Review and ratings Don't Starve Together - it's more fun together anywhere! Review of Don't Starve Together.

Once again, this game came out a few months before the boom in procedurally generated survival projects. In connection with what Don "t Starve was good not only for its excellent visual style and authentic sound, but also for its truly original gameplay.

Don "t Starve Together - fun on the net

In 2014, the developers realized that their concept went beyond the single-player experience, and introduced a free multiplayer add-on. You could pay for early access to the beta, but Don "t Starve Together was promised free of charge to all owners of the original.

Don "t Starve Together is essentially a new game. Yes, it borrows a lot from Don "t Starve, but at the same time contains innovations that could only be implemented in the multiplayer part. Now you will see this.

There are three modes to choose from. Survival is the main mode. There are multiple players on the server. When one of them dies, they become a ghost that drains the mind of living characters for a limited time. If all players die and no one has time to respawn before the timer expires, the world is reset (that is, you have to start all over again).

"Endless" (Endless) is not such a hardcore mode. In it, the world does not reset, and dead players can use the portal to respawn. The third mode "Desert" (Wilderness) is what you are used to seeing in other multiplayer projects. There are no ghosts here, after death the player is reborn at a randomly selected point on the map. There are no resurrection items.

Generally Don "t Starve Together does an excellent job. The multiplayer component gives new emotions and warms up attention to Don "t Starve, which, for a moment, will turn three years old tomorrow. I believe that this is a must-have purchase for everyone who is interested in the game. And if you have had it for a long time, you are not required to pay for the multiplayer DLC.

What you wanted to know but were afraid to ask Don "t Starve Together can be played both online and with a friend who is sitting in the room next to you.

What other DLC should a Don "t Starve fan pay attention to

Reign of Giants, released in April 2014, was the first downloadable content. Thanks to him, four seasons of the year appeared in the game, two fresh characters (in addition to the existing nine), new biomes, recipes, plants, animals, food, bosses and more customization options.

Another expansion is coming soon Through the Ages, this time for the owners Don "t Starve Together. With his help in Don "t Starve will be able to ride beefalos (these are such bison) and tame them, a hybrid of plants and animals will appear, new trees and at least one boss. Buyers Don "t Starve Together will receive new content for free, it will be aimed at players who spend 50-100 days on the server. The full list of innovations is not yet available, the developers are gradually revealing all the details of the DLC. Release date Through the Ages not yet announced.

DLC and original Don "t Starve should be recommended to every fan of the genre. An interesting fact: the statistics of positive reviews on Steam for the game and add-ons is at least 96%.

Don "t Starve Together can be bought, in honor of the release they set a 33% discount until April 28. The launch does not require the original Don "t Starve, we have an independent addition.

Zombie curls like an evil snake ... but we are not afraid of something. It would be necessary to wince for the sake of decency, but it does not work.

You sit down to play something survival, tremble for your life, somehow spin, and it usually ends with the fact that the world of the game is just right to escape from you. But not in- there death follows you on your heels, regardless of how long you have been here.

Hit the eyes, Wilson!

The irreversibility of death and the random generation of levels force Don't Starve to be considered an ancient rogue-like dynasty. Indeed, it is very similar, only here the rules of survival games like Minecraft are added to the rules of "bagels". Instead of crooked passages hung with cobwebs, we are released into an endless world. Instead of a volunteer, an adventurer and cheap fame, the inventor Wilson, who had heard enough of the demon Maxwell with the help of a radio receiver, built a shaitan machine and, by the will of the unclean, was locked in some kind of purgatory.

Wood and cobblestone are always needed. No matter how much you cut down the forest, the logs will still be spent in an instant.

This purgatory is a supernatural parody of the real world. There are flowering glades, rocky plains, dense forests, and a steppe teeming with hares. The expanses of "limbo" serve as a dumping ground for all kinds of nonsense, from which we are free to collect something useful: tools, traps, farms, weapons and even hats.

However, this region is inhabited not only by the fauna familiar to the eye (the same hares, toads, buffaloes), but also by the fiends of Maxwell's imagination: pigmen and fishmen, spiders of three varieties, tall birds, swamp tentacles and even mechanical pieces from a chessboard.

It makes sense to pull the grass in reserve, so that at one fine moment you won’t be left without a fire or at least a torch.

Well, will you eat or not?

