Requirements of the customs authority for a temporary storage warehouse (TSW) and the procedure for exercising customs control at the TSW. b) provision of technical means for customs control of fissile and radioactive materials




On veterinary and sanitary requirements for temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses

Document as amended by:
(Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 271, 12/01/2010).

On the basis of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2003, N 22, Art. 2066; N 52 (part I), Art. 5038; 2004, N 27, Art. 2711; N 34, Art. 3533; N 46 (part I), art. 4494; 2005, N 30 (part I), art. 3101; 2006, N 1, art. 15; N 3, art. 280; N 8, art. 854; N 52 (part II), art. 5504; 2007, N 1 (part I), art. 29; N 24, art. 2831; N 27, art. 3213; N 31, art. 3995, 4011; N 45, 5417; N 50, art. 6246; 2008, N 26, art. 3022; N 48, art. 5500; N 49, art. 5748; 2009, N 1, art. May 14, 1993 N 4979-1 "On Veterinary Medicine" (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 24, art. 857; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1 (part I), art .2; 2004, N 27, article 2711; N 35, article 3607; 2005, N 19, article 1752; 2006, N 1, article 10; N 52 (part I), article 5498; 2007 , N 1 (part I), art. 29; N 30, art. 3805; 2008, N 24, art. 2801; 2009, N 1, art. 17, 21), paragraph 5.2.9 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Agriculture Russian Federation, ut approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 12, 2008 N 450 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 25, Art. 2983; N 32, art. 3791; N 42, art. 4825; N 46, art. 5337; 2009, N 1, article 150; N 3, art. 378; No. 6, art. 738; N 9, art. 1119, 1121; N 27, art. 3364; N 33, art. 4088),

we order:

Approve the attached Veterinary and Sanitary Requirements for Temporary Storage Warehouses and Customs Warehouses.
Attention! Veterinary and sanitary requirements for temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses, approved by this order, are subject to application in the regulation of relevant legal relations in the customs union, see.


Russian Federation
E. Skrynnik

Head of the Federal
customs service

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
December 14, 2009
registration N 15579

Application. Veterinary and sanitary requirements for temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses


Attention! The veterinary and sanitary requirements approved by this order are subject to application in the regulation of the relevant legal relations in the customs union, see.
- Database manufacturer's note.

I. General provisions

1.1. Veterinary and sanitary requirements for temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses are mandatory for the owners of temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses where goods controlled by the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation are stored (hereinafter referred to as the warehouse).

1.2. During the construction, reconstruction and operation of warehouse premises, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine, as well as the provisions of these requirements, must be taken into account.

II. Primary requirements

2.1. Warehouse premises are located and equipped in a way that ensures the safety of goods under the control of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as goods), and the possibility of conducting veterinary control in relation to these goods.

2.2. Around the premises of warehouses, depending on the types of cargo contained in them, sanitary protection zones must be established in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.3. The warehouse is allocated a room for veterinary specialists of the territorial bodies of the Rosselkhoznadzor, equipped in accordance with the appendix to these requirements.

2.4. For the work of a veterinary specialist performing veterinary clearance of goods and exercising veterinary control over them, segments in the local computer network of the warehouse should be allocated and this network should be equipped with appropriate means of protecting information from unauthorized access, as well as a dedicated communication channel for receiving and transmitting electronic data on veterinary registration with the speed of information transfer necessary for these purposes.

2.5. The warehouse is equipped with separate chambers for storing the following types of chilled and frozen goods:

meat and meat products;

milk and dairy products;

fish, crustaceans, molluscs, meat of aquatic animals and products of their processing.

Joint storage of food raw materials, finished products, non-food products, materials, containers is not allowed.

It is forbidden to place all types of animals, embryos and sperm of animals, fertilized caviar, hatching eggs, as well as technical raw materials of animal origin (including skins, wool, furs, down, feathers, endocrine and intestinal raw materials, bones, other types of raw materials), feed and feed additives; collections and collectibles on zoology, anatomy, paleontology of animals.

III. Territory Requirements

3.1. If the warehouse is located on the territory of the seaport or animals are placed in the warehouse, the entrance to its territory must be equipped with a disinfection barrier.

3.2. Access roads, driveways and footpaths, loading and unloading areas and walkways must have a hard surface (asphalt, concrete), even, watertight, accessible for washing and disinfection, with a drain of atmospheric, melted and flush waters into the sewer.

3.3. To collect garbage, containers with lids are installed on an asphalt or concreted platform, exceeding the area of ​​​​the garbage bin by 1 m in all directions, the site must be at least 25 meters away from the warehouse.

Containers should be freed from garbage when they are filled no more than 2/3 of the volume at least once a day, followed by their washing and disinfection.

IV. Requirements for water supply and sewerage

4.1. The warehouse must be provided with a sufficient amount of drinking water to ensure technological processes.

4.2. Plumbing inlet and internal plumbing must be kept in good technical condition.

4.3. Process wastewater collection systems must have their own treatment plant system and be separated from the warehouse's domestic wastewater collection systems.

V. Lighting, heating and ventilation requirements

5.1. In the premises of the warehouse, natural and artificial lighting can be used. Luminaires with lamps must be equipped with protective shades.

5.2. Warehouse heating should be provided to maintain a certain temperature in them, depending on the mode of storage of goods. In unheated warehouses, heating should be installed only in utility rooms intended for a long stay of service personnel (during the working day).

5.3. In the premises of the warehouse, an air environment must be created that ensures the preservation of goods and the technological process of their storage.

VI. Requirements for the layout and arrangement of premises

6.1. The premises in which goods are stored must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine, in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, and in the case of storage of food products of animal origin, also the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the quality and safety of food products.

6.2. The number and volume of premises for storage should ensure the possibility of conducting a veterinary and sanitary inspection with the full unloading of goods. The conditions of placement and temperature regimes of storage of goods must comply with the conditions specified in Chapter VIII of these requirements.

6.3. Separate refrigerating chambers with different temperature regimes for goods detained by the Rosselkhoznadzor with a total volume of at least 60 m3 are allocated and equipped at the warehouse.

