Formation of sound culture of speech in children of senior preschool age. Features of the sound culture of speech in children of senior preschool age

Speech is the most important human achievement. With the help of sounds, words, expressions, additional gestures and intonation, you can communicate with other people. Correct communication is called This is the ability to speak correctly, taking into account certain conditions, the purpose of the conversation, as well as the use of all language tools(intonation, vocabulary, grammar). The sound culture of speech is common with each other.

What is the sound culture of speech?

It is part of human speech communication. The sound culture of speech combines the oral design of words. This layer is responsible for the correct pronunciation of sounds, expressions, the speed and volume of speech statements, the timbre of the voice, rhythm, pauses, logical stresses, the correct functioning of the speech motor and hearing aids, as well as the presence of a suitable environmental speech environment.

The education of the sound culture of speech contributes to the timely and rapid development of speech skills in preschool children. During the development of speech, speech therapists simultaneously develop vocabulary, grammatically coherent speech. Classes help children to monitor their breathing during pronunciation, correct its clarity, develop voice control skills slowly and intonation correctly.

How to develop a sound culture of speech?

The formation of correct speech in a child comes down not only to the development of the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds that speech therapists are engaged in, but also to the solution of many important tasks. AT kindergarten experienced teachers work with children. As a rule, they develop the sound culture of the child's speech in the following areas:

  • Develop correct pronunciation.
  • They form the clarity and clarity of the pronunciation of words that correspond to the language norms of the Russian language.
  • In the process of learning, they develop a moderate speech rate and proper breathing during pronunciation.
  • Develop intonation-correct pronunciation of sounds and words.
  • Develop auditory attention in children.

The sound culture of speech and its implementation is carried out in two directions: with the development of different perception (rhythm, tempo, intonation, strength, speed) and the speech motor apparatus. In order to educate a child's speech culture, teachers choose the following forms of work:

  • Self-study where children communicate with each other.
  • Classes with specialists of preschool institutions.
  • Work in the form of games, exercises.
  • Music lessons.

The development of the sound culture of speech in preschool institutions continues not only in special classes, but also during a walk, morning speech gymnastics. Teachers use onomatopoeic words, poems, tongue twisters, visual material, cartoons, presentations and much more.

Age of formation of sound speech in a child

It is best to start practicing with a child at an age when he begins to actively talk and repeat words. The formation of a sound culture of speech is an important stage. It is important not to miss this moment and help the child, together with kindergarten teachers, to comprehend the science of correct sound pronunciation.

Biological hearing

From birth, a person has the ability to distinguish between sound vibrations - this is called biological hearing or perception. In humans, sounds are recognized by the outer ear, the tympanic membrane, the auditory ossicles, and the inner ear. Sound vibrations form the excitation of nerve endings and transmit information to the brain. Auditory attention is a special characteristic of a person's perceptual capabilities that helps to focus on sounds, an activity, or an object. For example, when a child stops his attention on a stimulus, he gets a clear sound sensation. If auditory perception is disturbed in children, this entails a decrease in attention, curiosity. The child often cries, shudders from sounds and extraneous stimuli.

How to choose the right speech therapist?

Finding a good specialist is not an easy task. Especially if the child has serious speech problems. When choosing a speech therapist, consider the following points:

  • Ask a speech pathologist about qualifications and experience. Explore portfolio.
  • Ask a speech therapist if he solved a specific problem.
  • Find out the number and cost of classes.
  • Try to understand whether the person is comfortable with himself, whether it is comfortable for the child to be near the speech therapist.
  • How high are the guarantees of a positive result.

Remember that the high price of classes with a speech therapist does not guarantee quality work.


The lesson on the sound culture of speech is aimed at teaching preschool children to articulate clearly and correctly. The sound "u" is taught to pronounce smoothly and for a long time on the exhale. Teachers make sure that children pronounce it with different volume and intonation. Sound training classes are held in the form of a game and special exercises that help you learn how to pronounce the sound “y” correctly. Exercise - fold your lips with a pipe and pull them forward prepares articulation for pronunciation. In addition, teachers sing songs with the children, perform choral repetitions of sounds and much more.

"z" sound. Its development also takes place in the form of games and songs. It is studied after preschoolers learn to cope with the sound "s". The peculiarity of its study is that, in addition to articulation, the vocal cords are included in the work. Usually, the sound "z" requires training in front of a mirror. During work, the teacher pronounces tongue twisters with the children, makes sentences. The development of sound culture is closely related to phonemic hearing.

Education of sound speech in preschoolers

The sound culture of speech includes the correct diction, sound pronunciation, intonation, tempo, gestures, facial expressions, tone of speech, posture, and motor skills during a child's conversation. If you systematically engage in the education of the pronunciation of sounds, it will be easier for a preschooler to learn in the future. That is why the methodology of education consists in solving the following tasks by the teacher:

  • The development of the mobility of the tongue and lips during sound pronunciation.
  • Formation of the ability to maintain the lower jaw in the desired position.
  • Paying attention to breathing while speaking.

As a rule, preschoolers master sound speech without effort, if it is brought up in time. During this period, children borrow words and sounds in an imitative way. After all, phonetic hearing is laid at an early age. It is important not to miss the moment and direct the development of the child in the right direction.

Education in the middle group

The sound culture of speech in the middle group of preschoolers (aged 4 to 5 years) consists of speech hearing and breathing, which are the beginning of the emergence of speech. Education in this group begins with the knowledge that was obtained earlier. The primary task of the teacher is to teach the children to clearly and correctly pronounce the sounds of the Russian language. The specialist pays special attention to hissing and whistling sounds, teaches how to correctly pronounce phrases and complex words, and forms the skill of intonational expressiveness. In addition, a speech therapist brings up a high level of development of speech hearing in children, which will help them independently change the tone of voice, highlight intonation words in sentences. The sound culture of speech in the middle group is also aimed at the development of speech breathing, phonemic perception, voice and articulation apparatus.

Education in the senior group

The sound culture of speech in the older group (age 6-7 years) continues the formation of previously acquired skills. Teachers strive to improve the development of the child's articulatory apparatus, monitor the pronunciation of sounds with the help of various exercises, develop phonemic hearing, learn to identify sound places in a word, correctly use intonation and speech tempo. Speech therapists also eliminate or eliminate the shortcomings of sound pronunciation, improve the acquired skills, study samples of the correct literary pronunciation of the words of the native language. The sound culture of speech in the older group should develop good phonemic hearing in children, teach them to read words, sentences and small texts, understand the differences between terms, make sentences on their own and carry out. designations. As a rule, educators prepare preschoolers for the preparatory stage, which begins before entering school.

What is a didactic game?

Didactic games in kindergarten are learning activities that help preschoolers gain new knowledge in the course of exciting games. They are distinguished by the presence of rules, a clear structure and an evaluation system. solve a number of tasks set by the teacher. There is a whole technique that allows you to develop phonetic hearing in a child in this form. The didactic method gradually brings up the correct pronunciation of the sounds of the Russian language and the ability to listen. All games have certain tasks, which come down to highlighting the sounds at the beginning, middle and end of the required word. For example, the game "Sound Hide and Seek" is intended for children under the age of six. This is an independent game for a group controlled by a teacher. The purpose of the game is to develop attention and phonetic hearing. A ball is used as an auxiliary object. The host needs to think of a word that has a certain sound, for example "z". Then he throws the ball to the guys in turn, pronouncing different words in which this sound is present. The task of the children is to catch the ball with the words of the desired sound, and beat the rest of the "words".

What problems in the development of sound speech exist?

Modern children are much more likely to suffer from problems in the formation of sound pronunciation and speech. The reason for this is computerization, lack of communication with peers and parents. Often parents leave the child to himself, as well as toys, TV, gadgets. Experts advise reading books with children, learning poems, counting rhymes, tongue twisters. The formation of the sound culture of speech is associated with the development of fine motor skills of the fingers. In order to captivate and involve the child in learning, it is necessary to give the child tasks as often as possible to build a house out of cubes, assemble a mosaic and a colored pyramid. It is necessary to educate sound speech in a child constantly. In kindergarten, during games, walks in the park. Talk to your baby, pay attention to interesting details, such as the color of leaves and plants, count birds, look at flowers. Without an integrated approach, the formation of correctly delivered speech is impossible. This should involve both parents and teachers of preschool institutions.

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topic: "Features of the sound culture of speech in children of senior preschool age"


1.2 Features of mastering the sound culture of speech by children of preschool age

Chapter 2. Tasks and content of work on the sound culture of speech





Competent speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct a child’s speech is, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognizing the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and full the relationship with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development is carried out. Speech plays an important role in human life. It is a means of communication, a means of exchanging thoughts between people. Without this, people could not organize joint activities and achieve mutual understanding. The education of speech in children of preschool and primary school age, including the ability to clearly pronounce sounds and distinguish them, master the articulatory apparatus, correctly build sentences and a coherent statement is a necessary condition for the full development of the personality. The imperfection of oral speech negatively affects the development of written language. As studies by R.E. Levina, A.V. Yastrebova, G.A. Kashe, L.F. Spirova and others, the readiness for sound analysis in preschoolers with speech disorders is almost two times worse than in normally speaking children. Therefore, children with speech impediments are usually not able to fully master writing and reading in a mass school environment. These data allow us to assert that the child's speech must be developed at preschool age, since it is at this age that speech is most flexible and malleable, and most importantly, speech disorders are overcome more easily and quickly. Therefore, all speech shortcomings must be eliminated at preschool age, until they have turned into a persistent and complex defect.

The education of "pure" speech in children is a serious task of social significance facing parents, speech therapists, educators and teachers.

Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and experience in the system of preschool education, a research problem was formulated, which is determined by the contradictions between the society's need for correct sound pronunciation, on the one hand, and the existing traditions in preschool pedagogy for the development of speech motor skills, on the other hand.

