Apricot nut benefits and harm. Chemical composition of apricot kernels

When we eat apricots, we don’t hesitate to throw away the pits, but we do it in vain - in terms of usefulness, apricot kernels are not inferior to many products that are more familiar to us. They are used in cooking, folk medicine, and cosmetology, which we will talk about in more detail.

Nutritional value: substance content

100 g of apricot kernels contain about a third of the daily protein requirement (25 g), more than half of the daily fat requirement (45 g), as well as about 3 g of carbohydrates, 5 g of water and 2.5 g of ash.

The essential amino acids present in the kernels of the seeds are:

  • arginine;
  • leucine;
  • phenylalanine;
  • valine;
  • isoleucine;
  • lysine;
  • threonine;
  • histidine;
  • tryptophan;
  • methionine

Important! The core of apricot kernels contains the toxic substance amygdalin, which in large quantities can lead to severe poisoning.

There are also nonessential amino acids in apricot kernels:

  • glutamic acid;
  • tyrosine
  • aspartic acid;
  • proline;
  • glycine;
  • cysteine;
  • alanine;
  • serine
The core of the seeds is rich in fatty acids:
  • omega-6;
  • omega-9;
  • linoleic and others.

Minerals in the nucleoli:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus (more than half the daily requirement);
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • iron.

Among the vitamins, the seeds contain PP, which is responsible for the condition of the skin, nervous system, intestines.

Calorie content

Apricot kernels are a very high-calorie product; they contain 450-520 kcal per 100 g of product, which is slightly less than a third of the daily requirement.

Did you know? In the 16th century in England, apricot kernel oil was valued as highly as gold.

Benefit: medicinal properties

Apricot kernels, according to folk medicine, have the following beneficial effects on the body:

Did you know? In the medicine of Ancient China back in the 3rd millennium BC. Treated diseases with apricot kernels.

Application in medicine

Traditional medicine uses apricot kernels to treat:

  • bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • ARVI;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • worm infections;
  • oncological diseases.

To do this, use tincture, oil, urbech (a thick mass of crushed nucleoli), raw kernels or a medicine. Colds are treated with tincture.

Important! Representatives of alternative medicine are actively promoting a drug based on apricot kernels for the treatment of cancer tumors, but official medicine does not confirm this effectiveness.

Use in cosmetology

In cosmetology, apricot kernel oil and scrub are used for:

  • carrying out massage;
  • applying masks;
  • cleansing and moisturizing the skin;
  • peeling procedures;
  • improving hair growth;
  • production of creams, lotions and shampoos.

Harvesting and storing seeds

You only need to harvest the pits of ripened apricots, because the cores from unripe fruits are tasteless, contain few nutrients and are poorly stored. You can store whole seeds or extracted and peeled kernels. Centers peeled from film will taste better, and unpeeled ones will last longer.

First, you need to dry the bones. Dry them by laying them out in a dry place on paper in one layer, in a special dryer for vegetables and fruits, or in the oven at low temperature.
For storage, it is better to use a fabric or paper bag, so the kernels will not get damp. You can take a glass or plastic container, but use gauze or cloth instead of a lid. The product should be stored in a dark and dry place for no more than 12 months.

How to take apricot kernels

To experience the positive effects of eating apricot kernels, you need to follow these rules:

  1. If there is a need to get rid of worms, it is enough to eat 5 kernels a day, and the problem will be solved.
  2. If your goal is to fight cancer, then you need bitter kernels containing amygdalin, which is credited with healing properties.
  3. Peeled but not dried bones should be eaten within 3 months.
  4. Only seeds without food processing have healing properties (you should not fry or cook).
  5. Eat them once in the morning 1 hour before meals.
  6. To improve the taste, you can mix them with honey.
  7. The daily portion of kernels is 10-15 pieces per day, depending on the person’s weight.

Important! Do not eat more than 1 apricot kernel per 5 kg of body weight per day.

