Magic skin - Doctor Eskin! Genital herpes chlorhexidine. Genital herpes Herpes treatment with ASD

The drug "Chlorhexidine" has antiseptic properties, so it is often used to treat various diseases of the mouth and throat. The active components of this drug quickly inhibit the development of bacteria, fungi and microbes. In order for the procedures to give a good result, you need to know how to properly rinse your mouth with this solution.

So what is Chlorhexidine? How to gargle with Chlorhexidine? Can this solution be used to treat pregnant women and children? We will find out the answers to all these and other questions below.

"Chlorhexidine": description

"Chlorhexidine" - generic drug, it is used in dermatology, otolaryngology, gynecology and dentistry. The active components of this antiseptic solution destroy the cell membrane of various microorganisms. "Chlorhexidine" shows good activity against the herpes virus, yeast, dermatophytes, as well as sexually transmitted infections. This antiseptic cleanses damaged skin well. "Chlorhexidine" is produced in several forms: solution, aerosol and gel.

Benefits of Chlorhexidine:

  • Low price.
  • High activity against various microbes (significantly higher than that of Miramistin).
  • Long-term effect (after the rinsing procedure, a thin film remains on the teeth and mucous membranes, which has a long antiseptic effect).

Disadvantages of "Chlorhexidine":

  • Has a bitter taste.
  • With prolonged use, it may cause temporary darkening of the surface of the tongue and teeth.

Indications for use:

  • Skin disinfection, treatment of wounds, burns and damaged surfaces.
  • Preoperative treatment of the hands of medical staff.
  • Disinfection of instruments, equipment and work surfaces.
  • Treatment of colpitis, bacterial vaginitis.
  • In obstetrics and gynecology: prevention of various infectious complications (before abortion, childbirth, operations).
  • Prevention of sexually transmitted infections (syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureaplasma, chlamydia and others).
  • Rinsing the mouth and throat with periodontitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis.

Mouth rinses: indications

After gum opening or tooth extraction.

In this case, the oral cavity is rinsed 3 times a day. Although it would be better to do baths, because active rinsing can lead to inflammation. After all, after tooth extraction, a hole remains, and when rinsing, a blood clot can fall out of it and an inflammatory process will begin. If complications arise after tooth extraction, then rinsing, even in combination with antibiotics, is completely useless. In this case, you should immediately contact a dental surgeon who will debride the wound and apply medicine.

For bleeding and inflammation of the gums.

Bleeding and swelling of the gums are clear signs of inflammation, which can be caused by tartar and microbial plaque on the teeth. Without removing the cause of inflammation, any treatment (ointments, gels, rinses) will be completely ineffective. Some improvement, of course, will appear, but the disease can progress completely unnoticed, which can lead to tooth mobility and other negative consequences. Therefore, rinsing with periodontitis and gingivitis is completely useless. First, you should contact your dentist, who will professionally remove all dental deposits and prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy.

With stomatitis.

With regard to the herpes virus, Chlorhexidine shows quite good activity, but still, with herpetic stomatitis, it is better to use the Miramistin solution. However, there are forms of stomatitis that are caused by bacteria. These include, for example, aphthous form of stomatitis. In this case, the Chlorhexidine solution will be an excellent addition to the main treatment. Rinsing the mouth with a solution is performed 2 times a day.

Important! The course of rinsing with a solution of "Chlorhexidine" should not exceed 12 days, since a longer use of this drug can lead to oral dysbacteriosis. In some people, "Chlorhexidine" can cause allergies.

Instructions for use

Many doctors are confident that rinsing your mouth with "Chlorhexidine" helps well with various inflammations, especially with tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis. In order for this drug to contribute to recovery, it should follow certain rules while using it:

The duration of the use of this remedy should not exceed 12 days. During this time, visible improvements should appear. Use a solution recommended 2 times a day, and with severe pain in the throat 3-4 times a day. It is not recommended to exceed the indicated norm, because side effects may appear: staining of the tongue and teeth, dermatitis, itching and dryness of the skin, sticky hands, and so on.

What to do if "Chlorhexidine" got into the stomach?

Very often, while rinsing the mouth and throat, people swallow Chlorhexidine. What to do if the solution got inside the body? In this situation, it is necessary to immediately flush the stomach with clean water and drink activated charcoal(1 tablet per 10 kg of human weight). Burnt magnesia can be used instead of coal. But before use, it should be diluted (2 tablespoons per 200 ml of pure water).

"Chlorhexidine" for the treatment of children and pregnant women

It is strictly forbidden to prescribe "Chlorhexidine" for the treatment of children under five years of age. This drug suitable for children over seven years old. But even in this case, the solution must be used with extreme caution, since the child can swallow it. Therefore, parents should carefully control the rinsing process.

In pregnant women, angina manifests itself more often than in other people. But they highly not recommended use a solution of "Chlorhexidine" for rinsing the mouth. If, nevertheless, this drug cannot be dispensed with, then all procedures can be carried out only after consulting a doctor. In addition, "Chlorhexidine" is not recommended for nursing mothers, as well as for patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Chlorhexidine solution is an excellent antiseptic, has good activity against various bacteria, viruses and fungi. But before using, you should read the instructions for use, and also carefully study the contraindications.

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Characteristics of the drug

Mechanism of action

A medication is used if it is necessary to treat and prevent diseases that are caused by microorganisms sensitive to chlorhexidine. Medical staff use it during surgical operations, has found application in obstetric practice and gynecology, urology. Doctors recommend using the drug for skin problems that have arisen as a result of a fungal or bacterial infection.

A powerful antiseptic that can destroy cells and disrupt their metabolic process. It is used on the lips when pus appears under the crust of the wound, then the antiseptic disinfects this area. A good result shows in the presence of blood. The drug is applied in the morning and evening, and if necessary, increase the dosage up to three times a day.

Pharmacy chains offer a gel for the treatment of lips with a release form in the form of suppositories or a solution. The action of the antiseptic is noticeable the very next day after use. Apply the medicine to the lips in one layer.

In the treatment of genital herpes

Do not use the product together with alkali or soap.

  • Store "Chlorhexidine" in a dry place where there will be no rays of light, and also away from children.
  • It is important to monitor the expiration date of the medicine, the expired solution is unsuitable for use.
  • Does chlorhexidine kill herpes

    Chlorhexidine for herpes

    No comments 294

    Herpes is a viral disease that is associated with inflammation of the skin of the lips, eyes or pharyngeal mucosa. The cause of herpes can be a strong stressful situation, hypothermia, pregnancy, beriberi, overheating, overwork or fear. In the fight against herpes, medicine offers many means, one of which is "Chlorhexidine" with the exact name of chlorhexidine bigluconate.

    Characteristics of the drug

    The drug, which is used in the treatment of herpes, "Chlorhexidine" is an antiseptic, with the ability to destroy various bacteria and the herpes virus. It has found application in many areas of medicine due to its antiseptic effect.

    Mechanism of action

    IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Almost 90% of people are infected with the herpes virus. To date, there is a way out that puts an end to these torments. Start reading.

    In the process of use, the drug is able to kill bacteria and at the same time not be absorbed into the bloodstream. After treating the skin with it, a part of chlorhexidine bigluconate remains on them, which provides a long-lasting antibacterial effect.

    Use in the treatment of herpes on the lips

    In the treatment of genital herpes

    In genital herpes, Chlorhexidine is used as an antiseptic to neutralize protein cells from the amino group and block oxygen consumption, resulting in a decrease in the level of adenositrphosphate and cell death. When using Chlorhexidine in the area of ​​the labia, precautions should be taken:

  • It is forbidden to use the drug in conjunction with alkali or soap. The action of the drug occurs in a neutral environment. To increase the bactericidal properties, the solution should be used in soft water and ethanol should be added, which enhances the antimicrobial activity of the drug.
  • In the place where the drug is stored, the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.
  • For the treatment of genital herpes, apply 10 ml of the drug to the affected area and leave for a few minutes. Carry out the procedure in the morning, afternoon and evening.

    Contraindications for use

    If there are manifestations on the skin, you should stop further use of the solution and consult a doctor.

    Who said that curing herpes is difficult?

  • Do you suffer from itching and burning in the places of rashes?
  • The sight of blisters does not at all add to your self-confidence ...
  • And somehow ashamed, especially if you suffer from genital herpes ...
  • And for some reason, ointments and medicines recommended by doctors are not effective in your case ...
  • In addition, constant relapses have already firmly entered your life ...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will help you get rid of herpes!
  • There is an effective remedy for herpes. Follow this link and find out how Olga Samarskaya cured herself of genital herpes in 3 days!

    Chlorhexidine is our answer to the crisis!

    I wonder who needs chlorhexidine and why? I think everyone, and this is said absolutely without embellishment.

    Chlorhexidine or chlorhexidine bigluconate is a well-known and widely used antiseptic drug. It differs in low cost - from 11 to 18 rubles per bottle. Sold in pharmacies.

    A powerful antiseptic was used for gargling with tonsillitis, with stomatitis, with inflammation of the gums. In medicine, it is used to disinfect instruments. You can treat wounds, abrasions and burns. The tool is universal, but it costs a penny. Of the contraindications - hypersensitivity to the drug. Pregnant, lactating and children can only be used after consulting a doctor. In addition, pet wounds are treated with this solution. And, of course, it is actively used in gynecology.

    The use of chlorhexidine in diseases

  • Chlorhexidine with angina - rinse 6-8 times a day (warm up a little with chlorhexidine). It takes two days, and the sore throat disappears completely.
  • Stomatitis. Take chlorhexidine in your mouth and keep as long as you can. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day. The next day there will be no stomatitis.
  • Laryngitis, pharyngitis - gargle 5 times a day, but it is no longer necessary to warm up.
  • For flu - gargles of the throat and nose. Significantly relieves the condition.
  • Rhinitis - wash the nose 2 times a day, also with slightly warmed chlorhexidine.
  • The drug is odorless, tasteless, does not cause pain when treating wounds, kills bacteria, does not leave scars. In addition, chlorhexidine does not cause allergic reactions and irritations.
  • Helps in the treatment of thermal and chemical burns of the first and second degree. Chlorhexidine has a cooling effect and is able to wash away chemicals.
  • Chlorhexidine is often used to remove dried bandages and plasters, to remove splinters.
  • Chlorhexidine is used to treat hands.
  • They handle piercings and tattoos.
  • You can rinse your mouth with this solution after removing teeth and with inflammation of the gums.
  • Chlorhexidine solution is effective for bad breath if you add a few drops of mint flavor to it. Such a tool costs several times less than pharmaceutical oral care products, and the result is the same. Causes a slight darkening of the enamel of the teeth, but it is reversible.
  • Chlorhexidine solution replaces thermal water. Has a mattifying effect.
  • Ideal for problematic facial skin.
  • Relieves redness and itching after shaving.
  • In everyday life, it is used to disinfect various surfaces (kitchen surfaces, tables, pens, air conditioners, scissors for manicure).
  • In medicine, it is used to disinfect instruments.
  • You can treat wounds with pets.
  • Used in gynecology.
  • Chlorhexidine is effective against:

  • bacteria: treponema, chlamydia, ureaplasma, gonococcus, gardnerella, gram-negative anaerobic rod-shaped bacteria (except mycobacterium tuberculosis);
  • pathogens of fungal diseases - yeast and dermatophytes;
  • herpes simplex virus.
  • Does not affect spores of bacteria and fungi.

