Put the plate on your teeth. Varieties of children's plates for teeth alignment and their application

Timely diagnosis plays an important role in the treatment of any disease. The earlier health problems are detected, the more effective the therapy will be.

This can be attributed to any organs in humans, including teeth. If parents do not pay attention to the formation of teeth in a child, you can miss the wrong bite, defects in eruption. And such problems are quite easy to fix. Plates for teeth alignment in childhood quickly cope with these pathologies. In the article we will try to figure out what the plates are and what their role is.

What are plates?

Many are familiar with braces, which are designed to correct an overbite. They are attached to the oral cavity for the entire period of treatment, but dental plates for teeth alignment can be removed if desired, so that it is more convenient to eat or brush your teeth freely.

It must be remembered that the plates cannot be bought at a pharmacy or medical institution. They are always made for each patient individually, taking into account the size of the oral cavity and the defect that needs to be corrected.

For example, if you want to put in place a tooth that grows in the wrong direction, then you can see arches, wire loops or springs in the plates. If it is necessary to expand the jaw, an expansion screw is inserted between the plates.

Appointment of plates

Tooth alignment plates are prescribed when the following goals are pursued:

  1. It is necessary to change the shape of the jaw bones.
  2. There is a need to keep the teeth in the correct position.
  3. To correct the width of the sky.
  4. Plates prevent
  5. They can be used to inhibit or stimulate jaw growth.
  6. If you need to consolidate the result achieved with braces.

But this does not mean at all that plates cannot be used to align teeth in adults. It all depends on the problem and the state of the human dental system, and adults tolerate wearing various foreign objects in their mouths much worse morally.

Varieties of plates for teeth

Systems for teeth can differ significantly from each other. What teeth alignment plates look like depends on their purpose in the first place. Given the purpose and structure, the plates are divided into several types:

In addition to such a division, teeth alignment plates are:

  • Removable.
  • Fixed.

There is such a wide variety of plates in the arsenal of dentists, and they are all designed to make your smile dazzling and beautiful.

The difference between removable and non-removable plates

Removable teeth alignment plates are a small size construction made of high quality plastic. It does not contain harmful chemicals, so for a person wearing them is absolutely safe.

Such plates are attached to the jaws with metal hooks. Their advantage can be called the possibility of removal at any time, which gives more convenience while eating or brushing your teeth. But it must be taken into account that their effectiveness is higher if there are minor defects.

Fixed systems are most often used to align the entire outer surface of the teeth. With their help, you can put in order the dentoalveolar system at any age.

The difference between these two types of plates lies not only in their structure and performance, but also in cost. A fixed design will cost more, since the installation itself and the complexity of fastening the locks are much higher.

Plate setting procedure

It has already been said that plates are made for each patient individually, therefore, before installing them, it is necessary to manufacture such a system, and for this you need to go through a series of procedures:

The base of the plastic plate should ideally follow the relief of the surface of the teeth, and the metal arc should securely and firmly fix the entire structure.

The procedure for installing the plates itself does not take much time and is painless for the patient. You need to be prepared for the fact that at first it will be difficult to speak, but this will quickly pass as you get used to it.

Receptions and devices for straightening teeth

You can notice defects in the dentoalveolar system already in childhood. During this period, milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones. Most parents mistakenly think that the pathologies of the growth of milk teeth will disappear by themselves with the advent of permanent ones, but this is a big mistake.

Some do not want to put a bracket system in the baby's mouth, but they simply do not know about other methods of correction. But now it is possible to correct the position of the teeth quite successfully with the help of other structures. It:

Which design is better to use - the doctor decides depending on the age of the patient and the defect that needs to be corrected.

What is more suitable for children?

Most often, plates are used to align the teeth in children. The photo shows that such structures practically do not cause inconvenience to a small patient, and besides, they can be removed. When prescribing, the doctor always specifies the duration of wearing and specifies the periods when you can do without them.

Also, children are often installed which are made of silicone, and a special cell is provided for each tooth. Expanding arcs exert pressure, and the dentition takes the correct position.

For children, this design is convenient because silicone is practically not felt in the mouth, but its selection is also carried out taking into account the pathology and individual characteristics of the child.

