What is the best time to get pregnant. conception calendar

Many female diseases are accompanied by an increase in the uterus. The reasons and main signs of a change in the normal size of an organ will be considered in the article.

The most common natural cause of an enlarged uterus is pregnancy. In addition, with age, the size and shape of the uterus change. If changes occur within acceptable limits, then such a process is the norm. However, in some cases, an increase in this organ may be a sign of pathology. What are the causes and main signs of an enlarged uterus?

Signs of an enlarged uterus

Often, an enlarged uterus does not manifest itself with special symptoms, therefore, in many cases, such a phenomenon is discovered by chance, during a medical examination for a different reason. But most women who are attentive to their health, in the presence of an organ pathology, can find the following symptoms in themselves:

  • Manifestations of urinary incontinence
  • Discomfort during or immediately after sex
  • with the release of large blood clots
  • Bloating and an unpleasant feeling of fullness in the abdomen
  • Pain in the lumbar region
  • Frequent headaches in
  • A sharp increase in body weight due to hormonal disorders
  • Blood test shows a sharp drop

If a woman observes several of the listed symptoms, it is worth visiting a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Causes of an enlarged uterus

Pathological enlargement of this organ can occur for the following reasons:

  • Approaching menopause, which is accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen.
  • Myoma. This benign neoplasm is most common in women of reproductive age. Complications of this disease can be infertility, miscarriage and the transformation of the tumor into a malignant one. The causes of fibroids can be irregular sex life or disharmony in sexual life, traumatic childbirth, genetic predisposition, chronic diseases (obesity, thyroid disease), sedentary lifestyle.
  • . It is a rounded cavity filled with a specific liquid. The presence of a cyst can contribute to a change in the size of the uterus. The appearance of cysts is provoked by hormonal changes, as well as trauma to the abdomen.
  • Uterine adenomyosis. In this disease, the endometrium of the uterus grows into other layers of the organ. Adenomyosis is accompanied by the growth of the myometrium (muscle membrane) and an increase in the size of the uterus. The causes of adenomyosis of the uterus are not exactly established. Provoking factors are hormonal changes, uterine surgery, tubal ligation, artificial abortions.
  • Malignant neoplasms in the uterus. The development of oncological diseases is most often observed in women who have entered the menopause period. One of the manifestations of a tumor located on the endometrium of the uterus may be an increase in the size of the organ. It is believed that women with obesity, as well as those who suffer from polycystic ovaries, have an increased risk of malignant neoplasms in the uterus. The risk group includes nulliparous women and women who have late menopause.
  • Molar pregnancy. This is a rare anomaly of the placenta, which is characterized by abnormal growth of fetal tissues. The uterus is also enlarged. Molar pregnancy is the result of a genetic error during the fertilization process.

Questions from readers

Good day! Meni 25 years October 18, 2013, 17:25 Good day! Meni 25 years. I have a problem. I had an ultrasound, which one showed that I have an endometrioid in me? cyst of the left ovary with a size of 56 * 50 mm (the cyst is included with linear hyperechoic elements). Chi pіdlyagaє tse approval medical likuvannyu chi less operational delivery. On the right, in fact, I had already had an operation to remove the hand in 2011.

Diagnosis of pathology

The doctor can detect an increase in the organ during a standard gynecological examination. To identify the causes, the doctor conducts. If necessary, additional examinations can be prescribed: x-ray diagnostics and ultrasound of the small pelvis, a general and detailed blood test, a biopsy.


The treatment strategy depends on the causes and main signs of uterine enlargement. At an early stage, these conditions usually respond well to hormone therapy, and surgical treatment is not required.

But often there is a need for complex treatment - medical and surgical.

When is the best time to conceive a child worries many young couples. And yet... when? It's up to you to decide. Someone is ready to become parents already at the age of 18, in the first year of married life, while others want to live for themselves. However, in any case, before planning a pregnancy, you need to make sure of your health and your partner. After all, many common infectious diseases of the genital area can have the most negative impact on the health of the unborn child. Therefore, first of all, you should undergo a medical examination and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment. However, those who ask “when is it better to conceive” are interested not only in such truths, but also, for example, on which days of the menstrual cycle conception can take place (to speed up the onset of pregnancy), and how to plan the sex of the child. We will talk about this.

