Conclusion on the performance of the equipment. Certificate of technical condition of equipment sample

Many companies or production facilities operate various equipment that gradually wears out and breaks down. Responsible persons or the manager must organize periodic inspection and diagnosis of the condition of the equipment, after which aon the basis of which conclusions are drawn about the need for repair or maintenance. In this article we will analyze in detail how this document is drawn up correctly and why it is necessary.


This act is a document that indicates the actual condition of the equipment or machinery. It contains data found during the inspection, as well as information about possible breakdowns or deficiencies of the equipment.

The report is drawn up by an expert commission when checking the equipment

The act is often used as a basis for replacing equipment or writing it off. The frequency of inspections is regulated either by internal regulations or by manufacturer recommendations.

Attention:the act is filled out by the participants of the commission, which is created by the corresponding order. It is recommended to include people who understand the operation of the equipment on the commission - engineers, craftsmen, workers who work directly with the devices.

Filling out the document is carried out in the classical way (we will discuss it in more detail a little below) - you must indicate the name of the device, its serial and article number, year of manufacture, after which data on the condition of the equipment is entered. It is also recommended to indicate the inventory number so that you do not get confused with the names in the future.

Please note that the certificate of technical inspection of electrical equipment must be supplemented with documents indicating the results of the examinations or measurements carried out. At the end, a conclusion must be written about whether this equipment can be operated until the next inspection or whether it needs to be repaired, restored or stopped operating.

A timely inspection of the device helps to identify a breakdown at the initial stage of development, so repairs can be carried out faster and at minimal cost.

What needs to be included in the technical report

The legislation clearly regulates the rules for filling out a document - if you violate or deviate from them, the paper may be declared invalid with all the ensuing consequences. Let's consider how to fill out correctly certificate of technical condition of equipment (sample presented at the end of the article):

  1. Full name of the manager and name of the company in the genitive case (drawn up as an address). Located in the upper right corner. You also need to indicate the position of the person you are contacting.
  2. Title information. The word “Certificate of technical condition of equipment” is written in the center of the sheet. Please note that no abbreviations or changes to the title are permitted. The second line indicates the date on which the paper is drawn up, as well as the document number. The date is indicated in regular Arabic numerals in the format of day, letter month and year.
  3. Next comes filling out the body of the document: the reasons for its preparation are indicated (usually the number and date of the order), as well as the composition of the commission that conducts the inspection.
  4. The rationale for the commission's actions is indicated. This section indicates a description of the existing problem, equipment number (article and inventory), and the date the report was drawn up.
  5. Conclusion of the inspection. This section contains the conclusion that the commission makes based on the results of studying the equipment. It also indicates ways to resolve the problem or detected problems.
  6. A paragraph that lists attachments to the document. The original forms are attached to it - if you need them for reporting, be sure to make copies. If the equipment is out of order, then an act of write-off or acceptance of the equipment is attached to the appendices.

After the document has been drawn up, it is necessary for each person on the commission to sign it, indicating their name and position. When all commission members sign the document, the company seal is affixed and the document becomes official.

The check is carried out either according to regulations or when problems arise with the equipment

Attention:Each member of the commission has the right to include in the paper their own vision of the situation and recommendations for eliminating possible malfunctions. It is not necessary that everyone has the same opinion.

How to properly diagnose problems

Next, we will look at what principles the commission members follow when filling out the form and diagnosing equipment. There are specific standards for filling out the act - it includes the following information:

  1. Date of the survey.
  2. The area or workshop in which the inspection is carried out.
  3. Data about the object, its name, type, article number, inventory number.
  4. Location of equipment during inspection (in which area it is located).
  5. Data on the composition of the commission and their specialization.
  6. For what reasons is the check being carried out (planned event, breakdown, abnormal behavior of the device, etc.).
  7. Data on the study (under what conditions it was carried out, what was used for diagnosis, at what time/date the diagnosis took place).
  8. Recommendations from each member of the commission and their opinions on the possibility of further exploitation.
  9. Conclusions of the commission and experts.
  10. Recommendations on how to fix the equipment without allowing it to completely fail.
  11. Addendum to the document.
  12. Full names, positions and signatures of commission members.

Attention:In the recommendations or conclusion, a clause on the appointment of an employee responsible for repairs is allowed. If he is appointed, then not just his full name is indicated, but also his position, and the deadline by which the repairs must be completed.

