Does not stop bleeding after childbirth. Postpartum hemorrhage - causes and dynamics of development

Such a phenomenon as bleeding is completely normal during the recovery period of the female body after delivery. It ends some time after childbirth and does not require medical intervention. However, in some cases, uterine bleeding after childbirth can signal serious pathological changes that have arisen in the body of a woman. And an untimely appeal to a medical institution in this case can cause irreversible consequences. That is why every woman who is preparing for the birth of a child or who has already become a mother should know everything about postpartum hemorrhage: what color are the discharges, what are the volumes of blood released, what sensations accompany bleeding, etc. It is very important to responsibly and scrupulously treat health after birth child in order to avoid the occurrence of various infections and other pathological processes and phenomena.

Features of postpartum hemorrhage

Normal postpartum discharge, lochia, have a number of hallmarks. The main parameters of bleeding after childbirth are the volume and nature of the discharge. Blood loss in the normal state of a newly-made mother should not exceed 0.5% of the total body weight of a woman. Indicators that exceed the norm are considered dangerous, and blood loss of more than 1% of the weight of the woman in labor is considered critical.

Bleeding can occur against the background of a violation of heart contractions, fluctuations blood pressure, dizziness, deterioration of health, weakness and other not very pleasant symptoms.

How long does bleeding last after childbirth

This phenomenon caused by the release of the remnants of the placenta, as well as the fetal membranes. These processes take place in several stages. And each of them has its own distinctive features has bleeding after childbirth.

How long it should last normally worries almost all women. The most abundant discharge is observed in the first 2-3 days after delivery. The amount of blood released is greater than that during menstruation. Severe bleeding in the first few days after childbirth is due to a lack of contractile properties of the uterus. Keep in mind that the process may take longer after the operation. caesarean section. This is due to the fact that after this medical manipulation, the uterus contracts much worse, more slowly.

Over the next two weeks, the intensity of bleeding decreases markedly. The color of the highlights also changes. If in the first days after childbirth the blood had a rich bright red color, then at this stage it is light pink, brown or light yellow. Normally, by the end of the second week, the intensity of the discharge should noticeably decrease. From the 3rd week, the discharge is scanty and has a light pink or light yellow color. In young women, the discharge should stop 5-6 weeks after childbirth, in older women, the duration of postpartum bleeding can last up to 8 weeks. If the discharge continues after the specified time, it is recommended to contact a specialist for advice and conduct the necessary medical research.

How to distinguish lochia from bleeding

To seize the moment and avoid unpleasant consequences, every woman should know how to distinguish uterine bleeding from lochia, the release of which in the first time after childbirth is normal, due to physiological features female body.

Uterine bleeding is more profuse than postpartum discharge. This can be seen from the fullness of the sanitary napkin. With the allocation of lochia, it is filled in 2-4 hours, with uterine bleeding - in 30-60 minutes. Normal postpartum discharge is dark red or brown, while abnormal bleeding is characterized by bright red blood.

Lochia has an astringent texture. When bleeding, the discharge is liquid, the blood comes out in jerks. In addition, pathological blood loss is characterized by significant changes in the state of health of the newly-made mother. With uterine bleeding appears severe nausea, dizziness. Possible loss of consciousness, fainting. In addition, a woman should be alerted to the pain that occurs during bleeding. Normally, they shouldn't be. The presence of such signals the occurrence of pathological phenomena in the body.


Normally, the causes of bleeding are insufficiency of the contractile function of the uterus. Its dimensions should come to prenatal indicators. Increases the intensity of uterine contraction breast-feeding.

Bleeding may occur due to traumatic injury the vagina of a woman and the external genitalia, which occur during the passage of the child through the birth canal.

