Conspiracy for beauty and good luck. Conspiracy from any infection

Current page: 1 (total book has 8 pages) [available reading excerpt: 2 pages]

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova
The conspiracies of the Siberian healer
Release 5


blessed memory dear

my mother

Novoselova Anna Ivanovna

(née Stepanova).

Kingdom of heaven to her.

To my students

For several years now you have known me from these textbooks. In your letters you call me "teacher". And I answer your questions and explain what your mistakes are.

I have smart students. And there are a lot of them. Some have already become masters, and some have just begun to learn the mastery of arcane knowledge.

One of you wrote to me like this: “My dear teacher, I am incredibly lucky that one fine day I saw and bought an extraordinary miracle for some rubles. I devoured the first book in a night and already on the second day I was running around in search of a continuation of your teaching. I tried, everything worked out for me. There was no end of joy if I found your next book. I can do a lot thanks to you.

The data laid down by nature plus your school - and as a result, I have already helped many to save life and happiness in the family.

Thanks to everyone who helped bring to light your invaluable gift to people - your students.”

Reading such letters, I no longer doubt that I am not wasting my only life in vain, from which many days and hours are spent on reading your letters and answering them. You can't imagine how much time it takes.

My dears, I have never seen your faces, I do not know how you laugh and how sad. I can't be with you when you feel bad. But I believe that my teaching and my books will help you in difficult times. I want you to be happy, which is why I spend my irrevocable time so wastefully.

I remind you that I answer all your letters. Just do not forget to put envelopes in them for the answer. This is especially true of the former republics of the USSR. Often you put an envelope with your stamps, and then my answers are returned to me. The envelope for the answer must be Russian.

I promise to answer all letters, but in turn. Ask questions, but first read the book carefully, because many of you ask what is in it.

You often complain that it is difficult to reach me on the phone. I think, if there was a desire, you can still get through on the phone in the end.

I wish you success in your studies and good health.

I will try to make my dear readers enjoy reading "Magic and Life", 1
In all regions of Russia, the newspaper "Magiya i Zhizn" can be subscribed to from any month and for any period of time according to the Unified Catalog "Press of Russia" (green). Index - 18920.

This wonderful and very beautiful newspaper. In it you will find invaluable advice from healers of my kind.

Yours Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova.

Magic for health

Gain strength quickly

There are all sorts of circumstances: a person loses strength after illness, childbirth, stress, etc. Go outside, raise your hands above your head, look at the stars and say:

The stars are not counted

the sky is not measured.

Oh my God,

the powers of heaven are with me.

I praise the Mother of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Speak hump

In previous books I have given some of the treatments.

Of course, when working with this disease, I need to see for myself what it is: a stoop or a hump and to what extent. Only then can I apply a conspiracy or spell suitable for this case. A lot of them. In future books, I will add to your knowledge of dealing with these problems.

For a flawed month, place a basin on the street so that the moon is reflected in the water poured into it. Hold the saddle over the pelvis and speak the water three times.

Lay the patient face down, take a knife with a wooden handle. Lowering the handle of the knife into the water and holding the tip, stir the water counterclockwise. Then baptize with the handle of a knife forty crosses on the patient's back.

Patients tell their feelings after that: it became easy to walk, does not pull back, aching pains stop. The back noticeably changes, the disease recedes.

Lie in a field of bones.

Who will collect those bones and refold them,

who truly worships Christ,

with His blessing it is known

from those hands the back straightens.

And how truly the Lord will come into the world,

so truly the hump from the slave (name) will come down.

Glory to the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Till the end of time.


Water is poured into the crossroads.

Fortress for a child

Unfortunately, children have really become weaker, they get sick more often.

Here is a letter where a mother writes about her child: “... poor eyesight, squinting eyes, shudders, eats poorly, vomits, hair grows poorly, very thin, walks weakly, cannot stand alone ...”

Here is a partial list of mom's complaints.

Previously, indeed, the midwife, having taken birth, gave the woman in labor five prayers to bathe with a slander:

1. from every hardship,

2. for good food (appetite),

3. to grow strong,

4. from any sores,

5. for a good mind.

If the mother did everything as the midwife ordered, the child grew up smart, strong and without any troubles.

By popular demand, I will teach you these slanders today. And God forbid that your children please you with their health.

They use conspiracies to bathe a baby on a full moon. The child must be at least a month old after birth. They bathe as usual, having previously spoken to some water in the bath.

1. From every dash:

Like God's Angels

he was guarded and guarded,

so would God himself,

Jesus Christ,

my child (name) saved

and protected.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

2. For good food:

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Baby (name), eat through the word of God,

pour like a pouring apple.


3. To grow strong:

There is a green oak in the forest,

Fortified by the Word of God.

So would (name) grow strong and strong,

as the oak tree is green in the forest.

Who will interrupt my conspiracy,

will not escape my word.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


4. From any sores:

Lord's grace, appear

illness, slave (name) do not touch:

neither a fire, nor a tickle, nor a lomatitsa,

neither a chill, nor a scorcher,

neither Maryino, nor Varino, nor fear, nor the evil eye,

do not attack, do not fall, do not fall,

do not curse and do not take away.

From an evil word, from one's own and someone else's.

My word is sculpted, my work is strong.


5. For a good mind:

There is an icon on the table,

a girdle on the holy body,

on that belt of stars you can’t count,

and there is a baby in my house.

As my baby grows up

on the holy belt will read everything.

God bless his mind.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


So that the child does not bite his nails

Old people say about such children: they will kill their share. A nail biter has no luck.

Speak into the water and wash your child's hands.

Reading under the full moon.

Not hard, not breathy

not gnawed, not bent,

not in the morning walking,

not for daytime sweating,

not for sunset nibbling,

not in sorrow, not in joy.

Key, lock, tongue.


From heat urticaria

Heat urticaria differs from the usual one in that it appears when a person is hot. On his body there are a large number of red dots that itch a lot. If a person cannot stand it and begins to itch, red watery blisters appear that become wet. Thermal urticaria does not go away for years - it disappears, then it appears,

They talk her into herbal spitting. “Herbal spitting” is what healers call a mass that appears in the morning on the grass, similar to drooling.

Wiping your body with them, read in a whisper 12 times:

How are you, herbal grub,

disappear in the sun

so that the hives disappeared from my body.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


If you want to eat endlessly

From a letter:

“I am 32 years old, I weigh more than a hundred kilograms and therefore, probably, I do not have a husband. But I can't help myself. I love to eat, out of control, like a drug addict. I eat everything and everywhere. I read - I eat, I watch movies - I eat, if I walk, I buy pies. I eat at night. I don’t get sick yet, but with such a weight, soon young years won’t help, it’s known: all diseases come from being overweight. Coded to no avail. I understand that I am digging my own grave, what should I do?

Appetite is spoken like this:

Blessed Virgin Mary

and Jesus Christ

not in the ditch, not in the ditch,

carried a bird in its mouth

not a piece of bacon,

but an empty spikelet.

So I would not eat the fat of a slave (name).


Lord, how not to shove

me, slave (name), heaven in my mouth,

so that I don't eat a big piece.


From a tumor under the armpit

This slander helps with almost any bump that forms under the arm. But you need dried for future use or fresh balabolki, those that form after potato flowers. They are tied in a handkerchief and held under the arm, while reading the slander nine times. Then a knot is tied to a branch of a dry tree.

This work is not suitable for the treatment of a bough udder. A special description for the treatment of a bitch udder is in previous books.

You should know that "balabolki" are dried for the future, in limbo. I usually string them like beads, but at 2 cm intervals to allow all the moisture that is in excess in these green balls to escape. After drying, carefully put them in a clean cardboard box. In glass jars, they can become moldy.

And the last thing: they tear balabolkas on an even number.

Don't go water, but stop

do not grow keel and noah,

do not itch, do not prick, do not pain,

And on a dry branch, on a potato baby, go down.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Why you shouldn't let yourself be slapped on your body

From a letter: “... she patted my stomach, and I immediately weakened, and everything ached inside. How much I am treated, there is no sense. Another letter: “... my sister-in-law has a bad habit: either a slap on the back - the lower back starts to ache, or it grabs by the hair - the hair starts to climb."

If you know such a habit from your acquaintances, then make it clear that you do not like it. Say firmly, looking directly into your eyes: “I don’t like it when you do this, I don’t really like it.” I don't think it will happen again.

If you are slapped or even hurt, say a whisper to yourself:

Guardian angel,

protect, save, preserve and protect.


Also, try on any Saturday to slap the person who slapped you too. While whispering:

I take mine

and you take yours.

The devil will slap you, and an angel will slap me.


In general, if it happens that the day on which you were slapped on the back, on the back, etc., coincides with a “bad” day, then this can affect many things: whoever has to give birth will suffer for a long time; with her husband in bed there will be dissatisfaction; fat can grow at the withers in the form of a hump and much more. So be careful.

bleeding ulcer

Tie each day in a knot on a rope. Nodes should be only 12.

