Taurus woman and her ideal partner. Who are Taurus men and women most compatible with according to the horoscope?

At a young age, the easiest way to find an ideal match is among other signs of the earth elements: Virgo and Capricorn. There is only one condition for complete happiness - Virgo must have her own business and not interfere with Taurus arranging life in his own way. And Capricorn will become an exemplary partner if he is a civil servant of considerable age (ten to fifteen years older than Taurus). In the second half of life, the ideal should be sought among Cancers, and among those representatives of the sign with whom you have been friends for a long time, to whom you trust your secrets. Suitable for Taurus after 35 and Pisces, but only under the condition of complete harmony in the sexual sphere.

Best Couple for Taurus

Cancer: Representatives of these zodiac signs make a very successful couple. Neither Taurus nor Cancer like frivolous entertainment and spend all their energy on creating a cozy family nest. Conflicts can arise due to the changeable mood of Cancer, the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Cancer warns about this. To maintain the harmony of relationships, Taurus should be more tactful, then Cancer will unusually value his reliability. This is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope of Cancer and Taurus.

Capricorn: The relationship of this couple promises to be successful. Capricorn and Taurus are similar in their love for reliability. The patience of Capricorn is successfully combined with the realism of Taurus. In general, the relationship of this couple will not be burdened with excessive sentimentality, this is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope. Capricorn and Taurus have the same interests, which are the key to a happy and long-lasting marriage. Boredom and routine can become a serious problem for this relationship, the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Capricorn warns about this.

Fish: The relationship of this couple is certainly successful, but ambiguous. The mysterious Pisces is somewhat surprised by the practicality of Taurus, and the hardworking Taurus cannot understand the idleness of Pisces. This may give rise to conflicts; the compatibility horoscope warns about this. Taurus and Pisces are a successful tandem: thanks to such a pair, Taurus discovers his creative abilities, and Pisces is delighted by the reliability of Taurus. The passivity of Pisces may irritate Taurus somewhat, but this will not affect the strength of the relationship in any way, this is confirmed by the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Pisces.

Worst Match for Taurus

Aquarius: This couple is guaranteed a difficult relationship: Taurus will be annoyed by Aquarius’ desire for everything new. Aquarius will be tired of Taurus's possessive habits, this is indicated by the compatibility horoscope. Taurus and Aquarius often cannot come to an agreement on issues of freedom: Aquarius thinks that Taurus is trying to limit him, and Taurus cannot come to terms with the frivolity of Aquarius. This can cause the collapse of relationships, which is what the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus and Aquarius warns about.

Twins: This couple has too different characters: Gemini likes a faster pace of life and Taurus seems too slow to them. The relationship of this couple will be filled with crises of the genre, the compatibility horoscope warns about this: Taurus Gemini. However, this romance can become long-lasting and successful if Taurus shows concern and Gemini talks more about what worries them.

Sagittarius: This couple is guaranteed an unusually passionate relationship, which is due to the fact that Sagittarius inspires Taurus. However, for Taurus the main thing is the desire for constancy and reliability of relationships, and Sagittarius, with its love of love and desire for new impressions, drives him crazy. Sagittarius is irritated by the regularity and predictability of Taurus, the Compatibility Horoscope: Taurus Sagittarius warns about this.

Strained relations

Taurus: If each of the couple has a Taurus zodiac sign, the compatibility horoscope considers this relationship to be extremely reliable. They have a lot in common, and it is often difficult for other signs to understand the conservatism of Taurus. As the compatibility horoscope says, the Taurus woman is more predisposed to the changes that are necessary in such relationships. The main obstacle to a happy life for this couple is boredom and routine, as the Taurus Taurus Compatibility Horoscope warns about this.

Scorpion: The romance of the owners of these zodiac signs will be extremely stormy, this will be confirmed by any compatibility horoscope. Taurus and Scorpio attract each other with incredible magnetism, despite the fact that there are too many differences in their personalities. The eroticism of the first weeks of the novel eventually gives way to the jealousy of Scorpio, who begins to consider Taurus his property, a compatibility horoscope warns about this: Taurus Scorpio.

Two workers in one team. Two interlocutors who will always understand each other. Two comrades who know what everyone needs - is this the kind of partner every Taurus dreams of? Let us list the zodiac signs that are suitable for Taurus according to the horoscope.

Which zodiac signs suit Taurus?

What is the purpose of Taurus? The ability to own the material world without violating your own ideals. What does a Taurus need to feel happy? Cozy rear, convenient work, material wealth. And feelings. Not passions, but feelings.

It is traditionally believed that we get along better either with people of the same element as us, or with those whose elements have a beneficial effect on ours (earth and water, for example).

Thus, Taurus is suitable for other earth signs of the zodiac (Virgo and Capricorn) or water signs.

Taurus is often irresistibly drawn to Scorpio, who is his exact opposite. Although their elements - earth and water - should make them compatible, deep down they will most likely be enemies.

Zodiac signs suitable for Taurus

  • Virgo,
  • Scales,
  • Capricorn.

Zodiac signs that are not suitable for Taurus

  • Aries,
  • Twins,
  • Scorpion,
  • Sagittarius,
  • Aquarius.

Union of Taurus with other signs

Taurus - Aries

Taurus prefers to think for a long time and does not like hasty decisions, Aries is hot-tempered and prefers to act on the fly. Because of this, the union of Aries and Taurus becomes problematic - they simply have completely different temperaments.

