Fitball classes for infants and children up to one year old. Exercises for dysplasia, muscular dystonia

Children under one year old benefit greatly from massage, a variety of physical exercises, the development of the vestibular apparatus, and, of course, infants need their mother’s touch - all this gives a baby under one year of age fun and useful exercises on a fitball for infants. Fitball for babies– one of the important purchases for a young family, this item will replace various sports equipment and will be useful for a very long time.

My son and I still jump and ride on our fitball, and even all the children who come to visit us, ages from 0 to 10 years old, love to jump on this ball too! So I highly recommend this useful thing, and let’s talk about the fitball in more detail.

Advantages of exercising on a fitball for infants

First, let's discuss the advantages gymnastics on fitball for babies up to one year old:

  • Promotes the development and strengthening of the chest muscles.
  • Reduces hypertension.
  • Serves as a preventive measure for intestinal colic and soothes the tummy when it occurs.
  • Activates metabolism.
  • Develops the musculoskeletal system.
  • Trains the vestibular apparatus.
  • Develops baby's coordination of movements.
  • This is a fun pastime and tactile contact between mom and her little one.

How to choose a fitball

First of all, in order to start actively exercising on a fitball, you need, of course, to purchase this very fitball. What should you pay attention to when choosing a ball for training with infants? To be honest, I wanted a fitball so much that when I came across it in a store, I immediately bought it without choosing, since our city is small, and there aren’t many necessary things here, but I found my fitball in the regional center. But to put it correctly, there are the following criteria for a good fitball:

  1. Diameter. Choose a fitball with the largest diameter - preferably at least 75 cm. Such a ball is more convenient for training with infants and will also be useful for you in the fight for harmony.
  2. Fitball quality. Everything is clear here - as in choosing any things for a child: odorless, acidic colors and cutting seams. Preferably, a well-known company that produces either sports equipment or children's products. For example, such fitballs from companies "Artist" And "Ecowellness":
  1. Anti-explosion system. It is especially important for kids, although I have never heard of fitballs exploding, they are very strong and thick. Ours has been serving us for more than three years and has withstood quite a lot of weight.
  1. Lack of horns and pimples. In principle, if you don’t find another one, it will do with horns, it’s just more convenient to roll the fitball without them. But a smooth ball is much better, otherwise it’s simply not comfortable, especially for a baby with its delicate skin.

At what age can fitballs be used for newborns?

General rules for training infants on a ball:

  • Do not handle a newborn whose umbilical wound has not healed.
  • You should not work with a sick baby if he is not feeling well or has a fever.
  • Don’t force it if your child doesn’t like fitball exercises (although I haven’t seen such children).
  • For a baby up to 3-4 months old, place a diaper on the fitball.
  • Start exercising no earlier than an hour after eating.
  • It is better to do exercises on a fitball for your toddler naked.

A set of exercises for babies up to 6 months on a fitball

To begin with, exercise with your baby for only 5 minutes, but you can several times a day, then increase the time of exercise with infants to 15-20 minutes. Start with simple and enjoyable exercises so that both you and your child get used to the fitball.

Have you recently become a mother of a baby?

These are the exercises we did until 6 months:

  1. Rocking on our tummy. We do this: put the diaper on the ball, put the toddler on it, tummy down, and slowly rock the baby together with the fitball back and forth, left and right, diagonally and in a circle. Be sure to hold your baby's legs with one hand and place the other on his back, holding him.
  2. Let's ride on the back. This is done in the same way as the previous exercise, only we put the child on his back and hold him by the chest and tummy.
  3. "Footballers". We do this: put the baby on his back on the floor or bed (sofa, etc.) and roll the fitball to his feet, the child will definitely push it away, feeling it with his foot.
  4. And at the end, be a spring. To do this, place the baby on the fitball - first on the tummy, hold the legs with your hand, with the other hand lightly press on the back and butt so that the baby springs up and down. Then do the same “springs”, only lying on your back.

