Life settings. Your new attitudes in life

Each of our stages of development begins and continues with those incorrect attitudes that, by manipulating our consciousness, can change our reality.

Many people who consider themselves sick, poor, unhappy, evil become victims of social manipulation. And those people who have found the secret of their success filter all this rubbish through their consciousness. You ask: “Is it that simple?”

They live by correct attitudes.

For example, the attitude “I’m not rich enough to buy myself such a car” can be replaced by the attitude “I am wealthy enough to easily buy such a car” .

Every time you say something like this to yourself, you are programming your consciousness, and very soon you will be able to change your idea of ​​the past, replacing it with new forms of implementation. You will be able to attract from life that factor with the help of which your business will bring you five times more income. You may quickly rise through the ranks and be able to earn three times your previous earnings.

You should always concentrate on what you want and express your Self clearly and clearly, without any complex formulations. And the most important thing in this is how you feel. When you express your desire to have more and be richer, you should feel this state within yourself. And when you say that I not rich enough to buy such a car, you feel depressed, regretful, and your self-esteem quotient drops .

In this and other examples, you can practice for yourself and find the solutions that will lead you to success. You must program your subconscious mind with thoughts and words about what you want.

Here is one of the negative attitudes: “I’m tired of enduring this headache.” In this case you focus on the problem and it doesn't go away .

Put it more simply: “My head is absolutely healthy, and every day I feel better and better”.

Or, for example: “Yes, my fate has rewarded me with poor health and unattractive appearance.” In this case, you again concentrate your consciousness on problems where you change your lifestyle more and more, driving yourself deeper and deeper into those stereotypes of those illusions that become your reality.

Tell yourself all the best and most beautiful things. For example: “My fate has rewarded me with exceptional health and beauty.” Moreover, you should feel beautiful and healthy. Always express all attitudes in the present tense.

Now I will give you a list of similar attitudes that occur in our lives:

“I have to endure humiliation from my classmates again.”

“I am a strong and self-confident young man whose opinion is respected by everyone.”

“My life reminds me of a complete nightmare.”

“My life is happy and joyful.”

“I’m always short of money.”

“I feel rich, my financial situation is growing every day.”

"I have no sense of humor."

“I have a fairly subtle sense of humor.”

“I have a hard time getting along with my family members.”

“My behavior earns the sympathy and respect of my family.”

“I’m scared to think about my hopeless future.”

“I see my future in wealth and happiness.”

“I’m tired of my car with its frequent breakdowns.”

“I have the most beautiful car that always helps me out.”

“There are very few happy moments in my life.”

“My life is full of happy moments.”

"I think I'll never find my love."

“I am beautiful and happy, I deserve to love and be loved.”

"Everyone around me is a liar."

“My life is beautiful and easy, and in my life there are only honest and decent people.”

“I’m tired of my weight and my appearance.”

“I look graceful and attractive.”

“My child is sick again.”

“My child is absolutely healthy and strong.”

“I hate these people, because they are bandits.”

“I love everyone without exception, no matter who the person is.”

“I often have bouts of depression.”

“My life is absolutely clear to me, and I always find a way out of various situations.”

“I again didn’t have enough faith to achieve what I wanted.”

“I always achieve absolutely anything I want with the help of my faith.”

“I no longer see my job as a career path.”

“I love my job, and my career growth is skyrocketing.”

“Every time I get nervous, I get a headache.”

“I am always absolutely calm, and my head is always clear and healthy.”

“I’m tired of struggling with my excess weight.”

“I am beautiful and slim, and my weight is (_kg).”

This list can be continued indefinitely. But the most important things are listed here so that you can change your life due to correct settings .

Analyzing the events happening around you will help you rethink the pull factor, will help create depth of responsibility without breaking the basic rules of your game. As Shakespeare said: “All life is a stage, and the people in it are actors.”

You just need to choose one for yourself positive scenario, that positive hero who has absolutely everything in his life - wealth, success, happiness.

Imagine that you have been given the role of such a hero, and gradually you get used to it, playing it every day, training. The more often you experience events without drama, the more you will pay attention positive attitudes and enter your field of the subconscious, the faster you can truly feel like a successful person and change your behavior in favor of the latter.

To be continued.

In life you have to see and hear unpleasant, difficult, even scary things. There's nothing you can do, that's life. It is impossible to cover your ears and close your eyes, although, to be honest, impressionable adults do this sometimes - during a scary movie. Or they quickly switch the channel. And in life there is no switch button. And we voluntarily listen to people's sad and tragic stories. Friends, acquaintances, relatives... Or the complaints of patients, we listen and sympathize. We see their suffering. Or we learn about a tragic incident from the media and become imbued with sympathy. We are people. It's normal to hear, see, know, participate.

But my soul feels so bad afterwards! We constantly think about what we have learned. This affects our mood and ultimately our health. What could happen is this: a similar story will happen to us. Illness, accident, injury... Why? But because we subconsciously became involved in someone else’s scenario. We kind of said to ourselves: “this can happen to anyone! No one is safe. Life is unpredictable!". Actually, sympathy occurs because we imagine ourselves in the place of another. And from the idea to the actual implementation of the event, there is only one step. Especially if you are an impressionable person.

We need to help and sympathize. But there is still a “magic button” for switching channels. Even the children know her. There is a children's saying: when you see a dead dove, for example, you must quickly say: “pah-pah-pah three times, not my infection!” Funny? A little funny. But this is a moment of mental hygiene. We realize that this is not our situation. Not our destiny. What happened has nothing to do with us. This is not our story, this is the sad story of another person. It doesn't belong to us.

We will provide assistance if needed. If necessary, we will express indignation or support. We will take all possible participation if necessary. But sometimes nothing depends on us at all, we saw something unpleasant, scary on the Internet or on TV... And we must immediately, as quickly as possible, realize: this is not our story. We have our own destiny. Your life path. We do not take this unpleasant story for ourselves and do not imprint it in the subconscious. To capture means to seal. Accept. But there is no need to do this.

So tell yourself mentally: “this is not my story. Alien. I don’t take it for myself!” And this is quite enough to protect a vulnerable soul. And save your energy for active help if you need it. A doctor cannot think about every patient for 24 hours; he will lose his ability to work. And the doctor is obliged to apply safety measures against infection. So it is with a kind, impressionable person. We need to switch to constructive activities. And continue to live and work. And the switching “button” is easy to press. “This is not mine!” - give yourself a mental order and clarification. This is enough for self-preservation.

Anna Kiryanova

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019

The great Caruso was once booed at the premiere. And the famous Puccini was not just booed; the audience meowed, squeaked, and laughed in the most tragic places... They shouted offensive words at both Pavarotti and Strauss. They disrupted performances with the participation of great actresses... And then they cried in the dressing room - the public didn’t like it! People criticized the performance, expressed contempt and dissatisfaction. We must leave the stage!

No need. First you need to understand who booed you and why; “criticized,” as one failed writer said. This writer went to dinner with famous and successful colleagues. And then he said in a satisfied voice: they say, he went to visit, ate the bourgeoisie, and at the same time thoroughly criticized everything there! My soul felt lighter! Much easier…

Even if depreciating and “critical” reviews are numerous, do not rush to despair and doubt what you are doing. You may be booed on purpose; There are such people - clackers. They were hired to destroy the reputation of the author of a play or an actor; humiliate and deprive one of self-confidence, drive one into a state of despair. Clackers were hired by envious people and ill-wishers. Or extortionists - they offered to pay money so that the singer, actress or author would not be booed and pelted with rotten tomatoes.

