Chicken cutlets with zucchini. Step-by-step recipe with photos

Everyone enjoys chicken. But this meat, whatever you say, is still somewhat dry. That's why many people turn their nose up at him. However, coping with the problem is not so difficult: no one would call zucchini and chicken cutlets dry. It’s impossible to imagine a more juicy product! In addition, the cutlets become even more healthy without losing their taste or visual appeal.

Preparatory work

Every housewife knows how to make delicious minced meat. But chicken also comes with vegetables, and they need to be given some attention. No special effort is required, but still...

If the zucchini is already mature, you need to peel off the skin - they are too rough and will spoil the taste. Young specimens will only need to be washed and their tails and butts trimmed.

Whatever recipe you choose for zucchini from the ones below, the vegetable is treated the same way everywhere: grated with tinder. Small or larger - you choose. But the main thing is that the zucchini shavings must be rid of excess liquid. Moreover, the juice is not just drained, but squeezed out. Otherwise, the zucchini will fall apart. Even if you bake them, the dish does not require turning over.

The ratio of vegetables and meat is left to the discretion of the cook. The standard is one to one. But if you want a more filling dish, increase the share of chicken. And if you need “figure-saving” cutlets, let there be twice as much zucchini as meat.

Meat pancakes in a frying pan

The most common way for us to cook cutlets is to fry them. The basic approaches are standard. 400 grams of chicken fillet are passed through a meat grinder. Grated and squeezed vegetables are added to it, two eggs are driven in. The mass is added, peppered and flavored with a quarter cup of flour. The minced meat is thoroughly kneaded; It turns out thick, but not dense. Therefore, cutlets from zucchini and chicken are not molded, but placed in a hot frying pan with a spoon. They fry for about four minutes on top and bottom, with the lid on.

By the way, if you like a more pronounced taste, you can not process the fillet with a meat grinder, but chop it as finely as possible. Then the zucchini is rubbed coarsely, and the cutlets turn out chopped - a completely different taste!

Cheese wouldn't hurt

Zucchini will become even more tempting and tasty if you add some other ingredients to it. Half a kilo of meat is chopped finely, and sweet peppers (a quarter of a kilogram) are also prepared. The zucchini rubs; it must be taken in equal quantities with pepper. A 200-gram piece of hard cheese is also grated. All components are combined and supplemented with egg and flour. Depending on the sputum of the minced meat, it will go from half a glass to a full one. Salt and pepper, as always, to taste. The minced meat is kneaded almost like dough, cutlets are molded from it and fried for three minutes on each side. Then the frying pan is covered, the gas is turned on, and the zucchini and chicken cutlets are finished cooking for another five minutes. If desired, you can add your favorite sauce to them during simmering - tomato or sour cream.

Chicken and zucchini cutlets in the oven

Minced meat is made in the manner already described in a selected ratio of meat and vegetables. You can also add cheese. During its creation, the oven is heated to a temperature of 180 Celsius. The baking sheet is coated with vegetable oil. The molded cutlets are laid out on it with noticeable intervals - they can “grow” during baking. Half an hour in the oven - and the cutlets are ready to eat.

By the way, you can bake potato slices, eggplant mugs, mushrooms or bell peppers at the same time. You will get a complete and very tasty dinner.

Little secret

Sometimes novice housewives have a small problem: zucchini and chicken cutlets do not want to come off the baking sheet and lose their presentable appearance, upsetting the cook, although they remain tasty. To prevent this from happening, avoid brute force. Just cover the container with a towel for a few minutes - and the cutlets will come out whole and beautiful.

And one more recipe

Here we will also cook cutlets with zucchini and minced chicken in the oven. This recipe will appeal to those who like a denser final product - flour still does not give such an effect. And it is recommended to take less vegetables, about a third by weight relative to the meat component. And as a “connector” it is recommended to use oatmeal from what is called instant oats. A kilogram of chicken fillet, a third of a kilogram of zucchini (a unique case: not three, but a grind!) and a large onion are placed in a meat grinder or blender. A glass of flakes is steamed with boiling water for a quarter of an hour, and then added to the minced meat. A couple of eggs are driven into it and seasonings are introduced, of which salt and pepper are mandatory. The baking sheet is coated, and the minced meat is laid out on it in heaps. The zucchini and chicken cutlets will take approximately the same amount of time to bake as the previous recipe allows.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Not everyone has a stove (this happens too). And those who are not deprived of its presence are not always satisfied with the quality of functioning. And some people want to make cooking easier for themselves. All these categories of humanity end up acquiring a multicooker. There is only one problem left: finding recipes that can be used to cook in it.