How to peel the kernel from an apricot kernel

The folk way to crack the shell is with the help of a door: the bone is inserted into the gap where the door hinge is located and pressed. You can also buy a special device for cracking nuts, use the back of a garlic press, a hammer or a rolling pin.

All these methods have one drawback - sometimes the core is crushed with the shell, it is difficult to separate it from the fragments, so you don’t need to put in a lot of effort.

Possible harm

It is believed that sweet apricot kernels have no harmful effects, but bitter ones contain a substance that forms hydrocyanic acid in the body, which prevents the flow of oxygen into tissues.

Therefore, eating bitter seeds in large quantities can have irreversible consequences for the brain. In this regard, there is a restriction on eating seeds.
The need to seek medical help occurs with the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • blue skin;
  • weakness;
  • muscle pain;
  • confusion.

You can also harm your skin if you don't grind the seeds fine enough for the scrub.

The consumption of apricot cores is contraindicated for people with:

  • gastritis;
  • liver diseases;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes mellitus

It is also better to avoid them during pregnancy and breastfeeding and should not be given to children.

Recipe for preparing healing potions

From apricot kernels you can prepare products for external and internal use - tincture, urbech, oil and scrub.


To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • apricot core - 100 g;
  • vodka - 1 bottle.

Wrap the cores in a towel and roll with a rolling pin to form crumbs. Pour this crumb into a glass or enamel bowl, pour a bottle of vodka, cover with a lid and leave for 3 weeks, then strain through cheesecloth, pour into a bottle or jar and store in the refrigerator or pantry for up to 3 years.

Video: preparing tincture with apricot kernels

Rub this tincture every evening on sore joints and tie them with a warm scarf.

Urbech (paste)

Urbech is a Dagestan delicacy made from, or apricot kernels, ground to a pulp. To prepare it you need:

  • apricot seeds - 50 g;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • butter - 40 g.

Grind the seeds to a paste in a blender. Add honey, butter, mix well. Urbech should be stored in the refrigerator.

Take no more than 3 teaspoons of treats per day. You can spread it on bread, add it to porridge, dip fruit in it, or make salad dressing. Urbech restores strength well and helps with colds.

IN bitter apricot kernels contains a substance amygdalin(western name laetrile), which is also called vitamin B17. This substance is credited with anti-cancer properties, and against different types of cancer. Amygdalin is also found in bitter drupes and seeds of other fruits: almonds, apples, plums, etc. It is also found in sweet almonds and sweet apricot kernels, but in much smaller quantities. Now you can buy dietary supplements of amygdalin-laetrile-vitamin B17 with a high concentration, and I have read reviews of people whose tumors have noticeably decreased while taking these supplements.

Unfortunately, shortly after this review was published, iHerb stopped selling bitter apricot kernels. In the United States, the distribution of supplements with amygdalin is prohibited, and, apparently, they have now reached its food sources and their manufacturers. Nevertheless, I recommend reading the review; it contains useful information, including where to buy in Russia.

The bitter apricot kernels themselves can hardly be successfully used to treat cancer, since the amount of amygdalin in the permissible daily intake is not at all the same as in food supplements. However, I think it makes sense to use them as a medicine to prevent cancer. Moreover, vitamin B17 nutritional supplements are very expensive.

I have never seen bitter apricot kernels for sale in Russia - well, at the market or somewhere else, by weight and inexpensively. Only recently they appeared in health food stores, albeit from a Russian brand UFeelGood, but still imported, and they are expensive (the lowest price I have seen is 270 rubles per 50 grams). In the online store, bitter apricot kernels are also not cheap, but still the price is lower than that of UFeelGood, so it makes sense to buy them there. Which is what I did.

Manufactured by a company with the appropriate name - Apricot Power(the power of apricot)! 🙂 Grown in California, no pesticides, raw and sun dried.

The manufacturer recommends using no more than 10 cores per day, wherein no more than 3 pieces within one hour. Otherwise, harm may result instead of benefit - banal poisoning. You should generally start with one nucleolus per day. Thus, a half-kilogram package lasts for a long time.

The packaging states that one bitter apricot kernel contains about 20 mg of amygdalin.