Of course, the hero has a global goal - to return to the real world. But its implementation is not obvious, it is not encouraged or stimulated by anything. There remains only survival, which we, by design, should be carried away. There are two iron rules: Wilson needs to eat regularly and absolutely cannot be left without light at night.

Don't Starve makes food a cult because after two in-game days without a crumb in his mouth, Wilson will stretch his legs. However, during these two days, anyone can get hold of food: the game has a heaped up multi-level food production system. From a simple gathering of berries and carrots, we move on to hunting rabbits, then we equip a garden, fish, and build an apiary.

%It is interesting: hunting tactics depend on the type of living creatures. Hares are easiest to dig out of holes and drive into traps, a mammoth is to hit with a boomerang to stop running away and plug it with a spear, you can’t just kill a buffalo: while he is with the herd, the chances of success are negligible, so you need to look for a lone bull. Frogs, by the way, also prefer to work together: while you are beating one, the others rush to the rescue - and believe me, these amphibians can drive an arrogant hunter through the swamp.

If the chest is not filled to the top with supplies, it means that something is not going according to plan. Starting your own hive is one of the most difficult "industries". The bees will not confuse you with a cloud when you climb behind their combs.

You won’t immediately remember where else so much attention was paid to satisfying hunger. You can never step into a spider net, never jump into a wormhole to find yourself in a distant land, never dig up a single grave (there is such a thing). All free time until the last second can be devoted to searching, growing and cooking. Contrary to expectations, there is more than enough variety in this case. To the envy of Makarevich, you can even make meatballs from toads. We put the cauldron, throw in the ingredients in the right proportions, and instead of boring steaks, we burst the honey roll and the skewers on the branches.

Catching up with a frightened mammoth is a hopeless task. First you need to anger the animal so that it comes running by itself: for example, crack a boomerang between the ears.

Alone in the dark

The second commandment of Don't Starve is: "Keep in the light." Don't forget that Maxwell's world is essentially supernatural. When the sun disappears below the horizon, the whole world disappears. It is filled with darkness - entirely, except for those outposts that Wilson will retake with the help of fires, torches or forest fires. Darkness is not a cover for a threat, it is a threat: after spending four seconds in the dark, SOMETHING begins to devour us. And it will eat us up if we don't take action.

The night turns Don't Starve from a roguelike adventure into a bloody horror without snot or curls. Either we do not leave the fire and stare into the darkness (“I saw something!”), Or we run with a torch in our hand, accompanied by the gaze of burning eyes.

Gatherings around the fire are great soothing, but for some reason Wilson is not easier. His mental health suffers at night despite the miserable flames. Spiders rush at those who disturb the web around the cocoon. The higher the cocoon, the larger the punitive squad will jump out of there.

But, of course, the murderous darkness is not the only thing that can finish off the hero; all sorts of evil spirits like spiders, ghosts or huge blowflies will gut Wilson for a thank you or share the right ingredients if you gut them themselves.

Every few days, hounds come after Wilson, such biting dogs. They are not difficult to defeat, but waiting for the dogs tickles your nerves. For some time before the visit of predators, barking is heard from afar, everything is heard and heard ... And we are waiting. We wait. This is the case when the expectation is worse than the danger. But that's nothing, at the end of winter such a guest will appear that it can't be said in a fairy tale, nor ... hell, who even invented this creature ?!

Try not to bring a "tail" of monsters with you when you go to sleep. Otherwise, until the morning you will have to run in circles, avoiding darkness and dodging blows at the same time.

IT IS IMPORTANT: there is some kind of ecosystem in Don "t Starve. If spiders settled next to the pigmen, every twilight they will fight until the last grunt. The fishmen live next to the underground tentacle - and the croaking creatures stack in piles until they tear it out. Wilson can use this - play off their enemies and then loot for glory.

And another enemy, which is more dangerous than others, is your own sanity. Wilson loses his temper at night and at dusk, in the company of monsters, when he digs graves in search of valuables and in other unpleasant conditions. A special scale is responsible for this: two hundred points - normal flight, one hundred and fifty - someone's eyes sparkle in the dark, at a hundred points, shadow hands reach for the fire in the middle of the night. At fifty points, the ripples at the periphery of the screen gather into formidable figures, and below thirty these silhouettes gain strength and test Wilson's teeth. At the same time, the screen trembles more and more, the music becomes muffled, the voices in the head do not stop, and bloody streaks crawl along the edges of the interface. The developers perfectly conveyed a quiet and imperceptible descent into madness.

