Dr. Komarovsky smell from the mouth of children. Bad breath in a child: is there any reason to be afraid

Doctors call bad breath halitosis. Usually, bad breath in a child can occur in case of sugar abuse, dryness of the nasopharynx, or poor brushing of teeth, which disappears after a while. If a child has halitosis for a long time, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician for qualified advice. A different smell from the mouth indicates pathological processes or serious diseases that require immediate treatment.


Option 1: The smell of pus

Before determining the cause of the smell from the mouth of the child, it is necessary to visit the dentist to exclude the presence of caries and other problems with the teeth of the baby. Most often, the smell from the mouth manifests itself in the morning, when there is an increased reproduction of microbes due to the drying of the nasopharyngeal membrane.

The reasons

The smell of pus most often indicates diseases of the nasopharynx. The smell of pus is formed due to the presence of purulent plugs and plaque on the tonsils, the causes of which are:

  • chronic inflammation of the lymphoid tissue in the child's nasopharynx;
  • sinusitis;
  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • chronic tonsillitis.

Additional symptoms:

What to do

If there is a purulent smell from the child's mouth, it is necessary to consult an ENT doctor. Treatment involves the elimination of the disease that caused bad breath, namely:

  • the use of antibiotic therapy;
  • pumping out pus from the paranasal sinuses or stimulating its discharge;
  • rinsing the nose with a solution of sea salt (a teaspoon per liter of water);
  • instill nose drops, according to the diagnosis established by the doctor;
  • gargling with soda, decoctions of herbs.

Folk methods to eliminate the smell of pus caused by diseases of the nasopharynx:

  • Grind 4 grams of celandine grass and mix with equal parts of aloe juice and honey. Bury in each nostril three drops 4-5 times a day. Do not use in children under 6 years of age.
  • Oil of sea buckthorn or rose hips instill 2 - 3 drops in each nostril up to five times a day. Do not use in children under two years of age.
  • Mix two tablespoons of lavender, sage, eucalyptus, St. John's wort and chamomile, one tablespoon each. yarrow and string. Mix herbs well. Pour 3 tablespoons of the collection with 2 liters of boiling water, cover and leave for 30 minutes. Strain the decoction and take 100 ml every three hours. You can carry out inhalation from this decoction before going to bed.
  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt is poured with a liter of boiled warm water. Rinse the nose should be with a break of several hours, well before that, clearing the nasal cavity of snot.

Option 2: The smell of acetone

The smell of acetone from the mouth of a child is one of the most alarming signals.

The reasons

If the smell is strong and is accompanied by an increased body temperature, this indicates acetonemic syndrome, in which the level of acetone in the blood rises, which is extremely dangerous for the child.

Causes of an increase in acetone in the blood:

  • food poisoning;
  • frequent use of antibiotics;
  • frequent colds;
  • starvation;
  • frequent stress and nervous strain;
  • great physical activity;
  • not enough outdoor exercise

If the smell of acetone from the mouth is weak, the reasons for it may be:

Additional symptoms

The symptoms that accompany the smell of acetone from the child's mouth depend on the disease or disorder occurring in the body.

  • fast fatiguability;
  • weakness;
  • skin itching;
  • elevated levels of acetone in urine and blood;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • lethargy;
  • stool disorders.

What to do

If acetonemic syndrome is suspected, it is urgent to call an ambulance and, before it arrives, often give the child boiled water in a teaspoon.

If a child has the smell of acetone from his mouth, an urgent examination by his doctor is necessary to identify the causes. To do this, they rent and carry out:

  • blood and urine analysis;
  • analysis of feces for worms;
  • determination of blood sugar levels;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, liver or kidneys.

After the diagnosis is established, the treatment of the child is carried out according to it. General recommendations for the smell of acetone from the mouth of a child:

  • adhere to a water-alkaline diet;
  • take plenty of fluids per day;
  • taking enzymes to improve the functioning of the stomach;
  • take fresh food, not fried or greasy.

Option 3: Smell of rot

Putrid breath in a child is one of the most common, it can be caused by many reasons, it requires careful attention and visits to several doctors at once.

The reasons

Causes of putrid odor from the mouth:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • caries;
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • oral dysbacteriosis;
  • colitis,
  • pathology of the salivary glands;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pneumonia;
  • tartar;
  • tuberculosis.