The relevance of the problem served as the basis for choosing the research topic "Peculiarities of the sound culture of speech in children of senior preschool age."

The purpose of this work is to identify the features of the sound culture of speech in children of older preschool age.

The object of the study is the sound culture of speech of children of senior preschool age

The subject of the study is the features of the sound culture of speech in children of senior preschool age.

The hypothesis of the study is the assumption that the sound culture of speech of older preschool children will develop successfully if:

· Systematically implement a set of methods aimed at developing a sound culture of speech, including the introduction of individual lessons with preschoolers;

· To form the conviction of all subjects of the educational process in the need to use a set of methods for the development of a sound culture of speech.

In accordance with the goal and hypothesis, the following tasks were set in the work:

1. Consider the concept of sound culture of speech and its significance for the development of the child.

2. To analyze the features of the assimilation of the sound culture of speech by children of preschool age.

3. To issue recommendations on the education of the sound culture of speech in children of senior preschool age.

4. Determine the interaction in the work of all subjects of the educational process.

To solve the research problem and verify the correctness of the proposed hypothesis, the following methods of pedagogical research were used: theoretical - analysis of the literature on the research problem, empirical - observation, conversation, pedagogical experiment, mathematical - calculation of diagnostic results.

The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the detailed and phased generalization of the studied material and the systematization of the data obtained, the clarification of the specifics of the application of methods and techniques for the development of diction in preschool children available in domestic pedagogy and methods of speech development.

The base of the study was MBDOU No. 152 and pupils of the senior group.

Chapter 1. Theoretical study of the concept of sound culture of speech

1.1 The concept of sound culture of speech and its significance for the development of the child's personality

The sound culture of speech is a broad concept. It includes the phonetic and orthoepic correctness of speech, its expressiveness and clear diction, i.e. everything that ensures the correct sounding of speech.

The education of the sound culture of speech involves:

the formation of correct sound pronunciation and word pronunciation, which requires the development of speech hearing, speech breathing, motor skills of the articulatory apparatus;

education of orthoepically correct speech - the ability to speak according to the norms of literary pronunciation. Orthoepic norms cover the phonetic system of the language, the pronunciation of individual words and groups of words, individual grammatical forms. The composition of orthoepy includes not only pronunciation, but also stress, that is, a specific phenomenon of oral speech;

the formation of expressiveness of speech - possession of the means of speech expressiveness involves the ability to use the height and power of the voice, the pace and rhythm of speech, pauses, various intonations. It has been noticed that the child in everyday communication has a natural expressiveness of speech, but needs to learn arbitrary expressiveness when reading poetry, retelling, storytelling;

development of diction - a distinct, intelligible pronunciation of each sound and word separately, as well as the phrase as a whole;

Mastering the correct pronunciation of speech sounds is one of the most important links in the development of speech in a child. The child masters the correct pronunciation of speech sounds gradually. Sounds are acquired not in isolation, not by themselves, but in the process of gradually mastering the skills of pronunciation of individual words and whole phrases. Mastering speech is a complex, multilateral, mental process, its appearance and further development depends on many factors. Speech begins to form only when the child's brain, hearing, breathing and articulation apparatus reach a certain level of development, but even having a sufficiently developed speech apparatus, a well-formed brain, good physical hearing, a child will never speak without a speech environment. In order for him to have, and in the future to develop speech correctly, a speech environment is needed. In general, the full development of speech is a necessary condition for the harmonious development of personality. Speech is an activity that is carried out with the coordinated functioning of the brain and other parts of the nervous system. In general, the problem of the formation of the sound side of speech is currently relevant and significant. Systematic work on the development of a sound culture of speech helps the child to form and improve phonetic and phonemic processes in speech development, without which further mastery of the native language is impossible, therefore, successful schooling is impossible in the future. The concept of "sound culture of speech" is broad and peculiar. The sound culture of speech is an integral part of the general culture. It covers all aspects of the sound design of words and sounding speech in general: the correct pronunciation of sounds, words, the volume and speed of speech utterance, rhythm, pauses, timbre, logical stress, etc. Researchers of children's speech and practitioners note the importance of the correct pronunciation of sounds for the formation of a complete the personality of the child and the establishment of social contacts, for preparation for school, and in the future for choosing a profession. A child with a well-developed speech easily communicates with adults and peers, clearly expresses his thoughts and desires. Speech with defects in pronunciation, on the contrary, complicates relationships with people, delays the mental development of the child and the development of other aspects of speech. Correct pronunciation is of particular importance when entering school. One of the reasons for the poor performance of elementary school students in the Russian language is the presence of deficiencies in sound pronunciation in children. Children with pronunciation defects do not know how to determine the number of sounds in a word, name their sequence, find it difficult to select words that begin with a given sound. Often, despite the good mental abilities of the child, due to the shortcomings of the sound side of speech, he has a lag in mastering the vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech in subsequent years. Children who do not know how to distinguish and isolate sounds by ear and pronounce them correctly find it difficult to master writing skills [p. sixteen.].

1.2 Features of mastering the sound culture of speech by children of senior preschool age

By the age of 5, the formation of the correct sound pronunciation ends. Normally, all children should learn to clearly pronounce all the sounds in the composition of words and sentences. There are no substitutions according to the physiological principle: a sound that is lighter in terms of articulation is used instead of a more complex one - it should not remain, but this does not always happen. Some children have various deficiencies in sound pronunciation associated with a violation in the structure and mobility of the articulatory apparatus, or with underdevelopment of phonemic hearing. In general, after 5 years, most children begin to form a conscious orientation in the sound composition of the word. If earlier speech acted only as a means of communication, now it is becoming an object of awareness and study. The first attempts to consciously isolate a sound from a word, and then to establish the exact place of a particular sound, are necessary prerequisites for learning to read and write. The isolation of sound from a word appears spontaneously in preschool children, but complex forms of sound analysis must be taught specially. At the age of five to six years, a child can, with appropriate training, master not only determining the position of a sound in a word - the beginning, middle, end of a word - but also positional sound analysis, establishing the exact place of a sound in a word, naming the sounds in the order in which they appear in the word .

By the age of 6, the sound pronunciation of children has completely returned to normal, and work is underway to improve diction. Children do not find it difficult to pronounce words of any structure, they use polysyllabic words in a sentence. Six-year-old children clearly distinguish by ear all the sounds of their native language. Including close in their acoustic characteristics: deaf and sonorous, hard and soft. The inability to distinguish pairs of sounds by deafness - sonority most often indicates deficiencies in physical hearing. The ability to recognize sounds in a speech stream, to isolate them from a word, to establish a sequence of sounds in a particular word is developing, that is, the skills of sound analysis of words are developing. It should be noted that a large role in the development of these skills belongs to adults working with children in this direction. It can even be argued that without the participation of adults, these very necessary skills may not be formed at all. The vocabulary of preschoolers of six to seven years old is large enough and no longer lends itself to accurate accounting. Six-year-old children begin to comprehend and understand words with a figurative meaning (time is creeping, losing one's head). If a purposeful preparation for school has begun with children, the first scientific terms appear in their active vocabulary: sound, letter, sentence, number. At first, it is very difficult to separate the concepts of sound and letter, and if you are already introducing these terms into work, then try to use them yourself correctly, and make sure that the child does the same.

1.3 Tasks and content of work on the sound culture of speech in the senior group

The Russian language has a complex sound system. Sound units are characterized in terms of sound formation (articulatory properties of the language), sound (acoustic properties) and perception (perceptual qualities). All these factors are interrelated.

A.N. Gvozdev showed how much work a child does when he masters the phonological means of a language. It takes a child a different amount of time to learn individual speech sounds. The correct conditions for the upbringing and education of the child lead to the assimilation of the grammatical and sound side of the word.

The studies of linguists, psychologists, teachers give reason to believe that it is the sound side of the language that early becomes the subject of the child's attention.

L.S. Vygotsky, speaking about the assimilation of the sign side of the language by the child, emphasized that he first masters the external structure of the sign, i.e., the sound structure.

D.B. Elkonin wrote about this: "Mastering the sound side of the language includes two interrelated processes: the formation of a child's perception of the sounds of the language, or, as it is called, phonemic hearing, and the formation of the pronunciation of speech sounds." As can be seen from the above, by the time they enter school, the oral speech of a preschooler must be formed and should not differ from the speech of an adult. The tasks of educating the sound culture of speech are put forward in accordance with the main aspects of the concept of "sound culture". The content of the work is based on the data of phonetics, orthoepy, the art of expressive reading, while it is necessary to take into account the age-related characteristics of children's speech.

The following tasks can be distinguished:

1. Formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds. Setting the correct sound pronunciation is closely related to the development of better coordination of the organs of the articulatory apparatus of children. In this regard, the content of this task includes the following: improving the movements of the organs of the articulation apparatus - articulation gymnastics, consistent work on the clear pronunciation of vowels and simple consonants already learned by children, and then on complex consonants that make it difficult for children (by the end of the stay of children in the middle group , i.e. by the age of five, they should be able to correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language); fixing the correct pronunciation of sounds in contextual speech.

