Unified State Exam assignments political system of society. Politics and power

Let's consider the main definitions of politics that are used by social scientists:

  1. participation in state affairs;
  2. historians understand by politics the types, intentions, goals and mode of action of rulers and their associates; it is rather the art of ruling;
  3. politics is the science of public administration (V. I. Dal). P A politician, according to Dahl, is an intelligent and dexterous, not always honest, statesman who knows how to tilt things in his favor, by the way, to say a word and keep silent at the right time;
  4. politics is an art, a doctrine of public administration, as well as the activities of those who manage or want to manage the affairs of society (French encyclopedic dictionary Larousse);
  5. politics is the art of government, a certain direction of action of the state, parties, institutions.

In the political science dictionary, politics is understood as a special type of activity associated with the participation of social groups, political parties, movements, and individuals in the affairs of society and the state.

The core of political activity is activities related to the implementation, retention, and opposition to power. Political activity covers several areas: public administration, the influence of political parties and movements on the course of social processes, political decision-making, political participation. The political sphere is closely connected with other public spheres. Any phenomenon: economic, social, and cultural - can be politically charged, associated with the impact on the authorities.

Political activity- This is an activity in the sphere of political and power relations. Political relations, in turn, is the relationship between the subjects of the political system on issues of gaining, exercising, and retaining power. In theory and practice, political activity is often associated with coercion and violence. The legality of using violence is often determined by the extremeness and rigidity of the political process. As a result of political activity, the interaction of institutions of the political system, the implementation of political decisions and guidelines, the political process is formed and developed.

Political activity can be active and passive, spontaneous and purposeful; an important part of political activity is political leadership, including the following links:

  • development and justification of the goals and objectives of society, social group;
  • determination of methods, forms, means, resources of political activity;
  • selection and placement of personnel.

Directions of government activity to satisfy the overall public interests can be called policy directions. There is an internal policy, which is focused on resolving internal state problems - maintaining order, ensuring the development of the country, and the well-being of its citizens. There is foreign policy, it includes the resolution of interstate contradictions, its task is to defend the interests of the state on the world stage. They are distinguished in the modern world and international politics. This is not just a state activity, but rather a supranational one. The United Nations, the Council of Europe and other similar organizations participate in it.

We can also talk about various types of policies in relation to spheres of public life that need to be regulated by the state through its bodies. For example, those actions that are aimed at resolving economic issues can be called economic policy. It occupies an extremely important place in the entire system of government affairs. At what pace will industry, agriculture, transport, and the service sector develop, how much can we buy with our salaries, whether we can sell and buy land, what taxes to pay - all these are questions of economic policy. Turn on the TV when the “Vremya” or “Today” program is on, and you will hear that the State Duma has discussed and adopted (or not adopted) the country’s new Tax Code in the first reading, made amendments to the draft budget presented by the government for the next year, discussed articles Land Code of the Russian Federation, introduced a bill on the subsistence minimum, and so on.

The object of economic policy is each of us, no matter who we are. If we study or work at school, then we cannot help but be concerned about the problems of state funding of public education. If we are students, we are concerned about the timely payment of scholarships and guaranteed employment in our chosen profession after graduation. If we are women, we are interested in ensuring that there is no discrimination in hiring, determining wages, and promotion. After all, it’s no secret that women are the first to be fired. Elderly people are concerned about the timeliness of payment of pensions and their size. It is intended to resolve all these problems economic policy states.

Issues of the content of school courses, new teaching aids, programs include a special educational policy. It determines which faculties, institutes, departments to open, and which subjects to study first. A pressing problem for Russia is school reform. Various versions of it are being developed, and debates are ongoing about the fate of public and private educational institutions and about the teaching of various subjects. As you can see, here, too, we encounter a clash of interests, and the task of the state is to find agreement between them for the benefit of the younger generation of Russians.

National movements pose a serious problem in the modern world. Many peoples who previously lived within the borders of united states - empires, are today awakening to independent state life and trying to build their own “national apartments”. This process can take extremely painful forms, including war, terrorism, and violence. An example of this is the collapse of Yugoslavia, the problem of Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, Chechnya. Every day we learn about the facts of hostage taking on the border with Chechnya, about the alarming situation throughout the North Caucasus. Issues related to the solution of these problems, with the coexistence and cohabitation of several different peoples on the same land, are called upon to be resolved national policy.

The state must also take care of the normal increase in the number of its citizens. It must know how many of them it can provide a decent life, feed, shoe, and warm. If a country experiences a decline in the birth rate and an increase in mortality, and the average life expectancy is falling lower and lower, these are symptoms of a crisis. The state must develop a special system of measures to support motherhood and childhood, and redistribute funds to support young families. The gene pool of a nation is the key to the prosperity and power of the state, its future. It is intended to resolve these issues demographic policy. It can be aimed not only at stimulating the birth rate, population growth, and improving the quality of life of the elderly. There are countries in which the main problem, on the contrary, is too high a birth rate - these are Kenya, Somalia, Venezuela; the demographic situation in China is traditionally acute. In this case, the state is forced to pass special laws limiting the number of children in families.

You can also select into a separate area environmental policy- state activities to protect the environment from the destructive effects of people. This includes the support of environmentally friendly industries, and strict sanctions against those who pollute water bodies, air, barbarously manage the land, and cut down forests. But it is necessary not only to protect it, it is necessary to conduct expensive research and create new, resource-saving technologies. All these are the tasks of the state.

There are many other areas of government activity.

We can talk about policies in the field of culture, science, and the fight against organized crime. There are many politicians, and at the same time it is one and represents in its entirety an activity aimed at exercising power, at achieving society’s goals and objectives, ensuring a higher standard of living than before, social harmony and stable development.

Politic system- a set of various political institutions, socio-political communities, forms of interactions and relationships between them.

Functions of the political system:

  • determination of goals, objectives and ways of development of society;
  • organization of the company's activities;
  • distribution of spiritual and material resources;
  • reconciliation of different political interests;
  • promotion of various norms of behavior;
  • involving people in political life;
  • monitoring the implementation of decisions and compliance with standards.