The kernels themselves are very different in size, one can be 3 times larger than the other. I was guided by taking 10 pieces per day of the larger ones.

The manufacturer placed a sticker on the front side of the package: “Important! Please see “Ways to Enjoy” on the reverse side.” 🙂 Apparently, we are tired of the negative reviews from those who do not understand that useful medicine must be bitter, and we must endure it. 🙂 In general, the manufacturer reports that bitter apricot kernels enhance the aroma of dishes, so it recommends adding them to smoothies, steamed vegetables, fruits, soups, salads, porridge, cereals, coffee or yogurt in crushed or chopped form, or even whole .

I simply snacked on the kernels while eating some kind of food. Moreover, sometimes they even tasted good to me, despite the bitterness. Apparently, the body sensed something needed in them.

I don’t eat bitter apricot kernels on a regular basis - I just don’t see the point for myself. I decided to use them only during the next anti-candida and generally anti-fungal cleansing. Although now I remember them and understand that I want to eat a little - which means I probably need to.

This is such an unusually short review. Because there really isn’t much to say here - the product on iHerb is unique, it has no competitors. In Russia there is only one competitor and it costs more. There is also nothing to say about the effects of taking it, except that no side effects were noticed. So there’s just such a wonderful product on iHerb. I recommend!

If you know where you can buy bitter apricot kernels at a lower price, please tell us. Still, sweet kernels on the market and in Russian online stores are many times cheaper. Maybe someone somewhere sells bitters inexpensively.

Happy shopping!

If you have never shopped at the iHerb online store, take a look at the section. There are a number of features.

The healing kernels located inside the apricot drupe attract the attention of not only scientists, but also ordinary people. Everyone is interested in the question of whether there really is a unique substance inside the bones that can treat cancer and why it is considered life-threatening.

In the scientific world, for many years now, there has been controversy about collecting evidence for the effective treatment of cancer with a drug prepared based on extracts from apricot kernels, which is called a vitamin-like substance with the trade name laetrile.

Apricot kernels: benefits and harms in today's article. What substances are included in the kernels, why they are interesting and dangerous, how they affect health and whether it is possible to eat kernels.

Apricot kernels: benefits and harms

Although apricots do not grow in all regions of Russia, the taste of these fruits is familiar to everyone from childhood from the compotes that were always on sale, jam and preserves. I especially remember the compote in liter tins. Despite the popular belief that the seeds are often thrown away, we always collected them and ate them by breaking them with a hammer.

Almost two millennia ago, apricots were imported from China and began to be cultivated in Armenia, which is why this fruit is sometimes called the “Armenian apple.”

Nowadays, apricot kernels can be freely purchased on the market, they are available to everyone, they are used not only for treatment, but also in cooking, instead of almonds and in cosmetology, for making masks and creams.

Chemical composition of apricot kernels

The main purpose of apricot kernels is to create a supply of all the necessary nutrients for a new sprout, a new tree. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the composition is distinguished by the richness and diversity of chemical elements.

The vitamins contained in the kernels are capable of satisfying a person’s daily needs; they are distinguished:

B vitamins, known for their ability to fight cancer cells.

Nicotinic acid (NA), considered a drug, because it plays a major role in redox reactions, enzyme synthesis, and carbohydrate and lipid metabolic processes.

Vitamin A, which plays an important role in the origin, development and growth of all body cells: muscle and bone. Therefore, the health of all organs and systems, and therefore youth, depends on its presence in the body.

Watch the video with Elena Malysheva about the benefits and harms of apricot kernels

Vitamin C influences numerous chemical reactions that occur inside the body, primarily:

  • synthesis of interferon, which is responsible for the state of immunity;
  • serotonin - the hormone of joy.

The inhibition of premature aging processes and the prevention of human cognitive abilities, which affect the development of Alzheimer's disease, depend on it.

Blood parameters (pressure, cholesterol), heart function and the condition of the musculoskeletal system depend on vitamin F or the presence of essential fatty acids. And without this vitamin, the reproduction process is impossible, which indicates its importance.