It is necessary for parents to remember that it is better to put plates for teeth alignment in children as early as possible. Reviews are almost all positive. Many note that not only the teeth have become even, but the baby gets rid of some bad habits, for example, stops sucking his finger, sticking his tongue between his teeth.

Positive aspects of using plates

Plates for teeth gradually began to be used more and more often, and this can be explained by some of the undeniable advantages of such designs:

  • They are easy enough to care for, and a child will cope with this task.
  • Installation does not take much time and is completely painless.
  • Visually, the plates are less noticeable than braces.
  • Usually, the doctor allows you to remove the plates before eating, brushing your teeth, or allows you to wear them only at night. It all depends on the degree of the defect. This gives rest to the dental system and is not so hard to morally perceive.

But it must be remembered that the choice and appointment of a treatment regimen should be carried out by a doctor. To obtain the greatest effect, all recommendations must be followed.

Benefits of using plates over braces

Modern plates differ significantly from their predecessors, so they have the following advantages over bracket systems:

  • The brace helps to correct not only the position of the teeth, but also the shape of the jawbone of the skull.
  • Wearing plates quickly eliminates the gap between the teeth.
  • There is a quick adjustment of the bite and the width of the palate.

But before installing the plates, it is necessary to find out if there are any contraindications to the use of such a design. Since the system is made of metals and alloys, it is necessary to exclude an allergic reaction to the constituent components. And also it is necessary to remember that the installation of a bracket on carious teeth is fraught with the development of periodontitis.

Insert Disadvantages

In addition to the undeniable advantages, plates for straightening teeth have their drawbacks:

  • If there are serious and complex defects in the dentition, then it will not be possible to correct them with the help of plates.
  • Since it is possible to remove such a structure, a loophole appears to somehow violate the doctor's prescription, and such neglect can nullify all treatment.
  • To correct defects in adults, the plates are also not suitable, since they are not capable of displacing the teeth.

When choosing a system, it is better to rely on the professionalism of the doctor, and not on your preferences, then the result will not be long in coming.

How to properly care for plates

This question is very relevant if there are plates for aligning teeth in children. Parents should take control of the entire process of wearing and caring for them. All of this can be summarized in a few key points:

By following these simple rules, wearing plates will become more effective and will not cause trouble.

Not every person can boast of his beautiful smile, many of them are very shy because of uneven teeth or malocclusion. Alignment plates come to the rescue in this situation, this is the most common solution to the problem.

It is better to install them in childhood, having previously learned the contraindications, features and stages of installation.

Plates forchildren have the following features:

  1. They are installed many times faster than other designs for correction. The installation process itself takes no more than 10-15 minutes, of which a longer period of time is spent on the fitting process.
  2. Regardless of the fact that the design is made according to pre-made casts of the child's jaw, errors are not excluded.
  3. At first, aligners may be uncomfortable, but patients do not need to worry in this situation. The installed structure is perceived by the human body as a foreign body, and this will pass in a maximum of a week.
  4. The basis of the apparatus is made of materials that do not cause an allergic reaction. Often the color of the design is selected individually to match the shade of the child's sky.


Children are more likely to install removable plates, they are divided into the following types:

  1. Single jaw designs are used to correct and restore the dentition, if it contains defects. Their component part includes a plastic base and screws (orthopedic), which can be tightened at the right time.
  2. Apparatus with a pusher are used, if necessary, to restore the upper frontal teeth, which are aligned using a spring mechanism.
  3. with arch (retraction), are used to correct the protrusive location of both jaws. The effectiveness of this method is based on springs located on the leveling structure.
  4. Designs with a process (hand-shaped) help to correct the misalignment of some teeth. The lamellar process presses on the deformed teeth, setting them in the right place.
  5. Using the Frenkel apparatus corrected mesial, open and distal bite. The device is made of specialized materials using a metal frame.
  6. On the front incisors of the lower row The Brückl apparatus will help correct malocclusion.
  7. A plate connecting two parts, put on both jaws, with the help of it you can eliminate several defects. This design is called the Andrese-Goypl activator.