Basic elements of the political system:

  1. Institutional subsystem- political organizations: parties and socio-political movements (trade unions, religious and cooperative organizations, interest clubs), the state is allocated to a special structure.
  2. Communication subsystem- a set of relations and forms of interaction between classes, social groups, nations and individuals.
  3. Regulatory subsystem- norms and traditions that define and regulate the political life of society: legal norms (constitutions and laws refer to written norms), ethical and moral norms (unwritten ideas about good and evil, truth and justice).
  4. Cultural-ideological subsystem- a set of political ideas, views, perceptions and feelings that are different in content; 2 levels - theoretical (political ideology: views, slogans, ideas, concepts, theories) and practical (political psychology: feelings, emotions, moods, prejudices, traditions).
  5. Functional subsystem covers forms and directions of political activity, methods of exercising power.

Classification of political systems:

  • depending on the source of power and dominance in power-society-individual relations: democratic and non-democratic (authoritarian and totalitarian);
  • open (competitiveness) - closed (purpose);
  • military - civil - theocratic;
  • dictatorial (reliance on violence) - liberal (freedom of the individual and society);

Democratic systems are built on the principles of individualism, humanity (man is the main value), responsibility, equality, competition, social justice, initiative, people's sovereignty, plurality of opinions, tolerance, freedom, presumption of innocence, criticality, gradual change; and non-democratic ones - collectivism, casteism, political passivity, a system of subordination, ideological indoctrination of citizens (indoctrination), state guardianship (protectionism), the use of any means to achieve set goals, utopianism (blind faith in certain ideals), radicalism, violence.

In addition, depending on the source of power, we can talk about open And closed political systems. Open systems characterized by free competition and the availability of opportunities for everyone to realize their desire to participate in political life. Moreover, this openness should extend to all spheres of life - when filling any position, a competition is announced and the most qualified specialist is selected according to previously known criteria. On the contrary, in closed systems everything is decided on the basis of acquaintances, family ties, bribes, personal preferences. Professionalism in this case fades into the background, and if competitions for filling positions are held, this is done formally with pre-known results. Thus, we can talk about two types of boards. In the first case, the government can be gotten rid of without bloodshed, primarily through elections. In this case, the transfer of power from one group to another is not accompanied by a complete destruction of political institutions and social traditions. The second type assumes that the government can only leave in the event of a coup, successful uprising, conspiracy, civil war, etc.

The rest are very close to the considered classifications. Thus, some divide all political systems into military, civil and theocratic. In this case, the main criterion is the dominant position in the state of one of three groups with significant authority and power. In the modern world, most countries have civil power, but there are still states dominated by the military (primarily in Africa and South America) or religious leaders (Asian and some African countries). There is also a division into dictatorial (reliance on violence) and liberal (protection of personal freedom) systems.

The most important task of political science as a science is to study the functioning of the political system and its constituent institutions. Political science uses various research methods:

  • institutional: study of political institutions: the state, its bodies, parties, the media;
  • system: involving consideration of the political life of society in the form of a complex system of institutions, norms, relationships, traditions, ideas, a self-organizing and self-regulating system; also, a systematic approach allows us to take into account relationships and interactions with other spheres of public life;
  • comparative: aimed at a comparative analysis of various political systems among themselves, which provides the basis for drawing up various forecasts;
  • historical: involves consideration of political phenomena in development from the past to the present, identifying phenomena and processes that are repeated in history;
  • sociological: with its help, the relationship between politics and the development of society as a whole is revealed;
  • normative-value: involves identifying the significance of certain political phenomena for society, their role in improving public welfare, in bringing society closer to a certain ideal.

Political system of society- a complex, branched set of various political institutions (organizations), norms, ideologies, values ​​and communications.

Components (subsystems) of the political system of society

Name Characteristic
Institutional (organizational) a set of organizations and citizens interacting in the process of realizing their interests: the state, local governments, socio-political organizations
Normative political norms - rules of conduct, expectations and standards governing the political behavior of subjects: political and legal norms, traditions and customs, moral norms, corporate norms (statutes of parties, associations)
Cultural political ideology is a form of political consciousness that influences the content of power relations; political culture
– a way of acting in politics, reflecting the level of political activity and maturity of subjects
Communicative system of vertical and horizontal relations in politics between subsystems of the political system, spheres of public life, political systems of different countries, participation of the media
Functional The main directions of activity of political institutions to realize their goals, objectives, and exercise of state power

Liberalism– individualism, personal freedom, inalienability of rights and freedoms, private property, state – “night watchman”.
Conservatism– traditionalism, stability, priority of society and the state over the individual, main values ​​– family, church, morality.
Fascism– justification of aggressive actions of the authorities in the name of the good of the nation, purity of the race, the boundless will of the state, militarism, ultra-reactionary inhumane ideology.

The main ideologies of modern times

Social democracy– achieving a socially just society through reforms, a democratic state pursues an active social policy, the idea of ​​social partnership.
Communism– communist society is built on the basis of public property; class struggle is the driving force of society, the principle of one-party rule, universal labor service.
Political regime– a set of means, methods and techniques for exercising power and achieving political goals.
Democratic political regime Authoritarian political regime Totalitarian political regime
1) recognition of the people as the only source of sovereignty; 1) concentration of real power in the hands of a political leader or political group, the possibility of penetration into which is strictly limited; 1) one-party system, the dominance of a single mass party, the leader of which is also the leader of the state;
2) guarantees of civil, political, socio-economic rights of the individual, recognition of them as natural and inalienable;
3) formation of government bodies through free elections on the principles of universal, equal and secret suffrage;
4) creating conditions for the activities of parties, respect by the majority for the opinions and interests of the minority;
5) implementation of the principle of separation of powers;
6) diversity and equality of forms of ownership, market economy;
7) developed system of local governments;
8) the right of the minority to oppose when subordinate to the decisions of the majority
2) the exercise of political power by administrative-command methods using coercion or the threat of force;
3) allowing a certain ideological and political diversity, the boundaries of which are strictly defined; real political struggle for power is not allowed;
4) restriction and regulation of political and personal rights of citizens;
5) restriction of media freedom;
6) relatively independent from the state are: economy, production, everyday life, public organizations
2) the only permitted obligatory ideology;
3) monopoly of the party and state on the media;
4) an extensive system of political police, total control over all spheres of public life;
5) centralized nature of economic management

The communicative component of the political system includes

1) ideological principles

2) forms of interaction between parties

3) political norms

4) political organizations


Answer: 2

Forms of interaction, connections, communication within the political system characterize it

1) regulatory component

2) communicative component

3) cultural component

4) organizational component


Communicative - a hint, this is precisely the interaction and connection of something.

