The meaning of the name Kirill. Interpretation of the name

A person named Kirill can celebrate several name days in a year. But the most important ones are those that fall on the date of his birth or are closest to it. When is Kirill’s name day according to the church calendar, we will tell you in our article. Here we note the names of the saints who are the patrons of this name.

What date is Kirill’s name day?

What date should you congratulate a man or boy named Kirill on Angel's Day? In every month of the year there is a day on which the memory of the saint who bore this name during his lifetime is honored.

Kirill's name day according to the church calendar by month:

  1. January - 31.
  2. February - 4, 17, 27.
  3. March - 18, 22, 31.
  4. April - 3, 11.
  5. May - 11, 17, 24.
  6. June - 22, 30.
  7. July - 22.
  8. August - 15.
  9. September - 19.
  10. October - 11, 23.
  11. November - 11, 20.
  12. December - 15, 21.

Let us note the patron saints named Cyril, whom the church remembers on certain days of the year.

Kirill's name day on January 31 - who are the patrons of the name?

Cyril of Alexandria was born in 376 into a famous and pious Christian family. In his youth he studied many philosophical and secular sciences. But most of all, Cyril strove to learn Christian truths and study the Holy Scriptures. In 412, after the passing of his uncle Patriarch Theophilos, he took his place and remained in it until 444, that is, until his death. Cyril waged an ongoing struggle against paganism and led the opposition to Nestorianism. After his death he left many unique works. The name day of Cyril, named after this saint, falls on January 31 and June 22. It is on these days that the church remembers Patriarch Cyril of Alexandria.

The remembrance day of another saint falls on January 31 - Schemamonk Cyril of Radonezh. This saint lived in the XIII-XIV centuries in the Rostov principality, was a boyar and owned a large estate. Despite their wealth, Kirill and his wife Maria did not neglect simple peasant labor, and from birth they instilled in their children the love of Christ. Their son Bartholomew, better known as Sergius of Radonezh, became abbot of the Russian land and was recognized as a wonderworker of all Rus'. In old age, Cyril and Maria took monastic vows at the Khotkovo Monastery near Radonezh, where they died in 1337. St. Cyril's feast day falls on January 31 and October 11.

Cyril of Sevastia - March 22

Martyr Cyril is one of the forty Sebastian martyrs, especially revered by the Orthodox Church. On this day, March 22, it is allowed to ease the strictest Lent. It is on this date that the name day of Cyril, named after the mentioned saint, is celebrated.

Sebastian Christian warriors suffered martyrdom in 320 in the city of Sebastia. Contrary to Constantine the Great's decree on freedom of religion, the military leaders forced them to sacrifice to idols. When the soldiers refused, they were tortured and then burned. After this, the martyrs appeared to Bishop Peter of Sebaste, who collected the remains of the soldiers and buried them with honor.

Cyril of Jerusalem - March 31

Patriarch Kirill, whose memory the church honors on March 31, was born in Jerusalem in 315. From childhood he was distinguished by Christian piety. It is known that during a terrible famine in Jerusalem, he sold all his belongings to help those in need. In his youth he became a monk, then became a priest, and after some time an archbishop.

Throughout his life, he was expelled from the city several times for his Christian beliefs. He spent about 17 years in exile. After himself, Cyril left numerous writings and works that played a major role in the development of Christian teaching throughout the world. The last years of his life were the calmest. Cyril died in 386. With the blessing of the Pope, Patriarch Kirill was numbered among the Teachers of the Church. The church remembers his name on March 31st.

He was at the court of the Rostov prince Konstantin II, and then Konstantin III. Saint Cyril accompanied them to the Horde more than once.
From the life of St. Sergius, we know that during the Divine Liturgy, before the birth of their son, righteous Mary and everyone who prayed nearby heard the baby’s voice three times before reading the Gospel, during the Cherubic Song, and also at the moment when the priest said "Holy of Holies."
After some time, their son Bartholomew was born. The parents made a promise to the Lord that they would dedicate the boy to Him. From his very first days, the child amazed everyone that on Wednesdays and Fridays he did not accept his mother’s milk, and if on other days Saint Mary ate meat, the baby did the same. When the Monk Mary noticed this, she herself stopped eating meat.
Saints Cyril and Mary were known for their pious lives. They helped the poor, and also always received wandering prayer workers. And the holy couple taught their children to always welcome wandering monks and monks into their home.
Unfortunately, not much information has been preserved about the life of Saints Cyril and Mary. It is known that in 1328 they moved to Radonezh from Rostov. Near this city there was the Khotkovsky Intercession Monastery. In those days it was inhabited by both female nuns and men.
Saints Cyril and Mary accepted monasticism and became inhabitants of this monastery. A few years later they peacefully departed to the Lord.

