Blue lamp for warming up what heals. Instructions for using a blue lamp (Minin reflector) for warming up the nose

Blue lamp for warming up has a scientific name - the Minin reflector. The people dubbed it a blue lamp because it consists, in fact, of a blue lamp and a metal case, which is covered with a reflective layer from the inside. Thanks to this structure, the blue lamp can focus light on a specific area of ​​​​the body. You can learn more about the blue lamp in the video.

The intensity of the influence of such a device can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the distance to the heated area.

The blue warming lamp is very easy to use, has no negative consequences, but has a lot of advantages. Due to the fact that the blue lamp emits infrared light, it is able to:

    normalize blood circulation in the blood vessels;

    improve the metabolism in the body;

    with pain or spasms in the muscles, soothe the pain and relieve the spasm;

    facilitate the work of the joints, etc.

Due to the fact that the bulb has a blue color, you can perform warming procedures even in the most delicate areas of the face without fear of burns.


A blue warming lamp can be used for many reasons. We have compiled a basic list of diseases in which the use of a blue lamp will help alleviate well-being:

    muscle inflammation;

    inflammation of the respiratory system;

    ear inflammation;

    acute respiratory diseases;

    soft tissue bruises;

    stretching of muscles and ligaments;

    depression, headaches, migraine;

    inflammation of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, and others.

Also, the blue lamp has contraindications, in which the use of this device can only aggravate the situation. In general, before using the blue lamp, it is better to consult a doctor.

It is not recommended to use the blue lamp in areas of the body where varicose veins or swollen lymph nodes are found. Also, you can not use the blue lamp in the area of ​​the thyroid gland, and in the case of urolithiasis - in the area of ​​the kidneys and stomach.

Among other things, the blue lamp should not be used under such circumstances.:

    increased body temperature;

    exacerbation of chronic diseases;

    tuberculosis in the active stage;

    poor blood clotting;

    malignant tumors;

    circulatory disorders in the brain;


    alcohol intoxication;

    pregnancy, etc.

Most often, the blue lamp is used to warm the ears, warm the nose, as well as warm bruises or joints.

After applying the blue lamp, you can not go outside for about an hour, so it is recommended to warm up before going to bed.

For one course of treatment with a blue lamp, it is permissible to use it no more than twenty times. After this, you should definitely take a break for a while, after which the procedure can be repeated if necessary.

How to use?

Despite the primitive design of the blue lamp, not everyone knows how to use it correctly. In fact, everything is extremely simple: you just need to insert the plug of the blue lamp into the socket and turn it on with the button. After that, it is necessary to direct the blue lamp to the sore spot and keep it this way for no more than 20 minutes.

If you are going to use a blue lamp to treat a child, then the duration of the session should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

You can buy a blue lamp at any pharmacy in your city. It is relatively inexpensive if it does not have any of the latest modifications.

When using a blue lamp, you will feel relief already on the third day, but it is still recommended to finish the treatment session so that there are no relapses.

The blue lamp is popularly called the parting for home physiotherapy - the Minin reflector. Its therapeutic effect is due to the generation of heat and infrared radiation. The blue lamp is widely used to warm the nose and other organs, and is used to treat many diseases.

Is it possible to warm the nose with a cold?

If, with a runny nose and a cold, a person’s condition is not severely disturbed, he does not have sinusitis and fever, as well as signs of other pathologies, then you can warm your nose to treat a runny nose. Any warming up in the absence of contraindications brings a complete recovery closer and often alleviates the patient's condition. Exposure to dry heat during a runny nose reduces the severity of swelling of the mucosa and contributes to its recovery, dilates blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation, eliminates congestion and facilitates breathing through the nose.

Warming up the nose area with dry heat helps not only to cope with colds and runny nose faster, but also has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and also contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system. In addition, such warming improves immunity and increases the body's resistance to various infections.

You can warm up with the help of folk remedies, such as a boiled chicken egg, potatoes, table salt, buckwheat and more. For the same purpose, special devices can be used, the most famous of which is the blue lamp.

The benefits of a blue lamp in warming up the nose

It should be understood that any warming of the nose with a cold or other disease can only act as an additional method of treatment. The purpose of this procedure is to improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism, relieve swelling. The benefits of the blue lamp in warming the nose are as follows:

  • swelling decreases;
  • nasal congestion is reduced;
  • the growth and reproduction of viruses and bacteria slows down;
  • increases local immunity;
  • the patient's condition is facilitated;
  • the severity of the inflammatory process decreases.

It is worth warming up only at the first stages of the disease, when the mucous discharge from the nose is transparent. If an admixture of pus appears, then the nose should not be warmed, since this procedure will not only not help, but will also be harmful. You can also use warming for chronic diseases with the permission of a doctor. In this case, the benefit of the blue lamp is mainly to increase the immune properties of the body.

Blue lamp: contraindications

Warming up the nose with a blue lamp has a number of contraindications, in which the use of this procedure can harm the human body. These include:

  • elevated temperature;
  • an acute form of some diseases that are purulent-inflammatory in nature, for example, such as otitis media, sinusitis, scrofula and others;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • neuralgic pathologies;
  • disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • skin problems in the area affected by the lamp;
  • injuries and wounds;
  • the presence of malignant formations of the throat, larynx and other organs;
  • pathologies associated with impaired blood circulation and blood clotting.

