How to do ablution after intimacy with your husband. Complete body wash

Cases when performing ablution Necessarily
1. Ejaculation
Allah Almighty said: “And if you are in sexual defilement, then purify yourself” (Meal, 6)

Consideration of some questions:

1. If seminal fluid is not released during a wet dream, then there is no need to commit complete ablution, and if liquid appears, then you need to swim.

2. If a person sees seminal fluid, but does not remember a wet dream, then he needs to perform a complete ablution.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Verily, there is water after water.” [Reported by Muslim]

(i.e., performing a complete ablution becomes necessary after the release of seminal fluid).

3. If the seminal fluid moves inside the penis, but it does not come out, then there is no need to perform a complete ablution.

4. Ejaculation should only be under the influence of passion, but if this happened due to illness or other similar reason, then complete ablution is not necessary.

5. If after performing a complete ablution, seminal fluid comes out, then it is not necessary to perform a full ablution again, and it is enough to perform only a small ablution.

Because the reason for releasing semen the second time is not passion, and therefore it is not necessary to perform a complete ablution again.

6. If a person woke up and saw liquid, not knowing the reason for its appearance, then the person can be in three states and no more:

a) is sure that this is seminal fluid, then he needs to perform a complete ablution, without finding out the reasons for its appearance.

b) is sure that it is not seminal fluid, then complete ablution is not necessary, and this fluid is considered urine.

c) doubts whether this is seminal fluid or not. In this case he must try to remember, and if he remembers something that indicates that it is seminal fluid, then it is seminal fluid.

If he remembers something that indicates that it is mazium (a liquid that is released during sexual arousal), then it is mazium.

And if he doesn’t remember anything, then he better take a full ablution to be on the safe side.

7. When a person sees seminal fluid without knowing when he had a wet dream, then he needs to repeat the prayers starting from the time when he last slept.

2. Sexual intercourse
The union of the genital organs of a man and a woman, which occurs with complete insertion of the head of the penis into the vagina, even if there has been no ejaculation.

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “When the genitals are united, it is obligatory to bathe” [Reported by at-Tirmidhi].

3. Acceptance of Islam by non-believers
Since the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded Qais bin Asim when he accepted Islam swim" [Recited by Abu Dawud].

4. End of menstruation and postpartum bleeding
It is narrated from the words of ‹Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said to Fatima bint Abu Hubaysh: “Stop praying when (your normal period menstruation), and when (this period) ends, perform a complete ablution, (washing off) the blood, and pray" [Hadith agreed].

And postpartum blood (nifas) is like period blood(hyde) according to the unanimous opinion of scientists.

5. Death
Since the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was bathing him deceased daughter, said: “Wash it three times, or five times, or more, if you consider it necessary” [Hadith agreed].

According to Shariah, complete ablution is the completion of clean water to the whole body. The basis for this is the words of Allah Almighty (meaning):

“If you are defiled, that is, you have had sexual intercourse, wash yourself from head to toe and purify yourself...” (Surah Maidat, verse 6).

With complete ablution, be it after menstruation and cessation postpartum discharge or after sexual intercourse, you need to wash the whole body, bringing water to every part of it, to the ends of the hair and between all the folds. Ablution must be done thoroughly. It is obligatory to wash the body once.

After purification, a person is allowed everything that was prohibited in a defiled state. He will also receive rewards and closer proximity to Allah.

In Shariah, ablution is divided into complete and small. Full ablution is bathing, small ablution is ablution before prayer.

Types of Ghusl:

  1. Ghusl - mafrud (wajib).
  2. Ghusl - musnun (sunnah) - for Zhum (Friday prayers), Eid (holiday prayers), when you perform Umrah (lesser pilgrimage), Hajj. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “Whoever performs ablution on Friday will perform a good deed, but it’s even better if he redeems himself” (Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasai and Ibn Majah).
  3. Ghusl - mandub (desirable) - after intoxication, loss of consciousness, in Laylatul-qadr, after washing the deceased, after tawb (repentance) from sin, for one who has returned from a trip, when putting on new clothes.

In the state of junub, you cannot read prayer and the Koran. You are allowed to enter the mosque only if absolutely necessary. Ali radiallahu anhu said: "Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us the Qur'an when he was not in a state of sexual intercourse desecration"(Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasai and Ibn Majah).

The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said: “I do not allow menstruating women or people in a state of sexual desecration to be in the mosque.”(Abu Dawud Ibn Khuzaimah called it authentic).