6.4. The warehouse is allocated a room for veterinary inspection of goods, equipped with:

technical means necessary for conducting veterinary control;

loading and unloading equipment necessary for conducting a veterinary inspection of goods (including with their full unloading);

a set of racks for defrosting products and stainless steel tables.

The walls of the room for veterinary inspection of goods must be smooth and durable, the floor must be waterproof with a sufficient number of drainage holes in it, the air temperature must not exceed 21°C. In addition, lighting, hot and cold water supply, and other necessary conditions for work must be provided.

VII. Requirements for processing the territory, premises, equipment and inventory

7.1. Processing of the territory, premises, equipment and inventory is carried out using disinfectants approved for use. In the absence of specialists with the appropriate skills to work with disinfectants, the warehouse staff must conclude an agreement with an organization that has the right to carry out cleaning and disinfection.

7.2. For washing and disinfection of containers, inventory, vehicles, special rooms isolated from refrigeration chambers with a waterproof floor, live steam supply, hot and cold water supply, sewerage, lighting and ventilation, as well as a washing unit should be equipped.

7.3. Equipment for cleaning industrial premises, chambers and other objects of the warehouse should be stored separately from equipment used for cleaning toilet rooms.

VIII. Conditions of placement and temperature conditions of storage of goods

8.1. Goods must be stored in cells on clean and specially prepared slats, grids or pallets or in universal containers that can be installed in several tiers depending on the height of the cell.

During the unloading and loading of goods, it is prohibited to store them directly on the platform floors, in corridors and chambers without pallets, rails or gratings, and to drag them along the floor.

In the storage rooms, goods are stacked with indents:

from walls without cooling devices

from the floor (bottom of load-bearing structures) without cooling devices

from cooling devices

from air ducts (bottom surface)

There must be aisles between the loads, located as follows:

in cells up to 10 m wide, a passage is arranged at one of the sides;

in cells with a width of more than 10 m, a passage is arranged in the middle;

in cells with a width of more than 20 m, one passage is arranged for every 10-12 m of width.

The width of the passage, including distances from walls and radiators, should be 1.2 m.

8.2. Storage of frozen goods (products of animal origin) should be carried out in refrigerated warehouses at a temperature not exceeding minus 18 ° C and relative humidity 85-95%. It is allowed to store frozen meat in chambers with a constant air temperature of minus 12°C, while the maximum shelf life is from 2 to 4 months, depending on the type of meat.

Storage of chilled goods is carried out at a temperature of 0°C to 4°C and a relative humidity of at least 85%. Fluctuations in air temperature during storage should not exceed 1°C.

Application. List of property required to equip temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses

to the Veterinary and Sanitary Requirements
to temporary storage warehouses
and customs warehouses




Technical scales (up to 10-15 kg)

Anatomical veterinary set

(paragraph as amended, put into effect on December 12, 2010 by a joint order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated October 19, 2010 N 358/1926

Telephone communications

Telephone set

Tools for sampling (cutting) from frozen products

Large surgical set

Radiotelephone (mobile phone)

Ice cream with a set of seals

Metal punch for meat

Device "Regula 4004-M" for detecting falsified veterinary accompanying documents

Instrument sterilizer

Manual spray disinfection unit type hydraulic

Thermal suitcase for blood samples and biological products

Veterinary thermometer for measuring body temperature of animals

Ice cream cutting device

Sampling probes (for various products)

Bathrobe white

Bathrobe black

Overalls veterinary from coarse calico rubberized

Anatomical gloves


Computer table

Office chair

Uninterrupted power supply unit

Copier (copier)

Personal computer (laptop)

Work chair

Table lamp


Internet access equipment

Printing device (printer)

fax machine

Freezer (refrigerating) chamber

Refrigerator household

Electric stove or microwave

Electric kettle

digital apparatus

Cabinet for storage of special equipment and materials

Workwear cabinet

Wardrobe for outerwear

Document storage cabinet

Safe for documents

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

Requirements of the customs authority for the arrangement of a temporary storage warehouse. Types of temporary storage warehouses. Control of information and documents about stored goods. Control in warehouses equipped with an automated cellular storage system for goods.

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"Russian Customs Academy"

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Novorossiysk customs Anapa customs post

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3rd year student

Head of practice from the customs authority

Practice leader from the Academy


In the summer of 2009, I started my internship at the Anapa customs post of the Novorossiysk customs. The duration of the practice was three weeks.

So, on the 18th, I arrived at the personnel department of the Novorossiysk customs for registration and selection of a customs post (subordinate to the Novorossiysk customs) in which the practice was to take place.

In order to start the practice, I was required to be instructed on fire safety rules, familiarization with safety precautions and study of labor protection rules. The study of these provisions was carried out on the basis of:

- Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03), approved by the Order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of June 18, 2003 No. 313;

– Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated March 17, 2005 No. 214 “On fire safety of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia”;

- "Instructions on security measures in administrative buildings and at the facilities of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia", approved by the Deputy Head of the FCS of Russia N.A. Volobuev June 30, 2005 No. 01-117/1;

– Order of the Novorossiysk customs dated December 18, 2008 No. 651 “on fire safety measures at facilities, territories, buildings and premises of the Novorossiysk customs”

After the Deputy Head of the Logistics Department of the Novorossiysk Customs - Baran Nikolai Ivanovich signed the checklist on the passage of instructions on safety and labor protection rules and the contract and the direction was given for signature to the personnel department, on the 19th of June at half past nine in the morning I had to arrive at the Anapa customs post - Airport.

Arriving at the Anapa t/c, two initial tasks appeared before me:

1. familiarization with the rules of fire safety on the territory and buildings of the Anapa customs post;

2. selection of the topic of an individual task, which will form the basis for writing this report.

The choice of topic proved to be very problematic.

Firstly, in connection with the instructions of my internship supervisor from the Academy, the topic of my research should in no case coincide with the topic of other nonresident students of the Russian Customs Academy who are intern at customs posts outside the subordination of the Central Customs Administration, which greatly complicates the implementation of the instructions. .

The second problem was my preferences in choosing a topic. In connection with the specialization I chose after the third year - operational-search activity, I planned to choose a topic that would correspond to the specifics of the chosen direction of further education. But due to the peculiarities of the work of the Anapa t / n and the entire system of customs authorities, in particular, due to the presence of many barriers to access to information necessary to fully reflect the entire content of the chosen research topic, the choice of such topics was not possible.