Among other things, it is not recommended to use the blue lamp in case of diabetes mellitus, while waiting for a child and when intoxicated with alcoholic beverages or drugs. Also contraindications for the use of a blue lamp include the time of treatment with certain drugs.


Using the blue lamp for warming up is quite simple. It should simply be turned on and brought closer to the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. But there are some rules that you need to follow when treating with this device. So, before use, you need to remove contact lenses, if any. When warming up the nose with a runny nose, the eyes must be closed for the duration of the procedure.

The device is positioned so that its rays hit the skin at an angle of about 60 degrees. The distance from the device to the body can be 30-50 cm, depending on the personal feelings of the patient. It is worth repeating the procedure 3-4 times a day. The duration of each session can be from 5 minutes to half an hour. The course of treatment usually includes 20 procedures.

After a warming session, it is extremely undesirable to go outside, so evening procedures are considered the most effective. Also, at the time of warming up and immediately after it, drafts should be avoided. When using the device for treating children, the duration of the procedure should not exceed a quarter of an hour; during this time, it is periodically recommended to check the degree of heating of the baby's skin with your hand in order to prevent burns. The use of a blue lamp for warming up the nose in the treatment of a runny nose and other diseases is best discussed with your doctor first.

Other lamps

Red nose lamp

The red lamp used for heating appeared relatively recently. It can help with frequent colds in children, runny nose, acute respiratory infections and other diseases, it is often recommended for adults with joint problems, neuralgia and other pathologies.

When carrying out procedures using a blue lamp, the skin is mainly exposed to ultraviolet rays, which, in moderate doses, are immunomodulators. Under their influence, pathogenic microorganisms die, the severity of the inflammatory process decreases, the skin condition and blood circulation improve. The action of red light is somewhat different from blue, as the former is able to penetrate deeper into the tissues. Red light has a stronger immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition to just red, infrared light is widely used in physiotherapy, which penetrates even deeper into the tissues and warms them up more strongly. The higher temperature of the skin tissues increases the production of interferon, which enhances the immune properties of the tissues. Red and infrared light is more often used to warm up organs such as bronchi, joints, lungs and others.

Warming up with red lamps reduces the pain effect and has a resolving effect, which is used for neuralgia, muscle pain, and inflammatory diseases. Such procedures are considered relatively harmless and environmentally friendly, but before conducting them, it is better to consult a doctor. In some cases, the use of red lamps is contraindicated, such cases include: malignant tumors, tumors, heart failure, thyroid pathologies and hypertension.

Nose heating lamp

In addition to other types of warming up the nose, for colds, a course of quartz treatment, or exposure to a quartz lamp, may be prescribed. This procedure is most often carried out in the physiotherapy room in the clinic, but it can also be performed at home. For this, there are special compact ultraviolet devices. They have a local, local effect on the affected organ. Such heating is used for diseases of the nose, ears, throat, as well as skin pathologies (trophic ulcers, furunculosis, multiple acne, and others) and diseases of the joints.

A quartz lamp can be used not only in the treatment of various ailments, but also for hardening. Such procedures are especially useful in the cold season, when the body does not have enough sunlight. When exposed to a quartz lamp, pathogenic microorganisms die, and the immune system is strengthened. Lamps of this type are widely used for disinfection of medical premises, rooms in children's institutions and residential buildings.

More than 120 years ago, the Russian doctor Minin invented a blue lamp - a portable device for physiotherapy that is widely used today. In fact, this is an ordinary lamp only in blue, framed by a metal semicircular shade with a mirror coating inside and equipped with a handle, the power of the device is 60 watts.

The blue lamp is used for many diseases, including the common cold. However, it should be noted that it does not always give a positive result in some cases, which we will discuss below, the use of a blue lamp is generally contraindicated.

Instrument efficiency

There are no age restrictions for the treatment with a blue lamp; it can be used to treat both a child and an adult.

In principle, this is a device for a physiotherapy procedure that can be easily carried out at home.

Infrared radiation

The blue lamp gives infrared radiation, affecting the problem area with dry heat, which is actively absorbed by skin cells and converted into energy. Due to this, blood circulation is activated, blood viscosity decreases, due to which tissues are saturated with oxygen and metabolic processes improve.

Anti-inflammatory action

The blue lamp has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to strengthen blood vessels, which makes warming up the nose, especially when acute rhinitis begins, a fairly effective procedure that can get rid of the disease in just a couple of days.

In addition, the effectiveness of the blue lamp, noted in the common cold of a bacterial nature, it destroys pathogenic microorganisms, preventing them from migrating and multiplying. Warming up the nose normalizes nasal breathing, reduces pain, increases local immunity, as well as the regenerative capacity of tissues.

Due to the wide range of positive effects, the blue lamp is used for many diseases.

Indications for use

Warming up the nose and not only can be done using traditional medicine methods (eggs, salt, mustard, etc.), but a more effective and simple way is to use a blue lamp.

Exposure to dry heat is indicated for the following diseases:

  • colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza;
  • in diseases of the upper respiratory tract sinusitis, rhinitis;
  • with diseases of the lower respiratory tract pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • also used to treat otitis media.