Taurus - Taurus

Both are very reliable, practical, dedicated people. In addition, both are very stubborn and inflexible people, prone to laziness and overeating. Over time, such an alliance may become boring and both will want to look for something hotter on the side.

Taurus - Gemini

An unsuccessful union, although the sparkling Gemini fascinates the slow Taurus. But it is difficult for them to coexist under one roof - one cannot live without communication and brings crowds of friends to the house, the second loves solitude.

Taurus - Cancer

Among the zodiac signs suitable for Taurus, Cancer comes first. Both are very homely people and appreciate the simple pleasures of life. The atmosphere in the couple is warm and friendly - the partners are caring and value their home. Both are very devoted parents.

Taurus - Leo

Two strong-willed and stubborn people, the union between whom is especially good if they have a joint business. Durability, stability and loyalty characterize these relationships.

Taurus - Virgo

A very harmonious couple - both are very practical people, this union is especially good if the partners are colleagues. They can build a prosperous family, give their children a good education and will always have money for any occasion.

Taurus - Libra

Two lovers of silence and harmony, avoiding conflicts and tension at all costs. They have a cordial, gentle relationship, which makes the atmosphere in their home surprisingly pleasant. Libra is able to adapt to stubborn Taurus.

Taurus - Scorpio

There is a strong attraction between these two signs, and even if they have little in common intellectually and spiritually, their physical attraction to each other makes rapprochement almost inevitable. A complex union, it will not be easy.

Taurus - Sagittarius

Among the zodiac signs that are not suitable for Taurus, Sagittarius especially stands out. While Sagittarius thrives on sports, travel, communication and dating, Taurus prefers to live in one place and grow vegetables and flowers in the garden. It is difficult for them to understand each other.

Taurus - Capricorn

Both are very practical people with common sense. In addition, the partners are compatible both philosophically and intellectually. However, over time, the union risks turning into a rather boring, painful relationship without a spark.

Taurus - Aquarius

While Taurus often chooses practical solutions, Aquarius is more inclined to take progressive or unconventional approaches. This causes them to constantly quarrel - from political and social issues to tastes in art, music and literature, they differ like heaven and earth.

Taurus - Pisces

Two tolerant people, gentle and peace-loving people, which makes the union quite comfortable for both. However, there are also very fundamental differences between them: Taurus is too earthly a person, while Pisces looks for meaning, signs and subtexts in everything.

The wives of alcoholics, gambling addicts, womanizers and even Decembrists are connected by one major psychological attitude: marriages are made in heaven, and if you were not so lucky the first time, then the next one could be even worse. This is what makes them similar to ladies born under the sign of Taurus, who, despite their natural stubbornness, determination and fairly high intelligence, become dependent on their partner, no matter what negative character traits he may have.

This is what the star lords ordered, rewarding the Taurus young ladies with the role of the “swans” of the zodiac.

The whole point is that the Chick woman initially finds it difficult to get along with people, and even more so with the knightly part of them. Unlike superficial companions, Telochka looks closely at the gentleman for a long time, tries to understand his train of thoughts, remember the smell and order of courtship, and without noticing it she becomes attached to him, and then completely dissolves as a person.

When the merging of bodies and souls took place, she disappeared. Now she is the same wife who will go to Siberia for her revolutionary husband, to a pub to take out her drunkard husband, or take a taxi to the club to get her husband-womanizer out of the clutches of another passion.

Not the least reason for this manifestation of stability and monogamy is intimate relationships, which, in the understanding of Taurus ladies, should not be replete with either a variety of partners or exquisite poses and movements. Once, having made a journey into the arms of Eros and received pleasure from them, the Taurus woman will strive to repeat all subsequent acts in great detail the first, and only under such conditions will she feel comfortable.

Compatibility in love

To all this it should be added that Taurus women are quite jealous, however, in their understanding, physical betrayal not confirmed by such evidence as “I came and saw with my own eyes, but he did not ask for forgiveness” does not deserve attention. Therefore, the same stable gentlemen are most suitable for the life of a family Taurus woman.

  • For example, men born under the sign of Virgo will completely suit the Chick in bed, because they are also impressed by simple and regular sex.
  • A good alliance can develop between a Taurus lady and men of the fire element.
  • Stubborn Aries will be glad to have a Taurus who is in love with them and therefore submissive; Leo will be quite satisfied with the direct adoration with which the Taurus lady will look at him.
  • Well, for the most frivolous and unfaithful men of the zodiac - Sagittarius, only a Taurus woman can become a “fighting friend”, one who agrees to endure and wait at home while they are “on the hunt”, no matter if she is looking for a mammoth or some new passion.

The most unstable, and by and large not needed by Chicks, will be romantic appeals directed towards Aquarius and Scorpio. The first ones will only bring chaos into the ordered world of the Taurus lady, and they will disappear as quickly as they appeared, after they “get to know” how the Taurus seems to them to the end. The latter simply cannot satisfy either themselves or the Taurus lady in bed, and retreat quickly and irrevocably.

Women born under the auspices of this sign should also look with caution at such seemingly harmless gallant gentlemen as Cancers, Pisces, Gemini and Libra. It is almost impossible to give a forecast here; everything will depend only on what concessions both partners are willing to make in order to preserve the relationship. But with Capricorns, dear Chicks, as they say, in any case, the crocodile is not caught, the coconut does not grow. Chicks are too vulnerable and prone to reflection, reasons for which Capricorn will look for from morning to evening.

With the Taurus lady, she will be able to build a strong and friendly family. This relationship is reminiscent of two oxen harnessed to one harrow. They clearly know what they want from life and from each other. The Taurus family will endure even in the most difficult times, because it is the culmination of loyalty and friendly support.