Signs of normal bleeding

It is worth summarizing and listing the signs of normal postpartum hemorrhage. These include:

  • profusion of discharge, not exceeding 0.5% of the total body weight of the woman in labor;
  • in the first days they have a bright red color, subsequently the color of lochia changes to brown, light pink or light yellow;
  • intensity on the 4-5th day after birth is significantly reduced;
  • the duration of the discharge is 2-6 weeks, sometimes 8 weeks;
  • full filling of the sanitary napkin is observed after 2-4 hours;
  • absence of pain and deterioration of well-being.

It is worth noting that in some cases, in the first few days after childbirth, a woman may experience a worsening condition, namely dizziness. This is due individual features organism.

When to sound the alarm

Bleeding after childbirth after 2-4 days should decrease. If the intensity of the discharge does not decrease 3-4 days after delivery, and the blood has a bright red color, the woman should suspect something was wrong. She should immediately seek medical advice from a specialist. An alarming sign is the fact that bleeding a month after birth is characterized copious secretions.

Suspicion of the presence of pathology should cause the rapid filling of the sanitary napkin, which becomes unusable in a record a short time, 30-60 minutes after the start of use. In addition, in pathology, the discharge is accompanied by painful sensations, the intensity of which can change periodically, significantly worsening the quality of life of a newly-made mother.

Causes of abnormal bleeding

The causes of blood loss in the early postpartum period are hypotension of the woman's uterus, due to a lack of contractile function (which was mentioned above);

  • the remainder of the placenta can also provoke bleeding, preventing uterine contraction;
  • injuries such as uterine, vaginal, and vulvar ruptures;
  • blood diseases that prevent normal blood clotting.

The causes of bleeding in the late period after childbirth can be:

  • polyp;
  • inflammation in the uterine cavity;
  • bubble drift.

In addition, the causes of discharge in the late postpartum stage may be hereditary contractions of the organ.

In addition, the occurrence of bleeding can be caused by the occurrence of infectious processes in the uterine cavity. The presence of fibrous nodes in the uterus can also provoke bleeding, which is easily confused with normal secretion postpartum lochia.

Treatment Methods

Bleeding therapy proceeds in a certain sequence:

  • the doctor determines the cause of the discharge;
  • the introduction of reducing funds;
  • method for identifying the remains of the placenta;
  • manual inspection birth canal for the presence of injuries received during childbirth;
  • if necessary, the doctor applies clamps to the vaginal vaults, after which he re-introduces drugs that improve the contractile properties of the uterus.

If after all the above actions bleeding does not stop, the patient is transferred to operating block for surgical procedures.

Treatment of late bleeding begins with the use of antibiotics, hemostatic agents, and reducing drugs. If you suspect the presence of the remains of the placenta, as well as curettage, or hysteroscopy.

Preventive measures

It should be understood that no woman in labor is immune from the occurrence uterine bleeding even if the birth was successful and without complications. That is why in the near future after delivery by doctors obstetric department measures are taken to reduce the risk of complications:

  • excretion of urine with a catheter;
  • applying cold to the lower abdomen;
  • women at risk are given reducing agents, such as Oxytocin.

At home, a woman needs to follow some recommendations, namely:

  • practice natural feeding of the baby;
  • avoid exhausting physical activity;
  • avoid sexual intercourse in the first two months after childbirth.

The duration of sexual rest depends on the complexity of childbirth and on the characteristics of the course. recovery process. It is necessary not only in the presence of bleeding. One month postpartum is recovery period when a woman's body needs to be provided with comfort and tranquility.

How to distinguish bleeding from the onset of menstruation

If a woman refuses to breastfeed a newborn and prefers mixtures, menstruation can recover very quickly. In this case, lochia can be confused with the onset of menstruation. As a rule, normal menstruation is restored a couple of weeks after the woman refuses to breastfeed. menstrual bleeding after childbirth in most young mothers, namely in 70% of women, begins in the interval from 6 to 12 weeks. However, in rare cases, the cycle may recover earlier. But such occurrences are extremely rare. That is why it is difficult, almost impossible, to confuse the onset of menstruation with postpartum bleeding.


postpartum hemorrhage- extremely important process, which occurs immediately after the birth of a child and normally lasts from 4-5 to 6-8 weeks. This phenomenon requires maximum close attention and observation. A woman who has recently become a mother should be aware of the features of normal and pathological discharge in order to be able to distinguish them from each other if necessary. It is very important to carefully and scrupulously monitor health in this difficult period body recovery. This is necessary in order to avoid unnecessary worries and be ready. The slightest doubt and anxiety should be the reason for contacting a specialist in a medical institution.