A person performing ablution:

  1. Cleanses the perineal area from impurities;
  2. Washes hands up to wrists;
  3. Performs ablution but does not wash his feet;
  4. Then, first wet the head, and then the rest of the body;
  5. Then he rubs his hands over every part of the body as far as possible;
  6. Then he washes each part of the body again with water;
  7. And once again he washes the whole body with water;
  8. Then he washes both feet.

This is complete ablution. A person who has performed a complete ablution is considered completely clean. To perform namaz there is no need for a small ablution if a complete one has been performed.

Actions required for complete ablution (fard ghusl)

There are three obligatory (fard) actions:

  1. Mouth rinse;
  2. Nasal rinse;
  3. Penetration of water to all parts of the body.

In order for water to reach every part of the body, it must penetrate between the hair, to the roots of the hair of the head, mustache, beard, eyebrows, into the recesses, into the eye sockets, under the rings or under adhering dough or tar. For men, it is mandatory to get water on every hair. For this reason, Muslim men shorten or shave their hair. For women, it is enough for water to penetrate to the roots of the hair. It is allowed if water does not penetrate between the hair in braids. Because hair is a woman’s adornment and shortening and removing it is wrong.

Sunnah in complete ablution

There are 9 actions according to the sunnah in complete ablution:

  1. Wash areas of the body where there was impurity;
  2. Wash your hands up to your wrists;
  3. Perform a small ablution until complete;
  4. Wash your hair first, and then the rest of your body;
  5. Wash the right side of the body before the left;
  6. Wipe the body once after washing with water;
  7. The water should touch each part of the body 3 times;
  8. Beware of excessive water consumption;
  9. During ablution, stand facing the Kaaba.

Reasons why complete ablution is performed

There are three reasons why complete ablution is obligatory:

  1. Desecration;
  2. End of menstruation;
  3. Ending postpartum hemorrhage.

Desecration occurs for 3 reasons:

  1. Discharge of fluid (during sexual arousal);
  2. Sexual intimacy;
  3. Wet dream.

Any part of the body of a person who has not performed a complete ablution is considered unclean. In this case, it is condemned to pick up the Koran and read it, to enter a mosque, as well as to eat and drink without performing ablution or ablution with sand. Therefore, he needs to cleanse himself as soon as possible by performing a complete ablution. However, a person without a little ablution, although he cannot hold the Koran in his hands, is not prohibited from reading it. Also, reading prayers, greeting and praising Allah without major and minor ablution is not condemned.

When it is acceptable to commit

Cases in which complete ablution is welcomed (rewarded):

  • Converted to Islam, having cleared himself of menstruation, postpartum discharge and sexual intercourse;
  • Having reached the age of majority (15 years for boys and girls);
  • Sobered up from drunkenness, regained consciousness;
  • After bloodletting;
  • After washing the deceased;
  • On the Night of Baraat (the middle night of the month of Sha'ban);
  • On the Night of Predestination and Power (Lailat-ul Qadr). If Lailat-ul Qadr saw for sure or it is known for certain that that night came;
  • It is advisable to perform a complete ablution before entering Medina out of respect for the city of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam;
  • Watching the night on Muzdalifa;
  • Before or after dawn, on the day of Eid al-Adha;
  • Upon entering Mecca;
  • For prayers, eclipses of the moon or sun;
  • Before asking for rain;
  • For prayer - removing fear;
  • During an eclipse during daylight hours;
  • In strong winds (at night or during the day);
  • Repentant from sins;
  • Upon returning home from travel;
  • Cleansed from the broken menstrual cycle woman;
  • Condemned to death;
  • Throwing pebbles at Jumarat (in Mecca) on the day of Eid al-Adha;
  • To one who has fallen under najas (defilement). If it is not known where the najasa got on the body, then the whole body and clothes are thoroughly washed;

Person with physical disabilities

A person with physical disabilities is one who, due to illness, cannot be in a state of ablution during prayer. For example, a person who constantly drips blood or tears from his eyes. It is enough for such a person to perform one small ablution for each prayer. If during this prayer his ablution is broken, it will be considered intact. Even if during prayer he releases impurities, his ablution will be considered intact, but during the next prayer it will be broken. Impurity that gets on clothes during prayer due to illness is not considered impurity. However, with the onset of the next prayer, they are considered unclean, and therefore the clothes must be washed or changed.

Full obligatory ablution is a ritual bathing.