For each node read like this:

Ruta, fire, water,

12 disciples of Christ.

From ulcers and all ulcers.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The clerk goes to the east,

and from the east three girls

carry three buckets without water.

In the first blood

in the second body,

and in the third conspiracy.

I'm talking to the east

under the east side

every sickness, every pain, every ulcer.

My word is not to be interrupted,

do not break my business,

the body of the ulcer does not destroy.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

From the stillborn

If a woman is each time relieved of her burden by a dead child, this should be done.

They buy a new basin, a new doll, and a new diaper rolled up as a lining for menstruation. For three days to wear it wrapped around the belt on the stomach, for three days to stand the morning service in the church with this diaper on the chest, and for three days the doll wrapped in this diaper should be in the house.

This woman will never have a stillbirth again, everything will be fine.

Speak "collar"

If you have ever seen a person whose neck resembles a huge inflated circle that lies on his chest with a collar, then the popular name for this is “collar”. Some call it the Judas Collar.

In order to save a person from this, you should take: for a woman - a belt from a dress, for a man - they measure the neck with something and put it on the dog for three days. Having previously said what they measured.

Three days later, this measurement is taken from the dog, burned on the street, the rest of the burning leash is extinguished with their feet. They leave without looking back, silently and not very quickly.

They do it on the seventh day after Easter.

Judas put on a leash,

Judas could neither inhale nor sigh.

The leash crushed Judas,

the leash ruined Judas.

How true is that Judas choked

and that the Lord was resurrected on the third day,

so true that the slave (name) will remain alive.

With your collar

will part.

I lock with the key

I close my business.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From painful periods

If a woman has constant torment during the days of menstruation, then you should end the pain like this. A woman should lie down on the bed on the first day of menstruation. Mother or one of the blood comes back in the door and says aloud:

I'm coming,

I'm coming, I'm coming.

I lift, I lift.

I close, I close.

Draw, Mother of God,

holy finger,

life-giving cross

and with your ring finger.

To forever and ever

there was no pain and sickness

and sickness from my speeches,

from her blood and from the ring finger

Holy Mother of God.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then wash the patient and wipe her with a shirt.

It can also be treated with herbs. I give you a few recipes.

Grind elecampane root.

2 tbsp. spoons pour 300 g of boiling water.

Insist 10 min.

Then once again put on fire and with a slight boil remove the saucepan. Let it infuse for another 3 hours.

Drink after meals 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Mash the grass of water pepper (available at the pharmacy).

3 art. spoons pour 3 tbsp. spoons of very hot water, cover tightly with a lid and a terry towel folded four times.

An hour later, you can take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

Take 2 tbsp. spoons of horsetail herb. Pour 2.5 cups of boiling water. Insist half an hour.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon after 2-3 hours.

Destruction of corruption through reflection in the mirror

Another good way to work with a mirror: One mirror in front of you, one behind you. Look in the mirror and read, without opening your lips, to yourself, your fingers are clasped in the lock, the little finger is superimposed on the little finger. They read like this:

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Like this reflection

do not walk across the field,

do not lie in the mother's womb,

so I can destroy all corruption.

Through this glass

for this body

through this business.

My angel, you are with me.

I am in front of you and I am behind you.

Keys, locks, lips, teeth.

The word is strong, the deed is stucco.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to remove damage through the shadow

Also a good way, not complicated, and does not require a lot of energy to work.

Stand so that the shadow falls from the left side. Turn your head so that it is clearly visible to you. There should not be any other shadow besides yours.

Read the plot in a whisper:

Through your shadow

through your doppelgänger

through the prayer of Christ.

in the name of the Almighty,

go spoil me:

to an empty deck

to the swampy swamp.

The Lord is with me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

If the trace of a person was washed away with dead water

They put the person in a chair. They pour water into the basin and lower the patient's legs there and recite, washing off his legs with a slander:

The water is steep, noisy and seething.

Pours and merges, baptizes and blesses.

The Lord lived on an island

I washed my feet at sea.

I watered the slave (name) with holy water,

and removed the dead water.

Living water, help the slave (name),

but dead, go to the dead.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Strong on tobacco

Take a cigarette from a pack of a smoker without asking. Leaves from a bath broom after use, dry, set on fire. Hold the cigarette directly over the smoke from the bath leaves and read the plot.

After reading the plot, put the cigarette under your arm and carry it like that until you put it again in the same or another pack of cigarettes, do this three times. With each time, the smoker will lose more and more cravings for smoking.

They read like this:

In hell, the devil pours smoke

the slave (name) does not have a soul in the smoke.

When only Satan will deceive the Angel,

then only the slave (name) will smoke. Amen.

If the husband began to love vodka more than his wife

Julia writes from Pyatigorsk:

“Natalya Ivanovna, if you knew what kind of love we married. They couldn't imagine their lives without each other. We already have two children, however, they are still small. But suddenly, disaster struck. The husband was assigned to another job. He began to drink. At first he was uncomfortable in front of me. He apologized, said that it happened, it was difficult to resolve the issue without drinking. But more to come. He began to drink often, and then constantly. And he didn't explain or apologize. The man has changed a lot. Once I asked him:

Is it really that hard to stop drinking? Or do you like vodka more than me?

“It appears so,” he replied.

Perhaps he did not understand, answered drunk, but these words sunk into my soul.

Is it really true that I and my sons mean less to him than booze? What can be done?"

Light three candles. When the husband is sleeping, stand next to him so as to whisper a conspiracy in his ear. Do three times.

Before the plot, they read a prayer to John of Kronstadt.

The house should have an icon "Inexhaustible Chalice".

Prayer to Righteous John of Kronstadt:

O great saint of Christ, holy righteous Father John of Kronstadt, wonderful shepherd, quick helper and merciful intercessor! Lift up praise to the triune God, prayerfully crying out: “Your name is Love: do not reject me who err. Your name is Strength: strengthen me, exhausted and falling. Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions. Your name is Peace: die my restless soul. Your name is Mercy: do not cease to have mercy on me.

Now, grateful for your intercession, the All-Russian flock prays to you: Christ-named and righteous servant of God! With your love, illumine us, sinners and the weak, vouchsafe us to bring worthy fruits of repentance and partake without condemnation of the holy sacraments of Christ; Strengthen your faith in us by your strength, support in prayer, heal illnesses and diseases, deliver us from misfortunes, enemies visible and invisible; with the light of the face of your servants and primates of the altar of Christ, move on the holy feats of pastoral work, grant upbringing to babies, instruct youth, support old age, shrines of temples and holy cloisters illuminate; die, most wonderful miracle worker and seer, the peoples of our country, by the grace and gift of the Holy Spirit, deliver from internecine strife; Gather the squandered, convert the deceived and collect the holy conciliar and apostolic Church; by your grace, observe marriages in peace and unanimity, grant prosperity and blessing to those who monastic in good deeds, give cowardly comforts, free those who suffer from unclean spirits, have mercy on the needs and circumstances of those who exist, and guide us all on the path of salvation: In Christ the Living, our Father John, lead us to the non-evening light of eternal life, may we be vouchsafed with you eternal bliss, praising and exalting God forever and ever. Amen.

How can you not live

and don't drink wine

so you don't live without me.

I stand, slave (name), on the shore,

this is not water, but wine.

And let me be like honey to you

and wine will be like shit to you.

And so that without me (name) you miss,

and wept and vomited from the wine.

It would be easier for you to eat a bug alive,

than a glass of intoxicating to the lips to bring.

The key is in the sea, and that key will not come up,

and no one will interrupt my conspiracy.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Eye diseases

I have seen people with strong personalities start to panic if their eyesight falls sharply. And those people who, as a result of tragedy, illness, etc., completely lost their sight, believed that life was over.

Sight is a great boon, which is why there are so many disturbing letters about eye disease. Many people ask that in each book attention be paid to the treatment of vision.

Your request has been taken into account.


It is good to drink an infusion prepared in the evening so that you can drink it before going to bed.

Its composition:

Walnut leaves (dry) - 3 tbsp. spoons

Rosehip root -1 teaspoon

Rosehip flowers - 2 teaspoons

A piece of aloe root.

Brew in a half-liter mug, strain and drink at night.

Do 12 times in three days.

Second recipe:

Brew a handful of rosehip flowers, a handful of chamomile flowers, throw in chopped burdock (1 leaf), close the pan with a clean lid so that steam drops form on the lid from the boiling of the collection on the lid.

With this steam, bury your eyes.

Do it twice a week.

Third recipe:

Take the rope, make a loop, sort of like you are going to make a knot. There is a hole in the loop. Bring a loop to your eye and look through it. With both hands, tighten the knot on the string, while saying:

What disturbs the eye

tied in a knot. Amen.

