The final amount of the surcharge depends. Additional payments and allowances

When getting a job, every person wants to know how his work will be paid. You can conditionally divide your salary into two main components. This is a constant part (salaries, hourly rates, piece rates) and a variable part - bonuses, additional payments and allowances.

Salaries and hourly rates are established by the staffing table and have a fixed amount, which, of course, can increase (indexed), but this growth will be insignificant. In order to enable employees to achieve high monthly earnings, it is necessary to create a motivational scheme that will provide for various bonuses, as well as compensation and incentive payments.

Every employee wants to see additional amounts on their payslip that significantly increase their total earnings. For the employer, the relevance of this issue lies in the correct choice of the optimal set of incentive payments that will truly encourage employees to improve the quality of their work.

Classification of additional payments and allowances is carried out according to two criteria. Some of them are mandatory, as they are provided for in articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (compensatory additional payments). The other part is introduced into the motivation system at the request of the employer, depending on his financial capabilities (incentive payments).

Mandatory compensation surcharges and allowances

  1. Additional pay for work in hazardous conditions. There are a lot of professions in which a person does some harm to his health. These, for example, include welders, foundry workers, flaw detectors, miners, and so on (only a special certification commission can recognize a hazardous profession). A hazard pay is added to the basic salary of these employees. Its size should not be less than four percent of the transaction amount, salary or hourly rate. The employer, at his own discretion, or at the insistence of the workforce, can increase the amount of this percentage.
  2. Regional coefficient. On the territory of Russia there are many areas with a climate that complicates working conditions. In this regard, a regional allowance was introduced, the amount of which is regulated by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. For example, for the Orenburg region this is 15% of the basic salary, and for the Murmansk region it is 80%. The regional coefficient is not calculated on amounts calculated based on average earnings (vacation, sick leave, etc.), since it is already taken into account in these amounts. One-time bonuses also do not increase by the amount of the regional indicator.
  3. Additional payment for increasing the volume of work. In cases where the number of work tasks significantly exceeds the number of employees capable of performing them, the employer, by means of an order, can increase the workload of some employees. Naturally for a reasonable fee. The amount of this amount is determined individually. On the pay slip, it may be called an additional fee for expanding service areas, for combining, and so on.
  4. Payment for overtime work. Each employee must have a work schedule that includes the number of working hours per day, the frequency of going to work, and the number of days off. If a production need arises, the employer can involve people in working overtime or on a day off (by order). When calculating wages, all hours of employees worked over schedule are counted and paid in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (at one and a half or double times). It is worth noting that the employee has the right, instead of payment, to ask for time off for previously worked time.
  5. Extra pay for working at night. There are a number of shift schedules that involve working at night, that is, from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am (for example, “every other day”, “day-night-bedtime-weekend”, and so on.) Since working at night is more difficult than during the day , the night time allowance is established by law. Its minimum amount is 20 percent of the salary or hourly rate.
  6. Payment for performing government duties. If an employee was absent from the workplace due to fulfilling duties to the state (visiting the military registration and enlistment office, testifying in court, etc.) and has supporting documents, then the employer is obliged to pay for this day based on the average daily earnings of this employee.
  7. Payment based on average earnings. This may include payment for annual, additional or student leave, business trips, donor days, and so on. Also, if interruptions in the production process occur through no fault of the employee, the employer is obliged to pay two-thirds of the average salary for all hours of downtime (only if the fact of downtime is documented).
  8. Other payments. Not so common, but still common, are compensatory additional payments to employees upon dismissal (for example, when dismissal occurs by agreement of the parties, or when there is a reduction in staff), in case of violation of the deadlines for the payment of wages (if the case goes to court).

All mandatory additional payments and allowances must be separately highlighted on the employee’s pay slip, otherwise the employee will not be able to assess whether the employer has fully fulfilled its obligations to him or not.

Types of incentive payments and allowances

The role of additional payments and bonuses in the overall motivational system is very high, since they are the main tool for motivating staff work. Moreover, unlike mandatory additional payments and allowances, incentive payments can be set in any amount under any conditions and for any period. Examples of such payments may be the following:

Incentive payments to the basic salary can be established at any time and can be used to encourage any achievements of employees (for example, some companies pay their employees extra for not going on sick leave for a year, or not smoking, or participating in sports competitions, etc. Further). The only thing is that if the time comes to cancel any incentive payment, employees must be notified of this fact.