    Indications for the use of chlorhexidine:

    • treatment of postoperative wounds;
    • treatment of burn wounds;
    • prevention of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes);
    • treatment and rehabilitation of the genital tract in gynecology during medical and diagnostic procedures;
    • treatment of the surgeon's hands before the operation;
    • treatment of infected abrasions and cracks in the skin and open mucous membranes;
    • applications in the form of rinses and irrigations for gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, alveolitis in dentistry;
    • washing scuffs and cracks for the purpose of disinfection.
    • Indicated for the treatment of purulent wounds, burn surfaces, bacterial and fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes in dentistry, surgery, urology, obstetrics and gynecology;
    • washing eyes, bladder and body cavities;
    • processing of the operating field;
    • treatment of the surgeon's hands before the operation, disinfection of the skin;
    • disinfection of endoscopes and working surfaces of equipment and devices heat treatment, which is undesirable;
    • for disinfection of removable dentures;
    • disinfection of various surfaces.
    • Here is such a huge range of applications for this penny remedy chlorhexidine.

      Prepared by Irina Glebova and Irina Chernaya

      Herpes! What helps with herpes on the lip? I'm already desperate! Usually jumps up 2-3 times a year and lasts about three weeks

      Nadezhda Semenova Profi (602), closed 3 years ago

      Three weeks, if you try hard to treat! This morning I got up, and I jumped out in three places. How did I not treat this infection! So I immediately say that do not offer Acyclovir-acry, acyclovir-forte tablets (they don’t help at all, I tried them in different dosages!). Ointment-acyclovir, fenistil-pencevir, zovirax, viru-merz. Folk remedies - earwax, toothpaste, corvalol. The dermatologist prescribed acyclovir tablets 5 r / d + acyclovir ointment, well, nothing helps! Maybe there is something else?

      Kitten. Supreme Intelligence (450920) 4 years ago

      Tanya Sarbash(Ostrivnaya) Genius (76944) 4 years ago

      In the treatment of herpes on the lips, fir oil is an effective folk remedy. It is recommended to lubricate the affected areas of the lips with it every 2 hours, as well as before going to bed. When applied, there is a possibility of increased burning sensation, which, in other respects, will not last long.

      Also, in the folk treatment of herpes, propolis tincture can be used to cauterize vesicles on the lips. After 10-15 minutes after cauterization, apply some softening cream based on chamomile, or calendula ointment to this place.

      As well as in the treatment of seizures, earwax and the juice of the home plant Kalanchoe are good folk remedies for herpes. Earwax must be removed from the ears with a cotton swab, or a match with cotton wool wound around it, and lubricate the herpes vesicles with it several times a day. Kalanchoe juice is pressed from the fresh leaves of the plant, and is used in the same way to lubricate colds on the lips.

      Treatment of herpes on the lips can be done with 70% alcohol, cologne, or a medicine such as valocordin. Soak a cotton swab well in medicine or alcohol, and press it against a cold. Most likely, you will be hurt, but herpes after such a procedure is significantly dried.

      If you have herpes on the lips due to hypothermia, then ordinary table salt can help in this case. It is enough to apply a few grains of fine salt to a cold several times a day, and the healing of herpes will occur much faster. It is also recommended to put a very small pinch of salt on the tongue every hour, and as soon as it dissolves, swallow it.

      IRA BACAEVA Sage (15187) 4 years ago

      El Ra Sage (18691) 4 years ago

      Herpes is activated if your immunity is low and against this background you have caught a cold. Therefore, dress warmly and do not freeze your head and hands. Gets out right away. Boost your immunity. The intestines are responsible for immunity, drink bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, kefir, vitamins. I used to have too often. I also noticed a connection with the nervous system, due to the fact that you get nervous, because of stress

      Before the bubble stage, zovirax, acyclovir helps, then you can’t stop it. Only healing drugs. And do not touch with your hands, otherwise you will bring other areas of the skin, nose, eyes into other areas. Wash hands before and after handling.

      R K Artificial Intelligence (221110) 4 years ago

      The herpes virus, having once entered the human body (chickenpox is a herpes virus). remains inside the cells for life. Antibodies that are produced by the body cannot enter the cell. And as soon as a person's immunity decreases (colds, acute respiratory infections, flu, etc.), the virus jumps out in the form of rashes on the lips. In older people, if immunity is severely reduced, there will probably be shingles (herpes zoster in a scientific way). You have reduced immunity. In principle, the doctor prescribed the medicine correctly. Still there are Viferon suppositories for herpes. There are also Kipferon candles to increase immunity.

      R K Artificial Intelligence (221110) Then increase immunity

      Anton Master (1787) 4 years ago

      One of the most effective remedies is fir oil. Immediately after the appearance of herpes, lubricate the wound with fir oil every 2 hours.

      Cauterize the bubbles on the lips and tincture of propolis. And 10 minutes after cauterization, any softening cream is applied to the affected area.

      Effective in the fight against herpes and fresh Kalanchoe juice.

      It dries well and treats herpes on the lips with alcohol, cologne. To do this, soak a cotton swab in one of these products and apply to the sore spot. The sensations will not be pleasant, but the wound will dry out noticeably and heal much faster.

      Quick treatment of herpes on the lips is also guaranteed by ordinary table salt. During the day, apply grains of fine salt to the wound several times and at the same time put a pinch of salt on the tongue. Swallow the dissolved salt.

      It is also advised to apply sea buckthorn or almond oil, tea tree oil or fresh aloe juice to the affected areas. By the way, aloe helps not only to treat, but also to prevent colds on the lips. To do this, dilute 1 teaspoon of aloe juice with honey and take it once a day before meals.

      Lemon juice helped someone, fresh aspen leaf juice helped someone, and some use used tea bags, baking soda or ordinary toothpaste to treat herpes on the lips. There are many ways, and fortunately, many of these "medicines" are at our fingertips.

      No less diverse is the folk treatment of herpes on the lips. A method of treating earwax has long been known. To do this, use a cotton swab and lubricate the herpes vesicles with your own sulfur from the ears.

      Another unpretentious way advises to apply a hot teaspoon to the sore spot during tea drinking. The hot touch of the spoon is said to greatly speed up healing.

      There is another old folk remedy, according to which the herpes removes the film of the eggshell, you just have to stick it on the affected area for a few minutes.

      They also advise rubbing the wound with garlic gruel, and then lubricating with honey and apple cider vinegar, mixing them in equal proportions.

      Traditional medicine advises to try and ointment from vaseline and calendula. To prepare it, we take mashed calendula flowers and mix with 1 teaspoon of petroleum jelly. We apply ointment to the wound several times a day.

      Tatiana Korotkova-Kharkovskaya Sage (14530) 4 years ago

      Homeopathic remedy. take 4-5 peas in the morning Rus 6, in the afternoon - Acid Nitr 6, in the evening - Apis 6 for a period of 1-1.5 months

      Olga Artificial Intelligence (219898) 4 years ago

      I take a cotton swab dipped in chlorhexidine and hold it for about two minutes. The next day is already much better.

      Evgenia Guru (3428) 4 years ago

      read on the Internet about the drug isoprinosine, this is a new effective medicine, it is not cheap but good, 30 tablets about 900 rubles, how to take, see the instructions, and you need to complete the course of treatment, and for rashes, make lotions from the Malavit drug, there is liquid and gel, liquid stronger, universal remedy, very good for other problems, look on the internet!

      elena nazarova Guru (4123) 4 years ago

      Drink Kagocel from herpes according to the instructions, you will forget about these terrible sores for a long time

      Sources:,, http://otvet.

      Herpes and Chlorhexidine

      Herpes is a disease of viral origin that affects the skin and mucous membranes, often on the lips, face or genitals. "Chlorhexidine" for herpes is one of the effective drugs that help to quickly eliminate the signs of the disease. Thanks to the antiseptic properties of the drug, it is possible to destroy the cause of the disease - a virus that contributes to inflammation on the skin, which not only spoils the appearance, but also provokes pain.

      The principle of action of "Chlorgesidine" in herpes

      The main active ingredient of the drug is chlorhesidin bigluconate, which kills harmful microorganisms, but is not absorbed into the blood. If you treat the surface of the skin with rashes with a medicine, then a certain amount of Chlorgesidine will remain on it for a while, which provides a long-lasting antimicrobial effect. The drug remains active in the presence of bleeding or suppuration. With the help of the drug, you can clean the area affected by herpes, but do not damage the wound and do not cause additional irritation.

      If after applying the product there is an adverse reaction and a deterioration in the condition of the skin, you should consult a doctor and stop using the medication.

      The tool helps to dry the sores.

      "Chlorhexidine" for herpes is considered an effective drug, but a positive effect can be achieved if the area of ​​​​skin with inflammation is not extensive. For a small affected area, this medicine will be useful. With it, you can not only disinfect the skin, but also dry the herpes vesicles. The tool allows you to prevent re-infection of the inflamed skin and the appearance of suppuration.

      Chlorhexidine has several release options in which the drug can be found in pharmacies. A common form is considered to be a solution that is sold in vials, often with a dispenser for more convenient use. For the treatment of herpes, you can choose this option, however, to eliminate inflammation on the lips, it is recommended to purchase "Chlorhexidine" in the form of a gel. In this situation, the drug will not leak after application, so there will be no need to worry that the medicine has spread from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin that needs to be treated.

      Use cases

      "Chlorhexidine" for rashes on the lips

      The drug is a powerful antiseptic that destroys pathogenic bacteria in the cells of the skin. Therefore, it can be used for herpes on the lips. It is useful to apply "Chlorhexidine" in the formation of suppuration under the crusts to disinfect wounds. You can not be afraid of a slight bleeding in the affected area - this is not considered a contraindication and a reason for refusing to use the medicine. Chlorhexidine should be applied to the lips in the mornings and evenings, in case of urgent need, up to 3 procedures per day can be carried out. Be sure to evenly distribute the medicine in 1 layer on the affected area. The effect will be visually noticeable within a day after application.

      With genital herpes

      For intimate hygiene, it is necessary to use products that do not destroy the microflora of the vagina.