Additional symptoms

The symptoms that accompany putrid odor from the mouth depend on the cause of its occurrence. Usually, additional symptoms may include:

What to do

If there is a putrid smell from the child's mouth, you should visit a dentist who will examine his teeth. If the teeth are in order, it is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist. Treatment is based on the causes and symptoms of the disease, often these are:

  • taking antibacterial therapy;
  • thorough brushing of teeth and use of mouthwash;
  • keeping a moderate diet;
  • with stomatitis, the use of a special ointment based on chamomile;
  • rinsing the mouth with a solution of sage;
  • elimination of a runny nose with drops.

Folk remedies for eliminating stomatitis or periodontal disease:

  • Mix a teaspoon of tea with the same amount of grated tongue. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and insist under the lid for half an hour. Rinse the mouth with strained infusion after brushing your teeth for 10 minutes for 2 weeks.
  • From bleeding gums, you should chew a plantain leaf three times a day, spitting out the chewed leaves.
  • A teaspoon of linden and 2 tsp. mix oak bark and pour two cups of boiling water. Infuse the decoction for 10 minutes, then strain and rinse your mouth several times a day.
  • With stomatitis, chewing the washed leaves of Kalanchoe or aloe several times a day will help relieve inflammation.
  • Rinse the juice with carrot or cabbage juice half diluted with water several times a day.
  • To reduce pain, you can mix a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with half a glass of water and rinse your mouth several times a day.
  • Garlic helps to get rid of bacteria. You should mix grated garlic with sour cream 1:3 and keep this mixture in your mouth for 30 minutes several times a day.

Option 4: The smell of rotten eggs

There are not so many reasons for the appearance of a rotten smell from the mouth in a child. It is easy to recognize in order to start treatment on time.

The reasons

The reasons for the appearance of the smell of rotten eggs from the mouth of a child are not at all harmless, it is necessary to carefully monitor his oral cavity.

Additional symptoms

The symptoms that appear with a rotten smell from the mouth of a child may not appear for a long time, so it is important to visit a doctor on time to prevent diseases.

  • pain in the stomach;
  • discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dysbacteriosis of the stomach;
  • decrease or increase in appetite;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • belching bitterness;
  • pain in the liver.

What to do

If there is a smell of rotten eggs from the child's mouth, you should immediately consult a gastroenterologist who will prescribe tests:

  • blood and urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • analysis of feces for worms;
  • gastroscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract.

When gastrointestinal disorders are detected, medications are prescribed according to the causes of the smell.

If the cause is gastritis, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet indicated by the doctor.

Alternative methods of treatment of gastritis:

  • Every morning for a month, eat a teaspoon of acacia honey on an empty stomach, drinking a glass of boiled water. Eat 15 minutes after the procedure. The course of treatment is a month.
  • Take freshly squeezed cabbage juice twice a day for half a glass 60 minutes before meals.
  • Pour a teaspoon of chopped burdock root with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist for 12 hours, take 4 times a day for half a glass.
  • Drink in the morning on an empty stomach freshly squeezed potato juice in an amount of one glass, then lie down for half an hour. You can eat 60 minutes after taking the juice. The course of treatment is 10 days, with a break of 10 days. Do three repetitions of the course.

Option 5: Sour Smell

The sour smell has several reasons for the appearance, which will help the parents of the child to accurately know which doctor to contact.

The reasons

  • gastritis;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • inflammatory process in the stomach;
  • duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcer;
  • diverticulum of the esophagus;
  • thrush;
  • the entry of gastric juice into the child's esophagus.

Additional symptoms

What to do

With sour breath in a child, you should visit a gastroenterologist, conduct the necessary examinations of the state of the gastrointestinal tract. After the results of the analysis, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications for treatment, perhaps the therapy will take place in a hospital.

If the smell appeared due to the presence of thrush in a child, the following folk remedies will help:

  • A teaspoon of chamomile flowers is brewed with a glass of boiling water, infused for 30 minutes. The filtered solution is used to wipe the child's mouth several times a day. The product can be given to infants.
  • Children older than 6 months can wipe the mouth with freshly squeezed carrot juice several times a day.
  • Pour 20 grams of chopped St. John's wort with a glass of water. Put on fire, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Repeat the procedure three times, then boil the decoction for 15 minutes. When the decoction has cooled, strain it and use it to rinse your mouth.
  • Pour 20 grams of calendula flowers with a glass of boiling water. Leave the decoction for an hour. Strained decoction to lubricate the affected area of ​​the mouth 5 - 6 times a day.