Calculation of surcharges and allowances using individual examples

  1. A person works in hazardous work. His work schedule involves night work, and his wages are calculated according to the piecework wage system.

All additional payments are calculated after calculating piecework earnings (SW):

SDZ = 175*55 = 9625 rub.

By adding all the calculated amounts, as well as the piecework payment, we obtain the total accrued salary of the worker.

Salary = 9625 + 330 + 385 + 412.50 + 275 + 5000 + 2404 = 18,431 rubles.

  1. An employee of one of the departments of the enterprise is ordered by order to temporarily combine his position and the position of the head of the department with a salary of 20,000. The amount of the additional payment for combinations (DS) to the basic salary is 30%. The combination took place within 8 working days or 64 hours. The monthly norm of hours is 168.

DS = 20000/168*64*0.3 = 2286 rub.

An additional payment for part-time work can be established not only from the salary of the absent employee, but also from his total average earnings. Its percentage is also set individually, because not every employee wants to assume, for example, the functions of a boss, but receive “kopecks” at the same time. Also, instead of the monthly standard of hours, you can take the average annual monthly standard (in accordance with the approved production calendar).

  1. A personal allowance (PB) for an employee can be set in several ways:

If a person has not worked in full for a month, the amount of additional payments and allowances is recalculated in proportion to the time worked (for example, according to the norm of 168, worked 100 hours):

  1. PN = 10000/168*100 = 5952
  2. PN = 5000/168*100 = 2976
  3. PN = 8000/168*100 = 4762

Features of the use of incentive amounts

When setting any additional payments and allowances, you need to follow some simple rules:

  1. Reachability of conditions for receiving incentives. For example, if you tell an employee that he will be able to receive a certain reward for producing not 5 units of product per shift, but 10, while you both know that this is impossible, then this will not stimulate him to work more intensively. Moreover, it may encourage the worker to misrepresent his productivity (if possible) or to produce more output but of poor quality.
  2. The amount of the remuneration must be significant. Incentive additional payments and bonuses should have a more or less significant effect on the change in total earnings. For example, it is unlikely that a person will do work with great diligence, knowing that for this he will receive only 300 additional rubles. But an amount of 3,000 rubles or more may already interest a person.
  3. All interested employees of the organization should be aware of the opportunity to receive additional monetary rewards. The employer needs to familiarize its employees with the conditions for receiving cash bonuses (preferably against signature).


  1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation with comments.
  2. Magazine “Personnel Solutions” No. 4/2011.
  3. Magazine "Personnel Affairs" No. 5/2013
  4. Dubrovin I.A., Kamensky A.S. “Labor Economics” Textbook, 2012.
  5. Strelkova L.V., Makusheva Yu.A. Labor and wages in an industrial enterprise: a textbook, Unity-Dana, 2012

TO incentive payments and bonuses include payment:

  • for high qualifications (specialists);
  • for professional skill (workers);
  • for work with fewer employees;
  • for combining professions (positions);
  • for expanding service areas or increasing the volume of work performed;
  • for performing the duties of an absent employee;
  • foremen from among workers not released from their main work;
  • for record keeping and accounting;
  • for computer maintenance, etc.

As noted, the maximum amount of compensatory surcharges and allowances is guaranteed by the state and is mandatory for use. Additional payments and bonuses of an incentive nature are established at the discretion of enterprise management. Their sizes are determined by the enterprise independently. When determining the amount of additional payments and incentive bonuses, specific working conditions are taken into account.

The amount of additional payments and allowances is most often determined in relation to the official salary or tariff rate for time worked. However, an enterprise can set them in an absolute amount - either in equal amounts for all employees, or differentiated.

Hello! In this article we will talk about salary supplements.

Today you will learn:

  1. What categories of citizens are entitled to salary bonuses and what types of them exist;
  2. How do allowances differ from surcharges?
  3. What are incentive payments and much more.

Everyone knows that even if a person is officially employed, this is not a guarantee that he will be given all the required additional payments. Therefore, today we will figure out what the employer is obliged to pay extra for and what additional payments and allowances employees have every right to.

Components of remuneration

At the beginning of the conversation, let's answer the following question: what does the salary consist of?

Salary includes 2 parts:

  • Constant;
  • Variable.

The constant includes salary and regional coefficient, and into the variable additional payments, allowances, bonuses.

The legislator's word

Salary - a unique tool, thanks to which the labor costs of all workers are compensated. The legislation provides for measures that are designed not only to protect the rights of workers, but also to establish a salary level that will correspond to real labor costs.