A set of exercises for infants after 6 months on a fitball

After 6 months, you can diversify your activities with new exercises, when your baby is already accustomed to the fitball. Then gradually add the following to the basic exercises for infants: fun ball games:

  1. We bend the legs. We put the baby on his tummy, roll the baby towards us and bend his legs, roll him away from us and straighten his legs.
  2. "Little car." Do this with your baby: place him with his stomach on the ball, hold him by the legs and roll him forward so that the child rests his hands on the floor. Then the baby continues to walk in his arms until he completely rolls off the fitball, then you help him get back.
  3. "Catch and grab." The principle is approximately the same: the baby is on his tummy, you hold him by the legs, and in advance, a little further than the fitball, place, for example, a bright rattle toy or a favorite teddy bear. Now roll the baby forward and cheerfully offer to grab the toy with his hand - a lot of pleasure is guaranteed for the little one!
  4. Kiryushka and I call the next exercise “Karapuz on a ball.” We do this exercise like this: mom sits on the edge of the sofa and fixes the ball with her feet. We put the little one on the fitball and, holding the baby by the sides, first just stand on the ball, then jump.
  5. "Airplane". We hold the baby by the leg and arm and roll him on one side, then on the other.

A little advice: these exercises are more active and easier to do without a diaper, so after 6 months there is no need to use one.

Previously, in the post-Soviet space there was an opinion that the baby should lie tightly swaddled - supposedly this way the baby’s arms and legs would be straight. But today all doctors recommend giving the baby freedom and not wrapping him up too tightly. Gymnastics from the first years of life and daily light massage are also considered mandatory. All this is necessary for the full and proper development of the child’s internal organs, muscles and circulatory system. Fitball exercises for infants are one of the most useful and fun.

What is the use of them:

  • The muscles of the abdominal cavity, back and arms and legs are strengthened;
  • Muscle hypertonicity goes away very quickly after these exercises;
  • The baby’s circulatory system, the development and functioning of all internal organs are stimulated;
  • Prevents the occurrence of painful colic;
  • Improves digestion;
  • Forms correct posture;
  • Develops metabolism;
  • Increases the child's endurance;
  • Develops the baby's vestibular apparatus;
  • Promotes the development of coordination in the child;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Suitable for working out any muscle group.

The fitball is a large ball made of thick rubber. Thanks to its design, it does not explode under any circumstances and is a safe tool for exercising with a newborn.

There are only three reasons why you should give up these exercises:

  • The umbilical wound did not heal;
  • The baby is sick;
  • There is no desire for mother or baby to study.

In all other cases, a fitball is ideal for gymnastics with a baby, and the benefits it brings cannot be compared with any other apparatus or instrument.

How to exercise on a fitball correctly?

First of all, you need to consult with the pediatrician who supervises the baby (since classes can only begin when the baby is two to three weeks old).

After inspection and approval, you can immediately begin classes. There are several recommendations to follow:

  1. For the first two to three months of classes (until the child is 3 months old), it is necessary to put a diaper on the ball so that the rubber does not irritate the baby’s delicate skin.
  2. You can exercise only an hour after feeding.
  3. The time of classes must be gradually increased: starting with 5-10 minutes, then each lesson can be increased by 2-3 minutes.
  4. It is better to undress the baby completely before the lesson; you can leave him only a diaper.
  5. During classes, use classical instrumental music - it will create a pleasant atmosphere and relax the baby.
  6. It is important to talk to the child during exercises so that he feels the presence of his mother and her attention.
  7. The baby should be placed on the ball with his feet facing the parent, and bright toys or books can be placed in front of the ball, so the baby’s attention will be occupied and the gymnastics will be quick and fun.
  8. If some exercise is difficult to do, the muscles “seize”; it is worth repeating this exercise several times, trying to work the muscle.
  9. If the baby is tired ahead of time or is capricious, it is better to interrupt the lesson. It should not only develop the child’s body, but also bring joy to him and the mother.

The best time to do gymnastics is in the morning from 7 to 11 am.

What does a special exercise ball look like - Fitball

It is at this time that gymnastics will have the most beneficial effect on the child’s body, who is most active at these hours and is in a good mood. But if this cannot be done in the morning, you can do gymnastics on the ball at any other time.

If a mother doubts her abilities and is afraid of harming her child, you can invite an instructor to the first few lessons, who will show and explain all the necessary exercises and techniques for performing them.

