. Therefore, if you do not have a sales plan drawn up in advance, you can lose a lot of money.

    It’s possible to make early spring year-round. A technology that involves growing green onions in a greenhouse in winter will help with this. Information about the features of the process, starting from the necessary technical equipment and ending with the sale of the grown product, is a good help for bringing your plan to life. Study the instructions for choosing a variety, planting and care to provide your family with vitamins and replenish your household budget by selling greens.

    Growing for sale

    How to grow greens all year round in a greenhouse

    Growing spring onions continuously throughout the year is certainly beneficial - properly planned planting in a greenhouse makes it easy to implement the idea. It especially makes sense to take care of the availability of greens for sale during the holidays.

    Industrial greenhouse

    Greenhouse requirements

    It is advisable to most actively increase production volumes from October to April, when there is virtually no cultivation of onions in open ground. For this purpose, the greenhouse provides:

    1. Lighting. After all, a natural sunny day is extremely insufficient. If there is little lighting, the onion will still be drawn to the source of minimal light (the stems will become thin, elongated, pale, brittle).
    2. Heating. Of course, low temperatures are contraindicated for growing greens. It should be possible to adjust the heat to ensure that the air is at the desired temperature.
    3. Watering. Drip irrigation effectively provides the required amount of water to a moisture-loving plant.
    4. Availability of special racks. Allows you to get more yield using the available space.

    Illuminated shelving

    For year-round operation, you need a durable polycarbonate greenhouse. Film greenhouses are not suitable, since it is impossible to organize heating in them. Glass buildings can be used, but they are more difficult and expensive to build.

    The question of whether onions can be planted in a greenhouse without meeting the above conditions is controversial. At first, it is permissible to skip the point about installing shelving. And fulfilling agrotechnical aspects to obtain a good harvest is mandatory.

    Excellent yield and appearance of vitamin greens

    Choosing an onion variety

    Onions for forcing onto greens are a classic option. But there are other varieties that are gaining popularity and are specifically designed for growing a “green storehouse of vitamins.”

    • Slime bow. Due to the fact that it does not have a dormant period, this variety is grown all year round. The moderate taste of garlic gives it a special taste originality. It grows quickly, greenery of the required size appears very quickly, and is easy to care for. During the season, greenery is cut up to five times. An excellent option for growing for sale.
    • Schnitt. Its visual distinctive feature is its thin stems. The first harvest is harvested at least 3-4 weeks after planting. This look is also quite attractive to clients.
    • Onion-Batun. Such onions are grown in a greenhouse starting in November, since they have a short dormant period (about 45 days). The variety is intended only for obtaining green feathers.
    • Shallot. Longest period of sleep. Therefore, planting is carried out in December.
    • Multi-tiered bow. Productive, frost-resistant. The taste is more pungent compared to other varieties. Instead of flowers, it grows small bulbs in rows or tiers, which deserves its name.

    The final decision on the choice of variety or varieties is made on the basis of research of the product market, analysis of available growing conditions, and personal preferences.

    Seed preparation

    Of the possible options for planting onions in a greenhouse (bulbs, seeds, seedlings), the most popular, requiring less time and labor while obtaining a good result, is the first. Basic tips on how to plant onions in a greenhouse boil down to the goal of “waking up” them and activating growth. For this:

    1. Selected onion heads without damage, small in size (average diameter 3-4 cm) are cleaned of excess peel.
    2. Place in warm water (water temperature 38 °C, soaking duration - 12 hours);
    3. Wet vegetables are dried.
    4. Cut off the top of the seed bulb. When they come into contact with oxygen, they activate growth.

    The final stage of preparing planting material

    If you decide to plant with seeds, then to ensure that the seedlings do not get sick, do the following:

    1. Soak the seeds for approximately 20 hours in water at room temperature (change the water three times).
    2. Then soak in a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and wash with water.
    3. For final soaking, use a special product called “epina” (a few drops per 100 g of water).