Therefore, my choice was on a topic that is directly related to the work of the post and has a sufficient basis for writing a complete and meaningful report. Namely:

Requirements of the customs authority for a temporary storage warehouse (TSW) and the procedure for exercising customs control at the TSW. This topic is also relevant like many others, since new provisions are still being introduced in relation to this customs procedure, some of them, adopted earlier, still will not have the desired effect and are in a state of partial application, or require the necessary customs security.

In the next two chapters, I will try to break the topic down into two complementary elements:

– requirements of customs authorities for temporary storage warehouses;

- Customs control at temporary storage warehouses.

The item - "requirements of the customs authorities for temporary storage warehouses" - includes mandatory requirements for the arrangement, equipment and location of temporary storage warehouses.

The item - "customs control at the temporary storage warehouse" - includes the rules for conducting customs operations during the temporary storage of goods, starting from filling out an application for the placement of goods at the temporary storage warehouse and ending with the seizure and drawing up of an act on the detention of goods that violated customs legislation, followed by placing the latter in special equipped closed premises on the territory of temporary storage warehouses.

Let's start with questions like:

– general provisions on temporary storage warehouses;

- requirements for TSW.

Chapter 1 Requirements of the customs authority for a temporary storage warehouse

Before proceeding to the consideration of the requirements for temporary storage warehouses, it is necessary to determine the basic concepts and provisions on which this report on this topic is based.

1.1 Customs Code on temporary storage warehouses

According to article (hereinafter referred to as Art.) Chapter 100 (hereinafter Chapter) 12 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), a temporary storage warehouse (hereinafter referred to as a temporary storage warehouse) is a specially allocated and equipped for these purposes premises and / or an open area that meets certain requirements for which the customs procedure is carried out - temporary storage of goods.

In Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the customs procedure - temporary storage of goods is defined as the placement of foreign goods in a temporary storage warehouse without paying customs duties, taxes and without applying restrictions to them established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state regulation of foreign trade activities, until they are released in accordance with a certain customs regime or before placing them under another customs procedure.

It should be said that the territory of the temporary storage warehouse is a zone of customs control, so that any foreign goods can be placed in any temporary storage warehouse, subject to the restrictions provided for by this legislation in this area.

Information required to place the goods in temporary storage warehouse

To place goods in a temporary storage warehouse, it is necessary to provide documents to the customs authority, containing information (in accordance with Art. 102):

- on the name and location of the sender (recipient) of goods in accordance with the transport (transportation) documents;

– about the country of departure and the country of destination of goods;

- about the name of the goods;

- about their number;

- on the number of packages;

- on the nature and methods of packaging and labeling of goods;

- invoice value;

– on the gross weight of goods (in kilograms) or on the volume of goods (in cubic meters);

– about classification codes of goods in accordance with the Harmonized System for Description and Coding of Goods or the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity at the level of at least the first four characters.

Terms of temporary storage (in accordance with Art. 103)

Temporary storage period goods is two months, but at the motivated request of the person concerned, the customs authority extends the specified period. The maximum period of temporary storage of goods is four months. The calculation of the period of temporary storage of goods begins from the day they are placed in a temporary storage warehouse or from the day the goods acquire the status of goods in temporary storage in accordance with this Code.

Types of temporary storage warehouses (in accordance with Art. 106)

temporary storage warehouses could be open or closed type:

1. Open type temporary storage warehouse - available for storage of any goods and use by any persons;

2. Closed-type temporary storage warehouse - designed to store goods in respect of which the owner of this warehouse is a person with a status sufficient in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to perform legally significant actions with them on his own behalf. (in accordance with the letter of the Federal Customs Service of October 20, 2006 N 04-22 / 36802 "On closed-type temporary storage warehouse")

Owners of temporary storage warehouses and conditions for inclusion in the Register of temporary storage warehouse owners

In accordance with Art. ten 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of a temporary storage warehouse may be a Russian legal entity included in the Register of owners of temporary storage warehouses. The owners of temporary storage warehouses may be customs authorities without including them in the Register of Owners of Temporary Storage Warehouses.

The conditions for inclusion in the Register of Owners of Temporary Storage Warehouses are:

1. possession of temporary storage warehouse;

2. ensuring the payment of customs duties in the amount of 2.5 million rubles and an additional 1,000 rubles per 1 square meter of usable area, if an open area is used as a warehouse, or 300 rubles per 1 cubic meter of usable space, if a room is used as a warehouse, Open type temporary storage warehouse, 2.5 million rubles for owners of temporary storage warehouses and closed customs warehouses;

3. availability of an insurance contract for the risk of its civil liability. The sum insured is determined at the rate of 3,500 rubles per square meter of usable area, if an open area is used as a customs warehouse, or at the rate of 1,000 rubles per one cubic meter of usable volume, if a room is used as a customs warehouse, but cannot be less than 2 million .rubles

If the premises and/or open areas are owned on the basis of a lease agreement, such an agreement must be concluded for a period of at least 1 year on the date of filing an application for inclusion in the Register of Temporary Storage Warehouse Owners.

Also, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Art. 110 and 111 determines that in order to be included in the Register, the owner of a temporary storage warehouse needs an application that must contain:

– appeal to the customs authority with a request to be included in the Register of owners of temporary storage warehouses;

- information about the name, legal form, location, open bank accounts, as well as the amount of the fully formed authorized capital, authorized fund or share contributions of the applicant;

- information about the type of temporary storage warehouse (for a closed warehouse, also a rationale for the need and expediency of choosing a warehouse of this type);

- information about the premises and / or open areas owned by the applicant and intended for use as a temporary storage warehouse, about their location, arrangement, equipment and material and technical equipment;

– information on securing the payment of customs payments;

– information about the applicant's civil liability risk insurance contract.

Upon acceptance of the application by the customs authorities, a Certificate of inclusion in the register of owners of temporary storage warehouses is issued, which contains the information mentioned in the owner in his application.

1.2 Order of the Federal Customs Service of December 6, 2007 N 1497 on temporary storage warehouses

This order establishes mandatory requirements for the arrangement, equipment and location of temporary storage warehouses.