Comrades in misfortune

Wilson was initially the only character available for the game, but during the beta test, the developers added several more heroes with unique abilities. Each of them is an image behind which a certain story is probably hidden. No one will tell you it, but it is quite possible to think of it yourself.


An eccentric scientist with a crazy haircut. The only one whose presence in this world is justified by the authors of the game. Only Wilson is able to grow a beard - shaved hair will help create a "horcrux" that resurrects the character once.


Looks like Willow burned down her house some time ago. Apparently, her passion for fire has not subsided: as soon as the darkness thickens, the girl sets fire to the ground under her feet and thereby escapes from the night monster.


We don’t know what happened to Wendy’s sister Abigail, but her ghost comes to the girl at night and protects her to the best of her ability.


A circus strongman with the intelligence of a fifth grader. Thick-skinned and deals twice as much damage, for which it is considered unbalanced.


Heartless robot. Contrary to logic, physics, biology and esotericism, he has hunger, reason, and health - he can only eat any rotten meat without harm to himself.


A strict teacher does not need a scientific machine - all the recipes are already in her head.


The sad mime is sad for a reason: any of his actions can end in death, and all parameters are underestimated. A hero for those who like hardship.


Demon in person! Oddly enough, he is vulnerable to the creatures of his own universe, but Maxwell's mental health is extremely difficult to shake.

This was the motto of House Stark

As soon as you settled down, dug in and thought that Don’t Starve was actually light and monotonous, when suddenly the temperature drops below zero, the day is shortened to a third of the day, and the surroundings are hiding under the snow cover. Winter is coming.

A straw hat accelerates the growth of vegetables and fruits - do not take it off until the frost.

You need to be prepared for winter, because the usual ways of getting food lose their meaning until spring: berries, carrots, vegetables do not grow in the beds, ponds freeze, rabbits hide in holes (however, a shovel will help get food from the lair). We'll have to empty stocks - or gather to hunt.

Going to the beast in winter is not as easy as it seems. "General Frost" cools the hunting ardor, slowly killing Wilson with its icy breath. There is no absolute protection from the cold, there are only ways to temporarily keep warm: fur coats and hats, a hot stone, previously heated by the fire. You can simply not go far from the hearth or - an extreme option! - set fire to the forest and rush between the flaming trees, trying not to get burned. Heat, light, devastates everything.

Frostbite looks like ice around the edges of the screen. The larger they are, the sooner Wilson's health melts.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of winter storms: an already difficult game drives us into unbearable conditions - over time, of course, snowstorms will no longer be a problem for you, but at first it will be a real challenge. Thanks to the change of seasons and the daily cycle, Don't Starve changes the rules regularly, and we must adapt to them.

In fact, there is a considerable minus. So much time is spent on survival that there is not enough time for other activities, whether it be searching for rare ingredients, social "experiments" with pigmen, or traveling to distant lands.

ON A NOTE: if neither the winter cold nor the debilitating hunger has penetrated you, feel free to look for Maxwell's portal. In fact, this is the door to the "story campaign". Five small chapters, each - one world with increasingly cruel rules. It is required to move from portal to portal, to get to the Maxwell demon itself - and to beat the monster, of course.

Don't Starve Together - a spectacular survival with a cooperative mode for eight. With the acquisition of a full-fledged cooperative, the internal filling of the game has not changed much. We are presented with the same mad world with its invariable rule, whoever is not able to find food is doomed to death.

If you search among other games, you will find that the concept of Don't Starve Together is quite similar to a Minecraft-style building sandbox. But if in Minecraft gamers, after a couple of hard days, begin to get used to and not cave in to the game world, but vice versa, then in Don’t Starve Together everything is exactly the opposite. The actions of the players are stopped at the initial level of the food pyramid: make a fire, make a club and get food, like the conditions for survival are clear, but the farther, the worse. The food that can be literally found under one's feet ends, the animals become faster and more agile, which leads to the development of new, more complex production chains.

In addition to hunger, there are plenty of reasons to die in Don't Starve Together: you can fall victim to a walking hairy eye, or be killed by bees, or just go crazy in a battle with ghosts and don't forget about the cold. In the current situation, it is easier to survive together, but also more expensive, because you need not only to take, but also to give something. Therefore, everything that you have gained by overwork will become the property of all, but this is the price for the security provided by the collective way of life.

Death mechanic.