How to get pregnant fast

About when it is better to conceive a child before menstruation or after, any gynecologist will tell, this is not a secret. A woman is capable of conception only 1-2 days a month, and not every menstrual cycle. This fertile day is called ovulation. It is on this day that the egg is ready to meet the sperm. Therefore, the easiest way to conceive is to make love during ovulation. But how to calculate it? This is quite difficult for women who are inexperienced in this matter. But if you still decide to try, experiment, then read about the method of measuring basal temperature, ovulation tests. In addition, you should pay attention to your well-being in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Usually a woman experiences a great sexual desire, the amount of discharge from the genital tract increases. There may be some pain in the lower abdomen. All this lasts no more than 2 days - exactly as long as the egg cell lives, if it has not been fertilized by a sperm cell.

But sometimes conception is also possible in cases where sexual intercourse occurred a little earlier than the onset of ovulation. Spermatozoa can remain viable in the female genital tract for several days. And for conception, one single sperm is enough.

We plan the gender of the child

All doctors say that it is possible to “order” the sex of a child only with IVF. But this procedure is expensive, and it makes sense to carry it out only for infertile couples. Therefore, people are looking for folk ways, albeit not accurate, but ... an attempt is not torture. There are many such methods described in the literature. We will talk only about the simplest ones, just related to the day of sexual intercourse.

So, if you are interested in when it is better to conceive a boy, then you definitely need to learn how to calculate ovulation. Since the boys are much more likely to conceive precisely with the exact “hit” on this auspicious day. This pattern is explained by the fact that spermatozoa, carriers of the Y chromosome, are very fast, but, unfortunately, not very viable.

Those who are interested in when it is better to conceive a girl can not delve into the details of ovulation counting. Sex in this case is recommended until the day the egg is released from the ovary. That is, the most favorable days for conceiving a girl are 10-12 days (in the case of a 28-day menstrual cycle). This feature is due to the fact that “female” spermatozoa are not as fast as “male”, but they are very hardy and “patient”.

Of course, you should not trust too much everything written above, in order to avoid disappointment. The effectiveness of any folk floor planning technique is no more than 50 percent, as you might guess.

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In today's world, where it is so difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle, couples are increasingly thinking about planning the birth of their own child in order to protect the baby as much as possible from the effects of harmful influences during fetal development and immediately after birth. Parents try to take into account purely medical indications (exposure to harmful factors at work, the harmful effects of drugs, general health, etc.), as well as other factors. For example, the optimal time of year for conceiving a child.

It should be noted right away that for Russia there are some peculiarities of conception “according to the seasons”, due to the specifics of the climatic and geographical zone in which we live. Let's try to highlight these differences.


When conceived in winter, the first trimester of pregnancy occurs in winter-spring, and childbirth occurs in autumn.

Unfortunately, in the first three months of fetal development (the most critical, since all organs and systems are laid down), the first and second peaks of influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections occur. On the other hand, in the last trimester of pregnancy, with the advent of vitamins, fresh vegetables and sunlight, the fetus “stores” all the necessary substances for birth and a difficult period of adaptation to extrauterine life. Also, the expectant mother in this period, eating right, creates a good basis for future lactation. True, after the birth of the baby, the first months will have to take a walk through the autumn bad weather and winter cold with almost no sun, which is so necessary for the child to prevent rickets.

It is worth noting such a small plus - in the last period of pregnancy, on an already noticeably rounded tummy, you can pick up a lot of inexpensive outfits that, with a rational choice, can be worn after childbirth.

Thus, when conceiving in winter, it is necessary to pay special attention to the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, to seek qualified medical help in a timely manner in case of malaise. It will be useful for a newborn baby to give special drops containing vitamin D, which your pediatrician will definitely prescribe.


When conceived in the spring, the first trimester of pregnancy occurs in the spring-summer, and childbirth occurs in the winter.