Like most popular names in the Russian language, the name Kirill came to us from ancient Greece. This happened as a result of the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Kievan Rus. Translated from Greek the meaning of the name Kirill (Κύριλλος) means "lord" or "lord".

The meaning of the name Kirill for a child

Kirill is an obedient and receptive child. He easily finds understanding and love from adults. But Kirill’s relationships with other children are tense. His sense of justice and self-worth prevents him from making friends. He doesn't like helping others on tests and doesn't let them cheat. He is ambitious and loves awards and praise. He always tries to be the first, which many of his peers do not like.

Kirill has been well intellectually developed since childhood. He easily learns to read and count, and the school curriculum is easy for him. The main thing is that he enjoys studying. Kirill has an excellent memory that can only be envied. He is often praised by teachers, which often causes narcissism and narcissism. It is worth noting the boy’s good athletic abilities. If Kirill takes up sports seriously, he can achieve great success in this.

The boy's health only makes his parents happy. Overall, he is one of the healthiest children. With age, this trend continues. The only weak point is the digestive system. Kirill should watch his diet. And of course, if any health problems arise, do not self-medicate, but contact a specialist.

Short name Kirill

Kir, Kirya, Kiryukha, Kiryakha.

Diminutive pet names

Kiryusha, Kiryunya, Kirusya, Kiryasha.

Children's middle names

Kirillovich and Kirillovna. It has the popular form of patronymic as Kirillich and Kirillichna.

Name Kirill in English

In English, the name Cyril is written as Cyril.

Name Kirill for international passport- Kirill, according to the latest transliteration rules for government agencies in Russia.

Translation of the name Kirill into other languages

in Arabic - سيريل‎‎
in Belarusian - Kiryl
in Bulgarian - Kiril
in Hungarian - Cyril
in Greek - Κύριλλος
in Hebrew - קיריל‎
in Spanish - Cirilo
in Italian - Cirillo
in Latvian - Kirilas
in Lithuanian - Kirilas
in Macedonian - Kiril
in German - Kirilo
in Polish - Cyryl
in Romanian - Cyril
in Serbian - Ћiril
in Ukrainian - Kirilo
in French - Cyril
in Czech - Cyril

Church name Kirill(in the Orthodox faith), like most of the names that came to us along with the Orthodox faith, remains unchanged in the church tradition.

Characteristics of the name Kirill

Kirill’s character hides enormous strength, which is not noticeable to many. He is so strong that not everyone can stand such a personality nearby and try to limit communication with Kirill. Kirill, realizing over time the peculiarities of his character, shows it less and less in vain. Adult Kirill is calm and at the same time cheerful. He has a wonderful sense of humor that contrasts with his iron will, which is a rather rare combination. Kirill does not like to show his feelings openly and keeps the entrance to his inner world under lock and key. Only those closest to him can find out what is going on in his soul. However, when it comes to defending his interests, Kirill is not a fan of worries and long thoughts. He quickly mobilizes and fights back against offenders.

Kirill loves large and noisy companies, although he keeps himself a little aloof at such events. Kirill's independence and determination help him in his career growth and earning authority among his colleagues.

But these sides of Kirill’s character also have an unpleasant side. Often in family life, those character traits that help in achieving goals conflict with the characteristics necessary for a calm family life. His isolation and reluctance to show feelings often lead to tension in the family. If Kirill learns to share his inner experiences with his soul mate, he will find true family happiness.

Another characteristic of Kirill that can interfere in life is seriousness. Often taking even small things seriously. he creates conflict situations out of nowhere. The only thing that can save him in such a situation is the ability to laugh at oneself and one’s own ability to make a mountain out of a molehill.