Basic exercises on a fitball for infants

You can have fun on the fitball by simply sitting on it with your child and swaying. Many mothers feed their babies on a ball, but it is best to do basic exercises that will physically develop the child. In fact, there are not very many of them, but each has a positive effect on one or another muscle group.

Rocking on your tummy

It is necessary to carefully place the child on the ball, tummy down. Don't forget to put on a diaper if the baby is less than 2 months old. Then you need to put one hand on the back of the baby, and the other on the legs and, holding the baby in this way, begin to gently rock him forward and back, then right and left and in a circle. This exercise helps avoid painful colic and relaxes the baby's abdominal muscles. It also promotes the proper development of the vestibular apparatus.

Rocking on your back

The second technique exercise is the same as the first, but the child must be turned onto his back. The ball must also be swung in different directions, but you need to hold the baby by the head and chest, making sure that he does not slip off the ball or throw his head back too much. This exercise strengthens the child’s spine and prevents its displacement or curvature. It also forces you to work your abdominal muscles.


This exercise involves making the ball spring under the child. The baby should be placed on his back again and his legs should be secured as follows: the index and middle fingers grab one leg, and the thumb clasps the second, so that the baby’s ankles are firmly fixed by the parent’s hand. The other hand must be placed on the child’s back and spring with him.


For this exercise, you need to transfer the child to another surface (table, bed). Take the ball in your hands and bring it closer to the baby’s feet so that he begins to instinctively push it away. In this way, the child’s leg muscles and spine are trained.


For this exercise, mommy needs to sit on the floor and firmly hold the ball with her feet so that it is stable and does not roll away. Then take the baby under your arms and place him on the ball, holding his back. The baby will jump and walk on the ball with his feet, which will have a positive effect on the child’s entire skeleton and on his mood.

"Get it"

The point of the exercise is that the child must reach the toy that lies directly in front of the ball. To do this, you need to put the baby on the ball on his tummy and, holding the legs, tilt him forward with the ball.

Downloading the press

To work the abdominal muscles, you need to place the child on his back on the ball and, holding him by the shoulders, lift the child and lay him back on the ball so that the lower part of the body does not come off the surface of the fitball.

These are the main exercises on a fitball for infants, which will help work out all their muscles, increase endurance and immunity.

How to choose the right fitball?

Many mothers are afraid of injuring their child with such exercises, but if you perform them correctly and follow safety precautions, and also purchase a quality ball, then nothing bad will happen.

You can buy a fitball at any store that specializes in children's products or sports equipment.

It is best to purchase a universal ball for children and adults, which is about 75 cm in diameter. For exercises with newborns, you should purchase a ball with an absolutely smooth surface with an anti-burst function. This can be indicated by the corresponding brand of ball: BS or BRQ.

Preference should be given to companies specializing in such products. The general characteristics of the ball are:

  • Without smell;
  • Homogeneous;
  • Dense;
  • No seams;
  • Must withstand up to 150 kg of weight;
  • A nipple may be soldered into the ball;

By choosing a ball based on these characteristics, parents are guaranteed to purchase a quality product for their baby.

In the distant times of our great-grandmothers, it was believed that a child should lie down until almost 6 months of age, and at the same time they tried to swaddle him tightly. Modern specialists in the field of pediatrics believe that this position of parents prevents the baby from developing fully and harmoniously not only physically, but also emotionally and mentally.

Active gymnastics from the first months of a newborn’s life is today promoted by many parents; exercises on fitballs for infants are especially gaining popularity. These exercises go beyond standard gymnastics and are an effective addition to it.

Exercises on a special ball help to master new physical skills, develop the baby’s muscles, improve breathing, and are considered an excellent preventive measure against muscle hypertonicity and traditional newborn colic. The main thing is to adhere to the correct technique for doing the exercises.

In a family with a newborn, fitball will be an excellent exercise machine and entertainment. From the first months of life, parents and their baby can perform special exercises to develop and strengthen muscles. When the child grows up a little, he will be able to independently master this ball, jump and play on it. In addition, many modern neurologists consider gymnastics on a fitball an excellent therapeutic tool for children with disorders of the nervous system.