2. Development of diction. Diction is a distinct, clear pronunciation of words and their combinations. In the older group, the development of intelligibility of pronunciation is being put forward as a special task of classes for the development of speech. To solve it in older groups, special methods and teaching methods are used. 3. Work on the correct pronunciation and verbal (phonetic) stress. At an older age, you need to pay attention to the correct pronunciation of some difficult words (children’s mistakes: “coffee”, “carrot”, “sandals”, “kakava”, “sinitarka”, “trolebus”, “cockey” - hockey, etc.) . The child sometimes finds it difficult to set verbal stress. Stress is the separation of one syllable from a group of syllables by the power of the voice. Our language is characterized by non-fixed, multi-local stress: the stress can be on any syllable, even go beyond the syllable: leg, leg, leg, legs. The stress placed by children in some nouns in the nominative case requires attention (children’s mistakes: “watermelon”, “sheet”, “beets”, “driver”), in past tense masculine singular verbs (children’s mistakes: “gave”, “took ”, “put”, “accepted”, “sold”). The attention of children of the seventh year of life can be drawn to the fact that with a change in the place of stress, the meaning of the word sometimes changes: mugs - mugs, home - home. Stress in Russian is a means of distinguishing grammatical form. When forming the grammatical structure of children's speech, the educator must also monitor the correct placement of stresses: braid - braid, horses - horses, horses, etc. 4. Work on the orthoepic correctness of speech. Orthoepy is a set of rules for exemplary literary pronunciation. Orthoepic norms cover the phonetic system of the language, as well as the pronunciation of individual words and groups of words, individual grammatical forms. In kindergarten, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the formation of literary pronunciation, to actively eliminate deviations from orthoepic norms in the speech of children. In older groups, the assimilation of orthoepic norms is an integral part of teaching the native language. The attention of children of this age can be drawn to the conscious assimilation of certain rules (pronunciation of patronymics, individual foreign words: pioneer, highway, atelier, etc.). 5. Formation of the tempo of speech and voice qualities. Starting from the senior group, the teacher teaches children to use the qualities of the voice as a means of expression not only in free speech, but also in the transmission of other people's thoughts, the author's text. To do this, using special exercises, they develop the flexibility of the child's voice, teach the child to speak softly and loudly, slowly and quickly, high and low (in accordance with the natural pitch of the voice). 6. Education of expressiveness of speech. Speaking about the education of the expressiveness of speech, we have in mind two aspects of this concept: 1) the natural expressiveness of everyday children's speech; 2) arbitrary, conscious expressiveness in the transmission of a premeditated text (a sentence or a story compiled by the child himself on the instructions of the educator, retelling, poem). The expressiveness of the speech of a preschooler is a necessary characteristic of speech as a means of communication, it manifests the subjectivity of the child's attitude to the environment. Expressiveness occurs when a child wants to convey in speech not only his knowledge, but also feelings, relationships. Expressiveness is a consequence of understanding what is being said. Emotionality is manifested primarily in intonations, in emphasizing individual words, pauses, facial expressions, expression of the eyes, in a change in the strength and tempo of the voice. The child's spontaneous speech is always expressive. This is the strong, bright side of children's speech, which we must consolidate and preserve. In older children, along with their own emotionality of speech, the ability to hear the expressiveness of the speech of others should be formed, that is, to analyze by ear some qualities of speech (how the poem was read - cheerfully or sadly, jokingly or seriously, etc.). 7. Education of the culture of speech communication. This concept includes the general tone of children's speech and some behavioral skills necessary in the process of verbal communication. In older groups, the basic skills of a culture of behavior in the process of speech should already be formed. It is necessary that the child be able to speak quietly, look into the face of the speaker, keep his hands calmly, politely and without a reminder to greet and say goodbye, to know that when greeting elders, one should not be the first to give a hand. More attention should be paid to developing the correct posture of the child at the time of public speech: when answering classes, he must turn his face to the children, not block the benefits in question; speaking with a poem or a story, do not make unnecessary movements. All of these skills must be solid. 8. Development of speech hearing and speech breathing. The leading analyzer in the assimilation of the sound side of speech is hearing. With the development of the child, auditory attention, perception of noise and speech sounds gradually develop. A child of older preschool age also needs to develop a higher level of speech hearing - phonemic perception, that is, the ability to isolate sounds in a word, determine their order and quantity. Speech breathing is one of the foundations of voice formation and speech (speech is a sounded exhalation). The task of the educator is to help children overcome the age-related shortcomings of their speech breathing, to teach correct diaphragmatic breathing. Particular attention is paid to the duration and force of exhalation during speech and a silent deep breath before pronouncing a phrase.

Conclusions on chapter I.

A child's speech develops during preschool age. The child uses speech in order to express his thoughts, feelings, his cognitive activity is manifested. Timely mastery of speech is important

condition for the full mental development of the child. The child must be taught to distinguish with the help of sounds of the corresponding values ​​of functional units. Assimilation by a child of the sound side of a word is the most difficult work, which is divided into the following stages: listening to the sound of a word, distinguishing and correct pronunciation of sounds, independently isolating them from a word, sound and syllabic analysis, actions with words. So, in the process of educating the sound culture of speech in kindergarten, the teacher solves the following tasks:

1. Development of auditory attention

2. Formation of the correct sound pronunciation

3. Development of correct speech breathing.

4. Skillful use of components of intonational expressiveness.

Chapter 2. Practical study of the concept of sound culture of speech. Experimental - experimental work

2.1 Experimental work

At the first stage, the concept of the sound culture of speech and its significance for the development of the personality of the child, as well as diagnostic methods for determining the level of formation of the sound culture of speech in children 5-6 years old, were studied.

At the second stage, the level of formation of the sound culture of speech in children of senior preschool age of the experimental group from among the children of MDOU No. 152 of the city of Izhevsk was revealed.

The practical significance of the study lies in the development of recommendations for the development of a sound culture of speech in children of older preschool age, which is addressed to educators and parents of children.

When conducting experimental work, we carried out a diagnosis of the sound culture of speech in children of senior preschool age. Diagnostics was carried out on the basis of MBDOU No. 152 in the senior group. This group is attended by 28 people, 10 of them have speech disorders, and they made up the experimental group. To study the process of assimilation of the process of mastering the sound side of speech by older preschoolers, we used the diagnostics proposed by O. U. Ushakova and E. M. Strunina. Diagnostic tasks were offered to children in an individual game form, which made it possible to obtain the most reliable and objective data. When studying the sound culture of speech in children 5-6 years old, an analysis is carried out according to the following positions:

1. The ability to differentiate the sounds of nature

2. The state of articulatory motility

3. Ability for phonetic analysis

4. The ability to hear by ear to differentiate oppositional sounds that are not mixed and mixed in pronunciation

5. The state of pronunciation of sounds in sound combinations and words

6. Formation of such qualities as: voice power, tempo, diction and intonational expressiveness of speech.

So, the program for examining the sound culture of speech includes: examining the development of auditory perception, examining the state of articulatory motor skills, examining the state of phonemic hearing, examining the state of sound pronunciation, examining the general sound of speech.

2.2 Analysis of diagnostic results

We recorded the diagnostic results in a specially developed protocol No. 1 (Tables No. 1, No. 2). Evaluation for all tasks was carried out in quantitative terms (4 point system).

Protocol for assessing the state of the sound culture of speech in children aged 5-6 years at the stage of ascertaining experiment No. 1.

Table #1

Experimental group

Polina G.

Andrew P.

Andrew S.

1Examination of the development of auditory perception.

2Examination of the state of articulatory motility

3Examination of the state of phonemic hearing

4Examination of the state of sound pronunciation

5Examination of the general sounding of speech

final grade

On the basis of the proposed scoring system, we developed a scheme of levels of development of the sound culture of speech (Table No. 3), which helps to identify the levels of assimilation of the sound side of speech by children with the conditionality of quantitative estimates for statements of different completeness and correctness: I - high, II - medium ( sufficient), III - below average, IV - low. At the end of the examination of children's speech, scores were calculated. If the majority of responses (over 75%) are rated 4, this is a high level. If more than 50% of responses with a score of 3, it is average, if more than 50% of responses with a score of 2, it is below average, and if more than 50% of responses with a score of 1, it is low.

Criteria for the levels of development of the sound culture of speech in preschool children.

Table number 3.

Diagram of the sound culture of speech according to the results of diagnostics.

The development of auditory attention and phonemic hearing.

The ability of a child to focus on sound, or auditory attention, is a very important feature in development; without this feature, it is impossible to listen and understand speech. But it is important not only to hear sounds, but also to distinguish and analyze them. This skill is called phonemic hearing. Phonemic hearing is the ability to focus on sound, to distinguish and analyze sounds - a very important feature of a person, without which it is impossible to listen and understand speech. A small child does not know how to control his hearing, cannot compare sounds. But it can be taught. The best way to do this is in the game. The purpose of exercises for the development of phonemic hearing is to teach the child to listen and hear.

Games for the development of speech hearing can be divided into several groups: 1) Games for the development of auditory attention:

“Find out what it sounds like?”, “Find out where it sounds?”, “What do you hear?”, “Name the sounds of the street”, “Blind Man's Bluff with a Bell”, “Morse code”, etc.

2) Games for the development of phonemic hearing:

“Catch the sound”, “Identify the sound in the word”, “What is the last sound?”, “Echo”, “Confusion”, “What is the last sound?”, “Extra word”.

During the period of preschool age, the most significant and important qualitative changes occur in the mastery of the linguistic sign system, primarily the word as a basic sign, which provides for the social and communicative needs of development, communication and cognition. In the presence of systematic targeted work on the formation of phonemic hearing in preschool children based on the use of play activities, there will be an increase in the quality of children's speech development, ensuring high-quality preparation of children for school. It is phonemic hearing that helps the child to distinguish between words and word forms that are similar in sound, and to correctly understand the meaning of what was said. Moreover, phonemic hearing has a decisive influence on the development of a child's speech as a whole: a lag in the development of phonemic hearing leads to impairments in sound pronunciation, the formation of coherent speech, and impairments in the formation of literate writing and reading skills. Since phonemic hearing develops gradually, special exercises for its development can also be divided into several stages.

Stage 1 - recognition of non-speech sounds. These exercises are aimed mainly at the development of physiological hearing and auditory attention.

Stage 2 - distinguishing the height, strength, timbre of the voice. These exercises also train the child's auditory perception.

Stage 3 - distinguishing words that are close in sound composition. From this stage, exercises begin, aimed specifically at the development of phonemic hearing.

