Infectious safety tests. Certification tests in the specialty


B. to prevent infection in the wound

2. Antiseptic is a set of measures:

A. Anti-infection in the wound

b. to prevent infection in the wound

in. instrument disinfection

g. instrument sterilization

3. Disinfection is:

a. prevention of infection in the wound

b. destruction of vegetative and spore-forming microorganisms

in. destruction of vegetative microorganisms

D. killing or removing pathogenic microorganisms and their vectors from medical devices

4. Sterilization is:

a. preventing microorganisms from entering the wound

b. destruction of vegetative forms of microorganisms

B. destruction of microorganisms of all kinds at all stages of development

d. removal of microorganisms from the surface of medical devices

5. Infectious diseases that the patient becomes infected as a result of the medical care provided, and the staff in the course of their professional activities, are called:

a. quarantine

b. conventional

B. nosocomial

6. Stages of pre-sterilization cleaning:

a. washing under running water

b. immersion in the washing complex

in. rinsing in distilled water

d. all answers are correct

7. Specify the properties of the disinfectant solution for disinfection in viral hepatitis:

a. bactericidal

b. sporicidality

B. virucidal

8. Steam sterilization modes:

a. pressure 2 atm. Pace. = 132 gr. C - 20 min

b. pressure 1.1 atm. Pace. = 120 gr.С - 45 min

in. pressure 0.5 atm. Pace. \u003d 110 gr. C - 20 min

g. pressure 1.1 atm. Pace. \u003d 120 gr. C - 60 min

9. Main air sterilization mode:

a. 120 gr. C - 40 min

b. 180 gr. C -180 min

in. 200 gr. C - 40 min

G. 180 gr. C - 60 min

10. Ways of transmission of nosocomial infection:

a. parenteral

b. contact

in. airbornechemical

11. Wet cleaning in sensitive rooms is carried out:

a. at least 1 time per day

B. at least 2 times a day

in. before manipulation

at the end of the working day

12. General cleaning of the treatment room is carried out:

A. 1 time in 7 days

b. 2 times per week

in. 1 time per month

g. 1 time in 10 days

13. The main methods of decontamination of the hands of medical personnel:

A. social

b. prophylactic

B. hygienic

G. surgical

14. Places of waste generation of class B:

A. operating rooms, treatment rooms and other manipulation rooms

b. administrative and utility rooms of health care facilities

in. TB departments

15. Possible ways of transmission of HIV infection:

a. sharing utensils

b. insect bites

B. donated blood transfusion

16. Hygienic decontamination of hands is indicated:

a. after contact with biofluids

b. before invasive procedures

in. before direct patient contact

d. all answers are correct

17. The main habitat and reproduction of the gram-negative group of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms (Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.) are:

A. wet surface

b. air environment

B. open solutions of drugs

dry surface (tables, couches)

e. powdered drugs

18. Sterile tweezers are stored during operation:

A. dry in sterile packaging

b. in 6% hydrogen peroxide

in. in 3% chloramine

19. Measures to prevent airborne infection:

A. mask mode

B. wet cleaning, UV

B. isolation of persons with SARS

d. specific microclimate: humidity, temperature

e. all answers are correct

20. The leading factor in the transmission of purulent-septic infection in medical institutions:

b. tools

in. care items

G. staff hands

d. air

21. Anti-epidemic measures for hospital infections:

a. infection control

B. identifying and isolating the source

B. interruption of transmission paths

D. observation of contacts

e. increasing the immunity of the population

e. all answers are correct

22. Name the methods of sterilization:

A. aerial

b. boiling

B. chemical

G. steam

23. Ways of transmission of HIV infection:

A. sexual

b. parenteral

B. vertical


e. all answers are correct

24. The purpose of the surgical treatment of the hands of medical staff:

a. removal or killing of transient microflora

b. removal or killing of resident microflora

B. removal or killing of transient microflora and reduction in the number of resident microflora

25. What types of external influences is the HIV virus resistant to:

A. low temperatures

B. high temperatures

in. ultraviolet irradiation

d. disinfectants

26. Specify the sequence of stages of medical device processing:

a. 1.rinsing with running water, pre-sterilization cleaning, sterilization

b. 2.disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, sterilization

in. 3.disinfection, rinsing with running water, sterilization

27. The choice of sterilization method depends on:

A. features of the sterilized product

b. degree of contamination of the product

28. Frequency of self-control for the quality of pre-sterilization cleaning:

a. at least once a week

B. daily, selectively

in. daily, 1% of processed items of one item per shift in the CSO and 1% of simultaneously processed items of each item, but not less than 3 units, with decentralized processing

29. Sterilization should be subject to:

A. all medical devices

b. in contact with the wound

in. in contact with blood, injectables

30. Possible ways of transmission of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in healthcare facilities:

a. food

B. pin

B. instrumental

31. Number of waste classes in medical institutions:

32. Color of disposable bags for class B waste disposal:

a. green

B. yellow

a. red

33. Name the main characteristic features of HIV infection.

a. unusually long (up to 5-7 years) latent period of the disease

b. lifelong carrier of the virus

in. constant replication of the virus in the body

d. fatal outcome of the disease

e. damage to the cellular link of the immune system

e. all answers are correct

34. List the groups at increased risk for HIV infection

A. donors

B. persons with non-traditional sexual orientation (homo-, bisexuals)

B. prostitutes

D. intravenous drug users

E. persons receiving multiple blood transfusions

e. all answers are correct

35. In case of violation of the rights of the patient, he can apply:

a. to the relevant medical association

b. to the licensing committee

D. all of the above are correct

36. The main activities of a nurse:

A. prevention of disease and injury

B. health promotion

in. rehabilitation

d. relief of suffering

all of the above are correct

37. Ethics is:

A. the science of morality

b. the science of duty

in. the science of the rules of behavior in a work team

38. Deontology is:

A. the doctrine of morality

b. doctrine of duty

39. A patient is:

a. individual with a disease

B. an individual receiving health care services or applying for health care services, regardless of whether he has a disease

40. Is parental consent to medical intervention required for a child under 15 years of age:

A. yes

41. Code of Ethics:

A. gives moral guidance in the professional activities of nurses

b. gives legal aspects in the professional activities of nurses

42. The rights of the patient of the Russian Federation are defined:

A. The Constitution of the Russian Federation

B. "The fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens"

in. orders of local health authorities

43. The guaranteed volume of free medical care is provided in accordance with:

G. The Constitution of the Russian Federation

a. State guarantee program

B. Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens

44. Does the patient have the right to refuse medical intervention:

A. yes

45. Does the patient have the right to receive information about his rights and obligations:

A. yes

in. in some cases

46. ​​Medical prevention is:

A. actions aimed at reducing the likelihood of occurrence of certain diseases or dysfunctions in an individual, family, group and population as a whole

B. elimination or compensation of disability

48. Health promotion is:

B. patient

B. dilated pupils

B. lack of breathing


e. no pulse on radiotherapy

53. The ratio of air blowing and heart massage during resuscitation:

G. 2:30

54. A sign of the effectiveness of resuscitation:

a. pupillary constriction

b. reduction in pallor

B. 30 min

56. The depth of the deflection of the sternum during a heart massage in an adult:

H. 4-5 cm

57. How to start help with electrical injury:

B. pressure bandage

in. adhesive bandage

g. lubrication with iodine solution

60. In case of arterial bleeding, the tourniquet is applied to no more than:

A. 30 minutes

b. 60 minutes

in. 120 minutes

g. 180 minutes

61. A patient with a fracture of the spine is transported:

a. in a semi-sitting position

b. lying on your side on a wooden board

To faint

66. The main sign of cardiac arrest:

a. cessation of breathing

b. lack of blood pressure

B. anaphylactic shock

in. hives


68. The causative agent of influenza is:

a. bacterium

B. virus

in. rickettsia

d. chlamydia

69. Tactics of a medical worker in case of suspected plague:

a. isolation of the patient at the place of detection

b. transfer of contacts to the next room

in. notification to the manager about the suspicion of the plague

d. collection of material for analysis

e. all answers are correct

70. The incubation period of the disease is:

a. high body temperature

A. parenteral

B. genital

B. intrauterine


e. fecal-oral

73. Specific prevention of influenza:

A. vaccinations

b. antibiotics

in. antihistamines

74. Non-specific prophylaxis of influenza:

A. isolation of the patient

B. mask mode

B. quarantine

d. isolation and examination of contact

e. all answers are correct

75. The main method of laboratory diagnostics, which allows to establish the pathogen in the material of the patient:

A. bacteriological

b. serological

in. allergic

d. skin-allergic

76. When a seriously ill patient is admitted to the admission department of a hospital, the nurse should first of all:

a. urgently call a doctor on duty

b. transport the patient to the intensive care unit

in. complete the necessary medical documentation

G. as it gets dirty

78. The most common areas of bedsore formation in a seriously ill patient in the supine position:

a. sacrum

b. back of the head

in. shoulder blades

D. all of the above are correct

79. Subfebrile body temperature (in degrees C):

G. 37:1-38

80. Intramuscular injections are made in the quadrant of the buttocks:

a. upper inner

B. upper outer

in. lower outer

d. lower internal

81. Parenteral routes of drug administration:

a. through the respiratory tract

b. through the rectum

B. infiltrate

d. anaphylactic shock

83. Complication of intravenous injection leading to instant death:

A. air embolism

b. hematoma

in. necrosis


84. When a patient has constipation, an enema is prescribed:

A. hypertonic

B. ordinary cleansing

in. siphon?