Such extortionists also came to Chaliapin. They say, give us the money, otherwise we will publicly boo you and “criticize” you during your speech. We will destroy your career and reputation! Chaliapin immediately contacted the newspaper and made the case public. Like, some robbers are extorting money from me. I won't pay! He was a man with character. And he did the right thing - he didn’t pay a penny. He went and sang his arias. He knew his worth.

So it may well be that you are being criticized out of envy. Or they are trying to put pressure on you and get something. To force you to capitulate and give something to the clacker-critics: a position, money, an excellent project, respect from management... There are always several clackers. This group. But they agreed in advance how they would devalue and criticize you. There are usually two or three of them. Sometimes they are relatives, sometimes they are colleagues... As soon as you go on stage, so to speak, they start saying bad things. Whistling and throwing tomatoes...

This has nothing to do with you, that's what's important to remember. The task of the clackers is to instill in you uncertainty, to force you to abandon your goal. And give what you have - pay them. Humiliate yourself before them, start currying favor, trembling... Firstly, you don’t need to believe their “criticism” - these are rotten tomatoes that they brought in advance. We haven’t watched the play yet, but we’ve already arrived with tomatoes in our bosoms. Secondly, we must act like Chaliapin. Openly say that you understand the reason for the attacks. This one whistles because he is jealous. And this one meows because he wants to take away this and that. And this one grunts because that is his true nature. All he can do is grunt.

Clackers can ruin your reputation and mood; but only temporarily. Pavarotti and Caruso are world famous. They still succeeded. Because the main thing is to do something that normal people will appreciate. And they are the majority. Although at first it seems that the whole public is against you! But that's not true. Take a closer look - the same people are making toxic criticism. And you shouldn’t throw beads in front of them, sing arias or invite them to dinner...

Anna Kiryanova

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019


Transurfing practitioners often set the intention for wealth and abundance and begin to actively work with it: perform practices, rebuild their thinking, increase the level of personal energy... But for some reason, everything does not always work out exactly the way they want. For example, money comes, but not in the same quantity or not so quickly.

Check yourself - are you doing everything correctly? Or are you missing something? In order for the Transurfing and Tufte techniques in the field of money to work for you 100%, you need to follow a number of rules and take into account all the nuances. We offer you a checklist that will allow you to check in 5 minutes whether you are on the right path, moving towards wealth and success!


One of the basic principles of Transurfing in the financial field is: “Money is an attribute of a goal.” And it’s best if this goal is related to your mission and purpose. As Vadim Zeland repeatedly emphasizes in his newsletters, “Money doesn’t just fall from the sky.” But they are automatically applied to your goal. If you find your uniqueness, which you are called to bring into this World, and begin to move along your true path, then money comes on its own along this path. Therefore, you need to focus not on money as such, but on what you share with the surrounding reality, what purpose you are realizing.

Ask yourself: what do I do perfectly? Or at least what am I going to be good at once I develop my skill? It can be anything: oil paintings, accounting reports, negotiations with partners, car repairs, interior design... The main thing is that this goal really “ignites” and inspires you. Having found such a goal, broadcast thought forms: “I am a highly paid specialist”, “I create real masterpieces”, “My work benefits people”, “People like my work and are willing to pay for it”, “I brilliantly manage projects and make deals ", "I am a brilliant manager." There can be many options here - choose what resonates most strongly in your Soul and inspires you.


Money doesn’t come just like that, but it comes for specific things. Ask yourself: what will you do when you get the amount of money you want? Buy a country house and a car? Are you going on a trip around the world? Will you open your own business? Get an education in a new specialty? Sit down and write it down, even if you have at least 10 or 20 points - the more the better, allow yourself to dream a little. And then, thinking about money, transfer your attention from specific amounts to these things that you desire.

Remember: for the Universe your request “I want a lot of money!” does not mean anything. But the intention to become the owner of a country house on the shore of a lake is a more “working” option. The whole point is that money is energy, and energy must be in motion all the time: you receive it and immediately put it into circulation, invest it in some specific business or thing, and use it to realize what you really want. The question here is not how much money you have, but what you are going to spend it on.


Intention in the sphere of money is formulated in the same way as in other areas: in 5-6 sentences you describe the final image of the result, what you want to get in the end. Write only in the present tense, in the affirmative form, without particles “not”. Try to write as specifically, succinctly and to the point as possible. Do not go into a detailed listing of all the details and nuances; show only the essence.

To make it clearer, let’s look at several common mistakes that are often found in intentions for money. First example: “I receive 20 million rubles and buy an apartment in the city center.” What's wrong here? The fact is that the focus is on money, not on goals. It would be more correct to write it like this: “I live in my own 3-room apartment in the city center.”

Second example: “I earn from 300,000 rubles a month.” The error here is that your mission is not displayed. It’s better to formulate this way: “I find a job I love and reveal my talents, I generate and implement brilliant ideas and get paid from 300,000 rubles a month for this.”

Third example: “I receive a large inheritance, make a contribution and live on the interest, without denying myself anything.” This intention is not very effective since there are no specific things that require money. “Without denying yourself anything” is a phrase too vague and vague for the Universe. It would be more correct to write this: “I travel 6 times a year and relax at popular resorts, dine in expensive restaurants, dress in clothes from world brands.” In addition, the error here is that a specific way of realizing the intention is indicated: “I receive an inheritance.” And, according to the principles of Transurfing, you should not think through ways of implementation, you need to focus only on the goal itself.


From childhood we are told: “Money is evil!”, “All the rich steal,” “It is impossible to be an honest businessman,” “The main thing is to have enough to live on,” and so on. Gradually, these negative attitudes and stereotypes, like anchors, dig into our consciousness and slow us down on the path to success. Often we don’t even notice them, but they can become a serious reason that prevents us from truly getting rich.

It turns out that very rarely people think about money in a positive way, even those who have already achieved some success in their career or business. But our world is an endless space of options, in which there is enough money for everyone. You are not limited in resources if you do not force yourself into limits. Free yourself from stereotypes - and you will see how wealth and abundance enter and fill your life!


It’s not enough to just write down your intention and forget about it – you need to work with it regularly. You can use absolutely any Transurfing and Tufte techniques: “Intention Generator”, “Glass of Water”, “Two Notepads”, “Doors”, working with a braid of intentions. But one of the most effective tools that works most powerfully in the money sphere is the target slide.

Re-read your intention, close your eyes, imagine that it has already come true and for a few minutes immerse yourself in this picture from the future. Where are you at? What do you do? Who is around you? What do you feel? Visualize everything in great detail. If your intention is to become a successful businessman, visualize your office in every detail. What kind of chair do you have: expensive, with a high back, made of black genuine leather? What suit are you wearing: from a famous world brand? What kind of paintings are hanging on the walls: from a prestigious exhibition of contemporary art or classics, or perhaps diplomas and company awards? What kind of view opens from the office window: of the city center, of busy avenues, of a park or a river? How do you feel when your partner agrees to a deal that is profitable for you: joy, satisfaction, excitement? Stay in this slide for a while and return to your current reality.