The correct answer is listed at number 2.

Answer: 2

Subject area: Politics. Politic system

The state, political parties, socio-political movements form


All terms are components of the political system, institutions.

The correct answer is listed at number 4.

Answer: 4

Subject area: Politics. Politic system

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Elements of the political system:

1. organizational (state, political parties, socio-political movements, pressure groups)

2. normative (norms, values, customs, traditions)

3. cultural (political culture - knowledge, value orientations, political psychology, methods of practical political activity + ideology)

4. communicative (connections within the political system)

Political consciousness, political ideology form

1) normative component of the political system

2) communicative component of the political system

3) cultural component of the political system

4) organizational component of the political system


All this forms the political CULTURE of a citizen.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Politics. Politic system

What is an element of the cultural subsystem of a political system?

1) legal and political norms

2) established interactions of social groups

3) state, political parties

4) political ideologies


Political culture is a set of views, ideas, and ideas about the political system.

The correct answer is listed at number 4.

Answer: 4

Subject area: Politics. Politic system

Political ideology refers to

1) political institutions

2) political norms

3) political culture

4) political connections


Political ideology - 1) a system of ideas and views that expresses the fundamental interests, worldview, ideals of any political subject (class, nation, entire society, social movement, party); 2) a system of ideas and views, expressed primarily in a theoretical, more or less ordered form, that defend collective values ​​and interests, formulate the goals of group activity and justify the ways and means of their implementation with 5) the help of political power or influence on it; 3) theoretical justification of the value system of certain political subjects.

The correct answer is listed at number 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Politics. Politic system

The communicative component of the political system includes

1) political parties and movements

2) relations between civil institutions and government bodies

3) political ideas and doctrines

4) ways of political participation of citizens


Political communication is the process of transmitting political information, through which it circulates from one part of the political system to another and between the political system and the social system. L. Pai also includes in political communication “the entire range of informal communication processes in society that have a wide variety of influences on politics.”

The correct answer is listed at number 2.

Answer: 2

Subject area: Politics. Politic system

The political system includes several subsystems. The communication subsystem includes(-are):

1) values ​​and emotions that determine the political behavior of citizens

3) political parties and government bodies


The political system is a multifunctional mechanism, including state and non-state social institutions that carry out political functions.






The communication subsystem is a set of connections and interactions between the subsystems of the political system, between the political system and other subsystems. In this case, it is the interaction of civil organizations with state bodies.

Values ​​and emotions that determine the political behavior of citizens - cultural-ideological subsystem

The legislation on the election of senior officials is normative.

Political parties and government bodies - institutional.

The correct answer is indicated under number: 4.

Answer: 4

Subject area: Politics. Politic system

The political system includes several subsystems. The cultural subsystem includes (are):

1) behavioral standards characteristic of political activity

2) legislation on elections of senior officials

3) TV channels and other media

4) interaction of civil organizations with state bodies


The political system is a multifunctional mechanism, including state and non-state social institutions that carry out political functions.

Components (subsystems of the political system)






Cultural covers political psychology, political ideology, political culture. Here these are behavioral standards characteristic of political activity.

Detailed solution Paragraph § 21 in social studies for 11th grade students, authors L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova 2014

Question 1. Is political life a chaos of events or something orderly? Is there an ideal political order?

Political life is a set of relationships that arise in connection with the management of society and the state, the solution of issues and problems arising from this, and the influence of participants on each other.

Political order is a set of conditions that ensure the expediency of the functioning and development of the political system, presupposing: the sequence of implementation of its main tasks and values; consistency of actions of control system elements; the presence of effective guarantees and means of maintaining all aspects of security: military, legal, environmental, technological, economic; ensuring a high degree of independence of society from random circumstances. It is clear that complete independence cannot be achieved here, but through the introduction of effective measures for anticipation, prevention and protection, the scale of social losses can be significantly reduced.

Questions and tasks for the document

With its broadest prospects and possibilities, democracy seems to have raised expectations that it is unable to satisfy. And with her spirit of tolerance and acceptance of all opinions, all paths, she opened up space for trends that seek to overthrow her. She could not be different, because this is her nature, her advantage. But with this nature and this advantage, she could satisfy only some, and not all. People always have a need to continue any reality until the infinity of the absolute ideal, and no state structure can satisfy them. Democracy promised to be the expression of the general will, the realization of equality and freedom. But the principle of the general will turned out to be mysterious and problematic, and the beginning of equality and freedom - complex and contradictory. Therefore, the implementation of the democratic idea always remains only approximate and imprecise...

Question 1. What expectations cannot be met by democracy? How is this idea reflected in the text of the paragraph?

Democracy, as a system of government, is not entirely an expression of the general will. Since democracy is not such in the full sense of the word, as long as there are monetary relations in society, as long as capitalism remains, since any “general will” can be changed through bribery, the influence of the high status of the minority. Also, democracy cannot provide expression for everyone, in the sense that should be the ideal of democracy. Also, democracy does not provide the opportunity to take it to the limit, to the absolute, thereby destroying expectations.

Question 2: What political movements do you think are trying to overthrow democracy these days?

Liberals and communists seek to overthrow democracy.

Question 3: Why can't democracy please everyone? Explain.

People always have a need to continue any reality until the infinity of the absolute ideal, and no state structure can satisfy them. Democracy promised to be the expression of the general will, the realization of equality and freedom. But the principle of the general will turned out to be mysterious and problematic, and the beginning of equality and freedom - complex and contradictory. Therefore, the implementation of the democratic idea always remains only approximate and imprecise.

Question 4. Why can’t people be satisfied with any state structure?

Man has a habit of taking everything to the limit, and it is impossible to take everything to the limit by any state structure. You cannot please every person; everyone has their own opinions, ideals, thoughts, and behavior in certain situations.

Question 5. What advantages of democracy does the author name? What are the possibilities of democracy?

The advantages of democracy are relative freedom of opinion, relative equality, relative freedom of speech, relative provision of the right to vote, political pluralism (note from the author: only these points for the most part do not relate to democracy, but relate to liberalism - this is a substitution of concepts).

Question 6. Why does the implementation of a democratic idea always remain approximate? What conclusion follows from this statement?

Bourgeois democracy cannot provide everyone with equality of rights and true universal participation in government, and also, due to the capitalist system of society, does not give expression to the general will.


Question 1. What is a political system? What is its “environment”?

