Sponge roll with butter cream and raspberries. Simple and delicious sponge roll with white cream Sponge roll with butter cream

It is prepared on the basis of biscuit dough, which does not require any special skills. The main thing is that the whites are well beaten, and here a mixer will come to your aid: either manual or stationary.

The cream is also prepared simply and quickly.

As a result, you will get delicious baked goods.

This roll is a favorite not only with my family, but also with the families of my relatives and friends.

To prepare a chocolate sponge roll with butter cream, we will prepare the products according to the list.

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

Beat the whites into a stable foam with salt, vanilla extract and sugar.

If you turn the mixer bowl over, the foam will not budge.

Then add the yolks one at a time, beating after each.

In several stages, add flour mixed with cocoa.

Mix carefully.

Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

Bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 6-8 minutes.

Be guided by your oven!!! The finished biscuit will spring back when pressed with your finger. If you overcook the cake in the oven, it may break when you roll it.

By the way, this is not critical. And it happened to me that the layer broke, but, as they say, where ours did not disappear... I simply broke the layer into pieces and laid them out in layers (pieces of biscuit - cream) in glasses. It turned out to be a very tasty dessert! You can make a layer of fruit.

The baking tray size is 30x40 cm.

Place a piece of parchment on the table and place a hot biscuit on it. We remove the parchment on which it was baked and cover the sponge cake with film.

Let it cool completely like this.

In the meantime, let's get to the cream.

Beat cold cream with powdered sugar until soft peaks form.

4-5 tbsp is enough for me. powdered sugar. You are free to add as much as you like.

Knead cream cheese at room temperature...

And combine it with cream. Whisk until everything is combined.

The cream is ready.

Apply cream to the cooled biscuit layer.

You can leave a little cream to lubricate the surface of the roll, but this is entirely optional.

We roll up the roll, helping ourselves with the parchment on which the layer lay.

I coated the roll with the reserved cream and sprinkled with cocoa.

Chocolate sponge roll with butter cream is ready.

You can serve it right away, but it’s better to let it rest in the refrigerator for three hours, or ideally overnight.

During this time, the cream will stabilize and become a lush mousse! Yes, and cutting the roll will turn out beautifully and evenly.

This is delicious!

Happy desserts!

Mix flour and cocoa powder, sift. Beat the eggs with a mixer until fluffy, gradually adding sugar and vanilla essence. Beat for about 5 minutes. In two or three additions, add flour and cocoa to the beaten egg mass and mix.

Line a baking tray measuring 38/33 cm with baking paper; if you doubt the quality of your paper, grease it with oil. Lay out the dough, level it and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 10-12 minutes, do not dry out the biscuit.

Remove the finished cake from the baking sheet along with the paper, cover it with a towel on top and roll it up together with the paper and towel. Leave to cool for 2 hours.

While the biscuit is cooling, prepare the cream: beat the butter with 170 g of condensed milk with a mixer until fluffy at room temperature. Milk and butter should be at the same temperature. Add the amount of condensed milk to taste... sweetness to your taste. Then add curd cheese and stir.

Unroll the cooled biscuit and remove the towel. Coat the sponge cake with cranberry jam TM "Maheev" so that the cranberries are evenly distributed over the sponge cake layer. Then carefully apply butter cream on top. I do this using a cooking bag with a nozzle with a round hole, so the cream can be evenly applied over the entire surface. Roll up the roll and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Cover the cooled roll with sour cream glaze. For the glaze, mix sour cream with 100 g of condensed milk. Then add lemon juice, mix again, the glaze should become thick after adding lemon juice. I mix the glaze by hand...with a whisk. The roll is decorated with chocolate chips.

For many people, the sweetest childhood memory is the cream for the sponge roll and, in fact, the sponge roll itself. Absolutely everyone loves it: children, adults, gourmets and those who eat everything without going over the dishes. There are a huge number of different biscuits: dry, with all kinds of fillings, simple, soaked in syrups, store-bought, homemade. And the cream for such a delicacy is an unforgettable pleasure. There are also a huge number of its variants. The most delicious is considered to be a homemade roll with homemade cream. But first things first.

Biscuit story

Biscuit has existed on Earth for five centuries. There is a widespread belief that this sweetness was born in England, but in fact, France became its homeland. From the old French language, the word “biscuit” is translated as “twice baked.” At the very beginning of its existence, this food was a so-called “sea cracker”. The product was intended for long sea voyages, as it was filling and could be stored for a long time. That sponge cake was baked without butter, was perfectly dried, and therefore did not become moldy for quite a long time. Of course, then the cream for the sponge roll was a fairy tale that no one dreamed of.