      The use of "Chlorhexidine" allows you to quickly eliminate pain and destroy pathogenic microorganisms on the skin and mucous membranes with genital herpes. To cure rashes, you need to apply 10 ml of the solution to the inflamed area and wait a few minutes. It is recommended to use the drug 3 times a day: in the morning, in the afternoon (after dinner) and at night. When applying the drug in the area of ​​the labia, it is recommended to adhere to the following precautions:

    • You can not use "Chlorhexidine" with genital herpes along with alkaline agents.
    • Soap is strongly discouraged. The drug works only in the presence of a neutral environment.
    • To increase the disinfecting properties of the liquid, it can be used in soft water with the addition of ethanol, which will enhance the antiviral effect of the drug.
    • It is necessary to store "Chlorhexidine" in a dry, dark place, which will not be accessible to children. The temperature should not exceed 25°C.
    • You can not use an expired drug for treatment. It is important to ensure that Chlorhexidine does not expire.
    • Back to index

      The use of "Chlorhexidine" is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the active substance by a person. Also, hypersensitivity, a tendency to allergies or skin diseases (dermatitis) are the reason for refusing to use the medication. In such situations, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe a medicine that eliminates herpes that is appropriate for the patient's condition.

      How to use Chlorhexidine for herpes on the lips and its effectiveness

      Chlorhexidine for herpes on the lips is an effective drug that is used for a cold rash or when opening a herpetic ulcer. It can be bought at a pharmacy and applied when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

      Composition and action of Chlorhexidine

      The active substance of the drug is chlorhexidine bigluconate. It is a powerful antiseptic that kills the herpes virus. A distinctive property of the drug is that it does not penetrate deep under the skin, remaining in a concentrated form on the surface of the herpes virus rash. If the rash is festering or bleeding, Chlorhexidine does not lose its effectiveness while continuing to fight the infection.

      With the formation of suppuration under the scab, the drug disinfects its surface, helping the immune system to fight the disease.

      A nice detail when using Chlorhexidine is the absence of pain during the treatment of herpes. During the course of its use (up to three days), the resulting scab exfoliates without consequences.

      Indications for the treatment of herpes on the lips

      The herpes virus is found in the body of 70% of the world's population. It needs to be treated comprehensively after passing the necessary tests. Long-term therapy will muffle the disease, but will not eliminate it completely. At the first signs of the disease (redness on the lips, itching, burning), you need to apply the drug, so herpes will not cause inconvenience. If the moment is missed, the treatment will take longer, but Chlorhexidine will help in this case too.

    • Chlorhexidine against herpes will work , if used at the first sign of an incipient rash.
    • When suppuration has formed under the affected area, the drug will destroy pathogens and prevent further spread of the virus.
    • The tool is not suitable for the prevention of the development of herpes.

      Instructions for use for herpes lips

      The medicine has the following forms of release:

      The affected lip is to be treated with Chlorhexidine 3 times a day. One layer of gel forms a protective film that lasts a long time and contains enough active substances for a long-term effect on bacteria. Gel is preferable to solutions, it allows to reduce the number of applications. The medicine will give a visible effect the next day after use.

      The drug is used to treat herpes sores in children. If the medicine enters the child's esophagus, you need to consult a doctor. For safety reasons, a weak solution can be used instead of a gel. It is more difficult to wipe it off with your hands and put it in your mouth. If this happens, you should give the child a large amount of water to drink, then induce vomiting. After gastric lavage, take activated charcoal.

      To avoid side effects, use the medicine strictly according to the instructions and avoid overdose.


      The use of Chlorhexidine is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • dermatitis, skin allergy;
    • intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • otitis media, there is a risk of getting the drug into the eyes or eardrums, other methods of treating herpes on the lips should be considered.
    • Chlorhexidine has received positive feedback from people who regularly use it for herpes infections. It helps to suppress it in the bud, prevents the development of the disease if the first symptoms were missed.

      Chlorhexidine: instructions for use for mouthwash

      From this article you will learn:

    • Chlorhexidine - use for rinsing the mouth and throat,
    • how to rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine,
    • advantages and disadvantages of the drug,
    • Chlorhexidine - price in a pharmacy (for 2017).
    • The article was written by a dentist with more than 15 years of experience.

      Chlorhexidine or Chlorhexidine bigluconate (full name) is a broad-spectrum antiseptic that is effective against most pathogenic oral bacteria. Therefore, the drug is widely used both in dentistry and ENT practice. Released without a prescription.

      Chlorhexidine solution for rinsing the mouth and throat is used in a 0.05% concentration. The solution is already ready for use, i.e. it is not necessary to dilute it with water. The drug has no age limit, however, in young children, this drug can only be used in the form of a spray (Fig. 4).

      Chlorhexidine: photos of packages from different manufacturers

      Chlorhexidine: use in dentistry and ENT

      Chlorhexidine solution has one unique property that makes it the most effective oral antiseptic. When rinsing, a thin film of chlorhexidine bigluconate is formed on the surface of the oral mucosa, which continues to act even after rinsing for several more hours.

      Thus, a wide range of action on most pathogenic bacteria and a high residual concentration of this antiseptic make it possible to effectively use it in the following dental and ENT diseases -

    • with gingivitis,
    • with periodontitis,
    • with stomatitis,
    • with inflammation of the socket of the extracted tooth,
    • with inflammation of the hood over the wisdom tooth,
    • for disinfection of removable dentures,
    • in ENT practice for infectious diseases of the throat.
    • Important: at the end of the article you will find information on the features of the use of Chlorhexidine in each of the listed cases separately. This is important because in different situations there are certain subtleties of application.

      Chlorhexidine: price, release forms

      Prices are for 2017. Chlorhexidine can be bought for only 15-20 rubles (for a bottle of 100 ml and a concentration of 0.05%). Chlorhexidine spray, which is produced by YuzhPharm and has a dispenser, is somewhat more expensive (Fig. 4).

      The spray form is more convenient for the treatment of wounds on the skin, as well as for use in young children for irrigation of the oral mucosa. At 0.05% spray Chlorhexidine - the price will be from 55 to 75 rubles (also for a 100 ml bottle).

      Chlorhexidine: analogues

      The drug does not have any direct analogues. As an indirect analogue, the drug "Miramistin" can be considered, which has a completely different composition, but has a similar antiseptic effect (comparison of these drugs).

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      Chlorhexidine bigluconate: instructions for use, composition

      Clinico-pharmacological group - antiseptic (antimicrobial) agent. The drug has a bactericidal effect against most pathogenic oral bacteria - gram-positive and gram-negative (aerobic and anaerobic) microorganisms. The drug does not act on viruses.

      Chlorhexidine: composition and form of release

      100 ml of solution contains -

      > chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05 g (0.05%),

      > 100 ml purified water.

      How to rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine: instructions

      Chlorhexidine instructions for use for rinsing the mouth and throat recommend using only an aqueous 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine. There are also alcohol solutions of chlorhexidine, but they are used exclusively for antiseptic treatment of premises in hospitals.

      Application scheme -

      rinse your mouth or throat 2 times a day (morning and evening). The scheme is simple: have breakfast, brush your teeth, rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine solution. In the evening just the same. The course of rinsing for most dental diseases is 10 days (no more). For gargling - 7-10 days.

      Important: the drug does not need to be diluted, because. it is completely ready for use. In addition, rinsing your mouth is not necessary for 10-20 seconds, but for a full one minute. This is important because it is during this time that a thin film of "chlorhexidine bigluconate" will form on the oral mucosa and teeth, which will act for several more hours even after rinsing.

      Chlorhexidine: expert reviews

      Chlorhexidine mouthwash solution - reviews are both positive and negative. However, if you look more closely, most of the negative reviews are associated solely with the misuse of the drug. A few examples…

      Example #1

      some use this antiseptic for inflammation and bleeding of the gums, but then they complain that the effect was short-lived and the inflammation returned. And the reason is simple… Gum disease is caused by mild microbial plaque and hard dental deposits. If the causative factor (plaque and stone) is not removed, the use of any antiseptics and antibiotics will bring only a small short-term effect.

      as to whether it is possible to rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine for stomatitis. You can rinse, but you don't need to. This indication is in the instructions for the drug, however, this antiseptic is prescribed not as a proper remedy for stomatitis, but solely for the prevention of bacterial complications against the background of erosions / ulcers on the mucous membrane.

      Therefore, do not be surprised - why do you rinse your mouth with it, and there are more and more erosions and ulcers on your mucous membrane, and the pain does not subside ... We wrote more about antiseptics for stomatitis below.

      The advantages of the drug -

    • very high antimicrobial activity,
    • low price,
    • long-term action (after a one-minute rinse, a thin film of “chlorhexidine bigluconate” remains on the mucous membrane and teeth, which lasts for several more hours).
    • Disadvantages of the drug

      Unfortunately, the drug has not only advantages. Chlorhexidine bigluconate - instructions for use practically do not contain information about the shortcomings, but the experience of clinical use suggests the following -

      Chlorhexidine mouthwash - a detailed analysis of the indications for use

      We have already said that chlorhexidine has a very high efficiency due to its high antimicrobial activity and high residual concentration on the mucous membrane after rinsing. Chlorhexidine instructions for use for the oral cavity include the following main indications for the use of the drug ...

    • After tooth extraction

      usually after removal, antiseptic rinses are prescribed 2-3 times a day (rinse for 1 minute). However, after tooth extraction, it is worth rinsing your mouth with chlorhexidine only in three cases -

      > if the removal was difficult,

      > if the tooth was removed due to inflammation,

      > if you have cavities or plaque in your mouth, infection of which can cause a blood clot to fester in the socket.

      Important: after removal, you need to rinse your mouth not with active movements, but simply put an antiseptic in your mouth and “buzz a little”. Active rinsing movements will almost certainly lead to the loss of a blood clot from the hole of the extracted tooth, and the development of inflammation in the latter.

    • With alveolitis of the socket of the extracted tooth

      chlorhexidine for rinsing the mouth with alveolitis (this is what the inflammation of the hole of the extracted tooth is called) is an excellent remedy for its treatment. Normally, the hole after removal is closed with a blood clot (Fig. 7-8), but if a clot falls out or necrotic decay as a result of inflammation, the hole may look like this (Fig. 9).

      Important: rinsing the mouth with inflammation of the hole is not the main treatment, but only a secondary one. In the inflamed hole there is a breakdown of the blood clot, which must be scraped out of the hole, rinsed and put medicine inside it. Only a dental surgeon can do this, and this is the main treatment for alveolitis.

    • With inflammation of the hood over the wisdom tooth

      when the wisdom tooth erupts, a hood remains above it for some period of time (a section of the mucous membrane that fully or partially lies on the chewing surface of the wisdom tooth (Fig. 10). A space forms between the hood and the tooth, where bacteria multiply well and food is retained .

      This leads to its inflammation, which is expressed in swelling of the mucosa, the release of pus, etc. Chlorhexidine mouthwash is good for this disease, however, in some cases, rinsing alone is not enough and professional treatment of the inflamed hood is necessary.