The political system is a set of state, party and public bodies and organizations participating in the political life of the country. It is a complex formation that ensures the existence of society as a single organism, centrally controlled by political power.

Beyond the boundaries of the political system is the “environment”. Here are the non-political spheres of society: economic, social, sphere of spiritual culture, private life of a person, as well as political systems of other countries and international institutions (for example, the UN).

The environment of a political system includes intrasocietal and extrasocietal components.

The intrasocietal environment, in turn, consists of ecological, biological, personal and social systems.

The social system is divided into subsystems of culture, economics, social structure, demography, etc.

The extrasocietal environment consists of external political systems, external ecological systems and external social systems. The political system reacts to impulses emanating from this environment.

Question 2: What are the structural components of a political system? Describe them.

Like any other, a political system has its limits. Within these boundaries there are power institutions, relationships, and activities that determine policy. In a political system, according to one of the approaches existing in political science, four structural components are distinguished, which are called subsystems.

The institutional subsystem includes the state, parties, socio-political movements and other political institutions.

The normative subsystem includes political principles, legal norms governing political life, political traditions and moral norms embodied in constitutions, other laws (these norms apply to the entire political system), party programs, charters of political associations (these norms apply within certain organizations), and also in the traditions and procedures that define the rules of conduct in politics.

The communication subsystem is a set of connections and interactions both between the subsystems of the political system and between the political system and other subsystems of society (economic, social, etc.), as well as between the political systems of different countries.

The cultural-ideological subsystem covers political psychology and ideology, political culture, which includes political teachings, values, ideals, patterns of behavior that influence the political activities of people.

Taken together, all of these components constitute a complex mechanism for the formation and functioning of power in society.

Question 3. Give examples of the impact of society on the political system and the impact of the political system on society.

For example, in the late 1990s. In Russia, scientists, teachers, and public figures became concerned about the level of education in the country. At various meetings, councils and demonstrations, this issue was constantly raised, and possible solutions were considered. And the political system received a very powerful impulse, since this situation affected the entire society. This is the impact of society on the political system.

When the government issued a number of decrees aimed at improving the level of education in the country, this is already the impact of the political sphere on society.

Question 4. What are the functions of the political system?

The main one of these functions is its leadership role in relation to all other systems (spheres) that together form society.

It is in the political system that the goals and objectives of social development are determined and the political course of the authorities is developed. This is the goal-setting function performed by the political system.

Another function - integrative - consists of preserving the integrity of society, preventing its disintegration and collapse, and coordinating the diverse interests of various social groups. Among the most important is the regulatory function, which consists of regulation, streamlining the entire set of social relations, and developing norms of behavior for people in all spheres of social life.

Question 5. Describe the state as a political institution. What rules regulate the activities of the state?

The state as a political institution performs internal and external functions. Internal - regulation of social relations; protection of the constitutional order; development and implementation of a common policy for the country in economic, social, spiritual and other areas of society; prevention and resolution of social conflicts, etc. Foreign policy functions - national defense, mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries.

The diverse activities of the state are regulated by political norms, which are embodied in laws, customs, traditions, and principles. A special place among them is occupied by constitutional law - a branch of law that regulates fundamental social relations, which cover:

Constitutional (social) system of the state, forms and methods of exercising power in the state;

Fundamentals of the legal status of the individual;

State structure, i.e. territorial (national-territorial) organization of the state;

System, formation procedure (including electoral law), principles of organization and activities of state authorities and local self-government.

Question 6. How do different forms of state differ from each other? What is the difference between the forms of territorial structure?

There are two types of government: monarchy and republic.

The legal characteristics of a monarchy include:

1. sole rule

2. the monarch acts in domestic and foreign policy as a representative of the entire people

3. the power of the monarch is indefinite for life and is inherited

4. The monarch bears neither political nor legal responsibility for his actions and results of his reign, answering only to God and history.

Other legal characteristics of a republic include:

1. collective government

2. state power is urgent and replaceable

3. principle of separation of powers

4. officials bear political and legal responsibility for failure to fulfill or improper performance of the powers assigned to them.

Question 7. What is a political regime? Name the types of political systems that differ in political regimes.

A political regime is a set of ways, forms and methods of exercising political power. At first glance, we are talking about assessing only the functional component in the structure of the political system. In fact, the political regime characterizes the working conditions of government bodies, socio-political organizations and movements, the specifics of political relations, forms of ideology, the type of political culture of society, etc. It reflects the level of political freedom, the ways of relationships between government, society and the individual. In other words, the political regime contains the essential features of the political system as a whole.

Question 8. How do totalitarian and authoritarian political regimes differ from each other?

A totalitarian regime means complete control of the state over the entire life of society and over the life of every person. Many political scientists agree that the essential features of a totalitarian regime include:

Official state ideology, mandatory for all citizens and not allowing the existence of other ideologies;

The monopoly on power of a single mass political party, the leader of which in the public consciousness is endowed with supernatural traits, a cult of the personality of the leader is created;

Total police control over the entire society;

Control of the ruling party over the media, strict censorship;

Centralized economy, a system of bureaucratic management of it.

An authoritarian regime is characteristic of a political system, the power in which has signs of the dictatorship of one person or group of persons (oligarchic group, military junta, etc.). This power is beyond the control of citizens. She can rule with the help of laws that she adopts at her own discretion, the main thing is to rely on force. However, as a rule, an authoritarian regime does not resort to terror. The most important feature of an authoritarian regime is the monopolization of politics in the absence of total control over society. This means that political opposition is not allowed, but the economy, culture, and religion can develop without government intervention. Thus, a certain freedom of activity in various fields is maintained, but politics is the exclusive function of power.

Question 9. What are the basic principles and values ​​of a democratic political system? What are its advantages over other types of political systems? What are the contradictions of democracy?

A democratic regime is based on a system of principles and values ​​of civil society institutions, among which the principle of democracy occupies the first place. It should not be understood to mean that every single citizen has the same interests and aspirations. Therefore, democracy is realized primarily through the majority principle. This means that there are mechanisms for identifying the will of the majority, the main ones being elections and referendums. Citizens make politically important decisions by voting, only in the first case about the election of deputies to the highest legislative body or the highest official in the state, and in the second - about accepting or rejecting decisions on the most significant state issues.