As for completely healthy newborns, special exercises will not be superfluous for them either, since with their help you can achieve the following results:

  1. remove, which is often typical for newborns;
  2. strengthen the muscles of the back, around the spine, limbs and abdominals, which will allow him to earlier;
  3. develop flexibility of the spine;
  4. relax the abdominal muscles, which will have a beneficial effect on the digestion process and help prevent;
  5. develop the vestibular apparatus and improve coordination of movements.

Exercising on a fitball correctly

Exercises on a fitball for infants are considered very effective. In this regard, they are recommended for babies and their parents by many modern pediatricians. However, before starting gymnastics, parents need to find out a little information on how to properly handle a fitball and not harm a tiny, fragile and defenseless creature.

The main rules and conditions that must be observed during gymnastics on this apparatus are the following:

  • The ideal time for activities with a baby is the morning, because it is during this period that the newborn is especially active and is in an excellent mood;
  • it is necessary to begin the exercises with a visual examination of the child, during which parents must make sure that he is calm and does not experience any discomfort;
  • It is necessary to perform gymnastics no earlier than 1 hour after feeding the baby;
  • You should never insist on classes if the child resists or is capricious;
  • the baby must be given some time so that he can get used to the new subject and get used to it;
  • Don’t drag out your first workouts for too long; a few minutes are enough for the first time, increasing the duration of the exercises each time;
  • the ball should be present in the children's room from the first days of discharge from the maternity hospital, but gymnastics should begin only after complete - approximately in 2-3 weeks;
  • When working with a child on a fitball, parents must clearly understand how to handle it and how to hold the baby correctly, performing all their actions confidently but carefully;
  • You should treat children’s weak joints very carefully, since any awkward movement by parents can injure the baby;
  • During exercise, you can organize musical accompaniment by turning on calm music.

What exercises can you do?

The main advantage of exercising on a fitball is its simplicity. This gymnastics does not require special preparation; all you need is the presence of a miracle ball, a good mood of the child and a little knowledge from the parents.

Experts recommend the following as basic exercises:

  • rocking on the tummy, in which the child lays his tummy on the ball and carefully, holding it by the legs and back, rocks back and forth and left and right;
  • rocking on the back, in which the baby is placed on the ball with his back and an exercise similar to rocking on the tummy is performed, while paying attention to the position of his head, which should not tip over;
  • we spring the ball under the pressure of the child’s body, laying it with its tummy down or up and pressing on the butt or in the tummy area, while holding the baby’s legs;
  • instinctive pushing away of the fitball with the legs when the baby lies on a sofa or other surface and the fitball is pressed against his legs;
  • jumping on a fitball, when parents fix the ball with their feet in a sitting position and place the baby on it, carefully holding it and giving the opportunity to bounce;
  • rolling the child on a ball, laying his tummy on the fitball and resting his hands on it, using his legs;
  • getting a toy from the floor - the baby lies on the ball with his tummy down and, when rolling, can reach out and grab the object;
  • imitation of an abdominal swing - placing the child on the ball with his back and using his forearms to help him get up and lie back down;
  • fixing a standing position on a fitball when the baby has already mastered the skill of standing with support, making sure to protect him from a possible fall.

All exercises can be performed with varying degrees of intensity. Moreover, depending on the intensity of their implementation, the apparatus can play the role of a relaxing massager or a dynamic exercise machine.

How to choose a fitball?

Today, in almost every children's store, in a special sports department you can buy a fitball. There are many models that differ primarily in size. Based on their ball characteristics, parents need to make the right choice.

The diameter of the fitball usually ranges from 45-75 centimeters. A ball with a diameter of 75 centimeters is considered universal, since it can be used by children of almost any age, as well as adults. Thus, with the help of this purchase, the mother will also be able to recover perfectly after pregnancy and childbirth. If adults do not have such plans, then you can purchase a slightly smaller ball. For kids, there are also interesting models with handles or horns, which they usually really like.

A fitball can have a different surface structure. There are balls with a smooth or textured surface, covered with special spikes. Of course, for a newborn it is better to choose a smooth ball so as not to cause irritation upon contact with the baby’s delicate skin.