    Technology for growing onions

    To get a harvest in winter, they decide how to plant onions in a greenhouse in the fall. To do this, prepare everything necessary for winter growth (equipped greenhouse, fertilized soil) and purchase high-quality planting specimens. About the conditions and stages of the growing process in more detail:

    1. Preparing high-quality soil. The soil should not be sandy. Wood shavings are added to retain moisture. Enriched with mineral fertilizers.
    2. Required temperature. During the daytime - 20 °C, at night 13-14 °C is enough.
    3. Additional lighting. Provide 12 hours of daylight for growing onions.
    4. Proper watering. Warm water once for about three days.
    5. Feeding with fertilizers for the future harvest. A week after planting, feed with the following mixture: ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride in equal parts (20 g each), a little more superphosphate (30 g).
    6. One of the best methods for planting bulbs is pavement. When doing the work, try not to press the seed vegetables into the soil too much; most of the head remains on top, and the bulbs are in close contact with each other. Tape method: the distance between the rows is about 10-15 cm, between the bulbs - 5 cm maximum.

    Bulbs planted using the bridge method

    The technology for growing onions in a greenhouse, as you can see, is not difficult. If an equipped greenhouse is a way for the owner to earn money, then starting with growing greens is quite acceptable.

    Features of growing for sale

    If in winter green onions in a greenhouse in small quantities are able to provide vitamins to family members, then, of course, when it comes to growing them for sale, they plan to produce increased volumes of greens. More profitable sales are in winter, this is natural. If you plant in the fall, then, taking into account the fact that forcing occurs quite quickly, there will be a guaranteed supply of goods by winter.

    Fast growth and fast profits

    Advantages of the greenhouse method

    Growing onions in a greenhouse in winter has definitely advantageous points:

    1. Productivity is higher compared to growth in open ground. They receive more products and, accordingly, also profits.
    2. Product production 365 days a year. Sold at a higher price during popular periods.
    3. The ability to install shelving helps to increase the planting area. Large volumes of products are obtained using a minimum plot of land.
    4. The risk of contracting diseases and insects is low.

    An enjoyable process all year round

    Planting material

    A responsible approach to the quality of seeds means that growing onions in a greenhouse will be effective, the plants will be healthy and correspond to the declared variety, and the resulting products will be good and competitive in the market. To do this, pay attention:

    • for multi-germ onion varieties. To convince yourself of this, cut several onions from a potential batch for purchase and look at the cross-section of the vegetable;
    • early and mid-ripening species. They have a shorter rest period (compared to later ones). Such varieties try to sell faster and are less likely to be treated with chemicals to extend shelf life;
    • onions that grow well in the region where they plan to plant them;
    • pay attention to the neck of the bulbs. If it is not completely closed, it means that the harvest is harvested prematurely. Through a half-open neck, the probability of rotting is very high.

    Multi-bud onion, suitable for forcing feathers

    And yet, the best guarantor of quality seed bulbs is a conscientious, reliable, experienced supplier. Then quality checks tend to be minimal, and good results tend to be maximal.

    Caring for onions in a greenhouse

    Thanks to knowledge of simple care rules, the question of how to grow onions in a greenhouse in winter does not arise. This crop is unpretentious and easy to grow. For effective growth, a number of basic principles are followed:

    • timely and moderate watering;
    • absence of weeds in the soil, its loosening for a full flow of oxygen;
    • ventilating the greenhouse without creating drafts (even a small draft breeze can cause harm);
    • adding the required amount of fertilizer to the soil before planting and during crop growth;
    • ensuring optimal air humidity (within 75-80%).

    Plant condition that is best avoided

    In case of occurrence of diseases or pests, due to the short period of feather growing, the use of chemicals is prohibited. Therefore, they carry out some preventive measures, since damage to greenery by disease can negate the entire business idea.

    Before planting, the greenhouse is disinfected. During growth, if a bush with the slightest suspicious damage is found, it is removed, the growing area is treated with wood ash, and the soil underneath is completely replaced.

    Marketing and sales of onions

    In planning most business projects, the main component is not only to produce a product, but, most importantly, to sell it profitably. The situation with the onion feather is no exception in this sense. Vegetable growers who grow green onions in a greenhouse in winter for sale can take two paths as to which variety is more profitable and quick to sell.