The act is drawn up and signed by all members of the commission

Nuances of drawing up a technical report

If a write-off act is drawn up, then an addition about the inspection must be attached to it, which only an expert with the appropriate education and work experience has the right to draw up. For certain types of equipment, such an opinion can only be drawn up by a licensed expert.

If equipment is being studied that has become unusable (does not function), then a conclusion from a specialist who has the authority to study such equipment is attached to the document. It is compiled in the traditional way - the name and data about the equipment are indicated, an assessment of the condition of the device is given, the reasons for the failure of the equipment are prescribed and recommendations are given for carrying out repair work. If it is impossible to restore the equipment, then this item must be stated in the document. Before this, it is necessary to notify the head of the company that it will not be possible to restore the equipment - an expert repairman does not have the right to draw up a report on the decommissioning of the equipment.

Note that diagnostics is carried out in several stages:

  1. Visual inspection of equipment, checking the contents and visible breakdowns.
  2. Measuring various parameters of equipment using special equipment.
  3. Checking individual components for operability and compliance with the required parameters.

After the study is completed, the commission or expert group enters data about the study into the report and writes its recommendations in the conclusion.

In general, here is all the necessary information about how the act is drawn up correctly and what is included in it. We recommend that you strictly follow the requirements for such documents, since if filled out incorrectly, it may be considered invalid. To make it easier for you to navigate how to fill out technical report on equipment malfunction, sample available

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Document text:

Approved by resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Emergency Situations dated 07/05/2007 N 71/64

ACT N ___ TECHNICAL INSPECTION of equipment _______________________________ head. N _______________ reg. N _________________ "__" _______________ 20__ The commission consisting of: ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ acting on the basis of order N __________ dated "___" _____________ 20__ ____________________________________________________________ (name of organization) conducted a technical examination of the equipment _______________ (type, brand) ______________________ head. N _______________ reg. N _______________ spent motor life (depreciation rates), in order to determine the possibility of its further operation. 1. Basis for carrying out technical examination. Technical examination of equipment __________________ ______________________________________ was carried out on the basis of technical conditions, technology, instructions, regulations, methods (cross out what is not necessary) 2. Data from the technical operation certificate of the equipment. The equipment was manufactured in _____, the manufacturing plant _____ _______________________________________________________________ Currently, the equipment ________________________________ ____________________ (not) working _________________________________ (indicate completeness or modernization) Operating modes _________________________________________________ (how many machine hours have been worked to date (data from the technical operation certificate) 3. Familiarization with technical documentation. The commission reviewed the equipment passport, drawings for this equipment, logbook, periodic inspection log, installation and operating instructions. 4. Inspection of metal structures _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Maintenance of mechanical components _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 6. Inspection of electrical equipment and instrumentation instruments (instrumentation and control) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 7. Checking the cable equipment ________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 8. Appearance of the equipment ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 9. Testing _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 10. Non-destructive, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, etc. testing methods used. (cross out what is unnecessary) 11. Conclusion of the commission: based on the technical examination of the equipment ___________________________________ (type, brand) manager. N __________ reg. N _____________ (not) allowed for further operation for a period of _________ without limiting the load capacity (limited to _______ tons per __________). Repeated examination _________________ to be carried out in 20___. Members of the commission: _________________ _________________________ (signature) (signature transcript) _________________ ________________________ _________________ ________________________

Attachments to the document:

  • (Adobe Reader)

What other documents are there:

What else to download on the topic “Act”:

  • It's no secret that a legally competent approach to drawing up an agreement or contract is a guarantee of the success of the transaction, its transparency and security for counterparties. Legal relations in the field of employment are no exception.

  • In the course of business activities of many companies, a supply agreement is most often used. It would seem that this document, simple in its essence, should be absolutely clear and unambiguous.

An equipment inspection report is a document that describes the process of examining various types of instruments and equipment and records the result of this procedure.


In what cases is a document generated?

Most often, the act is formed by company employees in the process of inspecting equipment used in the activities of the enterprise or purchased for subsequent sale. Also subject to inspection is equipment that arrived at the organization’s warehouse after repair, service or safekeeping and is put under guard or offered for rent.

Thus, there are quite a few situations in which an inspection of various technical products may be necessary in companies, and each time it is necessary to accompany this action by drawing up a report.

In most cases, the act is not an independent document, but is considered an annex to any agreement, etc.

For what purpose is the act formed?