Stage 4 - syllable discrimination

Stage 5 - sound discrimination

Stage 6 - mastering elementary sound analysis.

It involves the ability to identify sounds in a word, count their number, hear their softness or hardness, as well as the ability to select words that begin or end with a given sound. These skills will be very useful to the child in school. Classes for the development of auditory attention and phonemic hearing are presented in Appendix No. 2.

Education of speech breathing.

Oral speech is not possible without breathing, which serves as energy for the formation of voice. The clarity and smoothness of the voice depends on how the speaker uses it. So the smoothness of the sound does not depend on the amount of air taken at the moment of inhalation, but on the ability to rationally spend it in the process of speaking. Sufficient duration of exhalation ensures the normal duration of the sound of the voice. Therefore, it is very important to rationally spend air in the process of utterance, to get it in a timely manner in order to maintain the smoothness, lightness and duration of the sound of the voice, i.e. use speech breathing correctly. The speech breathing of preschool children differs from the speech breathing of adults. The weakness of the respiratory muscles, the small volume of the lungs, the presence of upper chest breathing in many children makes it difficult to normal voice formation. The voice is formed by vibration of the vocal folds, set in motion by the pressure of the air stream, which is controlled by the central nervous system. Many babies take a breath with a sharp rise in the shoulders, often getting air almost before every word. Work on the formation of correct speech breathing is carried out in the process of general speech development. Particular attention is drawn to those children whose breathing at rest is superficial, uneven, with involvement of the neck muscles. It is necessary to ensure that preschoolers inhale silently, quickly (simultaneously through the mouth and nose), exhale - smoothly, a little slowly. The education of correct speech breathing begins with the development of a long oral exhalation, with the ability to economically spend air in the process of protracted pronunciation of sounds, taking into account its timely addition. First of all, children need to develop a silent, calm breath without raising the shoulders. The duration of the exhalation should correspond to the age of the child: for a two-three-year-old baby, exhalation ensures the pronunciation of a phrase of 2-3 words, a child of middle and older preschool age - a phrase of three to five words. (p. 173 Borovich A. M. sound speech child

The preparatory work aimed at the development of speech breathing consists in teaching children to take a quick breath through the mouth and nose and smoothly, evenly, slowly exhale the air with varying strength through the mouth. Children of middle and older preschool age also perform tasks related to the development of prolonged and prolonged expiration on non-verbal material. In a playful way, they compete, who has the “snowflake” flying farther, who can blow on the “leaves of the tree” longer. You can offer them to move light objects with an air jet on a smooth surface of the table: pencils, plastic balls, set the turntables in motion, blow soap bubbles, etc.

Breathing exercises and games should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, not earlier than 1.5 - 2 hours after eating, clothing should not constrain the neck, chest and stomach of the child. The dosage of exercises should be observed, make sure that the children inhale and exhale without tension, smoothly (do not raise their shoulders when inhaling, do not pull in their stomachs when exhaling). The duration of the exercises should not exceed 2 - 3 minutes for children of younger preschool age and 3 - 5 minutes for children of middle and older preschool age. In the process of breathing exercises, you should not achieve a full exhalation. Games for the education of speech breathing are presented in Appendix No. 3.

Formation of diction.

Insufficiently developed diction is reflected in the child: he becomes withdrawn, restless, abrupt. His curiosity and academic performance are falling. Good diction is a clear, clear pronunciation of each sound separately, as well as words and phrases as a whole, are gradually formed in the child simultaneously with the development and improvement of the work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, that is, the formation of sound pronunciation is closely related to the development of good diction. It is known that many preschoolers have slurred, unclear speech. This is a consequence of sluggish, non-energetic movements of the lips and tongue, low mobility of the lower jaw, due to which the child's mouth does not open enough, and vowels sound indistinctly. The clarity of the pronunciation of words depends primarily on the correct pronunciation of vowels, and then on the energetic tone and precise coordination of the movements of the speech motor apparatus in the formation of consonant sounds.

To improve diction, purely - and tongue twisters are used. A pure tongue is a rhythmic speech material containing a complex combination of sounds, syllables, words that are difficult to pronounce. A tongue twister is a difficult to pronounce rhythmic phrase or several rhyming phrases with frequently occurring identical sounds. Tongue twisters, as well as more complex tongue twisters, are used in older groups. For example, tongue-twisters built on the differentiation of sounds are useful: “Tom the dog guards the house”, “Tsu - chu - tsu - chu - chu, I am flying on a rocket.”

The purpose of using a tongue twister - training the diction apparatus - determines the methodology for presenting it to children in the classroom. The teacher pronounces the new tongue twister by heart in slow motion, clearly, highlighting common sounds. He reads it several times quietly, rhythmically, with slightly muffled intonations. He can set a learning task for the children - listen and look carefully at how the tongue twister is pronounced, try to remember it, learn to speak it very clearly. Then the children say it out loud on their own.

To repeat the tongue twister, the teacher first calls the children with good memory and diction. Before answering, repeat the instruction: speak slowly and clearly. After individual pronunciations, the tongue twister is pronounced in chorus: by the whole group, in rows, in small subgroups, and then again by individual children with the teacher himself.

In repeated lessons with tongue twisters, or if the text is easy and the children immediately mastered it, you can diversify the tasks: offer to pronounce the tongue twister louder or quieter without changing the tempo, and when it is already correctly memorized by all children, you can change the pace. If the tongue twister consists of several phrases, it is interesting to repeat it in roles - subgroups, for example:

The first subgroup: Tell us about the purchases!

The second subgroup: About what kind of purchases?

All together: About purchases, about purchases, about my purchases!

All these techniques activate children, develop their arbitrary attention. When repeating tongue twisters, children should be periodically called to the teacher so that the rest of the children see articulation and facial expressions. Evaluating the answer, the teacher must indicate the degree of distinctness of pronunciation, sometimes draw the attention of children to the correctness of the movements of the child's lips.

Thus, work on the development of children of older preschool age is carried out with the involvement of various methods and techniques for teaching children in specially organized and free activities of children.

Work on the expressiveness of speech.

In kindergarten, the foundations of expressive speech are laid, articulation skills are worked out, the ability to listen to sounding speech is brought up, speech hearing develops. The development of these skills and abilities in a certain sequence is the most important task of kindergarten teachers in the process of speech classes. I will dwell on the concept of "expressiveness of speech" in comparison with the concept of "expressiveness of reading". Free or spontaneous speech, which we utter for the purpose of communication, persuasion, is always expressive. When a person makes a speech in the natural conditions of communication, it is characterized by rich intonations, brightly colored timbre, saturated with expressive constructions. The necessary means of speech expressiveness are born naturally and easily under the influence of emotions and speech motivation. Work on the expressiveness of speech is a complex work. If a kindergarten teacher in all age groups works on the development of the creative imagination of children in a certain system and at the same time carries out an individual approach, he largely prepares the work on expressive reading in the lower grades of the school. Brought up with early childhood"sense of the word", its aesthetic essence, expressiveness - makes a person emotionally rich for life, creates the opportunity to receive aesthetic pleasure from the perception of a figurative word, speech, fiction.

For oral speech, the correct use of intonation means of expression is very important:

1. Logical stress (highlighting the main words or phrases from the phrase by raising or lowering the voice).

4. Pace (the number of words spoken in a certain unit of time).

Intonation makes speech lively, emotionally saturated, the thought is expressed more fully, complete.

In older groups, children should express varied and subtle feelings. In children of older preschool age, along with their own emotionality of speech, the ability to hear the expressiveness of others should be formed, i.e. analyze by ear some quality of speech.

To form the emotionality of children's speech, I actively use cards depicting various emotional states of children.

1. Exercises using "emotion" cards: · Review the cards and answer what emotions each of the depicted children experiences. · Ask to explain what “joy” is. Let the child remember when he feels joy; how he expresses his joy. Work through the rest of the emotions in the same way. Consider with the child pictograms that schematically display emotions. A child with his eyes closed draws out one of the cards and with the help of facial expressions depicts the emotional state depicted on the card. One child shows, the rest guess. · Children draw different types of moods on their own. · Pronounce the same phrase, leading to a different attitude to what happened (sadness, joy, surprise). 2. Exercises to develop the height and strength of the voice. Exercise "Echo": the teacher pronounces the sound "A" loudly, then quietly, then for a long time, then briefly. Children should repeat. · Exercise "From quiet to loud": children depict how a hedgehog puffs in the forest, which comes closer and closer to them and vice versa. Pronounce the tongue twister so that the first line is loud, the second is quiet, the third is loud, the fourth is quiet. Listen to the text, think about where you need to change the strength of the voice. Exercise "Mosquito - bear." Say the given phrase either in a high voice ("like a mosquito") if the teacher shows a picture of a mosquito, or in a low voice ("like a bear") if a bear is shown.

Compare two texts.

Mom and I went to the mowing. Suddenly I saw a bear. I will scream: “Oh, bear!” Well, yes, my mother was surprised. "Truth! Honestly!" Then the bear once again appeared from behind the birch, and mother would shout: “Oh, really, the bear!” Compare. Mom and I went to the mowing. Suddenly I saw a bear and shouted: “Mother bear!” Mom didn't believe me. I began to convince her. Then the bear came out again, and mother saw him. Comment. Both texts are colloquial. The girl shares her experiences, strives to vividly convey what happened to her. The first of the stories is more expressive and lively. The girl “tells with feeling” about everything. We think this incident just happened.

Thus, it depends on the systematic and painstaking work that requires patience and ingenuity whether the children will master a vivid, emotional speech, whether they will use all the means of expression in it.

Conclusion on chapter number 2.