We can console the inexperienced: cutlets with zucchini and minced chicken are cooked in a miracle machine even easier than using traditional appliances. Well, or at least with the same effort. The starting mass is prepared according to your choice. For beginners, the following ratio is suitable: a quarter kilo of chicken, the same amount of grated and squeezed zucchini, an egg and spices. The cutlets are formed with wet hands, rolled in breadcrumbs and fried (turning over) in the baking mode. If your multicooker is too powerful, you will have to close the lid. If you have a temperature regulator, set it to 120 degrees. You will need to spend ten minutes on each side; A very small amount of oil is poured into the bowl in advance and heated. The result: extremely juicy, aromatic and appetizing cutlets with zucchini and minced chicken, for which gourmets will give anything. Although we don’t promise the soul...

Steam option

Everyone knows that steaming produces the most beneficial results. And the majority of people push away steamed dishes almost with their feet: they say, they look pale and have no taste. However, steamed chicken and zucchini cutlets will surely conquer even the most picky people. Firstly, they are extremely easy to prepare. Secondly, it is not difficult to obtain the coveted appetizing crust by extremely quick frying at the very end (half, or even less, a minute on each side is enough). Thirdly, all benefits are preserved. And fourthly, it’s simply delicious!

If you have a slow cooker, steamed chicken and zucchini cutlets are cooked in the mode indicated accordingly. It turns on autonomously, meaning you don't even need to set a timer - the package is all inclusive. If you want to increase your appetite, we switch the device to frying, only without oil and fat (if possible), and we have golden-brown cutlets. As a last resort, if the bowl is somewhat worn out, you can add a few drops of sunflower oil. We decorate, not cook!

If you don’t have a multicooker or a double boiler on your household, pour some water into a saucepan, place a metal colander on it, cover the structure with a lid of a larger diameter - and you have a homemade double boiler. Half an hour - and a dietary, tasty, albeit pale, product is on the table.

Finally, we note that zucchini and chicken cutlets are quite tolerant and allow the presence of a variety of “neighbors”. For example, a dish acquires a certain piquancy when adding regular carrots, “looks” good when adding rice to the mince, caresses the taste buds with additions from exotic vegetables... In short, don’t be afraid to experiment - and you have a great chance of becoming a pioneer in cooking!

Chicken fillet - the meat is tender, but somewhat dry. That is why lard is often added to minced chicken, as I did in. But there is another product that makes chicken meat juicier, without weighing it down with calories. This is a zucchini. The vegetable has a neutral taste, you can’t feel it at all in our cutlets, but it fulfills its task of giving the dish juiciness and softness perfectly.

Instead of onions, you can use green onions to prepare chicken cutlets with zucchini, and in the summer you can enrich the cutlets with any herbs (parsley, cilantro, dill - separately or together).

Cut the chicken fillet and zucchini into pieces to grind in a meat grinder.

Let's pass the chicken and zucchini through a meat grinder. I often skip the meat for the cutlets twice, but in this case, once is enough.

Add egg, flour, salt and pepper to the minced chicken and zucchini. Let's mix.

Finely chop the onion.

Add the chopped onion to the minced meat.

You can start frying. Fry in a heated frying pan in sunflower oil.

Don't make the fire too big. It is important for us that the cutlets are fried, and the onions inside must also soften. Turn over and fry until done.

The finished cutlets resemble pancakes. They are also similar in taste and appearance to chopped chicken cutlets. You can serve chicken cutlets with zucchini with sour cream, sauce, mustard, etc. They are good both hot and cold.

Nutritious, high-calorie dishes are available on the Internet for every taste, but choosing a low-calorie and healthy meat treat is much more difficult. But we will help you make your search easier by offering to try chicken cutlets with zucchini - tender, soft, tasty and appetizing with a minimal percentage of fat.

An unusual combination of vegetables and poultry meat will make the cutlets, which are prone to drying out, much juicier, but the taste of the fruit will not be affected in any way due to its natural blandness. So the experiment is justified, has no risks and is exclusively beneficial.

Cooking these chicken and zucchini cutlets will not cause you any difficulties. The “hardest” thing you have to do is mince the chicken and grate the zucchini.

Agree, it’s simple and won’t take much time. There are no spices in our recipe so that you can fully enjoy the refined natural taste of tender meat. But if you want, you can easily add them at your discretion, but remember the measure so as not to interrupt the meat taste.