In addition, blue lamp treatment is carried out for musculoskeletal injuries of varying complexity, myositis (inflammation of muscle tissue), as well as for diseases of the peripheral nervous system, such as myalgia, neuralgia, and others.

But still, most often the blue lamp is used in the treatment of respiratory viral diseases, in particular in the common cold.

With a cold

Undoubtedly, warming up with a blue lamp for rhinitis gives a lot of positive results, however, it should be borne in mind that the effect will be only at the initial stage of the disease, when the nasal discharge is colorless and has a liquid consistency.


The same applies to the treatment of sinusitis through heating. It is allowed to warm up the nose, and with it the paranasal sinuses, at the initial stage of the disease. Already by the first signs, one can recognize the development of sinusitis - nasal congestion, headaches, aggravated by bending over, a feeling of pressure in the sinus area, and more. Right now, heating with a lamp is allowed until the nasal discharge is clean and does not contain impurities of pus.


In the inflammatory process, accompanied by purulent nasal discharge and elevated body temperature, warming up is prohibited, the procedure will be ineffective, moreover, it will aggravate the course of the disease and provoke complications.

How to carry out the procedure

As we have already mentioned, both an adult and a child can be treated with a blue lamp, only the duration of the procedure will be slightly different for them.

After turning on the device, install it at arm's length from the place to be heated. In general, the patient must regulate the range of exposure himself, based on his feelings - the heat should be intense, but not scalding. When warming up the nose and other parts of the body, make sure that the light from the lamp comes obliquely, not at a right angle.

For an adult, the optimal exposure time is from 10 to 20 minutes; for children, 7-10 minutes will be enough. 1-2 procedures per day should be carried out, the duration of treatment is close to 5-7 days.


Despite all its advantages, the use of the Minin reflector has quite a few contraindications, among them:

  • purulent inflammatory processes;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • kidney stones;
  • violation of cerebral circulation and vegetative functions;
  • increased body temperature;
  • exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • childbearing period.

Warming up in places of varicose veins, enlarged lymph nodes, thyroid gland is prohibited.

Before carrying out any procedures, taking medicines or using traditional medicine in the first place, so as not to harm yourself, you should consult a doctor.

Moderate doses of ultraviolet radiation are the key to good health. The body receives a sufficient amount of ultraviolet rays only on sunny summer days, while the rest of the time we suffer from a lack of them.

Having at least one UV lamp in the house, you can significantly improve the health of all family members, reduce the risk of illness during epidemics, and regularly solve a number of problems that arise in the process of life.

The UV Quartz is a powerful weapon against viruses, bacteria and microbes and a way to reduce dependence on pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors of various specializations.

First of all, ultraviolet is aimed at the destruction of pathogens. By means of a home emitter-quartzizer, air sanitation is carried out in living and working premises.

Also, the device is indispensable for the following situations:

  1. prevention of skin pathologies and viral infections,
  2. treatment of ENT, gynecological, musculoskeletal, dermatological diseases,
  3. strengthening the immune system,
  4. disinfection of skin and nails after pedicure and manicure.

The use of an apparatus for home use - an ultraviolet quartz irradiator Sun - is advisable for the treatment and prevention of various diseases and for general quartzization of a home. Numerous reviews of doctors and grateful patients testify to the enhancement of any therapy with dosed irradiation.

Among the devices produced by domestic manufacturers, the devices of Solnyshko LLC have gained particular popularity among the people. On the domestic market, various models of home appliances are presented, which are equipped with special nozzles and light-protective glasses, they are certified and approved for sale by sanitary and epidemiological services.

Important: the information below is provided for the device OUFK-01"Sun" for home use.

UFO "Sun" indications for use

Indications for home use of ultraviolet irradiation are:

How to use the UV lamp at home:

Quartzization of rooms and objects in the apartment

For the event, the front damper of the quartzizer opens, the device is connected to the network and works in the room for about 30 minutes (the area is from 15 to 30 square meters), while there should be no people and pets in the room.

This procedure allows you to clean the air of germs and bacteria, as well as get a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. Children's toys, bedding, personal hygiene items, especially those belonging to patients with viral infections, are sanitized in the same way.

Attention! Turning on and off the device should be done in light-protective glasses.

Quartzization of the human or pet body

Treatment and prevention of pathologies of the nasopharynx and respiratory organs, including otitis media, colds, rhinitis, symptoms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis, etc. Influencing the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, UV leads to a decrease in the inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract and nose, the removal of swelling and pain.

The following methods of quartzization are used: local irradiation of damaged skin, irradiation of the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, ears (external auditory canal), vagina, general irradiation for rickets, fractures, skin pathologies.

UV "Sun": instructions for use

The device Sun OUFK-01 is intended for use from the age of three, except for cases of rickets, when the growth and development of the child is improved by irradiation and the deficiency of vitamins of group D is eliminated.

In order for the procedures to be not only safe, but also effective for children, it is necessary to determine the individual biodose of the child. The method of determination is to irradiate the baby's body in the buttocks or abdomen.

The sun: how to determine the biodose

The emitter is installed at a distance of ½ meter from the skin surface and 6 shutters are opened in turn in front of the windows of the biodosimeter. Use a stopwatch, opening each damper at ½ minute intervals. Thus, the skin in the area of ​​the first window will be irradiated for 3 minutes, the second - 2.5 minutes, the third - 2 minutes, the fourth - 1.5 minutes, the fifth - 1 minute. and the sixth - ½ min. A day later, the condition of the child's skin is checked. Biodose is determined visually by the degree of redness. The area with the least hyperemia is an indicator of the baby's exposure time.