It should also be remembered that the patience of a Taurus woman also has its limit, even if it is much further than a similar line of other signs, but having crossed it, it will no longer be possible to regain the trust and love of the Taurus. She will suffer, and perhaps she will not decide to start a relationship again, remaining a “lonely woman,” but she will never return to the one who trampled on love!

Taurus stands out among other signs for its high ideas of loyalty and honor. They are not prone to frequent changes and love stability, and therefore prefer reliable and permanent relationships in marriage. Women of this sign are mostly faithful and sincere wives; they try and know how to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony in their home.

+ Aries

The union of these signs is complex. Aries in love relationships is characterized by impulsiveness and prefers to do this according to his mood, which gives rise to a conflict with the prudent and cautious Taurus, who rarely does anything under the influence of an impulse, and thereby irritates the impatient Aries. If Taurus does not mind giving the initiative to Aries and allows him to be the leader, they will be able to open new horizons of love pleasures and find ways to obtain mutual sensual sexual pleasures. If this balance is not found, then the desired balance in the relationship is unlikely. The connection between these signs is rarely stable. In their relationship, serious friction will constantly arise between the temperament of the emotional Aries and the caution of the pragmatic Taurus, who always controls his impulses. The constantly accumulating irritation between them makes it impossible for them to have a long-term relationship.

Summary. Compatibility of Taurus with Aries ~10%

+ Taurus

Both feel each other well and know what the partner wants. However, despite good mutual understanding, Taurus are often not compatible sexually, since a woman is usually sentimental, especially expressed in love. And the Taurus man is an earthly creature, he is pragmatic and, in essence, prefers the company of other men to communicating with a woman. In relation to his partner, he is distinguished by enviable inconstancy. The marriage union between them is very problematic, since the Taurus woman cannot tolerate neglect of herself and, even more so, possible betrayal; she cannot tolerate a lack of attention and deception. A love affair may give them fleeting pleasure, but the prognosis for marriage is unfavorable. Although the love between them can be supported by the presence of good family wealth and all kinds of material benefits.

Summary. Taurus compatibility ~10%

+ Gemini

In this couple, in a love relationship, Gemini becomes the initiator of all erotic and sexual fun, but such an intimate relationship cannot last long. Being an ardent owner in life, which is also aggravated by an increased feeling of jealousy, all this does not allow Taurus to come to terms with the fact that Gemini is constantly flirting. In many respects, Taurus is boring for Gemini, and they, for their part, are not able to give him the necessary feeling of self-confidence. Geminis quickly get bored with such relationships. They will make an attempt to break out of Taurus's networks and start a rebellion. Eternal misunderstanding of each other prevents their union, which ultimately leads to a quick break in relations. A love affair with Taurus will be too boring for Gemini, and they, in turn, cannot guarantee their partner the feeling of security he needs. It is safe to assume that these two signs are incompatible. If they risk starting an affair with each other, it will be short-lived and joyless.

Summary. Compatibility with Gemini 0% - incompatible.

+ Cancer

They have a lot in common, for example, similar temperaments, a love of comfort and home, as well as character traits such as obstinacy and stubbornness. If Taurus shows attentiveness towards Cancer and understands changes in the partner’s mood, then Cancer will reciprocate. Both signs are quite passionate, have heightened sensitivity and a rich imagination; being close to each other, they do not need interests on the side. When they meet, a close bond quickly forms between them, foreshadowing a successful, promising relationship. Taurus is able to smooth out possible problems that arise between them; he is acutely aware of Cancer’s mood swings and must show care. Cancer understands this and will respond in kind. The key to the success of their relationship is the ability of both signs to take into account the needs of their partner, which obviously presupposes an unforgettable romance and a happy marriage.

Summary: Cancer suits Taurus! 100%

+ Leo

Both signs are distinguished by their strong desire to do things their own way. Because of this, this romantic duo can often get into verbal fights. A good union in sexual terms and a passionate relationship can arise between them, but Leo’s excess energy sometimes greatly irritates the calm, thorough and imperturbable Taurus. Both signs do not intend to make concessions; the clash of their egos is fraught with an explosion of emotions. In addition, Leos are sociable, they like to show off their advantages in public, which will not really please a jealous Taurus and will greatly irritate him. Over the years, they do not get used to each other much, conflicts between partners do not disappear, only their accents change. For example, the thrifty Taurus constantly gets on the nerves of the extravagant Leo. A long relationship even makes such a sedate nature as Taurus worry, so it is better not to make plans for a marriage. An affair is possible here, but it is better to avoid a long-term relationship, since it is very illusory and unlikely.

Summary. Compatibility of Taurus with Leo ~20%

+ Virgo

For Virgo, this is the surest choice and the most suitable partner, especially in their younger years. Both signs are peaceful and accommodating. They are united by a pragmatic lifestyle and excessive caution. In all areas of relationships, Virgo may not be the most passionate partner for Taurus, but nevertheless very suitable and desirable. True harmony will arise between them. In love relationships, Taurus's gentleness calms Virgo's worries - they are ideal partners for each other. Although Taurus prefers to enjoy sex carefree, Virgo loves to explore, analyze and even criticize. Virgo brings prudence into their life together, and Taurus brings their emotions and feelings. In life, they are both materialists. They are practical, strongly attached to home, and highly value the ability to work productively. Their union promises to be strong and long. These signs can expect a happy romance, perhaps devoid of too bright colors, and the marriage will be stable and viable.