Typically, document design solves several problems at once:

  1. with its help, all external defects, damages and flaws are recorded;
  2. the completeness and functionality of the equipment is checked;
  3. control is carried out over its compliance with the technical passport and other accompanying papers, including monitoring whether it meets the fire, sanitary and electrical safety standards prescribed in the internal Rules of the organization, etc.

It should be noted that inspections can be one-time, but more often they are carried out on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns and disruptions in production processes.

The ultimate goal of inspecting the equipment and drawing up a report is to conclude whether the equipment is suitable for further operation and use.

If the commission cannot give such permission, then it must enter into the act the grounds for refusal, including the degree of wear and tear or level of malfunction of the equipment, the possible cost and preliminary time frame for repairs, as well as the measures that need to be taken to eliminate the found defects, flaws and violations .

In some cases, if the equipment can no longer be repaired, based on the act, it can be written off from the organization’s balance sheet.

Creation of a commission

For a more complete and detailed inspection of the equipment, a whole commission is involved in this procedure. Usually it consists of employees of the organization who work in different departments - as a rule, these are mid-level managers: chief engineers, technologists, deputy directors, etc. Legal advisers and accounting employees often participate in such events.

Thus, specialists of various profiles can describe the equipment being examined from different angles. Sometimes third-party experts are also included in the commission, especially when it comes to complex, high-tech devices.

The commission is appointed by order of the director of the enterprise, who identifies among its members the main responsible person - the chairman.

Features of the act

Now there is no unified form for this document, so employees of organizations can write it in any form, or according to a model developed and approved within the company.

The act can be drawn up on a regular sheet of paper of any suitable format or on company letterhead, by hand or typed on a computer. If an electronic version of the act is used, after final completion it must be printed and certified by the signatures of all members of the commission (if any of them refuses to sign the act, a note must be made in it, indicating the reason for the refusal).

The act must be made in several copies: one for the enterprise, and one for each of the persons who carried out the inspection.

Today it is not necessary to certify a document form using a seal or stamp - this should be done only if the use of stamps to certify such papers is enshrined in the accounting policy of the enterprise.

How to draw up an equipment inspection report

If you need to draw up an equipment inspection report, but you don’t know which way to approach it, read our recommendations and look at a sample document.

To begin with, fill out the “header” in the act, which includes:

  • Business name;
  • document's name;
  • place of its composition and date.

Then comes the main part - here you need to include:

  • composition of the commission conducting the inspection. Each person must be entered indicating his position, last name, first name, patronymic. Among the members of the commission, the chairman should be highlighted - he is the one who bears the lion's share of responsibility for the process and results of equipment inspection;
  • equipment name, model, number, article number, name of the manufacturer, inventory number and other identification characteristics, as well as the address at which it is installed;
  • actions that were performed during the inspection procedure (external visual inspection, installation, dismantling, startup, measurements, etc.);
  • inspection results (the more detailed, the better);
  • the result of the commission’s work – here it allows both the expression of a generalized opinion of the expert group and the individual conclusions of each member of the commission.

If any additional documents, photo or video evidence are attached to the act, this must also be indicated in the text of the act as a separate paragraph. If necessary, the form can be supplemented with other information (act according to the situation).

The formation of a certificate of technical condition of equipment occurs in cases where it is necessary to certify the operability of any devices or equipment.


The role and purpose of the equipment technical condition certificate

Most often, a certificate of technical condition of equipment is necessary when:

  • acceptance of equipment for further use;
  • renting it out;
  • audit of enterprise property;
  • its write-off.

The report contains information about the external and internal condition of the equipment, identified defects, breakdowns, defects, as well as information about the measures that need to be taken to eliminate them, and the time required for this. If the equipment cannot be repaired, this is also reflected in the report.

With the help of the act, several important issues are resolved at once:

  1. It shows the technical condition of the equipment and its suitability for use.
  2. Sometimes, on the basis of this document, claims are made against the supplier, lessee or owner of the equipment - especially in cases where malfunctions occur during its use, leading to material damage or industrial accidents.

Thus, the act is a very important document. You need to be careful when compiling it, describing in detail all the nuances of the condition of the equipment. In the future, this may allow you to avoid unfounded claims and, in the event of emergency situations, quickly identify the person at fault.

Creation of a commission

In order to monitor the technical condition of the equipment, it is necessary to assemble a special commission of competent specialists. It usually consists of full-time employees of the organization: technicians, engineers, installers, electricians, etc. (depending on the type of equipment that is being monitored).