G. oily

85. How often to turn the patient to prevent bedsores:

a. 2 times a day

b. irrelevant

A. any

B. soft

B. semi-rigid?

G. hard?

87. When catheterizing the bladder in women, the catheter is inserted to a depth (in cm):

88. Urine is formed:

a. in the bladder

b. in the ureters

B. in the kidneys

89. Manipulations and procedures that are potentially dangerous for the development of nosocomial infection, except for:

a. injections

b. surgical intervention

B. electrophoresis

d. Bladder catheterization

e. gastroscopy

W. 16-20

The maximum pressure is

a. diastolic

B. systolic

in. arrhythmic

g. pulse

92. The number of heartbeats per minute in an adult is normal:

V. 60-80

93. Infection of a healthcare worker while servicing an HIV-infected person is possible in the following cases:

a. during injections, punctures and other manipulations

B. pandemic

96. Ways of transmission of HIV-infection:

A. sexual

B. vertical

in. air - drip

d. fecal-oral

D. blood contact

e. food

G. transmissive

97. Which of the following biological fluids of an HIV-infected person are most important for infecting another person:

A. blood

B. bloody sputum

V. cum

D. vaginal secretion

98. Specify the storage conditions for immunobiological preparations:

A. in the fridge

b. at room temperature

99. The accumulation of medicines occurs:

A. in bone tissue

B. in adipose tissue

in. in connective tissue ?

d. all answers are correct

100. Routes of excretion of drugs - all except:

in. intestines

g. lungs

e. glands (salivary, sweat, lacrimal, milk, sebaceous)

E. blood

Certification tests in the specialty


1. Asepsis is a set of measures:

a. wound infection control

b. instrument disinfection

Security Tests

1. Concentration of chloramine solution for surface treatment contaminated with blood
a) 3%

2. Transportation of the test tube to the laboratory with blood is carried out in:

b) tripod

c) sterile container

d) a glass jar

3. When pricked with an infected needle, all but one are true

a) squeeze out a drop of blood

b) treat with furatsilin

c) wash your hands with soap

d) treat with alcohol 70 degrees.

4. Possible route of transmission of HIV infection

a) eating from one dish

b) transfusion of infected blood

c) handshake

d) insect bites.

5. If a chlorine solution gets into the eyes of a nurse, it is necessary first of all

a) rinse with sodium bicarbonate solution

b) instill a solution of albucid

c) see a doctor immediately

d) rinse eyes with running water

6. The patient broke the mercury thermometer, the actions of the nurse

a) collect in a sealed container and report to the SES

b) collect with a damp swab and throw it in the trash

c) collect with a pear-shaped balloon and pour into the sink

d) collect with a vacuum cleaner and treat the place of mercury ingress with a solution of potassium permanganate


1 a 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 d 6 a

Nursing Process

1. The policy document "Philosophy of nursing in Russia" was adopted

a) Kamensk - Podolsk, January 1995

b) Moscow, October 1993

c) St. Petersburg, May 1991

d) Golitsyno, August 1993

2. Physiological problem of the patient

a) loneliness

b) the risk of a suicide attempt

c) anxiety about losing a job

d) sleep disturbance

3. Purpose of the nursing process

a) diagnosis and treatment of the disease

b) ensuring an acceptable quality of life in illness

c) deciding the order of care measures

d) active cooperation with the patient

4. Requirements for professional patient care all but one are true

a) science

b) periodicity

c) consistency

d) personality

5. The first level in the pyramid of human values ​​(needs) of psychologist A. Maslow

a) belonging

b) survive

c) success

d) safety

6. The physiological need, according to A. Maslow's hierarchy, includes

a) respect

b) knowledge

c) breathing

d) communication

7. Fear of death is a problem

a) psychological

b) physical

c) social

d) spiritual

8. The number of levels in the hierarchy of basic vital needs according to A. Maslow

a) fourteen

b) ten

9. The top of the hierarchy of human needs, according to A. Maslow, is

a) social need

b) the need for self-respect and respect for others

c) the need for self-realization of the individual

d) the need for security

10. The first theorist of nursing is

a) Yu. Vrevskaya

b) E. Bakunina

c) D. Sevastopolskaya

d) F. Nightingale

11. The concept of "vital human need"

a) the ability to function independently

b) lack of what is essential for human health and well-being

c) any conscious desire

d) human physiological need

a) Ekaterina Mikhailovna Bakunina

b) Pirogov Nikolai Ivanovich

c) Florence Nightingale

d) Virginia Henderson

13. The goals of nursing care are

a) short term

b) general

c) personal

d) not specific

14. Number of steps in the nursing process

15. The third stage of the nursing process includes

b) urgent emergency care

c) identifying the patient's problems

d) gathering information

16. The second stage of the nursing process includes

a) planning the scope of nursing interventions

b) identifying the patient's problems

c) collecting information about the patient

d) defining the goals of nursing care

17. The word "diagnosis" in Greek means

a) illness

b) sign

c) state

d) recognition

18. Verbal communication includes communication with the help of

a) facial expressions

d) letters

19. An example of independent nursing intervention

a) using a gas outlet tube

b) organization of mutual assistance in the patient's family

c) the appointment of mustard plasters

d) appointment of a treatment table and a mode of physical activity

20. Nursing diagnosis (patient problems)

a) urinary incontinence

b) angina

c) cyanosis

a) Dorothea Orem

b) Julia Vrevskaya

c) Abraham Maslow

d) Nikolai Pirogov

22. The problem of "stool retention" is

a) secondary

b) potential

c) emotional

d) real

23. Social needs of the patient

c) recognition

24. The first stage of the nursing process includes

a) predicting care outcomes

b) a conversation with the patient's relatives

c) identification of existing and potential problems of the patient

d) prevention of complications

25. Determination of nursing diagnosis (patient problem)

a) identification of the clinical syndrome

b) identifying a specific disease

c) identifying the cause of the disease

d) a description of the patient's problems amenable to nursing intervention

26. The subjective method of nursing examination includes

a) definition of edema

b) questioning the patient

c) measurement of blood pressure

d) familiarization with the data of the medical record

27. Nursing diagnosis

a) can change during the day

b) does not differ from medical

c) determines the disease

d) aims to cure

28. Specialized facility for palliative care

a) hospice

b) polyclinic

c) medical unit

d) ambulance station

29. The concept of nursing diagnosis first appeared

a) in Japan

b) in the United States of America

c) in Russia

d) in England

30. Everything applies to the organization of patient education, except

a) time and place of classes

c) the objectives of the classes

d) collecting information about the patient

31. The number of heartbeats per minute in an adult is normal
a) 100 -120

32. Everything belongs to the properties of breathing, except

b) frequencies

c) depth

d) stress

33. The number of breaths per minute in an adult is normal

b) 22 - 28
c) 16-20
d) 10-12

34. One of the properties of the pulse

a) voltage

b) hypotension

c) tachypnea

d) atony

35. Select a nursing diagnosis from the proposed list

a) satisfaction of the need for security is violated

b) the staff avoids contact with the patient

c) heart failure

d) lack of knowledge on care for this condition

36. By filling the pulse is distinguished

a) rhythmic, arrhythmic

b) fast, slow

c) full, empty

d) hard, soft

37. The most interconnected properties of the pulse

a) tension and filling

b) tension and rhythm

c) frequency and rhythm

d) speed and frequency

38. Blood pressure measurement is an intervention

a) dependent

b) independent

c) interdependent

d) depending on the situation

39. The difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure is called

a) maximum blood pressure

b) minimum blood pressure

c) pulse pressure

d) pulse deficit

40. The maximum pressure is

a) diastolic

b) systolic

c) arrhythmic

d) pulse

41. Anthropometry includes the measurement of everything except

d) blood pressure

42. Select from the proposed list a nursing diagnosis (patient's problem), which is in the competence of a nurse

a) jaundice

b) severe pain in the heart

c) bronchitis

d) lack of knowledge about diet

43. Brief loss of consciousness is

b) collapse

to faint

44. The pulse of an adult at rest is 98 beats per minute

b) tachycardia

c) bradycardia

d) arrhythmia

45. The properties of the pulse include everything except

a) filling

b) stress

c) frequencies

46. ​​Pulse is distinguished by voltage

a) rhythmic, arrhythmic

b) fast, slow

c) full, empty

d) hard, soft

47. Pulse count time (in sec.)
a) 60

48. All places for determining the pulse, except

a) carotid artery

b) temporal artery

c) radial artery

d) abdominal artery

49. Correctly formulated goal of nursing intervention

a) the patient will not be short of breath

b) the patient will receive enough liquid

c) the patient will quit smoking after talking with the sister

d) the patient will be able to dress himself by the end of the week

50. Normal numbers of diastolic blood pressure in an adult (mm Hg)

51. The frequency of the pulse is

a) normal

b) hard

c) complete

d) arrhythmic

52. The value of the pulse depends on

a) tension and filling

b) voltage and frequency

c) filling and frequency

d) frequency and rhythm

53. The first step in the nursing process requires

a) the ability to communicate with the patient and his relatives

b) the consent of the attending physician

c) the consent of the older sister

d) consent of the head of the department

54. The second stage of the nursing process is

b) examination - collection of information about the patient

c) assessment of the effectiveness of actions, causes, errors and complications

d) making a nursing diagnosis

55. The second stage of the nursing process is

a) drawing up a nursing care plan

b) collecting information about the patient

c) evaluation of the effectiveness of actions, causes of errors and complications