However, a political regime is not democratic if, along with the principle of the majority, another principle is not implemented: the right of the minority to opposition. This means that that part of society that does not support the authorities can create their own organizations, have their own press, criticize the policies of the authorities, and offer an alternative political course. This right in a democratic state is enshrined in laws.

In a democratic regime, people have the right and opportunity to influence the development of political decisions through participation in election campaigns, appeals to government bodies, speeches and criticism of authorities in the press, participation in rallies, demonstrations, pickets, and the activities of political parties and movements.

Parliamentarism is another integral feature of democracy. This refers to parliamentarism in the broad sense of the word, which means state power in which a significant role belongs to popular representation (parliament). In the narrow sense of the word, parliamentarism means a political institution that exists in parliamentary republics and constitutional monarchies. But in any democratic regime, parliament is the highest legislative body in which deputies represent the interests of the citizens who elected them.

One of the values ​​of democracy is political pluralism - the principle of the structure and functioning of the political system, which presupposes diversity and free competition in the struggle for power of political ideas, views, programs, political organizations, the media, parties (multi-party system), the existence of legal political opposition if there is the overwhelming majority of citizens have a common interest in preserving the state, recognizing the democratic “rules of the game”, and refusing to use force in resolving controversial issues.

A necessary condition for democracy and one of its values ​​is openness, i.e. openness of the activities of political institutions, broad presentation of information to the citizens of the country about the activities of all government bodies, about their plans, intentions, decisions, and actions.

The concept of “democracy” also includes the presence of a rule of law state that guarantees a wide range of rights and freedoms of citizens.

Another prerequisite and condition for the stable development and successful functioning of a democratic regime is the predominance of democratic values ​​in the minds of the majority of citizens, their orientation toward democratic ideals and principles.

A democratic political system creates favorable conditions for the successful development of society and the well-being of citizens.

However, democracy is not ideal. Sometimes political parties and movements, which are designed to express the interests of voters, usurp the rights of citizens and push them away from direct participation in political life. Often the bureaucratic state apparatus resists the opening of power and seeks to classify its activities.

The Achilles heel of democracy is the discrepancy between the political capabilities of those who have only formal rights and those who have money, the media, and administrative levers of influence on decision-making.

Ineffective implementation of democratic principles gives rise to disappointment among the masses of voters, distrust of the authorities, and reluctance to participate in elections and other democratic procedures. This situation weakens the democratic regime and reduces its advantages over other types of political systems.

Question 10. Name the main changes in the Russian political system at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. What hinders the development of democracy in Russia?

From your history course, you know that over the years of democratic reforms, the political system in our country has changed significantly. The most important milestone on this path was the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), which is based on democratic principles.

The institutional subsystem has changed radically. The Republic of Soviets with the monopoly power of the Communist Party was replaced by a democratic republic with a president and parliament elected by the people. Political parties and socio-political movements took shape, competing with each other in general elections.

The regulatory subsystem is being updated. Along with the Constitution, laws on elections, on parties and public organizations and other laws within the scope of constitutional law were adopted. Constitutional norms have become the basis for the regulation of social relations by other branches of law (labor, family, criminal, etc.).

The communication subsystem has been updated, since under the conditions of separation of powers at the federal level, as well as between the federation and its subjects, new connections and relationships have arisen. In other words, the diverse relationships between all political subjects have become different. Information flows have increased and become diversified.

The cultural-ideological subsystem was transformed in the context of the rejection of the only ideology obligatory for all and, as a result, the development of ideological and ideological pluralism. Gradually, a system of democratic values ​​is being established in people's minds.

However, the process of establishing democratic orders is contradictory. The lack of democratic consciousness and experience of democracy among some citizens, on the one hand, and difficulties in economic development, the difficult financial situation of a significant part of the population, sharp social differentiation, concentration of huge resources in the hands of oligarchic groups, on the other hand, prevent the establishment of democratic principles in the life of society, their effective functioning. Corruption is a particular danger to the state - the criminal corruption of officials who use their official position in the interests of personal enrichment. Serious shortcomings and mistakes in carrying out democratic reforms have caused a part of the population to distrust the institutions of democracy, parties and leaders speaking with democratic slogans.

These difficulties in establishing democracy in Russia can be overcome subject to the implementation of a policy that takes into account the interests of the majority of the population, the openness of political institutions to the people, the consistent protection of democratic values ​​from their distortion, and timely clarification of the actions of the authorities and their intentions.


Question 1. Based on the course of history, characterize the political system of the Soviet Union that developed in the 1930s.

Totalitarian political system. Terror of the 30s XX century in the USSR and the establishment of totalitarianism. A totalitarian regime is a political system characterized by the establishment of state control over all spheres of public life, violence, and the absence of democratic freedoms and individual rights. Power in society is concentrated in the hands of one party in the absence of political opposition (one-party system). The dominance of the party, its dictatorship, is based on military-political terror and spiritual enslavement of the population. The totalitarian regime relies on the state economy and the support of the party-state bureaucracy - the so-called nomenklatura.

At the same time, a very stable system of developing socialism with free universal secondary education and healthcare, which was characterized by such features as fairness of laws and conscientiousness in their implementation. The political system ensured universal employment and high labor efficiency, which made it possible to annually reduce prices for goods for the people.

Question 2. Can monarchy and democracy exist simultaneously in the same political system of any country? Give reasons for your answer.

Yes maybe. The political structure of Great Britain is based on the principle of a unitary state and a constitutional monarchy.

The British Constitution is uncodified and has both written and non-written sources. The first includes Acts of Parliament, as well as court decisions. The latter are called constitutional customs (conventions).

The head of state and source of executive, judicial and legislative power in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the British monarch, now Queen Elizabeth II. By convention, the monarch appoints the leader of the party with a majority in the House of Commons as prime minister, although theoretically he has the right to appoint any British citizen to this post, not even a parliamentarian or member of the House of Lords. The monarch gives royal assent to bills of parliament, but formally has the right to refuse (the last case was March 11, 1708). The monarch can also dissolve parliament on the advice of the prime minister (not observed in practice), but de jure has the power to dissolve parliament at will, without the consent of the prime minister. Other royal powers, called the royal prerogatives (appoint ministers, declare war), vested in the executive branch, are exercised on behalf of the Crown by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. The role of the Monarch in public politics is limited to ceremonial functions.

The Monarch meets weekly with the Prime Minister and other members of the Cabinet. The de facto political leader of the UK is the Prime Minister, currently the head of the Conservative Party, David Cameron (since May 11, 2010). The bearer of sovereignty is the “Queen in Parliament”.