So, the law establishes:

  1. Based on Article 133 of the Labor Code, any employer does not have the right to set employees a salary that is lower. Its size is determined by federal and regional legislation;
  2. Article 143 of the same Code says that the salary is set taking into account the tariff structure, or the tariff schedule, or categories;
  3. If the working conditions at an enterprise or organization deviate from the standard ones, then employees have the right to compensation for all additional labor costs, as specified in Articles 146 - 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  4. The employer has the right to set the amount of incentive payments;
  5. The Labor Code obliges the employer to calculate and pay wages.

Allowances and surcharges: the difference between concepts

In order to motivate employees, employers can pay not only the wages required by law, but also funds in the form of bonuses or other material incentives. And the state, in turn, obliges managers to pay additional payments when certain cases occur.

Now let's look at these points in more detail. What is a surcharge?

Surcharge - this is a type of payment that is in the nature of compensation, as it is assigned in the case when an employee worked on holidays, combined his work with the responsibilities of a colleague, that is, performed an increased amount of work.

Surcharge is a type of payment that is intended to stimulate an employee so that he wants to further grow and develop in his profession. Examples include bonuses for long continuous work experience, length of service, academic degrees, and so on.

As for the general features, there is one: both payments increase the employee’s remuneration.

And their differences are as follows:

  • Additional payments are mandatory, allowances are not;
  • An additional payment is compensation, and an allowance is an incentive payment;
  • The bonus emphasizes the importance of the employee, and the additional payment is designed to compensate for difficult working conditions.

Bonuses are paid at the initiative and desire of the manager!

Types of salary supplements

For clarity, we present this information in the form of a table.

Table 1. Types and characteristics of allowances.

No. Type of allowance a brief description of
1 For providing mentoring They pay “old-timers” of enterprises for training young specialists
2 For high professional qualifications Only highly qualified specialists are paid
3 Personal allowances Paid in the event that a valuable employee needs to be kept at his place of work, but it is not possible to promote him in position or increase his salary
4 For having an academic degree or title Employees who have defended their master's and doctoral dissertations, etc.
5 If you have access to state secrets Employees of individual structures, diplomatic services
6 For knowledge of foreign languages Often found in enterprises that produce products for export

Such payments are established at any time, as a measure to encourage any achievements of employees (there are companies that make such payments for participation in corporate sports competitions, for those who do not go on sick leave for a long period of time, etc.).

Before canceling such payments, employees must be warned about this!

Bonuses paid regardless of the will of the employer

As Article 149 of the Labor Code says, the employer is obliged to pay for:

  1. For working conditions that are harmful, dangerous or difficult;
  2. For work in harsh climate conditions (if an employee spends the entire working day on the street, he has the right to receive this payment);
  3. For work at night (if the schedule is not shift);
  4. If the employee performs work that requires a high level of knowledge and skills;
  5. If an employee combines several positions at once.

The above list is the main one; there may be additional items, but they are already determined by the employment contract. But there is a nuance that needs to be paid attention to while the employment contract has not yet been signed, then it will be very difficult to appeal: the employer can indicate in the employment contract a list of works that the employee is obliged to perform. In this situation, the employee cannot demand additional payment.

Additional payments to wages

Additional payments, as well as allowances, play an important role in the personnel remuneration system. We will also consider their types in table form.

Table 2. Types and characteristics of surcharges.

No. Type of surcharge a brief description of
1 For an increased production rate They are paid most often to workers who are paid on piecework. Mandatory condition: high quality of manufactured products
2 One-time additional payments The so-called “lifting” for young professionals
3 For traveling or rotational work Paid to those who work on a “shift” basis
4 For overtime work If required by production needs (there is an order from the manager and written consent of the employee). If the employee carried out such activities on his own initiative, there will be no additional payment
5 For work at night Night time is considered to be the period from 10 pm to 6 am.
6 For work of a harmful or dangerous nature Paid to miners, emergency workers, nuclear power plant workers, etc.
7 For going to work on holidays and weekends

In this case, payment is made in double amount; exit is carried out on the basis of an order from the manager with the written consent of the employee.

The additional payment will be calculated depending on the form of remuneration

8 For combining professions Example: paid for performing the duties of a janitor and plumber in an institution or enterprise
9 For transportation of dangerous goods It is usually paid in the railway transport, road transport, etc. industries.
10 Regional coefficient Depends on the region of the country, as well as on natural and climatic working conditions

Who can count on bonuses and additional payments?