Importance is all your unbalanced feelings and emotions: anger, impatience, lust, fears. This is the hook that the pendulums constantly catch you on, subordinating you to their will and turning you into a puppet. By lowering your importance, you become invulnerable. But this is especially difficult to do when it comes to reducing importance in financial matters! We are often asked: “How can you not worry when bank collectors call every day?” Or: “How to cope with impatience if the business still can’t pay off, but you want to turn a profit?”

Reducing your importance regarding money begins with the realization that if you rush things, doubt, strive to control everything and fall into anxiety, nothing will change, it will only get worse. By overestimating the importance, you create excess potentials and squeeze the energy of External Intention. And instead of starting the transition to a new line of life, full of wealth and abundance, you only move away from it or even start moving in the opposite direction.


Only by acting from a place of richness can you achieve true success. And, since the world, according to the principles of Transurfing, is a dual mirror that reacts with a slight delay, you must first acquire the state, thinking and psychology of a rich person, and then become one in material reality. In other words, you need to “pretend” that you live in luxury and abundance, and act accordingly. Don’t worry when it comes to money, look for new opportunities and sources of income, increase your level of permission, for example, drink coffee in expensive restaurants or buy accessories from famous brands.

Follow the rules that all rich people follow and which will help you gradually change your thinking. Firstly, have a positive attitude towards money and luxury, do not condemn those who, in your opinion, “waste money”, do not consider yourself “above all this”, do not say that money is evil. Secondly, expand your comfort zone, love yourself and allow yourself what the Soul asks for. If there are not many options yet, you can start with the little things: drinking coffee from an expensive porcelain set, and not from a cheap Ikea mug; eat fresh fruits and farm products, not processed foods from the nearest store.

Switch from thinking that you don’t have enough money again to thinking: “How can I earn more? What else can I do? Where to invest your energy and talents? What sources of income should I find, what should I learn, what skills should I get, what opportunity should I use?” This is exactly how a rich and successful person thinks. He looks not for obstacles, but for opportunities. Focuses not on problems, but on prospects. He thinks not about the fact that there is no money, but about how to increase the amount of money. He does not blame the state/boss/competitors, but takes responsibility for his financial situation into his own hands. He declares to the Universe: “I deserve the best.” And this best comes to him on its own - in the shortest and least resource-intensive way!


Fragment of the live broadcast "Transurfing and money"

The live broadcast with Tatyana Samarina, which recently took place at the Transurfing Center, caused widespread excitement. More than 4,000 people have already watched the recording and heard answers to the questions: what Transurfing and Tufte techniques for increasing income work most effectively in the conditions of the New Time? How to enter the state for which money is “used”? How to achieve financial freedom?

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019

The human brain thinks all the time and enjoys it. He was created for thinking, and therefore he has no reason to stop.

“The habit of thinking all the time kills us. Slowly but surely we are approaching our end. We think and think and think, but the human mind still cannot be trusted. And it’s a deadly vicious circle.” - Anthony Hopkins.

I know it's easier said than done, but if you can harness your mind, you will increase and improve your concentration while maintaining a clear head. Get rid of this bad habit and your life will change dramatically.

Below are 11 inspiring quotes that can help you overcome your urge to ruminate:

1. You will never feel free while you are locked in the cage of your faulty reasoning.

2. Listen and then speak. Think about it and then act. Wait and then criticize. Forgive and then pray. Try and only then give up.

3. Stop worrying about possible failure. Be optimistic about what you want to succeed at.

4. Thinking too much means creating problems out of nowhere.

5. There is nothing in this world that could cause you as much trouble as your thoughts can cause.

6. What do rocking chairs and anxiety have in common? When you move, you don't move from your place.

7. Stop thinking so much. You can't control everything and everyone. What must happen cannot be avoided.

8. Dear brain, please be quiet and switch off until the morning. I can't stand it anymore and I need to sleep.

9. The main reason for dissatisfaction is what occupies all your thoughts.

10. Don’t ruin your whole day with thoughts about yesterday. Let go of your past.

11. Great minds listen to their inner voice, despite fear.

12. If you are powerless in something, then it is not worth your worries.

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019

Not everyone in this world believes in the Law of Attraction. And I will try to explain why many people fail to use this rule in practice.

When we create attraction in our true self, the Universe begins to work to fulfill our desire, which is proof that the Law of Attraction really exists. But it is important that you use this law correctly.

If the desire comes not from our heart, but from the ego, then we will not succeed. You just shouldn’t treat the Universe like a magical fairy that fulfills our every whim.

Let's just say that if you're like a child making wish lists of all the different things you want to have, the places you want to visit, and the people you want to be close to, it means that you don't really understand why The Law of Attraction works.

Living by the “I want to get” principle, we stop experiencing happiness and satisfaction from what we have, who we are and the kind of life we ​​live. Which forces us to constantly be in search of something bigger, better or newer.

It makes more sense to try a different approach. For example, allowing the Universe to choose, rather than making demands on it. Let her lead and show you the way.

By taming our ego and trusting, we give ourselves the chance to live our unique destiny. All we need to do is simply listen to the Universe. Go in the direction she points you.

It is foolish to think that now that we are adults, we know better what we need, compared to those times when we were children and made lists of gifts for the New Year and birthdays. In fact, our desires have changed little. Now, instead of toys, we dream of money, high social status, an expensive car, trips to fashionable resorts. Only the form has changed, not the context.

Satisfaction with a new car disappears within a year, after a new model appears - a more improved one.

We begin to ask the Universe to send us another other half, since the previous partner did not live up to expectations. So we meet a new person, but very little time passes, and we are already trying to change him, because this again is not what we need.

Money... There is no need to even talk about how dependent we are on it.

Our constant thirst for possessing something new is simply not capable of making us truly happy.

Why don't we stop asking altogether? Instead, start paying attention to the signs that the Universe gives us that show us our true path in life.

Begin to be guided in your actions by your true desires. Our destiny is attracted by who we really are.

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019


A wise Chinese proverb says: “A green reed shaking in the wind is stronger than a mighty oak breaking in a storm.”

Strong people are responsible not only for themselves or their loved ones. They are responsible for the whole world present in their lives.

Strong people cannot be called more resilient and healthier than everyone else. But they realize that they cannot afford to simply lie among the sick and dying while someone else's fate depends on them.

Even during a heart attack, such individuals still find the strength to rush into the water to save a drowning child, carry him out of the water and make sure that his life is no longer in danger. Perhaps after this they will feel their own pain. Doctors have witnessed such miracles more than once.

And strong people suffer greatly from loneliness. And it's not that they can't be in the company. It's all about their strength! Let's be honest - few of us would ever think that a strong person suffers from loneliness, is depressed, or has his own needs and problems.

They stand their ground, pay their bills on time, encourage other people, share their positive vibrations with others, and generally keep silent about their own difficulties. It’s always easy to work with them, they are very consistent and reliable, although sometimes communication with such individuals is not comfortable or pleasant.

Sometimes strong people find themselves locked in their own vicious superhero cycle, trying to save everyone around them while losing their own self.

Therefore, whenever possible, try to remind a strong person that he also needs care.

After all, as in films, such people are the first to come to the rescue at the most difficult moment. And you never know for sure when you will need their help again.