If both eyes hurt, then do not make two nodules in one day. Do it on the second day. They do exactly the same. The day should be even if you treat two eyes.

If one eye is sick and there will be, therefore, one knot, then make a tie on an odd day.

The rope is buried in the ground. The rope rots and the eye is freed from the disease.

Current page: 1 (total book has 10 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 6 pages]


The famous Siberian healer offers you conspiracies for all occasions, they will save you and your loved ones from illnesses, troubles, dangers and damage.

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova



A conspiracy from a vertebral hernia

To make the bones heal faster

Conspiracy on a bruised place

So that a pregnant woman's stomach and lower back do not hurt

Enuresis conspiracy

Conspiracy from male impotence

If a man was put on hold

A strong conspiracy from a non-stay

Conspiracy from warts

Conspiracy against seizures in adults and children

How to speak inflated cancer

Another conspiracy from superficial cancer

Brain cancer conspiracy

Conspiracy against lung cancer

Washing away cancer

Conspiracy from an unknown disease

How to get rid of fears

Conspiracy against aggressiveness


Tincture for gout

Restoration of coronary vessels

dropsy tincture

Tincture for sluggish schizophrenia

Antitumor tincture

Hepatitis tincture

Memory Retrieval Tincture

Cervical cancer

Broth from hemorrhoids with blood

From postpartum hemorrhage

Infusion for uterine prolapse

Health Tips


Conspiracy from drunkenness

Conspiracy from cravings to hops

Conspiracy from drunkenness (for a girl)

Conspiracy from drunkenness

Conspiracy from alcohol addiction


Conspiracy for a prosperous married life (conspiracy of the bride)

Conspiracy for love

A conspiracy from girlish loneliness

Conspiracy for loyalty and love

Prayer for a Happy Marriage

wedding conspiracy

Whisper in the back of the groom

Begging for a groom (for a girl)

Conspiracy to attract suitors (namak)

For a girl to love a guy

Dry on the beam

How to "close on love"

Love spell on remnant

Strong love spell on a girl

Love potion

Send love fever

Dry for food

How to remove food

Severe drought on drinking

How to kindle love

Charm for love

Bring longing and love to your husband

Conspiracy on an insidious traitor

lapel conspiracy

Enchantment from infidelity

How to get your husband back

Conspiracy for true love

Spell at a meal

Very strong spell


A conspiracy for the respect and favor of influential people

A conspiracy from the wrath of the authorities (for jelly)

How to pity an evil boss

To be denied nothing

Conspiracy from nitpicking at school or at work

Conspiracy for the respect of others

Conspiracy-amulet from checking officials

Conspiracy from enemy intrigues and intrigues

Trouble conspiracy


For money to multiply

Conspiracy for profit

Goods Conspiracy

Conspiracy affecting debtors


Conspiracy from a strict court

Conspiracy from the court (on poppy)


A conspiracy for children on comprehension and mind

Learner's Prayer

Conspiracy to reconcile relatives

Conspiracy from maternal trouble

Conspiracy from hatred of children to mother

A father's prayer for his children

So that the rival of the children does not destroy


Conspiracy from a hernia in cows

Conspiracy for a good milk yield

Conspiracy-amulet from the evil eye of the courtyard and at home

What to do if a cow is jinxed

What to say when giving a cow to the herd

To prevent the cow from being stolen

So that the cow does not recover during milking

To keep the horse from biting

So that lightning does not kill a horse in a thunderstorm

So that the horse is not dragged into the funnel

So that the snake does not sting the cattle

Conspiracy from the railroad

What to do if the animal stops eating

So that the pig does not tear the piglets

To prevent the dog from biting chickens and hens

A conspiracy for any disease of any pet

So that laying hens give a lot of eggs


Words for planting onions

Words when planting beets and carrots

Words for planting tomatoes

Conspiracy against theft in the garden

So that the fruit harvest is rich


Fisherman's words

For the beast to go into a trap

Protective plot for a hunter

In order not to miss the hunt


Conspiracy from a thief

Another conspiracy from a thief

For the thief to return your good


Conspiracy for actors

Removal of shamanic corruption

Conspiracy from damage

How to reduce damage to a round mirror

Removal of damage induced on an old person

How to speak a well from corruption

How to return a spell to the one who cast it

Protection from fierce revenge

How to get rid of those who spoil you

What to do if your family does not live up to half a century

Conspiracy from induced madness

Witchcraft in the hospital


Prayer for the repose of Orthodox soldiers, for faith and the Fatherland on the battlefield of the slain

Prayer for those who are in the army

About saving the lives of warriors on the battlefield

How to beg for life for a seriously wounded person

A conspiracy that protects against mutilation

Conspiracy on the missing people

Conspiracy for the safety of man

Protective spell for a child

What to do if babies die in the family

If there is no justice for the villain


Prayer of a Penitent Soul

Prayer for forgiveness of forgotten sins

Praying for others, you yourself will be forgiven


Instillation in the child of the spirit of the devil


The dead man comes at dawn

The sin of a clergyman

A protective plot from an insidious seducer


Murder at a wedding

So that at the funeral they don’t bring the disease to you

Conspiracy to remove memorial damage

In order not to damage the commemoration

How to put on a talisman during the funeral

How to protect yourself from damage at commemoration

Charm to put on yourself at a funeral

Damage to the number of the devil

Water for flowers in the cemetery

What to do if a person is harassed by the dead

Conspiracy from the revenge of blood relatives

Invalid Errors






Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 19


I am often asked why I reveal my secrets, because it would be much more profitable to organize paid courses where people could be taught healing and magical practices for money.

Perhaps this will seem ridiculous to some, but the whole point, my dear readers and students, is that the Lord God endowed me with sincere love for people. In addition, my grandmother taught me kindness and generosity by her example. In short: I really want you, your children, your grandchildren, and all subsequent generations to live happily ever after, and this is where my books should help you.

Any courses are limited in time, so with all my desire I will not be able to give you as much information as you can glean from books. By studying them, you will sooner or later learn to protect yourself and your loved ones from visible and invisible enemies: a thief will not touch your good, an evil sorcerer will not be able to harm you, your family and friends will remain by your side for many years, no one, even the most beautiful and charming, a woman will not be able to seduce your spouse. You will go at night - dashing people will not touch you, because a powerful amulet, like an invisible shield, will protect you. You will give birth - you will not know pain and suffering ... Years will pass, but old age will not disfigure your face, gray hair will not touch your hair, on the contrary, praying earnestly, you will become more and more beautiful day by day, and there will not be a person around who would not notice your beautiful soul. You will live long, having learned from my books how short life is accounted for. And when the Angel of Death comes for you, he will carry you in his arms and pray for you before God.

You will not only be able to control the events taking place around you, but you will always emerge victorious from any seemingly hopeless situation.

Everything I can, everything I know and can do, I will gradually pass on to you with the generosity with which a loving mother shares everything she has with her children. If you don't understand anything in my books, write to me or call me. My address and phone number are on the ticket at the back of the book. I just want to warn you, my dear readers and students, in advance: it’s not easy to get through to me, and telephone conversations are not cheap now, so it’s best to write me a letter. In addition, some, unfortunately, do not take into account the difference in time, but sometimes I also need a rest.

Send me a message and I'll try to answer as many as I can. If you have a really serious problem, be sure to indicate what religion you have, since for Muslims, conspiracies and prayers are somewhat different from Christian ones.

I want to please my students. Finally, there was an opportunity to receive the newspaper "Magic and Life". In this wonderful and beautiful newspaper, I talk about everything I know and can do. From it you will thoroughly learn about all the possibilities of a person living on earth. The newspaper will be very useful to you, in it I will try to personally answer each of your letters and help to ensure that all your problems are quickly resolved.

I thank everyone who congratulates me on the holidays. I am always very pleased to receive even a couple of lines from you.

And one more thing: I sincerely pray for everyone who does not pass by, seeing someone else's misfortune. It is gratifying to read letters in which they ask not only for themselves, but also for strangers, because it says: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will have mercy.”

Yours Natalya Ivanovna


A conspiracy from a vertebral hernia

I want to say right away that many of those who performed this ceremony were completely cured of their vertebral hernia. So, on the waning moon, go to a well-heated bathhouse and, whipping yourself with an oak broom, read the following plot:

Hernia, you hernia, get out of me

Come out without legs, without arms,

Come out without a head, on the bath shelves,

In a hot oven, in a fiery fire,

And don’t touch me, the servant of God (name), anymore.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Having said this, immediately put the broom in the oven and leave. Perform the ceremony three times in a row.

To make the bones heal faster

To do this, you need to go with a person who has the same name as you, to the place where the misfortune happened to you. There you should shake hands with each other, as if saying goodbye, and at this moment you need to read the following plot:

Farewell, servant of God (name), and forgive

And me, my ailment, let go.

Everyone who performed this ceremony later told me that the doctors were amazed at how well and quickly the fractures healed.