Not all categories of workers can count on the establishment of bonuses and additional payments.

These payments are not eligible:

  • For those who work under a civil contract;
  • Workers under a contract;
  • Those with whom an agency agreement has been concluded.

This is explained by the fact that legal relations with such persons are regulated by the Civil Code, and not the Labor Code.

Those citizens who are hired on the basis of employment contracts, even those concluded for a certain period or who are part-time workers, have the right to receive all the specified monetary payments.

An example of calculating allowances and surcharges

In order for the understanding to become as complete as possible, we will consider the payment of allowances and additional payments for specific example .

In a kindergarten, an employee is both a laborer and an electrician. It turns out that he combines 2 positions. As a general worker, his salary is 12,000 rubles. For the duties of an electrician, the management pays him an additional amount that does not depend on the salary - 10,000 rubles (as stated in his employment contract). Based on the results of his work, the amount of his bonus is 4,000 rubles.

The monthly payment calculation will look like this: 12000+10000+4000=26000 rubles. In our example, the allowance and bonus are accrued not as a percentage, but as a fixed amount. But these indicators can also be calculated depending on the salary, that is, as a percentage.

Additional payments considered controversial

In this part of the conversation we will pay attention to budgetary enterprises and institutions. It is no secret that their employees receive their salaries from budget funds.

In this regard, the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision has questions regarding several types of additional payments, namely:

  1. Additional payment for working with computer and office equipment;
  2. Additional payment for combining positions.

When certain control measures were carried out, Rosfinnadzor employees considered that before assigning these types of additional payments, it was necessary to conduct a full certification of workplaces, otherwise their payment would be unlawful.

Let us note that often enterprises and institutions do not agree with this position, and when going to court, judges take their side.

Documentation that sets out the payment procedure

  1. Collective agreement;
  2. Regulations on remuneration;
  3. Regulations on bonus payments to employees;
  4. (may contain a reference to a collective agreement);
  5. Order from the manager (if the payment is a one-time payment and not permanent).

Under what conditions are payments made?

Any allowances and additional payments must first of all be contained in the pay slip of each employee.

There are a number of rules that the head of an enterprise or institution must adhere to:

  • Each employee must have a task, for the successful solution of which he receives encouragement. But the task must first of all be solvable, and not a dead end. Simply put, any employee should have the opportunity to achieve good results;
  • If we are talking about a bonus, then the amount should arouse interest, that is, be significant. It is unlikely that an employee will refuse smoking breaks for a bonus of 200 rubles;
  • Employees should know that it is possible to receive certain incentives and additional payments. It is best to notify about this by drawing up an annex to the employment contract. Each newly arrived employee will be immediately familiar with this.

If the manager is ready to encourage his employees and pay them extra for something, then these recommendations will be quite feasible.

Employer's responsibility for payments

The employer is not required to report to employees for the amount of incentive payments. If, due to a difficult economic situation, crisis, or other circumstances, the bonus portion of wages is cancelled, a written warning to employees is sufficient.

The only violation here will be that the employer ignored the procedure for warning employees, nothing more.

In general, if you properly motivate employees, you can achieve truly high results and performance. For this purpose, the employer should use incentive measures that stimulate payments. This will not only increase labor productivity, but will also have the best impact on product quality.

Personal allowance ( Mon) – an additional incentive payment to a specific employee. Such material incentives are included in the remuneration system, but are not mandatory. Issues regarding personal allowances must be resolved in the organization at the local level (Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The salary system in the organization, including all kinds of payments, is fixed:

  • employment contract;
  • collective legal act,
  • Regulations on wages or bonuses, other internal acts of the organization, including labor law norms.

Procedure for calculating personal allowance

An incentive payment can also be established for a working person individually, subject to certain conditions.

Thus, PN is assigned to the salary of full-time employees who work under an employment contract (including a fixed-term one), as well as part-time jobs. Most often, such an increase is assigned as a reward for high performance in work, upon successful fulfillment of performance criteria at work.

The decision on personal payments is made by the employer personally based on the recommendation of the head of the department.

Often the financial director, chief accountant, or other authorized person is given the right to make such decisions. During the absence of the general director (vacation), all issues are resolved by his deputy. Then the head of the department submits the corresponding petition to one of them. In all cases, the decision must be justified and lawful. The employer is not obliged to report to employees about the amounts of incentive bonuses, but must notify the termination of such payments.