Prevention of bad breath in a child:

  • it is necessary to brush the baby's teeth already from the appearance of the first tooth, using a brush - a nozzle on the finger;
  • teach the baby to brush his teeth properly when he grows up a little;
  • do not abuse the intake of sweets that cause the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity;
  • the tongue of the child should be cleaned with a special brush or bandage dipped in boiled water;
  • teach your child to drink enough water per day;
  • the child's nutrition should be according to age, it is necessary to introduce fruits, vegetables, foods containing calcium and phosphorus into the diet;
  • do not allow the development of stressful situations for the baby, especially avoid quarrels in the family;
  • once a year, you should visit not only the dentist, it is advisable to conduct a complete examination of the body with all doctors.

It is important to remember that the use of folk remedies should first be discussed with the doctor so as not to harm the child.


Any changes in the health status of children are accompanied by various symptoms - lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, and even the occurrence of bad breath. The last symptom is a particularly important indicator that something is wrong in the child's body. Bad breath in a child can signal the development of various diseases that every parent should be aware of.

Bad breath in medicine is called in one word - halitosis. Its development is provoked by bacteria that are in the oral cavity. Some of them allow you to maintain a certain microflora in your mouth, so they are absolutely safe for health. But there are some that are unsafe.

As a rule, both those and other bacteria maintain the balance of microflora. But the influence of some factors, such as starvation, stress, infectious processes, can provoke active reproduction and growth of pathogenic microorganisms, resulting in a change in the microflora of the oral cavity.

In the absence of pathological processes in the body, newborns smell like milk from the mouth, since at this age they only eat it, which leads to the active growth of lactic bacteria. It is they who during this life period of the child suppress the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Children older than one year should also not have halitosis. And if bad breath appeared in a child 2 years old and older, then it is necessary to carefully analyze the situation and identify the main reason why this symptom arose and what it can signal.

However, if you have previously undergone a complete examination with your child and no pathologies have been identified, you should not worry. After all, even a perfectly healthy baby can sometimes experience halitosis. This is due to several reasons:

  1. Eating certain foods that do not smell the best on their own, such as fresh garlic or onions. These products contain substances that are quickly absorbed into the blood, but are excreted from the body for a very long time. Therefore, after their use, halitosis in a child may persist for the next few days.
  2. Wrong nutrition. If a child eats a lot of protein foods (meat, fish, seafood, etc.), then it is likely that this is the cause of his halitosis. This occurs due to the fact that the protein is digested for a very long time by the digestive system, and when it is consumed in very large quantities, putrefactive processes occur in the digestive system, which lead to bad breath in the child. It is worth noting that the cause of the appearance of halitosis in a baby can be hard cheese, which children love so much. The thing is that when it is digested, sulfur compounds are formed in the body, which are released along with the exhaled air.
  3. Stress. With any excitation of the nervous system, some babies experience increased sweating and salivation, which leads to the occurrence of halitosis.
  4. Lack of or improper observance of personal hygiene rules. Many children simply do not like to brush their teeth or do it poorly, which leads to the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Parents should explain to the child the importance of this procedure and show him how to properly care for the oral cavity. It is not enough to simply brush the surface of your teeth. It is also necessary to clean the surface of the tongue and the inside of the cheeks regularly, as they also carry bacteria.
  5. Eating large amounts of sugar. Various chocolates, cookies and other sweets that contain sugar cause fermentation processes in the body, which creates a favorable environment for the development of bacteria and the appearance of bad breath.

If you notice halitosis in your baby, you can correct the situation yourself, but only if the child does not have various pathological processes. First of all, it is necessary to exclude crumbs of sweetness from the diet. If the child does not have an allergic reaction to honey, then it is better to use it instead of sugar.

At the same time, care should be taken to ensure that the baby consumes as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, especially carrots and apples, as they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the oral mucosa and help to suppress the growth of bacteria.

A very important role in this matter is played by a full-fledged oral care. Teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day. Rinsing the mouth should be carried out after each meal and it is advisable to do this with herbal decoctions that have an aseptic effect (for example, chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, etc.).

It is important to teach your baby how to use dental floss, since it is very difficult to remove food debris in the interdental space with a regular brush. But it is they who can also provoke the appearance of an unpleasant odor, since if they are not removed, they begin to rot.