Thus, by purchasing this affordable item, parents will be able to help their child with physical development and give him a lot of pleasant moments and positive emotions.

With the arrival of a new resident in the family, the mother and her assistants have a lot of pleasant worries and worries. Thus, new parents will have to choose a bed for the baby, a stroller, clothes and personal hygiene products. This article will talk about what a fitball for babies is. You will find out why this simulator is needed and what exercises are available on it. It’s also worth talking about how to choose the right fitball for babies.

Physical development of the newborn

While in the womb, the baby does not feel the weight of his body. It resides in the amniotic fluid, the so-called waters. The position of the child at this moment is bent. The knees are pressed tightly to the chest and the head is bowed down. The embryo remains in this state for quite a long time. From about the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby can no longer move freely and tumble in the cavity of the reproductive organ.

Immediately after birth, babies have so-called muscle tone. They cannot relax their arms and legs. All their limbs are constantly tense. The only exception is when the child is sleeping. Also, newborns after birth may be afraid of their own body movements. A fitball for babies will help you cope with this set of circumstances.

How to choose the right trainer?

At its core, a fitball for infants is a ball. It is made of durable rubber and comes in different diameters. The most suitable exercise equipment for a child is a standard fitness ball. The optimal fitball size for infants is 75 centimeters. Of course, you can purchase a special small exercise machine. However, this is a rather impractical solution, since as your baby grows, you will have to buy new, larger exercise equipment.

The surface of the ball should be pleasant to the touch. Slippery exercise equipment is not recommended as it can be quite dangerous. Give preference to a relief coating. However, various large bulges should be absent.

Also, a fitball for infants should be made of durable material. Be sure to pay attention to the weight category. A classic fitness ball can withstand 300-400 kilograms. The simulator must have an anti-burst coating. If you accidentally puncture the surface of the ball, it will not burst but will slowly deflate. This is very important, since strong cotton and rubber coming off can frighten and injure the baby’s delicate skin.

Fitball exercises with babies

At what age can you start doing such exercises? Some doctors set limits for the first month of life. Other pediatricians argue that you can and should start training as soon as the umbilical wound heals (2 weeks after birth).

Gymnastics on a fitball for infants helps relieve muscle tone. The baby becomes more relaxed and is no longer afraid of his own movements. Doctors also note that such training improves the baby’s sleep and appetite. The child becomes calmer. Exercising on a fitball with a baby has a great impact on the digestive system. Since most babies in the first year of life suffer from colic, the ball helps to regulate intestinal contractility. Due to the training of the abdominal muscles, the child develops faster: he begins to hold his head, roll over on his tummy and crawl. We can’t help but mention the effect that training has on the baby’s back. Daily light exercises can strengthen the spine and enhance the child’s motor activity.

Can a fitball hurt a child?

Exercises on a fitball for infants have virtually no contraindications. This cannot be said about a regular massage. The only exceptions are those children who received a serious injury during childbirth: a fracture, dislocation, and so on.

Such training can quite successfully replace massage courses. If such loads are contraindicated for your child, then a fitball will be an excellent solution to the problem.

How much does the trainer cost?

The price category of the device may vary. It all depends on the size and coverage of the ball. So, a fitball with a non-slip surface, anti-tearing function and a standard size will cost you between 300 and 600 rubles.

Small children's devices, which you will have to change after a few months, cost about 200-400 rubles.

What exercises can you do on the ball?

Gymnastics involves stress on all muscle groups. However, each exercise has its own characteristics and areas of impact. It is worth noting that gymnastics can be done by women who are still in an interesting position. This load will help prepare for childbirth and facilitate the process. After the baby is born, the ball will be useful for daily exercise. So, let's look at some ways to train a newborn.

First exercise: rocking

Place the baby on a fitball ball. For infants, it is better to use a special non-slip bedding. You can take a regular diaper.

Position the baby face down. In this case, your right hand should be on the baby’s back. Use your left hand to secure the newborn's leg. Start making rocking movements back and forth. At the same time, be sure to monitor the baby’s reaction. If he doesn’t like something, then he should stop classes and resume them only after a few days.

This exercise will help the baby relieve muscle tone and try to maintain balance. If the baby does not yet hold his head, then you need to make his position as comfortable as possible.