Registration of a personal allowance for an employee of an organization

The installation, cancellation of an incentive bonus or change in its value by decision of the employer (authorized person) is formalized by an appropriate order. The basis for its publication is mostly a memo from the head of the department. It is through this internal document that the manager requests to establish, extend, cancel, increase or reduce personal payments to a specific employee.

The order for the appointment (extension, change of size) of the allowance is drawn up in free form. However, the content of such a document must meet a number of requirements.

Structure of the order for the appointment of a personal allowance What does it include?
Introductory partNumber, date of publication, title of the order;

motivation for the decision, reflection of its financial feasibility

Main partIndicated:

the established amount of personal allowance (its changed value),

payment validity period;

the responsibility of the accounting department to calculate salaries taking into account the increase;

responsible for the execution of the order;

the need to familiarize the employee with the order

Final partIncludes a reference to the basis for the decision;

CEO's signature

Personal bonus of the General Director

The salary of management (including the general director), as well as any ordinary employee, includes:

  • basic salary;
  • compensation;
  • incentive accruals.

The setting, amount, and procedure for calculating bonuses for management and all employees are regulated by internal regulations and are fixed in the employment contract or an additional agreement to it. At the same time, the assessment of the productivity and integrity of the general director is made taking into account the results of the activities of the entire institution.

So, for example, the Regulations on Remuneration may indicate that the director’s official salary is determined by the employment contract concluded with him and the higher organization or independently by the institution where he works. Incentive allowances, their level, and calculation procedure are also formed by a higher-level organization and are reflected in an additional agreement.

The legal basis for determining the amount of the official salary of a manager is provided by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 167n dated April 8, 2008, as amended on October 24, 2008 (Order No. 589n).

Calculation of personal allowance

Calculation of personal incentives is carried out taking into account the time worked. The following are not included in its calculation:

  • bonuses (including one-time ones);
  • material aid;
  • amounts from entrepreneurial and other profit-generating activities.

The amount of incentive payments depends on the available financial incentive fund in the unit (department) and the personal contribution of the employee. The amount of the established premium, as well as the very fact of its appointment, must be financially justified and legal. Its maximum value is usually prescribed in the internal regulations of the organization. So, for example, the local Regulations on remuneration may indicate that the maximum amount of incentive payment is unlimited. This means that the employer, taking into account the request of the head of the department, has the right to establish an increase in any amount at his discretion.

Typically, a department is allocated a specific amount of money for incentive payments. It can be set for a specific time, for example, a quarter, a year, or for any indicator in the work. Read also the article: → “”. The allocated amount is distributed by the head of the department among all employees. Often, lack of funds in the fund is the reason for the reduction or cancellation of the incentive payment. The bonus amount may be:

  • 15–50% of the tariff rate (basic salary);
  • absolute value (in rubles).

If the salary is assigned as a percentage, then the calculation is made according to the formula: salary * established percentage of the tariff rate. The absolute value does not imply any calculations and is accrued by the accounting department immediately in the prescribed form.

Example 1. Calculation of a personal allowance for an employee for a month worked

Senior researcher G. M. Drazhnaya, at the request of the head of the department, was assigned a personal increase of 50% of the salary for a period of one year. The employee receives 20 thousand rubles monthly. (salary size). The amount of the incentive payment is calculated using the formula: employee salary * 50%.

Thus, the monthly amount of the employee’s personal bonus to be paid will be equal to 10 thousand rubles.

Features of calculating a personal allowance for an employee of an organization

An incentive increase can be prescribed for a period of three months to a year. For the entire established period, it is accrued to the employee along with earnings; it is classified as labor costs. In turn, wage costs, including incentive payments, are recognized as expenses for ordinary activities in the period when these accruals took place. The accountant makes the necessary records in accordance with the Instructions approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation N 94n dated October 31, 2000 (as amended on November 8, 2010).

The personal allowance is included in the average earnings when calculating vacation pay, which is enshrined in government decree No. 922 of December 24, 2007, as amended on October 15, 2014 (the procedure for calculating average earnings).

If the accrual of the bonus is terminated ahead of schedule, for no reason, and the employee is not informed about this, he has the right to report the violation to the employer, ask him to sort it out, and pay the underpaid amount that is due to him under the employment contract.

If the employer’s decision is positive, the accounting department is obliged to accrue an additional bonus to the employee, but taking into account a penny for late payment.