Summary: Virgo suits Taurus! 100%

+ Libra

There is some difference in temperament here. Although Libra thinks that their partner is not romantic enough, and they are irritated by Taurus’ heightened possessive feelings, their tact and tolerance in general can overcome his temperament and neutralize some stubbornness. Frivolous Libra may encounter increased jealousy from Taurus. For these reasons, only light, non-binding love relationships are possible between them, and there is almost no hope for a successful marriage. Physical harmony helps them to have an intimate connection. Libras are always sensitive and caring. During short meetings, they can still reason with the hot-tempered and stubborn Taurus. But even in these minutes or hours, Libra’s tendency to inconstancy will greatly stress Taurus. They will consider their romance funny and cheerful, but the prognosis for a long-term mutually satisfying union is unfavorable.

Summary. Compatibility of Taurus with Libra ~30%

+ Scorpio

And this couple has extremely many differences in their characters, which does not prevent them from experiencing a strong physical attraction to each other when they meet. It is worth noting that both signs are quite passionate and have enviable endurance. This is often noticeable externally and catches the eye. They intuitively feel that they can get a lot out of each other in bed. In a fit of love passion, they are ready to merge together and absorb each other. But in order to maintain mutual sympathy in a calmer and everyday environment, they need diligence to smooth out the roughness in communication that is caused by the dissimilarity of characters. The love affair between them can last quite a long time. And only in adulthood, when Taurus has developed the ability to endure the constant pressure of the domineering Scorpio with his patience, can these signs create a fairly stable marriage union. During youth, emotions take over. Taurus loves to spend all the money they earn and is not efficient enough. Scorpio is distinguished by excessive frugality and despises idleness. Both are domineering, stubborn and proud. Their mutual sexual attraction does not escape the eyes of the people around them and makes this romance spectacular and impressive from the outside. But entering into marriage only on the wave of strong emotions can become a dubious undertaking.

Summary. Compatibility of Taurus with Scorpio ~40%

+ Sagittarius

It is difficult for the home-loving, practical Taurus, who strives to rule, to come to terms with the frivolity of Sagittarius, who also does not intend to obey. There is little compatibility between them in love relationships. Sagittarius, impulsive in his desires, most of which are random and largely unpredictable, will not be able to accommodate Taurus with his constant passions for long. This couple has no prospects for a long life together. The Taurus homebody is offended by Sagittarius' eternal desire for adventure. Even for a short love affair, partners of these signs need a certain amount of endurance, but for a long-term relationship only a miracle can maintain it!

Summary. Compatibility of Taurus with Sagittarius ~10%

+ Capricorn

For this pair of signs, relationships are established quickly and easily, because they have a lot in common. Both prefer the comfort of home to travel, need a reliable partner and value money. Taurus has a lot of patience, and Capricorn, tirelessly, is ready to work for the benefit of both and for the sake of achieving common happiness. Taurus is able to show patience and condescendingly not notice some of Capricorn's shortcomings. The tenacity of Taurus goes well with the ambition of Capricorn. All this will guarantee a long-term, harmonious, happy marriage. The strength of the relationship will be strengthened by good sexual compatibility; the most incredible sexual fantasies can arise and come true.

Summary: Capricorn suits Taurus! 100%

+ Aquarius

Sensual, passionate Taurus is confused and offended by Aquarius’s incomprehensible “comradely” attitude towards sex. Taurus does not need a friend, but a sensual partner. Aquarius is ready to turn a lover or mistress into a friend. In life, both signs have a strong will and cannot even stand the thought that they must yield to the other in anything. In conflicts that arise, they do not compromise. Aquarius has many interests related to the world around him, outside of personal relationships. This cannot suit Taurus, who loves the comfort of his home. A short-term relationship, the initiative of which will most likely be taken by Aquarius, is still possible. But it is simply unreasonable to enter into a marriage between such different strong personalities because of the inevitable frequent conflicts. This primarily concerns Taurus, who will experience constant anxiety. For a long-term relationship, the prognosis here is too bad.

Summary. Compatibility with Aquarius 0% - incompatible.

+ Pisces

An intimate connection in this couple can be emotional and energetic, so they are almost equally sensual and passionate. However, temperamental Pisces need special attention, which is not always given to them by the down-to-earth and pragmatic Taurus. Pisces are more sentimental and emotional. They may feel resentful that their love is taken for granted. Down-to-earth Taurus cannot give sentimental Pisces the fullness of human, highly cultural communication, which can bring some disharmony into their relationship. To achieve mutual understanding, they need to work on themselves. If this problem is successfully resolved, then there is a great chance of creating an alliance favorable for both. In addition, they love a lifestyle similar to each other: comfort, coziness and peace of mind. These signs have the power to become the main characters of a sensual romance, and if they wish to continue their relationship on a more serious level, a completely satisfactory marriage awaits them.

Summary. Compatibility of Taurus with Pisces ~60%

Compatibility horoscope: which zodiac sign is most suitable for Taurus - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Taurus zodiac sign compatibility:general characteristics, sexuality,what zodiac sign suits Taurus,relationships.

Taurus: characteristics of sexual life

Taurus is charming, has a keen sense of beauty, and knows how to create an exquisite interior and harmonious relationships. Looks at life realistically, assessing his abilities adequately.

Taurus rarely have many novels, especially at the same time. They honor traditions, often maintaining virginity until marriage, and then being impeccably faithful. They take matters of marriage extremely seriously, choosing a companion slowly and thoroughly.