    • After opening the flux
      if a purulent abscess was opened on your gums (in the common people - a flux) and a drain was placed in the incision, then antiseptic rinses are essential. This is due to the fact that pus will be released from the incision, spreading throughout the oral cavity. Antiseptics will help protect the oral mucosa and tonsils from purulent infection. Important: do not rinse too actively, because. otherwise, drainage may fall out of the incision.
    • Inflamed/bleeding gums

      Swelling and bleeding of the gums are symptoms of gum disease, which occurs either with gingivitis or periodontitis. The cause of inflammation of the gums in these diseases is exclusively soft microbial plaque (Fig. 11-12) and hard dental deposits (Fig. 13).

      Chlorhexidine bigluconate - its use in inflammation of the gums is very effective, but only after removing the causative factor of inflammation (tartar and plaque) from the teeth. And it is best to use this antiseptic in combination with the anti-inflammatory "CholisalGel".

      If you use this antiseptic without removing dental plaque, then this will of course slightly reduce the symptoms of inflammation. However, the effect will be very small, and after a while, the inflammation will flare up again, but will be more severe. A good addition to antiseptic rinses for gum disease can be special toothpastes with chlorhexidine.

    • With stomatitis(fig.14) -

      as we said above - chlorhexidine with stomatitis is completely ineffective, because. its antiviral activity is almost zero, and in 90% of cases stomatitis is caused by the herpes virus and is called herpetic. Of course, there is also an aphthous form of stomatitis, but it is a manifestation of a local allergic reaction, and it is not treated with antiseptics.

      Chlorhexidine can be used for stomatitis only exclusively for the prevention of bacterial complications, when a bacterial infection can also occur on the surface of erosions and ulcers. In the herpetic form of stomatitis, another antiseptic is used, which has antiviral activity, called Miramistin (Fig. 15).

      Well, it's very important

    • The duration of the course of antiseptic rinses -

      the course of rinsing with Chlorhexidine should not exceed 10-12 days, otherwise oral dysbacteriosis is guaranteed to you. Over-suppression of bacteria in the mouth will cause Candida to overgrow, leading to the development of candidiasis. Women are familiar with this problem, because the same fungi cause thrush.

      If you would like to continue the course of antiseptic rinses, then after the end of the 10-day period of Chlorhexidine use, it is better to switch to anti-inflammatory mouth rinses containing fluorides and extracts of medicinal plants.

    • Remember that with inflammation of the gums, Chlorhexidine is effective only as part of complex therapy, and only after removal of dental deposits. Do not make the mistake of many thousands of people who drown out the symptoms of inflammation with antiseptics, and meanwhile the inflammation develops imperceptibly. When such people already get to the dentist, there is nothing to help them, except to send them to remove moving teeth.
    • Chlorhexidine during pregnancy, in children -

      Chlorhexidine during pregnancy and lactation can be used without restrictions, but preferably in courses of no more than 10 days. The drug is not absorbed into the blood and has only surface activity. Studies have not revealed a negative effect of the drug in these groups of patients.

      Chlorhexidine in children can also be used in short courses up to 10 days (there is no age limit). Important: very young children do not know how to rinse their mouth and therefore may choke. Therefore, in such children, Chlorhexidine Spray should be used.

      From the spray, you can irrigate the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, on which there are aphthae, or areas of inflammation of the gums. Important: you can use the spray on any part of the oral mucosa, but it should not be sprayed directly into the throat and tonsils (the latter applies only to children under 3 years old).

      Storage conditions -

    • store in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.
    • expiration date: 2 years,
    • keep out of the reach of children,
    • do not use after the expiration date.

    Antiseptic agents and solutions containing these substances have found wide application in medicine. They are used as preventive and therapeutic methods of influencing both humans and environmental objects.

    The chemical composition of antiseptics implies the impact on microbial cell elements, which causes their death. Such solutions are used to treat surfaces and instruments in medical institutions, as well as the human body to protect it from bacteria.

    Chlorhexidine bigluconate is one of the most popular antiseptic drugs. Chlorhexidine solution is used in many areas of medicine, including gynecology. How to use the drug?

    Mechanism of action

    Before disassembling the instructions for using the drug, it is worth learning about its mechanism of action. Such a tool as chlorhexidine bigluconate has found wide application in medicine precisely because of the peculiarities of its effect on microbes.

    Chlorhexidine solution has the following mechanism of action:

    1. The substance binds to special chemical groups on the surface of bacterial cells that contain phosphorus.
    2. There is a change in water-salt metabolism in cells.
    3. Liquid actively penetrates through the membrane of bacteria.
    4. The bacterial cell is filled with fluid, which causes the death of all structural components.
    5. The microbial wall ruptures under the increasing pressure of the fluid inside the bacterium.

    This mechanism of action of chlorhexidine is particularly noteworthy in that it has been observed against a wide variety of pathogens. Among the sensitive microbes are the following representatives:

    • Treponema.
    • Chlamydia.
    • Ureaplasma.
    • Gonococcus.
    • Gardenellas.
    • Bacteroids.
    • Trichomonas.
    • Herpes virus.

    These pathogens very often cause diseases of the urogenital zone. That is why the drug is very often used in gynecology.

    Use in medicine

    The antiseptic effect of the drug allows the use of chlorhexidine bigluconate not only for the treatment of various infections, but also for the destruction of bacteria in medical institutions.

    As a remedy, the effect of the drug is often compared with a substance such as hydrogen peroxide. A comparison of these drugs will be made below. However, the effects of these tools are really similar:

    1. Destruction of bacteria, protozoa and viruses in the place of their reproduction.
    2. Prevention of the spread of infection from the focus.
    3. Protection of the skin from the penetration of additional microorganisms.
    4. Maintaining activity in the presence of pus.
    5. Suppression of inflammation, and therefore the main symptoms of the disease due to the death of pathogens.

    These effects are used to treat infectious diseases.

    To prevent infection even before clinical manifestations, healthcare professionals use the drug as a sterilizing agent.

    The last way to use the substance chlorhexidine bigluconate will be discussed in detail below.

    Indications for use

    Numerous drugs with different trade names contain chlorhexidine bigluconate. Most of them are used in gynecology, but the drug has found application in other areas of medicine.

    Instructions for use of the product contains the following indications for its use:

    1. Acute cystitis and exacerbation of the chronic form of infection - the antiseptic acts against most microbes that cause inflammation of the bladder mucosa.
    2. Wound surface - for antiseptic treatment and prevention of infection of the wound.
    3. Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases after unprotected sexual contact.
    4. Bacterial colpitis, vaginosis are infectious diseases of the vagina caused by non-specific pathogens.
    5. Trichomoniasis, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlimidiosis - mainly as a prophylaxis or additional remedy. A specific infection requires antibiotics.
    6. Preventive treatment of the birth canal in women during preparation for childbirth.
    7. Gingivitis, stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases in dental practice.
    8. Infectious diseases on the skin and mucous membranes, including acne.
    9. Pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis - use in ENT practice for rinsing inflamed cavities.

    Such a wide range of indications is associated with a high activity of the agent. Unlike the drug hydrogen peroxide, the drug is used in various fields of medicine.

    Application for herpes

    Herpes infection and other human viral diseases are characterized by a limited number of drugs active against the pathogen. Under these conditions, it becomes relevant to choose a remedy that could not harm a person and achieve the desired effect.

    Chlorhexidine bigluconate is used to treat such forms of herpes as:

    1. Genital herpes in women and men.
    2. Generalized rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.
    3. The recovery period after a herpes infection is to prevent the addition of secondary bacterial flora.
    4. Herpes infection in pregnant women - the use of chlorhexidine is allowed at any gestation period.

    Chlorhexidine bigluconate should not be used to treat herpes labialis on the face - a localized focus of infection is easier to cure with antiviral drugs. Chlorhexidine bigluconate is a rather aggressive solution for the skin of the face, so it should not be used without sufficient need.

    If there is a risk of contracting herpes from a new sexual partner, it is possible to use the medicine as a prophylaxis.

    How to do this and what dosage form should be used will be discussed below.


    Despite the rather pronounced chemical effect of the drug, its use is associated with a fairly small number of contraindications and side effects. They are well studied by doctors, so doctors focus on them when prescribing a remedy.

    Contraindications include the following conditions:

    1. Allergy reactions to chlorhexidine digluconate in history or at the first attempt to use the drug.
    2. Inflammatory diseases of the skin - dermatitis. Until the cause of the inflammatory reaction of the skin is identified, the medicine should not be used.
    3. Children's age of the patient - the activity of the drug when using it in children has not been studied, it should be used with caution in young patients.

    In the presence of any of the listed contraindications, you should not use the medicine. This is also reported by the instructions for the use of the drug.

    Side effects

    As with any method of treatment, when applying chlorhexidine to the skin and mucous membranes, a number of side effects may occur.

    Undesirable reactions that the drug can cause include the following:

    • Skin rash, itching, burning are manifestations of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.
    • Dry skin - usually not associated with allergies, dehydration of epidermal cells is expected when using chlorhexidine.
    • Dermatitis - inflammation of the dermis can be caused by specific skin sensitization to drug antigens.

    Subject to the technique of using the drug, the risk of adverse reactions is minimized. Before use, read the instructions, and it is better to consult with a specialist.

    The likelihood of undesirable effects of the drug also increases with the simultaneous use of other chemical compounds:

    • Soap.
    • gum arabic.
    • alkalis.
    • Colloids.
    • Carboxymethylcellulose.

    Chlorhexidine bigluconate is able to enter into a chemical reaction with the listed substances and cause negative effects.

    Item Processing

    The listed aspects of the use of the drug are associated with its use on the patient's body. However, the pharmacological properties of the drug are also used to process various instruments in medical institutions.

    In order to disinfect and prevent infection, the drug is used to treat the following items:

    • Operating field on the patient's body.
    • Surgeon's hands and gloves.
    • Surgical instruments of reusable use.
    • Operating table and instrument tables.
    • Disinfection of walls, floors in rooms.

    It is worth noting that in this case a drug solution with a different concentration is used. If a 0.05% solution, as well as a 0.5% gel is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases, then the objects are sterilized with a 1% aqueous solution of the drug.

    Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide

    Very often, the agent under consideration is compared with a drug similar in mechanism of action - hydrogen peroxide. There is a misconception that hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine are the same substance.

    To understand the appropriateness of using a particular drug, you should compare them:

    1. Hydrogen peroxide is used to treat wounds and objects to protect against gram-positive and gram-negative non-specific bacteria.
    2. Unlike hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine is active against a wide range of pathogens of not only non-specific, but also specific nature.
    3. Hydrogen peroxide cannot be used to treat or prevent herpes, infections caused by protozoa.
    4. Hydrogen peroxide is also active against anaerobic and putrefactive microflora, this aspect is an advantage in relation to chlorhexidine.
    5. Hydrogen peroxide has the property of stopping bleeding, which is used in dental practice.
    6. Unlike chlorhexidine, peroxide does not last long, so it is used only at the time of possible infection.