Question 3. Analyze the situation: a politician addresses voters during elections: “I will achieve a significant increase in the well-being of the people. Let everyone go about their business conscientiously, but not interfere in politics.”

What is your opinion on this position? Explain your point of view.

My attitude to this position is negative, because if a politician asks us not to interfere in his activities, promising a wealthy life, how can I be sure that this wealthy life will be ensured in an honest way, because if I, as a citizen of my country, do not If I can control the activities of politicians, which is my direct democratic right, then my life can be ensured by the force of violence and lawlessness.

A politician without outside control begins to pursue his own goals, and if there is no competition, he will also work much worse.

1. What is the structure of the political life of society?

The structure of the political system.

The set of functions of a political system is directly related to its constituent elements. Depending on the functions and roles performed, the following elements can be distinguished:

1. A political community of people, including large social groups - those bearing the social components of the system, the ruling elite, a group of civil servants, various layers of the electoral corps, the military, etc., in a word, all those who are in power, strive for it, demonstrate only political activity or alienated from politics and power.

2. The set of political institutions and organizations that make up the structure of the system: the state, all levels of government from the highest authorities to local ones, political parties, socio-political and non-political organizations pursuing political goals (associations of entrepreneurs, interest groups and others).

3. Normative subsystem: political, legal and moral norms, traditions, customs and other regulators of political behavior and activity.

4. Functional subsystem: methods of political activity.

5. Political culture and communication subsystem (media).

The elements of the political system include all institutions of social life, groups of people, norms, values, functions, roles, and means by which political power is exercised and the social life of people is managed. The system includes political structures and a community of people with their characteristic way of political life and style of political activity.

2. List the main types of power. Use specific examples to show their relationship.

There are several main types of power - political, economic, military, information and ideological.

Economic power represents control over material and financial resources.

Military power ensures control over the military-technical and human resources necessary to ensure the internal and external security of the country.

Information-ideological power is associated with control over information flows, influence on the processes of formation of people's ideas and beliefs.

The exercise of political power requires the concentration of resources needed to manage society in the hands of certain people or groups of people, united in political institutions: the state, political parties, etc. Political power also includes the use of economic, military, information and ideological means necessary for achieving political goals. It is clear that in a world where opposing social interests collide, and acute conflicts involving the use of military force are not uncommon, political power must also rely on military force. However, it alone is not enough to carry out an effective policy. We also need power over economic resources and over the consciousness of people. This does not mean that the entire economy or spiritual life of society is absorbed into politics. A lot of things in them proceed according to their own laws. Moreover, the economic, social and spiritual life of society have a huge inverse impact on politics.

4. What is the main feature of political power?

The main feature of political power is supremacy, i.e. the binding nature of its decisions on any other government. Political power can limit the influence of powerful corporations, media and other institutions or eliminate them altogether. This also reveals its monocentricity, i.e. presence of a single decision-making center. Unlike political power, economic, social, spiritual and informational power is polycentric, since in a market democratic society there are many independent owners, media, social funds, etc. Political power, and especially the state, uses not only coercion, but also economic, social, cultural and information resources.

5. Describe the role of the political system in the life of society.

The political system of society plays a special role in public life due to the fact that political decisions and laws adopted by the state are generally binding. The political system is the only one of all social systems that has the legal right to punish and force the implementation of decisions made.

6. Between whom do political relations develop in society?

In society, political relations develop between objects and subjects of politics. Subjects include the state and its institutions, political elites, leaders, political parties. Objects – individual, social group, mass, class, etc.

7. Illustrate with examples the main functions of the political system of society.

1. The function of goal setting is the determination of goals, ways of social development; organizing the activities of the society to achieve the goals of economic and social development.

2. The function of integration is the unification of society to solve the most important problems; coordination of interests of the state and social communities.

3. The function of regulation is the establishment of laws governing the life of society, ensuring the implementation of laws and related norms; assessment of the implementation of established norms and laws by political entities.

4. The function of communication is to ensure communication and exchange of information between various elements of the political system.

5. The control function is the assessment of compliance by people and organizations with established norms and laws.

8. Guided by the text of the paragraph, draw up a structurally logical diagram “Political system of society”.

Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) The concept of “political system of society” entered scientific circulation in the second half of the twentieth century. (B) The political system regulates the production and distribution of goods between social communities based on the use of state power, participation in it, and the struggle for it. (B) The system-forming category that integrates these elements into a single political system is the category “political power”. (D) Political power is the ability of one person or group of persons to control the behavior and actions of citizens and society, based on national or national goals. (D) The essence of the political system of society is most clearly manifested in its functions.

Determine which text provisions have

1) factual nature;

2) the nature of value judgments;

3) the nature of theoretical statements.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



(A) The concept of “political system of society” entered scientific circulation in the second half of the twentieth century. Fact, happened, happened.

(B) The political system regulates the production and distribution of goods between social communities based on the use of state power, participation in it, and the struggle for it. Theory.

(B) The system-forming category that integrates these elements into a single political system is the category “political power”. Theory

(D) Political power is the ability of one person or group of persons to control the behavior and actions of citizens and society, based on national or national objectives. Theory.

(D) The essence of the political system of society is most clearly manifested in its functions. Grade. Most brightly.

Answer: 1, 3, 3, 3, 2.

Answer: 13332

Source: Unified State Exam in Social Studies 03/30/2016. Early wave

Select from the list of words (phrases) that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“The political elite is one of the __________(A) of politics. It is classified as an institutional component of __________(B). This is a narrow circle of persons exercising power in society. In __________(B) it is customary to divide this social stratum into two groups. The first is based on land ownership, __________(G), religion, origin, and therefore belongs to the traditional type. The basis of the second, modern group is political

knowledge, experience, __________(D) in matters of social life. It is difficult to get into the first group; the main __________(E) selection of people is their diligence and personal devotion. Members of the second group also

regulate the process of new faces coming in, but the main requirement is professionalism.”

The words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Select one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that the list of words (phrases) contains more than you will need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



A) - subject.

B) - the political system of society.

B) - political science.

D) - wealth.

D) - competence.

E) - criterion.

Answer: 579134.

Answer: 579134

Subject area: Politics. Political elite

Name any three functions of the political system of society and illustrate each of these functions with an example. (Each example must be formulated in detail).