In this chapter, we carried out the diagnostics of the sound culture of speech in children 5-6 years old, proposed by O. S. Ushakova and E. M. Strunina. After analyzing the results, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to carry out work on the education of the sound culture of speech. In general, the assimilation of the sound side of a word by a child is the most difficult work, which is divided into the following stages: listening to the sound of a word, distinguishing and correct pronunciation of sounds, independently isolating them from a word, sound and syllabic analysis, actions with words. In order to help the child in solving these complex problems, we have proposed recommendations for parents and caregivers. Recommendations are divided depending on the area in which it is necessary to carry out work on the education of a sound culture of speech, for example:

Development of auditory attention and phonemic hearing

Education of speech breathing

Formation of diction

Work on the expressiveness of speech.

Our analysis of the results of the ascertaining experiment showed that the level of development of the sound culture of speech in 90% of the children of the experimental group is at an average level, at a level below the average of 10%.

In the children of the experimental group, the arithmetic mean is 2.92 points, which corresponds to the average level of development of the sound culture of speech. The data obtained indicate that the sound culture of speech in children aged 5-6 years is not sufficiently formed and correctional and pedagogical work is required.


Formation of the pronunciation side of speech - difficult process, during which the child learns to perceive the sounding speech addressed to him and control his speech organs for its reproduction. The pronunciation side, like all speech, is formed in the child in the process of communication, therefore, the restriction of verbal communication leads to the fact that pronunciation is formed with delays. In the system of work on teaching the native language of children, an important place is occupied by the education of a sound culture of speech. The culture of speech is the possession of the norms of the literary language in its oral and written form, in which the choice and organization of language means is carried out, which, in a certain situation of communication and while observing the ethics of communication, provide the necessary effect in achieving the set communication goals. The purpose of this work is to study the problem of educating the sound culture of speech in children of senior preschool age. The purpose of this work has been achieved. In the first chapter of the work, the theoretical aspects of studying the sound culture of speech of children of senior preschool age were considered, and we also studied the features of sound pronunciation characteristic of children 5-6 years old. These include:

1. Children have sound analysis skills, determine the place of sound in a word. 2. All sounds are pronounced correctly and clearly. 3. The replacement of hissing and whistling sounds disappears. 4. In some children, sounds that are difficult in terms of articulation (hissing and sonorous) have not yet been completely formed.

Assimilation by a child of the sound side of a word is the most difficult work, which is divided into the following stages: listening to the sound of a word, distinguishing and correct pronunciation of sounds, independently isolating them from a word, sound and syllabic analysis, actions with words. So, in the process of educating the sound culture of speech in kindergarten, the teacher solves the following tasks:

Development of auditory attention

Formation of the correct sound pronunciation

Development of correct speech breathing.

Skillful use of components of intonational expressiveness.

In the sound culture of speech, two sections are distinguished: the culture of sound pronunciation and speech hearing. Therefore, work should be carried out in two directions:

Develop speech perception (auditory attention, speech hearing, the main components of which are phonemic, rhythmic hearing).

In the second chapter of the work, a study was made of the development of a sound culture of speech in children aged 5–6 years, proposed by O. S. Ushakova and E. M. Strunina. After analyzing the results, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to carry out work on the education of a sound culture of speech. In general, the assimilation of the sound side of a word by a child is the most difficult work, which is divided into the following stages: listening to the sound of a word, distinguishing and correct pronunciation of sounds, independently isolating them from a word, sound and syllabic analysis, actions with words. In order to help the child in solving these complex problems, we have proposed recommendations for parents and caregivers. Our analysis of the results of the ascertaining experiment showed that the level of development of the sound culture of speech in 90% of the children of the experimental group is at an average level, at a level below the average of 10%.

In the children of the experimental group, the arithmetic mean is 2.92 points, which corresponds to the average level of development of the sound culture of speech. The data obtained indicate that the sound culture of speech in children aged 5-6 years is not sufficiently formed and correctional and pedagogical work is required.

This work may be continued, since we have not yet considered the interaction of the entire teaching staff and the parents of pupils for the development of the sound culture of speech in children 5-6 years old.


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2. Volosovets T.V. Fundamentals of speech therapy with a workshop on sound pronunciation. - M.: Academy, 2000

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5. Tkachenko T. A. Logopedic encyclopedia. - M.: Publishing house Mir knigi, 2008.

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10. Akimenko V. M. Correction of sound pronunciation in children: teaching aid. 2nd edition. - Rostov - on - Don.: Phoenix, 2009.

11. Alekseeva M. M. Yashina B. I. Methods of development of speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers: a textbook for students of higher and secondary pedagogical educational institutions. 3rd edition. - M.: Academy, 2000.

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14. Kozyreva L. M. Development of speech. Children 5 - 7 years old. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2002.

15. Bystrov A. L. Bystrova E. S. Language and speech. Educational games - Kharkiv: Torsing plus, 2006.

16. Bolotina L. R. Miklyaeva N. V. Rodionova Yu. N. Education of the sound culture of speech in children in a preschool educational institution. Toolkit. - M.: Iris press, 2006.

17. Maksakov A. I. Education of the sound culture of speech in preschoolers. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions. 2nd edition. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2005.

18. Zhinkin N. I. Mechanisms of speech. - M.: Direct - Media, 2008.

19. Ushakova O. S. Development of speech of preschoolers. - M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2006.

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No. 1. Diagnosis of the level of development of the sound culture of speech in children 5-6 years old.

To determine the level of development of auditory perception, children were offered the game "Guess what sounds?".

Purpose of the game: to determine the child's ability to differentiate sounding toys. Equipment: wooden mallet and pipe; metal bell and whistle; a rubber squeaker chicken and a rattle, subject pictures with images of these toys, a screen. Examination procedure: the teacher shows the child two toys, names them, explains how to make sounds with the help of these toys, and invites the child to play with them. Then the teacher closes the toys with a small screen and makes a sound behind it with the help of toys. The child recognizes and names toys; in the absence of speech, the child must show which toy sounded. To do this, you can use subject pictures with images of these toys, having previously worked on correlating each toy with its image on the subject picture. Evaluation is made in points:

4 - differentiates all sounding objects;

3 - allows inaccuracies in the differentiation of sounding objects;

2 - differentiates sounding objects according to the specification of an adult;

1 - does not differentiate sounding objects.

To determine the level of the state of articulatory motor skills, the children were asked to perform the game exercise "Charging for the tongue."

Purpose: to study the state of articulatory motility. Examination procedure: carried out using a game character, while performing the following exercises in imitation of the teacher: Smile at Mishka (big smile) to make friends;

Show Mishka what kind of proboscis the elephant has (pull lips forward);

Turn the tongue into a shoulder blade (show a wide tongue);

The bear is afraid of bees, they have a sting, show a “sting” (show a narrow tongue); Bear loves to swing on a swing, let's show Bear how our tongue can swing (put the tongue first on the upper, then on the lower lip);

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By the age of 5, the formation of the correct sound pronunciation ends. Normally, all children should learn to clearly pronounce all the sounds in the composition of words and sentences. There are no substitutions according to the physiological principle: a sound that is lighter in terms of articulation is used instead of a more complex one - it should not remain, but this does not always happen. Some children have various deficiencies in sound pronunciation associated with a violation in the structure and mobility of the articulatory apparatus, or with underdevelopment of phonemic hearing. In general, after 5 years, most children begin to form a conscious orientation in the sound composition of the word. If earlier speech acted only as a means of communication, now it is becoming an object of awareness and study. The first attempts to consciously isolate a sound from a word, and then to establish the exact place of a particular sound, are necessary prerequisites for learning to read and write. The isolation of sound from a word appears spontaneously in preschool children, but complex forms of sound analysis must be taught specially. At the age of five to six years, a child can, with appropriate training, master not only determining the position of a sound in a word - the beginning, middle, end of a word - but also positional sound analysis, establishing the exact place of a sound in a word, naming the sounds in the order in which they appear in the word .

By the age of 6, the sound pronunciation of children has completely returned to normal, and work is underway to improve diction. Children do not find it difficult to pronounce words of any structure, they use polysyllabic words in a sentence. Six-year-old children clearly distinguish by ear all the sounds of their native language. Including close in their acoustic characteristics: deaf and sonorous, hard and soft. The inability to distinguish pairs of sounds by deafness - sonority most often indicates deficiencies in physical hearing. The ability to recognize sounds in a speech stream, to isolate them from a word, to establish a sequence of sounds in a particular word is developing, that is, the skills of sound analysis of words are developing. It should be noted that a large role in the development of these skills belongs to adults working with children in this direction. It can even be argued that without the participation of adults, these very necessary skills may not be formed at all. The vocabulary of preschoolers of six to seven years old is large enough and no longer lends itself to accurate accounting. Six-year-old children begin to comprehend and understand words with a figurative meaning (time is creeping, losing one's head). If a purposeful preparation for school has begun with children, the first scientific terms appear in their active vocabulary: sound, letter, sentence, number. At first, it is very difficult to separate the concepts of sound and letter, and if you are already introducing these terms into work, then try to use them yourself correctly, and make sure that the child does the same.

Sayings, jokes, tongue twisters,

sometimes devoid of meaning, important to

break the children's language into Russian and

develop a flair for the beauties of the native language.

K. D. Ushinsky

At the present stage of development, society needs an educated and educated person. In accordance with the "Concept of preschool education", the basis of education and training in preschool childhood is the acquisition of speech. This document notes that preschool childhood is particularly sensitive to speech acquisition and, if a certain level of mastery of the native language is not achieved by the age of 5-6, then this path, as a rule, cannot be successfully completed at later age stages.

At present, the loss of the best speech traditions can be traced in the language practice, the process of “coarseness” of the mores of society continues to gain momentum, which entails the decline of the general culture.

In speech activity, this is expressed in an increase in vocabulary with a reduced emotional and expressive coloring, colloquial forms, vulgarisms, and jargon.

Language is the most important part of the national culture, therefore, it is not by chance that linguists are currently raising the issue of the ecology of the language in order to prevent the destruction of speech culture.