In the event that parents carefully monitor their baby, follow all the rules described above, but the child still has bad breath, the reasons may be hidden in pathological processes. It is very important to show the baby to the doctor and try to explain to him the nature of the unpleasant odor. After all, it is different and it can be used to make a preliminary diagnosis.

  1. If a child has a smell of rotten eggs from his mouth, then this indicates a violation of the stomach and the occurrence of inflammatory processes in it.
  2. Sour breath in children signals the increased acidity of the stomach and the occurrence of gastritis or ulcers. And the putrid smell is about low acidity.
  3. If the baby smells of acetone from the mouth, then this indicates development.
  4. Kidney pathologies are manifested by an unpleasant smell of ammonia from the oral cavity.
  5. If a child smells like cabbage or feces from his mouth, then this indicates a disturbed metabolism.
  6. Diseases of the liver are manifested by a sweet smell from the mouth.

But it is worth noting that bad breath in a child can also occur as a result of the development of other diseases. For example, in the presence of adenoids. They represent an overgrown lymphoid tissue in which chronic inflammation occurs. As a result of its growth, mucus is formed on the surface of the adenoids, which exhausts the unpleasant odor. This symptom should not be ignored, since the appearance of adenoids leads to the fact that the child begins to breathe through the mouth. And this contributes to the drying of the mucosa and its traumatization.

Halitosis in a child can occur as a result of various viral and infectious diseases of the throat and mouth, as well as respiratory diseases in acute or chronic form.

In addition, the appearance of bad breath in a child 3 years and older may occur against the background of the presence of carious teeth and gum disease. Often it appears as a result of the development of a fungal infection. It is very simple to determine it, since when a fungus appears, all the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are covered with a white coating.

If we talk about why a child has bad breath, then several more diseases should be noted:

  • chronic diseases of the digestive system - stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, etc.;
  • viral diseases such as chickenpox, smallpox, etc.;
  • liver disease;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • genetic diseases leading to metabolic disorders;
  • dysbacteriosis.

Some children develop halitosis while taking certain medications. Most often, its appearance provokes the use of antibacterial agents.

If you notice that your baby has intermittent bad breath, take him to the doctor right away. After all, this symptom, while observing all the rules of personal hygiene, clearly indicates the presence of serious diseases that require urgent treatment.

Video about bad breath in children

The problem of halitosis affects not only adults, but also children. It is characterized by the presence of an unpleasant odor in the oral cavity and can occur for various reasons.

In a child, bad breath can be caused by a massive accumulation of microorganisms (viruses, but more often bacteria), as well as other factors associated with digestive system problems.

Sometimes it is enough to provide good hygienic care for the oral cavity, and it happens that you have to treat chronic diseases that cause this ailment.

In any case, this trouble cannot be ignored. If bad breath persists with good dental care, you should seek help from a doctor.

Only he is able to identify the disease and the degree of its development. With timely treatment, many health problems can be avoided. And when identifying existing ones, it is important to properly cure.

What is evidence of halitosis in children and its causes

There is a lot to be said about the factors influencing bad breath in childhood. Often, such a manifestation is not the only one, but it is accompanied by a number of other concomitant signs of the disease.

Thanks to them, doctors identify the disease that provoked such unpleasant consequences. After diagnosing a child's body, an accurate diagnosis is determined and treatment is prescribed.

  • The main causes of odor in children are the oral cavity and its hygiene. At a younger age, these can be diseases in the form of stomatitis, and in a teenager, caries and various types of periodontal disease can be noted.
  • The second reason is directly related to the digestive system, namely, its diseases. Numerous studies have shown that children who were bottle-fed suffer from this type of disease. Among children who feed on mother's breast milk, this problem occurs much less frequently. The presence of dysbacteriosis and pancreatitis - all this affects the smell of the child's mouth. You can identify this problem by accompanying signs in the form of frequent belching, problems with stools, bloating, and increased gas formation.
  • Chronic constipation. In this case, a putrid odor may be felt. Moreover, not only from the mouth, but the entire excretory system. For example, in the form of sweat. This disease is characterized by frequent and repeated constipation. If this happened once, a lack of fluid in the body or a malnutrition could provoke constipation.
  • Often a child is diagnosed with bad breath due to problems in the nasopharynx. The inflammatory process that occurs in this area provokes swelling, snoring and complete blockage of the nasal passages, preventing breathing through the nose. For an unpleasant smell, diseases of rhinitis, tonsillitis and adenoids are characteristic, and especially in chronic forms.
  • Nutrition is of great importance. It must be balanced and correct. If these rules are violated, malfunctions in the digestive system begin, which entail bad breath. You should limit the consumption of exclusively sweet and protein foods, giving preference to fruits and vegetables. Often a bad smell can be triggered by certain products with the appropriate aroma. These include onions and garlic.
  • Often during illness, the child's body temperature rises. It can also cause bad breath. This is due to the drying up of the oral cavity, since during the disease there is an increase in metabolism, manifested in the form of increased sweating.
  • Often, due to a change in bite, an odor can be felt. This is due to the destruction and decomposition of the tissues of the mucous membrane. Especially if children are teething.