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019


You should ask yourself one simple question right now: how to stop absorbing the negative energy of other people?

Empathy is the ability to recognize and feel the feelings and emotions of other people. Sympathy is the ability to feel empathy for other people.

Empathy is usually a good thing, it's what makes us human, but sometimes having too much empathy means you're absorbing too much of the pain and suffering around you. This can ultimately affect your ability to work and even your ability to live a full life.

If you've ever been in the same room with a negative person, you know how toxic their energy, and even their very presence, feels. Considering that the world around us is chock full of negative people, it is very important to learn not to absorb the negative energy emitted by them like a sponge. Here are five ways to help you stop doing it:

1. Remember once and for all – you won’t be able to please everyone around you.

If someone doesn't like you, constantly complains about you, or shuns you, don't make it your life's work to convince that person that you are worthy of love, friendship, or even decent treatment. This will only drag you deeper into his field of attraction and make you dependent on his opinion of you.

Not everyone in this world will treat you well - whether you like it or not, but this is a fact. Every person comes to earth for a purpose, and these goals may differ radically from yours. Try first of all to love not someone else, but yourself - this will create a kind of force field that will prevent you from becoming dependent on other people’s opinions, like a drug addict.

Also remember that you cannot change everyone. Believe me, in most cases you are not destined to melt the icy heart of such people and make them even a little kinder. The best thing you can do when faced with them is to simply stay away from them and the negative energy they give off.

2. Take a close look at those you let into your life.

Your body, mind and personal space are your temple. Think about who you are letting into this temple, and are you doing this voluntarily? Do you force your guests to at least wipe their feet at the threshold or, thanks to your connivance, do they leave dirty marks all over your soul?

In the Brazilian dialect of Portuguese there is a slang word "folgado". It is used to mean “freeloader.” In our language there is no exact equivalent to it because it is not even a lifestyle, but a special mentality.

There are people who, figuratively speaking, are ready to sit on your head and dangle your legs if you show kindness towards them. If you give such a person a piece of bread, tomorrow he will ask you for two. If you let him stay at your place for the weekend, he will try to stay with you for a week (or even two).

I once thought that my wife's interactions with some of our neighbors were unnecessarily cold and unfriendly. But over time, I realized that she simply respected herself, her home and her personal space, and began to behave exactly the same.

Kindness and generosity are, of course, good, but when showing them, you must be very careful so that those whom you are trying to help out of the kindness of your heart do not wipe their feet on you. Because it will most likely prevent you from helping those who really need your help. Learn to say “no” and not feel remorse about it.

3. Stop paying attention to toxic people.

Some people simply empty the drain tanks of their soul in you and move on with their business, getting rid of the negativity. It is, of course, good that you are always ready to listen to even a complete stranger and sympathize with his troubles, but there is a line that should not be crossed if only you value your inner peace and peace of mind.

Each of us, at some stage, became a person’s “favorite ears,” constantly splashing out on us their irritation about work issues, relationship problems, and so on. All these other people's emotions can exhaust you in their own way, and force you to measure your life by someone else's standards - which is completely unproductive.

Love yourself enough to drown out their annoying buzzing, tell them you're not interested. Or at least say that you don’t have time for this right now. Believe me, this is not rude or callous if you simply do not want to be a reservoir for someone else's toxic energy.

4. Breathe in nature.

Go into nature, meditate, relax and take a deep breath. Purify the air and water within yourself, engage in beneficial physical activity and surrender to the will of the flow. Like a butterfly, glide gently through the air... gently, but with incredible speed.

First of all, pay attention to your own breathing. Proper breathing improves blood circulation throughout the body and helps reduce the absorption of negative energy from those around you.

Walk through life with confidence, walk with your head held high, and don't let anyone make you feel less or less than them.

The caterpillar only crawls and eats everything around, it is chained to the ground. In order for a beautiful butterfly to soar into the sky, it must first find lightness.

5. Take full responsibility for your thoughts and emotions.

How you feel depends not only and not so much on the people around you, but only on you – 100%. The Universe sends people into our lives for a reason, but in order to put us to the test. How we perceive ourselves is much stronger and more important than how other people perceive us.

You are not a victim at all, and no one has more power over you than yourself. Think about the fact that it was your thoughts and expectations that could bring to life most of the situations that caused and cause you inconvenience. What if it's because of your level of patience, irritability, or over-empathy?

If you don't bother to stop at least for a second to look into your own soul, you will continue to consider yourself a victim of the whole world, even if in reality this is not at all the case.

Once you accept full responsibility for how you feel and how you react to external stimuli, you will begin to understand yourself better and more deeply. And when you begin to understand yourself better, it will not be so easy to throw you off balance.

Try as often as possible to place yourself in situations that increase your level of internal energy, rather than decrease it.

When communicating with a person, think about whether you feel good in his presence, and whether he feels good in yours. Believe me, you deserve the best, and it’s time for you to understand this.

In order to learn to protect yourself from other people's negative energy, you must first learn to love yourself. So always remember that you are worthy of happiness and peace, that saying “no” is okay, and that you create your own energetic state.

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019


We all find ourselves in such a situation from time to time - we cannot (do not want) to fulfill a request, take on obligations, accept an offer, or meet halfway.

Some don’t see this as a problem and resolutely refuse, without thinking about how their word will be responded to. Others, with their awkward refusal, close the necessary door for themselves.

Still others are tormented by doubts, afraid of offending, cloud the true state of affairs and say “yes”, meaning “no”, and thereby confuse the relationship even more.

Everyone has the right to refuse, but how to do it and what will be the penalty? There is a simple and effective way. It allows you to avoid burning bridges, maintain relationships and prospects, and at the same time it is completely unambiguous and does not create a false impression on the other side.

And it’s called the “Sandwich Principle,” which consists of four successive layers (for example, a situation is considered when the management of a studio/club offers a novice yoga teacher with no experience to lead a large group for all levels of training):

  • YES. Positive at the beginning: expression of understanding, recognition of the importance of the task (request), gratitude for the request, trust, compliment, etc. “Thank you for your trust, this is very interesting and responsible for me, and I, of course, would like to lead large groups”...
  • NO. Polite refusal... “And yet, today the optimal number for me is 6-7 people”...
  • WHY NOT. Explaining the reason, giving arguments... in view of my limited teaching experience so far and to ensure the necessary quality of practice”...
  • YES. Positive at the end: offering a reasonable alternative, offering other help, once again understanding, gratitude... “In the next two to three months of regular practice, I hope to gain the necessary experience and be able to lead a large group. Thanks again for the offer"

The second group of factors that shape a person’s individuality are factors arising from the person’s environment. In general, the influence of these factors can be considered as the influence of the environment on the formation of individuality. Firstly, a person’s personality is strongly influenced by the culture in which he is formed. A person receives norms of behavior from society and, under the influence of culture, acquires certain values ​​and beliefs. Secondly, a person's individuality is strongly determined by the family in which he was raised. In the family, children learn certain behavioral stereotypes, their life attitudes, attitudes towards work, people, their responsibilities, etc. are developed. Thirdly, a person’s personality is strongly influenced by belonging to certain groups and organizations. A person develops a certain identification that defines for him a certain type of individual with whom he identifies himself, as well as stable forms of behavior and, in particular, reactions to influences from the environment. Fourthly, the formation of individuality occurs under the influence of life experience, individual circumstances, random events, etc. Sometimes it is this group of factors that can lead to a significant change in a person’s personality.