Here are three main principles on which all the requirements imposed by the customs authorities on temporary storage warehouses are based:

ensuring the safety of goods;

exclusion of access to goods by unauthorized persons;

ensuring the safety of customs control in relation to these goods.

The following mandatory requirements are imposed on the arrangement of a temporary storage warehouse:

premises intended for a temporary storage warehouse are located only in ground buildings or structures;

availability of access roads (depending on the type of transport);

availability of a covered, equipped platform for customs inspection of goods and vehicles;

fencing of the adjacent protected area with a hard surface;

fencing or marking on the ground of an open area, if it is used as a temporary storage warehouse;

the territory of the temporary storage warehouse should not include facilities that are not related to the functioning of the temporary storage warehouse and ensuring its operation;

the allocation of a specially equipped and specially adapted premises for temporary storage warehouses for goods that cause harm to other goods;

availability of checkpoints and appropriate means of ensuring control over the movement of goods and vehicles.

The following requirements apply to warehouse equipment:

a) driveway equipment;

b) provision of technical means for customs control of fissile and radioactive materials;

c) availability of screening X-ray equipment;

d) allocation in the local computer network of segments for the work of the customs authority exercising customs control over goods located at the temporary storage warehouse;

e) availability of weighing equipment with different weighing limits;

f) availability of telephone and facsimile communication, office equipment and copying equipment;

g) availability of an automated goods accounting system;

h) availability of loading and unloading equipment;

i) availability of an electronic system for the placement and accounting of goods (for temporary storage warehouses equipped with an automated cellular storage system for goods) and allowing the customs authority to control in "real time" mode:

o - placement and location of goods in cells;

o - conducting inspections, measurements, recalculations, weighing of goods.

The following requirements are imposed on the locations of temporary storage warehouses:

1) TSW must be located at one postal address or within the inextricable line of the perimeter of the territory in the region of the customs post;

2) TSW should be located in reasonable proximity to transport hubs and highways;

3) From motorways and roads to the temporary storage warehouse, access roads should approach;

4) TSW cannot be located on mobile vehicles or mobile transport equipment of any kind.

By decision of the customs, certain requirements for the arrangement and equipment of closed warehouses may not apply.

But no matter how high-quality innovations in the field of temporary storage warehouses, they will have the desired effect without monitoring their implementation. Therefore, the next chapter is devoted to this important topic.

Chapter 2 Procedure for exercising customs control at temporary storage warehouses

In accordance with the Order of the Federal Customs Service No. 958 "On the Rules for performing customs operations during the temporary storage of goods."

Customs control at temporary storage warehouses is part of the general customs control, which is essential for the efficiency of temporary storage warehouses.

It manifests itself starting from the establishment of the necessary information for placing goods in a temporary storage warehouse and ending with general checks carried out by customs authorities in order to determine the state of a particular temporary storage warehouse for compliance with the requirements for temporary storage warehouses.

The rules for performing customs operations during the temporary storage of goods (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), developed on the basis of and in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, determine:

- the procedure for interaction between interested parties and customs authorities during the temporary storage of goods;

- a list of documents and information submitted when placing goods under the customs procedure for temporary storage;

- reporting forms submitted to the customs authority.

2.1 Control of information and documents required for the placement of goods in temporary storage warehouses

To place goods after their arrival in the customs territory of the Russian Federation at a temporary storage warehouse, the owner of the temporary storage warehouse shall submit documents containing the following information (Appendix 1).

Goods for which the owner does not provide documents containing classification codes:

goods moved by individuals;

goods in hand luggage of passengers;

unclaimed baggage of passengers;

personal belongings of diplomats and persons equated to them;

diplomatic mail;


goods, as humanitarian or technical assistance;

live animals;

urns and coffins with the remains of the dead.

2.2 Reporting on stored goods submitted by the owner of the temporary storage warehouse to the customs authority

The owner of a temporary storage warehouse is obliged to keep records of stored goods under customs control and submit reports on their storage to the subdivision of the customs authority (paragraph 2 of Article 112 of the Code) in the following forms:

1. when goods are placed after their arrival at the customs clearance of the Russian Federation by sea and air transport at the temporary storage warehouse:

a. DO1mv - reporting generated when goods are accepted for storage at temporary storage warehouses;

b. DO2mv - reporting generated in case of issuance of goods from temporary storage warehouse;

c. DO3mv - periodic reporting submitted quarterly by the 10th day of the month following the reporting quarter;

d. DO4mv - reporting submitted at the one-time request of the customs authority;

2. when placing goods in temporary storage warehouses in other cases:

a. DO1 - reporting generated when goods are accepted for storage at temporary storage warehouses;

b. DO2 - reporting generated in case of issuance of goods from temporary storage warehouse;

c. DO3 - periodic reporting submitted quarterly by the 10th day of the month following the reporting quarter;

d. DO4 - reporting submitted at the one-time request of the customs authority.

2.3 Terms of submission of documents by the owner of temporary storage warehouse

1. within 3 hours of working time from the moment the owner of the temporary storage warehouse receives documents - the temporary storage warehouse is located in close proximity to the location of the customs authority unit;

2. within a day - if the temporary storage warehouse does not coincide with the location of the subdivision of the customs authority.

It is worth saying that the customs issues a permit for the temporary storage of goods in the warehouse of the recipient of goods (closed type) only in three cases:

1. application of special simplified procedures for individuals in accordance with Article 68 of the Code;

2. if it is necessary to temporarily store goods requiring special storage conditions, if there is no temporary storage warehouse in reasonable proximity adapted for the storage of such goods;

3. if the recipient of the goods is a public authority or institution.

The recipient of the goods submits the reports generated when the goods are accepted for storage at the recipient's warehouse to the customs authority division within 24 hours after the vehicle arrives at this warehouse.

2.4 Control in temporary storage warehouses equipped with an automated cellular storage system for goods

This provision was introduced by the Order of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2007 N 1124 and to date continues to be introduced into the use of temporary storage warehouses.

Temporary storage of goods in temporary storage warehouses equipped with an automated bin storage system for goods (hereinafter referred to as the TSWh OJAS) is carried out in specially allocated, equipped and marked with the corresponding numbers of cells located on the warehouse's multi-level rack equipment.