During and after childbirth, all women lose some blood. Normal loss blood after childbirth(the so-called lochia) cannot harm your body, because it is prepared for such a loss (as you know, while you were pregnant, you had twice more blood than it was before pregnancy). But keep in mind that if, then this already speaks of a very serious danger!

This is what happens to your body after the birth of a baby: when the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus to which it was attached, blood vessels open in its place and begin to bleed into the uterus. If everything goes well, then after the separation of the placenta in a woman, which contract the uterus and close the open blood vessels, thereby gradually stopping the bleeding.

If during childbirth the tissues of the perineum, vagina or cervix were torn in a woman, or she had an episiotomy, then unsutured wounds may be the cause of bleeding. Usually such bleeding is accompanied.

Your OB/GYN may inject you with the synthetic hormone oxytocin and also massage your uterus to help it contract. If you are breastfeeding your baby, you may notice that when the baby is attached to the breast, the postpartum contractions intensify. This is due to the fact that at this point your body releases a lot of natural oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions. So breastfeeding helps to speed up the process of involution ( postpartum recovery) uterus.

What is lochia?

Lochia is bloody issues from the vagina in the postpartum period. Lochia consists of blood, bacteria, and torn tissue of the lining of the uterus (endometrium).

In the first few days, lochia contains a fairly large amount of blood, which is why they are bright red, and look like very profuse menstruation. They can flow continuously and evenly, or they can go at short intervals in a strong stream. If you lie on the bed for about half an hour (during this time blood will collect in the vagina), then when you get up, you can see small clots in the lochia.

If everything goes well, then every day the amount of discharge blood after childbirth will decrease, and after 2 to 4 days, the lochia will become watery, and their color will be pinkish. About 10 days after delivery, the lochia will leave a small amount of whitish or whitish-yellow discharge. These secretions consist mainly of leukocytes and cells of the lining of the uterus.

In most women, lochia completely stops after 2 to 4 weeks, although for some women this process stretches for one and a half to two months.

If you started taking birth control pills with a progestin (mini-drink) or have received, you may continue to have spotting for up to two months, and this is completely normal.

What should be done when lochia comes?

Use sanitary pads with maximum absorbency to absorb secretions (many women prefer "overnight" pads, which are not only absorbent but also longer than normal). As the amount of bleeding subsides, you may be able to purchase pads that are less absorbent.

Do not use tampons for at least six weeks because they increase the risk of postpartum vaginal and uterine infections, prevent normal recovery uterus and can lead to a serious condition such as toxic shock syndrome.

Go to the toilet in a small way more often, even if you do not have the desire to pee. In the first postpartum days bladder less sensitive than usual, so you may not feel the urge to urinate even if your bladder is full. A full bladder not only leads to problems urinating (and holding urine) but also increases the risk of infections. urinary tract, interferes with normal uterine contractions, increases pain from postpartum contractions, and can cause excessive postpartum bleeding.

Do not put off going to the doctor if your bleeding is getting worse, or if:

  • lochia four days after the birth of the child is still bright red;
  • lochia have bad smell accompanied by fever or chills.

If you notice abnormally heavy bleeding (when one sanitary pad per hour gets soaked through), or if blood after childbirth large clots are present, this may be a sign of late postpartum hemorrhage and requires immediate medical attention.