The second type includes information obtained by studying the personality of a detained suspect or accused, used for the purpose of a comprehensive forensic assessment. For these purposes, information is usually collected not only about life attitudes, value orientations, defects in legal consciousness, and characteristics of antisocial views, but also about what information about the personality of the subject of the crime, his connections, and behavioral characteristics before, during and after the commission of the crime can help the investigator or an operational worker to find the necessary operational-investigative contact in order to obtain objective evidence in the case,

RULE TWO. Choose a behavior strategy. This is very important when solving fundamental issues. Fundamental decisions should not distort the strategy of behavior and contradict life guidelines. Otherwise, you should consider reconsidering your views.

Life attitudes and principles of a partner. Understanding them makes it easier to find an approach to your partner.

Processes that influence the formation of people's life values, motivations, and lifestyle are called socialization or the process of absorbing culture. From the moment when the baby looks and smiles meaningfully, his values ​​begin to form. Socialization lasts a lifetime, and the values ​​developed during it - will, honesty, integrity, frugality - influence consumption. These life attitudes, in turn, are also sources of certain preferences - favorite colors, product packaging, ideas about convenience, habitual times for visiting stores, a characteristic style of communication with sellers, and much more.

The second group of factors that shape a person’s individuality are factors arising from the person’s environment. In general, the influence of these factors can be considered as the influence of the environment on the formation of individuality. Firstly, a person’s personality is strongly influenced by the culture in which he is formed. A person receives norms of behavior from society and, under the influence of culture, acquires certain values ​​and beliefs. Secondly, a person’s individuality is strongly determined by the family in which he was raised. In the family, children learn certain behavioral stereotypes, their life attitudes, attitudes towards work, people, their responsibilities, etc. are developed.

Managers must take into account the perceptions of their subordinates. Competent management of transition processes requires taking into account the multiple realities perceived by each person and determined by personal life attitudes.

The first reaction to a negatively perceived change is shock. At this stage, reactions can range from temporary confusion to complete disorientation. In the latter case, changes are so alien to a person’s life attitudes that he is often unable to understand what is happening.

At this stage, a person is not able to connect new information with life attitudes. All information that has

Type B people do not waste their receptivity potential on changes that require resources that the person does not possess. They know the limits of their capabilities and the capabilities of the organization and will not waste time and money promoting initiatives that may not receive sufficient support. At the same time, they strive to make the most of available resources and constantly revise their life attitudes and beliefs if they interfere with moving forward.

Cannot move away from old patterns and methods of work, or change his life attitudes

Tries everything new and, if necessary, adjusts his life attitudes

Facial expressions are not a luxury, but a means of influencing the client. The face, or rather the facial expression with its unique fleeting movements and constantly changing emotional states, is the most important component of nonverbal communication. Both an unnatural expression that does not correspond to the situation and a “frozen” expression on the seller’s face always causes distrust and anxiety in the client. Despite the fact that the face is a zone of increased control, its expression conveys not only our momentary experiences, but also global life attitudes. We offer a typology of faces of “post-Soviet” sellers, which does not pretend to be a scientific approach, but is based solely on our feelings as an observer. The types of salespeople are independent of the product and the clients they work with.

A softened version of this attitude manifests itself in the persistent pursuit of one’s own goals without taking into account the interests of another person. An example would be the behavior of a young man who makes his own career by “walking over one’s head.” Or the behavior of a sales agent who “does not attach much importance” to the client’s needs. Of course, Most sellers with such a life attitude try to “hide" their true attitude towards customers, realizing that demonstrating a disrespectful attitude does not contribute to successful trading. At the same time, the true attitude towards other people necessarily leaks through non-verbal communication channels. A second contemptuous look is enough for a buyer to "feel" the real attitude towards yourself. Usually, sellers with this type of attitude cannot create a permanent circle of clients. Sooner or later, clients prefer to "leave" communication with a person who considers them dysfunctional.

We are not inclined to idealize modern youth. Let us note that often their life attitudes and value orientations are eclectic and unstable. The combination of openly pro-Western and purely Russian views on their lives and the future of Russia characterizes the economic culture of the younger generation in all its contradictions. Pragmatism and interest in money, accompanying the expansion of market relations in the economy and society, could not but influence the value system of young people. Unfortunately, modern economic reality does not contribute to the formation in adolescents of a strong immunity to illegal and criminal methods of achieving material success; honesty and integrity are not honored; on the contrary, connections with the right people are highly appreciated, and cunning and toughness in business relationships are not condemned.

The saying goes: It is better to be something to someone than nothing to everyone. This idea is very true when it comes to branding. A traditional brand does not want to turn anyone away; it is usually a mass market product brand designed to attract a mass audience. The problem is that such a brand becomes shallow emotionally. When meeting a new audience, the recipe for success is to present something special, have a philosophy and be different not only in properties, but also in life attitudes. Such a brand will gain fans and even fans who, with their very devotion, will support the brand and introduce it to others with all their enthusiasm. In addition, embodying something different, in terms of attitudes and values, is often easier than trying to maintain the influence of the distinctive features of goods and services.

At first glance, the most reasonable approach seems to be one that describes education as a way to achieve a certain position. This is due to the fact that until the end of the last century, educational institutions did not provide a profession, but specific life guidelines, preparing people to occupy certain positions in the system of production and consumption. And today, educational loans or qualification certificates are increasingly influencing modern society in the sense that they practically make wage inequality legal and control entry into the labor market.

You only need to meet six people in your life who have the same attitudes in life as you. They want to make money. And you don't have to find these people right now. This could be once a month, or maybe once a year. And you and they will talk to people, and this chain is endless, and someday you will have 500 people. And then you will earn this money, 5 thousand dollars.

Culture, attitude and self-esteem of the candidate

LIFE POSITION - worldviews, ideals and social. values ​​in which the fundamental principle of social life finds concentrated expression. human behavior, as well as his readiness to act to achieve personal and general goals.

In previous chapters, the subject matter was primarily quantitative data. This is not surprising, since they are the main means of exchanging management information. However, we should not forget that people play the main role in the management process. Their reaction to numerical indicators, the management system that creates them, the organization’s settings - everything is vitally important and should not be overlooked when creating and operating management accounting systems. How, in particular, the specifics of the organization’s culture and the corresponding management style (see example 16.1) can affect the functioning of the accounting system for responsibility centers

The life cycle of the introduced equipment is six years, the return on investment is 20%. In this case, the return on investment in the amount of $100 thousand at a rate of 20% and an average annual cash inflow of $25 thousand looks as follows (Table 21.1).

It is usually expected that a manager at the top level of the power pyramid (a kind of father of the family) is not only a manager, but also a leader, distinguished by knowledge, experience, life wisdom, etc. In addition, it is assumed that he knows all the little tricks , the strengths and weaknesses of team members, has an idea of ​​what they are doing, etc. This provides him with additional respect and a high informal degree of power. The system as a whole is based on paternalistic attitudes: the initiative and efforts of subordinates must correspond to the wishes and orders of the leader (father). The latter, in turn, gets answers to questions and makes decisions based on informal hints and tips from children and relatives. Moreover, the feedback process is often not realized by the parties. The wisdom of the father's final decision is largely attributed by family members solely to his life experience, insight, knowledge of people, etc., and not at all to hints through feedback.