But very soon biscuit crackers became popular on land; they were served with tea as cookies in secular drawing rooms. The English especially loved the dessert, and in the time of Queen Victoria, not a single tea party was complete without sweets. Only now it was a freshly baked sponge cake with various layers, fillings and creams. It was not intended for long-term storage, but had to be used immediately.

In the 17th century, the biscuit triumphantly returned to France, and two centuries later it conquered Australia. Today there are many variations of different biscuit sweets. Cream for sponge rolls is also offered in huge variations. Preparing a delicacy is quite difficult, but many housewives have learned to cope with this task and bake incredibly delicious cakes and rolls.

Basic creams for rolls

Modern chefs prepare many different creams for sponge rolls. But among them there are the most popular options. So, one of these varieties includes butter cream for sponge rolls. Not only is it incredibly tasty, but it is also very convenient for decorating baked goods, as it easily stores and takes on a variety of shapes. One of its versions is prepared from butter, powdered sugar and yolks. You can also add a little cognac or rum to it.

Incredibly tasty and prepared using beaten egg whites. The whites must be beaten with a mixer until an airy foam forms. As a result, such a cream is not suitable for layering cakes; it can only be used to decorate the surface of rolls.

Curd cream is considered the lowest calorie and easiest to prepare. To create it you will need cottage cheese, cream, sugar and vanillin.

A very tasty cream for sponge rolls - sour cream, made from sour cream 15% fat, sugar, vanillin and thickener. Whipped cream based cream is also one of the most appetizing options. Its only drawback is that it must be stored in the refrigerator and only for a few hours. Therefore, you need to prepare the cream immediately before eating the sponge roll.

It is popular for biscuit rolls, which also has the disadvantage of being high in calories. But its unearthly taste justifies this minus. Any of the types described above is considered a perishable product, and therefore it or a roll with it must be kept only in the refrigerator. Storage time ranges from three to 40 hours.

Biscuit ingredients

To bake a tender sponge roll, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 10 eggs.
  • One packet of vanilla sugar.
  • One glass of regular sugar.
  • Half a glass of wheat flour.
  • Half a cup of potato starch.

Preparing the roll

First you should separate the whites and yolks. Then put the whites in the refrigerator for a while, and beat the yolks together with vanilla and regular sugar until white. Gradually add starch and flour into the mixture and knead.

Now in a separate container, beat the whites into a strong foam, then carefully place them on the yolk mixture and stir until a homogeneous dough is obtained. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, grease a baking sheet with oil, sprinkle flour on top, pour out the dough and put it in the oven for 25-35 minutes.

When the biscuit is ready, place it on a clean towel and roll it up. When it has cooled down, you need to carefully unroll the roll, remove the towel, spread the dough with cream and roll it again.

Appetizing and healthy curd cream

Making a biscuit roll is not at all difficult. We bake the roll itself according to the recipe described above. But the cream is prepared in the following way. Soak 10 grams of gelatin in two tablespoons of boiled water. Place 250 grams of village cottage cheese in a sieve and grind it until all the grains disappear. Now put the cheese into a saucepan and add 75 grams of sugar. Mix everything together. Dissolve gelatin in a water bath, then whip 200 milliliters of cream 33% fat with 75 grams of sugar. There should be an air mass. Pour gelatin into the curd mixture and beat the mixture. Then carefully, in small portions, add to the cottage cheese mixture and beat everything again. Our cream for the roll is ready.

Custard cream

To bake a sponge roll with, you need to prepare the dough according to the recipe given in the article. Then prepare the cream itself, which requires a glass of milk, 0.5 cups of sugar, two yolks, a tablespoon of flour, a pinch of vanillin.

Grind the yolks with flour, vanillin and sugar. Now boil the milk, cool it a little and pour it into the yolks, stirring the mass constantly. Place this cream on the stove and cook until thickened, stirring all the time.

Making buttercream

A sponge roll with butter cream is prepared from one package of butter, four eggs, one glass of sugar and one hundred grams of powdered sugar. The roll is baked according to an already known recipe. Then we move on to creating the cream: beat the eggs into a saucepan, mix them with sugar and put the container on the fire. Stir the mixture constantly until a thick mass is formed. Then cool the contents of the pan. Meanwhile, beat the butter and powdered sugar and pour in the egg mixture. If desired, you can add a little vanillin. Place the cold, prepared cream on top and roll it into a roll.

Biscuit secrets

Our article provides a recipe for sponge roll with butter. You also need to familiarize yourself with some of the secrets of preparing the biscuit itself to make the roll even tastier. So, in the container in which the dough will be prepared there should be no wet, greasy or other traces. Only in this case will you be able to get a lush dessert.