Indications and contraindications

  1. Slow or active jaw growth.
  2. The development of the jaw bones is not proper.
  3. Assistance in consolidating the results achieved after other orthopedic manipulations.
  4. Risk of jaw displacement.
  5. The need for adjustment.
  6. Large gaps between teeth.
  7. With a narrowed sky, in order to correct its width.

In addition to the positive qualities, the device has contraindications, such as:

  • allergic reactions to the composition of the structure;
  • defeat;
  • periodontitis;
  • respiratory diseases;

The plate is not able to correct serious bite defects of the patient, and constant monitoring of the child is also necessary so that he does not remove the structure for 22 hours.

Installation process

It is better to install removable structures for a child under 12–13 years old; in this age category, the adjustment of teeth and jaws is the most suitable and effective option.


  1. The doctor makes an x-ray and examination of the jaw, this procedure allows the doctor to find out about all the patient's dental defects.
  2. Next, the doctor makes a cast of the jaw and tries it on for the patient.
  3. If the impression fits, then it is transferred to the laboratory and on the basis of it a plate is prepared from a high quality material.

The manufactured plate must completely repeat the relief of the gums and palate and fit snugly against them. The metal arc has an effect on the unevenness of the teeth, which contributes to their straightening.

After installing the plate, it will be quite difficult for the child to talk. An unpleasant moment in the form of impaired speech and increased salivation will need to be endured for several days.

The installation of the plate occurs without causing pain to the child, but for some time, the baby will feel difficult pronunciation and increased salivation. Subject to all recommendations, the adaptation period will pass without complications.

Care rules

Installed plates require individual care.

  1. Clean or rinse your mouth after every meal. If this is not done, the formation of caries is possible.
  2. The plates should be processed with two types of gels, one daily, the second for weekly cleaning. You need to clean your teeth only with a brush designed for this purpose, the main thing is that it does not have hard bristles.
  3. Weekly the plate is filled with a specialized solution. For each type of design, there is a tool that can be purchased at the dental clinic.
  4. With the formation of traces of tartar on the plate, you need to contact your dentist as soon as possible for help.
  5. If there are problems with the screw of the installed plate, then it is necessary to drop a small amount of oil on the screw of the device. After that, the screw part of the structure must be turned first to the right, then to the left.
  6. Before the child begins to eat, the structure must be removed to prevent food from getting under the leveling device.
  7. It is not recommended to remove the plate before going to bed, this can adversely affect the expected result.


Prices for installation services vary depending on the dental clinic, materials and features of the device being installed.

The average price of procedures usually includes the cost of the apparatus and material. After installation, you will have to pay for further visits to the dentist during the wearing period.

The cost of procedures may vary depending on the list of services provided and can be up to 80,000 rubles. Exact prices must be obtained from the clinic.

Problems with bite and misalignment of teeth are even too common. Every second person manifests certain pathologies of the dentition, but still not everyone is in a hurry to correct them. There are several reasons for this. Some are afraid of the price of treatment, others - the methods themselves. Braces, despite all the newer types and types of construction, are still unpopular. Therefore, alternative methods of orthodontic treatment, such as a dental plate, are becoming more common. Its price is much lower than the cost of braces and this is not the last advantage.

What it is?

Plates are popularly called one of two types of retainers.

A retainer is a removable or non-removable orthodontic appliance that was originally used to fix the result after braces.

A fixed retainer is placed on the back of the front teeth before the brackets are removed. After the end of the period of treatment with braces, the teeth will tend to their usual position for a long time. There were cases when, by mistake of a specialist, the teeth were bent already a month after a long treatment. It is to prevent this that a fixed retainer is installed. Outwardly, he is unremarkable. This is a small metal wire, most often made of nitinol, the same material as the wire used in braces. They wear a fixed retainer for several months and only then start manufacturing.

The device is called a removable retainer. She received this name due to her design. It consists of a plastic base, repeating the shape of the sky, and a metal arc. The arc wraps around the teeth, both from the outside and from the inside, fixing them in a certain position.
The main task is to consolidate the result, but it has other applications.

When are dental veneers used?

The retainer not only fixes the teeth in a certain position, but also helps the patient to acquire habits that will be useful to him in the future. For example, when wearing, a person has to hold his tongue in only one position and breathe through his nose. It is throat breathing and incorrect position of the tongue that negatively affects the success of treatment, especially at a young age. The retainer will immediately solve all problems.