    Market research will reveal the specific type or types of green onions that are in demand in the region. Then they grow this variety and find their clients. Or another way is opposite to the first - they grow varieties of feathers that are not common in the area, creating a demand for it. This option is riskier and longer, but ultimately more profitable, exclusive, and interesting.

    The fabulously unrealistic expression “grows by leaps and bounds” has a very real relation to green onions. After all, after approximately only 3-4 weeks, stems 25-35 cm long are cut off! Therefore, they worry about sales and distribution points in advance, even before planting. The options are:

    1. Wholesale bases. The disadvantage of this method is low and sometimes very low prices. But large sales volumes.
    2. Workshops that pack greens for delivery to supermarkets and hypermarkets.
    3. Opening a personal point selling greens. Then they expand the product range and take into account additional costs (payment for rented premises, seller’s wages, etc.).
    4. Selling on the market on our own. It takes a lot of time, the volumes are not large, but the profit is high.

    A good and budget option for packaging goods

    If the last two points are applied, try to pack the onions carefully. A good rule of thumb here is to put yourself in someone else's shoes. In what form do potential buyers want to receive onions?

    Video: onions in a greenhouse all year round

    Of course, having mastered and established a successful mini-enterprise for growing onion greens, they do not always stop at the achieved level. Growing onions goes well with other types of greens. When the product range is expanded, new customers appear and existing ones are also satisfied with fresh additional offers.

    It would seem that it is possible to come up with a supernova in a matter that has long been studied and successfully applied? Watching the video below will help you find new facets.

    Video: A surprisingly extraordinary approach to the work of an active enthusiast

    Video: Green onion business

    Video: Onions for sale in winter

    The ease of setting up a greenhouse for growing onions, the speed of harvest, and the year-round availability of products make this crop an attractive way to start a business, even for beginners. Beginning entrepreneurs are still advised to consult with more experienced and professional gardeners regarding the correct choice of planting material, planting method and other important points. Then there is no need to regret possible mistakes made.

    It turns out that you can grow onion greens in greenhouse conditions both in summer and in winter, providing the whole family with vitamins.

    Growing onions in a greenhouse in winter is possible if certain conditions necessary for forcing strong, abundant greenery are met. Let's find out what conditions a green onion needs in the coldest season, and how to grow it in your own greenhouse, even in Siberia.

    What should a greenhouse be like for forcing onions?

    Before growing green onions in a greenhouse in winter, you need to prepare it for forcing greens. It must meet the following requirements:

    Good lighting

    Without proper lighting and heat, it is impossible to grow bright and truly tasty green onions.

    It is better if the greenhouse is located in a sunny area: the plants will receive more light. The lack of lighting is compensated by vertical phytolamps or other lamps.

    Good heating

    The greenhouse must be equipped with a heater that allows it to maintain a temperature of 18 to 25 degrees, depending on the variety.

    Watering system

    The greenhouse must be equipped with a drip irrigation system.

    Drip irrigation allows you to maintain a constant level of soil moisture.

    Availability of racks

    Racks are convenient for growing onions in a greenhouse; they take up less space, which makes it possible to obtain more onion harvests. The width of the shelves should be no more than 35 cm so that you can grow onions in two rows.

    The good thing about the racks is that the soil warms up in them faster, and the onions grow 15 days faster. It’s convenient to work with them: you don’t have to get into a “gardening” pose, which causes your back to hurt, or on your knees. The onions require less water in these designs.

    What varieties of onions are grown in winter greenhouses

    Before you start growing green onions in a greenhouse in winter, let’s find out which varieties are suitable for this method of cultivation. A perennial onion without a period of suspended animation or with a short rest period is suitable for it.

    The best varieties for greenhouse cultivation in winter


    This species produces a lot of greenery in a short period and is unpretentious. The main thing is to immerse the onions in the ground to a depth of 3 cm and maintain a distance between them of at least 8 cm.

    The yield of shallots is up to 5 kg of juicy spicy greens per square meter.


    Another variety ideal for growing onions in a greenhouse. It quickly grows green mass, is not afraid of cold weather and produces high yields - greens are cut up to 5 times during the season! It is grown in greenhouses year-round.