It is recommended to beat eggs at the highest power of the mixer. The resulting elastic foam should increase its volume by four to five times. If you work with a hand whisk, it is better to beat the ingredients in one direction, then the dough will not settle. The color and consistency of the egg mass should be similar to whipped cream.

25/05/2012 |

Thin, melt-in-your-mouth sponge cake, tender and airy whipped cream and sweet and sour cherries - you can’t tear yourself away from this roll!

biscuit dough:
a two hundred gram glass is used.
4 chicken eggs
1 cup of sugar
1 cup flour
soda slaked with vinegar
500 ml. cream 35% fat
50 gr. powdered sugar
For filling
200 gr. fresh pitted cherries

First you need to bake the biscuit. To do this, separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with sugar, add flour and stir.
Beat the whites in a separate bowl with a clean whisk until stiff (well-beaten whites should not fall off an inverted spoon).

Gently fold the whites into the dough and mix. Add baking soda slaked with vinegar and mix gently again.
Pour the dough into the mold (if the mold is without a special coating, the bottom must be greased with butter). The height of the dough should be 5 mm.

Place the pan in a cold oven and bake the sponge cake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees (depend on your oven, it may take less time).
Immediately transfer the finished sponge cake onto a damp towel and roll it into a roll.

Let cool slightly and unwrap.
To prepare the cream, beat the chilled cream at the lowest speed until stiff for five minutes. Gradually add powdered sugar and beat a little more. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not to beat the cream, otherwise it will become liquid again. Ready-made whipped cream holds its shape well.

To obtain a thicker cream, the finished cream can be refrigerated.
Place the cherries in a small sieve and let the juice drain.

Cover the sponge cake with some cream. Place the cherry on top, pressing it slightly into the cream.

Roll up the roll.

Decorate the roll with the remaining cream to your liking.

Place the roll in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.


To prepare sponge roll with butter cream and raspberries we will need:

For biscuit:

  • 6 eggs
  • 240 gr. Sahara
  • 180 gr. sifted flour
  • 4 tbsp. cold water

For fillings:

  • 200 ml. cream (at least 30%)
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • ½ packet vanilla sugar
  • Raspberries (I used frozen)
  • Apricot jam
  • Chocolate for decoration

These are the products we need for cooking two rolls 40 cm each.

And these are the ingredients for the filling.

First, prepare the biscuit dough.
Very carefully separate the whites from the yolks.

Add 4 tablespoons of cold water, half the sugar to the whites and beat until stiff peaks form.

Add the remaining sugar to the yolks and beat with a mixer until white.

Add half of the whipped whites to the beaten yolks.

Mix carefully.

Add sifted flour to the resulting mass.

Mix very carefully in one direction until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Now add the remaining whites.

And again mix very carefully until you get a homogeneous dough.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, place half of the dough on the baking sheet and spread evenly over the entire area.

Bake the biscuit in a preheated oven at temperature 200 degrees approximately 10 minutes, the cake should be browned.

Carefully turn the cake over with the paper side up and remove the paper.

Prepare a towel in advance, on which we place the biscuit and roll it into a roll using the towel. You can see how to do this in the photo, believe me, there is nothing difficult.
Let the biscuit cool.
We prepare the second biscuit using the same principle.

When the biscuit has cooled and taken the shape of a roll, remove it from the towel.
This is such a beautiful roll.

All! Our rolls are ready, you can start preparing the filling.
If raspberries or other berries are frozen, take them out in advance so that they are completely defrosted.

Let's prepare the butter cream. This is very simple to do; beat the cream with sugar and vanilla sugar at high speed to form a strong foam.
Just don't overdo it!

Carefully unroll the sponge cake, grease it with the resulting butter cream, lay out the raspberries and roll it up.
Grease the second sponge cake with your favorite jam.
I took apricot, but it will be very tasty with strawberry or cherry.
If you plan to make two buttercream rolls, then the amount of ingredients needs to be doubled.

Coat the roll with cream on all sides and decorate it at your discretion.
I decorated it like this.

I decorated the jam roll with melted chocolate.

I got these two very tasty and beautiful rolls.

Here's a cross-section of a roll with cream.

And this one with jam.

Please your loved ones with a delicious, very tender sponge roll.
And of course, I look forward to your feedback!


My regular reader Leptusa not only cooks different dishes according to my recipes herself, but shares them with her friends. Recently, a friend, or rather godmother Oksana, came to visit her, and she brought with her a delicious roll with condensed milk and peanuts. By slightly changing my recipe, she came up with a wonderful dessert, a photo of which she shared with me, and I, of course, with you. Well, it turned out very tasty!