In the first period of fetal development, the expectant mother lies in wait for:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • dangerous weather conditions with ice and cold winds;
  • the second peak of epidemics of influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

But also spring-summer is the “season of love” with a wonderful mood, and vitamins, and the sun, which has the most positive effect on the course of pregnancy. The first and last trimester is accompanied by cool weather, low atmospheric humidity - the best conditions can not be wished if the expectant mother suffers from toxicosis. Only by the end of pregnancy it will be difficult to choose outerwear for rounded shapes. Walking with a newborn will also be a difficult task, because they will fall into the cold and snowy months.

So, it is better to prepare for conception in the spring in advance - take a course of vitamin therapy prescribed by your doctor; protect yourself from colds, possibly get vaccinated against the flu virus before pregnancy; be careful on the street and roads. Also follow all the recommendations of the pediatrician regarding the prevention of rickets in the newborn.


When conceived in summer, the onset of pregnancy occurs in the summer-autumn, and childbirth occurs in the spring months.

With this planning of pregnancy, the first and very important period for the development of the fetus will take place in comfortable climatic conditions with maximum natural fortification. The risk of colds and infectious diseases will be minimized. The situation is more complicated with the postpartum adaptation period: the mother, in conditions of a lack of vitamins and general "seasonal" fatigue, will have to take care of the formation of lactation; the baby will need more sun, protection from seasonal infections and strengthening immunity. Also in the spring you will need to protect yourself from injuries - beware of ice and slush.

With the "summer" beginning of pregnancy, it is necessary to prepare more carefully for childbirth, with all responsibility to approach the correctness of your diet. After all, the immunity of her baby depends on how the expectant mother establishes lactation. The main immune antibodies the child receives with mother's milk. You also need to be more careful on the street, because at the end of pregnancy it is more difficult for a woman to maintain balance, freedom of movement is also significantly reduced, which increases the risk of injury in slippery and wet weather.


When conceived in the fall, the first trimester falls in the fall-winter, and childbirth occurs in the summer months.

Alas, the first peak of influenza, acute respiratory infections and SARS epidemics falls at the beginning of pregnancy. But in this case, strong immunity and good fortification accumulated in the summer will serve as excellent defenders for the expectant mother and child. Also in the postpartum period, the adaptive forces of the baby and mother will be at their best, and sunbathing will serve as an excellent prevention of rickets for the newborn. At the end of pregnancy, weather conditions - heat and humidity - can become a severe test, but at the same time, the risk of domestic injuries is reduced.

Thus, when conceiving in the fall, it is necessary to pay special attention to the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, regularly visit your doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Separately, it is worth talking about melatonin - a hormone of the pineal gland, "helping" to carry a pregnancy. It is especially important in the last trimester of pregnancy. Its production improves at night, and, as you know, the nights are longer in winter than in late spring and summer. From this point of view (successful bearing), winter conception is safer.

But doctors believe that the best time to start pregnancy is August, September, October, and the most unfavorable time is March, April, May, since the body is weakened and tired during the winter.

But in general, the ideal time to conceive is difficult to find. After all, everything has its positive and negative sides.

Any preparation for pregnancy includes a whole range of medical measures that should not be forgotten. And future parents can plan conception based on social, financial considerations, even guided by astrological “rules”. But, in the end, if the child is desired and loved, it does not matter at all what time of the year he will be born! Any dangers and difficulties that lie in wait for us in different seasons can be overcome! The main thing is to remember these moments and be able to listen to your body.

“My wife and I are arguing when is it better to give birth: in winter or summer? It means better for the child! I think that in summer it is warm and there are a lot of vegetables and fruits. And the wife says in winter because it is cold and therefore there are few germs. Judge us. If possible, in more detail. "

"My husband and I want to have a baby. Please explain what effect the season can have on a pregnant mother and baby. Maybe some seasons are less favorable?"

In general, it is impossible to give any categorical advice in which particular season of the year an abstract married couple should (or should not) get pregnant. There is always a lot of certain reasons for the family itself, and besides, a large number of objective (ie, independent of the desires of people) factors that "control" the time of conception. But, some obvious pros and cons of conception "by season" can still be noted. I’ll make a reservation right away that these features are relevant for most Russian climatic and geographical zones, but they have distortions, say, on the Taimyr Peninsula or in Kushka. In addition, they are modified by a number of family features - financial and social status, profession, heredity and health, etc.

conception in summer

The first trimester of pregnancy occurs in the summer-autumn, childbirth - in the spring months.