Conspiracy on a bruised place

So that the bruise does not hurt, spit on the place where you fell and say:

Mother earth, forgive me for the sake of Christ,

Do not hold evil and let go of all pain. Amen.

So that a pregnant woman's stomach and lower back do not hurt

Washing yourself, read this conspiracy:

Whole my body so that it does not hurt me

Not now, not in an hour

And I would be strong, strong, healthy.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Enuresis conspiracy

Take the sheet on which you have urinated, and after sunset, rinse it in the river water, saying:

Water flows, urine will be taken away.

Water flows away, urine knows its place.

Water dries up, urine disappears.

The keys of the moon on the horns,

And I'm on my feet.

So would the urine of a servant of God (name)

She knew her place, stood, did not expire.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from male impotence

From a letter:


“I am only forty years old, and eight of them I am neither a wife nor a widow. My husband sleeps on another bed and pays no attention to me as a woman. I don’t want to part ways with him - he is a kind person, a good owner, a loving father ... But I already had health problems, and the gynecologist said that this was due to the lack of an intimate life. I just don't know what to do anymore! I can’t pester men on the street when I have a husband at home.”

To cure a man of impotence, go to the forest, taking a rope with you, and look for two trees growing next to each other there. The name of one tree must be feminine (for example, birch, mountain ash, viburnum, pine, spruce, etc., but not aspen!), And the other - masculine (for example, oak, maple, poplar, hornbeam, etc.). P.). Tie two loops on the rope - throw one on the “female” tree, and the other on the “male”, thereby connecting the two trees. After that, slowly walk around the trees counterclockwise, reading the following plot three times in a row:

How strong and stucco these roots stand,

Roots, branches interlock,

grab each other,

It would be so strong and stucco x ... my husband,

He would have grabbed me, clung to me,

Would hug me at night

Kiss me in the morning

I would like to take me and to always x ...

He stood on me, on me, a servant of God (name),

Now and forever and forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Another plot on male impotence

The plot is read over food or drink, which is then treated to the husband. The spoken words are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Bright month, frequent stars,

You have seen that people sin at night, do not sleep.

So would the servant of God (name)

I didn’t sleep at night, pestered me with a love affair,

Kissed, merciful

And so that x ... he got up on me,

Everywhere and always and until his last day.

If a man was put on hold

From a letter:


“My husband was guilty before his ex-lover. All his fault is that he met me and fell out of love with her. They were not married to him, and is it his fault that this happened? You can't tell your heart!

In general, during our wedding, Natasha came (that was the name of his ex-girlfriend). She began to insult him and me - she spoiled the brightest holiday for us. But that's more! The main thing is that she ruined my husband's health, as she promised during the scandal that broke out. And now we have no close relationship with him. As soon as he touches me, he immediately starts having wild pains in his groin.

As you understand, our married life does not add up. The husband is in complete despair, and I do not know what to do. Doctors prescribe medications, but they do not help.

My friend told me your address, or rather, gave me a cut slip from your book. She did not give me the book, she said that it was impossible to give it into the wrong hands. I immediately ordered all your books, but they have not reached me yet. In desperation, I am writing to you and asking you to teach me how to cure the let-down insufficiency.

Sincerely, Kravtsova Svetlana.

To cure a let-down stagnation, kill a one-year-old boar and ask your husband to substitute his left hand under the open wound. When the palm is filled with blood, let him pour this blood into the other palm (right), saying:

How are you, ore, flowing through the veins

And how did you flow out of your life,

So that from my body is white

Any damage to men came out and flowed out.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


After that, you yourself must wash your husband's palms from the sacrificial blood.

A strong conspiracy from a non-stay

Go out on the full moon to the balcony or to the street and, looking at the moon, read three times in a row, without stopping, such a conspiracy:

Stanovaya vein at the servant of God (name)

Stops and does not burst

Gets up on me and won't fall

As the moon does not fall from heaven.

Now and forever and forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from warts

From a letter:


“After forty-five years, many warts of various sizes appeared on my body. I went to a dermatologist, but all the remedies that I was prescribed did not give any positive results. When I came to the doctor once again, he advised me to find a grandmother to talk warts. I told my story to a friend, and she advised me to contact you. I beg you to send me your book with the conspiracies I need.

Sincerely, Gerasimova Natasha.

Among the many conspiracies from warts, the one that I will now teach you is one of the most powerful. On a dark night when there is no moon or stars in the sky, cut a whole loaf of wheat bread into quarters. (You should buy a loaf on any odd number and you cannot take change from the purchase.)

So, after cutting the bread, put it in the four corners of your room. Read a special plot over each piece of bread, and in the morning, having collected bread from the corners, take it out into the street and put it under different trees. Birds will peck bread, animals will eat it, or it will rot, after which you will forever get rid of the warts you hate. The spoken words are as follows:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The true Christ was washed and rinsed,

Was not afraid of anything.

Then he sat down at the oak table,

He ate white bread, got up and said:

“How this bread was divided into four parts,

So that the main prince is separated from the body,

Came down on sliced ​​bread

From the servant of God (name) left forever.

Oh you, kumanek, wart princes,

Go to the loaf, and forget the servant of God (name)

From this hour, from my command.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy against seizures in adults and children

Take smoldering coals in the blower, throw them into the water and, when the coals hiss, say the following conspiracy words:

Lord help, Lord bless.

God bless my prayer

For the help and healing of the servant of God (name).

I speak, God's servant (name of the healer),

This soul and body: from beating, stabbing,

Shaking, demonic dance.

From eyes, hands, feet, elbows, nails,

Blood, breasts, breasts,

From the brain, belly,

Joints of all and semi-joints

You go out

No return to body

Without looking back, demonic seizures,

Stinging, shaking, devilish dances.

I carve you with a knife

I take you out with the cross

I whisper, I speak

I speak on hot coals.

On the sea there is an old oak,

There, fits, go,

Live there on an old-oak oak,

And leave the soul and body of the white servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to speak inflated cancer

From God's command

My words are fulfilled.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The old monk was catching fish,

Caught the cancer king

Cancer began to ask him to let go.

At this hour, the Lord God descended from Heaven,

He swore at the king of crayfish:

“Go, king cancer, into the blue sea,

Where the man of God does not live,

Doesn't eat sea food

Doesn't drink salt water.

And for that, let the cancer of cancer from the body

The servant of God (name) will take away.

As said, so punished.

By God's providence,

By my command

Go, cancer, to the canon,

From canon to wax

From wax to incense.

There is the throne of God

Near him there is no free space for the king of cancer,

For his ticks, for his children, for his grandchildren.”

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Another conspiracy from superficial cancer

Take out the eyes of an unboiled cancer, read a special plot over them and bury them under the aspen. Give the cancer itself to the dog. The conspiracy is as follows:

You don't see me

And so that I don't see you,

She did not suffer from cancer and did not suffer.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Brain cancer conspiracy

Pour rye into the scoop and circle it around the head, saying:

Cancer, climb into the scoop,

I'll take you, take you to a peaceful place.

There you will be, there you will live,

There you lie

Do not get up from a dead body

Sleep do not wake up

Do not return to the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Then take the rye to the cemetery and pour it on the grave in which the person who bore the same name as the patient is buried.

Conspiracy against lung cancer

Go to the forest and find a tree there, from the root of which two trunks grow at once. From each trunk, break off one branch, at the end of which there would be a spear. Read a special plot over the branches and burn them. The conspiracy is as follows:

How this tree leaves the trunk in two,

So it would be from me, servants of God (name), the cancer is gone.

How these horns become gray ashes,

So all the ailments would have left me behind.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy against uterine cancer

This method has helped so many women with a similar diagnosis. Recovered women later told me with a laugh how the doctors' faces were stretched and they said: “So you didn’t have cancer, apparently the diagnosis was wrong, you’ll excuse me.” I, listening to them and looking at their smiles, was happy that I could save someone's life.

To talk about uterine cancer, you need to go to an abandoned village (now there are a lot of such villages). Find a house with boarded up windows there. On the board with which the window is clogged, find a knot. With the little finger of your left hand, circle the knot in a circle counterclockwise, reading the following plot in a whisper:

There is a dry aspen,

It has dead wood on it.

It does not grow, does not give shoots,

It dries, rots, disappears forever and ever.

So my cancer would dry, disappear,

Lagged behind my body

He did not give germs to my body.

On the forest, the tree dries from above, fades from below,

So that the cancer from above dries,

It was sluggish from below and lagged behind my body.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Touch the nipples of a nursing dog that has calved for the first time. With the same hand, immediately touch your sore chest and say three times in a row:

Who is breastfeeding

He can eat cancer!

I command you, cancer, to get off my chest

And climb onto the nursing breast.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Washing away cancer

Take water from three wells and read a special plot over it. Then wash your face with this charmed water, substituting a spindle under it and again reading the same plot. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Cancer and pain

You are bored on my body

Go under the hearth, find yourself a corner.