    Release form

    Various dosage forms of the drug are produced by a variety of pharmaceutical companies. This creates certain difficulties when choosing a drug.

    Pay attention to the active substance of the drug, its dosage and form of release. The concentration of the drug for the treatment and processing of objects was mentioned above, you should also understand the forms of application of the remedy.

    The most popular ways to use chlorhexidine are:

    1. Vaginal suppositories are widely used in gynecology for the treatment of infectious diseases. There is an option for children, but its use is limited.
    2. Gel for topical application - it is possible to apply the product to the skin and mucous membranes. Used in dentistry.
    3. A solution with a small concentration of the drug - for the treatment of the conditions listed above, including dental and ENT diseases.
    4. Aqueous solution with a high concentration - for processing objects and premises, the surgeon's hands.
    5. Bactericidal patches - an antiseptic is added to the patch to prevent skin infection.

    From the listed forms, the attending physician will help you choose the right one. Each method has its own instructions for the use of chlorhexidine.

    Instructions for use

    Numerous ways to use the drug have a different algorithm. Instructions for the use of different forms can be reduced to the following instructions:

    1. Aqueous solutions in small concentrations are used for irrigation and rinsing of the skin, mucous membranes and wound surfaces. 10 ml of the drug is applied to the damaged area for 3 minutes 3 times a day. Wash off the solution with water.
    2. For the prevention of sexual infections, the solution is injected into the urethra (2 ml) and vagina (10 ml) with a bottle and a special nozzle for 2 minutes.
    3. Inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract are treated with a similar injection into the urethra of 3 ml of a solution 2 times a day for 20 days.
    4. Vaginal suppositories are introduced in 1 pc. 3 times a day for 1-3 weeks.
    5. The gel for topical application is applied in a small amount and easily spread over the surface. Used 3 times a day.
    6. The patch is applied as follows: a film is removed from the surface, the patch is applied to the skin, the edges should fix the main bandage.

    The technique of using the tool for processing instruments is owned by medical workers in medical institutions.

    Pros and cons

    To make the right choice of drug for the treatment of infectious diseases, you should know the advantages and disadvantages of each drug.

    Chlorhexidine has the following advantages:

    • Active against a large number of microorganisms.
    • It is used not only for treating a person, but also for processing instruments.
    • It has a large number of dosage forms.
    • Has a low cost.
    • Can be used at any stage of pregnancy.
    • It has few contraindications and side effects.

    The listed advantages should be compared with the negative sides of the drug. The disadvantages of the drug include the following aspects:

    • It is a fairly aggressive chemical solution.
    • Cannot be used in children.
    • The large number of use cases makes it difficult for the patient to choose.
    • Enters into chemical interaction with some common substances.
    • Suitable for topical use only.

    Features of the use of the drug are taken into account by the attending physician when prescribing chlorhexidine.

    A cold on the lips, or labial herpes, is a disease that brings a person physical and emotional discomfort. To eliminate it, many means have been created. One of them is chlorhexidine.

    This drug belongs to the group of antiseptics. Its main active ingredient is chlorhexidine bigluconate. It was synthesized in 1950 in Manchester (UK).

    The drug is known for its ability to destroy bacteria, fungi, single-celled animals and viruses. It is used for the treatment of wounds, hand skin, medical instruments and wherever there are high requirements for the cleanliness of the room.

    The second important property is the preservation of disinfectant qualities in contact with biological fluids - blood and pus. This makes it an excellent treatment for wounds, bedsores, and other skin conditions.

    The third property is duration. After surface treatment, chlorhexidine forms a thin film, blocking the ingress of pathogens onto it.

    The pharmaceutical industry produces chlorhexidine in several versions:

    • 0.02 or 0.05% solution;
    • vaginal suppositories;
    • spray;
    • gel.

    Each form is suitable for certain conditions of use. For example, chlorhexidine for herpes on the face is more convenient to use in the form of a gel. Viscosity allows it not to spread and stay longer on the surface of the rash, disinfecting it.

    Pharmacokinetics, or mechanism of action

    The process of neutralizing the infectious agent proceeds as follows: chlorhexidine molecules react with phosphates contained in the shell (membrane) of the pathogen. As a result of this interaction, it is destroyed and the cell dies.

    Methods of application and doses

    For the treatment of herpes, gel, solution or suppositories are mainly used. When treating the skin of the lips, it is convenient to use a cotton pad or a bandage folded several times. 1-2 cm 3 of the substance is applied to it and the surface of the damaged skin is smeared with light touches. This method will avoid getting the product into the eyes and eliminate the removal of the crust, which covers the rash after its bubbles burst. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until the rash disappears completely.

    To get rid of lumbar (shingles) and genital herpes in men, a 0.05% solution is used. 5-10 ml of the product is rubbed into the affected area 2-3 times a day until complete recovery.

    In women, such rashes on the genitals are treated with candles. For use, the patient must lie on her back and inject the drug into the vagina. The procedure is carried out twice a day.

    The duration of treatment when using chlorhexidine in most cases does not exceed three days.

    Contraindications and restrictions

    The drug should not be used by people who are allergic to components or prone to dermatitis.

    It is not safe to treat the skin of children of any age. Gargling of the mouth or throat is not recommended until the age of 13-14.

    There were no such tests for pregnant women. However, animal studies have shown that 300 mg of the active substance per kilogram of body weight does not cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Therefore, pharmacists consider it safe for pregnant women.

    Slight absorption makes chlorhexidine safe during lactation.

    Side effects and overdose

    The tool has side effects in the form of an allergic reaction, itching at the site of application, dermatitis. But they appear very rarely.

    In the course of studies, the effects of an overdose with external use were not found. But if it enters the stomach, it is recommended to rinse it and take activated charcoal at a dosage of 1 tablet per 7-10 kg of body weight.

    To achieve a greater antiseptic effect, before use, the solution or gel is recommended to be heated to 35-40 ° C or mixed with ethyl alcohol.

    When it enters an alkaline environment, the drug precipitates and ceases to act. Therefore, it is not used together with soap and other alkaline products. It is also incompatible with iodine-containing drugs: Lugol, Lugs, Yoks, Vokadin, Betadine.

    Clothes that have been exposed to chlorhexidine should not be washed with bleach or other chlorine-containing products. This can lead to hard-to-remove brown spots.

    The drug is stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C for two years from the date of production. After this period, the use may cause allergies.

    Chlorhexidine is a versatile and cheap antiseptic invented over sixty years ago. In addition to the prevention, treatment of viral and bacterial infections, it has found application in surgery as a tool for processing instruments.

    Chlorhexidine- local therapeutic and prophylactic antiseptic and disinfectant of a wide spectrum. They are used for antiseptics and disinfection: sterilization and disinfection of surgical instruments, equipment and devices, processing of the surgical field and the surgeon's hands. It is used to treat surgical wounds, purulent wounds, infected burns, pyoderma; treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx (gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, periodontitis, etc.); prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes); treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the vagina and cervix (vaginitis, colpitis, cervical erosion, vulvar itching); treatment and sanitation of the genital tract in gynecology, etc.

    Rinse solution and topical gel usually prescribed 2-3 times a day. Brush your teeth, clean the interdental spaces with a dental floss, then rinse your mouth with water until the toothpaste is completely removed. Then rinse your mouth with 15 ml of chlorhexidine for 30 seconds. The solution should not be swallowed, after rinsing, you should not eat for 2-3 hours. With gingivitis, it is prescribed in the morning and evening.

    How to treat herpes with Miramistin®

    Over the past 25-20 years, a number of antiviral drugs with different mechanisms of action have appeared for the treatment of patients with genital herpes. Information about their effectiveness is very contradictory.

    Chlorhexidine 0.05%

  • In the place where the drug is stored, the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.
  • Treatment: in case of accidental ingestion of the drug into the stomach, rinse the stomach with plenty of water and take adsorbents: 10-20 tablets of activated charcoal. burnt magnesia (1-2 tablespoons per glass of water). If necessary, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

    For the treatment of patients with severe immunodeficiency, as well as patients with a primary episode of herpetic proctitis, the dose of acyclovir is increased to 400 mg 4-5 times a day for 5-10 days. The effectiveness of acyclovir therapy is the higher, the earlier treatment is started - in the prodromal period or on the first day of the development of clinical manifestations.

  • as a skin antiseptic (0.5% aqueous solution): surgical wounds, postoperative sutures, purulent wounds, infected burns, bacterial and fungal skin diseases, pyoderma, impetigo, paronychia, felon, diaper rash, acne simplex, diabetic foot ulcers of non-fungal etiology, care for problem skin; in everyday life: for healing scratches, abrasions, microtraumas, burns, cracks;
  • "Chlorhexidine" for herpes is considered an effective drug, but a positive effect can be achieved if the area of ​​​​skin with inflammation is not extensive. For a small affected area, this medicine will be useful. With it, you can not only disinfect the skin, but also dry the herpes vesicles. The tool allows you to prevent re-infection of the inflamed skin and the appearance of suppuration.

    For intimate hygiene, it is necessary to use products that do not destroy the microflora of the vagina.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies - dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

    Lozenges. Children and adults: 1 tablet after meals slowly dissolve 3-4 times a day.

  • chlorhexidine gel with lidocaine: urethral catheterization, endoscopic examinations (infection prevention and anesthesia), minor gynecological manipulations.
  • Aerosol for external use.

    Foscarnet (foscavir) interacts with DNA polymerase and, to a lesser extent, with RNA polymerase, binds to pyrophosphate and partially inhibits nucleoside triphosphate, being a competitive inhibitor of pyrophosphate. It is used for herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as genital organs in the form of applications of 3% ointment to the lesions. In severe cases of the disease, intravenous slow (within 2 hours) drip administration of the drug at 60 mg / kg 3 times a day for 10-14 days is possible.

    Perhaps the simultaneous use of chlorhexidine with drugs containing a cationic group (benzalkonium chloride, cetrimonium bromide).

    In genital herpes, Chlorhexidine is used as an antiseptic to neutralize protein cells from the amino group and block oxygen consumption, resulting in a decrease in the level of adenositrphosphate and cell death. When using Chlorhexidine in the area of ​​the labia, precautions should be taken:

    The main active ingredient of the drug is chlorhesidin bigluconate, which kills harmful microorganisms, but is not absorbed into the blood. If you treat the surface of the skin with rashes with a medicine, then a certain amount of Chlorgesidine will remain on it for a while, which provides a long-lasting antimicrobial effect. The drug remains active in the presence of bleeding or suppuration. With the help of the drug, you can clean the area affected by herpes, but do not damage the wound and do not cause additional irritation.

    Practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After accidental ingestion of 300 mg Cmax is reached after 30 minutes and is 0.206 μg / l. It is excreted mainly with feces (90%), less than 1% is excreted by the kidneys. Absorption from the skin, mucous membranes and serous membranes is low - less than 1%.