How to use the "Sun" for ARVI

To date, many are concerned about the issue of preventing the occurrence of influenza.

  1. Since the influenza virus spreads mainly by airborne droplets (much less often through household items), sanitation of the air in residential and work premises and disinfection of objects is of particular importance. Turn on the UV device daily to kill pathogens.
  2. Irradiation of a person to increase the resistance to SARS is carried out daily or every other day (the average course is 10 procedures). Experts recommend irradiating the following areas: the face, the mucous membranes of the nasal passages (through tubes) and the back of the pharynx (through tubes).

The duration of exposure for adults is 1-3 minutes. for each area. Irradiation for children is carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions attached to the device, or on the recommendation of an experienced pediatrician.

How to use UV radiation for various diseases


With this pathology, in children under 3 months of age, the posterior surface of the body is irradiated, placing the irradiator at a distance of ½ meter. The first session is 1/8 of the previously determined biodose. In children older than 3 months. use ¼ biodose. Every 2 procedures, the exposure time is increased by 1/8 and ¼ of the biodose, respectively, according to the age of the baby. The maximum session time is 1 full biodose. The number of procedures is 15-20 with a frequency of 1 time per day. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 months.


A runny nose is one of the most common cold symptoms of various etiologies. Inflamed mucous membranes of the nasal passages cause a disorder in the functions of breathing, smelling and tearing. Mucus is actively produced from the sinuses - in this way the body gets rid of microbes and irritants.

Rhinitis can be triggered by the vital activity of viral agents and bacteria, hypothermia of the body, chemical compounds.

  1. When the first signs of a runny nose appear, the feet are irradiated with ultraviolet rays. The distance to the surface of the feet is kept about 10 cm, the procedure time is up to a quarter of an hour, the course is from 3 to 4 days. For children, exposure time is 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. After the amount of mucus secreted from the nose decreases (but not less), and the rhinitis passes into the attenuation stage, irradiation begins with the help of a nozzle - a tube with a diameter of 0.5 cm - of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. These procedures are carried out to prevent the development of secondary infection and the development of complications of the common cold - otitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. The course of irradiation lasts up to 6 days, the initial exposure time is 1 minute with a gradual increase to 2-3 minutes per day. For children, the initial dose is ½-1 minute with a gradual increase up to 3 minutes.

Acute inflammation of the extramaxillary sinuses is called sinusitis. Pathology develops as a result of infection of the body with pathogenic bacteria and viruses and is most often a complication of SARS, measles, scarlet fever, acute rhinitis. Sometimes sinusitis provokes inflammation in the roots of the four upper teeth.

The UVR device is used only after the diagnosis of the disease by an otolaryngologist and the performance of all necessary medical manipulations: punctures and washing the sinuses with therapeutic solutions.

Irradiation is carried out through a tube (diameter 0.5 cm), the radiation is directed to the area of ​​the nasal canals. The procedures are carried out once a day, the exposure time is from 1 minute to 4 minutes (the duration increases gradually). The course of physiotherapy lasts up to 6 days. Children's dosage is similar to that of adults.


In case of inflammation of the middle ear, accompanied by swelling of the auditory tube and impaired ventilation, ear congestion and discomfort, hearing loss and noise / ringing, autophony and a feeling of overflowing liquid when changing the position of the head, UVI of the mucous membrane of the posterior throat wall and nasal passages is used using a tube with a diameter of 1, 5 cm. Initial dosage for 1 minute on the back wall of the pharynx and each nasal canal.

Gradually, the dosage is increased to 2-3 minutes (through each session). At the same time, ultraviolet radiation of the affected auditory canal (from the outside) is carried out for 5 minutes through a tube with a diameter of 0.5 mm. The total number of procedures is 5-6, every day. Treatment of children is carried out according to the same scheme.

Bronchitis and tracheobronchitis

With inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, accompanied by coughing attacks, therapy begins from the first day of the disease. Irradiation is carried out on the anterior surface of the sternum at the location of the trachea and on the posterior projection of this organ in the interscapular zone.

UVR is performed by means of a perforated localizer, which is displaced every day to areas of the skin that have not yet been treated. The distance to the body is set at 10 cm, the session time is 10 minutes on the front and 10 minutes on the back of the chest. Redness of procedures 1 time per day, the number is from 5 to 6.

Treatment of the wound surface

To clean incised and lacerated wounds from pathogens, before the initial surgical treatment, the wound and adjacent tissues are irradiated with UV radiation for 10 minutes. At each dressing change and at the time of removal of the suture material, the wounds are irradiated for 10 minutes.

If there are necrotic formations and pus in the wound, UVR is done only after preliminary cleaning of the surfaces from pyogenic masses, starting from 2 minutes and bringing the time up to 10 minutes. The number of sessions is from 10 to 12, the multiplicity is with daily debridement of the wound and dressing.


Acne affects adolescents during puberty. Rashes are localized in the face, neck, upper chest and back. UVR is performed sequentially, changing the area of ​​influence every day: face, chest, upper back, and so on.