There you be

There you live under the pole.

And my Lord bless me

Free from cancer and pain.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from an unknown disease

From a letter:


“Dear Natalya Ivanovna. A desperate woman is writing to you. I don't know how much longer I will last, but I feel very bad.

I got sick nine years ago. At first, the doctors tried to treat me, and then they gave me a disability of the first group (imagine what my condition is if they gave me a disability!). True, they could not make a final diagnosis for me, but this does not make it any easier for me. Every bone, every cell of my body hurts.

I beg you, do not throw away my letter and, if possible, answer me in your new book, because in our entrance all the mailboxes are broken.

With a deep bow, Polina Vagankova.

The conspiracy that I will teach you is read precisely in cases where a person is clearly ill, but doctors cannot make a diagnosis. On the third day after Easter, take holy water and read a special plot over it. Then wash yourself with charmed water for three evenings in a row. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

God created the sky

God created the earth.

Create, Lord

And health to the servant of God (name).

Like Jesus Christ on the third day

Resurrected to eternal life

So that the servant of God (name)

Resurrected to health.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to get rid of fears

On the last Wednesday of any month, read a special conspiracy over water, with which then wash a person who is tormented by various fears. The spoken words are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Mother earth cheese

You wash, rinse the shores,

You come out of the earth

You go deep into the earth.

Help and help me, God's servant (name),

God's man to heal

From empty fears

Mind to speak.

As a child of the breast is not afraid,

As a priest does not shy away from his cross,

So the servant of God (name) would not be afraid of anything

And no one was ever afraid.

My word is strong, my work is sculpted.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy against aggressiveness

It's no secret that there are people who are always annoyed by everything. Sometimes one word is enough for a person to lose his temper and make a terrible scandal. At the same time, not only the family of such an aggressive person suffers, but also he himself.

In previous books, I have already printed conspiracies on restless (noisy) children, but now it's time to teach you, my dear readers and students, the way in which you can speak aggressive and noisy people.

Considering your numerous requests, I will teach you conspiracy words, thanks to which an evil, quarrelsome person will turn into a soft and docile one. I remind you: if you scold a man, then the plot should be read on the so-called men's days of the week (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday). If you want to help a woman, then you need to read the plot on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday).

So, take a tablespoon, bring it to your lips as close as possible and read a special plot three times in a row. Then give this spoon at dinner to the one whom you scolded for aggressiveness.

This conspiracy is very old, one might even say ancient, with its help, even in ancient times, families spoke from quarrels and scandals. The effectiveness of this conspiracy has been tested by time itself. His words are as follows:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Truly I say to you:

No matter how many people eat food from a spoon,

They still wanted to eat.

How true is it that people

They will eat and drink all their lives,

So the true truth is that the servant of God (name)

The servant of God (name) will no longer be beaten.

Now and forever and forever.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.


Tincture for gout

Grass and fruits of stone berries - 25 g

Hop cones - 10 g

Horseradish root - 20 g

Light May honey - 50 g

Vodka or alcohol - 250 g

Mix all the ingredients, fill them with vodka or alcohol and infuse for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. After 2 courses of treatment, people usually get rid of gout.

Restoration of coronary vessels

Eleutherococcus roots - 100 g

Dry grape leaves - 20 g

Stefila flat-leaved - 20 g

Brown basil herb - 30 g

Vodka - 300 g

Mix all the ingredients, fill them with vodka and infuse for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. Take 10 drops before meals for 1 month.

Important: this tincture should never be taken by people who have had a heart attack!

dropsy tincture

Fresh parsley - 30 g

Blood-red hawthorn flowers - 10 g

Umbrella dill seeds - 10 g

Honey - 50 g

Red wine - 300 g

Mix all the ingredients, put in a dark glass bottle, fill with wine and infuse in a cool dark place for 2 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon before meals 3 times a day.

Tincture for sluggish schizophrenia

Zamaniha - 50 g

Passiflora - 20 g

Amphora leafless - 20 g

Motherwort grass - 15 g

Spring honey - 50 g

Seventy-degree alcohol - 300 g

Mix all the ingredients, fill with alcohol and leave for 3 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

Antitumor tincture

Peony evasive - 10 g

Leaves of radish sowing - 10 g

Colchicum - 10 g

Podophil - 10 g

Centaury - 20 g

Wild strawberry roots - 20 g

Honey - 50 g

Vodka - 400 g

Mix all the ingredients, fill them with vodka and insist in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Take 1 tbsp. spoon a day before meals.

Hepatitis tincture

Green grape roots - 40 g

Calendula (flowers) - 20 g

St. John's wort - 20 g

Stonecrop caustic - 10 g

Common tansy - 10 g

Series - 10 g

Honey - 50 g

Grape vodka - 300 g

Mix all the ingredients, pour grape vodka and insist for 10 days. Take 1 teaspoon after meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, then a 2-week break and again a full course.

Memory Retrieval Tincture

Victorious onion feathers (wild garlic) - 30 g

Lily of the valley grass - 20 g

Melissa herb - 10 g

Primrose spring - 10 g

Schisandra chinensis root - 10 g

Dark honey (mixed herbs) - 50 g

Vodka - 500 g

Mix all the ingredients, fill with vodka and insist for 3 weeks. Take 15 drops with food.

Cervical cancer

Stinging nettle - 50 g

Cornflower blue - 50 g

Buckthorn leaves - 20 g

Kirkazon - 30 g

Blackthorn flowers - 30 g

Boiling water - ½ l

3 art. brew spoons of collection with boiling water and leave until morning. Strain in the morning and take ½ cup morning and evening.

Broth from hemorrhoids with blood

Nettle - 10 g

Burnet root - 10 g

Root harrow - 10 g

Yarrow herb - 10 g

Mistletoe grass - 20 g

2 tbsp. spoons of the collection pour 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew for 40 minutes and take ½ cup 3 times a day.

From postpartum hemorrhage

Shepherd's purse grass - 20 g

Mistletoe grass - 20 g

Wild strawberry leaves - 10 g

White lamb - 10 g

2 tbsp. pour spoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, leave and take in the morning and in the evening ½ cup.

Infusion for uterine prolapse

White lamb - 70 g

Linden flowers - 50 g

Alder root - 10 g

Melissa - 50 g

2 tbsp. spoons of the collection pour 1 cup of boiling water, take ½ cup 3 times a day before meals.

Health Tips

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, in any case, do not use aloe - in any of its forms! Otherwise, you run the risk of significantly worsening your condition.

Systemic constipation can be cured by taking cucumber pickle daily. Use it for 1 glass for 10 days.

Erosion of the uterus is treated by douching with a decoction of camel thorn.

Fibroids are significantly reduced if you take a daily infusion made from potato flowers (white and purple flowers). If the flowers are dry, then take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowers in 1 glass of water; if fresh - then one spoonful more. In my practice, there were many cases when, after such treatment, fibroids completely disappeared.

A person who has been poisoned by mercury or lead should eat as many fresh apples as possible along with the peel. Apples cannot be replaced with apple juice, as it does not contain the fibers that the patient needs so much.

Prostate adenoma can be removed with microclysters with hazelnut infusion, as well as a daily plentiful intake of fresh pumpkin juice. Many of my patients have completely recovered from this disease and are ready to confirm the effectiveness of this treatment. You should also read special conspiracies, for example this:

Lord have mercy on me

Renew health in my womb

And strengthen me with the strength of the wall of Jerusalem.

Now and today and forever and ever. Amen.

During a cold, many people put butter or animal fat in hot cow's milk, but this should never be done with goat's milk, otherwise you will do yourself much more harm than good.

A person who is ill for a long time should not eat fish before dinner on the day of the holy prophet John (October 5), otherwise he risks dying.


Conspiracy from drunkenness

From a letter:


“I am writing to you and shedding tears. I am forty-seven years old, but I look like an ancient old woman - for three years now, I have not been able to get out of a drunken stupor.

