Julia Vysotskaya watch the program “Eating at Home” online. Video recipes from Yulia Vysotskaya

Julia Vysotskaya

Born on August 16, 1973 in Novocherkassk. She graduated from the acting department of the Belarusian Academy of Arts and the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. She worked at the Belarusian National Theater named after. Yanka Kupala. She was awarded an award for her leading role in the play “Look Back in Anger” based on John Osborne. Julia played leading roles in “Nameless Star”, “The Bald Singer” and other performances. She starred in the films: “To Go and Never Return”, “A Game of Imagination”, “House of Fools”, “The Lion in Winter”, “Max”. Wife of film director Andrei Konchalovsky. Julia loves to cook. She prefers Italian cuisine. Julia prepared her first dish at the age of six - she mixed all the products that were listed in the recipe at once and baked a cake for her mother. It turned out to be an inedible brick, but Yulia’s mother assured that the cake was a success. Yulia is very grateful to her parents for not scolding her daughter for spoiled food, because then she would have lost all desire to cook. Julia loves to treat guests and invent new dishes - simple, quick and very tasty. Since September 2003, Yulia Vysotskaya has been the host of the entertaining culinary program “Eat at Home” on the NTV channel.

About the program

What to do if guests suddenly arrive, distant relatives arrive, a friend drops in “for a minute,” or a child invites a dozen or two friends to his birthday? Nothing more than heading to the kitchen and having a good time preparing a treat. The way Yulia Vysotskaya does it.

“Eating at Home” is a culinary documentary series about the life of a young woman. The situations that Yulia finds herself in happen to everyone. Like you, Yulia buys groceries at a nearby store. She also has very little time to cook, so she chooses the simplest dishes. Anyone can cook them, even the most inexperienced cook.

Yulia Vysotskaya cooks at home because she loves her home. He cooks for friends because he loves his friends. And he cooks because he loves to cook.


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Culinary programs always arouse interest among TV viewers - some watch them to gain ideas and bring to life non-standard dishes or well-known ones, but in a new version, while others simply relax listening to them, because you can always look at fire, water and on how another person works. One such example is the program “Eating at Home!” with in the role of the one and only presenter.

History of the program's creation

In 2003, the husband of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Yulia Vysotskaya, came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a culinary show that his wife would host. The man was inspired to do this by Julia’s habit of talking to food as if it were living beings while preparing dishes.

The essence of the program

Despite the fact that there are many culinary programs on domestic television, each of them finds its faithful viewer thanks to its unique twist. So, "Let's eat at home!" - a show with one housewife in the kitchen, and not a studio kitchen, but a real one, located in Vysotskaya’s apartment.

"Eating at home!" - The best eclair recipe

The woman does not invite celebrity guests to help her, working on preparing delicious dishes on her own. And in order for the process to be as realistic as possible, Yulia stages situations when hungry relatives, girlfriends and friends will be on the doorstep any minute.

Another remarkable detail that TV viewers really like is that even the least confident cook can bring to life all the dishes prepared by the presenter. Vysotskaya herself admits that she loves to spend time in the kitchen and delight her loved ones with her cooking, but due to her busy schedule, she cannot devote too much time to this. Therefore, the motto of the program is:

"The effort is minimal - the result is maximum. Cooking can and should be quick, simple and fun!"

Host of the program "Eating at Home!" does not deviate from her principles - she is always cheerful on camera, and preparing any dishes comes easily to her. Yulia also promotes an easy approach to choosing products - in her opinion, even in a nearby small store you can always find something new and interesting to create a small culinary masterpiece. It is also no secret that Vysotskaya is not a professional cook - she is an amateur. And this fact makes the woman even closer to an ordinary housewife.

"Eating at home!" - The best pork knuckle recipe

The concept of "Eating at home!" The audience liked it so much that it couldn’t be done with just a television show. Following the success of the educational and entertaining program, Julia wrote and published more than ten books of the same name with recipes. It was according to them that the woman cooked in front of the cameras. Printed publications have gained real popularity among culinary specialists - their total circulation amounted to more than one and a half million copies.

Presenter of the program

Permanent host of the culinary program "Eating at Home!" is theater and film actress Yulia Aleksandrovna Vysotskaya. The woman also became famous as a talented writer of fiction and cookbooks. In addition to publications with recipes, she wrote the work “Gloss” based on the script of the same name by her husband, director Andrei Konchalovsky. In addition, in the film version of the drama, the actress played the main role of the provincial girl Gali, who came to conquer the capital and the local fashion world.

The woman's greatest popularity came from her main brainchild - a culinary series from the life of a young housewife "Eating at Home!", which over time grew into a whole brand with an online store, a culinary studio (which is engaged in tourism activities - organizing and conducting culinary and tasting tours in various European countries) and restaurants. The TV show received a solid TEFI award, as well as the quality mark “Approved by Russian environmentalists” thanks to the promotion of proper nutrition and lifestyle in general.

The number of culinary programs is increasing every day, attracting more and more viewers. This is due to the fact that today many people understand the value of tasty, healthy and nutritious food, which you need to know how to cook. And watching a video that shows exactly how to cook certain dishes is more effective than reading the most detailed recipe. Particularly popular are recipes from Yulia Vysotskaya , which can simply and clearly tell you about the preparation of even the most complex and exotic dishes.

The big advantage is that many recipes with Yulia Vysotskaya do not require any special skills or abilities. Anyone can prepare any dish presented by purchasing all the necessary products in any supermarket and without spending the whole day searching for ingredients. At the same time, despite its simplicity, each dish has exquisite taste and originality. It is thanks to its simplicity and at the same time originality that the recipes are so popular.

For those who consider themselves culinary masters, complex recipes from Yulia Vysotskaya will be an excellent opportunity to learn something new. As a rule, various national and exotic dishes are presented here, the preparation of which will require a lot of time, skills, and searching for ingredients. But thanks to the fact that the presenter is able to clearly explain how to perform even the most complex actions, preparing such dishes always involves obtaining an excellent result in the form of a beautiful and tasty dish that will delight loved ones and surprise guests.

Choosing one or the other recipes with Yulia Vysotskaya , it is advisable to focus not only on your own skills and the availability of certain products in the refrigerator, but also on personal preferences. It often happens that a dish that is, at first glance, complex turns out to be very easy to prepare, especially when all the stages of preparation are shown by a famous presenter who knows how to cook well and talks not only about the main actions, but also the secrets of skill, thanks to which the preparation of products and the preparation of any dishes will be simpler.

Proper cooking - one of the skills that absolutely everyone needs, since only when a dish is prepared independently can you be sure of its freshness, taste and healthfulness. Tasty and healthy food is the key not only to good health and well-being, but also to a great mood and a boost of energy for the whole day, so you need to learn the wisdom of cooking only from the best.

In this section of our website you can find recipes from such programs as "Eating at home" And "Cooking courses by Julia Vysotskaya".