Actually because of this, the retainer is very often used even if the patient does not have orthodontic problems. Retainers, together with their plastic counterparts, trainers, make it possible to wean a small child from bad habits, and these include not only the wrong position of the tongue and throat breathing, but sucking on the nipple and finger, especially at night, the habit of biting. Indirectly, retainers and trainers also affect speech problems. They train the muscles of the jaw and make it habitual for the correct position of the tongue.

Recently, retainers have been increasingly used to straighten teeth and correct bites.

Which is better, braces or dental plates?

Retainers have several tangible advantages over braces. First, they don't have to be worn all the time. They can be removed while eating and cleaning. Sometimes it is allowed to walk without them in other situations, but extremely rarely.

The second undoubted advantage that the record can boast of is the price. The cost of treatment with braces is sometimes over the top, especially if sapphire or lingual constructions are used. The former are made of very expensive, but completely invisible and very durable crystalline sapphire, the latter are invisible to others, as they are attached to the back of the teeth. The price of both can reach, and sometimes exceed, 100 thousand rubles. The price of the plate is ten times less.

What the retainer definitely cannot boast of is the speed of treatment. The load is so small that the effect from it will have to be expected several times more than from braces. This is also despite the fact that the correction of bite and curvature with braces itself lasts from 6 months to several years.

It is completely useless to use it with a complex curvature of the teeth. She can only deal with single problems. It is in these cases that she wins an indisputable advantage. With small defects, using braces is too expensive and time consuming. Of course, the treatment will not be faster, but it will bring you no discomfort, and others may even guess why your smile has become perfect.

At what age are they installed?

Braces can only be installed after 12-13 years. At this time, a person's bite has already changed, the molars have strengthened, and the dentoalveolar system has formed. There are no further age restrictions, but still, the older the person, the longer and more difficult the treatment will be. Therefore, orthodontists insist on wearing braces from the age of 14-15.

The records have no age restrictions. They can be worn by both an adult and a very small child. In the case of children, a small load even plays into the hands. At this time, when the teeth are not yet fully strengthened, they will have enough effort to change their height and location without damage.

Devices are used even when correcting milk teeth. If parents take care of the beauty of their child's smile, he will not need any braces in the future. Milk teeth are a kind of conductor of molars. If the dairy ones are twisted, it can be said with absolute certainty that the indigenous ones will be in the same sad state in the future. The same can be said about caries, as well as any other diseases of the oral cavity. No need to let the health of milk teeth take their course.

A nice bonus to dental treatment in childhood will be a significant savings. Perhaps the only children's orthodontic appliances that are not more expensive than their adult counterpart. Their price, sometimes, of course, may differ upwards, but this already depends on the clinic itself.

How many should you wear?

The duration of wear depends on many factors. First of all, this is the purpose for which it is necessary. The retention period after braces lasts 1.5-2 times longer than the treatment itself. It turns out that if you wore braces for one year, then the retainer will have to be worn for two years. In most cases, the dentist still recommends not to part with the plate throughout life and periodically put them on at night, at least a couple of times a week.

When corrected, it will be impossible to predict the exact date. As a rule, this is from one year - in adults and from 6 months - in children. Nevertheless, the dentist will not answer with accuracy that after this time there will be a result. He simply cannot control all stages of treatment. Retainers are easy to remove, and this is the main pitfall, especially in the case of children. And the adults themselves periodically take them off and forget to put them on again. There are people who never manage to get used to a retainer and simply drop out of treatment.

How much you need to wear a plate during the day, here the answer is also ambiguous. For prevention, they are worn only at night. During treatment, retainers should be worn all day and removed only during cleaning and eating.

Is it difficult to get used to the devices?

Anyone who has ever worn both braces and a plate can tell a lot of interesting stories about the first weeks of treatment. A person is just getting used to the orthodontic design and a lot of difficulties await him: it is difficult to talk, drooling may flow, speech is disturbed.