d) identification of priority existing and potential human health problems

56. Classification of nursing problems of the patient

a) short term and long term

b) present and potential

d) technical, spiritual, social


1 g 7 a 13 a 19 6 25 g 31 c 37 a 43 c 49 g 55 g

2 g 8 in 14 g 20 a 26 6 32 g 38 g 44 6 50 in 56 6

3 6 9 in 15 a 21 a 27 a 33 in 39 in 45 d 51 a

4 6 10 g 16 6 22 g 28 a 34 a 40 6 46 g 52 a

5 6 116 17 d 23 c 29 b 35 d 41 d 47 a 53 a

6 in 12 g 18 6 24 6 30 g 36 in 42 g 48 g 54 g

infectious safety. Infection control.

1. The complete destruction of microorganisms, spores and viruses is called

a) disinfection

b) sterilization

c) pest control

d) deratization

2. Nurse handwashing level is not

a) social

b) hygienic

c) surgical

d) biological

3. The destruction of pathogenic microorganisms in the environment is called

a) deratization

b) disinfection

c) sterilization

d) disinsection

4. Exposure during sterilization of instruments in 6% hydrogen peroxide solution at room temperature (in minutes)

5. To prepare 1 liter of washing solution during pre-sterilization treatment of instruments, it is necessary to take perhydrol 33% (in ml)

6. To prepare 1 liter of washing solution for pre-sterilization treatment of instruments, it is necessary to take a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (in ml)

Department of Additional Professional Education

Infection control is a system of effective preventive and anti-epidemic measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of nosocomial infections, based on the results of epidemic diagnosis.
The goal of infection control is to reduce the morbidity, mortality, and economic impact of nosocomial infections. A nosocomial infection is any clinically recognizable infectious disease that manifests itself in a hospital setting or when seeking treatment, an infectious disease of a hospital employee resulting from his professional activities, regardless of the onset of symptoms of the disease before or during the stay in the hospital. Requirements for the implementation of sanitary-anti-epidemic and sterilization-disinfection regimes are regulated by orders of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 288/76, No. 720/78, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 170/94, OST 42 21-2-85 and guidelines for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of products for medical purposes MU-287-Sh of December 30, 1998 and SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities" (approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 8, 2010 No. 58)
Basic requirements for the work of a procedural nurse
In order to prevent infection of patients, it is necessary to carry out all types of injections, strictly observing the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. An individual disposable sterile syringe and needle is used for each patient. All manipulations are carried out by the procedural nurse in sterile gloves.
Used syringes, gloves, before disposal, are disinfected according to one of the permitted regimes in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 408 / 89 and SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the treatment of medical waste."
Class A waste is collected in disposable bags or reusable containers. The collection rules for this class of waste are similar to the requirements for ordinary municipal solid waste.
Classes "B" and "C" must be collected in a disposable package. Transporting them outside the medical department in the open is prohibited.
Disposable bags with waste of classes "A", "B", "C" are subject to mandatory labeling with the code of the health facility unit, the date and name of the person responsible for collecting the waste.
Disinfection, PSO, general provisions
Disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical devices (hereinafter referred to as products) are aimed at preventing nosocomial infections in patients and staff of medical institutions.
Disinfection of products is carried out in order to destroy pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms-viruses (including pathogens of parenteral hepatitis viruses, HIV infection), bacteria (including Mycobacterium tuberculosis), fungi (including fungi of the genus Candida) - on medical products, in their channels and cavities.
All products are subject to disinfection after their use by the patient. After disinfection, disposable products are recycled.
Containers with solutions of disinfectants must be equipped with lids, have an inscription indicating the name of the agent, its concentration, purpose, date of preparation (for ready-to-use agents approved for repeated use, indicate the date when the agent was used).
Types of disinfection: physical, chemical.
Pre-sterilization cleaning
. Pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices is carried out after their disinfection and subsequent washing of the remains of disinfectants with running drinking water.
. Pre-sterilization cleaning is carried out manually or mechanized (using special equipment) method.
. If the product, along with detergents, also has antimicrobial properties, pre-sterilization cleaning of products at the stage of soaking or boiling in a solution can be combined with their disinfection. . Detachable products are subjected to pre-sterilization cleaning in disassembled form.
When soaking or boiling in a washing solution, the products are completely immersed in the detergent solution, filling the channels and cavities of the products with it.
Washing is carried out with the help of a ruff, cotton-gauze swabs, cloth napkins; product channels are washed with a syringe. The use of a ruff when cleaning rubber products is not allowed.
Sterilization of medical devices is carried out in order to kill all pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms on them, including their spore forms.
. Sterilization is carried out by physical (steam, air) and chemical (use of chemical solutions, gas) methods. The choice of an adequate sterilization method depends on the characteristics of the items to be sterilized.
. When sterilizing with steam, air and gas methods, products are usually sterilized packed in sterilization packaging materials; in the steam method, in addition, sterilization boxes without filters and with filters are used.
Disinfection of premises, furnishings
- repeated wiping with a rag soaked in a disinfectant solution with an interval of 15 minutes.
Rags processing.
. Immersion in one of the disinfectant solutions for 60 minutes. followed by rinsing, drying and sterilization before use.
. Boiling in a 2% soda solution - 15 minutes.
. Boiling in distilled water - 30 min.
List of instructive and methodological documents reflecting the issues of disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical devices:. OST 42-21-2-85 “Sterilization and disinfection of medical devices. Methods, means, regimes”.
. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated July 12, 1989 No. 408 "On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country."
. Instructions for the use of disposable sterilization indicators IS-120, IS-132, IS-160, IS-180 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (No. 154,004.98 IP dated 18.02.98).
. Guidelines for disinfection, PSO and sterilization of medical devices of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (MU-287-113 dated 12/30/98).
5. SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities" (approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 8, 2010 No. 58)
Quality control of pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices
. The quality of pre-sterilization cleaning (PSO) is checked by setting azopyram or amidopyrine samples for the presence of residual amounts of blood and by setting a phenolphthalein sample for the presence of residual amounts of alkaline components of detergents. PSO quality control is carried out by TsGSEN - quarterly.
Self-control in health care facilities is carried out:
- in the central sterilization departments (CSO) - daily;
- in departments - at least once a week (organized and controlled by the head nurse).
. Subject to control: in the CSO -1% of each item processed per shift,
. In the case of a positive test for blood or residual amounts of alkaline components of detergents, the entire batch of controlled products from which they were selected for control is subjected to repeated cleaning until negative results are obtained. The results of the control are noted in the quality log of the PSO medical device in the form No. 366 / y.
The clinic has an operational plan of anti-epidemic measures when a patient with a particularly dangerous (quarantine) infection is detected, which is also included in the system of infection control, infectious safety of patients and honey. staff, according to which I am a member of the medical and nursing team No. 1, whose tasks are medical triage of incoming patients and directing them through the stages of evacuation, providing them with primary medical care.
Measures when identifying a patient with suspected quarantine infection in the office of the clinic:
. Take measures to isolate the patient at the site of detection.
. Take personal protective measures.
. Assist the patient if necessary.
.Send information to the head of the clinic with a report of clinical and epidemiological data about the patient and his condition.
Request appropriate medicines, packing for taking material for bacteriological research and carrying out pro-epidemic measures, personal prophylaxis, protective clothing.
. Close the windows and doors in the office, turn off the ventilation. Seal the ventilation hole with adhesive tape.
. Identification of contact persons, if possible, to communicate with the patient.
. Identification of contact persons at the place of residence of the patient and monitoring them according to the quarantine period.
. Collect material.
. Disinfection of the patient's secretions, flushing water after washing hands, patient care items, current disinfection with the agent used for this period according to the instructions for use.
. Transfer information to the chief physician of the Central District Hospital, Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, dez. evacuation brigade.
Test task to the topic: INFECTIOUS SAFETY AND
Choose one correct answer:
1. The purpose of disinfection is to destroy
a) all microorganisms
b) vegetative and spore forms of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms
c) vegetative microorganisms
d) spore forms of microorganisms