It should be done:

1. For men and women after sexual intercourse, even if it was not completed.

2. For men and women after orgasm, regardless of where, how and under what circumstances it happened.

3. Women after cleansing from menstruation.

4. Women after cleansing postpartum or post-miscarriage discharge.

5. It is also necessary to completely wash the body of the deceased.

What is prohibited for one who is obligated to perform ablution?

Without the obligatory complete ablution of the body after breaking it, for the reasons stated above, it is prohibited (haram): to perform namaz, make sudjdatilawat and shukra, touch the Quran and wear it, read anything from the Quran (from a book or by heart), perform tawaf (circumambulation seven times). Kaaba) and located inside the mosque.

For women during menstruation, postpartum and post-miscarriage discharge, all this is prohibited from the moment the discharge begins. In addition, during menstruation, postpartum and post-miscarriage discharge, women are prohibited from fasting. But once the discharge stops, the ban on fasting is lifted, even if the woman has not yet bathed.

During such periods, spouses are prohibited from having sexual intercourse; the husband is not allowed to touch his wife’s body without a barrier between the navel and knees. The wife is also obliged to prohibit her husband from doing this. Only after cleansing from menstruation or postpartum and post-miscarriage discharge and performing the obligatory full ablution are all prohibitions associated with these periods lifted.

Without the obligatory complete ablution of the body after its violation, it is undesirable to eat, drink anything, or sleep. It is also undesirable to repeatedly enter into intimacy with your wife without first performing a small ablution.

What are the required components (arcanas) of complete ablution?

In order for complete ablution to be considered valid, it is necessary, firstly, to make an intention at the beginning of ablution mentally (this is fard) and with the tongue (this is sunnat), that is, it is necessary to have the intention to perform the obligatory full ablution: “I intend to perform the obligatory (fard) complete ablution bodies." In this case, it is necessary to connect the intention with the first washed part of the bather’s body. Secondly, the water must wash the entire body, without leaving the slightest point (that is, the water must flow around the entire body, all its parts, it is not enough to simply wet the body or its individual parts). In particular, when bathing, the hair should be washed to the roots and the places under the nails; there should be no insulator on the body that prevents water from coming into contact with the body, such as nail polish. Before ritual bathing begins, impurities (najasa) must be removed from the body. For women, water must fall into those places of the awra that are revealed when sitting.

Desirable actions (sunnah) of complete ablution.

There are 12 desirable actions of ablution: turning towards the Qiblah; washing both hands; performing a small ablution first (as for prayer); preliminary cleansing of body folds where water is difficult to enter; removal of evil spirits in advance; pouring water first on the head, then on the right side, then on the left; rubbing your hand everywhere; repeating all this three times; there must be at least three liters of water; if you bathe after ejaculation, then before bathing you should relieve yourself; reading d'a after bathing (the one that is read after small ablution).

Under what circumstances is it advisable (sunnah) to take a bath?

It is advisable to take a bath in the following seventeen cases: for Friday prayer; for both holiday prayers; every night of the month of Ramadan; for prayer of asking for rain; for solar prayer and lunar eclipse; after washing the deceased; for a non-believer after accepting Islam; for a madman after he has come to his senses; who lost consciousness after regaining consciousness; for putting on ihram; in order to enter Mecca; to stand on Mount Arafa; for an overnight stay in the Muzdalifa valley; for throwing stones in jamarat; to circumambulate the Kaaba.

Sheikh's answer:“In the Shafi’i madhhab, bathing (ghusl) also includes small (partial) ablution (wuzu), since complete ablution (or bathing, ghusl) is considered large compared to small ablution, therefore bathing also includes small (partial) ) ablution, and other types of bathing. Based on this, if a man, for example, performs obligatory bathing from janaba (a state of sexual defilement) or a woman bathes after the menstrual cycle, then in this case, this bathing also includes a small obligatory ablution, that is, the person after compulsory bathing is considered to have a small (partial) ablution (see note). Also, if a person bathes on a Friday or a holiday, for partial ablution to become valid, he must make an intention for partial ablution, and this bathing also includes partial ablution (if the intention was made and there was no circumstances that violate minor ablution).”

Question: “I performed namaz, being convinced that I was facing the qibla. But then I realized that I was mistaken, as it turned out that the qibla was in the other direction. What should I do?"