What could be the smell

With any health problems in a child, parents seek to find the causes in order to eliminate them.

But there are times when minor deviations should not only alert, but also become a reason for an immediate trip to the doctor.

Any smell exhaled from the mouth of a child is the result of any processes in the body, and sometimes diseases. For diagnosis and further treatment, the nature of the smell is established.

  • The smell of acetone. It is a consequence of acetonemic syndrome. Appears due to the accumulation of acetone in the body. It provokes tachycardia, diabetes and urolithiasis. At the first sign, an ambulance is immediately called. Before the arrival of doctors, the child is soldered with boiled water in a teaspoon with an interval of 10 minutes.
  • Putrid smell. It is felt in diseases of the ears, throat and nose. These include various types of dental diseases and abnormalities in the digestive system. When the smell of rot appears, seek the help of a doctor to determine the exact causes and treatment.
  • Sour smell. It manifests itself in diseases of the digestive system, especially with gastritis. To confirm the diagnosis, consult a gastroenterologist.
  • Rotten smell. Most often it manifests itself with flatulence, bloating, increased gas formation, diarrhea and plaque on the surface of the tongue. These are clear signs of abundant release of air from the cavity of the stomach, saturated with hydrogen sulfide. The characteristic smell from the mouth of a child is released with increased acidity of gastric juice in the stomach, a consequence of liver failure, the presence of an ulcer, with kidney diseases and oncological diseases of the digestive system. Having passed all the necessary tests, the gastroenterologist will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
  • Smell of vinegar. It may be the result of a disorder in the work of the pancreas, the presence of dysbacteriosis in the intestine and the result of periodontal disease. By contacting a dentist, you can determine the causes of bad breath in a child.
  • Sweet smell. It is characteristic of liver diseases. These are all groups of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. This is a sharp sign of why the child should be taken to the doctor immediately.
  • The smell of snot. This is a clear sign of a disorder or disease of the nasopharynx associated with the inflammatory process. Only a doctor (ENT) can treat such diseases, who, after a detailed examination, prescribes antibiotics.
  • Vomit smell. Signals malfunctions in the gallbladder. Occurs as a result of poor outflow of bile. After contacting a doctor, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is performed, then appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Factors leading to dryness

Important reasons why an unpleasant odor appeared from the child's mouth may lie in the weak moisture content of the oral cavity.

Dryness causes optimal conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria and microbes.

These conditions may be due to various factors, especially in older age. After all, infants have constant salivation, which is capable of destroying microorganisms.

What can not be said about older age. This is facilitated by:

  • Overlapping of the nasopharynx with adenoids and formations on the tonsils. This becomes the reason why it is easier to breathe through the mouth than through the nose. Due to breathing through the oral cavity, it is drained, leading to unpleasant consequences.
  • Another reason why a child breathes through the mouth and not through the nose is diseases associated with chronic rhinitis and sinusitis.
  • If a child has a deviated nasal septum, it also becomes a barrier to breathing through the nose.
  • A strong smell from the mouth can be observed in the morning. The reasons may lie in involuntary breathing through the oral cavity during a night's sleep. To fix this problem, contact the doctor.

Effect of children's age on smell

In addition to accompanying symptoms and factors, the presence of bad breath in a child may be related to age. If in infants up to a year old, a milky aroma is most often observed, then at an older age changes occur.

  • 2-3 years. At this time, a bad odor may appear due to poor oral hygiene. The child is just getting the first brushing skills. It should be explained to the baby that it is important to monitor the teeth, and show how to do it correctly.
  • 4 years. At this age, children observe an increased consumption of sweets, protein and carbohydrate foods. It is necessary to completely revise the diet in favor of healthy foods rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables.
  • 5-6 years. During this period, the presence of a problem may indicate the presence of the disease. It can be associated with both the digestive system and dentistry. Do not exclude ENT diseases. Timely consult a doctor for prevention and treatment.
  • From 10 years. This is cause for concern. This can be a serious violation in the work of the whole organism of the child. To establish the causes, they urgently go to the hospital.