In ancient times, the sages said: having an antidote is not afraid of poison. It is not enough to know your future. Much more important, having learned that trouble awaits you, prevent it with the help of omnipotent prayers and powerful conspiracies, because they were created precisely in order to help people. Let's remember Catherine de Medici, Queen of France. From various chronicles and testimonies of contemporaries, we know that at the court of the queen there was a monk who predicted the future both a hundred years in advance and several hours. It was this seer who predicted to the queen the death of all her four sons, who would leave no heirs. Subsequently, everything happened exactly as the monk predicted: the powerful Valois dynasty sank into oblivion. As you can see, my dear readers and students, it is not enough to have the gift of clairvoyance, it is much more important, having learned about the impending disaster, to be able to prevent it by resorting to the help of all-conquering prayers and conspiracies left to us by our wise ancestors. This book will give you the necessary and useful knowledge, with its help you can always protect yourself. Unfortunately, difficult times lie ahead of us. That difficult time has come, about which my grandmother once spoke: “In the coming century there will be three rotten years. The very first of them will be a leap year, at the end of it will have the number six. And the six contains two triples, two trinities. One is the Holy Trinity, the other is the devilish one. This year, all world powers will turn their backs on Russia and war will be on our doorstep. I sincerely hope that both our family and other glorious families of great masters, praying in advance for the aversion of misfortune, were able to change the future and that the war would pass Russia. Pray you too, Natasha, and teach others to pray in order to save the world from a terrible war. The second year is the seventeenth year. The old people call it the accursed year, since it was in the seventeenth year that the fire of the revolution broke out. And then, innocently killed and tortured, those who lost loved ones and relatives, their property and their homeland, cursed their tormentors on top of everything. And so many curses then rushed around the world that even the Heavens trembled. But the descendants of those damned people live to this day. In general, the year will be very difficult. The third will end with the number eighteen. And the eight at the end of the year always marks a repetition of events that occurred earlier. And if, my dear readers and students, you take into account all of the above, you will understand that my book can be useful to you, and more than once. I am happy that I can lighten your heavy burden, and may everything always be fine with you! I remind you that you can count on my help and prayer support at any time, and if you don’t understand something after reading the book, then feel free to call me - I will definitely explain everything to you. Be happy and healthy and God bless you.

With love for you, always ready to help you, your Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

How to save a person's life

Conspiracies for invulnerability

In this section, I will teach you, my dear readers and students, unusually strong and at the same time simple to perform, “strong,” as my grandmother used to say, conspiracies. They begin to act very quickly even on fasting days. However, remember: if you decide to resort to the help of these miraculous conspiracies, then you will need to endure a three-day bloodless fast before reading them.

Conspiracy-barrier from enemies and enemies

If you want to protect yourself from enemies and protect yourself from the machinations of enemies, read this conspiracy:

Bless, Lord, have mercy and save!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will become blessed, I will go out crossing myself,

I gird myself with a cloud, the sun is red

I will put on

Stars clear, from the sky of God

stumble. Amen.

I will cry and call on the Mother of God


Dear Most Pure Theotokos:

- Mother of God, Queen of Heaven,

Protect me with your deeds,

Hide me under your angels wings

From the evil sorcerer and from the evil sorceress,

From the denunciations of enemies, shackles and dungeons,

From sickness, from damage and evil people,

From creeping reptile and from all animals.

There is a holy island in the sea-ocean,

On the island of that is a white stone,

On that stone - distant temples.

Those distant temples have castles,

And those locks have holy keys.

Until no one touches those keys,

won't take

No one will beat me up or kill me.

I put on these words, on those keys

I'm closing.

For now and forever, for all time, Amen.

The book of a wonderful Russian healer - for all occasions. Take advantage of the magic spells of our ancestors carried through the centuries, and it will be in your power to protect yourself, loved ones, your love and home from illness, trouble, betrayal and betrayal.

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova
The conspiracies of the Siberian healer
Release 01

From the author

If you decide to comprehend white magic, you should know the following about it. The master of white magic, unlike the master of black magic, pursues only good goals and will never do evil. That is why white magic is called good, that is, doing good, good deeds. The master of white magic should not refuse the one who knocked on his door and asked for help, even if he knows for sure that after removing the damage from the patient, he himself will fall ill. Of course, in order to avoid the transfer of damage, you can use special amulets and protective or healing conspiracies, many of which you will find in my book.

You should unconditionally believe that you will cure the patient, not for a moment doubting success, no matter how serious the person’s condition is. Your unwavering faith in the power of white magic is the guarantee of success. However, having achieved the desired result, never brag about your successes, do not tell right and left about the serious cases in which you helped people. It is forbidden to say: "He was dying, and I raised him from the coffin," otherwise the person you saved will get sick again. Never talk about your work just to satisfy someone's idle curiosity. In the process of work, you will surely come across people who, wanting to verify your strength, will ask you to perform a miracle. Don't do it, you're not a circus performer in the market square. In addition, squandering your strength on trifles, not showing due respect for white magic, sooner or later you will lose your abilities and will no longer be able to help people. Masters of white magic, behave with dignity, take care of your gift and spare no time and effort in helping the suffering. Rejoice and thank God when you see that a person has been cured of an illness and saved from inevitable death.

Remember that if you are presented with food (especially bacon) in gratitude for the treatment or donate towels and scarves, then you cannot take them. In general, when starting to treat a person, do not set yourself the goal of earning as much as possible. Remember, the main goal of the master of white magic is to help the afflicted or save him from trouble or death.

Every master of white magic must remember not to wear black clothes on days when people or animals are being treated.

Before you reprimand the spoiled land (gardens, fields), make sure that the person who asked for help wears a cross around his neck.

In any case, ask if the person is baptized; if not, persuade them to be baptized. Make exceptions only for those people who are unable to walk and cannot invite the priest to their homes. In this case, during treatment, at least twelve candles should burn in the room.

If you were invited to help an animal, then before you get down to business, do not forget to ask the owners if the cattle was bought or already born on their farm. If the cattle is bought, then it is necessary to spray it with charmed water with the left hand, if not, then with the right.

If the explanation for the conspiracy says that you need to put together a finger with a finger, for example, the index finger with the index finger or the ring finger with the ring finger, then you can’t think about which finger is the index finger and which is the ring finger. Getting started, you must do everything quickly and clearly. Therefore, you should think it over well in advance, prepare, maybe even practice a little.

Try to less often give people a hand when greeting, greet with words, not with your hands - take care of your fingers. Please pay attention to this rule - it is very serious. Even if you have at least one finger slightly injured, you should refrain from treatment - of course, if you do not need to take emergency measures to save someone's life.

Do not see off the threshold of those who have been treated with you, say goodbye without leaving the room.

Many people ask if it is possible to treat a person if he laughs at the occult sciences or doubts the powers of healers, and also when the whole body of a person is covered with tattoos? Undesirable. There is practically no benefit from such treatment, and then the master has a very hard time. In general, a sick person should ask for help from the master himself and wait for healing with sincere faith in success. If a person does not ask for treatment and, moreover, does not believe in success, then why treat? As for the mockery of magic, I would like to tell the following story here. Once a woman asked one of my students for help. She claimed that every night, at a certain hour, a man appeared in her room, always dressed in black. He enters the room, sits down at the table and begins to make movements with his hands, as if pushing the cards laid out on the table. On the advice of my student, that woman removed the table from the room. Then the woman (let's call her Larisa) said that the next night the man again went into her room, but, not finding a table, sat down at the foot of the bed and began to look at the hostess attentively and angrily. She began to read "Our Father" - and the man disappeared.

From a conversation with Larisa, my student learned this. It turns out that Larisa has been practicing medicine for many years. She learned something from her grandmother: she knew how to speak a bad tooth, a hernia, a sore throat, and also knew several love spells. She also knew something about fortune-telling, but, laying out cards, she most often fantasized, posing as a knowledgeable master, and people often turned to her for help.

Once a woman came to Larisa and asked to bewitch her lover. Larisa advised her a lot of things, for example, to sing her lover nine times and other nonsense in the same vein. As a result, Larisa intertwined real rituals with her fantasies and tied everything into one terrible knot, which was not so easy to unravel. And now the spirit of an inveterate, but living person began to pursue the unlucky healer, and only the skillful work of my student helped to destroy this clot of black energy. The moral of this story is this: never joke with magic, never laugh at what you don't know, otherwise you will be punished sooner or later. Never give unreasonable advice, remember that there is a line that cannot be crossed.

I receive many letters in which they ask me: if a dead person appears in a dream and advises me to do something, should I follow his advice or not? I remember a woman came to me for advice. The fact is that for a long time her late mother appeared to her in a dream and repeated: "Sell the cottage, daughter." But she could not decide to sell, since this was her only wealth. And even without a breadwinner, the earth, she could not imagine her existence, because in the garden she grew both vegetables and berries, and fruit trees grew around the house. The woman was tormented, and her mother continued to come to her every night and said only one phrase: "Sell the dacha, daughter." The woman was confused and did not know what to do. Maybe you don’t give a damn and forget about everything, because dreams can be empty? The woman turned to me, I called the spirit of her dead mother and heard only three words: "Let him sell the cottage." In general, I advised my visitor to sell the cottage. Imagine my surprise when, five months later, a letter from this woman again arrived.

“Natalya Ivanovna,” she wrote, “I still did not dare to sell the dacha. And I can understand: the money will go away, and without land I can’t imagine my existence. But in vain I disobeyed my mother and did not follow your advice. My dacha burned to the ground - wiring short circuit. Now I'm just going crazy, I swear to myself what the world is worth. Why am I such a fool?!"

That was the case.