Their heart wounds take a long time to heal, especially if the breakup occurred due to the betrayal of their chosen one. They can take his light flirting calmly, but when he cheats they go crazy. Therefore, they are not in a hurry to fall in love, they study for a long time a potential companion, his character, his habits. The chosen one is expected to be constancy, the ability to be content with little, and clear-headed.

When it comes to sex, Taurus do not like to experiment; they are more tender than passionate. They know the value of their sexual capabilities, have intuition and always feel pretense. If they are in love, they may succumb to persuasion, but they rarely admit that they liked the innovation. Taurus are faithful to traditions, this also manifests itself in their sex life.

Taurus men devote a lot of energy to satisfying the desires of their beloved, but they do not allow her to dominate and are even frightened by her excessive activity.

Taurus women love exquisite caresses, they willingly accept them, but they will never allow you to do anything that is unpleasant to them.

Which zodiac sign suits Taurus

In the first attempts at love relationships, Taurus will be most suitable for representatives of the Earth element, to which Taurus himself belongs. A bright romance with Capricorn, quite successfully with Taurus, and, on occasion, Virgo.

Which zodiac sign suits Taurus perfectly? For a strong family union, Taurus must turn his attention to the Water signs, because it is water that nourishes the earth, infuses life, and makes it fertile. The ideal planetary partner for Taurus is Scorpion: They give each other the influence of those planets that each lacks. But Scorpio should be less selfish, and Taurus should not be so receptive. Also suitable Cancer and Pisces.

Zodiac signs that are less suitable for Taurus

Marriage with representatives of Fire can be dangerous, but very beneficial if successful. The most promising alliance is with Sagittarius– a lot of passion, an explosion of dust from the offering of fire. Aries may be the Fiery patron of Taurus, looking down on his efforts. Leo is the most dangerous and difficult for Taurus.

Zodiac signs suitable for Taurus in rare cases

Air does not affect the Earth in any way, just as the Earth does not affect the Air. Therefore, the union of Taurus with a representative of the Air element is completely hopeless. The only exception can be Gemini: if desired, Taurus will take care of them and guide them through life very skillfully (the previous zodiac sign always patronizes the next one).

But these recommendations are rather a generalization. To find out the real compatibility in a couple, you need to know the names, eye color, time of birth, date, hair color, nose shape and even the body features of both. There is an opinion that knowing the necessary parameters, you can find the ideal companion.

Taurus zodiac sign compatibility: solving problems

Taurus' social circle is very wide, but it is incredibly difficult for him to find a “suitable” person: Taurus is very serious in choosing even a potential partner, and often notices only shortcomings. And also, having a special sensitivity to beauty as he understands it, Taurus does not experience sexual interest in people who are wonderful but do not meet his aesthetic needs. Has the right to. But there are some things worth adjusting in your approaches.

Taurus needs to remember: people change, relationships will help his chosen one achieve success. It's easier to achieve goals together. It is worth connecting your intuition, looking forward, focusing only on the merits of your partner. There is no need to take legibility to the point of absurdity. It would be good to expand your “aesthetic horizons” in order to notice more attractive things in people. After all, ideas about beauty can turn out to be ossified stereotypes.

So, Taurus has met the ideal betrothed, but as the romance progresses, doubts overcome him more and more: is the choice right? It seems that the chosen one did not live up to expectations. Taurus is meticulous when choosing, it is unlikely that he made a mistake at the beginning, there is no need to torment himself in vain and there is no need to blame his partner.

Taurus loves to dominate in relationships, and therefore is dissatisfied with apparent insubordination. Taurus needs to give his partner more air - independence. You must also allow your relationships not to correspond to the pattern that Taurus has developed for a long time. After all, his chosen one has his own habits, his own scheme. Wishes should be expressed correctly, and criticism should not be met with hostility; perhaps it is constructive. If desired, Taurus, in fact, can get along with an impossibly difficult person.

Excellent intuition immediately tells Taurus that their loved one is not in good spirits. But why is difficult for Taurus to understand. Instead of enjoying the company of his loved one, he begins to “dig out” his mistakes.

Taurus are practical, devote a lot of effort to financial matters, but often do not remember about spiritual comfort. Feeling that the beloved is not very happy, Taurus immediately remembers material benefits. Taurus should, being interested in his partner, find out exactly his mood, dreams, plans, this is important. It is also worth relaxing control of the situation: sometimes it is enough to relax to reduce tension. Leave some freedom and understatement.

The rationality and prudence of Taurus sometimes does not help them in building relationships. Even if the chosen one is ready to give in, to Taurus his actions seem inappropriate and annoying. The reason is that Taurus has inflated demands and expectations that are not typical for a partner. actions.

Important: communicate your wishes to your loved one correctly and in a timely manner; be able to take care of yourself; give the chosen one more attention and time, so that he does not have a feeling of his insignificance in the life of Taurus; separate the concepts of “love”/“own”: a lover is not property, he must have personal space, dreams and aspirations; have a heart-to-heart conversation about mutual expectations, search for a compromise.

Taurus is a strategist who knows many ways to start a romance. He quickly gives up a hopeless struggle, but if there is something mutual, but the transition to a close relationship is slowed down, Taurus is lost. It is worth trying to act more simply - where hints are powerless, recognition or an unexpected invitation is irresistible.

Being carried away by their maneuvers, Taurus may not notice retaliatory actions that do not fit into the intended scheme. It’s worth relaxing, “rebooting” and not missing out on the most pleasant moments, even if not according to plan.

