How many people play archeage. More about the new unique ArcheAge server

There are several criteria by which you can select a server in Archeage

In many IMO one of the main questions that novice players face is the question of which server to choose. And there are a lot of criteria by which you have to choose. Moreover, the most difficult thing is that these criteria are mutually exclusive. But let's look at everything in order.

At the moment, the game has 12 servers (at least the official ones, which are available to Russian-speaking players). And at all there is some preponderance of the players who have chosen Western mainland. The biggest difference is now Lucy- here 58% of the players are "Western". The smallest spread on Glenn- here on the Western mainland only 52% of users play. But it doesn't really affect the gameplay. Much more important is how full the server is (in terms of the number of players), as well as the date of its appearance.

Server Selection Criteria

A server with a huge number of players has its advantages: fast selection of parties and guilds; cons: high ping...

To begin with, we will deal with the features of those servers that have a lot of players.

On the plus side, when playing on a densely populated server, it's always easier for you to find a group in a dungeon, in PvP, or somewhere else.

Plus, it's easier to find a guild that's right for you.

But there is one disadvantage that is always associated with a large online connection - these are relatively frequent crashes, high ping, and other problems that a high load on the server creates.

One of these problems (perhaps the most unpleasant one) is that the more players there are, the more various "inadequate" (as they are often called) - those who create problems for others just for the sake of "fun".

A server with a small number of gamers in Archeage also has its advantages: stable connection without crashes, few pks and enemies, more resources and rare mobs, less competition; and disadvantages: long search for parties, few guilds

Sparsely populated servers have other advantages and other disadvantages.

Of the problems - here it is more difficult for you to find a group, and there are fewer guilds here, which is also not very pleasant.

But on the other hand, the connection is much more stable (since the server is not overloaded), the chances of stumbling upon a bored ganker (lover of free PvP) from the opposite faction are also less, in addition, it is easier to mine resources, hunt rare mobs and other similar things, since it is much lower competition.

And now let's talk about how the date of its opening affects the choice of a server.

In general, everything is simple here. Older servers have a lot more experienced players, which can create a lot of problems for newbies, even just out of boredom. On the other hand, there are more inexperienced players on the new servers, and the conditions are more equal. But, here another problem arises. There are (almost always) a lot of players on a new server. So what do you end up choosing?


A newer server with not the highest online is best for a beginner - here the competition is not the highest, and there are fewer strong players with whom it would be more difficult to compete. In principle, for those who want to calmly get used to the game, we can recommend Ashyar, Gartarain or Kiproza. So, choose the one that you like best - and go!

At the time of this writing, more than twenty servers are open in the Russian version of ArcheAge. Their number will vary depending on the popularity of the game, but here are some general tips for choosing the world in which you will live.

Early access to ArcheAge was opened on February 16 - on this day, the developers launched nine servers, which brought together the most active and organized fans of the game. Here are the names of these worlds: Lucius, Kiproz, Melisara, Tayan, Aranzebia, Ollo, Anna, Aranzeb, Inoch. It is these servers that can be called the most active in trading, PvP, various events, etc. Separately, it is worth noting the Lucius server, which many strong guilds from other online games initially agreed to go to - PvP on this server promises to be especially hot.

But when choosing a server from the “top nine”, do not forget about one important circumstance - the competition for them will be especially high, and in order to “break out into people” you will have to spend a lot of effort. One of the features of ArcheAge is the system of houses and agriculture, which uses a limited number of territories in the game world. Getting a good plot on the servers listed above is the most difficult thing - you will either have to look for a free piece of land for a long time or turn to resellers who require a lot of money. So for a more casual game, we recommend any server that is not in the top 9.

At this stage of development of the game in the vastness of our country, Russian server ArcheAge online where players can take part in beta testing. You can sign up for this testing on the Russian website of the game ArcheAge .

During beta testing, real players will be able to test the gameplay, understand the features of the game and help correct inaccuracies, if any, during the adaptation of the game to the territory of our homeland. Free ArcheAge server created in order to introduce the game for Russian-speaking users with the least amount of lags and errors.

Initially, in the process of closed and open beta testing, in the homeland of the game, our compatriots could join the game on ArcheAge servers for a monthly fee. This brought a lot of inconvenience. But now, everyone who is looking forward to the release of the game can try himself as one or another character on the free ArcheAge server.

Development and replenishment of ArcheAge online servers

In the future, with the development and distribution of the game more ArcheAge servers will appear, which will diversify the MMORPG gaming universe. Players try to quickly get into the game and connect to pirate servers. Be patient and wait for this moment when the proven archeage server.
With the announcement of the localization of the game, many pirate servers appeared on the territory of our country. Try to join Russian servers ArcheAge online who are being tested or to their official Korean "brothers".

Very often, new players-explorers of the world of ArcheAge have a question about choosing a server for the game. There are quite a lot of servers, and despite the fact that in the evening they all have a busy status [Medium] - online on them is actually different.