I recommend people get into network marketing to gain sales experience. Some network marketing organizations have excellent communication and sales training programs. I've seen shy introverts become people who can communicate easily, effectively, and no longer fear rejection or ridicule. This "thick-skinned" attitude is vital for anyone in the B quadrant, especially if your own communication skills have not yet been polished.

Let's consider this using the example of entering one of the elements (equipment) of an automated candy production line. The cost of this installation is 100 thousand dollars. It is also the initial investment amount. Life cycle of introduced equipment

The life cycle of an enterprise (firm) is a certain period of time during which it has viability in the market. A typical enterprise life cycle model is represented by four stages (market entry, growth, maturity, decline), each of which is characterized by a certain ratio of sales and profit. The first stage characterizes the actual process of creation and formation of an enterprise, behind which there are certain initial capital investments. The goal at this stage is to enter the market and ensure a starting level of sales. At the second stage of the life cycle, the enterprise carries out active market expansion and increases the rate of sales growth. The goal is to expand production capacity and capture markets. At the third stage, the focus is on maximizing gross revenue and increasing profits. The target is the struggle to maintain its market share, the growth of production capacity takes a back seat compared to cost reduction. At the fourth stage there is

The classic setting of the B G matrix is ​​the further development of the “stars”, since in the future they become “cash cows”. However, the life cycle of some products is too short. In such cases, the right strategy is to get as much revenue and cash flow as possible from the product already in the "star" category (this applies, for example, to high-fashion products).

In traditional societies1 or pre-industrial societies, economic activities are inextricably linked with religious, family and political activities. And although such elements of a market economy as private property, the motive of maximizing income, and market coordination were also found in them, relations not of competition, but of cooperation, determined by social and cultural values, prevailed in these economic structures. It is in traditional societies that the connection between economic activity and the underlying system of ethical values, which act as economic culture, is most clearly expressed2. What are the values ​​of the economic culture of societies of this type and the features of economic development arising from it? When analyzing this issue, it should be emphasized that the question of economic culture is a question of the intangible components of human activity, the question of what life attitudes regulate the economic activity of an individual. It is unlikely that there will be any objection to the statement that a person’s participation in material production is largely determined by his ideas about the meaning of life, property, material wealth, success, and work.

The marketing course is quite difficult. Firstly, because the very concept of marketing is multidimensional. We highlight four aspects that differ quite greatly from each other. First of all, we understand marketing as a new worldview, as an ideology of entrepreneurship or as a business philosophy (marketing is a way of thinking). The fact is that the way of thinking of people working in a market economy is significantly different from the way of thinking of workers in a planned economy. They have different value guidelines, different life attitudes, different motivations for certain actions, different principles. The situation is complicated by the fact that most of today's leaders and specialists in the national economy were brought up within the framework of the worldview of the Soviet period, which they are forced to change, which is very difficult to do. Apparently, the biblical parable about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt contains centuries-old wisdom. Remember, Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt. But he did not immediately lead him to the promised land, but led him through the desert for 40 years, waiting for people with a slavish way of thinking to die out and people with a free spirit to be born and grow up, i.e. with a different worldview. In our country, quite a lot of time will also pass, during which the way people think will change. It seems that the study of marketing and its basic provisions will help speed up this long process.

Gaining true self-confidence requires painstaking inner work. The deep roots of our confidence and uncertainty are tightly connected with attitudes formed in early childhood. Eric Berne, the founder of transactional analysis, described four life attitudes that are formed in early childhood and then have a global impact on a person’s entire life. (You can read more about life attitudes in the book “Born to Win”, James W., Jongward D. - M., 1993). Conventionally, these installations can be schematically represented in the form of four planes.

People have different attitudes towards these new conditions and activities, including business and commerce, and see and value different things in them. The life attitudes of young people, formed over 17 years of their growth and maturation, determine different attitudes towards the positive things that doing business can provide. Let's look at this through the same socio-psychological prism - through the attitude of teenagers to wealth (Table 2.17).

Every organization operates in at least one cultural environment. Therefore, sociocultural factors, among which attitudes, life values ​​and traditions predominate, influence the organization. For example, the American public holds certain expectations (expectations) and ideas about the value of what constitutes ethical business practices. Giving a bribe to obtain a lucrative contract or political benefits, favoritism instead of supporting competence, spreading rumors discrediting a competitor are considered unethical and immoral actions, even when they cannot be considered essentially illegal. In some other countries, however, this practice is considered normal and adopted by enterprises, since the sociocultural environment there is different.

The negative effect of behavior programmed by obligations could pose a complex problem if they were artificially transplanted into an already formed social consciousness. But the obligations (for example, he, amae), which the authors competently talk about, are nestled in the most intimate corners of the unconscious of the Japanese, and they take them with absolute seriousness. For them, these obligations are invisible, but vital, and they act in accordance with them automatically, instantly tuning in and reacting to the signals of a particular situation. True, some obligations are criticized by young people, but this criticism does not go beyond the limits of the oppositionalism so characteristic of Japanese youth in the post-war years, which disappears the sooner the sooner young people realize that, regardless of their own will, they still adhere to, if not the letter of the obligations, then , at least their spirit. Thanks to their organic embeddedness in behavioral attitudes, obligations are transformed into physically tangible potential, with the help of which the team of workers is stimulated to reach the boundaries set by the company.

Following this, Choate began to master all twelve life treasures one after another. He began by setting himself a positive psychological attitude.

It was shown above that the full life cycle of a subsystem is characterized by a developed integral structure of connections. In the activities of a driller, communications with indication elements, controls and control panels, a workplace and assistants (voice communication) are predominant. The first and third assistants have direct connections with power tools, accessible equipment units during installation and maintenance, with the environment, its objects in contact with work colleagues (voice communication); the second assistant implements similar connections in places for installation and maintenance of equipment in contact with the environment and its objects. The set of actions (elements) of human and machine links, as can be seen, is characterized by many different transition states (simple HMS) and a significant number of internal interdependent connections of different nature (man with machine, man with man, machine with environment, etc.). The relatively high dynamism of the transition of the CMS from one state to another, different times and the degree of adaptation of the human operator to new conditions are characteristic reasons for the high risk of injury in modern drilling rigs. It is known that the greatest number of accidents occurs at the moment of transition of the system from one state to another.

Currently, more and more VNT mania is being devoted to the development and implementation in industry of computer-aided product life cycle support (ALS). Modern aircraft and their power plants have reached a stage in their development where the effective organization of their life cycle as a whole (within the framework of the ALS concept), and, above all, at the development stage, requires the use of a systems approach, the dynamic formation of a multi-level, multi-aspect simulation model for a conditional structural and parametric optimization at all stages of design and development. An example is the situation that has developed in the global aircraft engine industry in connection with the problem of creating new generations of aircraft gas turbine engines. The creation of new generations of aviation gas turbine engines is impossible without the use of new methodology and design tools.