Imagine that you just left the specialist’s office and meet your friend, but you simply cannot tell him something intelligible. It only seems funny after a while, but in fact a person experiences very unpleasant feelings. In support, we can only say that addiction lasts no more than 3 weeks. The main thing is to follow all the rules and in no case do not cheat, i.e. do not remove the system unnecessarily.

How to care?

After installing a retainer, oral care will, of course, become more complicated, but not by much, do not be afraid. Firstly, it must be removed before eating, and then rinsed under running water and only then put on.

Every morning, along with the teeth with a brush, it is also necessary to clean the plate. You just need to be very careful if the palatal part of the structure is scratched on its surface, deposits will immediately begin to accumulate.

When you remove your retainer, it is best to store it in a special solution. Sometimes it can be replaced with mouthwash or denture cleaning tablets.


The average cost of a plate for teeth starts from 10 thousand rubles. In some regions, especially in Moscow, it can already cost from 14-15 thousand rubles. The good news is that for children under 16 years of age, such a design is made free of charge, but this is only in public clinics. Additionally, you will need to pay for an x-ray and a cast of the jaw.

Modern orthodontics offers a rather impressive selection of modern effective systems designed to solve even the most complex problems associated with bite and tooth alignment. One of these systems is a removable plate on the teeth - the best and relatively inexpensive option for orthodontic treatment, which is usually used in childhood. It is worth noting that wearing a plate can also be indicated for an adult patient, however, in this case, it will act as an addition to the main treatment. Today we will talk about how plates are put on the teeth, why they are needed and what effect the treatment gives.

Structural features

An orthodontic tooth alignment plate is a removable corrective appliance that has three main elements in its design:

  1. relatively strong, but at the same time quite soft plastic base,
  2. elastic metal wire, which serves as the basis for creating an arc encircling the segment of the teeth, as well as hooks for fixation. At the same time, the plastic base should fit snugly against the palate or gums, and the metal retainers should securely hold the structure in the oral cavity. Correction of bite defects is carried out due to the pressure of the arc on the teeth,
  3. activation mechanism: the key part is the screw located in the middle of the polymer base. This element is responsible for adjusting the size of the structure and the force of impact on the dentition. The screw allows you to reduce or expand the jaws and at the same time correct the position of part of the teeth.

Currently, in orthodontics, mainly children's dental plates are used, designed for adolescents up to 10-12 years old. The optimal age for installing a removable corrective apparatus is from 5-6 years old, since the teeth and jawbone are in the phase of active formation and can be easily corrected.

What are the plates

  • traditional plates with hooks and metal arcs: they are used to correct minor defects in the dentition, they are prescribed mainly in childhood,
  • designs with screws: placed to narrow or widen the jaws,
  • models for dealing with bad habits, such as chewing pencils or pens,
  • orthopedic plates with artificial crowns: used, among other things, to replace lost teeth. At the same time, it is possible to correct bite pathologies at the same time.

Indications for installation

Such removable systems are usually used to correct the bite and position of the teeth in children. The device can be installed both on the upper and lower teeth, or simultaneously on both jaws. Treatment using an orthodontic plate is advisable to achieve the following goals:

  • correction of the shape of the jaw,
  • adjusting its size
  • giving the teeth the correct position,
  • regulation of the size of the sky,
  • as a retention apparatus for fixing the results of treatment with a bracket system.

Unfortunately, the plates cannot cope with the problems of an already formed dentoalveolar system on their own, however, in some cases they are used in complex treatment as an additional measure. As experts in the field of orthodontics explain, this method is ineffective for serious pathologies. So, for example, the device will not be able to solve the problem of open bite or severe crowding. In some situations, wearing a removable plate is prescribed at the initial stage of treatment, after which the patient is fixed with a non-removable one.

How is the manufacture and fixation of the structure

Insertion of the plate usually takes no more than 10 minutes, of which most of the time is spent on fitting the device. The production of a plate for the teeth is carried out according to the casts of the jaws, previously taken from the patient. Many parents and children are concerned about the question: does it hurt to put on such a record? In fact, the procedure is completely painless for the patient, but at first there may be slight discomfort, which you quickly get used to. The corrective apparatus is inevitably perceived as a foreign body, so it will not be possible to avoid the adaptation period. It usually takes no more than 3-5 days.