Postpartum hemorrhage is a natural process that occurs in the body. It is needed so that the uterus can get rid of the remnants of products labor activity. These include particles of the placenta and lochia. At the same time, the uterus returns to the state in which it was before childbirth. Since this is a natural process, it is safe for a woman's health. However, if a purulent discharge is observed during bleeding and an unpleasant odor appears, this may indicate a pathology. In the event that at the same time a woman experiences discomfort in the abdomen, especially in the lower part, then you should immediately consult a doctor. He will help to find out the cause of such bleeding and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to know how long bleeding lasts after childbirth, as well as the rate of blood loss, the reasons why it can occur, as well as symptoms that indicate pathology.

Bleeding in a woman begins immediately when a child is born. In the first 2 hours, the blood is very intense, but it should not exceed 400 ml. This time is considered the most dangerous for a woman. The fact is that during these hours the uterus cannot contract on its own and it needs to be stimulated for this. Therefore, women put ice on the stomach. Cold causes uterine contractions. However, even this is not a guarantee that this process will be launched. Uterine contractions may not occur. Then profuse blood loss will cause dizziness and weakness. If the blood went faster, you should immediately consult a doctor. He may prescribe injections that will stop the blood loss.

In the next few days (approximately 2-3) postpartum period there should be bleeding of moderate intensity, but not more than 300 ml per day. The gasket in this case requires replacement every 2 hours. The blood at the same time goes scarlet and can come out with clots. Her smell is no different from the smell of blood that comes during menstruation. After some time, the intensity of bleeding decreases. The blood acquires a brown-red tint and the number of clots is reduced. Bleeding may be more intense when the woman is moving and when she is being examined by a doctor.

bleeding after natural childbirth on average last 6 weeks. During this period, the uterus returns to the state that it was before childbirth. If a woman does not complain about her health, then bleeding ends a month after childbirth.

In the event that a caesarean section was performed, then postpartum bleeding can go much longer. This is due to the fact that childbirth occurs artificially, so the uterus is damaged during the operation. Therefore, in order for her to come to a state, as before childbirth, she will need much more time.

However, it sometimes happens that blood loss in the postpartum period can increase and if no measures are taken to eliminate it in time, this can lead to death.

Causes of early and late bleeding after childbirth

Intense bleeding after childbirth is of two types - earlier (blood flows in the first 2 hours after childbirth) and later (occurs 2 hours after childbirth and may occur in the first 6 weeks). The causes of early bleeding can be:

  • Poor blood clotting. In this case, the blood goes for a long time, in an even stream without clots or lochia. Such early bleeding can be bypassed. To do this, before giving birth, it is necessary to do a blood test and take appropriate measures if it suddenly shows poor clotting.
  • Rapid delivery resulting in trauma to the birth canal.
  • Protracted and difficult childbirth.
  • Introduction of certain drugs before childbirth to induce contractions, and medicines to relieve pain during childbirth.
  • Placenta accreta. Because of this, the uterus cannot return to its normal condition and there is abundant early bleeding.
  • Age. The danger of opening early bleeding appears in a woman after 30 years. To avoid it, the mother should regularly visit a doctor before giving birth.
  • Some blood diseases.
  • Too much bad contraction uterus. This can be caused by too much stretching of its walls. This condition causes polyhydramnios, too large a baby or the birth of twins, triplets, etc.
  • Pathology of the uterus. They can form both before childbirth and after them.
  • Nervous state of the mother. If a woman experienced severe stress before childbirth, it can provoke early bleeding.

Since early bleeding begins in the first 2 hours, the woman receives the necessary medical care already in the hospital. Late heavy bleeding after childbirth can occur for the following reasons:

  • The remains of the placenta that have not left the uterus. In this case, cleansing, which the doctor must perform, will help stop heavy bleeding.
  • Blood clots that cannot leave the uterus. It is caused by spasm this body, which is caused by artificial childbirth.
  • Too slow return of the uterus to its normal prenatal state. This can be triggered by inflammation occurring in the pelvic organs. In this case, in addition to heavy bleeding body temperature rises.
  • Poor blood clotting.