Taurus sometimes try to conquer someone they should avoid. Because subconscious slows down, does not give suitable words, protecting against unnecessary communication. The situation should be analyzed again.

“Unhappy love ruined life”

When there is a breakup or a shallow relationship, Taurus experiences severe mental pain. But when the feelings were serious and strong, it comes to depression, complete distrust of others and loss of hope. Taurus reproaches himself, is afraid of making a mistake again, he becomes too careful, pushing away those with whom he could be carried away, and does not enjoy life.

Important: do not dwell on the past, remain confident, do not look for an ideal, do not set the main goal of finding an absolutely perfect betrothed, live actively, be open, enjoy communication, give a chance to the future; Remember, you can’t protect yourself from emotions; developing a novel requires even more work than the beginning.

Taurus is demanding. Giving a lot, being strong and emotional, he wants to receive a lot. He believes that his partner will always be very attentive. Trying to always please the chosen one sexually and financially, Taurus may not feel a response.

Taurus needs to: make the partner feel interested in emotional contact, reduce the level of material demands - dates are good in high-class restaurants, in the park, and in general hobbies; do not try to turn reality into an ideal picture from your head, do not put pressure on your loved ones, forcing them to meet expectations; reduce activity, allow your loved one to behave according to their needs, naturally; learn to listen to the advice of your soul mate, perceive her (his) “passive” behavior as concern for the peace of the common good.

These are only general characteristics of Taurus, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual.

Zodiac signs suitable for Taurus

Two workers in one team. Two interlocutors who will always understand each other. Two comrades who know what everyone needs - is this the kind of partner every Taurus dreams of? Let us list the zodiac signs that are suitable for Taurus according to the horoscope.

Which zodiac signs suit Taurus?

What is the purpose of Taurus? The ability to own the material world without violating your own ideals. What does a Taurus need to feel happy? Cozy rear, convenient work, material wealth. And feelings. Not passions, but feelings.

It is traditionally believed that we get along better either with people of the same element as us, or with those whose elements have a beneficial effect on ours (earth and water, for example).

Thus, Taurus is suitable for other earth signs of the zodiac (Virgo and Capricorn) or water signs.

Taurus is often irresistibly drawn to Scorpio, who is his exact opposite. Although their elements - earth and water - should make them compatible, deep down they will most likely be enemies.

Zodiac signs suitable for Taurus are Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn. Zodiac signs that are not suitable for Taurus are Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius. Let's take a closer look.

Taurus prefers to think for a long time and does not like hasty decisions, Aries is hot-tempered and prefers to act “on the fly.” Because of this, the union of Aries and Taurus becomes problematic - they simply have completely different temperaments.

Both are very reliable, practical, dedicated people. In addition, both are very stubborn and inflexible people, prone to laziness and overeating. Over time, such an alliance may become boring and both will want to look for something hotter on the side.

An unsuccessful union, although the sparkling Gemini fascinates the slow Taurus. But it is difficult for them to coexist under one roof - one cannot live without communication and brings crowds of friends to the house, the second loves solitude.

Among the zodiac signs suitable for Taurus, Cancer comes first. Both are very homely people and appreciate the simple pleasures of life. The atmosphere in the couple is warm and friendly - the partners are caring and value their home. Both are very devoted parents.

Two strong-willed and stubborn people, the union between whom is especially good if they have a joint business. Durability, stability and loyalty characterize these relationships.

A very harmonious couple - both are very practical people, this union is especially good if the partners are colleagues. They can build a prosperous family, give their children a good education and will always have money for any occasion.

Two lovers of silence and harmony, avoiding conflicts and tension at all costs. They have a cordial, gentle relationship, which makes the atmosphere in their home surprisingly pleasant. Libra is able to adapt to stubborn Taurus.

There is a strong attraction between these two signs, and even if they have little in common intellectually and spiritually, their physical attraction to each other makes rapprochement almost inevitable. A complex union, it will not be easy.

Among the zodiac signs that are not suitable for Taurus, Sagittarius especially stands out. While Sagittarius thrives on sports, travel, communication and dating, Taurus prefers to live in one place and grow vegetables and flowers in the garden. It is difficult for them to understand each other.

Both are very practical people with common sense. In addition, the partners are compatible both philosophically and intellectually. However, over time, the union risks turning into a rather boring, painful relationship without a spark.

While Taurus often chooses practical solutions, Aquarius is more inclined to take progressive or unconventional approaches. This causes them to constantly quarrel - from political and social issues to tastes in art, music and literature, they differ like heaven and earth.

Two tolerant people, gentle and peace-loving people, which makes the union quite comfortable for both. However, there are also very fundamental differences between them: Taurus is too earthly a person, while Pisces looks for meaning, signs and subtexts in everything.

Which zodiac sign suits Taurus best?

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A peace-loving and very calm sign needs tender feelings, as well as solitude. When choosing a partner, life needs determine priorities. Taurus adheres to the basic rules - stability and security of the union. However, very often the sign forms pairs with Aquarius and Gemini that are not suitable for it, but such unions are not viable.

Zodiac signs suitable for Taurus: Cancer seems to Taurus to be a romantic and impeccable partner. The changeable mood of the first will not spoil the stability of the partner. In addition, Cancer, due to its constancy, provides reliable grounds for a serious relationship. Both individuals demonstrate a desire for an emotional and passionate life. An acceptable relationship becomes possible if there is physical attraction to each other. A successful marriage is also likely.