  • — 750 g + -
  • Potato starch- 2 tbsp. + -
  • — 300 g + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • Breadcrumbs— 0.75 stk. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -

How to cook delicious chicken cutlets in a frying pan at home

  1. For minced meat, take chicken fillet and pass it through a meat grinder. Then mix the minced chicken with finely chopped onion and grated zucchini (the tool should have large holes).
  2. Sprinkle the resulting mass with pepper and salt. Mixing the products.
  3. Pour potato starch into the minced squash and chicken and mix the mixture again.
  4. When the minced meat is completely ready, with wet hands we begin to form cutlets from it. After finishing the product, bread it in breadcrumbs and proceed to frying it in oil in a frying pan. Fry on both sides for several minutes (an average of 3-5 minutes per side) over medium heat, just until the cutlets are browned and covered with a thick crust.
  5. After intense frying, reduce the flame to low and continue frying the meat snack until cooked.

If there is a multi-helper in the house, you can use her services. To do this, pour 2-3 tbsp into the multicooker bowl. vegetable oil and place raw cutlets in it.

Using the “Meat” or “Frying” mode (depending on what multi model you have), cook the dish with the lid on for 15-20 minutes.

This way you can safely move away from the unit without fear that minced chicken products will burn. In this regard, a frying pan is somewhat inferior to cooking in a slow cooker, so you will have to stand near it, almost without leaving.

Delicious chicken breast cutlets with zucchini and herbs in the oven

If you like your dish to be not only tasty, but also to look beautiful, you should add greenfinch to the classic recipe. White tender meat with green splashes in the form of cilantro, parsley and dill with a real aroma of freshness and summer will add sophistication and charm to the treat. Try it - it will be a masterpiece!


  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Minced chicken breast – 850 g;
  • Cilantro, parsley – 5 g each;
  • Dill – 10 g;
  • Zucchini – 200 g;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • Ground black pepper – 1/3 tsp;
  • Onions – 100 g.

Juicy homemade chicken cutlets: recipe for breast with zucchini

  1. Grate the onion head along with the zucchini on a fine grater. In no case should you squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass - we need it for juiciness.
  2. We prepare minced meat ourselves (we do not recommend buying ready-made ones - you cannot be 100% sure of its quality).
  3. Break the chicken egg into the twisted minced meat.
  4. Chop 3 types of greens quite finely and also add them to the chopped meat.
  5. Finally, salt everything and sprinkle with your favorite spices. Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a bowl.
  6. We form neat cutlets from chicken and zucchini and place them in portions on a hot frying pan in vegetable oil (use a little, just enough to brown the products).
  7. Fry the meat on each side for literally a minute over high heat, and then transfer the products to a baking sheet (do not oil it) and send it to a hot oven to bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes.

You can serve zucchini-chicken cutlets with fresh vegetables, lettuce (or other greens), not too spicy and salty sauces, with mashed potatoes or boiled cereals.

How to fry simple zucchini cutlets with chicken: a budget recipe

In this recipe we will add bread to the minced meat to save a little meat. If you have nothing against the presence of a bread product, then you will like this cooking option.

And even if we cheat a little by replacing a little meat with bread, the taste will not suffer from this. The products are so skillfully selected that many tasters will have no idea what exactly is in your cutlets.


  • Zucchini – 1 pc. medium size;
  • Breadcrumbs – 5 tbsp;
  • Minced chicken – 600 g;
  • White bread – 50 g;
  • Milk – 50 ml;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil - to taste;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Onions – 1 pc.;
  • Salt - according to your taste preferences.

How to deliciously and quickly stew chicken cutlets with the addition of zucchini

  1. We clean the ripe (not overripe) squash fruit from seeds and skin, and then grate it. In this recipe, squeeze out the juice from the grated mass.
  2. Peel the garlic and onions. We chop the onion finely, but arbitrarily, but the garlic should be chopped using a garlic press.
  3. Soak the bread in milk - let it swell.
  4. Combine homemade minced meat with chopped onion, zucchini and garlic in a bowl. We also add bread crumb and egg.
  5. We carefully mix the resulting mass with our hands, and finally season it traditionally with salt and pepper.
  6. With wet hands we make cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs (make sure that the breadcrumbs completely cover the surface of the products on all sides) and put them in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  7. After the specified time, take the cutlets out of the cold, heat the frying pan in oil, and then place the cutlets on the hot bottom. Fry them over low or medium heat until they are covered with a delicious golden brown crust on both sides.
  8. After frying, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.

Using the recipes described above, you can also prepare excellent chopped chicken cutlets. They will also be very tasty, healthy, filling, but low in calories.

It is worth noting that chicken cutlets with zucchini are suitable not only for daily lunch or dinner, they can also be consumed on diet days and served at a holiday table where there are children.

This wonderful culinary symbiosis gives us a delicious dish that everyone, young and old, will appreciate. Try it and be surprised, because it can be done very simply.

Bon appetit!


Chicken cutlets with zucchini– a great way to add a little variety to your daily diet. It’s very convenient that they don’t take much time to prepare, so cutlets are a universal option for any feast when guests are already on the way and the appetizer has not yet been prepared.