Heavy bleeding symptoms

You can understand that bleeding has opened after childbirth by the following signs:

  • Blood after childbirth within 3 days has a scarlet color.
  • The blood goes for a very long time, i.e. bleeding increases rather than decreases. In this case, the gasket is not enough even for 60 minutes.
  • Over time, the blood changes from a scarlet color to a darker one and an unpleasant odor appears, which is not like the smell of blood during normal menstruation.
  • There is weakness, dizziness, body temperature increases, fainting occurs from time to time.
When there are signs of bleeding in the postpartum period, you should consult a doctor. Only he will help determine the cause of blood loss and correct the situation. Sometimes just enough medicines, which stop bleeding and may sometimes be required surgical intervention. If a woman does not provide timely assistance, then this situation can be fatal.

How to avoid heavy bleeding after childbirth

In some cases, heavy bleeding in the postpartum period can be avoided. To do this, you must follow these simple rules:

  • Go to the toilet at least once every 3 hours. You need to do this for several days in a row. Never ignore the urge to urinate. The fact is that an overfilled bladder has strong pressure on the uterus and because of this, it begins to contract badly, which results in bleeding.
  • Breastfeed as often as possible. Ideally, this should be done at the first request of the baby. Breastfeeding produces a hormone called oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions. So when a baby suckles at the breast, the blood going faster, and there are severe pain in the lower abdomen, which are like pain during contractions.
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the development of inflammation in the pelvis.
  • Lie only on your stomach. Even while sleeping, try to take this pose. The fact is that in this position, clots come out of the uterus, and its contraction also occurs.
  • Apply cold to the abdomen from time to time. This should be done on the first day after natural childbirth. Ice will speed up the contraction of the uterus and strengthen the blood vessels.

Although bleeding in the postpartum period is a natural process, it can lead to profuse blood loss. Every woman in labor should remember this and carefully monitor her health, especially in the first days after the birth of the baby.

It is good if the postpartum discharge lasts 6-8 weeks (this is how long it takes for the reverse development of the uterus after pregnancy and childbirth). Their total amount during this time is 500-1500 ml.

In the first week after childbirth, the discharge is comparable to normal menstruation, only they are more abundant and may contain clots. Every day the number of discharges decreases. Gradually, they acquire a yellowish-white color due to a large number mucus, may be mixed with blood. Approximately by the 4th week, scanty, “smearing” discharges are observed, and by the end of the 6-8th week they are already the same as before pregnancy.

In women who are breastfeeding, postpartum discharge stops faster, as the entire process of reverse development of the uterus passes faster. At first, there may be cramping pains in the lower abdomen during feeding, but within a few days they pass.

In women who have undergone a cesarean section, everything happens more slowly, because, due to the presence of a suture on the uterus, it contracts worse.

Hygiene rules in postpartum period. Compliance simple rules hygiene will help to avoid infectious complications. From the very first days of the postpartum period, a diverse microbial flora is found in the lochia, which, multiplying, can cause inflammatory process. Therefore, it is important that lochia does not linger in the uterine cavity and in the vagina.

During the entire period while the discharge continues, you need to use pads or liners. Gaskets must be changed at least every 3 hours. It is better to use pads with a soft surface than with a "mesh" surface, because they better show the nature of the discharge. Pads with fragrances are not recommended - their use increases the risk of developing allergic reactions. While you are lying down, it is better to use diaper pads so as not to interfere with the release of lochia. You can put a diaper on so that the discharge comes out freely, but does not stain the laundry. Tampons should not be used, as they prevent the removal of vaginal discharge, instead absorbing it, which can lead to the growth of microorganisms and provoke the development of an inflammatory process.

You need to wash yourself several times a day (after each visit to the toilet), you need to take a shower every day. The genitals should be washed from the outside, but not inside, in the direction from front to back. You can not douche, because this way you can bring the infection. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to take a bath.