Taurus and Scorpio will have a bright, passionate connection. Moreover, in this relationship, neither partner will feel the need to cheat, since they have the same sexual appetite. However, in an irritable state, Taurus is quite stubborn, which will irritate and anger Scorpio. Marriage will become favorable if partners learn to be more tolerant of each other.

Taurus and Capricorn demonstrate a long-lasting and viable union. After all, in addition to passion in a love relationship, partners have a huge amount in common.

And in a pair of Taurus and Pisces there is no such ardent passion, but there is a lot of attentiveness and tenderness of the two halves. Their union is intoxicating and sweet. Both partners will not be able to refuse this relationship. They will be attracted to each other. Only an outside connection from one of the lovers can interfere.

The danger in the relationship between Sagittarius and Taurus is that the second will “besiege” the beloved freedom-loving Sagittarius. As a result, Taurus will become irritated by the constant search for a partner's love. In this case, the marriage will not be very successful.

Who suits Taurus

Taurus is a “solid” zodiac sign driven by the earth element. This means that people of this sign are very down-to-earth, reasonable and simply do not tolerate fuss. In any area of ​​life, Taurus think through a plan to the smallest detail, and then begin to implement it. They are not alien to spontaneous actions and quick decisions, and accordingly, people of a similar type are more suitable for them.

Who is suitable for Taurus?

It is difficult to deny that the time and date of birth have a great influence on a person’s character.

If you take your Zodiac sign into account when communicating, you can build relationships with the person most suitable according to your horoscope and avoid many mistakes.

Taurus - what are they?

Taurus is an Earth sign. All representatives of earth signs are distinguished by thoroughness, reliability, and rationality. The influence of the planet Venus has endowed Taurus with qualities that are very favorable for a happy marriage and a strong family. Taurus are often financially prosperous, very loyal, love children and enjoy organizing their home. However, Taurus are jealous, stubborn and capricious.

Who suits Taurus according to the zodiac sign?

Of course, the most suitable partners for home-loving Taurus are representatives of the earth signs - Virgo and Capricorn. A good union between Taurus and Taurus is possible if the spouses learn to give in to each other. In a Taurus-Virgo union, it is better if Taurus is a man, since Taurus are more powerful and much more interested in the physical side of love.

In the sexual sphere, Taurus has very harmonious relationships with the signs of Water - Scorpios, Pisces, Cancers. In Pisces, Taurus is attracted by their grace and high spirituality, and Pisces value in Taurus reliability, protection and confidence in the future. Cancers and Taurus have very good, almost ideal relationships. These signs have a lot in common - both love comfort, prosperity, stability and homeliness. Life with Cancer is a safe haven.

Unions of Taurus with the signs of Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius turn out to be very interesting and bright. Confident Taurus women are attracted to Fire sign women. Leos, the brightest representatives of Fire, are attracted and captivated by the sincere charm of Taurus. Such relationships can be especially successful if the Fire signs have already “walked up” and are ready to build a serious relationship. In other cases, the relationship is usually passionate, but not very stable. Having children helps strengthen and stabilize a marriage.

The most unfavorable relationships are found among Taurus and Air signs. It is perhaps difficult to imagine more unsuccessful unions. The only exception here is possible with Libra, provided that both partners can be more tolerant and attentive to each other and respect the personal freedom of their chosen one. If Taurus and Libra have common hobbies, especially if it is joint creativity, then such a marriage has every chance of becoming happy and long.

You can learn more about the character of Taurus and its compatibility with other signs in the following articles:

Ideal match for a Taurus woman

There is a certain psychological hook that Taurus women fall for. In their personal circles, it is believed that marriages are made somewhere in heaven. If you are unlucky this time, then next time it can only be worse. Or not be at all. This scares the Taurus woman the most. The fear of loneliness catches a partner of any stripe, even for such purposeful, naturally stubborn, intellectual young ladies.

Who is a Taurus woman

It is quite difficult to figure out who is suitable for a Taurus woman. The peculiarity is that they are initially not adapted to outside contacts, acquaintances and casual meetings. It is difficult to get along with people, especially with the stronger half of humanity. Unlike other representatives of the zodiac circle, they look closely at gentlemen for a long time. They understand his train of thought, remember his advances, and literally sniff him. Without noticing it, they become attached to him and dissolve as a person. When the merger is complete, you can put a dash on the individuality. Taurus becomes the same wife of the Decembrist who will go to Siberia, to a pub to save from drunkards, and to a strip bar to order a taxi, to rescue her betrothed-womanizer from the clutches of her passion.

Probably not the last reason for such stability is the intimate side of life. In the understanding of Taurus women, she should not be replete with a variety of partners, poses or movements. Everything that she learned at the beginning of her “Silk Road” will most likely be transformed only at the expense of her partner. On top of everything else, Taurus are very jealous partners. But physical betrayal has weight for them only when confirmed by steel evidence. Some representatives of the zodiac circle can play on this feature.

If her man...

Aries – too few common interests. Flirting that develops into fiery passion. Sooner or later, Taurus's sense of ownership will make itself felt. When they talk about this loudly, most likely, the freedom-loving Aries will prefer to look for another life, beyond the side of this boat.

Taurus is a boring and predictable union between two adults. The two share the same interests, the power of erotic attraction is off the charts. There are only two reasons for conflict - money and jealousy. Ultimately, the couple are two homebodies eating in front of the TV. Everyone is happy with everything. Excellent compatibility.

Gemini - spend the night with such a partner and get to know yourself. This is the only thing that can suit both sides. If they continue to communicate, they will soon break up with spitting and scandals. Taurus is too serious and trembles over material things. Gemini is frivolous, lacks business acumen and does not respect other people's property. A very shaky alliance.