“Recently they made a dental plate for my son. He is now 12 years old, but he approaches treatment quite responsibly, he wants to have beautiful teeth, so he doesn’t take it off just like that. A week after the first reception and the removal of casts, the design was ready. The son does not complain about anything, he does not feel any severe pain. But the doctor immediately warned that in the future we would have to put braces. There's nothing to be done, as for any mother, my child's health comes first for me.

Inna, Moscow, review from the thematic forum

How long will the plates need to be worn? The duration of treatment directly depends on the initial clinical picture and the severity of bite defects. On average, you need to wear a plate from 1 to 1.5 years. At the same time, every 6-8 months it is required to replace the device, as well as visit the dentist's office from time to time to adjust the system.

Pros and cons

Currently, this option of orthodontic treatment is very popular, and this is due to a number of significant advantages:

  • efficiency: the corrective device successfully solves problems associated with the shape of the jaw, the size of the palate, the position of the teeth in a row, large interdental spaces. This is a great option for fixing minor defects,
  • comfort: the removable design allows you to remove the device while eating and brushing your teeth, which is certainly a big plus for children who are often not very responsible in maintaining oral hygiene,
  • affordable cost: an orthodontic plate is several times cheaper than the same braces. On the other hand, the correction of serious anomalies of the dentoalveolar system is only possible with non-removable braces.

However, this treatment option also has its drawbacks. Such a design will not be able to correct a pronounced defect, and the plate must be worn for at least 22 hours a day, which can be problematic for children. Therefore, parents will have to carefully monitor that the child does not remove the structure unnecessarily.

Features of care

During orthodontic treatment, it is important that the patient carefully and responsibly approaches hygiene procedures. A few basic rules will tell you how to care for your oral cavity during this period:

  1. the plate must be left overnight - this is one of the main conditions for guaranteed correction of defects. In this matter, adults should monitor children, especially at the beginning of treatment,
  2. maintaining hygiene requires not only the oral cavity, but also the orthodontic design itself. This means that in order to clean it from plaque and food debris, you need to buy a special small brush and a daily cleaning product,
  3. the plate must be removed every time you eat - this will eliminate the risk of system breakdown and its severe contamination.

How to spin a record

Tightening the screw is necessary to gradually increase the force on the teeth. You can ask your orthodontist how to twist the plate and how often, but usually you need to visit a specialist for this procedure. To correct the device, it is necessary to insert a special key into the main hole of the screw, and then turn it in the direction of the arrow marked on the plate itself. After the procedure, the patient may experience some discomfort, however, adjustment is a must to achieve the desired results. The design can also be returned to its original position by simply turning the key in the opposite direction.

Braces are an effective way to correct uneven teeth. Due to the unaesthetic appearance and long-term operation, many patients refuse to install structures. Specialists in the field of dentistry have found an alternative to braces, replacing them with dental plates.

What are teeth alignment plates?

Unlike braces, the cost of plates is much lower, without compromising operation, which is even more comfortable. The devices have an arc that will capture several teeth, the other part of it is fixed in the sky.

Braces are indispensable in correcting an unnatural bite, and are also recommended after wearing braces. Products are not sold in ordinary pharmacies, they have a different shape and are made for each client individually.

Mounting methods

The method of fastening structures is removable and permanent:

  1. Removable systems are more convenient to use, since they can not be used while eating and brushing your teeth. The advantage affects the price of the product, and they are suitable for minor curvature of the dentition. Fastening to the teeth is made by metal hooks.
  2. Permanent ones are similar to braces, they consist of locks with metal arcs, which regulate the force of contraction and direction. Designs are able to correct severe curvature and tear the gaps between the teeth. The time of use of non-removable plates for adults is from 24 months to 3.5 years. For children, the term is most often reduced, since their teeth can be aligned faster.