2. The types of disinfection include
a) mechanical and biological
b) physical and chemical

d) current and final

3. The main share of causative agents of nosocomial infections are
a) pathogenic bacteria
b) opportunistic bacteria
c) viruses
d) mushrooms
4. For general and current cleaning, it is preferable to use preparations that have the properties
a) only disinfectants

c) only detergents
d) detergents and deodorizers
5. All waste from health facilities is divided into a) 2 classes according to the degree of danger
b) 3 classes
c) 4 classes
d) 5 classes
6. If the patient's blood gets on the skin of medical personnel, treatment is carried out
a) 70% ethyl alcohol
b) 96% ethyl alcohol
c) 5% alaminol mg) 3% hydrogen peroxide
7. The shelf life of the sterility of products sterilized in kraft bags closed with paper clips is
a) 1 day
b) 3 days
c) 20 days
d) 6 months

8. The control of the sterility of medical devices is carried out by the method
a) chemical
b) biological (sowing on nutrient media)
c) mechanical
d) physical
9. Hygiene treatment of patients in a hospital should be carried out at least 1 time per 1 day
b) 3 days
c) 5 days
d) 7 days
10.To control the quality of disinfection
a) make swabs from various surfaces, followed by inoculation on nutrient media
b) put an azopyram test
c) put a phenolphthalein test
d) use chemical indicators
11. Physical control of the sterilization regime provides for:
a) use of indicators
b) control of the operation of sterilizer devices
c) use of biotests
d) moisture control of processed products
12. Measures for the prevention of nosocomial infections aimed at neutralizing the source of infection
a) vaccination
b) disinfection

13. The property of a disinfectant that ensures the destruction of fungi
a) bactericidal

14. Medical devices that do not contain viable microorganisms, but contain spores, are considered
a) clean
b) disinfected
c) sterile
d) disposable
15. The temperature of the cleaning solution "Biolot" for manual pre-sterilization cleaning of instruments
a) 18o - 20o Sat) 37o Sw) 40o Cg) 50o C16. The purpose of pre-sterilization cleaning of medical instruments is
a) removal of various contaminants and drug residues
b) destruction of only pathogenic microbes
c) destruction of pathogenic and opportunistic microbes

17. Disinfection methods include
a) general and current cleaning
b) physical and chemical
c) preventive and focal
d) current and final
18. The acquisition of resistance to disinfectants is characteristic of pathogens
a) hospital
b) pathogenic
c) conditionally pathogenic
d) viruses
19. After invasive procedures, medical devices must be disinfected according to the regimens for infections
a) bacterial
b) viral
c) fungi
d) caused by protozoa
20. Medical waste contaminated with the biological fluids of patients, including blood, belongs to the class
a) A
b) B
c) B
d) D
Choose two correct answers:
21. Focal disinfection includes
a) general
b) current
c) prophylactic
d) final
Choose one correct answer:
22. On a sterile table covered with sheets, the shelf life of products sterilized without packaging
a) Must be used immediately after sterilization 4-6 hours
b) 24 hours
c) 3 days
d) 20 days
23. Evaluation of the quality of sterilization by monitoring the instruments of sterilizers is control
a) chemical
b) physical
c) biological
d) mechanical
24. Re-examination of patients with pediculosis after treatment is carried out after) 5 days
b) 7 days
c) 15-20 days
d) 25 days
25. General cleaning in high-risk departments is carried out with disinfectants in concentrations for infections
a) bacterial
b) viral
c) fungi
d) caused by protozoa
26. Control of the sterility of medical devices is carried out
a) sowing swabs from products on nutrient media
b) the use of bioassays with cultures of spore microbes
c) chemical indicators
d) physical method
Choose two correct answers:
27. Measures for the prevention of nosocomial infections aimed at disrupting transmission routes
a) vaccination
b) disinfection
c) identification and isolation of infectious patients and carriers
d) collection and disposal of medical waste
Choose one correct answer:
28. Medical devices that do not contain viable microorganisms and spores are considered
a) clean
b) disinfected
c) sterile
d) disposable
29. The property of a disinfectant that ensures the destruction of viruses
a) bactericidal
b) virucidal) fungicidal e) bacteriostatic
30. When carrying out manual pre-sterilization cleaning, the workpiece is immersed in the Biolot solution for a) 10 minutes
b) 15 minutes
c) 30 minutes
d) 60 minutes
31. The purpose of sterilization is to destroy on medical devices
a) all microbes and their spores

d) both pathogenic and opportunistic microbes
Choose two correct answers:
32. Disinfection methods include
a) chemical and physical
b) preventive and current
c) immersion and irrigation
d) irradiation and wiping
Choose one correct answer:
33. Pathogenic bacteria account for the bulk of the causative agents of nosocomial infections.
b) opportunistic microbes
c) viruses
d) non-pathogenic microbes
34. Disinfectants with detergent properties and low toxicity are more likely to belong to the group
a) aldehyde-containing b) HOUR
c) oxygen-containing
d) chlorine-containing
35. Disposable bags for the collection of waste from health facilities belonging to class B must be colored
a) black
b) red
c) white
d) yellow
36. Optimum operating temperature of most solutions for disinfection
a) 10 - 18o Sb) 18 - 26o Sv) 30 - 36o Cg) above 40o C37. The sterility life of disposable instruments in double industrial plastic bags is
a) 3 days
b) 20 days
c) 6-12 months.
d) 1-5 years
38. Assessing the quality of sterilization through the use of indicators is a control
a) chemical
b) mechanical
c) biological
d) physical
39. To treat the scalp when pediculosis is detected, you can use a solution
a) furacillinab) soapy
c) sodium bicarbonate
d) medifox40. Medical devices after pre-sterilization cleaning are allowed to dry
a) wiping with a rag
b) outdoors in a tray
c) dry hot air at 85° C) in a thermostat
41. Measures for the prevention of nosocomial infections aimed at increasing the immunity of patients and staff
a) vaccination
b) disinfection
c) identification and isolation of infectious patients and carriers
d) use of overalls, masks, gloves
42. Infection safety is
a) use of personal protective equipment when performing manipulations
b) compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis
c) the absence of pathogenic microbes on various surfaces
d) the absence of pathogenic and opportunistic microbes on epidemiologically significant objects of the hospital environment

43. The property of a disinfectant that ensures the destruction of bacteria
a) bactericidal
b) virucidal) fungicidal e) bacteriostatic
44. To prepare 1 liter of detergent solution for manual pre-sterilization cleaning of instruments, it is necessary to take Biolot in the amount
a) 1 gram
b) 3 grams
c) 5 grams
d) 10 grams
45. A sterilizer is used to sterilize rubber and some polymer products in the CSO
a) water
b) steam
c) air
d) glasperlenic46. They die when disinfected.
a) only vegetative forms of microbes
b) only spore forms of microbes
c) vegetative and spore forms of microbes
d) only viruses
47. With the mechanical method of disinfection, they use
a) UV, ultrasound
b) washing, airing
c) irrigation with disinfectants; g) steam under pressure
48. HAIs can be caused by a) any microorganism
b) only viruses
c) only bacteria
d) only pathogens
49. Disinfectants with the ability to fix biological contaminants often belong to the group
a) aldehyde-containing b) oxygen-containing
in hour
d) phenol-containing50. Disposable bags for the collection of waste from health facilities belonging to class A must be colored
a) black
b) red
c) white
d) yellow
51. Combined disinfection is a combination of methods
a) physical + mechanical
b) physical + chemical
c) mechanical + chemical
d) mechanical + physical + chemical52. The shelf life of products sterilized in double calico packaging is
a) 1 day
b) 3 days
c) 20 days
d) 6–12 months.
53. Assessing the quality of sterilization by detecting microorganisms on objects is a control
a) chemical
b) mechanical
c) biological
d) physical
54. If blood gets on the skin, they must be treated
a) potassium permanganate solution
b) 5% alcohol solution of iodine
c) 70% alcohol
d) 96% alcohol
55. When carrying out general cleaning, the disinfectant is washed off the surfaces
a) sterile rags with tap water
b) clean rags with tap water
c) clean rags with distilled water
d) clean rags with boiled water
56. Current cleaning in hospitals is carried out (in accordance with San. P and N
a) once a day
b) 2 times a day
c) 1 time in 7 days
d) 2 times in 7 days
57. Chemical indicators are used to control
a) disinfection modes
b) sterilization modes
c) pre-sterilization cleaning
d) product sterility
Choose two correct answers:
58. Air sterilization can be carried out
a) in a sterilization box with a filter
b) in calico packaging
c) in a kraft bag) without packaging
59. Measures to remove pathogenic microorganisms and their carriers in the presence of a source of an infectious disease are disinfection
a) prophylactic
b) focal
c) current
d) final
Choose one correct answer:
60. The main route of transmission of HIV infection in healthcare facilities
a) airborne
b) contact household
c) parenteral
d) food
61. When carrying out disinfection measures, they die
a) only bacteria
b) only viruses
c) vegetative forms of microorganisms
d) vegetative and spore forms of microorganisms
62. The physical method of disinfection is

b) wiping with disinfectants c) exposure to high temperature, steam, radiation
d) use of antibiotics
63. The greatest stability in the external environment is
a) viruses
b) mushrooms
c) disputes
d) bacteria
64. Disinfectants with corrosive activity include groups
a) chlorine
c) aldehyde-containing d) guanidines