This combination of vitamins allows traditional medicine to use the nuclei to support vision, liver and thyroid glands, to fight not only microbes, but also tumor cells.

  • Of the microelements, the presence of iron and potassium, magnesium and sodium, calcium and iodine is noted, which help in the fight against anemia, disease genitourinary system, activate the thyroid gland and brain.
  • A large number of amino acids: Unsaturated fatty acids (linolenic and linoleic, oleic) and saturated (myristic, palmitic, stearic) - exhibit a powerful antioxidant effect, helping to preserve the youth of the body.
  • Essential oils and proteins, fatty oils and natural pigments.
  • Tocopherols that prevent premature aging of the body.

The fiber that fills the kernels is used to make medicine aimed at lowering cholesterol levels, purifying the blood, and improving intestinal function.

Apricot oil occupies 60% of the total mass; its structure is viscous and has a low degree of acidity. The presence of oils in the composition gives the product significant calorie content. So 100 g of kernels contain up to 510 kcal.

The kernels contain chemicals that constantly cause controversy in the scientific world, since they, despite some benefits, still cast doubt on the healing properties of the seeds as a whole. These substances include:

  • amygdalin,
  • lactose
  • and emulsin.

Harmful effects of apricot kernels

Research by scientists has shown that the substance amygdalin is especially controversial, although in small quantities it is not dangerous and is part of the seeds of many fruit trees (pears, apples, cherries and plums, peaches). The bitter taste of the nucleoli indicates their presence.

Apricot kernels contain up to 12% amygdalin, which is concentrated at the pointed end of the kernel.

Once in the human body, under the influence of gastric juice, the substance is split into components, one of which is hydrocyanic acid. Being a strong poison, this substance, if used excessively, can pose not only harm, but also a serious danger to human health. Doctors announce that 40-60 grams are dangerous for the body. eaten nucleoli.

By extracting the kernel cake with alcohol, amygdalin is isolated, which is promoted by representatives of alternative medicine as an anti-cancer vitamin-like drug, under the trade name vitamin B 17 or laetrile.

Since the drug is highly toxic, American scientists deny its healing effects and many countries add this vitamin to the prohibited list.

There is another opinion in the scientific world that the danger of nuclei to human health is too exaggerated. Referring to the low concentration of amygdalin in apricot kernels, adherents assure that they cannot cause harm to health.

Considering the unproven nature of this fact, it is still not worth jeopardizing your health. And we must not forget that the concentration of amygdalin is most pronounced in apricot oil.

Important: They say that if you dry the kernels well or boil them in water before consuming them, the content of toxic substances in them is reduced to nothing.

Harm can also be caused to the body if you include in food old kernels that have been lying around for several years. According to research, the concentration of toxic substances in them increases.

In addition, nucleoli are contraindicated even in small quantities for:

  • acute or chronic liver diseases,
  • in the presence of diabetes mellitus,
  • existing problems with the thyroid gland,
  • during pregnancy.

Contraindications must be taken into account.

What symptoms may indicate mild hydrocyanic acid poisoning:

The body reacts to poisoning:

  • weakness and lethargy,
  • pain in the stomach,
  • headaches,
  • trouble breathing,
  • stomach cramps and nausea.

Acute poisoning is accompanied by pressure changes and fainting, convulsions and heart failure, until sudden respiratory arrest.

Beneficial features

The benefits of apricot kernels are obvious, with proper and moderate consumption. They contribute to:

Destruction of tumor cells. Chemical analyzes show that the glycoside amygdalin consists of benzoaldehyde, two molecules of glucose and one cyanide. Being in a bound state, when entering the body with food, they do not pose a danger. In order for amygdalin glucoside to begin to break down into its component parts, the presence of another glucoside, beta, is required.

Beta-glucoside is synthesized only by cancer cells; it is not found in healthy cells. In a healthy body, without the presence of tumor cells, the glycoside breaks down into carbohydrates, which are completely safe.