Summer pregnancy. Pros: summer - the period of "weddings and holidays" (positive emotional tone, a lot of time for outdoor recreation, including - for the direct implementation of the conception itself) natural fortification (fresh fruits, berries, vegetables at affordable prices, or - in general " own production") favorable epidemiological situation in terms of outbreaks of acute respiratory infections among the population (i.e. less danger to the embryo)

Summer pregnancy. Minuses: childbirth and the formation of lactation in the most hypovitamin season of the year (it is necessary to ensure sufficient intake of vitamins in the female body, since they are always available for both mother and baby) the last trimester of pregnancy takes place in conditions favorable for domestic injuries (falls, traffic accidents due to for ice, slush; at this time, the fetus is already large enough and the pregnant woman is no longer distinguished by her former dexterity and dexterity

Conception in autumn

The first trimester of pregnancy falls on autumn-winter, childbirth - in the summer months.

Pregnancy in autumn. Pros: good natural fortification during conception (and also during the formation of lactation) the last trimester occurs at a time when the risk of domestic injury is reduced

Pregnancy in autumn. Minuses: the first trimester falls on an epidemiologically unfavorable season (flu outbreaks, acute respiratory infections; while the fetus is quite vulnerable to infectious effects), part of the last trimester of pregnancy will take place in summer conditions (high temperature, stuffiness, long daylight hours) This complicates the fight against late if such will be (it is difficult to maintain a liquid regime at high temperature and atmospheric humidity), and in general - worsens the well-being of the expectant mother. Not quite favorable conditions for the production of melatonin (a pineal gland hormone that "helps" carry a pregnancy). This hormone is especially important in the last trimester. Its production improves at night, and, as you know, the nights are longer in winter than in late spring and summer.

conception in winter

The first trimester of pregnancy falls in the winter-spring, childbirth - in the fall.

Pregnancy in winter. Pros: appear weakly. We will be waiting for your comments and impressions - send any everyday thoughts on this matter. The most powerful plus in its significance is the very fact of pregnancy, especially if it is long-awaited. Another plus is a good natural vitaminization in the last trimester, i.e. in the period when the fetus "stores" the necessary substances for birth and the period of adaptation to extrauterine life. And in the period of formation of lactation, too.

Pregnancy in winter. Minuses: the first trimester falls on the peak of epidemic trouble in terms of influenza and acute respiratory infections. Moreover, at this time, as mentioned earlier, the embryo goes through a critical period of development - the laying of the main organs and systems. about the peculiarities of the course of the third trimester and regarding the production of melatonin, approximately the same can be noted as for the previous situation (with conception in the autumn months) not very good conditions for walking with the baby in the fresh air in the first months of life (autumn bad weather, then - winter cold, ice, etc.)

conception in the spring

The first trimester falls in the spring-summer, childbirth - in the winter.

Pregnancy in the spring. Pros: emotional lift experienced by many people in connection with the arrival of spring. This is especially true for the second half of April and all of May. Classic "season of love". the third trimester proceeds under conditions favorable for the production of melatonin and natural vitaminization, somewhat better conditions for the course of mild forms of late toxemia of pregnant women - not hot, relatively low atmospheric humidity.

Pregnancy in the spring. Minuses: the peak of hypovitaminization of parental organisms at the time of conception and early pregnancy, the third trimester can occur in conditions predisposing to domestic injuries - ice in late autumn, and, accordingly, an increased risk of falls and accidents. an unfavorable epidemic situation in terms of acute respiratory infections and influenza occurs in the first months of a baby’s life, while maternal antibodies are far from always able to protect him from infections; not very good conditions for walking with a baby in the fresh air in the first months of life (winter and early spring with their unpleasant climatic features) These are the moments that, as they say, "lie on the surface."

However, I would like to add the following

Life, which is the main textbook, shows that conceptions and births occur in all seasons of the year, and there are billions of examples that eloquently refute negative reasons (and positive ones, too, by the way). Therefore, you need to rejoice at any good and long-awaited pregnancy, regardless of the month or season when it came. In the end, all undesirable moments can be overcome, the main thing is to remember these moments.