The first and most important difference is the mechanics of death. It has been redesigned for multiplayer. Upon death, the character becomes a ghost, another player can revive you to make a sacrificial heart, it is created from three units of grass and one spider gland. In order to be resurrected, the ghost must "disturb" the meat effigy, the altar, the life-giving amulet, or another player must give the ghost a sacrificial heart. If the server is running in endless mode, you can respawn through a somehow assembled portal from which the player appears at the beginning.

1 After crafting the heart, the character loses 40 health and 20 sanity. After the resurrection, the resurrected character loses 20 maximum health.

2 Health lost during resurrection can be restored using a restorative injection. It can be crafted with 3 Papyrus Sheets, 1 Bee Sting and 2 Healing Salve. One injection restores 20 points of maximum health, but not the standard one!

3 Also, in addition to the items described above, moonstones and a moonstone wall have been added. You can get moonstone from meteorites that fell during a meteor shower. Meteor showers occur in rock and adjacent biomes. Meteorites destroy structures and damage players.

4 reign of giants - giants

Originally posted by But this is kabzdets how important!:

Raccoon cat... is that y-you?(...

The health of many creatures has been increased. For example, all giants have it 2 times more. And the Dragonfly has 10 times more! This was done in the expectation that there will be several players, so that without a well-coordinated game, you can lay down your head without having lived even 50 days.

5 Maxwell's portal is also missing, because the plot in the original is thought out only for 1 player.

6 You can find more than one Koalosleph per world. Also, when examining suspicious heaps of dirt, you can meet Varg instead of Koaloslephant or a slug. Learn about wargs yourself.

Slime is a new mob added to Don "t Starve Together. Neutral to the character. When defending, it can beat with hooves and shoot snot that immobilizes the character. When you die, you can get 4 meat, 2-3 iron wool, 1-2 handfuls of fleecy snot from it. Snot can be eaten after restoring 12.5 hunger, but losing 15 sanity, but it does not spoil, iron wool is only good for fuel.

Sleep mechanics.

During sleep time on the server continues to run at normal speed. Sanity and health are restored, the level of satiety decreases as usual, but the night is not skipped. Mandrake has been removed from the game. Creatures can still be put to sleep with darts and a pan flute.

Other little things.

Hunger comes faster than in a single game.

After restarting the server, the small bird will no longer follow the character, and the bone eye will drop out of the inventory.

The heating stone has durability, with the release of the DLC, this becomes a small hindrance for inexperienced players.

Willow has undergone changes in multiplayer. In multiplayer, Willow is not immune to fire, but takes half as much damage from it as other characters. Also, Willow does not start a fire under her when her sanity is low. Temporary sanity actions affect Willow 10% more. Willow's lighter has a durability of 20 sectors of hours. 1.25 in-game days.

If at least one of the players has low sanity, then shadow hands visible to all players will appear and put out the fire.

Because of a lot of low-quality "survival" crafts, the word "survival" has become firmly associated with something unpleasant for me - finding something decent in this swamp is as difficult as finding a pearl in a pile of manure. turned out to be just such a gem, despite all its problems. Over time, she released an add-on that greatly expanded the game universe rich in surprises. Now it's time for multiplayer.

The Hunger Games

In general, the original was already addictive in earnest. There is a strange, alien and dangerous world around, there is almost nothing with you, you want to eat, the “roof” is slowly moving, something bloodthirsty wanders in the darkness at night ... Turning a ragged savage into a settled settler was not easy, especially since we were regularly thrown new difficulties: out of habit, even the banal onset of winter could easily become a disaster, not to mention the attacks of various creatures or expeditions to unexplored areas.

True, after 15-20 hours, the shortcomings were still striking. The monstrously bloated "crafting" menu offered a mountain of little-useful things that did not justify the fuss with the extraction of ingredients. The primitive and inconvenient combat system successfully spoiled the whole impression of skirmishes and often led to trouble from scratch. But most of all, the frantic pace interfered - a ten-minute day forced us to rush somewhere headlong all the time in order to have time to get food and materials, make the necessary junk, go on reconnaissance in an unfamiliar area ...

"Cooperative" is not limited - the developers allowed the players not only to be friends, but also to fight. Unfortunately, fighting in reality is simply not interesting - in an open battle, the one who quickly made a good weapon will win anyway, and the mechanics do not allow using any tricky tactics. But the joint conquest of wildlife will certainly bring pleasure.

* * *

Together and fasting more fun!