The secret of the name Kirill

Kirill has at least two secrets. One has to do with his secrecy. Seemingly cheerful and sociable, Kirill does not allow strangers into his inner world. If it seemed to you that Kirill was like an open book in front of you, then he managed to make the necessary impression on you, nothing more. Only those closest to him can know about his true experiences.

Kirill's second secret is his tendency to spontaneous laziness. All people accustomed to his crazy performance are usually very surprised by this quality. But you don’t have to worry, his laziness quickly passes.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Seal.

Name color- Red.

Tree- Fir.

Plant- Crocus.

Stone- Corundum.

Guardian angel named Kirill and his patron, like other names, depends on the date of birth. If you know your date of birth, you can find out the patron of the name Kirill in a special article.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart, Kirill,
So that you swim in the ocean of happiness,
So that every moment gives you joy,
I wish you to always smile!

May your dreams always come true,
I wish you good health,
Good luck, clear days and kindness,
May your life be like paradise!

Happy birthday, Kirill,
May you be full of strength
So that there is a carriage of health
And the house is full of comfort,
So that in autumn, winter,
In red summer and spring,
During the day or under the light of the stars
You were happy to the point of tears.

Kirill, you are a great fellow, always remember this. I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you To colorful days of life, And interesting hobbies, R the diversity of your soul, And the modesty of your feelings, l love of your heart, l Imona in your tea for immunity and in a Swiss jar for all your needs.

Today is Kirill's holiday.
How cute he is today
And he stretched out as he grew up -
Handsome, there are not enough words!
Grow courageous, strong,
And fair and open,
A worthy, honest person.
And respect you for it
All your relatives are ready,
And also true friends!

Congratulations to you, Kirill
And I wish you happiness
I wish that all
The world was in your power.

Your name means -
Ruler and lord,
I wish that by my destiny
You managed brilliantly.

So that you have conditions
Life didn't dictate
Luck is in front of you
So that she bows her head.

I wish you on your feet
I stand firm for you
Overlord title
Carry through life proudly.

Dear Kiryusha, congratulations!
Let everything in life be 5!
I wish you victories on all fronts
And, of course, never be bored.

May fate be kind to you
And friends will be nearby,
May everything around you be wonderful.
Happiness never fades.

Who gave you a lot of joy?
Of course, this is our Kirill.
In the company of friends - the soul,
He moves through life slowly.

Confident and good-looking
For your lady - go straight into battle.
Smart, responsible and brave,
He can solve a lot of things.

May everything be great for you.
Thank you for being with us.
And let your dreams come true
Incredibly beautiful.

You are among all your friends
He deserves respect.
You are honest, reliable guy,
You are a good friend, Kirill.

It may sound trivial,
But I wish you happiness.
To be beautiful, interesting
Your life has always been.

Be healthy, don't lose heart,
Set goals and win
Don't listen to envious people
Believe in yourself, love, dream.

May this bright holiday
Dreams come true.
Let in all companies
You will be the soul!

I wish you, Kirill
Goodness, health, happiness.
Let them retreat from you
All the thunderstorms and misfortunes.

I wish that charisma
He retained his mind and strength,
Was just as persistent, powerful,
My incomparable Kirill.

May you be lucky in your plans,
Let love lead the way
And bad mood
Let him not take it, Kiryusha.

Believe in yourself and don't give up
Choose your right path
A faithful friend, a nice guy
And be a great pro.

Happy holiday to you, Kirill!
Be lucky, cheerful.
I wish you were
Always strong and healthy,
To save money,
May your home be a full cup,
So that he loves his wife,
So that she is more beautiful than everyone else,
So that happiness never
It didn't end in your house,
May you always be the first
So that everything always works out.

They say that a person's name has a huge impact on how his fate will turn out. Of course, each of us meticulously forges our own happiness and believes only in our own strengths, but the wisdom of our ancestors should not be discounted. History knows many cases when people changed the names given to them at birth to others, and their lives changed dramatically. What is not proof that a name is inextricably linked with fortune? That is why its choice should be treated not just as a set of sounds, but as a symbol of good luck, happiness and harmony. In this article we will talk about when to celebrate Angel Day for people named Kirill.