    Apply in accordance with the approved instructions for a particular drug.

    Laboratory diagnostics:

    Prevention of venereal diseases. after urination, for men, use a nozzle to inject into the urethra (2-3 ml), and hold for 2-3 minutes; women, using a nozzle, irrigate the urethra (1-2 ml), vagina (5-10 ml) and hold for 2-3 minutes. Treat the skin of the inner surfaces of the thighs, pubis, genitals with a solution (it is not recommended to urinate for two hours after the procedure). In case of abrasions and cracks, rinse the surface of the skin locally, or treat with a swab moistened with the preparation.

    During pregnancy and lactation, the drug can be prescribed only for health reasons.


    "Chlorhexidine" for rashes on the lips


  • sterilization of surgical instruments (0.5% alcohol solution or 1% aqueous solution), disinfection of endoscopes, thermometers, working surfaces of equipment and devices, the heat treatment of which is undesirable; disinfection of removable dentures (1% aqueous solution);
  • The drug is a powerful antiseptic that destroys pathogenic bacteria in the cells of the skin. Therefore, it can be used for herpes on the lips. It is useful to apply "Chlorhexidine" in the formation of suppuration under the crusts to disinfect wounds. You can not be afraid of a slight bleeding in the affected area - this is not considered a contraindication and a reason for refusing to use the medicine. Chlorhexidine should be applied to the lips in the mornings and evenings, in case of urgent need, up to 3 procedures per day can be carried out. Be sure to evenly distribute the medicine in 1 layer on the affected area. The effect will be visually noticeable within a day after application.

    Bactericidal patch: remove the protective film from the surface of the patch, without touching the bandage with your fingers, and apply it to the damaged area of ​​the skin. Press the edges of the patch with your fingers so that the sticky part of the patch would fix the bandage.

    In patients with open traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, perforation of the tympanic membrane, avoid contact with chlorhexidine solution on the surface of the brain, meninges and into the cavity of the inner ear.

    Dosage forms:

    Chlorhexidine gel with lidocaine. Before catheterization of the urethra, endoscopic examination, break off the tip of the syringe, squeeze out 1 drop and then inject the gel, evenly pressing on the rod. Local anesthetic effect occurs within 10 minutes after instillation, so the introduction of instruments is recommended after this time.

    For operating room processing fields are diluted with a 20% aqueous solution of chlorhexidine with 70% ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 1:40. The operating field is treated with a 0.5% aqueous-alcoholic solution of chlorhexidine 2 times with an interval of 2 minutes.

    Mechanism of action


  • individual intolerance (including history of hypersensitivity) to chlorhexidine.

    Precautions and special instructions:

    Flacoside - a flavonoid obtained from the leaves of Amur velvet and Laval velvet, is administered orally after meals, 0.1-0.5 g 3 times a day for 10 days.

    Bactericidal patch: the protective film is removed from the surface of the patch, without touching the bandage pad with fingers, and applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin. Press the edges of the patch with your fingers so that the sticky part of the patch would fix the bandage.

    Medicines for genital herpes.

    Oksolin 1% - or 2% ointment is applied to the affected areas 3 times a day.

    The drug, which is used in the treatment of herpes, "Chlorhexidine" is an antiseptic, with the ability to destroy various bacteria and the herpes virus. It has found application in many areas of medicine due to its antiseptic effect.

    Properties / Action:

    Gel with lidocaine (for urethral catheterization).

    Use only locally or externally.

    Incubation period:

    epigen intimate (an aqueous extract of licorice root) is applied 6 times a day for 5-10 days (in the form of an aerosol).

    Chlorhexidine solutions are used as therapeutic and prophylactic agents for various types of infectious pathology, for antiseptics and disinfection. Chlorhexidine is stable and after treatment of the skin (hands, surgical field, etc.) it remains on it in a certain amount, which continues to give a bactericidal effect. Chlorhexidine (aqueous, glycerin and alcohol working solutions) remains active (although somewhat reduced) in the presence of blood, pus, various secrets and organic substances.


    Antiseptic cream and ointment for external use. It is applied to clean, washed and dried skin 1-3 times a day and rubbed with light movements until completely absorbed. Apply for several days. With prolonged use for medicinal purposes of creams containing antibiotics, it is recommended to periodically replace them with a cream with chlorhexidine in order to prevent the development of resistance of pathogens.

    As shown by numerous clinical studies in recent years drug of first choice for the treatment of acute and recurrent forms of genital herpes. caused by herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2, is acyclovir (zovirax and its analogues), valaciclovir (valtrex), famciclovir (famvir).

    Comprehensive treatment of urethritis and urethroprostatitis is carried out by injecting 2-3 ml of a 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine into the urethra 1-2 times a day, the course is 10 days, the procedures are prescribed every other day.

    Treatment: in case of accidental ingestion of the drug into the stomach, rinse the stomach with plenty of water and take adsorbents: 10-20 tablets of activated carbon, burnt magnesia (1-2 tablespoons per glass of water). If necessary, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

    For washing the bladder 0.02% aqueous solution (sterilized in an autoclave for 30 minutes) 1 time per day for 4 to 12 procedures (300-400 ml of solution per procedure).

    Perhaps the simultaneous use of chlorhexidine with drugs containing a cationic group (benzalkonium chloride, cetrimonium bromide).

    To process the surgical field, a 20% aqueous solution of chlorhexidine is diluted with 70% ethyl alcohol in a ratio of 1:40. The operating field is treated with a 0.5% aqueous-alcoholic solution of chlorhexidine 2 times with an interval of 2 minutes.

    A smear for the herpes virus from the site of the lesion by PCR (DNA diagnostics). Blood for antibodies to the herpes virus by ELISA.

    Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases: after urination, for men, use a nozzle to inject into the urethra (2-3 ml), and hold for 2-3 minutes; women, using a nozzle, irrigate the urethra (1-2 ml), vagina (5-10 ml) and hold for 2-3 minutes. Treat the skin of the inner surfaces of the thighs, pubis, genitals with a solution (it is not recommended to urinate for two hours after the procedure). In case of abrasions and cracks, rinse the surface of the skin locally, or treat with a swab moistened with the preparation.

    With caution: dermatitis, childhood, pregnancy, lactation.

    For external use, chlorhexidine preparations are recommended to be applied to clean, dry skin, thoroughly washing off the soap residue. The presence of soap may inactivate chlorhexidine.

    In the presence of promiscuity, the use of condoms treated with an antiseptic such as Nonoxynol-9 is mandatory. If a condom has not been used, after sexual intercourse it is advisable to use special antiseptic preparations: Chlorhexidine Bigluconate or Miramistin, which have a detrimental effect on the herpes virus.

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    As a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for various infections, for antiseptic treatment and disinfection, incl. in surgery, urology, obstetrics-gynecology, dentistry, dermato-venereology:

  • Genital herpes

    With increased sensitivity, allergic reactions (skin rash) are possible.

    Riodoxol . It is used for mild herpetic infections of the skin and mucous membranes in the form of applications of 0.25% -, 0.5% - or 1% ointment (depending on the localization of the process and the nature of the disease) for 5-10 days

    If there are manifestations on the skin, you should stop further use of the solution and consult a doctor.

    pharmachologic effect

    Contraindications for use

  • mouthwash solution, lozenges, topical gel: inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, pharynx and upper respiratory tract (rinsing and irrigation): gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, aphthae, periodontitis, alveolitis, cavity damage mouth, prevention of caries, prevention of inflammation after extraction of teeth;
  • Chlorhexidine gel with lidocaine facilitates instrumental intervention during intraurethral instillation in urology, resuscitation and gynecology (urethral catheterization is a very painful procedure). Chlorhexidine has a preventive function against ascending infection of the urethra and bladder. Lidocaine hydrochloride has a local anesthetic effect.

    Ethanol enhances the antiseptic activity of chlorhexidine.

    Pathogen transmission mechanism:

  • Store "Chlorhexidine" in a dry place where there will be no rays of light, and also away from children.
  • Aqueous and alcoholic solutions of chlorhexidine retain bactericidal properties in the presence of blood, physiological fluids and organic substances.


    Use only in accordance with the instructions for a particular drug.

  • solution for topical use: washing the bladder with cystitis;
  • The bactericidal effect of chlorhexidine increases with increasing temperature. At temperatures above 100 degrees C, chlorhexidine partially decomposes.

    The expiration date is indicated on the packaging. Do not use an expired drug. After opening the original packaging, the solution should be used within 7 days. The prepared working solutions should be used within 8 hours from the moment of preparation.

    It is not recommended to use detergents with chlorine for washing clothes that have been in contact with chlorhexidine. Exposure of hypochlorite bleaches to fabrics that have previously been in contact with preparations containing chlorhexidine may contribute to the appearance of brown spots on them.

    Herpes and Chlorhexidine

    The causes of herpes are not yet fully understood. In addition to infection, herpes is provoked by various "shocks" of the body: sunburn, strong emotional stress, the menstrual cycle, injuries and hormonal changes, problems of immunological balance. The virus “sleeping” in the body is also activated during exacerbation of chronic diseases and the presence of concomitant infections, hypothermia and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.


    Use during pregnancy and lactation:

    If herpes has already passed into the expanded phase, Miramistin® is recommended to be used 2-4 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. To improve the result, applications with Miramistin® should be applied to the foci of inflammation (for 2-3 minutes) or the affected area of ​​the skin should be irrigated with a spray. In no case do not squeeze out herpetic vesicles, as this leads to the spread of infection and an increase in the lesion. After herpes, observe a protective regimen, do not overcool or overheat, follow the recommendations of your doctor and immunologist.

    Currently, cases of overdose of chlorhexidine have not been reported.

    Mouthwash solution.

    Chlorhexidine is active against protozoa.

    Chlorhexidine has a quick and strong effect against most gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic bacteria (including pathogens of nosocomial infections, tuberculosis, E. coli, staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella). Effective against pathogens of sexually transmitted infections, incl. Treponema pallidum, Trichomonas vaginalis, Chlamydia spp. Ureaplasma spp. Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Gardnerella vaginalis, Bacteroides fragilis (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis); herpes viruses (genital herpes).

    Suppositories. Apply intravaginally. Assign 1 supp. 2-4 times / day. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina in the supine position. The course of treatment is 7-20 days, depending on the severity of the disease. For the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, suppositories should be administered no later than 2 hours after casual intercourse.

    For the treatment of a primary episode and recurrence of genital herpes in patients with an unchanged immune system, acyclovir is administered orally at a dose of 200 mg 5 times for 5-10 days or until the resolution of clinical manifestations.

    Use cases

    Chlorhexidine blocks the amino groups of cellular proteins. Penetrates into the intracellular membranes of bacterial cells, is deposited on the cytoplasm and is introduced into the membrane function, preventing oxygen consumption, which leads to a decrease in the level of cellular ATP and cell death. Destroys DNA and disrupts DNA synthesis in microorganisms.