The culture of speech is a relatively young area in the science of language. Despite the fact that this science arose in Russia only in the 20th century, the doctrine of the effectiveness of speech and its qualities has existed since ancient times.

For a long time, the culture of speech was considered only in terms of mastering the norms of the Russian literary language, but the revival of interest in rhetoric contributed to a shift in emphasis towards the study of speech genres and speech behavior. The term " A culture of speech» is ambiguous: it is the quality of speech, the ability to use language in communication, and it is the science of the quality of language use.

Education of speech culture of preschool age is a complex and little-studied phenomenon. In preschool pedagogy, the culture of speech is usually understood as a set of communicative qualities that are formed in speech activity and include the conscious assimilation of expressive and visual means of speech and their appropriate use in one's own speech. Thus, the education of a culture of speech involves not only the mastery of language norms (phonetic, lexical, grammatical, syntactic), but also the improvement of the process of implementing the expressive means of the language in live speech communication.

In preschool pedagogy research Sokhina F.A. prove that the child cannot master the speech norm on his own, and in correctional pedagogy this is still complicated by overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in preschool children, which is characterized by its multifaceted impairment of speech activity, which is confirmed by numerous studies, both psychological and pedagogical, psycholinguistic, and pedagogical physicians plan.

At this stage, there is an acute problem of mastering preschool children with speech disorders with correct, expressive, logical, and accurate speech. Therefore, the introduction of elements of the culture of speech into the correctional and pedagogical system of education will have an unconditional impact on the spiritual world of the child and will contribute to the solution of communication problems in the children's team.

It is impossible not to take into account the fact that folklore offers us the best examples of speech culture. The works of folk art contain language norms, samples of Russian speech. Scientists have repeatedly emphasized the enormous potential of various folklore genres as a means of teaching native speech and educating its culture. The artistic power of small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes) lies in their semantic, compositional, intonational-syntactic, sound and rhythmic organization. The poetic language of proverbs and sayings is simple, precise, expressive, contains synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, comparisons. At the heart of many proverbs and sayings is a metaphor (figurative meaning of the word). It serves as a means of achieving the greatest expressiveness, picturesqueness. All this makes proverbs and sayings the most valuable language material. All this determines the choice in the search for means, education of the culture of speech of older preschoolers with speech disorders.

In children with general underdevelopment of speech, according to the study, there is an unformed sense of language, an inability to build a detailed statement, inertia in the choice of language means due to deficiencies in cognitive (mental) - speech activity; deficiencies in the understanding and use of small folklore forms are found, due to the low level of ideas about the world around us, the lack of mental operations, and the insufficient formation of cognitive and communicative prerequisites for speech.

Therefore, the upbringing of a culture of speech by means of small folklore forms can be considered in line with the general correctional speech development.

To this end, tasks can be identified in the following areas:

1. To acquaint children with the most typical works of small folklore genres.

2. Develop attention and interest in small genres of folklore (riddles, proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes ...).

3. Form their aesthetic perception.

4. To form a correct understanding of the generalized allegorical meaning of riddles, proverbs, sayings.

5. To form readiness for the perception and development of small folklore forms, to develop ideas about the genres of folklore works.

6. Form ideas about linguistic means, isolate them in folklore works.

7. Teach the adequate use of figurative expressions, proverbs and sayings in various situations.

Solving these problems will help children:

Raise the level of speech culture, overcome each child's speech defect;

To develop his personal qualities and activate verbal teaching aids;

To acquaint with the works of small folklore forms and their linguistic and artistic features;

Learn to understand and highlight the artistic and semantic means of small folklore genres;

To form the skills of correct sound pronunciation, speech hearing and phonemic perception;

Develop grammatical and semantic components of language ability;

Form a coherent speech;

Develop expressiveness of speech, mental processes;

Adequately use figurative expressions of proverbs and sayings in various situations.

Education of the culture of speech communication in children of senior preschool age

Age features of the mental development of children

Communication is a real issue. In the older preschool age, the mental processes of the child continue to develop; a very important point is his communication with peers.

A child of 5-6 years old seeks to know himself and another person as a representative of society

(the closest society), gradually begins to realize the connections and dependencies in the social

behavior and relationships between people. At the age of 5-6, preschoolers make a positive

moral choice (mainly in an imaginary plan).

Despite the fact that, as in 4-5 years, children in most cases use words in speech -

ratings good - bad, good - evil, they are much more likely to start using and

a more accurate vocabulary for moral concepts - polite, honest, caring

and etc.

At this age, qualitative changes occur in the behavior of preschoolers -

the possibility of self-regulation is formed, i.e. children begin to present themselves with those

demands that were previously made to them by adults. So they can, without being distracted by

more interesting things, to complete unattractive work (clean up toys,

put things in order in the room, etc.). This is made possible by children's awareness

generally accepted norms and rules of conduct and the obligation to comply with them. Child

emotionally experiences not only the assessment of his behavior by others, but also the observance by him

norms and rules, the correspondence of his behavior to his moral and moral ideas.

However, compliance with norms (playing together, sharing toys, controlling aggression, etc.)

as a rule, at this age it is possible only in cooperation with those who are most

cute. At the age of 5 to 6 years, changes occur in the child's ideas about himself. These

representations begin to include not only the characteristics with which the child endows himself

present in a given period of time, but also the qualities that he would like or, conversely, not

would like to possess in the future, and exist for the time being as images of real people or fabulous

characters (“I want to be like Spider-Man”, “I will be like a princess”, etc.). In them

ethical norms learned by children are manifested. At this age, children are

degree focused on peers, most of the time is spent with them in a joint

games and conversations, assessments and opinions of comrades become essential for them. rises

selectivity and stability of relationships with peers. Children's preferences

explain the success of a particular child in the game (“It is interesting to play with him,” etc.) or

his positive qualities (“She is good”, “He does not fight”, etc.).

At the age of 5-6, a system of primary gender identity is formed in a child, therefore

after 6 years, educational influence on the formation of its individual aspects is already much

less efficient. At this age, children have a differentiated idea of ​​their own

gender identity on essential grounds (feminine and masculine qualities,

features of the manifestation of feelings, emotions, the specifics of gender behavior). preschoolers

evaluate their actions in accordance with gender, predict

possible options for resolving various situations of communication with children of their own and

of the opposite sex, are aware of the need and expediency of complying with the rules

behavior in relationships with children of different sexes in accordance with etiquette, notice

manifestations of feminine and masculine qualities in the behavior of surrounding adults, are guided by

socially approved models of female and male manifestations of people, literary heroes and

gladly accept the roles of worthy men and women in the game, theatrical and

other activities. When justifying the choice of peers of the opposite sex

boys rely on such qualities of girls as beauty, tenderness, affection, and girls -

on such as strength, the ability to stand up for another. However, if the boys have bright

pronounced feminine qualities, then they are rejected by a boyish society, girls

they accept such boys into their company. At 5-6 years old, children have an idea of

external beauty of men and women; establish links between the professions of men and

women and their gender.

Significant changes occur at this age in children's play, namely in play

interaction, in which a significant place begins to be occupied by a joint discussion

game rules. Children often try to control each other's actions - indicate how

one or the other character must behave. In case of conflicts during the game

children explain their actions to partners or criticize their actions, referring to the rules.

When children of this age distribute roles for play, one can sometimes observe and

attempts to solve problems together ("Who will be ...?"). However, coordination of actions

The distribution of responsibilities in children most often occurs during the game itself.

The playing space becomes more complex (for example, in the game "Theatre" a stage and a dressing room stand out).

Game actions become diverse.

Outside the game, children's communication becomes less situational. They are happy to talk about

what happened to them: where they were, what they saw, etc. Children carefully listen to each other,

emotionally empathize with the stories of friends.

Children learn to independently build game and business dialogues, mastering the rules

speech etiquette, use direct and indirect speech; in descriptive and

narrative monologues are able to convey the state of the hero, his mood, attitude

to the event, using epithets, comparisons.

They respond emotionally to those works of art in which

feelings and relationships that are understandable to them, various emotional states of people,

animals, the fight between good and evil.

The culture of verbal communication of children of senior preschool age

Communication is a real issue. “The lack of communication in preschool age leaves a fatal seal on the subsequent fate of the individual,” noted V.V. Davydov.

One of the components of communication is the culture of speech. Education of the culture of verbal communication prevents the inhuman manifestation of emotions, and also determines:

Formation of knowledge, norms and rules;

Ability to interact with others;

Willingness to make contact.

Society's requests on this issue are reflected in the Concept of Preschool Education.

An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to draw the following conclusion.

Verbal communication - a motivated living process of interaction between the participants of communication, aimed at the implementation of a specific life, goal setting, proceeds on the basis of feedback in specific types of speech activity and is organically included in all other types of activity.

It is carried out between several people, has its own structure, the components of which are inextricably linked:



The perceptual side of speech interaction.

The culture of speech communication - it is such a choice, such an organization of linguistic

means that, in a certain situation of communication, while observing modern linguistic norms of ethics, can provide the greatest effect in achieving the goals.

The culture of verbal communication of a preschooler - the child's compliance with the norms and rules of communication with adults and peers, based on respect, goodwill using the appropriate vocabulary and forms of address, as well as polite behavior in public places, everyday life.

The formation of communication culture skills has patterns associated with age characteristics. Leading teachers identify the main ways of pedagogical influence: accustoming, exercise, problem situations (conversation, explanation); as well as the most typical teaching methods.

The data obtained as a result of a study conducted in our kindergarten allow us to say: teachers and parents are aware of the need to organize special work to educate the culture of children's speech communication. However, their lack of theoretical knowledge and practical skills did not allow them to clearly identify methods and techniques, forms of organizing work in this area, which ultimately led to insufficient assimilation of the material by children of older preschool age. As a result, three groups were distinguished according to the level of formation of the culture of speech communication.