The distance to the irradiator is from 12 to 15 cm, the exposure time of the device is 10-12-15 minutes (increase gradually). The number of sessions depends on the severity of the inflammatory process and ranges from 10 to 14 procedures. According to the same technique, boils and abscess sites are irradiated, both before the opening of the abscess by a surgical or spontaneous method, and after that.

Mastitis while breastfeeding

Ultraviolet rays, acting on the mammary gland and nipple, help get rid of inflammation, help cleanse the surface of cracks, epithelialize them and destroy microbes. Each nipple and mammary gland is irradiated for 6-7 minutes, placing the device at a distance of 10 cm. The frequency of sessions is every other day, the course of treatment is 10 procedures.


Pathology is caused by the activity of streptococci. A zone of a tense spot with clear contours, increasing daily in size, is irradiated from the first days of plaque appearance, capturing a tissue area located at a distance of 5 cm. The distance from the device to the body surface is from 10 to 12 cm, UVI starts from 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time session up to 15 minutes. The frequency of procedures every day, the number - 12-16.

Inflammation of the external genitalia in women

With vulvitis, bartholinitis and colpitis (vaginitis), UVI is performed in a gynecological office using a specialized mirror. For the session, a tube with a diameter of 1.5 cm is used, the procedure time is 2 minutes with a gradual increase to 8 minutes. The outer labia is also additionally irradiated from a distance of 10 cm for 10 minutes. The average number of sessions held each day is 7.


Orthopedists and traumatologists recommend ultraviolet irradiation to their patients for fractures of the bones of the limbs or ribs. At an early stage of fusion, irradiation has an analgesic, anti-edematous, bacteriostatic effect, and at later stages it activates phosphorus-calcium metabolism and improves callus growth. The device is placed at a distance of 15 cm in the problem area and 10 sessions are carried out for 12-15 minutes every day.

UV lamp OUFK-01: contraindications

Like any physiotherapy procedures, local and general UV irradiation of the human body has its own contraindications, which include:

  • suspicion of a malignant tumor;
  • any malignant neoplasms, including skin;
  • systemic pathologies of connective tissue;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • tuberculosis (in open form);
  • tendency to any bleeding;
  • hypertension (stage III);
  • circulatory failure in history (II, III degree);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • the first time after myocardial infarction (the first 4 weeks);
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • period of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, etc.);
  • acute disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • allergy to ultraviolet, photodermatosis;
  • thin, dry, sensitive skin, prone to cracking and peeling;
  • cachexia.

There are no contraindications to the use of the irradiator for disinfecting indoor air and any objects.

UVR is of particular relevance if small children and people with a high degree of allergization live in the house. All procedures should be carried out strictly in accordance with the official annotation, keeping the time accurate to the second. It is recommended that you consult with your doctor before using the UV irradiator.


    Boris - 26.02.2017 00:12

    Please tell me, does the sun help with nail fungus?

    Mila replied:
    March 10th, 2017 at 12:07 pm

    Hello! Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a disease that should be treated comprehensively. In advanced cases, one should not only use local pharmaceuticals (solutions, drops, ointments, creams, varnishes, etc.), but also take antifungal drugs orally. Moreover, it is desirable to do this as prescribed by an experienced dermatologist. Ultraviolet irradiation of damaged nail plates helps only as an additional measure and cannot act as an independent therapy.

    Marina - 11.03.2017 16:40

    I bought a quartz lamp sun right before the new year. A very good thing, my daughter quartzized after a sore throat.

    And I got sick after NG, I also decided to try it on myself. I couldn’t swallow at all, I was quartzing for 2 days and everything went away, although you need to quartz in a course - 5 days according to the instructions.
    I have OUFB-04.

    Elena Aleksandrovna replied:
    March 27th, 2017 at 17:26

    Marina, is it just a blue lamp? Or is she special?

    Vika - 16.03.2017 12:26

    I bought a quartz lamp "sun" OUFK-01. I have a question: a child (8 years old) has a sore throat. How much can you heat? Will we get burnt from the lamp?

    Marina - 04.05.2017 22:15

    Please tell me, did anyone quartz toys? How to quartz them correctly?

    Vera Vladimirovna - 06/19/2017 17:41

    Hello dear forum users and site administration! I stumbled upon this article by accident and decided to leave my review. I can say the user of the ultraviolet lamp sun-01 "with experience."
    We bought it last fall in one of the local pharmacies. Its price at that time was 2100 rubles. Bought on the recommendation of friends and did not regret it. Indeed, on the one hand, the device is very simple, but there really is a benefit from it.
    In winter (as always the cold season) we got sick, first my husband, then the children, well, I myself held on to the last and soon became snotty ...
    Undoubtedly, during the treatment process, we used the sun device (only when there is no high temperature) and I can only say positive things about it! OUFK is wonderful, but it’s also worth remembering: comprehensive assistance is important, namely, you should never refuse the doctor’s recommendations.
    If anyone has questions - write, I will be happy to answer.

    Darina - 07/22/2017 17:07

    Girls, tell me where you can buy a quartz lamp. Pharmacies don't have it

    Igor - 07/22/2017 20:01

    This lamp does more harm than good! How to burn the mucous membrane - bacteria have a direct way for reproduction

    Marina - 14.08.2017 12:45

    Hello, and I bought the sun oufb-4, they told me in the store that it can be from 3 years old. My son 3.2 - I want to treat my throat - I didn’t find the dosage, only to ufd-1 .... maybe I should have taken it? Please tell me if it's worth changing...