Well, if we take into account all of the above, then in our opinion, the best time for conception is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. And if you have the desire and opportunity to plan a pregnancy, then use the benefits that nature provides to future parents.

A planned pregnancy, according to doctors, is much better than an unexpected one. In this case, the risk of developing unwanted diseases that can develop during pregnancy in both the expectant mother and her baby is significantly lower. This article will tell you about when it is better to conceive a child and what days are considered favorable for this.

The best time to conceive

In order to understand how to determine the most favorable time for conceiving a long-awaited baby, you need to delve into the principles of biology - this will help you understand the calculation method quite simply and easily.

Two sex cells are required for fertilization. One of them is female and the other is male. It would seem that everything is simple, but it is not quite so.

The female menstrual cycle has several consecutive phases. Each phase is characterized by its own characteristics. The main function of the menstrual cycle is the maturation and preparation of the egg for the upcoming fertilization. This feature is conceived by nature for the continuation of the human race.

Fertilization of the egg is possible only after it has matured. It is also extremely important that the egg is released from the ovary and enters the fallopian tube. This is necessary so that the female sex cell can meet with the male. The fusion of two sex cells is called fertilization or conception.

Doctors allocate a special time in the menstrual cycle when the egg is already ripe and ready for fertilization. This period is called ovulation. During this period, the likelihood of conceiving a baby is highest. It should be noted that it is possible to plan the conception of a child not only on one day.

Experts identify a whole period when the probability of fertilization of the egg remains quite high. It is quite simple to determine it - it is a couple of days before and after ovulation. This time is the most favorable for conceiving a long-awaited baby.

How to calculate ovulation?

The calculation of the planned date of conception is very often carried out precisely through the method of determining ovulation. There are several different counting options that can be used for this purpose. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

calendar method

Ovulation Calculator

Cycle duration

duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High chance of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the mean value is frequent, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, along with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogen and progesterone.

You can definitely set the day of ovulation through folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human Physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. TKACHENKO. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.
  4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovulation

To use this method, you need a calendar where a woman marks the dates of the start of menstruation - we will build on them. Equally important is the calculation of the duration of the menstrual cycle. It begins on the first day of menstruation, and ends on the last day before the next menstruation.

According to statistics, the average duration of the female menstrual cycle is 28-30 days. We note right away that this is an average value, therefore, in each case, the duration of the menstrual cycle is individual. For example, it can be 25 or 24 days.

If for some reason the duration of the menstrual cycle varies every month, then the average value is chosen. Usually, doctors recommend taking into account the duration of the previous 2-3 cycles for this.

Knowing the duration of the menstrual cycle, you can calculate the most likely date of ovulation. It usually falls in its middle. So, with a menstrual cycle lasting 26 calendar days, ovulation will occur on day 13.

After determining the date of ovulation, the period most favorable for conception is calculated. It starts two days before and continues two to three days after ovulation. In our previously described case, the favorable time for conceiving a child falls on days 11-15 of the menstrual cycle.

Currently, there are interactive calculators and online applications that easily allow you to calculate the date of ovulation and the favorable period for conception. Using them is quite easy and simple. When determining the date of conception, such a calculator uses the mathematical method of calculation that we examined.

Measurement of basal temperature

A more accurate method for determining the date of ovulation is the determination of basal temperature. This method requires discipline and responsibility from a woman. A woman planning a pregnancy should measure the temperature several times during the entire menstrual cycle.

The determination of basal temperature is carried out in the morning, immediately after waking up. This indicator is measured rectally. The obtained values ​​​​should be recorded in some notebook or notebook, while the date of measurement and the value obtained must be indicated. Some women do this in the form of a graph, while others are more comfortable using a table. At the time of ovulation, the basal temperature usually rises by 0.2-0.3 degrees Celsius. This happens due to hormonal changes that occur in the female body at this time.

It is important to note that this method is not entirely accurate, and the results obtained are not always reliable.

The unreliability of the result is due to several factors:

  • the technical error of the thermometer with which the measurement is carried out;
  • existing diseases of the female genital organs, especially those accompanied by hormonal changes;
  • weakening of the body due to psycho-emotional stress, colds, various infections and many other factors.