Second exercise: back training

Place your baby on his back. Place your right palm on his tummy. With your left hand, hold the leg in the thigh area. Repeat the steps similar to those described above. Rock the child slowly back and forth. At the same time, the baby should be relaxed.

You may not be able to do this exercise the first time, as your baby will resist and try to swing his arms and legs. Distract your baby with fairy tales and rhymes. After just a few sessions, you will notice that the baby’s body has become more relaxed and pliable.

Third exercise: hip joints

Most babies are born with some type of hip disease. Currently, doctors have come to a consensus that training and massages can save a newborn from such unpleasant diagnoses.

Place the baby on his stomach. Spread your baby's legs apart. In this case, the inside of the knees should fit tightly to the surface of the ball. The feet need to be aligned. The child must take the position of the so-called frog. Start slow rocking, turning into vibration. Kids especially like this workout.

Fourth exercise: trying to sit down

When the baby gets a little comfortable on the ball, you can start doing this exercise. This training will allow the baby to maximally prepare the abdominal and back muscles for a sitting position. It is worth noting that such exercises should be done only when the child can hold his head up independently.

Place the baby on his back. Grasp his hips with your hands and begin the usual rocking motion. Perform movements back and forth, while bringing the baby a little closer to you. You will see that the baby is trying to strain his abs and seems to want to sit down. You should not perform this exercise for more than two minutes. Otherwise, the baby will simply get tired.

Fifth exercise: first steps

What other benefits does fitball bring to babies? A ball can teach a baby to walk. This exercise is suitable only for those children who are already confidently standing at the support.

Place your baby near the ball and let him lean on the machine. In this case, you must hold the device on the other side. Begin to slowly roll the fitball away from your baby. At the same time, monitor the child’s reaction. Most likely, the baby will try to hold the ball and follow it. Daily training will contribute to the development of coordination and the formation of correct walking.

Summary and conclusion

So, now you know what a fitball is and what this ball is for. Remember that training can only be done 30-40 minutes after feeding the baby. It is during this period that the child is more inclined to games and gymnastics. You can exercise several times a day.

Train your baby and help him develop correctly!

Exercises on a fitball for infants contribute to the development of the vestibular apparatus, strengthening the muscles and the body as a whole. But exercises help not only strengthen - there are also exercises for relaxation, which is very useful for a newborn - muscle tone is found in most children.

Fitball is our good friend!

The exercises you choose for your baby should take into account his individual characteristics, the degree of development of his muscles and nervous system. You can consult a specialist, but if there are no health problems, follow only the basic principles.

The child should enjoy the activities, jumping and swinging on the ball with pleasure - this is an indicator that you are doing everything right.

What is a fitball and what is it for?

A fitball is a large ball that is used for aerobics. Its diameter varies from 55 to 75 centimeters. For home exercises, it is better to choose the largest size; it is more convenient to use and fits every family member.

Buy the biggest ball that has good spring.

There are criteria that must be met:

  • Elasticity. The hand should spring back; if it easily goes deep or, conversely, cannot push through the wall, this is wrong.
  • Strength. For activities with your child, choose a projectile marked ABS (explosion protection).
  • Form. There should be no seams on the surface, the nipple should go inside. This will help avoid injury.

Classes help the baby adapt faster, combining both new techniques and familiar movements. Rocking on the ball is reminiscent of leisurely life in the womb - this way the baby will receive the usual impulse and will be able to connect it with a new reality.

Regular swaying and colic, as if it had never happened.

Intestinal colic, thanks to a kind of abdominal massage, also quickly passes. After one or two months of life, you can begin to perform simple exercises that will strengthen the muscles and nervous system.

For serious diseases, such as hypertension or hip dysplasia, exercises on the ball should be included in the daily program, as they perfectly help eliminate the problem. However, in this case, it is necessary to consult a specialist and conduct classes either under supervision, or completely trust the doctor.

Pumpkin puree is an excellent complementary feeding option for infants. Pumpkin contains many vitamins and beta carotene, which is so necessary for vision. This berry very rarely causes allergic reactions and is liked by all kids. But not all mothers know.