The number of cells determined for the temporary storage of goods and indicated in the certificate of inclusion in the temporary storage warehouse is the maximum allowable. The location of the cells used for temporary storage of goods is determined by the owner of the warehouse independently

The customs authority controls the number of cells used by the warehouse owner for the temporary storage of goods under customs control and their actual location.

And in the end, I would like to say that in the event that the fact of the issuance of goods without the permission of the customs authority (loss of goods) from the temporary storage warehouse, the DL TO immediately draws up an inspection report of the premises and territories, in which this circumstance is recorded.


In conclusion, I would like to make a comparison between the requirements that the customs authorities impose on temporary storage warehouses and the indicators of a temporary storage warehouse located in the area of ​​​​the Anapa customs post, where I happened to undergo customs practice.

I'll start with the name of the owner of this warehouse - this is ROSTEK CJSC - Novorossiysk;

its organizational and legal form is immediately visible - Closed Joint Stock Company.

There is a certificate of inclusion in the Register of owners of a temporary storage warehouse, issued by the Novorossiysk customs. The company itself, the owner of this temporary storage warehouse, is located in Novorossiysk at the address - Portovaya Street, 6-A. Also in the certificate are her OKPO and TIN. The certificate indicates the number and date of the lease agreement with the Novorossiysk customs, which does not contradict Art. 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, since ROSTEK-Novorossiysk CJSC is a Russian legal entity.

The certificate indicates the type of temporary storage warehouse - open and indicates such indicators as:

1. Total area = 1981m2

2. Useful area = 792m2

3. Useful volume = 480m3

It is possible to calculate the amount of security for the payment of customs duties required to include this temporary storage warehouse in the Register.

So, according to Art. 339 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of security for the payment of customs duties is 2.5 million rubles and an additional 1,000 rubles per 1 square meter of usable area, if an open area is used as a warehouse, or 300 rubles per 1 cubic meter of usable volume, if a room is used as a warehouse, for warehouse owners temporary open storage.

In our case, this amount will be:

2.5 million rubles (principal amount) + 792 * 1000 (per meter of useful area) + 300 * 480 (per meter of usable volume) = 3 million 436 thousand rubles, which is much less than 7 million 40 thousand rubles indicated in the certificate under the guarantee agreement.

Now I would like to dwell on the compliance of the temporary storage warehouse - "ROSTEK - Novorossiysk" with the requirements for arrangement, equipment and location, in accordance with the Order of the Federal Customs Service No. 1497.

Arrangement of temporary storage warehouse "ROSTEK - Novorossiysk" (see Appendix 2)

The temporary storage warehouse "ROSTEK - Novorossiysk" is a closed rectangular building with an open area adjacent to it on three sides, has 2 access roads. The entire territory has a fence, with a hard surface and protection, without the presence of objects on it that are not related to the functioning of the temporary storage warehouse.


- A covered equipped platform for customs control of goods and vehicles - the premises itself;

- Equipped and specially adapted premises intended for the storage of goods that may cause harm to other goods or requiring special storage conditions - premises No. 7 (Appendix 2);

– Means of ensuring control over the movement of goods and vehicles across the borders of a temporary storage warehouse in the form of installed surveillance cameras.

Equipment of temporary storage warehouse "ROSTEK - Novorossiysk"

TSW "ROSTEK - Novorossiysk" is not intended for simultaneous storage of goods placed under the customs regime of a bonded warehouse and goods in temporary storage.

TSW "ROSTEK - Novorossiysk" is equipped with:

- technical means of customs control of fissile and radioactive materials - micrometer - "Measuring instrument - search signaling device" - brand ISP RM1201K-01;

- Inspection X-ray machine HEIMAMN Systems - brand Hi-SCAN85120TC;

– weighing equipment with different weighing limits:

- technological scales No. 1904 of 1981, GOST 9483-73 with the smallest weighing limit of 7.5 kilograms;

– TRANSPORTA scales - brand L200 Prod. No.: 75-163643/XIV with the smallest weighing limit of 200 kilograms;

– Panasonic telephone and fax - brand KX-FT78;

- loading and unloading trolley, winch (not equipped with a forklift);

– a dedicated local area network with an automated goods accounting system.

Location of temporary storage warehouse "ROSTEK - Novorossiysk"

TSW "ROSTEK - Novorossiysk" is located at one postal address - Anapa 7, Airport, within the territory inseparable along the perimeter in the region of operation of the Anapa customs post, subordinate to the Novorossiysk customs that issued a certificate of inclusion in the temporary temporary storage warehouse;

It is located not far from the Novorossiysk highway, without location on mobile vehicles.

Now we can conclude that the temporary storage warehouse "ROSTEK - Novorossiysk" fully complies with the requirements of the Order of the Federal Customs Service No. 1497 on the arrangement, equipment and location of the temporary storage warehouse.

During my internship at this warehouse, I noticed that most of the loading and unloading work is done manually, which meant a lack of technical support, but this situation depended only on the financing of this area, which means from the state.


1. Customs Code of the Russian Federation, chapter 12;

2. Order of the Federal Customs Service of December 6, 2007 N 1497 “On Approval of Mandatory Requirements for Arrangement, Equipment and Location of Temporary Storage Warehouses”;

3. Order of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation of December 6, 2007 N 1496 “On the establishment of temporary storage warehouses by customs authorities”;

4. Order of October 18, 2004 N 160 "On the standard instructions for office work and the work of the archive in the customs authorities";

5. Letter of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation dated January 20, 2009 N 04-21/1832 “On clarification of the requirements of Article 109 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation”;

6. Letter dated October 20, 2006 N 04-22/36802 “On temporary storage warehouses of a closed type”;

7. Letter of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2005 N 01-06/20256 “On the application of special simplified customs clearance procedures provided for by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated January 27, 2005 N 9”;

8. Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03), approved by the Order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of June 18, 2003 No. 313;

9. Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated March 17, 2005 No. 214 “On fire safety of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Customs Service of Russia”;

10. "Instructions on security measures in administrative buildings and at the facilities of customs authorities and organizations under the jurisdiction of the FCS of Russia", approved by the Deputy Head of the FCS of Russia N.A. Volobuev June 30, 2005 No. 01-117/1;