Who suits a Taurus woman is Cancer. – An excellent option for both partners. Taurus calms whims and mood swings in an instant. The excessive seriousness and certain dryness of Taurus is invigorated by a mischievous and sensual ally. Harmonious combination.

Leo - again, a one-night marriage. Leo is too brutal for the modest Chick. If the union takes place, then, most likely, the man takes advantage of the money and will duck for the first expensive short skirt. No union.

Virgo - a man who is a little dry on emotions simply needs a Taurus woman. He, in turn, concretes her impulses and throwings, and from time to time awakens her. The desire for one thing - material well-being, stability and confidence in the future. Both partners in bed are quite conservative. Great union.

Libra - a union of two indecisive partners? No, don't let that happen. It is unknown whether you will survive this weak-willed battle.

Scorpio – a lot of jealousy and revenge, an overdose is possible! These two people are too different from each other. At first it's attractive. You can enjoy yourself for the thrill and variety, but it’s better not to attempt a serious relationship. Ideal for a holiday romance.

Sagittarius is a great combination for friendship. Not more. The flighty Sagittarius and the heavy Taurus have too different views on life.

Capricorn is an ideal match for marriage. Rationalism here prevails over passion and feelings. Pragmatic Capricorn and Taurus are ready to withstand any challenge.

Aquarius is a boat without a helmsman. Both partners want to completely subjugate the other, but carefully hide this. Mistrust and quarrels, as a result, dissolution of the union. Not the best option.

Pisces - impulsive actions Pisces often frightens the Taurus woman, and sensuality makes her doubt her own abilities. A pretty good combination if a woman accepts a partner with all the shortcomings. And as we learned, she can do it.

Relying on our advice, look for a truly suitable companion.

Which zodiac sign suits a Taurus girl best?

Compatibility of zodiac signs Taurus + Taurus. A pretty good couple, especially when it comes to romantic relationships, affectionate and sensual hugs, passionate kisses. If we talk about the realities of life, then two slow, uninitiative and idle Taurus do not quite correspond to their common reality.

Taurus + Gemini. Gradually, the dissimilarity in the characters of these zodiacs becomes so pronounced that all relationships become a burden. Little by little, the initial strong sensual attraction passes and the next stage begins - understanding the nature of the partner. Gemini does not sit still, strives to discover the hitherto unknown, while Taurus is excessively chained to his home.

Taurus + Cancer. A very good couple, due to a strong and long-term relationship. Both Cancer and Taurus are homebodies by nature, loving delicious food, splendor and a high standard of living. This union is long-lasting and is capable of giving people of the zodiac signs Taurus and Cancer absolute satisfaction with life.

Taurus + Leo. For people of the Taurus sign, this union is not very favorable, even, one might say, unsuccessful, but the Leo zodiac will find reliable rear protection in the person of Taurus. Excessive generosity and the predisposition of people of the zodiac sign Leo to frequent changes of chosen ones have an overwhelming effect on the judicious Taurus.

Taurus + Virgo. It cannot be said that the union of these zodiac signs is extremely exciting, but the similarity of principles and outlooks on life allows Taurus and Virgo to be together for a long time, and the relationship between them to be delightful.

Taurus + Libra. Both Taurus and Virgo adore comfortable living, comfort, they are attracted to good and beautiful things, and have good aesthetic taste, but the tendency of people of the Taurus zodiac sign to individually own and dispose of everyone and everything often gives rise to many conflicts. However, if Libra decides that this relationship is quite acceptable for them, then this relationship can last for a long time.

Taurus + Scorpio. Zodiac signs that are extremely dissimilar in character, however, surprisingly, get along quite well under one roof. Taurus is reliable, faithful and quite benevolent to please the strong nature of the Scorpio zodiac. Both of them welcome long-term relationships, which they work on together.

Taurus + Sagittarius. In order to meet the demands of Sagittarius, people of the Taurus zodiac sign adhere to a certain leisurely and organized type of life. This union does not inspire confidence, because for Taurus the partner is a wanderer without explicit guidance.

Taurus + Capricorn. In addition to passionate romantic relationships, Taurus and the zodiac sign Capricorn have many common hobbies and interests in everyday life, which allows this couple to be together for a long time.

Taurus + Aquarius. This connection is quite ambiguous. On the one hand, Taurus and Aquarius have equal rights and have no claims to dominance in the relationship, which gives them the opportunity not to feel oppressed in anything. On the other hand, each of them has a hidden nature, which sometimes contributes to not always complete frankness in relationships and erroneous, incomplete mutual understanding.

Taurus + Pisces. Perhaps in such a union the zodiac signs will never feel lust for each other, but the fact that their relationships are filled with warmth, affection and care in abundance is so certain. The connection between Taurus and Pisces is filled with happiness and magic; such relationships are extremely difficult to refuse. Complications can arise only when some outside force is able to seduce one of the zodiacs of a given couple.

After 29.5 – Taurus begins to grow spiritually and can find a suitable partner among Gemini and Aries. Gemini will increase his intelligence, and Aries will increase his fire and energy. Aries and Gemini are quite intellectual signs and, like Taurus, do not have their head in the clouds. Sometimes it is useful to bring him down to earth so that he can take a good look at his life and subsequently change his future.

After 41.5 years, when Taurus has already acquired the long-awaited prosperity, he is ready for deeper, idealistic, spiritual relationships. Here it can be compatible with Scorpio.