65. Waste that does not have contact with the biological fluids of patients, infectious patients, non-toxic waste belongs to the class
a) A
b) B
c) B
d) D
66. Disposable medical devices before disposal are subjected to
a) rinsing with running water
b) washing
c) disinfection
d) sterilization
67. The shelf life of products sterilized in a sterilization box without a filter is
a) 1 day
b) 3 days
c) 20 days
d) 6–12 months.
68. The effectiveness of disinfection measures is checked
a) chemical indicators
b) azopyram test
c) by washings from various surfaces and inoculation on nutrient media
d) test with Sudan III
69. If biological materials get on the nasal mucosa, it must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate
a) 0.05%
b) 0.5%
c) 0.01%
d) 0.1%
70. Sterilization of textiles can be carried out by the method
a) steam
b) plasma
c) air
d) infrared
Choose two correct answers:
71. The risk group for nosocomial infections includes medical staff of departments
a) hemodialysis
b) physiotherapy
c) therapeutic
d) burn
Choose two correct answers:
72.VBI is
a) infectious diseases of medical personnel
b) infectious diseases of hospital patients
c) any infectious diseases that occur in patients as a result of applying to health facilities for medical care or among medical workers in the performance of professional duties
d) nosocomial infections
Choose one correct answer:
73. The temperature of the washing solution "Lotus" for manual pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices is
a) 18o Sat) 40o St) 50o Cr) 100o C74. The most reliable method of quality control of sterilization is
a) biological
b) chemical
c) physical
d) mechanical
75.Steam sterilization mode
a) 120o C, 45 minutes
b) 140o C, 15 minutes
c) 160o C, 150 minutes
d) 180o C, 30 minutes
76. They die during sterilization
a) all microorganisms (including spore forms)
b) vegetative forms of microorganisms
c) only pathogenic microorganisms
d) vegetative forms of the microorganism and some spores
77. The chemical method of disinfection includes
a) treatment with disinfectants b) use of UVR
c) use of bacterial filters
d) the use of steam under pressure
78. The main share of causative agents of nosocomial infections are
a) bacteria and viruses
b) protozoa
c) mushrooms
d) prionsChoose two correct answers:
79. A disinfectant with sporicidal activity can be used
a) pre-sterilization cleaning
b) disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning
c) disinfection and sterilization
d) high-level disinfection
Choose one correct answer:
80. Radioactive waste of medical facilities belongs to the class
a) A
b) B
c) B
d) D
81. Instruments after invasive manipulations for the purpose of disinfection
a) wipe with a disinfectant solution twice with an interval of 15 minutes
b) immersed in a disinfectant solution for the duration of exposure
c) rinsed in a disinfectant solution; d) irrigated with a disinfectant82. The shelf life of products sterilized in sterilization boxes with filters is
a) 1 day
b) 3 days
c) 20 days
d) 6 - 12 months.
83. The effectiveness of sterilization equipment is evidenced by
a) changing the color of the indicator
b) absence of deviations on the instruments of the sterilizer
c) lack of test-culture growth
d) the totality of all methods of control
84. If biological materials get on the mucous membrane of the eyes, it must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate
a) 0.05%
b) 0.5%
c) 0.01%
d) 0.1%
85. Medical personnel carry out disinfection in health facilities in order to

b) rupture of transmission paths
c) increase the patient's immunity to infection

86. General cleaning in risk rooms in hospitals of various profiles is carried out
a) once a day
b) 2 times a day
c) 1 time in 7 days
d) 2 times in 7 days
87. Vaccination against hepatitis B is carried out
a) once
b) three times according to the scheme 0.1.6 months.
c) four times according to the scheme 0,1,2,12 months.
d) twice according to the scheme for 0.6 months.
Choose two correct answers:
88. For hospital strains of causative agents of nosocomial infection, a) high sensitivity to antibacterial agents is characteristic
b) resistance to antibacterial agents
c) sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation
d) UV resistance
89. Manipulations and procedures potentially dangerous for the development of nosocomial infections in a patient
a) injections
b) measurement of blood pressure
c) fluorography
d) hemodialysis
Choose one correct answer:
90. Destruction of probably accumulated microorganisms in the absence of a visible source of infection is disinfection
a) prophylactic
b) focal
c) current
d) final
91. When carrying out pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices
a) remove various contaminants
b) destroy vegetative forms of microorganisms
c) destroy vegetative and spore forms of microbes
d) neutralize the source of infection
92. Disinfection measures after removing the source of the disease from the focus is disinfection
a) final
b) current
c) focal
d) preventive
93. The acquisition of resistance to antibiotics is characteristic of pathogens
a) conditionally pathogenic
b) pathogenic
c) hospital
d) mushrooms
94. The chemical method of disinfection is

c) use of UV, high temperature, steam
d) use of disinfectants95. Red bags collect medical waste
a) A
b) B
c) B
d) D
96. General cleaning in the office where invasive procedures are carried out should be carried out 1 time per 3 days
b) 7 days
c) 10 days
d) 1 month
97. The period of preservation of sterility of products depends on) the method of sterilization
b) packaging
c) type of medical device
d) the nature of the manipulation
98. Quality control of pre-sterilization cleaning determines the presence
a) remnants of blood
b) drug residues
c) residues of mechanical impurities
d) microorganisms
99. If biological materials get on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, it must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate
a) 0.05%
b) 0.5%
c) 0.01%
d) 0.1%
100. Incubation period of hepatitis B) 20 days
b) 30 days
c) 180 days
d) 1 year
101. Air sterilization mode
a) 120o C, 45 minutes
b) 132o C, 20 minutes
c) 160o C, 150 minutes
d) 180o C, 30 minutes
102. The concentration of disinfectant for processing used medical devices depends on the degree of contamination of the object
b) the nature of the performed manipulation
c) expiration date of disinfectant) physico-chemical properties of the solution
103. Washing solution "Biolot" for manual pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices is used
a) once
b) three times
c) six times
d) eight times
104. Antiseptics are measures aimed at a) preventing microbes from entering the wound

d) the destruction of all microbes and their spores on medical devices
105. Do not indicate containers with disinfectant solution
a) concentration
b) the name of the solution
c) date of preparation or start of use
d) object of disinfection
106. The main goal of carrying out measures for infection safety and infection control in healthcare facilities is the prevention
a) any nosocomial infections
b) hepatitis
c) diseases transmitted through the blood
d) HIV infection
107. Measures aimed at destroying or reducing the number of microorganisms in a wound or in the body as a whole are called
a) asepsis
b) disinfection
c) antiseptic
d) sterilization
108. Detachable medical products
a) disinfected in assembled form
b) disinfected in disassembled form
c) subjected to disinfection in any form
d) not disinfected
109. Property of drugs with the ability to kill spores
a) bactericidal
b) sporocidal) virucidale) fungicidal110. The collection and disposal of medical waste from healthcare facilities is carried out in order to
a) neutralize the source of infection
b) rupture of transmission paths
c) increasing the immunity of personnel
d) identifying the source of infection
111. Routine cleaning of the ward premises of health facilities in order to prevent nosocomial infections is carried out
a) once a day
b) 2 times a day
c) 1 time in 3 days
d) 1 time in 7 days
112 The shelf life of products in combined bags sealed on a heat sealer is
a) 3 days
b) 20 days
c) 12 months
d) 4-6 hours
113. To control the pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices
a) put an azopyram test
b) use thermo-temporal indicators
c) use biotests
d) make swabs from various surfaces
114. Emergency first aid kit for personal protection when working with biological material does not contain
a) 70% alcohol
b) protargol
c) 5% alcohol tincture of iodine
d) weighed portion of potassium permanganate
115. After sterilizing medical devices in solutions, they must be rinsed
a) tap water
b) distilled water
c) sterile water
d) antiseptic
116. Washing solution "Progress" when carrying out manual pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices is used
a) once
b) three times
c) six times
d) twice117. Reusable medical products after invasive manipulations are subjected to
a) only pre-sterilization cleaning
b) only disinfection
c) only sterilization
d) disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization
118. Asepsis is a measure aimed at a) preventing the entry of microbes into the wound
b) the destruction or reduction of the number of microbes in the wound or the body as a whole
c) destruction of pathogenic and opportunistic microbes on epidemiologically significant objects of the hospital environment
d) the destruction of all microbes and their spores
119. Measures to remove pathogenic microorganisms and their carriers after removing the source of an infectious disease from the main focus is disinfection
a) prophylactic
b) focal
c) current
d) final
120. A set of measures aimed at the destruction of arthropod carriers of pathogens of infectious diseases is called
a) disinfection
b) disinsection
c) deratization
d) antiseptic
121. To combine disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning in one stage, you can use disinfectants that have
a) only disinfectant action
b) both disinfectant and detergent action
c) both disinfectant and sterilizing action
d) both disinfectant and deodorant action
122. Measures aimed at preventing the entry of microorganisms into the wound are called
a) asepsis
b) antiseptic
c) disinfection
d) sterilization
123. For general cleaning, it is preferable to use disinfectants with properties) disinfectant
b) disinfectants and detergents
c) disinfectant and deodorant
d) disinfectant and sporicidal124. The property of drugs that have the ability to kill fungi