The program "Formation of a culture of speech communication between children of senior preschool age with adults and peers" was compiled on the basis of the program "Success"

Senior age.

Thematic blocks:

-Development of coherent speech;

- Familiarization with fiction;

-Development of vocabulary;

- Development of the grammatical structure of speech;

-Non-verbal communication.

4.2 lessons per month, 25 min. each.

Approximate term of the theme implementation is 1 year.

Planned results.

By the end of the year, the child should be:

Physically developed, having mastered cultural and hygienic skills;

Inquisitive, active;

Emotionally responsive;

Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and children;

Able to manage their behavior and plan their actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior;

Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems), adequate to age;

having primary ideas about himself, family, society, state, world and nature;

Having mastered the universal prerequisites for learning activities - the ability to work according to the rule and according to the model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions

Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of various types of children's activities

5Accompanying forms of education (circle "Merry tongue", excursions, exhibitions, theatrical activities).


The development of technology was carried out on the basis of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, modern educational programs.

Teaching children involves:

Introduction to the dictionary of ethical formulas - words and expressions assigned to typical situations of communication;

Explanation of their meaning;

Formation of the ability to choose the right stereotype, taking into account the situation of communication.

This technology provides for work in regulated, joint and independent activities with children, which allows each older child without overload, taking into account age, individual characteristics, develop communication skills, observe the rules of the culture of speech communication.

The peculiarity of the technology lies in the fact that all activities are playful and entertaining.

The main goal of the technology:

To form knowledge, skills, skills of the culture of speech communication in older children with adults and peers.

The main tasks of the technology:

- enter ethical stereotypes into the active dictionary;

To form the ability to choose the right formula, taking into account the situation of communication;

Ability to carry out activities effectively, i.e. the ability to speak and listen to others;

To carry out work on the development of the actual speech norms.

The technology is based on the following principles:

1)taking into account the age characteristics of older preschoolers:

By the age of 5-6, children develop an out-of-situation-personal form of communication with adults and children;

By the older preschool age, children are already familiar with some ethical stereotypes;

2) integrated approach, which provides for the allocation of the tasks of working on the development of a culture of speech communication with adults and peers, solved using a variety of forms, methods and techniques;

3) use of various forms, methods and techniques of work, contributing to the education of the culture of speech communication of children of senior preschool age with adults and peers. When working with children, it is necessary to combine verbal methods and techniques with visual and practical ones, which is reflected in our technology.

Particular attention is paid to:


The use of the artistic word;

Compliments as one of the types of encouragement;

Playing game problem situations and exercises;

Dramatization of individual works;

4) combinations of various forms of organization of activity: regulated - classes, joint - educator and children, independent activities of children in which the solution of tasks is carried out;

5) gaming - corresponds to the age psychological characteristics of children;

6) non-judgmental positive acceptance of the child;

7) stages of work on the basis of which three stages were distinguished.

Stage 1: preparatory (preliminary), during which work is envisaged to activate ethical stereotypes in children's speech, communication norms based on previously acquired knowledge.

Stage 2: the child masters the rules of the culture of speech communication. Work at this stage involves:

The introduction of a sufficient number of ethical formulas into the speech of children used by initiation with adults and peers, an explanation of their meaning;

Formation of the ability to listen carefully to the interlocutor, to establish contact with him using various means of communication.

Proper use of various methods and techniques of work, their rational combination will contribute to the formation of communication culture skills in children of senior preschool age.

Stage 3: follow-up work that allows you to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills.

The technology is presented in the table

The work carried out in the preschool educational institution is most effective if it is continued in the family.


S.D. - joint activities of the teacher with children;

SDD - independent activity of children;

P - knowledge;

F - physical culture;

H - health;

B - security;

C - socialization;

T - labor;

K - communication;

H - reading fiction;

X - artistic creativity;

M is music.

Thus, the content of the formation of a culture of speech communication of children of older preschool age are:

Formation of knowledge about the rules and norms of speech etiquette in different situations of communication (greetings, farewells, gratitude, encouragement, empathy),

With different interlocutors: adults and children;

-in different (types of activity:) educational areas: cognition, physical culture, health, safety, socialization, work, communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music.

Prospective work plan "Education of a culture of speech communication in children of senior preschool age"


Regulated activity

Joint activities of the teacher with children

Independent activity of children

Working with parents


    "Learning to introduce ourselves. Let's get acquainted."


    To help the child get an idea of ​​the basic rules for getting to know surrounding adults and peers, about the etiquette expressions used in certain cases;

Methods and techniques:

Conversation, game exercises for the development of a sense of intimacy "Affectionate name", artistic word, playing game situations "Acquaintance".

S. - familiarization with the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults, the development of gaming activities.

P. - the achievement of cognitive interests.

G. Oster "Let's get acquainted."

"Silence", "Snowball", "Who came to us", "Polite cat".

Game situations of acquaintance.

Ch. - the formation of primary value ideas, familiarization with verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.

H.T. - the development of children's creativity.

S. - the development of children's play activities.

K. - the development of free communication with adults and children.

Inclusion in role-playing games of children of game situations of acquaintance;

Game "Best Acquaintance".

P. - the achievement of cognitive interests.

A conversation with parents about the need and importance of the ability to expand the circle of acquaintances, recommendations on using real life situations to teach a child the etiquette rule of acquaintance.

K. - the development of free communication with adults and children.

P. - the achievement of cognitive interests.

    "I speak and understand without words."


    to acquaint children with the fact that you can communicate without words and understand what others are talking about, their mood with the help of facial expressions, gestures;

Methods and techniques:

Conversation; game to liberate children; playing problem situations, game exercise.

S. - the development of gaming activity.

K. - the development of free communication with adults and children.

Game "Give movement", "Show mood", "Mood".

Examination and discussion of photographs, illustrations.

Game exercise "Mimic gymnastics".

S. - the development of gaming activity.

Ch. - the formation of primary value ideas.

Inclusion in the role-playing games of children the game "Think up and show."

Dramatization of acquaintances works of art without words through facial expressions and gestures.

S. - the development of gaming activity.

Invite pupils to tell relatives about games without words. Think of how you can depict one of the animals without words.

K. - the development of free communication with adults and children.

H.T. - the development of children's creativity.


    "Let's compliment each other..."


    introduce the use of a compliment as a way of encouraging, expressing goodwill;

Methods and techniques:

game exercise; clarification; modeling and analysis of situations; looking at photographs.

P. - expanding the horizons of children.

K. - the development of free communication with adults and children.

Ch. - familiarization with aesthetic taste.

S. - the development of gaming activity.

Conversation with children.

"Wonderful Transformations", "Polite Guesses", "Compliment", "Boyars", "Echo", "Polite Cat", "Magic Glasses".

Game situations "Sound the picture", etc.

K. - the development of free communication with adults and children.

S. - the development of gaming activity.

We draw a self-portrait "As a gift to a friend."

Didactic board games, games in pairs, encouraging children to reproduce the approval formulas they know.

S. - the development of gaming activity.

H.T. - development of productive activity, children's creativity.

Together with parents, come up with and write down formulas for compliments in the album of children's word creation for:

Approval of appearance;

Approval of personal qualities;

Approval of business qualities.

P. - the development of cognitive research activities.

K. - the development of free communication with adults and children.

    "It all starts with the word 'hello'.


    reveal the meaning of the word "Hello", the use of variable words of greeting depending on the partner, time of day.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation; clarification; modeling and analysis of greeting situations; game exercise, artistic word.

P. - expanding the horizons of children.

S. - the development of gaming activity.

Reading fiction:

A. Kondratiev "Good afternoon", A. Barto "Yesterday I was walking along the garden", M. Druzhinina "Who knows the magic word".

Games: "Who will say hello first", "Say hello".

Game-dramatization "Country of courtesy".

Ch. - the development of literary speech, familiarization with verbal art.

H.T. - the development of children's creativity.

S. - the development of gaming activity.

Use of etiquette formulas during greetings.

Game "Take a seat".

Games-dramatization of poems.

Use of etiquette greeting formulas in role-playing games.

S. - the development of gaming activity.

K. - the development of free communication with adults and children.

Come up with a little polite fairy tale "Hello."

Ch. - familiarization with verbal art, the development of literary speech.

H.T. - meeting the needs of children in self-expression.


    When we part, we say goodbye.


    reveal the meaning of the word "Goodbye", the use of various forms of farewell depending on the partner.

Methods and techniques:

Listening to excerpts from works of art; modeling and analysis of farewell situations; study for relaxation; drama game.

Reading of works of art "It's time to say goodbye."

Goodbye game.

Game exercise "Carlson".

Modeling situations of farewell.

The use of etiquette formulas when saying goodbye.

Using etiquette formulas of farewell in role-playing games.

Game "Fakirs"

The game "Who knows the words of farewell more" (competitive).

    The magic word is "thank you".


    teach children the appropriate use of various words, gratitude formulas.

Methods and techniques:

Modeling, playing and analysis of situations; TRIZ technique "What would happen if…"; reading excerpts from works of art, game exercises.

Game-dramatization "Good afternoon".

"Walks", "Tanya doll is our guest", "Polite cat", "Gifts"

Reading works of art.

Playing situations.

Use of various gratitude formulas in role-playing games.

Didactic games, games in pairs.

Offer to come up with a "Polite Tale", draw illustrations for it.

Use situations from your own example.


    1. "A polite request."


    to acquaint children with accessible forms of expressing a request addressed to different communication partners: strangers, acquaintances, a loved one, an adult and a peer.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation; artistic word; TRIZ technique "What would happen if…"; playing situations; game exercises; looking at photographs and illustrations.

Reading the works of art by S. Marshak "If you are polite", "I knew one child", I. Pivovarova "There was a very polite donkey, S. Pogorelovsky" What does it mean to be polite.

Dramatization games "How Pinocchio became polite."

"Polite word".