11. Order of the Novorossiysk customs dated December 18, 2008 No. 651 “on fire safety measures at the facilities, territory, buildings and premises of the Novorossiysk customs”;

12. FCS Order No. 958 “On the Rules for Performing Customs Operations in the Temporary Storage of Goods”.

Attachment 1

1) Warehouse temporary storage warehouse (192m2)

2) Inspection area (82m2)

3) Open area of ​​temporary storage warehouse (600m2

4) Section for confiscated items (19.2m2)

5) Arrested goods (126m2)

6) Parking of vehicles carrying goods for the time required to complete the VTT procedure

7) Premises for the storage of goods requiring special conditions and / or which may cause harm to other goods

Appendix 2

TSW "ROSTEK - Novorossiysk"

Transport type

Required Information

Required documents


– country of departure and country of destination of goods;

- the address of the sender and recipient of the goods;

- Description of goods;

– classification codes;

– gross weight of goods or volume of goods.

– international waybill;

- name and address of the sender, recipient of goods;

- the number of packages, marking and types of packaging of goods;

- name, classification codes of goods;

- gross weight of goods.

- railway bill of lading;

– available commercial documents for the transported goods.


- type of goods.

- cargo list;

- air waybill;

- a document prescribed by the military-industrial complex;

– Name, total quantity and description of goods;

– number of packages, marking.

– cargo declaration;

- bills of lading - contracts of carriage by sea;

- a document prescribed by the military-industrial complex.

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Today, temporary storage warehouses (TSW) are in great demand. In order for the work of such a warehouse to be correct and legal, it is necessary to take into account some nuances. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates how the temporary storage warehouse is equipped. The list prescribed by law includes 8 items subject to mandatory execution:

  • If the warehouse is an open type, its premises may be located only in ground structures and buildings.
  • The presence of access roads is mandatory, while taking into account the type of transport by which the cargo is delivered.
  • For carrying out customs inspection, it is necessary to have a covered area.
  • The protected adjacent territory, located behind the fence, must have a hard surface.
  • Depending on the specifics of the warehouse, the presence of a fence or its designation is mandatory (the latter is used if the warehouse has an open area).
  • The presence on the territory of foreign objects that do not take part in the work of the temporary storage warehouse is prohibited.
  • It is necessary to have a room for goods, the storage of which requires special conditions.
  • The entry and exit of vehicles, as well as any movement of cargo across the border of the warehouse, must be carefully controlled, checkpoints and other means of control are mandatory.

Access roads to the premises, which are an obligatory part of the arrangement of temporary storage warehouses, must have a fence, i.e. be isolated. This is especially true if the premises are simultaneously used as a temporary storage warehouse for ordinary goods and as a customs warehouse.

As for the material and technical equipment of temporary storage warehouses, the following equipment is necessary:

  • Technical means used to control radioactive and fissile substances. X-ray equipment necessary for inspection, the number and type of which, taking into account the relevant standards, is determined by the customs authority. The installation of such equipment is carried out by the customs independently.
  • Mandatory presence in the local area network of protected segments for storing confidential information necessary for the work of the customs authority. The presence of a separate high-speed communication channel used to transmit and receive data on the arrival of goods, as well as to obtain information about the stage at which customs clearance is.
  • Weighing equipment with different weighing limits.
  • An automated system used to account for goods. At the same time, full compatibility of the system used with software products included in the category permitted for use by the customs authority is required.
  • Fax and telephone communication, copying and other necessary office equipment.
  • Various loading and unloading equipment in the required quantity for the full unloading of goods.

All applications of the order require a serious and thoughtful approach, the execution of which requires the involvement of specialized specialists.

One of such applications is an electronic system for placing and accounting for goods, if the temporary storage warehouse is equipped with an automated cellular storage system. Such a system must be fully compatible with software products that are authorized by Customs. The use of such a program allows the customs authority to fully control the placement, location of goods in the cells, as well as perform many other actions, including inspection and measurement. The main requirement for the System on the part of the customs authority is to provide the possibility of electronic blocking of cells in order to block access to the goods and prohibit certain other actions.

The main requirements also include the location of the temporary storage warehouse at one postal address, it is also allowed that the warehouse be completely within the perimeter of the territory belonging to the area where the customs post is operating, which issued a certificate confirming inclusion in the Register of temporary storage warehouse owners. Another requirement is well-equipped access roads, convenient transport accessibility and proximity to highways, which greatly facilitates the delivery of goods from the customs border of the Russian Federation. You should also be aware that temporary storage warehouses cannot be placed on mobile transport equipment or any other vehicle.

Rosselkhoznadzor / Regulations

federal service for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision

Territorial administrations... TU for the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai TU for the Amur Region TU for the Belgorod Region TU for the Bryansk and Smolensk Regions TU for the Vladimir Region TU for the Voronezh and Lipetsk Regions TU for Moscow, Moscow and Tula Regions TU for the Trans-Baikal Territory Technical specifications for the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia Technical specifications for the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania Technical specifications for the Kaliningrad region Technical specifications for the Kaluga region Territory and the Republic of Adygea TU in the Krasnoyarsk Territory TU in the Kurgan Region TU in the Magadan Region TU in the Murmansk Region TU in the Nizhny Novgorod Region and the Republic of Mari El TU in the Novgorod and Vologda Regions TU in the Novosibirsk Region TU in the Omsk Region TU in the Orenburg Region TU in the Oryol and Kursk regions TU for the Perm Territory TU for Primorsky Krai and the Sakhalin Region TU for the Republics of Khakassia and Tyva and the Kemerovo Region TU for the Republic of Bashkortostan TU for the Republic of Dagestan TU for the Republic of Ingushetia TU for the Republic of Karelia, Arkhangelsk Region. and Nenets a.o. Technical specifications for the Komi Republic Technical specifications for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol Technical specifications for the Republic of Mordovia and the Penza region Technical specifications for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Technical specifications for the Republic of Tatarstan Technical specifications for the Rostov, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions and the Republic of Kalmykia Technical specifications for the Ryazan and Tambov regions Technical specifications for the Samara region Technical specifications for St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Pskov regions Technical specifications for the Saratov region Technical specifications for the Sverdlovsk region Technical specifications for the Stavropol Territory and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Technical specifications for the Tver region about. TU for the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region TU for the Chelyabinsk Region TU for the Chechen Republic TU for the Chuvash Republic and Ulyanovsk Region TU for the Yaroslavl Region