When halitosis is detected in childhood, no special treatment is usually required. It is enough to carry out a number of necessary measures for oral hygiene. To do this, brush your teeth regularly with children's toothpaste and brushes.

It is necessary to explain to the baby that it is important to brush not only the teeth, but also the surface of the tongue. It contains bacteria to a greater extent. Also, parents should review the diet of their child.

Exclude various sweets and limit the consumption of carbohydrate and protein foods. Instead, enrich the diet in favor of fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods.

If, after taking the necessary measures, the child again has a strange smell from the mouth, it is necessary to seek the advice of a pediatric dentist.

He will help determine the cause of this problem, as well as refer you to the appropriate specialist if the disease is not of a dental nature.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity of their children. Often the problem can be solved faster if you consult a doctor in time.

Prevention is just as important. After all, it is always better to prevent a disease than to cure it.

Useful video

I ask you not to mock and not to scoff. For me, the topic is very important and serious. Sorry for being anonymous and that there will be no photo, just take my word for it. We have a very beautiful girl. She is 12 years old, she looks a little older than her age, and she is very beautiful. So much so that they look back at her on the street. At school, she is pursued by two guys, one is a classmate, the second is in her senior year. Even the neighbors in the elevator are constantly complimenting. It infuriates me terribly that even old goats of retirement age with an oily sheen in their eyes begin to coo - oh, what a sweet berry, someone will be lucky to have such a wife. What a wife, hello, she's still a child!!!

My daughter loves this attention. She gladly accepts courtship, compliments, loves to spin in front of the mirror. Trying on my stuff. She asks to buy her more and more new things, although she has a whole closet. Recently, the teacher called and said that she wears cosmetics. She has a nursery, but from the description, I realized that she took mine little by little, mascara, foundation, etc. I absolutely forbid it! In makeup, she looks even older, and she is literally not allowed to pass!

For some time now, I began to buy free things for her, since youth fashion allowed, oversize and that's it. She protests, she wants tight, sequined, the brightest colors. I think it's dangerous. But I don't know how to explain. She is angry with me, we quarrel. I also ask you not to walk down the street with your hair loose, to make at least a ponytail or even collect a braid into a bump. Refuses! I'm terribly afraid for her. Many times I saw and heard myself how they whistle her and then offer to ride, and so on. I'm scared! She does not understand, she is angry, offended by me. What to do, help?!



They constantly say that your child is the best, but this is not so. Daughter 14 years old, went to the father-in-law - broad-boned, short, plump cheeks, a nose with potatoes. You also have to wear glasses, lenses are not allowed. She also loves to eat, I constantly say not to eat so much. He doesn't like dressing up, he only wears a skirt with a scandal, he doesn't like to style his hair, he's too lazy to get up 15 minutes earlier in front of school to put himself in order. From the age of 10 I tried to make up and twirled in front of the mirror all the time, at 16-17 I was the most beautiful girl in school. Now I am 38, I take care of myself very much, I spend a lot of money and time on it, no one gives more than 25, there are fans besides a loving husband. After all, she will marry in 8-12 years, and we cannot give a dowry, who will marry her? I constantly have conversations on this topic with my daughter, no result, we have one hobby: a climbing wall, she doesn’t want anything else and doesn’t know how. Beautiful mothers, how do you put up with the fact that your daughters are ugly?



For me, the concepts of "terrible" and "beautiful" are very vague. For example, I like upturned noses, plump lips and tall stature. Someone prefers miniature, with delicate features. But still...
Do you tell children that he (or she) is beautiful? Do you think that your child is beautiful in the accepted standards? If a child does not like something in his appearance - how do you react?

I'll probably start. I think my daughter is beautiful. Dimples, eyes, height. I would like my hair to be thicker, you can’t really wind anything on your head and I don’t want to grow long hair for now, because long liquid hair is white ... We will do a fashionable hairstyle)



This year I am babysitting a third grader. The boy is good. Mom is in her business, dad is present with money. Everything suits me both financially and geographically. But there is such a subtle point. I try not to communicate with my ward more than stipulated by the stipulated duties. But he, not finding enough attention from relatives, began to become attached to me. And every day it is more confidential and easier - he tells, asks for advice, and now he asked me to come to him for his birthday (mother does not mind). Frankly speaking, such friendship is not at all included in my plans, but how - without traumatizing - to explain that I am hired personnel and only that this is my job, for which I am paid?