An interesting fact is that chicken meat is one of the most essential sources of proteins, amino acids and vitamins. It is often added to the diet of athletes to build muscle mass, and is also used in numerous diets.

Chicken meat contains a whole arsenal of vitamins such as A, C, PP and all B vitamins. In addition, ready-made chicken cutlets contain all sorts of useful elements, such as potassium, calcium, fluorine, iron, iodine, phosphorus and a lot others. Thus, this product is not only tasty, but also healthy!

Such cutlets, as we are accustomed to seeing them now, appeared only in 1939. Before this, cutlets were called a piece of chicken meat with a rib bone, and the recipe for preparing the dish itself came to our cuisine from European cuisine.

Now you can see a huge abundance of cutlet recipes with a wide variety of ingredients. There are meat and fish cutlets, as well as cutlets made from all kinds of cereals and vegetables, for example, rice, cabbage or potatoes. But, nevertheless, the most popular today are cutlets made from minced chicken, prepared by yourself.

This recipe will help you prepare classic minced chicken cutlets in the oven with the addition of zucchini, which is not a very standard ingredient, but the taste of the dish is simply unique! Stock up on the necessary ingredients, open our recipe with step-by-step photos and cook with pleasure!


  • (200 g)

  • (850 g)

  • (10 g)

  • (5 g)

  • (1/3 tsp)

  • (100 g)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (5 g)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (20 ml)

Cooking steps

    To begin with, you should take one small onion and a young zucchini. All this needs to be grated on a fine grater into a pre-prepared bowl. There is no need to squeeze the juice out of the zucchini.

    Now prepare the minced chicken. It is best to use minced chicken fillet so that your cutlets turn out very tender. But if this is not possible, then you can take breast or thigh meat.

    Break one egg into the meat.

    Chop the greens as finely as possible and also add them to the minced meat. Any greens you like will work here. At the same stage, the minced meat should be salted and spices added to taste.

    Mix the ingredients and start making cutlets from the minced meat using a spoon and your hands. If the consistency of the minced meat is runny, don’t be alarmed, that’s how it should be. When you have shaped the cutlets, place them in a preheated frying pan with a small amount of oil. Cook each side over high heat for about one minute. The cutlets should have a golden brown crust.

    When all the cutlets are fried, take a baking sheet and, without adding oil, place the cutlets on it, then preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place your dish there. Bake the cutlets in the oven for about 15 minutes.

    After the dish is ready, you can remove it from the oven and place it on plates, seasoning it with herbs and vegetables.

    Bon appetit!

Incredibly tasty, tender and juicy chicken and zucchini cutlets have recently become popular among housewives. Their preparation requires a minimum of ingredients and very little time.

The main component of the dish is cheap vegetables, but chicken fillet will add piquancy to the dish and make it more satisfying. You can use meat from various parts of the chicken, but it is preferable that it be breast fillet. Tender fillet has no veins or hard skin, so it cooks faster and turns out softer. It's not for nothing that they are so tasty.

Chicken and zucchini cutlets can be served as an independent dish or as a side dish for mashed potatoes, salads, and cereals. The appetizer will add a pleasant variety to the holiday menu and will surely please your guests. Try making cutlets using our recipe, and you will see that we do not exaggerate the merits of the dish.

Recipe information

Cooking method: frying.

Total cooking time: 40 min.

Number of servings: 8 .


  • chicken fillet – 400 g
  • zucchini – 1 piece (400-500 g)
  • egg - 1 piece
  • onion – 1 piece (50 g)
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon (or 1 teaspoon of baking soda, quenched with vinegar)
  • vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) – 120 g
  • dill or parsley for decoration - 1 bunch
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon.
  • flour, starch, or semolina - 2 tablespoons.


Note to the owner:

  • Place hot cutlets on a plate carefully, as they are so tender and fragile that they may fall apart. But the mass of cooled cutlets is already denser and holds its shape better.
  • Before frying, portions of minced meat can be rolled in breadcrumbs. In this case, the cutlets will have a delicious crispy crust, and when flipped over, the shape will be retained better.
  • If you prefer spicy dishes, add ground black pepper, coriander, mustard or other favorite spices to the minced meat to taste.
  • To prepare cutlets according to our recipe, you can use any type of zucchini. The main thing is that they are young, not overripe. If the zucchini has a very hard skin, it must be cut off and the hard seeds removed. The rest of the pulp is suitable for use.
  • The lighter the zucchini skin, the paler the light green color of the minced meat. If you grate dark green zucchini, the cutlets will be darker. If you don’t like this fact, you can peel off the dark skin of the vegetable.
  • You will like the appetizer even more if it is served with sour cream or cream sauce.