On the basis of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 22, Art. 2066, No. 52 (Part I), Art. 5038; 2004, No. 27, Art. 2711, No. 34, Art. 3533, N 46 (Part I), Article 4494; 2005, No. 30 (Part I), Article 3101; 2006, No. 1, Article 15, No. 3, Article 280, No. 8, Article 854, No. 52 (part II), art. 5504; 2007, N 1 (part I), art. 29, N 24, art. 2831, N 27, art. 3213, N 31, art. 3995, art. 4011, N 45, article 5417, no. Law of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1993 N 4979-1 "On Veterinary Medicine" (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 24, Art. 857; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1 (part 2004, N 27, item 2711, N 35, item 3607; 2005, N 19, item 1752; 2006, N 1, item 10, N 52 (part I), 5498; 2007, N 1 (part I), item 29, N 30, item 3805; 2008, N 24, item 2801; 2009, N 1, item 17, item 21), clause 5.2 .9 Regulations on Ministers tve agriculture of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 12, 2008 N 450 (Sobranie zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, N 25, art. 2983, No. 32, art. 3791, no. 42, art. 4825, no. 46, art. 5337; 2009, N 1, art. 150, No. 3, art. 378, no. 6, Art. 738, no. 9, art. 1119, art. 1121, no. 27, art. 3364, No. 33, art. 4088), we order:

  • approve the attached Veterinary and Sanitary Requirements for temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses.


I. General provisions

1.1. Veterinary and sanitary requirements for temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses are mandatory for the owners of temporary storage warehouses and customs warehouses where goods controlled by the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation are stored (hereinafter referred to as the warehouse).

1.2. During the construction, reconstruction and operation of warehouse premises, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine, as well as the provisions of these requirements, must be taken into account.

II. Primary requirements

2.1. Warehouse premises are located and equipped in a way that ensures the safety of goods under the control of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as goods), and the possibility of conducting veterinary control in relation to these goods.

2.2. Around the premises of warehouses, depending on the types of cargo contained in them, sanitary protection zones must be established in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.3. The warehouse is allocated a room for veterinary specialists of the territorial bodies of the Rosselkhoznadzor, equipped in accordance with the appendix to these requirements.

2.4. For the work of a veterinary specialist performing veterinary clearance of goods and exercising veterinary control over them, segments in the local computer network of the warehouse should be allocated and this network should be equipped with appropriate means of protecting information from unauthorized access, as well as a dedicated communication channel for receiving and transmitting electronic data on veterinary registration with the speed of information transfer necessary for these purposes.

2.5. The warehouse is equipped with separate chambers for storing the following types of chilled and frozen goods:

  • meat and meat products;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • fish, crustaceans, molluscs, meat of aquatic animals and products of their processing.

Joint storage of food raw materials, finished products, non-food products, materials, containers is not allowed.

It is forbidden to place all types of animals, embryos and sperm of animals, fertilized caviar, hatching eggs, as well as technical raw materials of animal origin (including skins, wool, furs, down, feathers, endocrine and intestinal raw materials, bones, other types of raw materials), feed and feed additives; collections and collectibles on zoology, anatomy, paleontology of animals.

III. Territory Requirements

3.1. If the warehouse is located on the territory of the seaport or animals are placed in the warehouse, the entrance to its territory must be equipped with a disinfection barrier.

3.2. Access roads, driveways and footpaths, loading and unloading areas and walkways must have a hard surface (asphalt, concrete), even, watertight, accessible for washing and disinfection, with a drain of atmospheric, melted and flush waters into the sewer.

3.3. To collect garbage, containers with lids are installed on an asphalt or concreted platform, exceeding the area of ​​​​the garbage bin by 1 m2 in all directions, the site must be at least 25 meters away from the warehouse.

Containers should be freed from garbage when they are filled no more than 2/3 of the volume at least once a day, followed by their washing and disinfection.

IV. Requirements for water supply and sewerage

4.1. The warehouse must be provided with a sufficient amount of drinking water to ensure technological processes.

4.2. Plumbing inlet and internal plumbing must be kept in good technical condition.

4.3. Process wastewater collection systems must have their own treatment plant system and be separated from the warehouse's domestic wastewater collection systems.

V. Lighting, heating and ventilation requirements

5.1. In the premises of the warehouse, natural and artificial lighting can be used. Luminaires with lamps must be equipped with protective shades.

5.2. Warehouse heating should be provided to maintain a certain temperature in them, depending on the mode of storage of goods. In unheated warehouses, heating should be installed only in utility rooms intended for a long stay of service personnel (during the working day).

5.3. In the premises of the warehouse, an air environment must be created that ensures the preservation of goods and the technological process of their storage.

VI. Requirements for the layout and arrangement of premises

6.1. The premises where goods are stored must comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine, in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, and in the case of storage of food products of animal origin, also the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the quality and safety of food products.

6.2. The number and volume of premises for storage should ensure the possibility of conducting a veterinary and sanitary inspection with the full unloading of goods. The conditions of placement and temperature regimes of storage of goods must comply with the conditions specified in Chapter VIII of these requirements.

6.3. Separate refrigerating chambers with different temperature regimes for goods detained by Rosselkhoznadzor with a total volume of at least 60 m3 are allocated and equipped at the warehouse.

6.4. The warehouse is allocated a room for veterinary inspection of goods, equipped with:

  • technical means necessary for conducting veterinary control;
  • loading and unloading equipment necessary for conducting a veterinary inspection of goods (including with their full unloading);
  • a set of racks for defrosting products and stainless steel tables.

The walls of the room for veterinary inspection of goods must be smooth and solid, the floor must be waterproof with a sufficient number of drainage holes in it, and the air temperature must not exceed 21 ° C. In addition, lighting, hot and cold water supply, and other necessary conditions for work must be provided.