With heavy physical exertion, the amount of discharge may increase, so do not lift anything heavy.
Behind medical care should be contacted in the following cases:
The discharge has become unpleasant, Strong smell, purulent character. All this points to the development infectious process in the uterus - endometritis. Most often, endometritis is also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and fever,
Abundant bleeding after their number has already begun to decrease or the bleeding does not stop for a long time. This may be a symptom that parts of the placenta that have not been removed have remained in the uterus, which interfere with its normal contraction,
Appearance curdled secretions indicates the development of yeast colpitis (thrush), while it may also appear in the vagina, redness sometimes occurs on the external genitalia. The risk of this complication is increased when taking antibiotics,
Postpartum discharge abruptly stopped. After a caesarean section, complications are more common than after a natural birth.
At heavy bleeding(several pads within an hour) it is necessary to call " ambulance' rather than going to the doctor on your own.
The above complications do not go away on their own. Required adequate therapy, which should be started as early as possible. In some cases, hospital treatment is required.
If complications arise after childbirth, a woman can apply not only to women's consultation, but also (in any case, at any time of the day) to the maternity hospital where the birth took place. This rule is valid for 40 days after delivery. Restoration of the menstrual cycle.

The timing of the restoration of the menstrual cycle for each woman is individual. After childbirth, a woman's body produces the hormone prolactin, which stimulates the production of milk in female body. It suppresses the formation of hormones in the ovaries, and therefore prevents ovulation.

If the child is on breastfeeding, then regular menstrual cycle his mother will recover in 5-6 months after childbirth, and may recover after the cessation of lactation. Prior to this, menstruation may not be at all, or they may come from time to time. At artificial feeding(the baby receives only milk formula) menstruation is restored, as a rule, by the 2-3rd month after childbirth.

Attention to character postpartum discharge and to other indicators of the successful course of the postpartum period will help a woman avoid many complications. It is important to follow all hygiene rules and doctor's recommendations.

The content of the article:

Most dangerous complications is considered to be postpartum hemorrhage, which sometimes carries with it fatal outcome. About why and how many days after childbirth usually there is blood read our article.

Not a single woman is immune from complications of labor activity. According to WHO (World Health Organization) statistics, 660 women die every day from preventable causes during pregnancy and childbirth worldwide. Therefore, it is so important to take care of your health during the period of gestation and after the baby is born.

Why is there bleeding after childbirth?

The process of labor activity always ends with the birth of the placenta, thanks to which the fetus was attached to the uterine mucosa. A wound remains in its place, which bleeds during healing, secretes lochia - a wound secret.

In the first days after childbirth, women observe blood with particles of the inner lining of the uterus. By contraction of this organ, the wound secret is transformed, blood plasma, leukocytes are added to the composition, the color changes - from dark red to yellowish.

How much blood should normally flow after childbirth?

Lochia, with a favorable course of uterine contraction, are excreted within 6 weeks. At the same time, breastfeeding significantly increases the rate of uterine contraction.

If the number of allocations exceeds all normative indicators, experts record the discovery of postpartum hemorrhage. It can be both early - in the first 2 hours after the completion of labor and late - several hours or weeks later (no later than 6) after the baby appears.

Clinical picture of early postpartum hemorrhage

Normal discharge after childbirth is a profuse blood loss of 0.5% of the body weight of the woman in labor. In the first couple of hours after the birth of a child, a woman should be under the strict supervision of specialists, within the walls of the delivery room. Indeed, during this period, earlier postpartum bleeding may open, caused by a violation of the contractility of the tone of the uterus. They are of two types:

1) postpartum hypotonic bleeding has spasmodic behavior. The walls of the uterus then contract, then again lend themselves to relaxation. However, normalize this process under the power of appropriate preparations and manual massage. Inaction can dramatically change the nature of the discharge and cause massive bleeding;

2) atonic bleeding immediately becomes intense and is often the result of undercooked hypotonic bleeding. At the same time, the boundaries of the uterus cannot be determined due to its excessive relaxation. Do not bring results and drugs, as well as manual massage, contributing to the contraction of the body. Therefore, the woman in labor immediately needs a surgical intervention.
The probability of opening bleeding in the postpartum period indicates the need for a woman to be in medical institution. Experts are extremely negative about home births.