A child was born to my husband and I, a long-awaited girl. I was on my nerves throughout the pregnancy, crying endlessly. The fact is that when I was in the second month, my husband was sued, for paternity and alimony. According to the plaintiff, they had a relationship and two years ago a child was born. My husband denied everything. He said that this woman just worked for him and there was nothing between them.
My world collapsed. The story with the court began, everything got into it. Finally, an examination was appointed and the husband, as a result, was not the father.
There is a great desire to sue this woman for slander and recover all costs and moral damage.



And which surname did you like more - your maiden or husband, which you now wear? Did they gladly change their surname or because the husband insisted, like “it’s supposed to be that the family has the same surname”? Or vice versa - they did not change, because their own is better? The topic is just to chat.


Mothers constantly monitor the health of their children. When a special smell arises from the mouth, they begin to look for the cause of this pathology. Bad breath is caused by various reasons, the main of which is irregular oral care. However, in some cases, the symptoms that appear may signal the occurrence of serious health problems for the baby and the need to visit a pediatrician. Why does a child (2 years old)

Types of bad breath in children

There are several types of odor that can occur in a child. To determine it, you do not need to visit a specialist, but you can do it yourself.

Types of odors:

  1. Chemical. It occurs when taking antibiotics or other medications. Sometimes this may indicate the presence of diseases of the digestive system.
  2. Sweetish. The smell may indicate liver problems in the baby. To avoid serious problems in the future, it is urgent to contact a gastroenterologist.
  3. Rotten. Sometimes when a child burps, there is a disgusting smell, reminiscent of rotten eggs. This may indicate diseases of the digestive tract. Sometimes such a smell is felt with severe lesions of the excretory system.

If the child is 2 years old, there is a smell from the mouth, then the mother needs to go with the baby to a medical institution.


The child is old enough to try some foods without an adult. A temporary deterioration in the smell of breath can provoke garlic, onions, celery, smoked meats. When food residues are mixed with saliva, various enzymatic reactions occur in the mouth in the form of fermentation. The smell from the mouth in a child (2 years old) appears for the same reason, so parents need to brush their teeth to eliminate it.

Problems with the digestive system

A particularly nasty smell in a baby can cause heartburn or belching, which occurs constantly. Mom needs to watch the baby after eating. If the baby develops dysbacteriosis, then he will be disturbed by flatulence and increased gas formation.

If there are problems with the sphincter, then some of the contents of the stomach can be thrown into the esophagus, which causes sour breath in the child. Together with a similar symptom, the presence of bitterness in the mouth, nausea, hiccups, and vomiting is possible. If an intestinal pathology occurs, a black plaque is noticeable on the baby's teeth, which encircles their necks. When parents notice a particular smell from the mouth of a child, it is best to go to an appointment with a specialist.

Oral hygiene

Poor care of the baby's teeth contributes to the formation of plaque, in which pathogenic microorganisms constantly multiply. They cause bad breath in a child. 2 years is the time when the baby's teeth continue to be cut, so it is extremely important to prevent unsanitary conditions of the oral cavity during this period. Parents should constantly take care of the cleanliness of the baby's mouth. If he refuses to brush his teeth, then perhaps the reason is a toothbrush or toothpaste that he does not like. The sooner you manage to form the right attitude towards oral care, the faster the situations associated with bad breath will be resolved.

Parents should monitor this process constantly. Sometimes they do this until the child is 7-10 years old.

Pathologies of ENT organs

The oral cavity and adjacent organs affect the content of saliva, its composition and properties. If chronic diseases of the ENT organs appear, then its viscosity increases. This is caused not only by the microflora of the oral cavity, but also by the habit of not closing the mouth. Saliva normally cleans the teeth from food debris. During sleep or mouth breathing, this process is disturbed. Instead of a method of brushing teeth, saliva becomes a factor contributing to the growth of microorganisms and bad breath in a 2-year-old child.

Colds and ARI

With heat, there is a smell from the mouth, which becomes fetid. Children of 2 years of age are prone to the occurrence of such a pathology, because they start attending kindergarten, their immune system weakens.

Viral stomatitis is characterized by a viscous state of saliva, redness and swelling of the gums. When the tongue is affected, plaque appears on it, as well as pain during dental care and eating.