This feature explains, according to scientists, the benefits of bitter kernels. Hydrocyanic acid from amygdalin is released only in the body with cancer. And the paradox is that, when released, the poison destroys malignant cells.

Helpful information: In order to prevent malignant tumors, it is enough to eat two apricot kernels. For adults, less than 40 g per day is permissible; for children, the norm is less than 25 g.

Purified seed kernels, due to the presence of a large number of useful components in their composition:

  • Helps strengthen the heart muscle,
  • Activate cells of the whole body to regenerate and replace old ones with new ones, which significantly rejuvenates a person,
  • The fiber present regulates intestinal motility, has a beneficial effect on microflora, helps to cope with the problem of constipation and hemorrhoids,
  • The presence of antioxidants in the kernels and vitamins and minerals helps strengthen the immune system.

How to use

It all depends on the health of each person and existing contraindications.

For allergies special care is required. After a preliminary test for sensitivity, it is better to use 3 seeds per day, divide and eat one kernel up to three times a day.

But taking the product is still better than giving it up altogether. Since allergic reactions are for their reason associated with weak immunity, which in turn depends on the supply of vitamins and various biologically active substances, and bones strengthen it well.

The fruit itself is a representative of allergenic products, giving a reaction in the form of nausea, itching and rash, redness of the mucous membrane of the eye and the appearance of a runny nose, signs of suffocation.

For diabetes To normalize blood glucose levels, adherents of traditional medicine recommend taking bones, guided by the exact daily norm, following the scheme:

For liver treatment Apricot kernels are used, especially for fatty hepatosis, they help clean the liver ducts and promote the resorption of fat cells. Recommendations for intake: no more than 5 cores per day.

During pregnancy and for children Moderate inclusion of nucleoli in your diet is welcome, since the body is saturated with useful substances that promote health.

The presence of iron in the nuclei is important for a woman’s body; the content of this element often decreases during pregnancy.

The saturation of the product with proteins and fats allows you to quickly satisfy hunger, so it is used for light snacks and during training by athletes. But given the high calorie content, people who are overweight and on a diet will have to limit themselves.

Reduce pain. Chinese traditional medicine uses apricot kernels to treat pain in the joints. The thing is that fiber and dietary fiber perfectly absorb lactic acid and other toxins that cause inflammation and pathologies. Therefore, they are effective in the treatment of osteoporosis and arthritis.

Lower blood pressure, this occurs under the influence of certain glucosides, which, when interacting with intestinal bacteria, reduce blood pressure.

How to take for cancer

As has already become clear to everyone from the above, there are two extremely opposing points of view on this matter. Adherents of traditional medicine claim the usefulness of this product for neoplasms; scientists say that treatment is pointless.

Probably the truth lies in the middle ground. Many people eat kernels from apricot kernels and there are no signs of poisoning, because the intake of the precursor of hydrocyanic acid, the aldehyde amygdalin, occurs in extremely small doses.

It is also impossible to imagine that cancer patients are cured of cancer in a short period of time.

It is likely to assume a moderate benefit of this product for maintaining health, which laboratory studies confirm. Therefore, by adding kernels to your diet during the period of treatment prescribed by your doctor, you can benefit from strengthening your immune system and promoting overall health. Watch the video: Should you throw away apricot pits?

Herbal medicine allows the use of medicinal herbs containing toxic substances, such as princeling, aconite, hemlock, as a supportive treatment, but it is important to follow the established intake standards.

And if treatment brings relief to the patient’s body, why not use it.

Application involves different methods: they are soaked or, on the contrary, dried, crushed, taking powder or mixing it with honey, or simply gnawing on the kernels. There are no particular differences in this, it is important that they get into the stomach.

The recipe is like this : per 5 kg of a person’s weight, take one apricot kernel, the calculated norm is divided into two doses, on an empty stomach.

Use in cooking

The use of nucleoli in cooking is quite extensive. Crushed grains are added to glazes and yoghurts, ice cream and creams, for the preparation of sweet pastries and desserts. They make compotes and jam tastier and are used as a topping for cakes and pastries. Any culinary dish becomes more tasty, acquiring an apricot-spicy flavor similar to almonds.