When the duration of the established payment under the agreement ends, the department’s management raises the question of the advisability of extending it, reducing or increasing its size. If the decision is positive, the head of the department sends a request to the head of the organization to assign the bonus again (if necessary, with an increase or decrease in its size).

Only after agreement with the employer and making appropriate changes to the employment contract through an additional agreement, the accounting department has the right to accrue the required incentive amount to the employee. If the head of the department does not respond in a timely manner and does not submit a petition to the employer, the personal allowance will no longer be accrued to the employee.

Example 2. The procedure for calculating a personal allowance for an employee of an organization

By order of November 1, 2016, senior researcher G. M. Druzhina was assigned a personal bonus in the amount of 30% of the salary for completing urgent tasks. The basis is a memo from the head of the department where G. M. Druzhina works.

The existing incentive fund has sufficient funds to pay the assigned bonus. The local Regulations on the organization’s salary indicate that the employer has the right to establish such incentives for employees in the amount of up to 50% of the salary.

The head of the HR department familiarized the employee with the order. After approval, the accounting department awarded G. M. Druzhina the required allowance, which the employee began to receive in November 2016. The personal allowance was established legally and accrued in a timely manner, in accordance with the required norms of the organization’s local acts.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question No. 1. Can an employee’s personal allowance be withdrawn early when transferred to another position?

They can. If the bonus is not provided for the new position, then it is canceled, that is, canceled by an order signed by the employer.

Question No. 2. Can the new CEO of an organization cut (remove) bonuses?

Maybe, if these are incentive payments and it is justified by reasons (according to internal regulations).

Question No. 3. Is the personal bonus added to the base salary?

No, bonuses are calculated solely on the base salary.

Question No. 4. How to properly register a personal bonus for a manager?

The registration procedure is the same for everyone. First, an order is issued, then, based on it, an additional agreement is prepared containing the appointment of the PN.

Question No. 5. Is it necessary to reflect a personal allowance in the staffing table?

It is necessary because tax authorities monitor the compliance of payments to employees according to the staffing table, employment contracts and accruals made. The staffing table is drawn up according to the standard T-3 form and must contain all types of payments due to the employee, including incentive payments, allowances, bonuses, etc. At the same time, in a special column about allowances, the basis for such payments is indicated (date and number of the law, order etc.). All changes to the schedule are confirmed by orders.

Many Russians are rightly interested in the question of what bonuses and additional payments to wages are. Some people are entitled to them, and, accordingly, those specialists with such “bonuses” are directly familiar. But this concept is unclear to many. Well, it’s worth delving into this topic and talking in more detail about everything that concerns it.

Code provisions

Allowances and additional payments to wages are mandatory. But not all employees. Today, not everyone is fully familiar with the Labor Code. But there is a provision about allowances and additional payments. It's worth telling what we're talking about.

According to Article 149 of the Labor Code, each employer undertakes to issue bonuses to its employees if they carry out their activities in difficult, dangerous or harmful conditions. These may include working in harsh climates. Or activities carried out constantly on the street. The same conditions include night work (with the exception of shift schedules). If a person works on weekends or holidays, this also counts. The combination of several rates at once or the performance of highly qualified work is also taken into account. This is the main list of all points, the rest are determined by the agreement already concluded between the employer and employee. But there are some nuances in addition to the above. It's worth talking about them.


So, it should be noted that every employer must carry out the so-called, after which the hired people will be allocated their jobs. Increasing coefficients (that is, what determines how large the allowances and additional payments to wages will be) are assigned based on the results of the SOUT.

Workers in certain professions receive them one hundred percent. Among them are welders, foundry workers, nuclear power engineers, steelworkers and miners. The minimum they can receive is 4 percent of their total salary, hourly rate and output. But in reality the payment may be more. The employer has every right to increase this percentage (but only after agreement with the trade union organization or the workforce).

Regional coefficient

Everyone knows how big our country is. And on the territory of the Russian Federation there are areas in which it is incredibly difficult to live and work. And all due to difficult climatic conditions. That is why the legislation managed to provide for special bonuses and additional payments to the wages of those specialists who work in such places.

The largest percentage is paid to specialists who have settled somewhere in the Far North. There is a lot of work there - at enterprises or polar stations. But what was discussed above applies only to the basic salary. It does not apply to bonuses. It also does not apply to the calculation of payments for sick leave or vacation pay.