Causes of postpartum hemorrhage in the early stages

Postpartum bleeding may be caused by comorbidities mother or complications arising during pregnancy and childbirth. Experts identify the following main causes of the development of pathology:
- injection of oxytocin to stimulate contractions;
- prolonged labor activity;
- late toxicosis;
- a large fetus or polyhydramnios, which is the cause of a significant stretching of the walls of the uterus;
- stress, in the form of fear of childbirth;
- blood diseases;
- pathology of the structure of the uterus;
- the use of painkillers during childbirth;
- the rest of the placenta in the uterus;
- rupture of the soft tissues of the birth canal or the female reproductive organ.

Late postpartum discharge

Every woman should know how much days go by blood after childbirth, in order to be able to detect pathology in time. Normally, intense lochia, brown or bright red, are observed within 2-3 days. Then their number decreases, the character changes.
However, it happens that a month has passed after the birth, and the blood is still flowing. Factors that affect their duration are:

Stopping the process of uterine contraction;
- violation of blood clotting;
- partial remnant of the placenta in the uterus;
- Presence of blood clots reproductive organ(often after caesarean section);
- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus.

Late bleeding after childbirth can open without foreshadowing factors, suddenly. Often, a woman in labor can lose up to 1 liter of blood in an hour. This bleeding should be distinguished from an increase in the amount of discharge during lactation, which is the norm.

You should immediately contact a specialist for help if the discharge has turned into a bright red color, and the pads are missing for longer than 2 hours.

Therapy for late postpartum hemorrhage

If you notice that after childbirth is in progress blood, although the character of the lochia should already have changed, it is urgent to carry out ultrasound examination. This type diagnostics allows you to determine the compliance with the norms of the parameters of the uterus, the presence of remnants of the placenta or blood clots in the organ.

If it is impossible to carry out conservative treatment undergoing surgical intervention. After stopping the bleeding, by scraping, antibiotics are prescribed to women in labor, as well as drugs that help contract the uterus and restore blood loss.

Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage

If a woman in labor has not encountered postpartum hemorrhage in the walls of the maternity hospital, it is not a fact that the pathology will not manifest itself at home. Therefore, it is necessary to remember about preventive measures pathology prevention:

1. Follow the emptying of the bladder. This rule is especially true in the first day after childbirth. You should go to the toilet at least once every 3 hours, even if you don’t really feel like it. At home, it is also not worth overfilling the bladder, which can slow down the contraction of the uterus.

2. Horizontal position on the stomach. The fact that a woman cannot afford during pregnancy is especially true in the postpartum period. Lying on the stomach promotes intensive contraction of the uterus, and also increases the waste of lochia.

3. Lactation at the request of the baby. If earlier it was customary to feed a newborn on a schedule, today experts have come to the conclusion that frequent breastfeeding increases the production of oxytocin in the mother's body. In turn, this component has a stimulating effect on uterine contraction and accelerates the process of its emptying from wound secretions.

4. Cold compresses. Ice applied to the lower abdomen stimulates the uterus to contract, and also contributes to narrowing blood vessels inside her cavity.
5. Neglect physical activity and sexual intercourse for 6-8 weeks.

Summing up, I would like to emphasize: although bleeding is the norm of the postpartum period, it needs strict control, both from specialists and
the mother herself.

If there is the slightest suspicion of the presence of complications, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. After all, ignoring the problem or self-treatment can cost you your life.

On baby, a verse about the motherland