The answer can name and illustrate with examples the following functions of the political system of society:

1) Adoption of generally binding decisions, management of society. (For example, the parliament of country X develops laws regulating economic relations in the state);

2) determining the goals and objectives of social development, the political course of the authorities. (For example, the President of the Russian Federation delivered an annual message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, defining the tasks for the development of Russian society);

3) mobilization of resources to achieve certain goals. (For example, in Ancient Egypt, the state attracted huge numbers of people and materials to dig irrigation canals and build pyramids and temple complexes).

Other functions may be named and other examples given.

Source: Unified State Exam 2014 in social studies. Main wave. Siberia Option 362 (part C)

1) The political system is designed to reflect the diverse interests of social groups that directly or through their organizations and movements influence state power.

2) The political system of any society is stable and not subject to change for a long time.

3) The political system performs the function of determining the goals and directions of development of society and the state.

4) Values ​​and political ideologies belong to the cultural subsystem of the political system.

5) The political system performs the function of promoting political leaders, training personnel for the state apparatus and political organizations.


There are various reasons for identifying the main elements of a political system. Let's consider the first of the classifications, which distinguishes subsystems: organizational-institutional - these are organizations (social groups, revolutionary movements, etc.) and institutions - parliamentarism, parties, civil service, legal proceedings, citizenship, presidency, etc.; normative and regulatory - political, legal and moral norms, customs and traditions; communicative - relationships, connections and forms of interaction between participants in the political process, as well as between the political system as a whole and society; cultural-ideological - political ideas, ideology, political culture, political psychology.

1) The political system is designed to reflect the diverse interests of social groups that directly or through their organizations and movements influence government power - yes, that’s right.

2) The political system of any society is stable and not subject to change over a long period of time - no, incorrect.

3) The political system performs the function of determining the goals and directions of development of society and the state - yes, that’s right.

4) Values ​​and political ideologies belong to the cultural subsystem of the political system - yes, that’s right.

5) The political system performs the function of promoting political leaders, training personnel for the state apparatus and political organizations - yes, that’s right.

Answer: 1345.

Answer: 1345

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Political parties have, and they are part of the political system


Are the following judgments about the political system of society correct?

A. The political system of society ensures the integration and mobilization of society.

B. The political system of society determines the possibilities of socio-political activity in society.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


A political system is a socio-political mechanism through which government decisions that are binding on everyone are adopted and implemented, ensuring the functioning and development of society as a single mechanism governed by political power.

Proposition A is correct. The political system ensures the unification of members of society to achieve certain goals, the mobilization of society.

Proposition B is correct. Political norms, traditions, and the peculiarities of the functioning of subjects of political power determine the boundaries and possibilities of socio-political activity.

Answer: 3

Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 05/05/2014. Early wave. Option 4.

The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the answer, the following are taken into account:

– the correctness of the wording of the plan items in terms of their compliance with the given topic;

– compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a plan of a complex type.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1) The concept of the political system.

2) Basic elements of the political system:

a) organizations and institutions (state, parties and socio-political movements, media);

b) political communications (the set of relations and forms of interaction between political subjects);

c) political norms and traditions (constitutions and laws, ethical and moral norms);

d) cultural-ideological subsystem (a set of political ideas, views, perceptions and feelings that are different in content).

3) Functions of the political system:

a) determination of goals, objectives and ways of development of society;

b) regulation of the company’s activities;

c) distribution of spiritual and material resources;

d) coordination of different political interests;

e) stability and security of society;

f) monitoring the implementation of decisions and compliance with standards.

4) Typology of political systems:

a) depending on the source of power (democratic and non-democratic (authoritarian and totalitarian));

b) depending on interaction with society (open and closed);

5) Features of modern political systems.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of points 2, 3 and 4 of the plan in this or a wording similar in meaning will allow us to reveal the content of this topic in essence

A. One of the functions of the political system of society is the development of connections between political subjects.

B. The development of the political system of a society, among other factors, is influenced by the traditions of political life.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Proposition A is correct. In the political system there is a communication subsystem that covers a set of connections and interrelations between the subsystems of the political system and political subjects.

Proposition B is correct. The normative subsystem of the political system, which includes such a component as political traditions.

The correct answer is indicated under number: 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Politics. Politic system

Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 05/05/2014. Early wave. Option 1.

Characteristics of the political system of society require consideration of its individual components. Which of the following refers to the normative subsystem of the political system of society?

1) political traditions

2) party charter

3) political ideals

4) party program

5) media

6) political culture


Organizational (state, political parties, socio-political movements, pressure groups), normative (norms, values, customs, traditions), cultural (political culture - knowledge, value orientations, political psychology, methods of practical political activity + ideology), communicative ( connections within the political system).

1) political traditions - yes, that’s right.

2) party charter - yes, that's right.

3) political ideals - no, incorrect.

4) party program - yes, that's right.

5) mass media - no, incorrect.

6) political culture - no, incorrect.

Answer: 124.

Answer: 124

Subject area: Politics. Politic system

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Traditions refer to norms, not ideology.


The author writes that the level of absenteeism in the state characterizes the state of the political system and the attitude of citizens towards it. What two groups of citizens can be distinguished on the basis of their attitude to the political system? Give two objective and subjective factors that influence a citizen’s decision to vote.

In a state built on democratic principles, citizens are given the opportunity to participate in the political process. However, today the trend of citizens refusing to participate in the political life of society is becoming more and more relevant, which negatively affects the formation of civil society structures and the effectiveness of elected authorities, and therefore interest in the problem of absenteeism is growing.

Deliberate evasion of voters from participating in elections is a common phenomenon in global electoral practice; absolute participation in elections is not typical for democratic states. One hundred percent turnout is typical in non-democratic regimes that use various methods of coercion to vote.

The increasing number of people who, for one reason or another, refuse to participate in government elections raises the problem of the legitimacy of the elected government. Therefore, some states use various measures to ensure turnout: from introducing a minimum turnout threshold to fines. The establishment of a legal obligation to take part in voting is used in countries such as Austria, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, etc. However, this can hardly be considered a solution to the problem of absenteeism, since the reasons for refusing to exercise one’s voting rights are different and are often political in nature .

A high level of citizen participation in politics, in particular in elections, is more likely to be possible when collectivist sentiments prevail in society.

As individualistic sentiments grow, priority areas of activity for each person related to his personal goals appear, while politics as a public sphere and the solution of political problems fade into the background.