I wouldn't want such a relationship. For the first four years when my parents got married, they lived separately. I was born during this period. Then, when my sister was born, we all flocked to live together. At first I was very afraid of my father - he seemed like a stranger to me. And this relationship has not changed in all ten years; after the divorce, I did not communicate with my father. My father was a strange man. Most of the time he was making something, sometimes showing me how and what he was doing. He had drinking parents. And my father’s predisposition to alcohol was very evident. When I was five years old, my father began to terribly beat my mother. She ran away, taking her little sister with her. I stayed with my father. He did not cause any harm and did not raise his voice at me, but I was so afraid that I tried to become as inconspicuous as possible. [I write this with tears, remembering these moments is difficult and painful. I probably still feel sorry for myself]
After the divorce, my mother and I moved to another city. I won’t say that life in another city has somehow become happier. On the contrary, life before the move was much better. Because before I moved, I had my grandparents, whom I loved very much. And next to them I felt truly comfortable, I could be a child.
Mom often beat me, although there was no obvious reason. At school I got straight A's and didn't misbehave. It was very bad. I always wanted to become better, but I couldn’t become better enough without my mother yelling at me or hitting me. In the sixth grade I had my first love. Naive, childish and tender. Mom found a note. And she beat me terribly with a cord from a boiler, calling me a prostitute. This is one of the manifestations of taboo. Taboo on friendship with boys, taboo on friendship in general (she never liked my friends), taboo on sounds (at home you couldn’t sing, listen to music, talk loudly or laugh). I had books - and it was a great way to escape from home. I wrote poetry, drew - it really helped me relax.
Mom didn’t work; she diluted technical alcohol and sold the resulting wire rod. She herself never drank. From the age of ten I plunged into the world of people who were not very good and even downright bad. It happened that criminal types broke into our house, threatening to kill us (eliminating competition). We escaped through the window. Since then, I still tremble when there is a loud knock on the door. I can't do anything about it. Drunks and drunkards, due to their illness, often broke into the house both day and night, with or without money. When they sat in the kitchen and talked about their stories, I sat in the room and heard everything. From all these stories, I made one conclusion for the rest of my life - you can’t escape from this mud, you can’t climb out, life is so cruel and harsh that it only leads to the fatal. The only way out of this horror is death.
Day after day, I scrolled through the most ideal methods of suicide (I was 13 years old), wrote corresponding poems. I started having problems at school. In my building lived a boy from the same school as me (two years older than me). And apparently, in some kind of ideal vision of the world, he and his friends began to fight the “hucksters.” Of course, not directly. He and his entourage are from intelligent two-parent families, where they know what need is. They beat me. They threw earth, snow, and spat on us. Once they broke my fingers (it’s very difficult to write), I told them at home that I had fallen. I couldn't stand up for myself. I was ashamed that they were doing this to me. I told my mom that I was being bullied. She went to the director and the only bullying left was name calling. At home there was an analysis on the topic that I myself was a provocateur, because the boys were from good families. I wished myself a speedy death.
Mom herself did not like her activities. She began to go to church, confess and introduce us to Orthodoxy. After ninth grade I went to college. By that time, my grandfather had died, and my grandmother moved in with us. A more legal way of earning money was found - delivering newspapers. It was a creaking cart and ten huge stacks of newspapers. We went around the whole area and thundered like a theater in dirty clothes. My sister and I were ashamed to help our mother. Not how much for the part-time job, but how much for my mother’s antics, screams and hysterics during work.
Mom always said that she was on disability. But I began to realize that my mother was on disability due to mental illness at the age of fifteen.
I started thinking about whether I was healthy.
At seventeen, I was so tired of hysterics at home that I took blood pressure pills (Dibazol - 50 pieces). But the thirst for life was so strong that I provoked vomiting. Well, it didn’t work out with this option. I started cutting my hands - somehow life became easier.
I was always surrounded by a lot of people, both in college and at the institute I always easily found friends and like-minded people. The only problem was that I was afraid of close relationships and carefully hid my problems at home and some experiences. The main incentive to live was that I dreamed of running away from home. Preferably to another city. And everything went that way.
But there was one thing. I fell in love with my classmate. I was so sick when I met him. I couldn’t put two words together next to him.
It so happened that we were hanging out in the same company. And there were a lot of chances to get close to him. But I ruined everything.
When he got a girlfriend, I just started hanging out in another company and avoiding him in every possible way. I went to clubs, to the cinema, to festivals and exhibitions. But I didn’t have anyone, and I wanted a relationship. In the end, I just wanted a sexual relationship. All this abstinence somehow had a bad effect on me. I didn’t know how to build relationships like between a man and a woman. And in general I felt like a sexless creature.
By chance I met a person by correspondence last year. We talked for a week. Then I decided to have a meeting. I didn’t even think about building a relationship with him. Just meet and forget, for fun. And then the well-tightened bolts were torn off. We had passionate meetings. Neither I nor he made plans for the future. Having satisfied my sexual hunger, I realized that I no longer needed this relationship. I quit my job and was already getting ready to leave for another city. But then I found out that I was pregnant. I decided to keep the child. The young man immediately found out and disappeared. It was the most hellish period in my life, both because of my mother, because of the financial side of the issue, and the pregnancy was difficult. Almost before the birth, communication between me and the child’s father resumed. Unfortunately, this communication did not lead to anything: no support, no help, only promises to communicate with the child on his part. But he didn’t even come to meet the baby. Then I learned from his family that my daughter was his third child. This of course shocked me. Because I concluded that my daughter would not have a father. But I wouldn’t want my child to grow up in a single-parent family. Completely feminine. After all, this will affect her fate. But I don’t know how to build relationships and I doubt that I can find a husband. Although there are always a lot of people around me, and among them there are many men.
Much has changed. In a positive way. I began to feel like a woman. For real.
And I understand that now it is necessary to change not only my place of residence (I live with my mother, she helps as best she can, but illness is illness, it is always stronger), but also the thoughts in my head. How can I change thoughts that have already become part of my character? I don't see any way to move forward unless I change my mindset. I want to realize myself as a professional and as a woman.

There are many ways to make your computer run faster. Some of them are simpler, some are more complex, but they are all divided into software and hardware.

The first involves optimizing the OS, the second means upgrading computer components, that is, replacing parts with more efficient ones. We will look at them all, but according to tradition, we will start with the simplest.

I. Prevention and program activities

Before proceeding with more radical measures, we will try to make do with a little bloodshed and revive your computer using software methods.

System Maintenance

1. Cleaning the registry and removing garbage.
2. Autorun optimization.
3. Free up space on the system disk.
4. Increase the paging file.
5. Update video card drivers.

Cleaning the registry and removing garbage

You've probably noticed how quickly a computer with a clean OS works, when everything practically “flies”. The reason is the minimum number of applications and the absence of garbage: caches, temporary files, registry entries. Over time, all this “good” accumulates and begins to slow down the system. The solution is to remove the accumulated trash. It is better to restore order using special utilities: CCleaner is most convenient on a PC, and CleanMyMac on a Mac.

Both applications are extremely simple, and working with them should not cause you any difficulties. Each step is accompanied by prompts, so you only need to agree with the proposed actions and wait a little while the utility scans the disks and removes everything unnecessary.

Autorun optimization

When we turn on the computer, we want to work, not watch an endless download. The OS itself loads relatively quickly, but applications that start immediately after launch make us wait at least one or two minutes. Many applications are automatically added to startup during installation, and inexperienced users often do not notice this, and as a result, after a few months, the startup list swells to two or even three dozen applications. In addition to our time, they also take up RAM, which on old computers is worth its weight in gold.