    Drug interaction:

  • You can not use "Chlorhexidine" with genital herpes along with alkaline agents.
  • You can not use an expired drug for treatment. It is important to ensure that Chlorhexidine does not expire.
  • In genital herpes, the drug is administered orally at 0.5 g 2 times a day for 5-10 days. The effectiveness of valtrex in the treatment of genital herpes is higher than zovirax by 25%, and in prevention - by 44%.

    Bactericidal patch (set of patches, round patch, perforated patch).

    A medication is used if it is necessary to treat and prevent diseases that are caused by microorganisms sensitive to chlorhexidine. Medical staff use it during surgical operations, has found application in obstetric practice and gynecology, urology. Doctors recommend using the drug for skin problems that have arisen as a result of a fungal or bacterial infection.

    Active-active substance / beginning: chlorhexidine

    The virucidal effect of Chlorhexidine is manifested at a concentration of 0.1-1% against lipophilic viruses (including hepatitis A, B, C viruses, rotaviruses, enteroviruses, pathogens of poliomyelitis, influenza, HIV infection, rubella, measles, mumps, cytomegaloviruses, pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections).

    Reservoir and exciter sources:

  • as a skin antiseptic (0.5% alcohol solution or 1% aqueous solution): to treat the surgical field and the surgeon's hands before surgery; for hygienic treatment of the hands of medical personnel of medical institutions in the departments of surgery, intensive care, neonatology, hemodialysis and blood transfusion, in infectious, obstetric-gynecological, dermatological, burn units, etc. those. where transmission of infection through the hands is possible; for hygienic treatment of the hands of medical workers of preschool and school institutions, social security institutions (nursing homes, disabled people, etc.); employees of pharmaceutical and perfumery and cosmetic enterprises, food industry and public catering enterprises, public utilities (including beauty salons, etc.);
  • To increase the disinfecting properties of the liquid, it can be used in soft water with the addition of ethanol, which will enhance the antiviral effect of the drug.
  • Hand sanitizing does not replace sterile gloves.

  • Soap is strongly discouraged. The drug works only in the presence of a neutral environment.
  • Chlorhexidine is a local therapeutic and prophylactic antiseptic (antimicrobial), disinfectant, antiviral and antifungal agent with a wide spectrum of action; means for antiseptics and disinfection. It is one of the most active local antiseptics. In chemical terms, it is a dichlorine derivative of biguanide.

    Main clinical symptoms:

    In terms of acute toxicity when injected into the stomach and applied to the skin, chlorhexidine belongs to the 4th class of low-hazard compounds. Chlorhexidine rarely causes sensitization and allergic reactions, skin and tissue irritation. Skin-resorptive and cumulative properties are not expressed. Does not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. When inhaled, it is of little danger. Long-term effects (embryotropic, mutagenic, blastomogenic) were not revealed. Does not have a damaging effect on objects made of glass, plastic and metals.

    Dental gel.

    With the simultaneous use of chlorhexidine with other disinfectants or cosmetic creams, there is a risk of their mutual inactivation.

    Chlorhexidine is pharmaceutically incompatible with soaps, alkalis, detergents containing an anionic group (saponins, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, colloids, gum arabic).

  • It is important to monitor the expiration date of the medicine, the expired solution is unsuitable for use.
  • Herpes is a disease of viral origin that affects the skin and mucous membranes, often on the lips, face or genitals. "Chlorhexidine" for herpes is one of the effective drugs that help to quickly eliminate the signs of the disease. Thanks to the antiseptic properties of the drug, it is possible to destroy the cause of the disease - a virus that contributes to inflammation on the skin, which not only spoils the appearance, but also provokes pain.

    A solution for rinsing and a gel for topical application are usually prescribed 2-3 times a day. Brush your teeth, clean the interdental spaces with a dental floss, then rinse your mouth with water until the toothpaste is completely removed. Then rinse your mouth with 15 ml of chlorhexidine for 30 seconds. The solution should not be swallowed, after rinsing, you should not eat for 2-3 hours. With gingivitis, it is prescribed in the morning and evening.

    Chlorhexidine gel with lidocaine: severe bradycardia (possibility of systemic action of lidocaine).

    At the first symptoms of "imminent" herpes (reddening of the skin area, soreness, burning or itching), you need to make an application to the "hot spot" with a cotton pad, abundantly moistened with Miramistin®, for 10-15 minutes, repeated every 3-4 hours. This will help prevent the development of herpes and / or reduce the severity of its manifestations.

    Person, sick or carrier.


    Suppressive therapy with acyclovir to prevent recurrence of genital herpes is carried out at a dose of 400 mg 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours for months and even several years. Daily suppressive therapy prevents the development of relapses in 60-90% of patients, and 25-30% of patients get rid of subsequent episodes of genital herpes for a long time.

    Pharmacy chains offer a gel for the treatment of lips with a release form in the form of suppositories or a solution. The action of the antiseptic is noticeable the very next day after use. Apply the medicine to the lips in one layer.

    A powerful antiseptic that can destroy cells and disrupt their metabolic process. It is used on the lips when pus appears under the crust of the wound, then the antiseptic disinfects this area. A good result shows in the presence of blood. The drug is applied in the morning and evening, and if necessary, increase the dosage up to three times a day.


  • It is forbidden to use the drug in conjunction with alkali or soap. The action of the drug occurs in a neutral environment. To increase the bactericidal properties, the solution should be used in soft water and ethanol should be added, which enhances the antimicrobial activity of the drug.
  • Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy

    Activetex X; Amident; Aseptinol (Aseptinol C); Ahdez; Hexicon(Hexicon D); Hibiscrab; Gibitan; Des-yahont; Design; Desicrub; Desihand; kathejel; Corsodyl; Manusan; Plivasept (Plivasept gluconate, cream, N, P, foaming, blue, tincture); Sebidin; Sensisept; Hibitan; Fervex from sore throat; Hibitan; Chlorhexidine ; Chlorhexidine bigluconate; Chlorhexidine Zhifrer; Chlorhexidine gluconate; Cyteal; Elugel.

    Depending on the concentration used, Chlorhexidine exhibits both bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects. The bacteriostatic effect of chlorhexidine (both aqueous and alcoholic working solutions) is manifested at a concentration of 0.01% or less, bactericidal - at a concentration of more than 0.01% after 1 minute at a temperature of 22 degrees against 99% of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

    Do not use the product together with alkali or soap.

    Suppositories are vaginal.

    Back to index

    Characteristics of the drug

    Chlorhexidine gel with lidocaine. Before catheterization of the urethra, endoscopic examination, break off the tip of the syringe, squeeze out 1 drop and then inject the gel, evenly pressing on the rod. Local anesthetic effect occurs within 10 minutes after instillation, so the introduction of instruments is recommended after this time.

      Side effects:


      Herpes - treatment

      In women, rashes, accompanied by itching and soreness, on the external genitalia. At the site of the introduction of the virus, after about 2 weeks, itching, pain, tingling, burning occurs. The skin in this place turns red, bubbles form with a clear liquid, the size of a millet grain, in an amount of 2 to 20 pieces, which merge into 1-2 large itchy bubbles with jagged edges on 2-3 days. The contents of the blisters become cloudy and by 5-6 days they ulcerate. Painful sores appear in their place, healing for 7-8 days. In their place, as a rule, light spots remain. At the same time, there is an increase and soreness of the inguinal lymph nodes, fever, headache, frequent and painful urination (cystitis). If the cervix is ​​affected, an asymptomatic course of the disease is possible.

      Chlorhexidine does not have a damaging effect on objects made of glass, plastic and metals.

      Treatment of medical instruments and working surfaces is carried out with a clean sponge moistened with a solution of chlorhexidine, or by soaking. For quick sterilization of instruments, a 0.5% aqueous-alcoholic solution of chlorhexidine is used for 5 minutes. For slow sterilization of instruments, a 0.02% aqueous solution is used for 30 minutes. A 0.1% aqueous solution can also be used for general disinfection of rooms, sanitary equipment, etc.

      Do not use chlorhexidine solutions to treat the conjunctiva and to wash the cavities.

      Alpizarin used to treat herpetic lesions of various localization. Applications of 2% ointment are made on the mucous membranes 4-6 times a day for 5-10 days, 5% ointment is applied to the skin 4-6 times a day for 5-10 days. In a more severe course of herpetic infection, alpizarin (0.1 g) is prescribed orally, 1-3 tablets 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days.

      Chlorhexidine is a local therapeutic and prophylactic antiseptic and broad-spectrum disinfectant. They are used for antiseptics and disinfection: sterilization and disinfection of surgical instruments, equipment and devices, processing of the surgical field and the surgeon's hands. It is used to treat surgical wounds, purulent wounds, infected burns, pyoderma; treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx (gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, periodontitis, etc.); prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes); treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the vagina and cervix (vaginitis, colpitis, cervical erosion, vulvar itching); treatment and sanitation of the genital tract in gynecology, etc.

      Famvir (Famciclovir) is transformed in the body into an active antiviral compound - penciclovir and is effective against HSV-1, HSV-2 and other herpes viruses. Famvir is prescribed for acute herpes infection, 0.25 g 3 times a day for 7 days. Patients with an increased risk of developing postherpetic neuralgia are recommended to take the drug at a dose of 0.5 g 3 times a day for 7 days.

      Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, they should be rinsed quickly and thoroughly with water.

      In men, the disease has similar manifestations: rashes are located on the glans penis and foreskin. Most men develop inflammation of the prostate gland, manifested by pain in the perineum and difficulty urinating, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.


      Hand hygiene. For hand disinfection, use a 0.5% alcohol solution or 1% aqueous solution of chlorhexidine. Using any dispenser, pour at least 5 ml of the product into the palm of your hand and rub evenly over the surface of the hands until dry, but not less than 2 minutes. Before each subsequent treatment with the product, wash your hands under running water and dry with a towel. Processing of hands during the day can be carried out no more than 6 times. After finishing work, hands should be washed with soap and water and lubricated with emollients.

      Hygienic processing of hands. For hand disinfection, use a 0.5% alcohol solution or 1% aqueous solution of chlorhexidine. Using any dispenser, pour at least 5 ml of the product into the palm of your hand and rub evenly over the surface of the hands until dry, but not less than 2 minutes. Before each subsequent treatment with the product, wash your hands under running water and dry with a towel. Processing of hands during the day can be carried out no more than 6 times. After finishing work, hands should be washed with soap and water and lubricated with emollients.

      Some strains of Pseudomonas spp. are slightly sensitive to Chlorhexidine. Proteus spp. resistant - acid-resistant forms of bacteria. Chlorhexidine acts on bacterial spores only at elevated temperatures. Chlorhexidine does not interfere with the functional activity of lactobacilli.