Sheikh's answer:“If you discover this before the time of this prayer has ended, then you should perform the prayer again. For example: after performing the lunch prayer, you discovered that the qibla is in a different direction, then if the time for the evening prayer has not arrived, you need to perform the lunch prayer again. If the time for prayer has passed, there is no need to compensate for the prayer, since you have fulfilled what was commanded to you by the Almighty, that is, you performed the prayer, thinking that you turned towards the sacred mosque (the side of the qibla), the Almighty is Generous, and in this In this case, there is no need to compensate for the prayer, inshaAllah, such a prayer will be considered valid. Why is it necessary to perform the prayer again if the time for the next prayer has not come? Because it was discovered that the prayer was performed incorrectly and there is time to perform it again in the right way before time is lost."

Question: “It’s hard for me to perform ablution and prayer. Sometimes I manage to overcome my nafs, and I can easily perform ablution and prayer. But sometimes I have difficulty coping with nafs and passions. What do i do?"

Sheikh's answer:“We need to be persistent and not lose hope. All this is a test. Therefore, you need to be diligent so that help comes from the Almighty and then you can perform worship with ease, without experiencing difficulties. This is an exam that must be passed successfully. But success can be achieved with consistency. Do not lose hope when nafs or passions prevail over you; the second or third time you will feel the pliability of nafs when performing good deeds. It is necessary to be convinced of the mercy of Allah.

The second way is to remember Allah. Remember Allah often outside of prayer, and you will feel that your nafs begins to obey you when performing ablution, prayer and other types of worship. Allah says) meaning:

وَلَذِكْرُ اللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ

« And remembering Allah is the most important thing "Koran, 29:45."

Translation from Arabic: Muhammadarif Abdulaev

Note: In order for the minor ablution to be considered valid, no actions must be performed during bathing that spoil the minor ablution (see Circumstances that violate partial ablution).

A small reminder for women on how to perform a full ablution (ghusl) after sexual intercourse, menstruation, postpartum bleeding, as well as for Friday prayers and the prayers of two holidays.

First, check out a few hadiths from Sahih al-Bukhari.

Sahih al-Bukhari (Mukhtasar)

Book 5: Book of Complete Ablution

179. (248). It is reported from the words of the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, 'Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, that when performing a complete ablution after desecration, (the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,) began by washing his hands, then performed the following the same ablution as before prayer, then immersed his fingers in water and combed the roots of his hair with them, then poured three handfuls of water on his head, and then poured water over his entire body.

180. (249). It is reported that the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Maymunah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “(First) the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performed the same ablution that he performed before prayer, except for washing his feet, then he washed his genitals ( The comments indicate that this hadith lists all the necessary actions performed by a person during complete ablution, but they are not listed in order of priority, since first of all one should wash the genitals, and then do everything else), washing off all the discharge, then doused himself with water, and then moved his legs ( This means that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) moved to another place)and washed them. This was his complete ablution after desecration.”

190. (272). It is reported that ‘Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “When performing a complete ablution after desecration (janaba), the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, (first) washed his hands and performed the same ablution as before prayer, then washed his body completely, and then combed his hair with his hand; feeling that the skin (of the head) was moistened, he doused (the head) with water three times, after which he washed the other (parts) of the body.”

Ghusl (complete ablution)

For simplicity, we will describe point by point one of the common options for performing ghusl according to reliable hadiths:

1. Have the intention in your heart to perform the appropriate ghusl (i.e., if after menstruation, then intend to do a complete ablution to cleanse yourself from menstruation, etc.)

2. Say Bismillah (preferable)

3. Wash your hands three times.

4. Wash the genitals, thoroughly removing any traces of menstruation, residual fluid after sexual intercourse, etc. After this, you cannot touch the genitals, so as not to spoil the ablution.

5. Wash what is washed in the process of ablution (hands, nose-mouth, face, arms from fingertips to elbows, wipe head and ears, wash feet from feet to ankles).

6. Water and wash your hair three times until the water touches the scalp.

7. Wash your ears.

8. Thoroughly wash the right half of the body (including the right leg)

9. Thoroughly wash the left half of the body (including the left leg)

10. Ablution is completed.

In sha Allah, it's simple.

I would like to note that breaking the sequence by mistake does not ruin the complete ablution, unless you specifically touch the genitals in the middle of ablution.

Scientists believe that complete ablution will be valid if a person with due intention is completely immersed in water (whether in the sea or in a bath) and clothing does not prevent the water from touching the skin over the entire surface of the body. And Allah knows best.