How to store apricot kernels

Apricot kernels, the benefits and harms of which were discussed above, should be stored for up to 6 months in a dry place. With such storage, the product retains its healing properties, the benefits of which may be needed to support health, and if consumption standards are observed, harm is completely eliminated.

Be healthy, dear readers!

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Apricot kernels are a valuable and healthy product. Apricot is one of the most delicious and healthy fruits. The value of apricot kernels lies in the content of a large number of useful substances that are effective in combating various diseases. The benefits of apricot kernels are invaluable to human health. Apricot kernel oil and extract are widely used in cosmetology and alternative medicine. The benefits and harms of apricot kernels cause a lot of controversy among experts.

Some argue that the use of apricot kernels is dangerous and can cause harm to health due to the concentrated content of hydrocyanic acid. Others claim that apricot kernels are a storehouse of useful substances and their regular use for medicinal purposes will allow one to recover from various ailments. The benefits of apricot kernels are also of interest due to their antitumor properties. Numerous studies have proven that the use of the core will delay the development and progression of cancer. It is not known for certain whether bones can cure cancer, but it has already been proven that many who began to use them for this purpose were able to delay metastases and progression of the disease.

The seeds are the core in which all the beneficial substances for the ripening of the fruit are concentrated. The apricot kernel tastes like a nut, and in many countries the kernels are considered a delicacy. In Uzbekistan, the national dish urbech is prepared from the seeds, which is famous for its incredible taste and benefits. Inside the seeds there is an oily nut that contains a whole range of useful substances, in particular the rare vitamin B17. This vitamin is known for its anti-cancer properties. B17 in the human body breaks down into two substances: glucose and hydrocyanic acid. Vitamin B17 has the ability to inhibit the formation of cancer cells, so it can stop or suppress their growth. Amygdalin, also known as vitamin B17, reduces the risk of cancer, so consuming apricot kernels is useful for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Apricot kernels contain cyanide. It does not accumulate in the body and is excreted naturally, so consuming apricot kernels will not cause harm to health if you do not abuse them. Apricot kernels also contain:

Consumption of celery stalks, beneficial properties and contraindications

  • microelements: magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, sodium;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • fatty acid;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins A, C, B, K, E, P, PP.

Useful composition of apricot kernels

Apricot kernels taste like nuts. They are often used in cooking because they have an oily structure. Apricot kernels are quite high in calories: 100 grams of kernels contain more than 500 kcal, so they cannot be called dietary.

The optimal amount of apricot kernels to consume is considered to be 12-15 pieces for an adult and 5-7 for a child.

They contain the enzyme rhodonase, which binds hydrocyanic acid and removes it from the body, so regular consumption of apricot kernels is an excellent cancer prevention and strengthens the body.

The benefits of apricot kernels

The benefits and harms of apricot kernels are not known to everyone. The beneficial properties of kernels lie in the positive effects of their composition on the body. Nuts can be used to treat various diseases and improve the health of all functional systems. If you regularly consume nuts from the seeds, you can not only normalize your well-being, but also improve your appearance. The beneficial properties of nucleoli lie in their effect on the body:

  • increase the body's resistance to the formation of cancer cells;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • prevent the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • accelerate the healing of wounds, burns and injuries;
  • accelerate recovery from upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • prevent the accumulation of cholesterol;
  • increase the protective functions of the immune system.

Taking apricot kernels improves your health and appearance

Apricot kernels, whose benefits are extensive, are widely used in cosmetology. An oil is extracted from them, which can be used to treat acne and instead of moisturizer. The oil improves skin tone, makes it elastic and velvety. You can use the oil for hair care. Manufacturers of cosmetic products use the oil by adding it to their products. The beneficial properties of the oil have long established it as an excellent remedy against acne, since the oil relieves inflammation and destroys pathogenic bacteria - the main cause of acne.

What are the benefits of baked apples?