Here's another example for you. Once a very old woman met me, began to hug and kiss my hands. I was surprised because I had never seen her before. I began to ask her how she knew me, and she answered me: “I haven’t seen you before, but I knew your grandmother, I bow to her through you. I owe her all my life, and happiness too.”

She told me her story:

“My husband died: he was young, strong, handsome. He was crushed by a cedar tree, he bumped and made a living and earned it. I exchanged it for one without hesitation. From grief, I became violent, tore my hair and howled all day long. The children will hide under the benches and sit like crickets, afraid to get out, and I take out all the evil on them, a sinner. I thought if it weren’t for they, I would go with him to the taiga, you see, I would save him, maybe he wouldn’t die then, maybe. you talk to him."

© Stepanova N. I., 2017

© Edition, design.

LLC Group of Companies "RIPOL classic", 2017

From the author

In ancient times, the sages said: having an antidote is not afraid of poison. It is not enough to know your future. Much more important, having learned that trouble awaits you, prevent it with the help of omnipotent prayers and powerful conspiracies, because they were created precisely in order to help people. Let's remember Catherine de Medici, Queen of France. From various chronicles and testimonies of contemporaries, we know that at the court of the queen there was a monk who predicted the future both a hundred years in advance and several hours. It was this seer who predicted to the queen the death of all her four sons, who would leave no heirs. Subsequently, everything happened exactly as the monk predicted: the powerful Valois dynasty sank into oblivion. As you can see, my dear readers and students, it is not enough to have the gift of clairvoyance, it is much more important, having learned about the impending disaster, to be able to prevent it by resorting to the help of all-conquering prayers and conspiracies left to us by our wise ancestors. This book will give you the necessary and useful knowledge, with its help you can always protect yourself. Unfortunately, difficult times lie ahead of us. That difficult time has come, about which my grandmother once spoke: “In the coming century there will be three rotten years. The very first of them will be a leap year, at the end of it will have the number six. And the six contains two triples, two trinities. One is the Holy Trinity, the other is the devilish one. This year, all world powers will turn their backs on Russia and war will be on our doorstep. I sincerely hope that both our family and other glorious families of great masters, praying in advance for the aversion of misfortune, were able to change the future and that the war would pass Russia. Pray you too, Natasha, and teach others to pray in order to save the world from a terrible war. The second year is the seventeenth year. The old people call it the accursed year, since it was in the seventeenth year that the fire of the revolution broke out. And then, innocently killed and tortured, those who lost loved ones and relatives, their property and their homeland, cursed their tormentors on top of everything. And so many curses then rushed around the world that even the Heavens trembled. But the descendants of those damned people live to this day. In general, the year will be very difficult. The third will end with the number eighteen. And the eight at the end of the year always marks a repetition of events that occurred earlier. And if, my dear readers and students, you take into account all of the above, you will understand that my book can be useful to you, and more than once. I am happy that I can lighten your heavy burden, and may everything always be fine with you! I remind you that you can count on my help and prayer support at any time, and if you don’t understand something after reading the book, then feel free to call me - I will definitely explain everything to you. Be happy and healthy and God bless you.

With love for you, always ready to help you, your Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

How to save a person's life

Conspiracies for invulnerability

In this section, I will teach you, my dear readers and students, unusually strong and at the same time simple to perform, “strong,” as my grandmother used to say, conspiracies. They begin to act very quickly even on fasting days. However, remember: if you decide to resort to the help of these miraculous conspiracies, then you will need to endure a three-day bloodless fast before reading them.

Conspiracy-barrier from enemies and enemies

If you want to protect yourself from enemies and protect yourself from the machinations of enemies, read this conspiracy:

Bless, Lord, have mercy and save!

I will become blessed, I will go out crossing myself,
I gird myself with a cloud, the sun is red
I will put on
Stars clear, from the sky of God
stumble. Amen.
I will cry and call on the Mother of God
Dear Most Pure Theotokos:
- Mother of God, Queen of Heaven,
Protect me with your deeds,
Hide me under your angels wings
From the evil sorcerer and from the evil sorceress,
From the denunciations of enemies, shackles and dungeons,
From sickness, from damage and evil people,
From creeping reptile and from all animals.
There is a holy island in the sea-ocean,
On the island of that is a white stone,
On that stone - distant temples.
Those distant temples have castles,
And those locks have holy keys.
Until no one touches those keys,
won't take
No one will beat me up or kill me.
I put on these words, on those keys
I'm closing.
For now and forever, for all time, Amen.

From attacks at night and daytime

If you are in danger, say the following conspiracy words to yourself:

Father! Father! I am redeemed by Your blood,
You will be my guarantee and protection.
My enemy will not take my life,
Your help cannot be taken away by anyone.
Have mercy, Lord, and protect me.

If a snake attacks you

If you encounter a snake and understand that it is about to attack you, quickly read this plot:

Serpent tempter, appease your servant,
God the Father! God the Son! God Holy Spirit! Amen.

After that, the snake immediately crawls away.

When attacked by a dog

Even a rabid dog will turn its tail and run away if you mentally or aloud utter these conspiracy words:

Become, dog, dumb, blind and lame.
The blood in your body is water,
Water, like ice in winter, become hard.
You will choke on it
And get rid of me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy in the attack of the beast

I know of many cases when, after reading this conspiracy, a wild beast ran away, as if hunters were chasing it. So, having overshadowed yourself with the sign of the cross, read the following conspiracy:

It's not a beast, it's skin and bones.
I call you, angels of God, to visit.
Stand next to me
Be my fence.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to talk a person from an attack in the night

From a letter:

“My daughter Elena works in a convenience store. In the same store, a woman worked before her, who was killed right at the workplace.

Everything was taken out of the store, both food and alcohol. The killer was never found. This woman left two orphaned children. My daughter could not find another job, and she desperately needs a job, because she herself has two children, whom she is raising without a husband. I ask you to print in your book a safe conspiracy. Thank you in advance for this."

On an even number of any month, break off the lowest branch from the aspen and bring it to your workplace. Tap this branch on the threshold with a backhand and say:

Aspen mother, do not give the servant of God (name) a soul
take away.
And whoever enters here with an evil thought,
He will not escape my spell.
Attach to the enemy, attach yourself,
Tie a noose around his neck.
Let him be afraid, his blood will rise like a stake
And from the servant of God (name) forever lag behind.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Reliable protection from those who destroy you with damage

At three in the morning, go to the bathhouse and, whipping yourself with a broom, read the following plot:

Witch hour. Copper basin.
Spirits of the night, come
Wrap me in your sepulchre,
My body is white, my blood is scarlet,
My baptized flesh.
Who will spoil me,
Let him choke on bath water.
Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from any infection

Each master can tell you many stories about people who escaped during pestilence (even during plague epidemics!) Thanks to the special amulets that they put on themselves. Here is one of such strong protective conspiracies:

Remember, Lord, my health,
And various ailments for peace.

So that the rival does not exhaust

From a letter:

“My husband a year ago began to correspond in Odnoklassniki with one lady. He told me that they just play the same virtual games with her. At first I did not attach any importance to this, well, they play and play. And then he began to sit on the Internet at night. In general, I did not even have time to gasp, as he was taken away from me. I’ll tell you honestly, I didn’t even fight for him, I was so sorry for myself, because I lived with him for almost twenty years! But it was not enough for my rival, apparently, that she had deprived me of my husband. She had the idea to destroy me! And indeed, if I go to the next world, my husband will not need to share an apartment, a summer house and money with me - everything will remain for him, and then she will put her paw on it. And so, two weeks after my husband left home, I became very ill. The doctors, deciphering my tests, only shrugged their shoulders and said that I had no abnormalities, which means that I am healthy and invent illnesses for myself. But my whole body ached, the insides seemed to be turned inside out. I couldn't eat or sleep. Once a friend, hearing my complaints, said: “It is your rival who is killing you. Maybe she is afraid that your ex-husband will think about you, or maybe she doesn’t want the division of property. Then Rita (that's my friend's name) gave me your book, and I literally read it from cover to cover. I appeal to you with a big request - to tell me a conspiracy to protect against a rival.

With respect and hope, your new reader.