In some cases, third-party experts are also invited, especially if the specifics of the object being inspected require it.

The commission is appointed by a separate order of the director of the enterprise.

Methods of work of the commission

Members of the commission must have certain, often quite high, qualifications. This is due to the fact that in the process of studying the technical condition of the equipment, they have to get acquainted with the design and technical documentation, disassemble and assemble devices, conduct tests, analyze the amount of work to be done (for example, if the equipment requires further serious repairs). All this information is included in the act.

General points and features of drawing up the act

If you are tasked with inspecting equipment and drawing up a report on its technical condition, look at the recommendations below and familiarize yourself with a sample document.

Before moving on to the description of this particular act, we will provide some general information that is typical for all such papers. Today, standard forms of primary documents have been abolished, so company representatives can write them in any form - this also applies to the act on the technical condition of equipment. At the same time, if your organization has an approved template for such a document, it is better to follow it - this will save time and eliminate the need to rack your brains over its composition and text.

The act can be written on the company’s letterhead or on a blank sheet of any suitable format (usually A4), by hand or on a computer. When entering information, you must try to avoid inaccuracies, erasures and corrections - in the future they can play a negative role in establishing the legality of the document.

Another important requirement that must be taken into account is to have the form certified with the autographs of all members of the commission who were present when certifying the technical condition of the equipment.

A stamp should be placed on the form only when the clause on its use for such papers is enshrined in the accounting policy of the organization.

The act is being written in several copies– one for each member of the commission. Information about the act must be included in a special accounting journal.

After drawing up, the act should be placed in a separate folder along with other similar documents, and after the expiration of the storage period, it should be disposed of, following the algorithm established by law.

An example of an equipment technical condition report

When formulating the text of the act, keep in mind that it must meet certain rules of business documentation.
At the very beginning of the act there is a so-called “cap” - this includes:

  • the name of the organization that conducts the equipment inspection;
  • Title of the document;
  • date and place (locality) of its compilation;
  • composition of the commission, i.e. The positions, surnames, first names and patronymics of the company representatives participating in this procedure are written.
  • identification parameters of the equipment (brand, model, series, year of manufacture, manufacturer and inventory number, address of installation site, etc.);
  • measures taken to check the technical condition of the equipment;
  • information about identified malfunctions, defects, breakdowns, as well as the possibility, timing and options for their repair;
  • information about tests (if they were carried out).

If necessary, this part of the form can be expanded (depending on the needs of the commission members and the individual characteristics of the object). All additional papers attached to it (for example, a technical passport) must be included in the act.

At the end, the commission members draw a conclusion about the technical condition of the equipment and sign the report.

Some enterprises still feel the need to write off Soviet-made equipment. To properly register the decommissioning of equipment, you need certificate of technical condition of the device, which can be issued by an equipment repair shop that has permission for this type of activity, i.e., to conduct examinations (at least at the time of writing this article) no special license is required.

The reason for refusal to carry out a technical condition examination, as a rule, is the workshop management’s ignorance of how to correctly draw up the report.

Below we will consider example of an act for writing off a TV Soviet made:

The act is printed on the workshop’s letterhead or on an A4 sheet

Technical examination report No. xx

This act was drawn up based on the examination of the TV Record VTs-311 serial. No. 025697276, manufactured in 1985, received from (Full name of the enterprise with legal address) with a malfunction: no raster (picture tube glow).

An external inspection of the TV did not reveal any damage as a result of careless handling.

The TV was left in the workshop for further examination. During diagnostic work it was discovered:

interelectrode breakdown inside the kinescope bulb. To restore the functionality of the above TV, the kinescope must be replaced. The above malfunction could be the result of scale from the filament getting between the electrodes of the kinescope during operation of the TV.

The cost of the examination with the preparation of a report is xxxx rubles


This TV model is outdated. Due to the fact that the manufacturing plant does not supply components, further repairs are not possible.

In some cases, accounting may require that the act indicate the presence or absence of precious metals. metals in equipment. In this case, in the conclusion you can write the following -

It is not possible to identify precious metals due to their insignificant quantity in domestic production technology. The technical documentation for this product contains no information about the presence of precious metals.

Workshop manager: signature Full name

Expert: signature Full name of the master

In conclusion, I would like to note that the master, who acts as an expert, carries out diagnostics of the device, based on the results of which a report is drawn up, must remember that he bears full responsibility for the accuracy of the conclusions specified in the report that he signs.