Plate types

Dental products are different:

  • With the presence of a retraction arc. The design can be made for the upper and lower jaw. It helps to straighten the front row of teeth. They have an adjustable effect on the teeth with a wire.
  • With a hand-shaped process. As a rule, they only affect one specific tooth, which will be mixed under pressure.
  • Single jaw. Single-jaw plate with the help of pressure from adjustable screws on certain or all teeth corrects their anomaly. Often it is used by patients with a shortened or narrowed dentition.
  • With pusher. Active pusher designs consist of one or two flavored elements and are used exclusively for the alignment of upper anterior teeth.
  • Frenkel apparatus. Able to correct all the irregularities in the dentition and return the bite to its natural position. In its structure, the orthodontic system is complex, due to the presence of buccal shields and lip pilots attached to the iron base.
  • Andresen-Goypl activator. The advantages of the Andresen-Goipl orthodontic activator is that it can be used simultaneously on the upper and lower rows of teeth. The components of the product are able to correct the bite of the patient.
  • Bruckle apparatus. It is made of an inclined part and an external arcuate wire, which has attachments to the side teeth. The design is installed on the inside of the lower teeth, the upper incisors are deflected forward by pressure, and the lower jaw back. Thus, it helps to straighten the bite, their operation is not convenient enough and in comparison with them, wearing braces will be more comfortable.

Placement of plates on teeth

Made according to the individual features of the structure of the jaw, the plate is installed as follows:

  • X-ray is examined;
  • Casts of the jaw are taken;
  • Individual designs are manufactured and installed.

Plates can be of different colors and contain drawings at the request of the client. As a rule, the first installation is a trial one in order to identify and correct design mismatches.

Indications for dental braces

Indications for the installation of dental products may be as follows:

  • Abnormal development of dentition;
  • Correction of irregularities of one or more teeth;
  • Narrow sky correction;
  • Prevention of tooth displacement or stopping the process that has begun;
  • Prevention of tooth displacement after wearing braces;
  • Correction of active or retarded jaw growth.

Plate Care Rules

Despite the strength of the manufactured staples, they tend to be damaged if the patient violates the rules for their operation.

To keep them in good condition for the entire recommended wearing period, you must adhere to the following steps:

  • Staples need cleaning with special gels every day. It is allowed to use toothpaste and toothbrush as cleansers;
  • At least once a week, the systems must be disinfected in a specially designed antiseptic solution, in which they are immersed for about 10–12 hours;
  • Removable structures must be washed with warm boiled water before putting on;
  • If the structures are removed for some time, then they should be in a container specially designed for storage;
  • Deformed or broken plates are not recommended to wear until corrected by a specialist;
  • Periodically, it is necessary to apply a little oil to the place where the key is inserted;
  • It is not recommended to leave braces on the teeth during meals;
  • For the fastest effect of the plate, it is recommended to wear it for at least 20 hours a day;
  • Experts recommend removing the device before playing sports, especially if there is a possibility of damage;
  • In order to avoid deviations from the norm of the result of wearing staples, it is not recommended to ignore the visits to the clinic prescribed by the doctor;
  • Every day, the plates should be rinsed with a liquid containing fluoride.

Advantages and disadvantages of dental plates

Wearing systems that make the smile aesthetically attractive is undoubtedly the right decision for the patient. It will allow him to raise his self-esteem and live, enjoying every moment. The installation of dental plates has its pros and cons, if you constantly think about the final result, then the latter will seem like trifles.

Weighty arguments in favor of wearing braces are:

  • The fastest possible correction of minor anomalies in the jaw development and adjustment;
  • The ability to remove orthodontic systems, which makes operation even more comfortable;
  • The fastest manufacturing process from 14 to 30 days;
  • Low cost relative to braces.

Among the shortcomings, the following can be noted:

  • Plates need to be worn most of the day Although they are less visible than braces, public figures will have trouble wearing them during certain hours.
  • Systems do not cope with serious malocclusion.

The cost of dental plates

The use of braces for minor defects in the dentition is impractical, since their prices are impressive. This mainly affects the dental plates, the cost of which can be from 10 thousand rubles, in less populated regions than Moscow, in the capital, prices may start from 15 thousand rubles.

Children under 16 years of age are provided with free installation of systems in non-private clinics. In this case, you will have to pay for a cast of the jaw and an X-ray examination.

The plates are designed in such a way that need adjustment every 6 months. To do this, you should contact a specialist who will monitor the effectiveness of their action. In some cases, you can correct the products yourself by scrolling the inserted key in one direction.