    Pavel replied:
    August 14th, 2017 at 17:31

    Hello Marina! You need to know that the models of the device "sun" differ in power. The device with -01 has the lowest power, in particular, it is suitable for use in children. In turn, this type is subdivided into OUFd-01 and OUFk-01
    - For children from birth and adults - a quartz lamp OUVd-01 is recommended
    - For children from three years old and adults - it is allowed to use OUFk-01
    As for OUFb-04, it is acceptable for use by adult adolescents over 12 years old.

    Denis - 19.08.2017 12:24

    Hello. I want to buy a UV lamp for the treatment and disinfection of rooms. I don't know which one to choose. I have two small children - 9 months and 1.9 years. Rooms up to 24 m2. It would be desirable that the lamp could also be used for the treatment of adults. Is there such a thing?

    Irina - 26.08.2017 21:45

    I fell ill with ARVI, I decided to try a new method of treatment, not to use any antiviral drugs that did not help us, but to use UVR. I called the pediatrician, she spoke extremely negatively about this method, said it would be ineffective. But since we had nothing to lose, I decided to use the lamp myself. We shone the throat and each nasal passage for a minute and a half three times a day. As a result, the temperature was only a day, and not six or seven, as usual. Sore throat went away in a day, not a week. The runny nose still persists, now the fifth day is coming, it's too early for a runny nose to pass. I decided not to use the lamp anymore, as a result, it shone for 4 days. I made a conclusion for myself - a great way to cure a child without burdening the liver. I advise everyone. The only question I have is whether this method of treatment can have a negative effect on the blood? Or is this method of irradiation safe for blood? We have not yet analyzed. And as for the lamp itself, after how long does it need to be changed?

    Marina replied:
    August 27th, 2017 at 18:53

    Irina, what lamp power do you have? Oufk-1 or oufd-1?

    Irina - 10.12.2017 23:12

    And now I have one more question. Our pediatrician told me that oncology can occur from frequent use of the UV lamp. I have not found such information anywhere. Answer, please, if you use the lamp several times a month, is it really the occurrence of oncology? And then we got carried away here, we do inhalations into the throat and nose for prevention and raising immunity. We have a model Sun OUFB-04. Thank you!

    Elena - 01/07/2018 23:27

    In the pharmacy, we were offered a bactericidal ultraviolet lamp OUFK-09. Tell me which is better OUFK-09 or OUFK-01. What are the differences?

    Maria - 14.01.2018 23:58

    Hello! We bought the OUFD-01 device for a baby (1 year old). We want to carry out the prevention of rickets, because. synthetic vitamin D is poorly absorbed. But the instructions for the model do not say anything about preventing rickets and quartzing the room. Is it possible to focus on the instructions for the OUFK (indicated on the website)? And it is still not clear whether to carry out the determination of biodose with a damper? And is a shutter needed when irradiating a child's body? Is it possible to irradiate only the buttocks or can it be irradiated from both sides (tummy too)?

    Elena - 03/08/2018 22:08

    We bought OUFD Sun 01 for a child. But she got sick herself, she had a long cough, so she decided to try the irradiator. I made a perforated localizer and performed the procedure from 10 cm, but instead of 10 minutes, 13 minutes, because I thought that it was for children, and the dosage is rather weak for an adult. I burned my skin! On the chest, neck. It's good that I tried it on myself, and not on a child. It's scary to think that it was with delicate baby skin. I would like to note that my skin is not sensitive, swarthy. The skin is simply impossible to touch.

    Tata - 13.03.2018 15:06

    The term of my work in the physiological cabinet is short, only 3 years. But during this time, with what only patients did not come, what problems were not treated. But it did help! Therefore, when I went on maternity leave and gave birth to a child, I decided that I should also have my own device at home. Let it be small, but it will be enough for the prevention of colds and the treatment of certain diseases.
    And I started with this ultraviolet apparatus "Sun". 100 times I was convinced that I was right. This is the best, easiest, cheapest and most affordable way to keep your family safe from viruses and infections. A few minutes at the lamp and neither a runny nose nor more serious colds are terrible.
    The eldest son did not go through teenage acne for a long time. At one time, he was embarrassed to come to my office so that no one would see. As he said: "disinfecting the skin is unworthy of a man." The only thing that was enough for him was a visit to a specialist. The doctor, when he found out that there was a UV device in the house, prescribed a course of treatment taking into account the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Dima completed the course in autumn. And shifts were already noticeable: the rash began to appear less frequently, without suppuration. And the skin disease goes away without ugly scars. The son decided to continue the treatment and take another course in the spring.

The blue lamp began to gain its popularity since 1891, when the doctor Alexander Minin began using it for physiotherapy. At the same time, the device received its second name - the Minin reflector. In Soviet times, the lamp was quite reasonably considered a cure for most ailments.

The device was used by dentists (as an anesthetic), it was appreciated by therapists and ophthalmologists (for its anti-inflammatory and restorative effect). The Minin reflector to this day remains an excellent warming tool that helps with otitis media and colds for adults and children.