If your baby does not appreciate all the delights of pumpkin, perhaps he will like cereal porridge. She will tell you how to properly introduce new foods into your baby’s diet.

Class Rules

You can start training from two weeks of age. This is the most optimal time, since it is necessary to allow the umbilical wound to heal, and the baby himself must get a little used to the world around him.

Ready to charge!

You have already started giving him a light massage, you have learned his routine, and now is the right time for exercise. In the first days of a baby's life, you can try feeding him on a ball or rocking him. You will intuitively feel what the movements should be like during this period.

Like any exercise, exercise on a fitball should take place in the morning. Take your time, feed the baby, carry out hygiene procedures, and an air bath.

If you want to be healthy, toughen up.

It is important that at least an hour passes after feeding, otherwise everything eaten will end up on the floor, and digestive disorders will not be avoided. It is not recommended to do the exercises on an empty stomach; a hungry baby will be capricious and will not be able to get the full benefit of the exercises.

Small children should only be placed on a ball covered with a diaper - the baby’s skin is very easily injured, and contact with the surface of the fitball can be unpleasant. Newborns do exercises naked - and that’s right, the movements will become more confident and comfortable. But you need to make sure that the temperature in the room is not lower than 20 degrees, otherwise the baby will freeze.

It is absolutely unacceptable to place babies on a bare rubber surface. The ball must be covered with a diaper.

Class time in the first days should be minimal - from three to five minutes. Gradually, as soon as the baby feels more confident, you can add a few minutes every week. The maximum time for classes is half an hour, sometimes forty minutes. Exercises will not get boring, but will bring tangible benefits.

The mother of the baby should not have long nails. Never!

As with any contact with the baby, the mother’s hands should be warm, clean, and her nails should be trimmed. You should not exercise if your baby is sick; it is better to wait until he recovers and continue exercising.


Exercises for classes can be used either individually or in combination. Don’t try to do everything at once, start with one and gradually add more. It is possible that your child will not like some of them, then you can safely remove it from the program, and make your favorite one the basic one.

Every child has a set of favorite exercises.

The duration of each exercise is also individual - on average, one of them should take about five minutes.

You can start exercising on a fitball with one of the basic exercises:

  1. Swaying. The baby's position is lying on his stomach. One adult’s hand is on his back, the second clasps his legs above the ankle. Rock your baby forward, backward and to the sides. Exercise helps fight colic. A variation of this exercise is for the baby to lie on his back. This is an excellent prevention of spinal diseases.

    The sea worries once, the sea worries twice.....

  2. Tremors. Tummy position. Press the child down, and the ball will spring him up. When the baby can already hold his head and sufficiently develop the muscles of the arms and legs, you can add more complex techniques that require the direct participation of the baby. Add new techniques gradually, devoting several days to each of them, then you can understand whether they are suitable for you and your child or not.
  3. Emphasis. The baby rests his hands on the surface of the ball, and you lift his legs up. This exercise strengthens your arms and abdominal muscles. It’s not scary if initially the child lasts only a couple of seconds - gradually you can increase the time to the maximum.

    There are several variations of the “emphasis” exercise.

  4. Socks. The child should already be able to walk with assistance. Place his feet on the ball and clasp both hands with yours. You can stand either behind or in front of the child, facing him. Pull him towards you a little so that he begins to take steps. This exercise develops balance and leg muscles.
  5. Equilibrium. As soon as your baby can sit, feel free to add this exercise. Place him on the fitball, holding him by the arms above the elbow. Let the child hold himself in a sitting position. Exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and develops balance.

    Girl on the Ball.

  6. Hvatayka. Pronation. Place several of your favorite and brightly colored toys in front of the ball. Rock your baby back and forth so that the toys are in front of his eyes. Soon the child will try to grab the toy by moving his hand away from the ball. The exercise trains the abdominal and arm muscles, as well as balance and coordination.

Babies grow very quickly, by 4 months they are already on their stomachs, and begin to turn from side to side at 6 months. At this time, mothers should be especially vigilant and take precautions to prevent their child from falling out of bed.

Pediatricians say that the development of a child’s fine motor skills is the key to his timely and successful development in the future. The best way to train children's hands are.