The official localizer answers all questions about the number of players on a particular server evasively and never gives at least approximate numbers. The most common answer to this question is:

In this regard, I am publishing a small table with observations of several days (September 2017): checking the load status of game worlds was carried out at different times of the day.

Unfortunately, there is no exact information about the capacity of a particular server - perhaps it is different, and the threshold for changing the load status will differ from this. There is also no data on the numerical value of online: once there was information that the maximum of ArcheAge servers was 5,000 players online. If you have more accurate information about the quantitative capacity of Archeage servers - write about it in the comments.

Archeage online servers (in descending order):

Top online - Haze's server (last opened), even Lucius (the undisputed leader of the past) and Aria in the early morning "roll down" to low load status.

The online game ArcheAge has been updated to version 4.5. Players received another batch of content - from new powerful opponents to the ability to grow their own dragon. But the most important thing is the launch of a completely unique Haze server, writes

New servers have appeared in ArcheAge before, but Haze is different in that players will see ArcheAge on it in a form close to that in which it was released in February 2014. This is a great way to try out the game from scratch, and in many ways the new journey will be even better than the first. Today we will tell you why ArcheAge is good in principle and why the launch of Haze is a great reason to return to the game.

# The largest

Among the popular fantasy online games ArcheAge has no equal in scale - in general, in the genre, only EVE Online, as well as some hardcore niche projects, can compare with it. You can list the classes available to players for a rather long text. ArcheAge just starts as a regular online game - there are two opposing sides, each on its own continent, we create a hero where we like it, and start pumping, completing quests and following the storyline.

After a while, craft is connected. In ArcheAge, you just need to get your own garden - crafts require a lot of resources, so it's important to be able to get at least some of them yourself. With your own house, you should not delay either - it is not only an expensive and beautiful toy, but also a place where machines are located. For the house and the garden, it is better to try to take areas closer to the main transport routes. ArcheAge has a very developed trade, goods are transported both by land transport and by ships, and the greater the distance, the better the profit.

The game throws up new activities at almost every level. So the players of both sides began to swing in one location - and PvP without rules was added. Here are the first dungeons, sea travel with the exploration of the islands and the search for treasures. Pumped characters can become pirates, explore small islands or go to conquer the northern continent, where the best guilds of the server fight for the right to own territories. This is already a classic mass PvP in the style of the best Korean games - with castle sieges, the development of controlled territories, where you can produce some of the best things on the server.

Don't like large-scale PvP? The range includes arenas for small teams scattered around the world, where battles are fought according to different rules - there is even a zone for naval battles. Or PvE: bosses on different continents and at sea, dungeons that require a well-played and well-equipped group, as well as an understanding of tactics. ArcheAge really has a place for anyone - even a lone artisan who is well versed in his profession will be able to provide himself with a good home, a small ship and decent equipment.

# Easy to learn

Despite all the variety, ArcheAge cannot be called a hardcore game. For four years, the developers have polished the balance and mechanics so that even casual players do not have problems. Leveling at early levels has become noticeably faster, a lot of unnecessary actions have been removed from crafting, plus a better class system has been set up - a character in ArcheAge is created by “combining” three branches of skills that the player chooses himself, and at first this approach led to problems in balance. In addition, over the years, a huge number of guides have been written on all aspects of the game - on our website, for example, a selection of guides has just been released, useful for those who plan to start in version 4.5.

# Very social

Online games, which were once conceived as virtual worlds where players can chat and make friends, have recently become very anti-social. The automatic search system in a minute will select a group for you to complete the next task, with the players in which you may not exchange a few words. Well, if you don’t even want to play in this way, then in many projects they allow you to lower the complexity, passing them alone almost entirely.

ArcheAge also has enough activities for singles, and there is an automatic search system, but there are much more things to do here for lovers of communication. Small groups can be turned into families, gaining access to additional tasks, but in order to successfully fight for influence on the northern mainland, you need a large and close-knit guild. Well, where the guild is, there is socialization - starting with gatherings on the forum and in Discord and ending with meetings in reality (in the largest, by the way, the project team also takes part).

# fresh start

Server "Haze" will be a completely new experience not only for beginners, but also for experienced players. Indeed, in terms of content, the server will be closer to the game of the 2014 model - only 50 levels of pumping, a minimum of PvP on the northern continent, a smaller set of high-level activities. But at the same time, the mechanics are taken from the current version of ArcheAge - which means that pumping and crafts will be easier and more fun, and there will be much less problems with balance. In addition, new content on Haza will appear much faster. Now the developers plan to release updates every month, but the schedule can be adjusted depending on how quickly the players level up and the server economy develops.

If you like really massive online games for hundreds of hours of time, then ArcheAge still has no competitors. It's well balanced, packed to the brim with content, and still looks great. Plus, right now there is a choice - start right away in the current version of the game or go to Haze to see how the project has developed over the course of four years.

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