Ultrasound examination

Ultrasound can also help in establishing the date of ovulation. Through ultrasound, it is possible to determine the stage of development of the egg, which is necessary for fertilization, as well as to assess its location. An experienced ultrasound specialist using modern high-precision devices can monitor the development of the follicle from 7-10 days after menstruation. This technique is also called folliculometry, since during its implementation the size of the maturing follicle is determined.

Usually, ultrasound monitoring in order to determine the exact date of ovulation is assigned to a woman for 2-3 months. In this case, it is much easier to track the rate of maturation of the follicles, because for the observed time, the doctor can conclude on which day ovulation usually occurs in each case.

It also happens in practice that some menstrual cycle passes without ovulation. His doctors call anovulatory. Usually this situation occurs in women with various diseases of the reproductive organs and dyshormonal conditions.

It should be noted that the ultrasound method for determining ovulation is used less frequently than the others. To conduct it, a woman needs to visit a doctor and go to the ultrasound diagnostic room. Often, a modern working woman simply has no time to regularly visit the clinic, so she chooses more affordable methods for calculating ovulation.

Ready tests

They can be bought now at any pharmacy. Also, tests for determining ovulation are already sold in large stores and supermarkets.

Using such test systems for home diagnostics is quite simple. All you need is some urine, a few minutes of free time, and the instructions that come with the test. Note that the instructions must be used. Each manufacturer must indicate in it the duration of the study, as well as certain technical nuances of the test.

vaginal method

According to many doctors, this option for determining ovulation is quite subjective. The approach of ovulation is estimated at the same time according to certain clinical symptoms that appear closer to the middle of the menstrual cycle. These include:

  • slight swelling of the mammary glands;
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples;
  • the appearance of viscous light mucus from the vagina;
  • the occurrence of pulling sensations in the projection of the ovary on one side;
  • increased libido.

The appearance of these clinical signs closer to ovulation is a kind of preparation of the female body for the upcoming conception of a baby. These physiological features were carefully provided by nature in order to enable the continuation of the human race.

The vaginal method is not accurate, it is more correct to call it only indicative. Some women quite accurately "guess" the onset of ovulation by detecting similar symptoms in themselves, while others make mistakes.

According to most doctors, only such a subjective method for determining ovulation should not be used.

What is a conception calendar?

In order to plan a pregnancy, it is very important to monitor the physiological changes in the body. All doctors, when contacting them, couples planning to become parents soon, advise them to pay attention to the health of both the future father and the future mother.

A special calendar can help in planning pregnancy. Compiling it is pretty easy. In a regular calendar, a woman marks the dates of menstruation, the expected ovulation and calculates the time period that is most favorable for conception. For ease of use, you can use different colored pens or felt-tip pens, marking different dates, for example, the date of ovulation can be marked in green and circled around it.

The "Green Corridor" - the most favorable period of time for conception - is also circled in green. At the same time, menstruation can be circled in red. Such a simple and visual calendar will allow a woman preparing to become a mother not to forget about the upcoming ovulation and plan the possible conception of a baby at this time.

favorable conditions

Taking into account the day of the cycle when planning pregnancy allows you to achieve a fairly good result. Doctors advise to start preparing for the birth of a new life in advance. In this case, future parents have enough time to improve their own health, and therefore improve the chances of a successful conception and the birth of a healthy baby.

About biological age

There are many ways to increase the chance of conception. Their choice is huge - from ancient folk advice to completely scientific recommendations of specialists. Choosing such recommendations, future parents should not delve too deeply into them. The process of conceiving a baby is a real mystery that is conceived by nature. A strong intrusion into the process in the future can be fraught with various negative consequences.

The general recommendations of doctors about when it is better to conceive a child often come down to the question of the biological age of future parents. It is believed that at a younger age, the reproductive function of the body is much higher.

Many gynecologists believe that the first child should be born before the age of 30. It is believed that the older the future mother is at the time of conception, the higher the likelihood of her baby developing various defects. From a scientific point of view, this statement is true, but in practice it is not always confirmed. Every day, quite a lot of healthy babies are born in the world, which appear in mothers over 35 years old. The birth of a child after 30 years is becoming an increasingly common practice in our time.