c) virucidale) fungicidal125. To treat the scalp when pediculosis is detected, you can use a solution
a) alaminolab) furacillinav) medifoxag) sodium bicarbonate
126. Low-temperature sterilization includes
a) plasma
b) steam
c) air
d) glasperlene127. The shelf life of the sterility of products is 20 days, if during sterilization the product was packed in a) sterilization box without a filter
b) kraft bag closed on a sticky surface
c) sealed combination package
d) double calico packaging
128. The most reliable method for quality control of sterilization is
a) physical
b) mechanical
c) chemical
d) biological
Choose two correct answers:
129. Biological media of an HIV-infected patient containing the largest number of viruses
a) blood
b) saliva
c) sweat
d) sperm
Choose one correct answer:
130. Used medical disposable instruments contaminated with the biological fluids of patients are collected in bags that have a color
a) white
b) yellow
c) red
d) black
131. Removal of biological fluids, medicines, fatty contaminants from medical products is
a) decontaminationb) disinfection
c) pre-sterilization cleaning
d) sterilization
132. Deratization is a set of measures aimed at the destruction
a) pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microbes
b) arthropod carriers of pathogens of infectious diseases
c) rodents-sources of infection
d) mushrooms
133. It is preferable to store sterile tweezers for taking sterile material in 1% chloramine solution
b) 3% hydrogen peroxide
c) 1% solution of gigaseptag) dry in a sterile glass
134. Disinfectants that form a protective film on the treated surface cannot be used for disinfection.
a) walls, floor, ceiling
b) sanitary equipment
c) medical instruments
d) manipulation tables, couches
135. Final disinfection should be carried out by specialists
a) health care facility
b) disinfection service
c) quarantine service
d) infectious diseases hospital
136. The purpose of disinfection is to destroy
a) all microbes and their spores
b) only pathogenic microbes
c) only opportunistic microbes
d) both pathogenic and opportunistic microbes (except spore ones)
137. Immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases is carried out with the aim of
a) disruption of pathogen transmission routes

c) increase the body's resistance to infection
d) the destruction of pathogens
138. Disinfections are subject
a) all products after use in health care facilities
b) only those products that came into contact with the mucous membranes of the patient
c) only surgical instruments
d) only those devices that came into contact with the patient's blood
139. The property of drugs that have the ability to inhibit the growth of microorganisms
a) microstatic b) bactericidal
c) virucidale) sporicidal140. Bed linen is changed for the patient at least once a) 7 days
b) 14 days
per month
d) day
141. Sterilization by pressure apparatus
a) chemical
b) steam
c) air
d) plasma
142. A sterilizer is used to sterilize linen
a) air
b) plasma
c) steam
d) gas
143. Phenolphthalein test is done to detect residual amounts
a) detergent
b) blood
c) greasy contaminants
d) medicinal substances
144. Quality control of pre-sterilization cleaning is subject to
a) each product processed per shift
b) 1% of simultaneously processed products of each item
c) 5% of simultaneously processed products of each item
d) 10% of simultaneously processed products of each item
Choose three correct answers:
145. The risk group for HIV infection includes
a) donors
b) blood recipients
c) IV drug addicts
d) homosexuals
Choose one correct answer:
146. The shelf life of the sterility of products sterilized in kraft bags closed with paper clips
a) 1 day
b) 3 days
c) 10 days
d) 20 days
147. After processing, thermometers are stored in
a) containers with disinfectant b) containers with ethyl alcohol
c) water containers
d) dry148. Choose your preferred sterilization method for medical metal products
a) plasma
b) water
c) steam
d) air
Choose two correct answers:
149. In mechanical disinfection, methods are used
a) UFO
b) wet cleaning
c) spraying with a disinfectant d) washing
Choose one correct answer:
150. In emergency situations, a solution of potassium permanganate in a concentration of
a) 0.05%
b) 0.03%
c) 0.01% (1:10000)
d) 0.1%
151. Medical personnel carry out disinfection in healthcare facilities in order to
a) increasing the immunity of patients to infection
b) neutralization of the source of infection
c) breaking the pathways of transmission of pathogens from the source to a healthy organism
d) disposal of pathogens of infectious diseases
152. Medical examinations of health facility personnel are carried out in order to
a) identifying the source of infection
b) disruption of infection transmission routes
c) increase resistance to infection
d) the destruction of pathogens of infectious diseases
153. Disposable medical products after use are subject to
a) destruction
b) disinfection and then disposal
c) disinfection and then sterilization
d) cleaning and then disposal
154. Document confirming the compliance of the disinfectant with the State Standard
a) license
b) methodological development
c) instruction
d) certificate
155. If the patient's biological fluid gets on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, it is immediately treated
a) 1% chloramine
b) 2% chlorhexidine c) 96% ethyl alcohol
d) 70% ethyl alcohol
156. Choose a sterilization method for textiles
a) physical
b) chemical
c) mechanical
d) biological
157. For chemical sterilization of medical devices, disinfectants are used that have the effect
a) sporicidal b) detergent
c) fixing
d) deodorizing
158. During pre-sterilization cleaning of a small batch of products, processing quality control is subject to at least:
a) 1-2 products
b) 2-3 products
c) 3-5 products
d) 5-10 products
Choose two correct answers:
159. Ways of transmission of HIV infection
a) parenteral
b) contact household
c) airborne
d) vertical
Choose one correct answer:
160. Waste contaminated with biological materials of patients (including blood) belongs to the class
a) A
b) B
c) B
d) D
161. Disinfection is a set of measures aimed at a) preventing microbes from entering the wound
b) the destruction or reduction of the number of microbes in the wound or the body as a whole
c) destruction of pathogenic and opportunistic microbes on epidemiologically significant objects of the hospital environment
d) the destruction of all microbes and their spores
162. Chemical solutions do not sterilize
a) metal tools
b) endoscopic equipment
c) thermolabile instruments
d) textiles
163. When carrying out pre-sterilization cleaning by hand, you can use a washing solution with bioadditives
a) Progress
b) Biolot
c) "Lotus"
d) "Astra"
164. Detergents with the best ability to remove biological contaminants
a) liquid
b) with bioadditives
c) in the form of granules
d) in powder form