The Minin reflector is a lamp with a metal canopy, on which a mirror coating is applied. Inside the plafond there is an incandescent lamp with a blue bulb. The power of the lamp is 60 watts, it contains a tungsten filament.

The cardinal difference between a blue lamp and a regular one is the presence of an unusual lampshade, which performs the function of regulating the direction of the light flux. Mirror coating allows the lamp to work on the principle of a reflector - to reflect, collect and concentrate light. The Minin lamp emits infrared, ultraviolet and visible rays. The blue light of the device warms up the diseased areas of the body.

ON A NOTE! The device is not sold in pharmacies. You need to buy it via the Internet, production is preferably Russia or Ukraine, since the Chinese counterparts do not have a heat-resistant safety rubber, which increases the risk of burns.

There are standard blue lamps as well as mini versions. In addition, improved versions of the “Mirror-elite” type lamp were developed.

The benefits of using the Minin reflector clear sun

The blue light of the lamp is truly healing. The lamp is recommended for:

  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • regulation of metabolism;
  • achieving the effect of regeneration in case of various injuries;
  • decrease in blood viscosity;
  • improving the functions of external respiration;
  • improve the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • improving the process of delivery and removal of oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body.

In addition, the Minin reflector stimulates energy synthesis at the cell level, regulates hemostasis systems, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and promotes microcirculation, treats candidiasis (a type of fungal infection) and acute respiratory diseases, and also has an immunomodulating effect on the body.

With a runny nose, the lamp is used to warm the nose, when coughing, the dry heat of the reflector will benefit the chest, and with otitis media, the sore ear. With sinusitis, the frontal sinus and the projection of the maxillary sinuses are heated with a lamp. The blue lamp will also be beneficial for arthrosis, warming up the diseased joint.

The principle of operation of the tungsten device for light therapy

As already mentioned, the benefit of Minin's blue lamp lies in its infrared radiation and dry heat, due to which the treatment takes place. The skin absorbs the adjusted infrared radiation beam and converts it into thermal energy. Infrared rays penetrate the skin and bring invaluable benefits to the body: they activate blood circulation and metabolism, fight inflammation and become a “killer” for various bacteria and viruses of various types.

To start using the device, just plug it in and direct it to the affected area of ​​the body. The distance from the skin should be no more than 60 cm, and the duration of the session should not exceed 20 minutes. On the day, experts advise to produce several sessions of warming up with a Minin reflector, each of which lasts 10-20 minutes.

IMPORTANT! It is worth distinguishing between ultraviolet and blue lamps. The Minin reflector does not have bactericidal properties, with its help you will not get an even “beach” tan, it does not cure jaundice in infants.

Use for a cold in children at home

It is best to warm up such patients with a lamp in a dream (especially when it comes to diseases of the nose). At the same time, the baby's eye must be closed with a diaper folded several times so that he does not wake up from bright light.

The distance of the lamp to the skin must be determined by eye, according to sensations. The Minin reflector should warm up the sore spot well, but at the same time not cause discomfort. During the procedure, you need to regularly check the warmth of the child's skin with your hand so as not to overheat it.

IMPORTANT! Doctors recommend using heating only in the initial stages of the disease, while nasal discharge remains clear in color. With a purulent runny nose, the procedure will not only not be beneficial, but can also harm the body.

If a child has a stuffy nose, this can be dealt with by warming the areas behind the ears. For very young patients, the duration of the procedure should not be more than 10 minutes. These simple recommendations will help cure a runny nose in a baby in just a couple of days.

Is it possible to warm the nose with sinusitis?

It is strictly forbidden to treat the active phase of sinusitis by heating with a blue lamp, especially if pus forms in the sinuses.

In addition, the Minin reflector cannot be used in the treatment of any purulent processes, at elevated temperatures, and also if the patient is prone to bleeding and circulatory disorders of the brain.

The device can be used as an adjunct to antibiotic treatment. By itself, a blue lamp with sinusitis, at best, will eliminate the external signs of the disease, but not its cause.

Warming up the nose with purulent inflammation threatens with the following consequences:

  • abscess formation;
  • the spread of inflammation to neighboring tissues with their melting;
  • septic condition;
  • meningoencephalitis.

Is it possible to warm the ear with otitis media?

Otitis is an extremely difficult and unpleasant disease that must be treated under the strict supervision of a physician. A sign of otitis is the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the outer, middle, inner ears. Inflammation is accompanied by characteristic shooting pains that radiate to the forehead, temple, back of the head and even teeth.

One of the ways to treat this disease is to warm the ear. However, indications for the procedure should be determined exclusively by an otolaryngologist after examining the patient. The doctor will also determine the best way to warm up the diseased part of the body. Undoubtedly, one of the leaders in the number of doctors' recommendations will be a blue lamp, which will provide a stream of dry heat to the ear.

If otitis media is in its initial stage, the Minin reflector, when the ear is warmed up, will have the following effect on it:

  • increase the speed of metabolic processes;
  • improve blood microcirculation;
  • make the walls of blood vessels more elastic;
  • relieve pain;
  • eliminate congestion, swelling;
  • will contribute to the resorption of infiltrates;
  • eliminate the infection by increasing the temperature in the tissues;
  • strengthen the immune system, increase the ability of tissues to regenerate.