The beneficial properties of seeds have found another application in cosmetology. They are used to make a scrub that gently exfoliates dead skin cells, nourishes the skin and stimulates blood flow. The oil is also used in cooking. Nuts are used for baking, and many manufacturers add the oil as a flavoring to yogurts, ice cream and sweets.

How to eat an apricot with a pit?

Apricot kernels can be eaten just like that. Many people extract nuts from them, which can be eaten raw. You can also eat crushed bones. To make them easier to eat, they are ground into a porridge using a coffee grinder. When the seeds are ground, the oily texture turns them into a paste. You can eat the pasta on its own or use the recipe for the Uzbek dish Urbech. To prepare the dish, you need to mix the paste with honey and add butter. Urbech can be eaten fresh or spread on bread.

Apricot kernels can be eaten crushed

Another way to eat apricots with pits is apricots. Uryuk is a dried apricot with a pit inside. Apricots are different from dried apricots because the fermentation of apricots can take place directly on the tree, and people only have to collect the fruits. Uryuk is considered one of the healthiest foods. The beneficial properties of apricots are used to normalize digestive processes.

Apricot contains a large number of beta-carotene, which is not absorbed without fat, so desserts are often prepared from apricots.

Also, apricots are added to real Uzbek pilaf, which becomes more flavorful from the apricots. You can eat apricots in their usual form.

Beneficial properties of apricot oil

The beneficial properties of the seeds are contained in apricot oil. The oil is prepared by cold pressing apricot kernels. Extracting oil in this way allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of apricot. The oil is widely used because it contains beneficial properties:

  • Facial skin. The oil can be used instead of day and night cream, as it has beneficial properties and is suitable even for sensitive skin.
  • Hair. Regular use of oil will give your hair lightness and silkiness, get rid of split ends and give your hair a healthy shine.

You can use the oil to care for joints and muscles, rub it directly into the skin where the sore spot is located.


Despite all the benefits of seeds and oil from them, abuse of these products can cause harm to the body. Vitamin B17 contains cyanide, which, penetrating the esophagus, is converted into cyanide. Cyanide can cause suffocation and asphyxia. Harm from seeds can occur through overeating and abuse. It is not recommended to eat more than 50 grams of kernels per day. With moderate consumption, there will be no harm from apricot kernels. There are also contraindications to their use. The main contraindications are due to an allergy to apricot and individual intolerance to the components in its composition. There are contraindications for the use of kernels for children under 3 years of age and pregnant women.

Harm to the seeds is a relative concept, so if you adhere to the recommendations regarding the permitted number of seeds for consumption and take into account contraindications, then apricot kernels will not cause harm to the body, but will only be beneficial.

Fragrant, ripe, juicy apricot pulp is one of the favorite delicacies of adults and children. Having tasted the fruit, most often a person throws out the kernel, but in vain. Is it possible to eat apricot kernels? It is possible, since the kernel, which is hidden behind a dense shell, contains a lot of useful substances for the body. It is believed that when used correctly they can have a healing effect. The main thing is to use apricot kernels correctly and not to neglect contraindications.

What is in apricot kernels?

Apricot kernels, whose health benefits were discovered by Chinese healers, have a rather pleasant taste. The unique properties of the nuclei are used in the treatment of joints and various skin diseases. They are also very often used in cosmetology.

The composition of the seeds includes the following substances:

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates;

Iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium;

Pigments of natural origin and essential oils;

Groups of vitamins A, C, B, PP;

Hydrocyanic acid.

Apricot kernels: harm of eating kernels

After scientists conducted research and studied in detail the effect of each substance in the composition on the body, they came to an unpleasant conclusion. Of course, it is not forbidden to eat apricot kernels. Harm to a person will only be visible if they overeat.

When it enters the body, the substance amygdalin, which is a source of hydrocyanic acid, begins to be released from the nuclei. If there is an excess of it, severe poisoning can occur.

However, there is another method to safely consume apricot kernels. Harm to the body will be eliminated if you first dry the kernels in the oven.

The permissible daily intake of fresh apricot kernels is 40 grams. It is important that the seeds are not old, since their content of toxic elements is higher.