Between two calendars

Many people celebrate Christmas time without knowing what kind of holiday it is. In fact, this is a day on which the memory of the saint for whom a person is named at baptism is honored.

Kirill's name day is celebrated more than once a year. People with this name have Angel Day in almost every 12 months, and moreover, several times. This is due to the fact that all Orthodox believers in the Lord and Savior use two calendars at once - the Julian (old) and the Gregorian (the one that is now used everywhere).

The Julian calendar was used in Rus' until 1918 and the day when the Bolsheviks, having overthrown the old government and rejected the church, introduced a new one. In our time, the difference in dates according to these two calendars is 13 days. Thus, Cyril’s name day according to the Orthodox calendar, in accordance with the new time calculation system, is celebrated:

  • January 31;
  • February 8, 17 and 27;
  • March 22 and 31;
  • April 3 and 11;
  • May 11, 17 and 24;
  • 22nd of June;
  • July 22;
  • 20 November;
  • 21 December.

Before the introduction of the Gregorian (that is, modern) calendar, Cyril’s name day was celebrated according to the church calendar:

  • January 18 and 26;
  • February 4 and 14;
  • March 9, 18, 21 and 29;
  • April 28;
  • May 4 and 11;
  • the 9th of June;
  • July 9;
  • November 7;
  • December 8th.

If you compare all of the above dates, you can see that now Cyril’s name day according to the Orthodox calendar comes 13 days later than it was almost 100 years ago.

Winter Christmastide

Do you know in honor of which saint the name Cyril is now used? Name days are not just a reason for congratulations, but also a time to honor the memory of your guardian angel.

Memorial Day of St. Cyril of Chelmogorsk, famous for converting many pagans to Christianity. He also built a temple and monastery in honor of the Epiphany of the Lord.

On January 31, we honor St. Cyril of Alexandria - one of the most influential figures in church history, a gifted theologian, an extraordinary and energetic person. It was he who fought with all his might against the heresy of Nestorius, a Syrian who taught that God is the spirit that inhabited Jesus Christ, and Mary gave birth not from the Lord, but from an ordinary person, and therefore should be called the Mother of Christ.

Kirill's name day, which falls on February 8, is the memory of the Hieromartyr Kirill, Metropolitan of Kazan and Sviyazhsk. He was a very charismatic person and attracted people to him like a magnet. He was listened to and revered for his love and unwavering faith in the Lord, as well as for his straightforward statements and inner light. Kirill of Kiev was one of the first to introduce popular singing at church services in order to more fully introduce people to the church.

On February 17, the memory of St. Kirill of Novoezersk is venerated, who built two churches: in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos and in the name of the Resurrection of Christ.

Cyril's name day, celebrated on February 27, is the day of remembrance of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril, the Slovenian teacher, who, together with his brother Methodius, invented our alphabet.

Spring holidays

March 22 is the day on which we pay tribute to one of the forty warrior-martyrs, Cyril of Sebaste, who accepted a brutal death in the name of Christ. He, along with 39 soldiers, was stripped naked and driven into an ice-bound lake by the pagan Romans. A bathhouse was heated nearby, in which you can warm up only by renouncing Christ. After a while, the Romans saw that the soldiers were not freezing, and in anger they broke their legs and burned them alive.

March 31 is the name day of Cyril of Jerusalem, a saint and archbishop who dedicated his life to the fight against the Arian and Macedonian heresies.

On May 11, the saint is venerated - a wonderful preacher and an outstanding writer who accomplished many feats for the glory of the church.

May 17 is the name day of Kirill Alfanov, who, together with his brothers, founded the Sokolnitsky monastery in Novgorod.

Summer and autumn holidays

June 22 is the day of remembrance of St. Kirill of Belozersky, one of the most significant ancient Russian saints. Kirill Belozersky is not only the creator of one of the most authoritarian statutes, but also the founder of the Belozersky monastery.

July 22 is the name day of the Hieromartyr Cyril, who was bishop of Gortynia for 50 years. He was beheaded at a very old age for his Christian faith.