According to Z. Bauman, the crisis of political participation is associated with a decrease in interest in joint common affairs and the erosion of political convictions. E. Giddens explains the growing number of absenteeists by the withering away of old forms of legitimation of power, which become ineffective as globalization grows. R. Inglehart believes that simple forms of political participation, such as voting and elections, are losing their effectiveness, and they must be replaced by a much more complex system that ensures political participation. The level of absenteeism in the state characterizes the state of the political system and the attitude of citizens towards it.

(K.I. Arinina)


1. two groups: 1) a group of citizens whose decision not to vote is not an expression of their political position and demonstrates conformist behavior; 2) a group of citizens expressing their protest in this way;

2. factors:

– objective: the level of elections, the activity of informing citizens about elections and their significance;

– subjective: the level of political culture of the voter, his personal psychological qualities.

Other groups can be identified and other factors cited

A. The political system of a society may include public organizations.

B. The political system of society includes government bodies.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


The political system is a multifunctional mechanism, including state and non-state social institutions that carry out political functions.

The correct answer is indicated under number: 3.

Answer: 3

Subject area: Politics. Politic system

Source: Unified State Examination in Social Studies 06/10/2013. Main wave. Center. Option 3.

1) political parties and social movements

2) methods of exercising power

3) federal laws

4) dominant models of political behavior


Elements of the political system:

1. organizational or institutional (state, political parties, socio-political movements, pressure groups);

2. normative (norms, values, customs, traditions);

3. cultural (political culture - knowledge, value orientations, political psychology, methods of practical political activity + ideology);

4. communicative (connections within the political system).

The correct answer is indicated under the number: 1.

Answer: 1

Subject area: Politics. Politic system

Which subsystem of the political system of society includes: the state, political parties, socio-political movements?

1) organizational

2) communicative

3) normative

4) functional


Elements of the political system:

1. organizational (state, political parties, socio-political movements, pressure groups)

2. normative (norms, values, customs, traditions)

3. cultural (political culture - knowledge, value orientations, political psychology, methods of practical political activity + ideology)

4. communicative (connections within the political system)

Answer: 1.

Find examples in the list below that illustrate the institutional subsystem of a society's political system. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) political rights and freedoms

2) political parties

3) political ideology

4) media

5) state

6) political norms and traditions


The institutional subsystem of the political subsystem is a set of institutions associated with the functioning of political power. Structural elements are the state, political infrastructure (political parties, socio-political organizations and movements, lobby groups), the media, as well as the church. The institutions of the political system include: parties, the state, the media.

Answer: 2, 4, 5.

Answer: 245

Subject area: Politics. Politic system

Andrey Shcheglov 04.05.2016 21:47

Aren’t the media and the state separate institutions? And how can they be subsystems of watering. systems?

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

They belong to the institutional subsystem, and are not subsystems.

Dima --- 12.05.2016 16:01

The question asks about the institutional subsystem!

And the media belong to the information and communication subsystem. You have an error

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

The institutional subsystem of the political subsystem is a set of institutions associated with the functioning of political power. Structural elements - the state, political infrastructure (political parties, socio-political organizations and movements, lobby groups), the media, as well as the church.

Find a concept that generalizes all other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

Liberalism, social democracy, nationalism, conservatism, ideology, anarchism.

Political parties play an important role in the public life of a democratic society. Name any three functions of a political party in the political system of society and illustrate each of them with a specific example. (Each example must be formulated in detail).


The correct answer should name the functions of the political party and provide the corresponding “measures, for example:

1) Expression of powerfully significant interests of individual social groups. (For example, the parliamentary faction of political party X represents the interests of the middle class, seeking the adoption of legislation regulating the activities of medium and small businesses, and tax benefits for these types of businesses);

What determines the special role of the state in the political system of society?

A. In a political system, no less than institutions, political communication is important, ensuring relationships

and the relationships between the subsystems and elements that make up the system.

B. The institutional subsystem of a political system includes norms and values ​​by which society regulates emerging conflicts.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


The political system of a society or the political organization of a society is a set of interactions (relations) of political subjects, organized on a single normative and value basis, related to the exercise of power (government) and the management of society.

This concept unites various actions and relationships of ruling groups and subordinates, managers and controlled, dominant and subordinates, theoretically generalizes the activities and relationships of organized forms of power relations - state and other institutions and institutions, as well as ideological and political values ​​and norms governing the political life of members of a given society. The concept of “political system” denotes the structures of political activity and relations and types of political process characteristic of a particular society.

The closed type of elite recruitment is historically the first, while the second - open - is the result of the development of political systems, because it requires a high level of political culture for its functioning. The closed type is characterized primarily by the narrow social base of the elite. This is the ruling class, layer, estate, which monopolizes political power; all elite positions are occupied by his proteges. The closed type of elite recruitment is characteristic of political systems of traditional society, and in relation to modern political systems - for authoritarian and totalitarian political regimes. Since this type of elite recruitment narrows its social base, prevents the most capable people from the lower strata of society, dissidents, etc. from occupying elite positions, it dooms the political system to stagnation, inevitably degenerates, loses the ability to effectively govern, and, in fact, provokes education a counter-elite, superior to the ruling elite in its intellectual indicators, which uses the dissatisfaction of the masses with the existing system to destroy this system, to change the elites.

Nevertheless, the social base in modern democratic countries is wider, even if there is a ruling class in them, which tenaciously holds in its hands the main threads of government; the share of people from lower strata in the political elite is increasing... election to parliament, appointment to a high government position of a person from a lower social strata usually changes his way of life: he adopts the lifestyle and habits of representatives of the privileged classes, integrating into the socio-political system.

(G.K. Ashin)


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) answer to the question: a closed type of elite recruitment is characteristic of political systems of traditional society, and in relation to modern political systems - for authoritarian and totalitarian political regimes; OR the closed type of elite recruitment is historically the first, while the second... requires a high level of political culture for its functioning;

(The answer to the question can be presented either in the form of a quotation or in the form of a condensed reproduction of the main ideas of the corresponding fragment of text.)

2) explanations, for example:

– in non-democratic political regimes, free elections are not held, which serve as the main channel for open recruitment of the elite, i.e. the elite can only be replenished by a limited circle of people associated with the current government;

– in a democratic regime, civil society takes an active position in political life, which serves as the basis for open procedures for recruiting the elite.

(Other explanations may be given.)