Bad breath in a child (2 years old) occurs with stomatitis, which is characteristic of diseases such as chicken pox, scarlet fever and herperangina.

Dr. Komarovsky about the causes of the smell

Factors that cause bad breath in a child can be of a different nature. If the child is 2 years old, bad breath may be caused by bacteria. After all, microbes emit waste products that smell of sulfur. Usually, saliva has a detrimental effect on microorganisms, but if its properties and composition are changed, then they begin to multiply intensively. As a result, bacterial infections occur in the nose, bronchi and trachea.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the smell from the mouth of a child (2 years old) cannot be caused by diseases of the digestive tract, because it does not penetrate outside due to the closing valve of the stomach. But the food that the baby has eaten can adversely affect the freshness of breath. This usually happens when eating garlic or onions. Such a smell should not cause concern, because it passes on its own.

Komarovsky believes that bad breath in a child can occur with maxillary sinus disease. This is due to the appearance of pus in them. An unpleasant odor is present in angina and other inflammatory processes in the larynx and tonsils. Even a common runny nose leads to the fact that the child breathes through the nose, saliva dries up and pathogens develop.

The real cause of bad breath in a child (2 years old) is the pathological condition of the teeth. If he has swelling and redness of the gums, caries, then it is urgent to contact a pediatric dentist.

The doctor emphasizes that the specificity of this indicator also plays a role in establishing the cause of bad breath. If it is felt possible, diseases such as diabetes mellitus or gallbladder disease develop.

Komarovsky warns that the sweet smell should cause alertness in parents, because it is accompanied by serious pathologies of the liver or kidneys.

In any case, the child's unpleasant breathing is a reason for urgent treatment to a medical facility.

With a change in the microflora of the oral cavity, according to Komarovsky, parents can cope on their own. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the humidity level in the room in the region of 50-70%. To do this, you need to purchase a humidifier.

To achieve a sufficient amount of saliva, the baby needs to constantly drink lemon water. It consists of ordinary water, lemon juice and a slice of lemon. An acidic environment can irritate the receptors, so there will be an active production of saliva, microbes will die.

If bad breath occurs with a runny nose, the child needs to do saline lavages and give more liquid in a warm form.


If an unpleasant smell occurs, a child (2 years old or older, does not matter) is taken to the dentist. If the doctor does not observe any pathology associated with the teeth, then it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist or otolaryngologist.

The baby is still too young to complain, but the mother usually fixes the smell. When diagnosing, its nature is established - constant or periodic, the time of formation (morning or evening).

It is important for the doctor to find out where the smell comes from. It happens that the study and analyzes did not reveal any pathology. Perhaps this is an individual feature of the child, which can be found very rarely. In this case, you should more carefully monitor oral hygiene.

How to get rid of the smell?

If a child has bad breath, all measures should be taken to get rid of such a symptom.

First of all, with the smell from the mouth of a child (2.5 years old or older), you need to show the pediatrician to determine the exact cause. Effective treatment is usually prescribed by a doctor; you should not treat the baby yourself.

Mom can do the following:

  • to normalize the composition of saliva, you need to create an appropriate microclimate in the children's room;
  • give the child more water;
  • regularly visit a doctor to check the condition of the oral cavity;
  • if the nose is blocked, then it is necessary to wash it with saline solution.

To permanently get rid of bad breath, you need to approach the solution of the problem in a complex manner. The doctor prescribes the correct treatment, but parents must also follow separate recommendations.

If a child is 2 years old and has bad breath, he should not eat a lot of sweets. It is best to give honey instead of sweets, which has bactericidal properties.

The baby needs to consume a large amount of sour fruits. They cause increased salivation, significantly reduce odor.

Parents should ensure regular oral hygiene, which should begin at 6 months of age. To do this, you can buy special soft brushes. When the child grows up, he will learn to brush his own teeth. How to properly clean the tongue and the surface of the cheeks should be taught by his parents. Moms can do this by personal example.

It is good to rinse your mouth before going to bed with decoctions of medicinal plants, which will help improve the microflora of the oral cavity and freshen your breath.


In preventing an unpleasant odor in a child, following simple rules for caring for the oral cavity will be invaluable help. Proper nutrition is important, the exclusion of sweets from the diet and the inclusion of fresh fruits. These recommendations will help to significantly reduce the likelihood of odor. Sometimes this is not enough, so only a doctor can prescribe the right treatment.