    The main thing is to plant the bulbs or seeds in neutral soil and water the plantings on time.


    An unpretentious perennial with thin, aromatic leaves that have a pungent taste and reach 0.5 m in height. Feathers retain freshness and tenderness for a long time.

    From 1 m² you can get up to 3.5 kg of fresh spicy-hot leaves.


    A species that produces three crops per season. It is grown exclusively for feathers, in winter greenhouses - starting in December.

    From 1 m² of soil, the batun produces up to 4 kg of juicy, aromatic and tasty feathers.

    Multi-tiered bow

    It is not afraid of frost and has remarkable fertility. Builds high-quality feathers in 22-24 days.

    The yield of greens is up to 3.8 kg per square meter.

    Technology for growing onions in a greenhouse

    Preparing the soil for planting

    To grow onions in a greenhouse in winter, it is important to provide them with a fertile environment for growth. It needs loose, light and nutrient-rich soil.

    A week before planting bulbs or seeds, we fertilize the greenhouse soil with the following fertilizers (data given for 1 per m²):

    • Potassium chloride – 15 grams;
    • Bucket of compost or humus;
    • Superphosphate – 30 grams.

    Before planting, be sure to moisten the soil so as not to water it after planting seeds or bulbs.

    Preparing and planting onions in a winter greenhouse

    Planting with bulbs

    For planting bulbous material, healthy, medium-sized specimens without stains or damage are suitable. We carry out preparation and disembarkation in the following way:

    • Remove excess skin from the onions.
    • We warm up the planting material at 40 degrees for 24 hours: warming up will increase the yield.
    • We cut off dry necks, thanks to which the plant will receive more oxygen and germinate faster.

    After preparation, we plant the bulbs in the prepared racks, compacting the soil around them.

    Planting by seeds

    Sowing seeds is less popular among gardeners, as it takes more time to prepare and grow the crop. Young seeds that are less than two years old are sown.

    Seed preparation

    We prepare them for sowing using the following technology:

    • For 20 hours, place the achenes in water at room temperature and change it three times.
    • Soak them for 45 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and rinse with clean water.
    • Soak the onion seeds for 18 hours in a warm Epin solution, dissolving a couple of drops of the product in 0.5 cups of water.

    Thanks to this preparation, your onions will not get sick, will germinate faster and increase green mass.

    Sowing seeds

    We sow the seeds in the prepared soil, planting them 1.5 cm deep in three to four rows every 1.5 cm, with row spacing of 15 cm.

    We mulch the ground with a thin layer of peat and stretch polyethylene to speed up germination.

    When the shoots appear, we remove the film and thin out the crops so that the distance between plants is 2 cm. After 2 feathers appear, we thin out the shoots again, leaving 4 cm of free space between them.

    Care when growing onions in a greenhouse

    To get a decent onion harvest after 25 days, we provide the plants with proper care:


    Daytime temperatures should be 18-20 degrees, night temperatures should be about 15 degrees.


    We water the onion every three days: if the soil cracks, more often.

    When watering, we do not use a hose (it washes away crops and plantings, nails the feather to the ground), but a sprayer.


    7 days after planting (sowing), we fertilize the soil by dissolving the following components in a bucket of water:

    • Ammonium nitrate - 20 grams;
    • Superphosphate – 30 grams;
    • Potassium chloride – 20 grams;

    This feeding will be enough for the whole season.


    To prevent fungal and viral diseases, we regularly, preferably during thaws, ventilate the greenhouse, avoiding drafts.

    Weeding and loosening

    We weed the plantings in a timely manner and loosen the soil to provide oxygen to the roots and produce rich harvests.

    As soon as the onion feather reaches 30 cm, we harvest, leaving a few leaves on each plant and cutting off no more than 4 feathers. If you cut off most of the leaves, the onion will rot or stop growing, wasting energy on healing the numerous cut wounds.

    These are all the subtleties that go into growing onions in a greenhouse in winter. This is, of course, a troublesome task, but worthwhile: onion greens will supply you with vitamins in the winter and protect you from colds.