VII. Requirements for processing the territory, premises,

equipment and inventory

7.1. Processing of the territory, premises, equipment and inventory is carried out using disinfectants approved for use. In the absence of specialists with the appropriate skills to work with disinfectants in the staff of the warehouse, an agreement must be concluded with an organization that has the right to carry out cleaning and disinfection.

7.2. For washing and disinfection of containers, inventory, vehicles, special rooms isolated from refrigeration chambers, with a waterproof floor, live steam, hot and cold water supply, sewerage, lighting and ventilation, as well as a washing unit, should be equipped.

7.3. Equipment for cleaning industrial premises, chambers and other objects of the warehouse should be stored separately from equipment used for cleaning toilet rooms.

VIII. Accommodation conditions and temperature regimes

storage of goods

8.1. Goods must be stored in cells on clean and specially prepared slats, grids or pallets, or in universal containers that can be installed in several tiers depending on the height of the cell.

During the unloading and loading of goods, it is prohibited to store them directly on the platform floors, in corridors and chambers without pallets, rails or gratings, and to drag them along the floor.

In the storage rooms, goods are stacked with indents:

  • from walls without cooling devices 0.3 m;
  • from the floor (bottom of load-bearing structures) without appliances
  • cooling 0.2 m;
  • from cooling devices 0.3 m;
  • from air ducts (lower surface) 0.3 m.

There must be aisles between the loads, located as follows:

  • in cells up to 10 m wide, a passage is arranged at one of the sides;
  • in cells with a width of more than 10 m, a passage is arranged in the middle;
  • in cells with a width of more than 20 m, for every 10 - 12 m of width, one passage is arranged.

The width of the passage, including distances from walls and radiators, should be 1.2 m.

8.2. The storage of frozen goods (products of animal origin) should be carried out in the cold rooms of the warehouse at a temperature not exceeding minus 18 °C and a relative humidity of 85 - 95%. It is allowed to store frozen meat in chambers with a constant air temperature of minus 12 °C, while the maximum shelf life is from 2 to 4 months, depending on the type of meat.

Storage of refrigerated goods is carried out at a temperature of 0 °C to 4 °C and a relative humidity of at least 85%. Fluctuations in air temperature during storage should not exceed +/- 1 °C.


N p / p Name Unit meas. Note
1 Technical scales (up to 10 - 15 kg) 1
2 Set automatic veterinary set
3 Telephone communications 1
4 Telephone set 1
5 Tools for sampling (cutting) from frozen products 1
6 Large surgical set set
7 Radiotelephone (mobile phone) 1
8 Ice cream with a set of seals set
9 Metal punch for meat 1
10 Device "Regula 4004-M" for detecting falsified veterinary accompanying documents 1
11 PH meter 1
12 Scanner 1
13 Instrument sterilizer 1
14 Manual spray disinfection unit type hydraulic 1
15 Thermal suitcase for blood samples and biological products 1
16 Veterinary thermometer for measuring body temperature of animals 1
17 Ice cream cutting device 1
18 Sampling probes (for various products) 1
19 Bathrobe white 2
20 Bathrobe black 2
21 Overalls veterinary from coarse calico rubberized 2
22 Anatomical gloves 1
23 Desk 1
24 Computer table 1
25 Office chair 1
26 Uninterrupted power supply unit 1
27 Copier (copier) 1
28 Personal computer (laptop) 1
29 Work chair 1
30 Table lamp 1
31 Microcalculator 1
32 Internet access equipment 1
33 Printing device (printer) 1
34 fax machine 1
35 Freezer (refrigerating) chamber 1
36 Refrigerator household 1
37 Electric stove or microwave 1
38 Electric kettle 1
39 digital apparatus 1
40 Cabinet for storage of special equipment and materials 1
41 Workwear cabinet 1
42 Wardrobe for outerwear 1
43 Document storage cabinet 1
44 Safe for documents 1

Temporary storage warehouses can be open or closed

Open warehouses for temporary storage can be used to store any goods.

Closed temporary storage warehouses are intended for storage of goods of the owner of the warehouse or for storage of certain goods, including limited in circulation and (or) requiring special storage conditions.

Depending on the requirements for the device, location and equipment of temporary storage warehouses, warehouses can be distinguished:

located in places close to the state border;

located within the customs territory.

Requirements for TSW. The list of requirements for equipping the location and arrangement of the temporary storage warehouse is determined by the acts of the member states of the Customs Union, in Russia - by the Law on Customs Regulation (Article 71) and the acts of the Federal Customs Service.

These requirements are:

1. To the arrangement of a temporary storage warehouse (type of premises, availability of an open area, fencing, absence of other objects, etc.).

2. The following mandatory requirements are imposed on the warehouse equipment (availability of technical means of customs control, weighing equipment, loading equipment, communication facilities, etc.).

3. To the locations of temporary storage warehouses (in the region of activity of one customs authority, in reasonable proximity to transport hubs and highways, availability of access roads, etc.).

Any foreign goods may be placed in temporary storage warehouses, including those imported into the customs territory of the Customs Union in violation of the import bans established in accordance with the legislation of the Customs Union.

Goods that may cause harm to other goods or require special storage conditions must be stored in premises specially adapted for the storage of such goods. Placement of goods in temporary storage warehouses is allowed only in the presence or with the knowledge of customs officials.

The deadline for registration by the customs authority of the documents required for placing goods in temporary storage is 1 hour after submission.

When goods are placed in a temporary storage warehouse, documents containing information about the goods, the recipient (sender) of the goods, and the country of their departure (destination) are submitted to the customs authority (Article 169).

Requirements for owners of temporary storage warehouses. The owner of a temporary storage warehouse can only be a legal entity of the Customs Union included in the Register of owners of temporary storage warehouses. The relations of the owner of a temporary storage warehouse with persons placing goods for storage are built on a contractual basis. The agreement concluded by the parties is of a public nature. The owner of the temporary storage warehouse is responsible for paying

customs duties, taxes in respect of goods stored in a temporary storage warehouse, in case of their loss or release without the permission of the customs authority. The owner of a temporary storage warehouse is not responsible for paying customs duties and taxes only if the goods are destroyed or irretrievably lost due to an accident, force majeure or natural loss under normal storage conditions.