Literary quiz "Hello, please, thank you ...".

Writing an etiquette story.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok".

The use of forms of expression of requests in didactic, role-playing games.

Exercise Please.

Discuss in the parent team the importance of respecting courtesy in the family, its importance for the formation of a child's belief about the need to speak culturally.


    "Talk about how to be compliant."


    explain how important it is to yield to each other in any joint activity, using special etiquette stereotypes: advice, apologies, consent, approval.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation; artistic word; modeling and playing situations; game exercises; TRIZ technique "Chain of words".

Reading fiction about friendship.

Game-dramatization "Puppet sledding".

Etude "Who is to blame".

Exercise "Waves", "Pass another."

Games in pairs "Mosaic in pairs", "Mittens", "Drawing houses".

Game "Old grandmother", "On the bridge".

Mobile game "Don't get your feet wet"

Offer parents advice "Is it necessary to give in to the child."

Invite parents to note whether they are careful in making critical remarks, whether they make a remark to the child in a harsh form, whether they insult the child, other family members in speech form.

    "My mood and those around me."


    to teach children to express their mood by verbal and non-verbal means of communication, as well as to understand the mood of surrounding adults and children.

Methods and techniques:

Didactic game; listening to a piece of music; drawing your mood; conversation, sketches for the expression of emotions; looking at photographs.

Exercise "Mood"

Game "Show mood".

"Clouds", "Curious", "Concentrated", "Fatigue", "battle", "Sunshine", others.

Examination and discussion of photographs, pictograms.

The use of learned etudes in role-playing games.

Didactic games

"Find out who it is", "Find me".

Etude "My emotions".

Invite parents to start a "Children's Mood Diary".


    "I'm learning to speak culturally."


    introduce children to the rules of cultural behavior when communicating with others.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation; artistic word; dramatization game; didactic game.

Reading works of oral folk art.

Discussion game "Relationships", "Air balloon, fly in".

Didactic game "Say the opposite."

Dramatization of fairy tales.

Exercises "Clock", "Lego", "Ninja Turtles".

The use of tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, jokes in free speech.

Invite pupils to tell their loved ones about the rules of cultural behavior when communicating. Submit a survey to parents.

    "We will talk, and we will pronounce everything correctly and clearly, so that everyone understands."


    to teach children, communicating with adults, peers, to speak clearly, beautifully, cleanly, expressively.

Methods and techniques:

game exercise; articulation gymnastics; breathing exercises; art word.

Articulation gymnastics.

Breath control exercises.

Reading of works of art with subsequent conversation.

Etude "Who can imitate",

Game-dramatization "Turtle and Hare".

Writing fairy tales.

"Boasting Contest", "Broken Phone",

"Echo", "Grandma Malanya".

Mobile, didactic games with words.

Conduct a round table "Development of your child's speech skills", provide recommendations on the use of speech etiquette formulas, non-use of unethical expressions.


    "Conversation with a friend" (adult or peer).


    to teach children the ability to listen to the interlocutor, to be attentive to the communication partner.

Methods and techniques:

Game exercises; modeling and playing situations; listening to an excerpt from a work of art; couple games.

Reading fiction:

V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower", Oseeva "Three comrades",

Game exercises:

"Describe a Friend", "Give a Gift to a Friend", "Comparisons", "Magic Shop",

Game-dramatization "Three comrades".

Shared storytelling "Keep on telling".

couple games,

Dramatization games, puppet shows at the request of children (by subgroups: some children show - artists, others - spectators).

Story-driven creative games with scene repetition

Invite parents to tell their children about their friendship. Show by example how to be friends.

Introduce parents to sociometry

March, April

    1. Compassion, consolation, mercy, care."


    To teach to combine empathy with a verbal expression of sympathy, consolation, using special etiquette formulas for this.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation; artistic word; modeling and playing situations; TRIZ reception "Good-bad"; viewing illustrations; drama game.

Using the TRIZ "Good-bad" technique.

Acquaintance and discussion of proverbs and sayings.


"Binding thread", "Flower of courtesy".

"Good Wizards", "Princess Nesmeyana", "Duck with ducklings", "On the bridge", "Old grandmother".

Reading the fairy tale "Cuckoo", R. Zernov's story "How Anton fell in love with going to kindergarten."

Didactic games, making various crafts for children of younger groups.

Games-dramatization of fairy tales.

Games with children of younger groups (mutual visit).

Round table "Formation of the culture of verbal communication in the family".

Participation in the exhibition of family works "Decorate our group".

Reading works of art.


    "Good deeds, magic words."


    to form in children a benevolent attitude towards surrounding adults, peers, kids, the ability to choose the right formula for expressing their feelings, thoughts.

Methods and techniques:

Examining illustrations; conversation; writing fairy tales; etude; game exercise.

Composing fairy tales-shifters, polite tales.

"Smile", "Compliment", "Good thoughts", "Air balloon, fly in", "Spring twig".

Explaining courtesy.

Modeling and analysis of situations.

Do-it-yourself gifts for children of younger groups, parents.

Playing magic words in role-playing, creative games.

Invite parents to write a mini-essay on the topic "I as a parent."

Consultation "Introduction to games that contribute to the formation of a culture of speech communication in children."

    "Yakalki, crybabies, sneaks."


    to teach children adequate cultural communication in a conflict situation.

Methods and techniques:

game exercise; TRIZ reception "Chain of words"; modeling and playing situations; drama game.

Reading of works of art by B. Zhitkov "How the elephant saved the owner from the tiger", "L. Kvitko" Two friends ".

"Situations", "Morozko", "Find out who it is", "Magic Mirror".

Outdoor games,

Role-playing games, didactic games, games in pairs.

Parent meeting "The role and importance of educating a culture of speech communication in the development of the personality of an older preschooler"

    Final lesson "Culture of verbal communication".


    Improve the skills of using verbal and non-verbal means of communication, according to the proposed situation.

Methods and techniques:

At the request of the teacher.

At the request of the teacher, aimed at consolidating the knowledge of children.

At the request of the children, directing her to consolidate the acquired skills.

Individual conversations on the rules of behavior of parents in the process of communicating with children.

W adachi

Cultivate friendly relationships between children; the habit of playing, working together; the desire to please elders with good deeds. Continue to teach children to evaluate their own work; cultivate the habit of working diligently. To form a friendly and respectful attitude towards peers of different nationalities.

To develop volitional qualities: the ability to limit one's desires, to bring the work begun to the end, to comply with the established norms of behavior, to follow a good example in one's actions.

Cultivate friendly relationships between children; the habit of playing together, working, studying; the desire to please elders with good deeds. Cultivate respect for others.

To form such qualities as sympathy, responsiveness.

Continue to enrich the children's vocabulary with "polite" words ("hello", "goodbye", "thank you", "sorry", "please", etc.). Show the importance of the native language in the formation of the foundations of morality.

To instill in boys an attentive attitude towards girls: to teach them to give them a chair, to provide assistance at the right time, do not hesitate to invite girls to dance, etc. To educate girls in modesty, to teach them to take care of others, to be grateful for help and signs of attention from boys.

To form the ability to evaluate their own actions and the actions of other people. To develop the desire of children to express their attitude to the environment, to independently find various speech means for this.

In everyday life, in games, suggest formulas for expressing verbal politeness to children (ask forgiveness, apologize, thank, compliment. Teach children to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts using speech: convince, prove, explain.

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech.

Continue to develop speech as a means of communication. To expand children's ideas about the diversity of the world around them. To offer for consideration handicrafts, mini-collections (postcards, stamps, coins, sets of toys made of a certain material), illustrated books (including fairy tales with drawings by different artists), postcards, photographs with sights of the native land, Moscow, reproductions paintings (including from the life of pre-revolutionary Russia), a map, a globe, etc. (taking into account the recommendations contained in other sections of the program).


1. When working on the formation of speech communication, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children of older preschool age.

2. Provide for a combination of various forms of organization of activities:


    joint teacher with children;

    independent children.

    Observe the principles of using various methods, methods of work, pay special attention to:

    In regulated activities: conversation, artistic word, encouragement, playing problem situations, clarification;

    In the joint activities of the teacher with children: their own role model, solving problem situations, composing fairy tales of shifters, polite tales, didactic games, reading works of art, games - dramatizations;

    In the independent activities of children: games in pairs, role-playing, games - dramatizations.

4. Remember that the work carried out in D, O, U on the formation of a culture of verbal communication between older preschoolers and others is effective only when it is continued in the family .. Therefore, it is necessary to actively involve parents in solving the problem using such forms as:

    individual conversations;


    round table;

    parent meetings;


    invitation to the group for an open day.

5. Consider the readiness of preschoolers to assimilate the proposed material.

6. Establish personal contact with children:

    address by name;

    take a position at the level of the child's eyes;

    use tactile techniques.

7. Try to listen to the children to the end, even if there is little time. Do not interrupt the child.

8. Remember that speech is a reflection of the personality of the educator. Monitor your own speech

    eliminate shouting, harsh intonations that negatively affect children, causing them discomfort4

    take into account terminological accuracy and relevance, communicative expediency of speech;

    pay attention to the use of a variety of speech etiquette formulas and stereotypes;

    on intonation, remember that correctly placed intonational accents affect the quality of perceived information and the general psychological microclimate;

    transform your speech in such a way as to adapt it for children's understanding.

9. Remember that a preschool child learns all information better not through words, but through relationships. Try to use a non-verbal way of interaction with children, as a "demonstration of disposition towards him": calm attention, smile, eye contact, approving gesture, affectionate touch.

10. Organizing communication with children, strive to understand their mood.

11. Smile more often when interacting with children.

12. When communicating with children, more often use such techniques as own speech, role model, clarification, encouragement, compliments.

13. ability to analyze the process of communication.

14. To remind the child of speech etiquette formulas, use game techniques, not notations.