It is possible to warm up the ear with a blue lamp during otitis at the initial (catarrhal otitis media) and final stages of the disease, when the patient recovers and the pus stops oozing. Such indications are quite justified from a medical point of view, because at the initial stage the infection is present in the ear in small quantities, and warming up can immediately neutralize the inflammatory process. The lamp will also become an indispensable assistant during the subsidence of infectious phenomena, when the ear needs stimulation of tissue regeneration and improved blood circulation to restore work.

There are a number of contraindications for warming the ears with a blue lamp, the main of which is purulent otitis media. If the patient began to secrete pus or bloody substances, heating with a Minin reflector is strictly prohibited. Sometimes pus may not even be noticed, as it collects behind the eardrum. Warming up the pus will lead to the fact that the disease will progress, and the infection will get into the inner ear.

Sometimes pus accumulates behind the eardrum and is not visible. However, this process must be carefully monitored, because heating will lead to the rapid progression of the disease and the penetration of infection into the inner ear.

Other contraindications to the use of the Minin reflector associated with the hearing organs:

  • increased body temperature;
  • acute period of ear, head injury;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin of the ear.

Instructions for use for ears and nose

How and how much to warm for the treatment of ear with otitis media?

Many patients do not know for sure. how to use this device in medical purposes. It is best to be treated with a blue lamp before going to bed, so that later you can go to bed in a warm place. Another option is to have a session in your spare time, after which you will have at least 30-60 minutes to rest in bed. For at least an hour after warming up with a blue lamp, you should not go outside, be near open windows, in drafts. It is strictly forbidden to use contact lenses during warming up. Before the procedure, be sure to remove them, and keep your eyes closed when warming up.

A session with the Minin reflector is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Place the lamp near the ear in such a way that the rays fall on the diseased organ at an angle, but not perpendicularly. The angle should be about 60 degrees.
  • The distance from the lamp to the skin should be 20-60 cm. It must be adjusted individually in order to get a pleasant sensation when warmed up, and not a burning sensation.
  • One session under a blue lamp lasts 5-20 minutes. It is recommended to carry out 2 procedures per day (the doctor can increase this number to 3-4 sessions per day).

How to use for the treatment of the nose with a runny nose in children?

Doctors often advise warming up the nose with a Minin reflector for a cold caused by a virus. The scheme for using the device is ingeniously simple:

  • turn on the device, wait until it heats up;
  • keep at a distance of 15–20 cm from the nose;
  • continue heating for 5 to 20 minutes.

When warming your nose, do not touch the lamp directly. The procedure can be repeated several times during the day. In this case, attention should be paid to the heating of the skin. The most important thing is that the patient feels pleasant warmth and does not feel as if his skin is “burning”.

IMPORTANT! When warming the ears and nose with a blue lamp, the eyes should be protected from radiation by covering them with cardboard glasses.

Application of electric therapeutic ultraviolet reflector when coughing

The Minin reflector also helps with the appearance of a cough. To do this, you need to warm up the chest and back area with the device.

During a cold, the lamp acts on the lower part of the leg (foot), where the biological points of the internal organs are concentrated.

To cure a cough with a blue lamp, you need to do the following:

  • Take a comfortable position. The child can be carried out the procedure during sleep.
  • Plug the lamp into the network, direct it to the chest at a distance of 40-60 cm (focus on tactile sensations so that there is no discomfort).
  • The first session lasts from 5-7 minutes depending on age with a gradual increase in duration up to 15-20 minutes.
  • The number of procedures per day can be from 1 to 3. The total number of sessions per month should not exceed 20.
  • After warming up the sternum, repeat the same actions from the back.

After completing the procedure, take care not to go outside for 60 minutes. The best option is to warm up with a blue lamp before going to bed, then wrap the warmed parts of the body with a woolen scarf and lie down under a warm blanket. To enhance the effect, try drinking warm milk with honey or butter added.

Features of use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the use of the Minin reflector is not strictly prohibited, but it is highly discouraged by the vast majority of experts. With otitis, cough or runny nose, a pregnant lady can find another way of treatment.

If you still decide to choose a blue lamp for treatment during pregnancy, in no case should the blue light be exposed to the abdomen (due to the large depth of penetration of the wave). This can have irreversible consequences for both the mother and the fetus.

Harm and contraindications

The blue warming lamp has the following contraindications:

  • any form of inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe diseases in the acute phase;
  • poor cerebral circulation;
  • sympathalgia (syndrome of damage to the formations of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system);
  • vegetative dysfunctions;
  • acute purulent diseases;
  • severe cardiovascular disease;
  • heat;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • diabetes mellitus (in some cases, warming up may be allowed after consultation with an endocrinologist);
  • pregnancy;
  • blood clotting disorders.

It is also impossible to warm up areas of the body with varicose veins, the area of ​​​​the projection of the thyroid gland, thrombophlebitis, large lymph nodes.

Instructions for using the reflector clear sun

Here you can find the official instructions for using the device.

The procedures carried out with the blue lamp are very simple and safe, but at the same time effective. The lamp is effectively used to treat pain and relieve symptoms of ENT diseases. The Minin reflector can be equally used by both adults and children with otitis media, runny nose, cough, sinusitis. In addition, the lamp will cope with the task of eliminating pain in muscles and joints. In all cases when it is necessary to improve blood circulation, doctors recommend using a blue lamp.