Mother of God fled from enemies,
She defended the dear Son of Christ.
All the Powers of Heaven came with Her,
She was saved from all enemies.
Send me, servant of God (name), Lord,
the rescue,
Savings from my rival.
Cover me with Your holy shroud,
Cover me with heavenly depths.
Let the servant of God (the name of the rival) from me
will be pumped out
And her evil will not touch me.
From now on and forever, for all the bright times.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Another conspiracy that protects against the intrigues of a rival

At dawn, go to your rival's house, stand facing her doorstep and say these conspiracy words:

Dawn-lightning, soul-maiden, God's
Help me, God's servant (name).
You get up early, you leave late,
You walk close to God
You wear people's prayers.
Take, lightning, my words
And take them to Heaven.
God help me,
Your sinful servant (name).
Hide from your servant (name of rival)
and save
Take me away from untimely death.
Heaven above, earth below,
Water flows between the sands
Zarya takes my account.
Word, go to the word.
Business, get down to business.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from any weapon

Old people used to say: there is nothing more necessary and stronger than safe conspiracies from any weapon, because these conspiracies allow a person to stay alive even when death, it would seem, is inevitable. Mothers copied such conspiracies on pieces of paper and sewed up their sons-recruits into clothes; travelers attached them to the amulet and always carried them with them. With these conspiracies, they blessed a soldier going to war, and then they kissed the treasured leaf when the warrior returned to his father's house unharmed. Here is one of these powerful conspiracies:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
With the prayers of the Most Pure,
Our Mistresses Theotokos and Ever-Virgin
And by the prayer of the prophet and Forerunner the Baptist
Lord John,
The default of Archangel Michael.
I trust my Savior, from all troubles
Holy Archangel Michael
Commander of the Heavenly Forces,
And the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel
And other disembodied forces of hosts
Close and protect me
Servant of God (name). Amen.
Close and protect me
From all enemies, adversaries, from evil
From everything that is under God's sky,
From the core of iron, flying arrows, from the sword,
From all the whistling bullets
From sharp sabers, from reeds, from a knife
and spears.
Save, save, Holy God, me
From steel, from damask steel, from any style.
Fall, flying trouble, neither in me nor in mine
May this holy word accept you
As the dead do not rise from their graves,
So in the field of war the enemies will not kill me.
Glory be to the name of the Holy Father and the Son and the Holy
Spirit. Amen.

From aunt and adversary

If you want to put a good amulet against thieves (taty) and evil people on yourself and your family and friends, read this conspiracy:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
God! Holy Sunday I praise you
And I call on your name for help
And all your great host.
Passion-bearer of Christ, Saint George,
Don't leave me in my sorrows.
Shut hands, feet, mouth and tongue from my enemies,
Save me, save and defend
Take away their anger from near and far enemies.
I will be like a lion to enemies
And my enemies are like sheep.
Curb my aunts and adversaries.

Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy read before a fight

Here is another of the so-called soldier's conspiracies, which the soldiers in the old days read when they went into battle. His words are:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God.
Have mercy on me, your servant (name), and mine
May our enemy not kill them, and I will not perish.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

Another conspiracy read before the fight

The spoken words are:

Mother of God! Remember us in Your prayer
Give us the strength of the Cross of the Lord of Hosts.
We pray and hope at Your feet
fall down.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To avoid death in an unequal battle

If the battle is unequal and the warrior’s strength is already running out, and the enemy is advancing and advancing, you should resort to the help of such a conspiracy:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Be protection with me
Servant of God (name). Amen.
Holy Mother of God
And Ever-Virgin Mary,
Throw at me, at God's servant (name),
Your imperishable cover
So that it sheltered me from trouble.
Holy cross on me
And you, blind bullet, stop, don't come to me.
Prayer of the Holy Wonderworker Nicholas
Go you, iron bullet, through remembrance,
Name of Jesus Christ, King of Heaven,
Not in my sinful and living body,
Not in the Heaven of God, holy.
Come back, bullet, to where you were sent from,
There, where they equipped me to kill.
I have three holy leaves,
The Lord God gave them strength.
Who knows these sheets, reads them three times a day,
Doesn't really die
The Lord Himself will save
His Angel will take under his wing,
The one on the battlefield from the enemy-foe
won't die.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

To not miss the enemy

Put your right hand on the weapon and read the following plot in a whisper:

From me, a servant of God (name), words,
From my prayer - deeds.
And, as sulfur boils in the ear,
So let the bullet fly briskly.
Flies to the enemy, will not miss,
Back from the enemy will not return.
Every weapon is glorious,
The enemy's business is third, and mine is the main one.
Serve me well
They squeaked, carbines, rifles.
And my enemies have weapons of sand and rope.
Their bullets away from me like sand,
And don't touch my body.
Keep me away, their rifle, their knife, their bullet,
Victory is from God to me, and my enemies are blown.
Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy to protect a warrior

In former times, people fought no less often, and perhaps more often than now. And from my grandmother I inherited a lot of strong protective conspiracies for warriors. Here is one of them:

Prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Written with a gold liter, the light of God.
There is a plate in the sea, in the ocean,
There is an iron bridge on that slab.
There is a wonderful temple on that bridge,
He commands his children the words,
And those words accomplish holy deeds.
Who will bypass this temple backwards,
No bullet will take that.
The tree is in the forest. Feathers - in a bird.
The bird is in the sky.
Iron, go to mother earth.
Don't take my iron.
I have locks, and locks have keys.
The Blessed Mother of God gave birth to Mother
Son of Christ.
And, as it is true, so let the saints repeat
“Whoever approaches me with evil and weapons,
That this prayer will take for the heart.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

A protective conspiracy in a dashing minute

If you are in imminent danger, read this protective conspiracy:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Lord our Savior. Amen.
I throw the keys into the blue sea
No one will ever touch those keys,
So no one will take me by force.
Who wants to kill me
He himself will soon die.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

If you go to meet a fierce enemy

In life, what just does not happen. And sometimes there is no way to refuse to meet people who hate you fiercely. So, so that in this case trouble does not happen, before you go on a date with the enemy, read the following plot three times:

God help me. God bless.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now I proceed with the help of God,
Now I'm going out with the power of God.
Be my protection, holy great Trinity,
And how true and true
That the Lord God will conquer evil,
So true and true
That the Lord will protect me.
God the Father is my protection
God the Son is my strength
God the Holy Spirit is my fortress.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

A plot read in front of the courthouse

Before you cross the threshold of judgment, say the following conspiracy words:

The Holy King of Heaven has a self-cut sword.
Whoever heard and knows about him is saved
God saves that person
The judge will not condemn and the enemy will not kill.
Merciful Lord, have mercy on me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To return alive from the war

Going to war, leaving your father's house, be sure to copy this all-powerful protective conspiracy on a piece of paper and take it with you. Whoever keeps him with him will certainly return home safe and sound. The words of the conspiracy are:

Bless me, Father, for the military army,
God forbid death take me away.
Lord help, Lord protect.
There is a sea of ​​iron under Heaven
There is a security certificate under the deep
I ask Mother of God to help me,
From under the deep waters, save me to get.
Holy Mother of God, protect
Help me with your honest amophore.
Holy Evangelist Luke, stand in arms
Close me from enemies with a high fence.
Saint Mina, blunt the weapons of enemies.
Martyr of Christ Nikita
Break the poles and spears for them.
Holy Paraskeva Friday,
Spread the return path for me,
Which side I'm leaving, this is me
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy for the respect of others

Lord help, Lord bless
Empress red dawn,
Give me, servant of God (name), good health
And in everything self-interest and joy.
From all people Pity, love and honor,
Reverence such that it is not counted,
Love of the heart, unchanging All days and nights
And in all hours of my stomach. Amen.

Having said this, bow to the ground in the direction where the dawn turned red in the sky.

How to talk to a baby for beauty and good luck

In the old days, there were few doctors and they treated mostly rich and noble people, while ordinary people were helped by midwives and healers who knew a lot and were able to do a lot, and therefore they invariably enjoyed universal respect. When the midwife took delivery, the mother asked her child to speak from this or that misfortune, so that the child would subsequently avoid all possible misfortunes. Some women in labor asked beauty and a prosperous fate for the child, others - intelligence and cunning, others wanted to speak in advance of the child from death on the battlefield (alas, but people from time immemorial have never been able to get along with each other). Today I will teach you some of these magic spells. And may your children and grandchildren live happily and never drink from the cup of suffering!

Conspiracy for beauty and good luck

This plot is read on a diaper, with which the baby is then wiped. The words of the conspiracy are:

Will you, child, be green, smart,
Be you, child, endowed with luck from God,
Not beaten by boyars and princes
And not torn to pieces by enemies.
Longitude to your belly to gray hair.
God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit is one.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy for hard work

A lazy person is a disaster for the whole family. Laziness was considered a particularly serious sin in the old days, when people lived exclusively by their own labor. So, for example, the peasants had to get up with the first rays of the sun to feed the cattle, mow the grass ... And in a day they managed to do a lot of difficult, physically difficult things. Only the sick could lie on the stove. True, loafers and drunkards often joined them. That is why the parents of the baby always asked the sorceress to talk the child into diligence, or, as they said then, the sense of work. The conspiracy is this:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Saved ours and the Most Pure Mother of God, Mati
You hold in your hand the whole of heaven,
Celestial and earthly stronghold,
You keep and save every creature
on the ground.
Help me too, God's servant (name),
Pray with zeal
So that the child could and wanted to work.
On land and in the wild, high in the mountains and everywhere.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
It would be a child in all matters soon,
Did the job well and quickly,
Good people to look at
Respect to all owners.
Key to my words. Castle to my business.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.