      Released without a doctor's prescription.

      0.05, 0.2 and 0.5% aqueous solutions are used in the form of irrigation, rinsing and applications- 5-10 ml of the solution is applied to the affected surface of the skin or mucous membranes with an exposure of 1-3 minutes 2-3 times a day (on a swab or by irrigation). For disinfection of wounds, burns, a 0.5% aqueous solution is used.

      Storage conditions:

      Complex treatment of urethritis and urethroprostatitis carried out by injecting 2-3 ml of a 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine into the urethra 1-2 times a day, the course is 10 days, the procedures are prescribed every other day.

      In the treatment of genital herpes

      The fungicidal effect of Chlorhexidine is manifested in a concentration of 0.05% at a temperature of 22 degrees and an exposure time of 10 minutes. It has fungistatic activity against fungi of the genus Candida, dermatophytes and trichophytons.

      The simultaneous use of iodine preparations is undesirable in order to avoid the development of dermatitis.

      Side effects:


    • bactericidal patch: abrasions, scratches, small skin cuts;
    • The use of "Chlorhexidine" allows you to quickly eliminate pain and destroy pathogenic microorganisms on the skin and mucous membranes with genital herpes. To cure rashes, you need to apply 10 ml of the solution to the inflamed area and wait a few minutes. It is recommended to use the drug 3 times a day: in the morning, in the afternoon (after dinner) and at night. When applying the drug in the area of ​​the labia, it is recommended to adhere to the following precautions:

      Acyclovir 5% cream is prescribed to patients with herpes simplex with moderate clinical symptoms on the skin in the early stages of the development of the disease 5 times a day for 5-7 days.

      Store in a dry, dark place and out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

      Chlorhexidine gel with lidocaine facilitates instrumental intervention during intraurethral instillation in urology, resuscitation and gynecology (urethral catheterization is a very painful procedure). Chlorhexidine has a preventive function against ascending infection of the urethra and bladder. Lidocaine hydrochloride has a local anesthetic effect.

      Herpes is accompanied by redness and blisters, in some cases accompanied by fever and headache. A day or a few hours before the appearance of herpes rashes, a person experiences discomfort in the place of their future localization. So, herpes on the lips often looks like grouped or single tense blisters filled with a clear or cloudy liquid. If the component of the vesicles is cloudy, then it is possible that a bacterial infection has joined the herpes virus (see also Skin Diseases). Over time, the blisters burst, leaving behind small, painful sores that heal within 1-4 weeks.

      Acyclovir — a synthetic acyclic analogue of deoxyguanosine, a natural component of DNA, remains the standard of antiherpetic treatment and a model for new antiviral drugs to this day.

      For the treatment of genital herpes, apply 10 ml of the drug to the affected area and leave for a few minutes. Carry out the procedure in the morning, afternoon and evening.

      Terms and conditions of storage:

      The use of "Chlorhexidine" is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the active substance by a person. Also, hypersensitivity, a tendency to allergies or skin diseases (dermatitis) are the reason for refusing to use the medication. In such situations, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe a medicine that eliminates herpes that is appropriate for the patient's condition.

      Herpes - symptoms

      Dosing regimen:

      Miramistin® is a unique drug, since it acts in several directions at once: directly on herpes viruses and bacteria. thereby significantly reduces the signs of inflammation in herpes and at the same time increases the local protective properties of the mucous membrane and skin at the site of application.

      If after applying the product there is an adverse reaction and a deterioration in the condition of the skin, you should consult a doctor and stop using the medication.

      The tool helps to dry the sores.

      Antiseptic cream and ointment for external use. It is applied to clean, washed and dried skin 1-3 times a day and rubbed with light movements until completely absorbed. Apply for several days. With prolonged use for medicinal purposes of creams containing antibiotics, it is recommended to periodically replace them with a cream with chlorhexidine in order to prevent the development of resistance of pathogens.


      Via-MP (vidarabine phosphate) - 10% gel. It is applied to the affected areas 4 times a day for 7 days.

      In the process of use, the drug is able to kill bacteria and at the same time not be absorbed into the bloodstream. After treating the skin with it, a part of chlorhexidine bigluconate remains on them, which provides a long-lasting antibacterial effect.

      From 2 to 3 days.

      0.05, 0.2 and 0.5% aqueous solutions are used as irrigations, rinses and applications - 5-10 ml of the solution is applied to the affected surface of the skin or mucous membranes with an exposure of 1-3 minutes 2-3 times a day (on a swab or by irrigation). For disinfection of wounds, burns, a 0.5% aqueous solution is used.

      Tromantadin . The drug in the form of a 1% ointment is applied to the affected areas 3 times a day for 7-10 days. For more successful use of tromantadine, it is prescribed when the first signs of herpes appear.

      Chlorhexidine for herpes

      Remedies for genital herpes

      Use in the treatment of herpes on the lips


      Chlorhexidine has several release options in which the drug can be found in pharmacies. A common form is considered to be a solution that is sold in vials, often with a dispenser for more convenient use. For the treatment of herpes, you can choose this option, however, to eliminate inflammation on the lips, it is recommended to purchase "Chlorhexidine" in the form of a gel. In this situation, the drug will not leak after application, so there will be no need to worry that the medicine has spread from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin that needs to be treated.

      With genital herpes

      Dosage and administration:

      Dryness and itching of the skin, dermatitis, stickiness of the hands for 3-5 minutes. In some cases, chlorhexidine may have a local irritant effect.

      Chlorhexidine / Chlorhexidine.

      suppositories. Apply intravaginally. Assign 1 supp. 2-4 times / day. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina in the supine position. The course of treatment is 7-20 days, depending on the severity of the disease. For the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, suppositories should be administered no later than 2 hours after casual intercourse.

      Teeth staining, tartar deposits, taste disturbance (in the treatment of gingivitis).

      Experimental studies indicate the inhibitory effect of alpizarin on the initial stages of HSV reproduction in the cell.

      Forum: Treatment of genital herpes

      Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted viral disease that occurs in attacks. It is characterized by the presence on the skin and external mucous membranes of the human genital organs of small itchy vesicles (sores) filled with transparent contents.

      Individual intolerance (including history of hypersensitivity) to chlorhexidine.

      For genital herpes caused by acyclovir-resistant strains of HSV, famciclovir and foscarnet are alternative drugs.

      Lozenges. Children and adults: 1 tablet after meals slowly dissolve 3-4 times a day.

      Pregnancy and lactation:

      The principle of action of "Chlorgesidine" in herpes

    • vaginal suppositories, topical solution (0.05 and 0.2% solutions): prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (sexually transmitted infections): chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes - use no later than 2 hours after intercourse; local treatment of acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the vagina and cervix: specific vaginitis, nonspecific vaginitis, mixed vaginitis, cervical erosion, vulvar itching, trichomonas colpitis; treatment and sanitation of the genital tract in gynecology during medical and diagnostic procedures: before surgical treatment of gynecological diseases, before childbirth and abortion, before and after the installation of an intrauterine device, before and after diathermocoagulation of the cervix, before intrauterine examinations (0.2% solution);
    • Herpes simplex virus types I and II. It manifests itself with a decrease in immunity, after colds, physical and emotional overload. Often AIDS (HIV) and herpes occur together.

      Solution for external and topical use (concentrate for solution preparation).

      Traditionally, the treatment of herpes (colds on the lips) is carried out in several directions at once: during exacerbation, antiseptic drugs are prescribed to the area of ​​​​rashes to fight inflammation and infection, and antiviral drugs, depending on the state of the immune system, immune drugs and vaccines can be prescribed.

    • It is necessary to store "Chlorhexidine" in a dry, dark place, which will not be accessible to children. The temperature should not exceed 25°C.
    • Cream, ointment for external use.

      Cream / ointment for antiseptic treatment of the skin of the hands begins to act 15 - 30 seconds after application with a duration of several hours. After applying the cream, a thin layer of chlorhexidine is formed on the skin, protecting the skin from the penetration of bacteria. The cream also has a softening effect and can be used to protect dry, cracked skin that has been exposed to adverse factors (frequent use of antiseptic solutions, frequent washing with water and soap, low temperatures, etc.). The antiseptic cream is well tolerated and does not cause skin irritation.

      Active active ingredient:

      Khelepin in the form of a 1% ointment is applied to the affected mucous membranes 3 times a day for 7-10 days. For skin lesions, a 5% ointment is applied. In severe cases, Helepin (0.1 g) is administered orally, 3 tablets per day for 10-15 days.

      Infection can occur through unprotected sexual contact with a person who has herpes sores (the active stage of the disease).

      Valtrex (Valacyclovir) - acyclovir of the second generation - is the L-valyl ester of acyclovir. The drug provides a high level of absorption of acyclovir when administered orally, increases its bioavailability by 4-5 times and maintains a high level of its safety and tolerability.

      Chlorhexidine is used in a neutral environment; at pH 5-8 the difference in activity is small; at a pH of more than 8 precipitates.

      Brivudine - tablets 0.125 g, 1 tablet orally 4 times a day for 5-7 days (after meals with plenty of liquid)

      The use of hard water reduces the bactericidal properties of chlorhexidine.

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      • And most importantly - do not worry and do not be nervous. In addition, oils of coniferous trees are used: cedar, fir, juniper, pine. The effectiveness of essential oils depends on their quality. Therefore, oil treatment is not always effective. spray; ? Internal treatment is performed with pills, rectal suppositories and […]
      • 1. Simple and safe devices are produced by domestic and foreign companies. For example, the Philips 311nm Dermalight illuminator is equipped with a 9W U-shaped lamp. The results of multiple studies indicate the effectiveness of the device during the procedures of 3-4 r. in Week. Some […]
      • Genital herpes is a more serious disease than a rash on the lips. With such a diagnosis, you should definitely consult a doctor. Garlic for herpes can be used as an auxiliary (and not the main) remedy. For example, you can eat it more often. If for objective reasons this is not possible (you have to walk every day […]
      • The drug is not prescribed to patients with HIV infection and AIDS. Some skin diseases and venereal diseases become contraindications. Patients with cryptococcal infections, including cryptococcal meningitis, are usually prescribed on the first day of treatment 400 mg of the drug 1 time per day, then they switch to taking 200-400 mg of the drug 1 […]
      • The course of Terzhinan is prescribed by a gynecologist. Usually treatment for ureaplasma lasts 10-14 days, rarely longer. The tablet is injected as deep as possible into the vagina once before going to bed in the supine position. After the introduction, it is advisable to lie down for 15 minutes. Some doctors advise holding the drug in water for a while before use. For […]
      • I also drank indole-3-carbinol. But! I have been drinking Indole periodically for 1.5 years and I have not had any visible results from it. Vitamin E (200-400 IU per day). The course is 4-8 weeks, after 2-3 months it can be repeated. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct studies, including laparoscopy. Then the doctor will prescribe the necessary medicines and, […]