Which areas belong to the Far North? These are Kamchatka, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk territories. It also includes Yakutia, Komi, Tyva, Karelia, Chukotka District, Tyumen, Arkhangelsk, Magadan, Irkutsk and Murmansk regions. And, of course, Sakhalin Island. There, not only the percentage is taken into account, but also the length of service is different. A year spent on Sakhalin as an employee registered under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is considered one and a half years.

By volume of work

Considering the types of additional payments and allowances, one cannot help but talk about how overtime work is encouraged in the Russian Federation.

So, if an enterprise has issued an order according to which it turns out that the workload of employees is increasing, then the employer must necessarily assign additional payment for this work. Naturally, all this is also indicated in the above-mentioned document.

Including if someone at the company gets sick, and another person is put in his place, who undertakes to do his work during illness, an allowance is also given. After all, all this is extra shifts, a lot of hours and the employee’s personal time. Everything must be paid for. If the employer refuses to accrue additional funds, then the employee has all the rights to refuse to perform duties. Controversial situations can be resolved by contacting the labor inspectorate.

And what will be the amount of additional payments and allowances in the above-described case? Each hour, shift, etc. are paid in accordance with the coefficient 1.5-2. Its indicator varies depending on what profile the company belongs to.

Basic stimulants

Their system of surcharges and allowances also includes mandatory ones. And good managers will never forget about incentives (they are also called bonuses). Such additional payments are the most powerful and proven motivation for employees. The bonus not only shows that the employer appreciated the work of a particular specialist. This is also a sign that the employee’s efforts are not in vain, and productivity can be increased further.

It is up to the manager to decide whether to issue incentives or not. But we will definitely list what they are.

There are incentives for mentoring (that is, if a specialist has taken upon himself the task of training a newcomer and monitoring him). For exceeding the plan - when a person exceeded the norm of work performed for a month, quarter, etc. A bonus for qualifications, personal qualities, annual achievements - all this also takes place.

Everyone knows that wages in Russia are not the highest, so incentives would be a good reward for those people who really deserve it. Additional education teachers, doctors of public hospitals, public sector security guards and other specialists - these are the ones you shouldn’t forget about.

1st and 2nd categories

This topic needs to be considered, since it is the conditions that determine the amount of such an allowance as the hazard surcharge.

There are three categories in total. The first is Those in which there is no harmful influence on the employee. That is, they are considered safe.

The second category is acceptable working conditions under which the employee feels the impact of dangerous and harmful factors. They can be considered as such if the state of the body of a specialist working for the benefit of production is restored during rest.

3rd and 4th grades

Third category. labor, in which workers are actually strongly affected by hazardous production factors. And at the same time, the human body requires a lot of time to recover. These also include conditions in which an employee can get an occupational disease or undergo functional changes in his body.

The fourth category is the last, it includes particularly dangerous working conditions. These are considered to be those conditions in which, working in which, a person risks damaging his health or even dying. This category includes underground work, activities in hot shops, female labor in the textile industry, etc. They are entitled to the largest additional payment for harmfulness.

Briefly about salary

All people know that a high salary in Russia is something that you need to strive for long and hard. Undoubtedly, today salary levels have become higher (compared to previous years), but this does not change the essence, since there is now a crisis in the country.

The average salary, according to statistics, is about 30 thousand rubles today, but in fact it is much less. In Moscow - yes, but if we take other regions into account, then everything will not look so rosy. The minimum, for example, is about 6 thousand rubles per month. This is for popular regions. In Kamchatka and Magadan this figure is about 16-17 thousand rubles.

In general, the salary situation in Russia is not the best yet, but everything should improve.

How to calculate?

You need to know the theory, but now it’s worth showing with an example how everything is calculated. Much has been said above about the surcharge coefficient. It is often called a score. It is equal to a certain percentage.

So, take, for example, coefficient 2. This is a 4% additional payment to the salary. That is, if a person receives 45 thousand rubles a month, then on top of this he will receive an additional 1,800 rubles every month. But this is if the working conditions are not particularly harmful and difficult. It happens that the actual score is 10. This equates to a 24% premium. And if a person earns 90 thousand rubles a month at such a job (it is unlikely that people working in dangerous and bad conditions by all indications will work there for little money), then, in addition to this, he will be paid another 21,600 rubles on top.

The mathematics is simple, but in order to determine “your” percentage as accurately as possible, you need to familiarize yourself with the position of the organization in which you work.