165. The temperature regime during pre-sterilization cleaning with disinfectants with detergent properties is often within
a) 18-20°Cb) 40-45°Cw) 50-55°C) 100°C166. The purpose of pre-sterilization cleaning is
a) destruction of pathogenic microorganisms
b) destruction of opportunistic microorganisms
c) removal of residues of biological and medicinal contaminants
d) destruction of microbial spores
167. The incidence of nosocomial infections among medical personnel is the highest with work experience
a) up to 2 years
b) 3 - 8 years
c) after 9 years
d) does not depend on experience
168. Preventive disinfection is carried out
a) by medical personnel in the focus of infectious diseases directly at the bedside of the patient
b) disinfection service after hospitalization or discharge of the patient
c) to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases in healthcare facilities
d) in the focus of an infectious disease
169. Property of drugs that have the ability to kill bacteria
a) virucidalb) bactericidal
c) fungicideg) microstatic170. Hygienic treatment of patients of the hospital department should be carried out at least 1 time per day
b) 5 days
c) 7 days
d) 10 days
171. Dry hot air sterilization
a) chemical
b) steam
c) air
d) plasma
172. When carrying out one of the stages of general cleaning, rags are used to remove disinfectant from various surfaces
a) clean
b) disinfected
c) sterile
d) any
173. Azopyram test is done to detect residual amounts
a) detergent
b) blood
c) greasy contaminants
d) medicinal substances
Choose two correct answers:
174. The mechanism of transmission of hepatitis B in health facilities
a) artificial b) fecal-oral
c) aerogenic
d) contact
Choose one correct answer:
175. Waste that has no contact with the biological fluids of patients, infectious patients, non-toxic - belong to the class
a) A
b) B
c) B
d) D
176.Destruction of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms is
a) sterilization
b) disinfection
c) decontamination d) disinfestation
177. For pre-sterilization cleaning of reusable medical devices by hand, use the Biolot solution at a concentration
a) 0.5%
b) 1%
in 2%
d) 5%
178. Measures for the prevention of nosocomial infections among medical personnel, aimed at breaking the transmission routes
a) the use of universal security measures (overalls, glasses, etc.)
b) vaccination
c) medical examinations of personnel
d) isolation of patients179. Disposable bags for waste collection of Class B health facilities are colored
a) red
b) black
c) yellow
d) white
180. Cleaning equipment for the current cleaning of the office can be used
a) only for cleaning this office
b) and for the neighboring office
c) for cleaning all offices of the department
d) for cleaning sanitary rooms
181. Disinfection measures in health facilities in the absence of an identified source of infection is disinfection
a) prophylactic
b) current
c) general
d) focal
182. The mechanism of transmission of a pathogen from one organism to another during medical invasive manipulations in a medical facility is called
a) contact-household
b) artificial c) airborne
d) vertical
183. Final disinfection is carried out
a) all infectious diseases
b) only with especially dangerous diseases
c) only with viral infections
d) with especially dangerous infections and diseases, the pathogens of which are very resistant in the external environment
184. Properties of drugs that have the ability to kill viruses
a) bactericidal
b) virucidal (fungicidal) microbostatic185. General cleaning of treatment rooms in medical facilities should be carried out according to the schedule at least 1 time per
a) day
b) a week
per month
d) quarter
186. Mode of air sterilization of metal medical products
a) 132o C, 20 minutes
b) 180o C, 60 minutes
c) 200o C, 60 minutes
d) 120o C, 45 minutes
187. The most common method of sterilization of medical metal products
a) mechanical
b) physical
c) chemical
d) biological
188. Thermo-temporal indicators are used for quality control
a) disinfection
b) pre-sterilization cleaning
c) sterilization
d) treatment
189. Dishes of a patient with hepatitis A are
a) a factor in the transmission of infection
b) source of infection
c) safe
d) a carrier of infectious agents
190. After processing, thermometers are stored wa) disinfectantb) in 70% alcohol
c) antiseptic
d) dry
a) 1 month
b) 6 months
c) 1 year
d) up to 5 years
192. Exposure of medical products in a washing solution during manual pre-sterilization cleaning
a) 10 minutes
b) 15 minutes
c) 20 minutes
d) 30 minutes
193. Class B medical waste is collected in color bags
a) white
b) yellow
c) red
d) black
194. Quality control of pre-sterilization cleaning for blood residues is carried out by a test
a) benzidine b) azopyramic c) phenolphthaleic
d) with Sudan
195. Medical devices that do not contain vegetative forms of microorganisms, but contain spores, are considered
a) sterile
b) disinfected
c) clean
d) disposable
196. Final disinfection is carried out in a) any infections
b) especially dangerous infections c) especially dangerous infections and infectious diseases, the pathogens of which are highly resistant in the external environment
d) viral infections197. The main route of transmission of viral hepatitis B in health facilities
a) airborne
b) contact household
c) parenteral
d) food
198. The mechanical method of disinfection is
a) use of bacterial filters
b) washing, washing, airing
c) the use of UV, high temperature steam
d) use of disinfectants199. Disinfectants with high toxicity and sporicidal properties are more likely to belong to the group
a) oxygenated
c) aldehyde-containing d) chlorine-containing
200. Re-examination of a patient with pediculosis after treatment is carried out after) 5 days
b) 7 days
c) 15 days
d) 20 days
201. To process a medical gown contaminated with the patient's blood, use
a) 0.05% potassium permanganate solution
b) 5% alcohol solution of iodine
c) 8% alaminolg) 1% chloramine
202. Steam sterilization mode for medical devices
a) 132o C, 20 minutes
b) 180o C, 60 minutes
c) 200o C, 60 minutes
d) 160o C, 150 minutes
203. With a positive test, which determines the quality of pre-sterilization cleaning for blood residues, staining appears
a) pink b) purple
c) brown
d) green

204. The period of preservation of sterility of products sterilized in kraft bags closed on a sticky surface
a) 3 days
b) 10 days
c) 20 days
d) month
205. Way of transmission of hepatitis Aa) contact-household
b) sexual
c) parenteral
d) airborne
206. Exposure of medical devices in the washing solution "Progress" during manual pre-sterilization cleaning
a) 10 minutes
b) 15 minutes
c) 20 minutes
d) 30 minutes
207. Class B medical waste is collected in color bags
a) white
b) yellow
c) red
d) black
208. Disinfectants with fungicidal action cause death
a) mushrooms
b) bacteria
c) viruses
d) protozoa
209. The disinfection regime is determined
a) disinfectant concentration and exposure
b) exposure to disinfectants c) exposure and temperature of the disinfectant d) type of medical device
210. General cleaning of wards in health care facilities should be carried out at least 1 time per week
b) month
c) quarter
d) year
211. Disinfection measures in the outbreak in the presence of a source of infection is disinfection
a) focal
b) preventive
c) final
d) general
212. Used reusable medical products that come into contact with the patient's blood are subject (in accordance with OST 42-21-2-85)
a) only disinfection
b) only sterilization
c) disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization
d) recycling
213. The physical method of disinfection is
a) washing, washing, airing
b) the use of UV, high temperature, steam
c) use of disinfectants d) use of bacterial filters
214. Before disinfection, preliminary cleaning of medical devices is indicated when working with disinfectants (a) chlorine-containing
b) aldehyde-containing c) oxygen-containing
Choose two correct answers:
215. 70% alcohol is more often used for a) treatment of the injection field
b) disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning
c) sterilization
d) treatment of the hands of medical personnel
Choose one correct answer:
216. The use of high temperature, pressurized steam refers to the sterilization method
a) mechanical
b) physical
c) chemical
d) biological
217. Air method can be sterilized
a) metal tools
b) endoscopes
c) dressing material
d) textiles
218. Biological control of sterilization regimens involves the use
a) bioassays with spore cultures
b) thermo-temporal indicators
c) indicators - "Witnesses"
d) thermometers and manometers
219. The period of preservation of sterility of products sterilized in laminated packages, closed by heat sealing
a) 20 days
b) 1 month
c) 12 months
d) 5 years
Choose two correct answers:
220. Manipulation and procedures potentially dangerous for the development of nosocomial infections in patients
a) surgical
b) physiotherapy
c) external examination of the patient
d) hemodialysis
221. Disinfection is carried out in the focus of an infectious disease
a) prophylactic
b) current
c) general
d) final
Choose one correct answer:
222. Class A medical waste is collected in color bags
a) white
b) yellow
c) red
d) black
223. Virucidal disinfectants cause death
a) mushrooms
b) bacteria
c) viruses
d) prions224. Chemical indicators are divided into a) 3 classes
b) 4 classes
c) 5 classes
d) 6 classes
225. The term for maintaining the sterility of medical devices on a sterile table with a bactericidal lamp (Ultra-light, Panmed, etc.) with round-the-clock work is
a) 1 day
b) 3 days
c) 7 days
d) 14 days
Sample answers
1.c 11.b 21.b,d 31.a
2.c, d 12.c 22.a 32.c, d
3.b 13.c 23.b33.b
7.b17.b27.b, d37.d
41.a89.a, d137.c185.b
50.c98.a146.b 194.b
52.b100.c148.d196.c53.c101.c149.b, d197.c
57.b105.d153.b201.c58.c, d106.a154.d202.a
59.b, c107.c155.d203.b
63.v111.b159.a, d207.b
72.c, d120.b168.c216.b
76.a124.d172.c220.a, d77.a125.c173.b221.b, d78.a126.a174.a, d222.a
79.c, d127.b175.a223.c
81.b129.a, d177.a225.c
88.b, d136.d184.

1. The complete destruction of microorganisms, their spore forms is called: a) disinfection b) sterilization c) disinsection d) deratization

2. The treatment of the nurse's hands, according to European Standard E No. 1500, does not include: a) hygienic washing b) hygienic antiseptics c) surgical antiseptics G) biological antiseptics

3. The destruction of pathogenic microorganisms in the environment is called: a) deratization b) disinfection c) sterilization d) disinfestation

4. Exposure during sterilization of instruments in a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution at room temperature (in minutes): a) 360 b) 180 c) 90 d) 60

5. To prepare 1 liter of washing solution during pre-sterilization treatment of instruments, it is necessary to take perhydrol, 33% solution (in ml): a) 33 b) 30 in) 17 d) 14

6. To prepare 1 liter of washing solution during pre-sterilization treatment of instruments, it is necessary to take a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide (in ml): a) 240 b) 210 c) 170 d) 120

7. After use, rubber gloves are subjected to: a) disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning, sterilization b) washing under running water, sterilization c) disinfection, sterilization d) pre-sterilization cleaning, sterilization

8. Daily wet cleaning in the wards is carried out: a) 4 times b) 3 times in) 2 times d) 1 time

9. Hydrogen peroxide is used to sterilize instruments: a) 6% b) 4% c) 3% d) 1%

10. Duration of disinfection of medical thermometers in 2% chloramine solution (in minutes): a) 45 b) 5 c) 20 d) 30

11. Disinfection of scissors, razors is carried out:

a) immersion in alcohol 70 C for 15 minutes.

b) immersion in 1% chloramine solution for 1 hour

c) rubbing alcohol

d) boiling for 30 minutes. in water

12. Mode of processing oilcloths and oilcloth aprons after their use:

a) double wiping with 3% chloramine

b) dive for 60 minutes. in 1% chloramine solution


d) double wet wipe

13. For sterilization of disposable plastic medical products in industry, use:

a) UV radiation

b) Sterilization with flowing steam

in) gamma radiation

d) fractional sterilization

14. Chloramine solution used for disinfection of reusable medical instruments in patients with viral hepatitis:

15. Autoclave glove sterilization mode:

a) Т=132С, pressure 2 atm., 45 min.

b) Т=132 С, pressure 2 atm., 10 min.

in)Т=120 С, pressure 1.1 atm., 45 min.

d) Т=120 С, pressure 0.5 atm., 20 min.