Contraindications and symptoms of poisoning

Apricot kernels can cause harm if consumed in the following cases:

For diabetes mellitus;

Overeating during pregnancy and lactation;

In case of disorders of the thyroid gland;

For liver diseases.

During pregnancy and while carrying a child, kernels are not prohibited, but they should be consumed no more than 20 grams per day. Small children can be given seeds in the same quantity, unless an allergic reaction has been noted.

If a person consumes more than 40 grams of apricot kernels per day, this can cause poisoning. The first signs manifest themselves in different ways. For some, after 20 minutes, for others, after 5-6 hours.

Symptoms of poisoning:

Severe weakness and lethargy;

Sharp pain in the stomach, attacks of nausea;


Breathing problems;

In acute cases, fainting and even convulsions are possible.

If one of the listed symptoms appears, you should immediately drink activated carbon (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) and visit a doctor to avoid further unpleasant side effects.

Apricot kernels: benefits for the body

Apricot kernels are characterized by a truly extraordinary composition. It has been proven that if you learn to eat them correctly and not overuse them, your immune system will be significantly strengthened.

How do apricot kernels affect the body? The benefits of the product are as follows:

Stimulates the work of the heart muscle;

Destroy cancer tumors;

Promote cell rejuvenation;

Coping with the problem of constipation and hemorrhoids;

Improve intestinal motility, restore microflora;

Strengthen the immune system.

It also contains a substance called tocopherol. Thanks to it, premature aging of the human body is prevented, the process of skin withering is frozen. Acids of natural origin also have a beneficial effect. They affect the epidermis, thereby improving the appearance and condition of nails and hair.

Apricot kernels, the benefits of which are invaluable, are recommended for every person in an acceptable quantity. Particular attention should be paid to their use during the ripening period of the fruit - in the summer. It is enough to dry them in the oven for 5 minutes to enjoy this bitter delicacy. If desired, the seeds are added to various pies and other baked goods. It is not recommended to use dried bones from last season for food, as the concentration of harmful substances in them is increased.

Apricot kernels: medicinal properties

Is it possible to eat apricot kernels now it has become clearer. All that remains is to figure out in what form they exhibit maximum healing properties.

1. Water infusions prepared from apricot kernels are often used to get rid of cough or asthma. Also recommended for use by people who have heart problems.

2. Apricot kernel oil is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Ways to use apricot kernel oil

1. Due to the fact that it is characterized by antimutagenic properties, it helps restore vascular elasticity and prevents the risk of heart failure.

2. Used for constipation, removes excess toxins and waste from the body, without damaging the intestinal microflora.

3. Used to treat gastritis (any form) and stomach ulcers.

4. Used to prevent hemorrhoids.

5. Used in cosmetology due to its rich vitamin composition. Apricot kernel oil can often be seen among the components of shampoos, facial care gels, and creams.

Fresh apricot kernel oil has a positive effect on the body, prevents the aging process, and keeps the skin elastic and youthful for a long time.

Calorie content of apricot kernels

Is it possible to eat apricot kernels and do they have a negative effect on your figure? In fact, the energy value of the product is impressive. Per 100 grams of raw kernels there are 510 kcal.

Due to the high calorie content of the kernel, it is not recommended to be consumed by people who adhere to strict diet or are obese. In other cases, their use is not contraindicated. The seeds can be eaten raw, fried or dried.

Sweetish grains with a slight aftertaste of sweetness are very popular among chefs. For example, if you add them to apricot jam, it will acquire a special piquancy. The cores go perfectly with oatmeal, cottage cheese or natural yogurt. In some dishes, apricot kernels taste like an excellent substitute for almonds, which are quite expensive.

The question of whether you can eat apricot kernels will no longer bother you. There are very few contraindications to the use of nucleoli. The most important thing is to eat them with caution and not exceed the permissible daily intake in order to avoid poisoning the body. If the seeds are left over from last season, it is better to use them not in cooking, but as an ingredient for making homemade masks or creams.