On a PC, you can clear the startup list using the same CCleaner. In the “Service” section there is a “Startup” item, which displays a list of applications that automatically launch when the system starts. You need to look through it very carefully and leave only those programs that you really need immediately after loading the OS.

Mac applications also abuse the trust of users - very few of them are not asked to autoload the first time they are launched. But, unlike Windows, in OS X they can be easily removed from there using standard tools. The list of "upstarts" is located on the "Login Objects" tab in the "Users and Groups" section of the settings.

Freeing up space on the system disk

On the boot disk, the system stores a huge number of various files, which it constantly accesses during operation. When the disk gets full, the reading process takes longer and everything starts to slow down, so it is very important to have 10-15% free space on the disk.

Some space should be freed up by removing system junk, but if that's not enough, there's something else you can do. In Windows, you should delete or move large files from your desktop, My Documents, and downloads folder. You definitely need to look into the Program Files on drive C: and check if there is any game among the programs that was mistakenly installed on the wrong drive. If there are no games, you need to revise the applications and leave only the most necessary ones.

When you reinstall Windows, change the size of the system partition, increasing it at the expense of others.

On a Mac, the operating system occupies the entire disk, so there is no point in moving files between folders. The hunt for gigabytes should start with the “Downloads” folder, then inspect the “Programs” and the entire home folder. If you have CleanMyMac, large files can be easily found with it. Anything that you wouldn’t mind deleting will have to be copied to an external drive. There is no other way.

Increasing the swap file

Countless installations and uninstallations of programs and games never pass without a trace, so any OS accumulates “traces of vital activity” over time, becomes slower and begins to fail. The problem is aggravated if the system was previously updated from a previous version and automatically received “hereditary problems.”

In such cases, you can try to perform a clean installation and install the system on a freshly formatted disk. To do this, you will need a licensed disk or bootable USB flash drive with Windows (or Mac), after downloading from which, you need to start the installation process and follow the wizard’s prompts.

Selecting the optimal OS

With each new version, Windows becomes more functional, and at the same time more demanding on system resources, so the latest version is not always the best for older computers. The same goes for Mac. Apple has been supporting its computers for a very long time, but despite this, new doesn't always mean the best. Sometimes, however, there are exceptions and new operating systems work even faster than previous ones, such as Windows 10, but if your computer barely reaches the minimum system requirements, then it’s hardly worth upgrading.

Experiment. Windows XP is still around, although quite outdated, but you can try Windows 7 or even Windows 10 if the computer has a dual-core processor and is not too low on memory. With OS X it's even easier: Apple has been distributing its desktop OS for free for a long time, so you can just go and try installing any version.

Installing an alternative OS

If you're ready to take your experimentation a step further, or if your computer is so old that you simply have nothing to lose, there is another great option - installing a Linux distribution. The point is that, unlike Windows, operating systems based on the Linux kernel have more modest appetites for resources, so a computer that is slow on Windows can almost “fly” on Linux.

There are a large number of Linux distributions, differing in appearance, components and system requirements. For simplicity, we will focus on two options.


The most popular and regularly updated distribution with a user-friendly interface and the largest community. Ubuntu keeps up with the times, therefore it has very immodest (by the standards of Linux distributions) system requirements and is suitable for owners old, but not ancient computers. Requires a dual-core processor from 1.6 GHz and 2–4 GB of memory. However, when using more lightweight system environments, you can get by with a single-core Pentium 4 and at least 512 MB of memory.

II. Hardware upgrade


1. Analysis of resource consumption.
2. Increased memory capacity.
3. Installing an SSD drive.
4. Installing a larger storage device.
5. Replacement of the video card.
6. Replacement of the processor.
7. Upgrade USB ports.
8. Upgrade of wireless interfaces.
9. Upgrade of peripheral devices.
10. Cleaning the cooling system.

Resource consumption analysis

The first step is to identify weak points in the computer configuration, eliminating which will help increase performance without much hassle. The easiest way is to open the "Task Manager" by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc and in the "Performance" tab view the resource usage. On Mac there is a special System Monitor application for this. It can be found in the Applications → Utilities folder.

Typically, older computers have poor memory, which is especially noticeable when running several applications. Resource-intensive programs often completely load the processor. The performance of the disk subsystem is also of great importance, although this is not obvious at first glance.

Increasing memory capacity

Solid state drives are at the next stage of development after hard drives and are much faster than them in terms of operating speed. SSDs are more expensive than regular hard drives, but the price is completely justified. After installing an SSD, seemingly old computers come to life.


Since we are talking about upgrading a disk, the choice of form factors and interfaces is significantly narrowed. The most common option is 2.5-inch drives with a SATA interface. In laptops, SSDs are simply inserted instead of a “standard” hard drive, and in desktop computers, the drive is placed in a free slot in the hard drive bay using the adapter that comes with the kit.


When replacing a hard drive with an SSD, you can go in two ways: buy a disk with enough space to run the OS and store files, or save money and take a small disk on which only the OS and necessary applications will be installed. The performance in these cases will be the same, it all depends on your financial capabilities. Currently, it's worth buying an SSD of 120GB or more, although if you have an additional hard drive, for example in a desktop PC, you might consider a 60-80GB option.

Installing a larger drive

Old computers were equipped with hard drives, the volume of which is too small by modern standards. But this is easy to fix, since there are plenty of disks available. This upgrade option should be considered by owners of desktop computers, since there is probably free space on the motherboard and in the case where an additional drive will fit well. In a laptop, if there are no additional slots for disks, it is better to install an SSD and keep large files on an external drive.

Replacing the video card

Microphone and webcam

These devices have long since become essential computer devices. They are very rare in old laptops and can hardly boast of quality. For desktop computers, you need to buy them in addition.

Taking a microphone separately only makes sense for recording sound. If you only need it for video calls and communication in games, then you can get by with the built-in one in the webcam or headset. As for cameras, prices for more or less decent models start at 1,000 rubles, although there are simpler options - for 500 rubles and cheaper. Webcams are recognized automatically, and installing drivers is unlikely to be required, although they are included in the package.

Cleaning the cooling system

This point, perhaps, should have been placed at the very beginning. Since you'll be opening your computer anyway, why not clean it? In particularly advanced cases, due to an overly contaminated cooling system, laptops overheat, freeze, and may even shut down. There is no need to talk about the noise that fans covered with a layer of dust make. Whatever one may say, there is one benefit from cleaning, especially since you don’t need to have a lot of time and any special skills for this.

If you are too lazy to disassemble everything down to the screw, which is especially important for laptops, you can limit yourself to removing the cover. Take a soft brush and brush off all the dust you can get your hands on. Carefully remove the compressed dust from the radiator with a toothpick, and then blow out all this dirt with compressed air from a can (costs 500 rubles) or a vacuum cleaner with “reverse draft”.

The maximum program is to do the same for all parts of the cooling system, with complete disassembly. If you decide to do this, you can also replace the thermal paste on the processor and video card (in laptops). Over time, it dries out and loses its properties, so renewing it would be a good idea. Buy a tube of fresh thermal paste, it costs 100 rubles, and apply a thin layer to the surface of the chip. Just remember to first remove any remaining old paste and degrease the surface.