16. Disinfection mode for rubber care items (heaters, ice packs):

a) double wiping with 3% chloramine solution

b) double wiping with 1% chloramine solution with an interval of 15 minutes.

c) boiling in 2% sodium bicarbonate solution

d) immersion in 3% chloramine solution for 60 minutes.

17. Exposure during disinfection of spatulas in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (in minutes):

18. In surgery, after the vessels and urinals are freed from their contents:

a) immerse in 1% chloramine solution for 15 minutes.

b) immersed in a 3% solution of chloramine for 30 minutes.

c) immerse in 1% chloramine solution for 60 minutes.

d) wipe twice with 1% chloramine solution

19. Exposure during disinfection in a 3% chloramine solution of objects with which a patient with hepatitis or AIDS came into contact (in minutes):

20. Instrument disinfection mode in the air sterilizer:

a) 120 0 – 45 min.

b) 160 0 – 120 min.

c) 132 0 – 20 min.

d) 180 0 - 30 min.

21. Overalls, abundantly contaminated with blood, you must:

a) remove and soak in 3% chloramine solution for 1 hour

b) send to the laundry

c) treat the place of contamination with a swab dipped in disinfectant. solution

d) remove and wash the place of contamination with soap

22. In a bix with a filter, the contents are considered sterile from the moment of sterilization during:

a) 20 days

b) 7 days

at 6:00

d) 24 hours

23. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide for the preparation of a cleaning solution is:

24. Insufficiently processed hands of medical staff are:

a) source of infection

b) transmission factor

c) the source and factor of transmission of infection

25. Exposure when soaking medical instruments in a washing solution during pre-sterilization cleaning (in minutes):

26. Treatment room quartz treatment mode:

a) every 60 minutes for 15 min.

b) 2 times a day

c) 3 times a day

G) after 2 hours 30 min.

27. Apparatus used for sterilization of dressings:

a) thermostat

b) autoclave

c) dry oven

d) sterilizer

28. Solution used for general cleaning of the treatment room:

a) 6% hydrogen peroxide solution with 0.5% detergent solution

b) 3% chloramine solution

c) 3% bleach solution

d) 1% chloramine solution

29. The working solution of chloramine is suitable for (in days):

30. To control the temperature in a steam sterilizer, use:

a) sucrose, IS-160

b) benzoic acid, IS-120

c) succinic acid, IS-180

d) tartaric acid, IS-160

31. Type of cleaning of the treatment room, which is carried out at the end of the working day:

a) final

b) current

c) general

d) preliminary

32. General cleaning of the treatment room is carried out by:

a) twice a month

b) once a month

in) 1 time per week

d) once a day

33. Exposure during disinfection of instruments in a 3% solution of chloramine (in hours):

34. Exposure during disinfection by boiling in distilled water is (in min.):

35. Disinfection of the bath after the patient:

a) wipe with 6% hydrogen peroxide solution

b) treat with 3% chloramine solution

c) wash with hot water and detergent

G) wipe 2 times with an interval of 10-15 minutes. 1% chloramine solution

36. Concentration of chloramine solution for disinfection of enema tips:

37. Processing of the mucous membranes of a nurse in case of contact with the patient's blood is carried out:

a) 6% hydrogen peroxide solution

b) 3% hydrogen peroxide solution

c) 1% hydrogen peroxide solution, running water

G) 0.05% potassium permanganate solution, 70 With alcohol

38. Sterility control method:

a) visual

b) bacteriological

c) physical

d) pharmacological

39. Disinfection time for disposable syringes and needles in 5% chloramine solution (in minutes):

40. To control the temperature in the air sterilizer, use:

a) sulfur, IS-120

b) benzoic acid, IS-120

in) succinic acid, IS-180

d) nicotinamide, IS-132

41. Disinfection of cleaning equipment:

a) boiling in water for 15 minutes.

b) soaking in 1% chloramine solution

c) boiling in 2% soda solution

d) washing in running water

42. Used cleaning equipment is subject to:

a) destruction

b) ventilation

c) washing

G) disinfection

43. The maximum concentration of HIV is determined in:

a) sputum

G) sperm

44. Mode of sterilization of reusable medical instruments in an autoclave:

a) Т=100° С, pressure 1.1 atm., time 120 min.

b) Т=180° С, pressure 2 atm., time 60 min.

c) Т=140° С, pressure 1 atm., time 45 min.

G)Т=132° С, pressure 2 atm., time 20 min.

45. Sterilization of glass laboratory glassware is usually carried out:

a) in an autoclave

b) in a thermostat

c) in a sterilizer

G) in a dry oven

46. ​​Exposure during disinfection of medical instruments in 3% chloramine solution (in min.):

47. Skin treatment in case of contact with HIV-infected material is carried out:

a) 96 alcohol

b) 70 alcohol

c) 6% hydrogen peroxide solution

d) 3% hydrogen peroxide solution

48. Mode of disinfection of medical thermometers with 1% chloramine solution (in minutes):

49. For disinfection of the patient's secretions, the following is used:

a) 40% formalin solution

b) 5% carbolic acid solution

c) 0.2% chloramine solution

G) dry bleach

50. Waste material infected with HIV infection is subject to disinfection in a solution:

a) 10% chloramine

b) 10% bleach 2 hours

c) 3% chloramine 60 min.

d) triple

51. To prepare 1 liter of 1% solution of chloramine, you need a dry powder (in grams):

52. Control of the sterility of the dressing material is carried out by:

a) use of chemical indicators

b) use of biological indicators

in) sowing on nutrient media

d) use of physical indicators

53. Gentle mode of sterilization of cutting medical instruments in an air sterilizer:

a)Т= 160  С, time 150 min.

b) Т=132  С, time 60 min.

c) Т=180  С, time 60 min.

d) Т=180  С, time 45 min.

54. To disinfect medical instruments for viral hepatitis and HIV infection, a solution of chloramine is used:

a) 1% - 30 min.

b) 3% - 60 min.

c) 5% - 45 min.

d) 0.5% - 20 min.

55. The method of disinfection of soft equipment after the patient is discharged:

a) soaking in 3% chloramine solution

b) boiling

in) disinfection in the disinfection chamber

d) ventilation

56. With a positive phenolphthalein test, staining appears:

a) blue-green

b) purple

in) pink

d) brown

57. After pre-sterilization cleaning, water is used to wash medical instruments:

a) flowing

b) boiled

c) distilled

d) double distilled

58. Phenolphthalein test is carried out to determine the residues:

a) oil solution

in) detergent

d) medicine

59. Washing solution with the use of "Lotus" is used:

a) during the day before the appearance of a purple color, heated up to 3 times

b) within a day before the appearance of a purple color

in) during the day before the appearance of a pink color, heated up to 6 times

d) before the appearance of a pink color

60. When sterilizing dressings with water vapor, pressure is used (in atm.):

61. Exposure during sterilization of linen in an autoclave (in min.):

62. On the kraft package indicate:

a) date of sterilization, separation

b) capacity, compartment

in) date of sterilization, capacity

d) date of sterilization

63. Duration of preservation of medical instruments in soft calico packaging under sterile conditions (in hours):

64. TsSO is:

a) central specialized department

b) centralized sterilization department

c) centralized specialized department

d) centralized sterile department

65. Sterilization in a dry oven is carried out at a temperature (in  C):

66. In the sterile block of the CSO, the following is carried out:

a) unloading sterile material

b) pre-sterilization cleaning

c) a pack of biks

d) kraft bag packaging

67. To disinfect the floor during wet cleaning of the wards, the following is used:

a) 10% bleach solution

b) 3% chloramine solution

c) 3% hydrogen peroxide solution

G) 0.5% bleach solution

68. Duration of use of the laid sterile table (in hours):

69. Disinfection of the hands of a procedural nurse before injections is carried out with a solution:

a) 40 alcohol

b) 70 alcohol

c) 96 alcohol

70. Disposable blood transfusion systems after use must:

a) disinfect and recycle

b) place in a sealed container

c) hand over the bill to the head nurse

d) hand over the account to the CSO

71. Shelf life of sterile solutions made in a pharmacy and sealed "under paper strapping" (in days):

72. Shelf life of sterile solutions made in a pharmacy and sealed "for running in" (in days):

73. When steam sterilization is used as a packaging material:

a) plain paper

b) silk fabric

G) coarse calico

74. The concentration of alcohol used to treat the patient's skin before injection (in deg.):

75. The period of use of the mask of the procedural nurse (in hours):

76. The types of disinfection include everything except:

a) focal, current

b) prophylactic

in) preliminary

d) focal, final

77. Disinfection time in 2% Virkon solution for flexible endoscopes and medical devices made of metal (in minutes):

78. Disinfection time in a 2% solution of Virkon for medical devices made of glass, plastic and polymers (in minutes):

79. A universal test for checking medical instruments for the presence of occult blood is called:

a) benzidine

b) phenolphthalein

in) azopyramic