Anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of the genitourinary system. Medicines for diseases of the genitourinary system

Infection urinary tract- a disease that is infectious in nature and affects both men and women, causing inflammatory process in organs urinary system. In general, the most common sites of UTI are the urethra, prostate, bladder, renal parenchyma, and interstitial tissue.

Today, UTI is the second most common disease, which is due to its infectious nature. According to the latest statistics, due to its anatomical structure female population more susceptible to UTIs. So, for example, if we compare, at least 60% of women have experienced symptoms of urinary tract inflammation at least once. But, despite the low likelihood of developing this disease in men, in them it not only has a high probability of a long-term nature, but also frequent relapses are possible.


As is known, sterility and resistance to bacterial colonization are the norm of the urinary tract from the kidneys to the external opening in the urethra. Mechanisms that maintain this condition include: acidity of urine, regular release of the bladder during urination, the urethral sphincter and the immunological barrier on the mucous membranes.

A urinary tract infection typically occurs when bacteria migrate upward from the urethra to the bladder and from the ureter to the kidney. This happens due to the fact that bacteria that cause the inflammatory process most often live in the large intestine and are released during bowel movements. If, for some reason, they enter the urethra, then, moving along the urethral canal, they enter the bladder, where they become the cause of the onset of the inflammatory process.

It is possible that this disease will develop after insertion of a catheter into the urethra, which is usually used in medical institutions to control urine output. In this case, a urinary tract infection occurs through the prolonged presence of a catheter, which provokes the accumulation and proliferation of microorganisms with subsequent inflammation of the corresponding organs. That is why experienced doctors Timely replacement of catheters is carried out followed by their sanitation.

We should not forget about what a disease is, how diabetes, due to disorders in the immune system can also cause the development infectious inflammation in the kidneys.

It is worth noting the fact that today there is a urinary tract infection, the causes and manifestations of which are still not known and not 100% studied.

It has been proven that this pathology occurs in women who use the diaphragm ring as a method of contraception. There is also a high likelihood of this disease occurring in women whose sexual partners use condoms with spermicidal foam.

People who do not drink large amounts of fluids and have problems urinating are also at high risk of developing UTIs.

Urinary tract infection: symptoms

Usually, this pathology refers to diseases of a hidden or latent nature. A detailed questioning may reveal complaints of frequent and painful urination, a slight burning sensation in the area of ​​the bladder or urethra during urination. This disease is often accompanied by feeling unwell, fatigue and weakness throughout the body. You may experience moderate discomfort in the groin area. Features of the manifestation of this pathology include a false urge to urinate, in which urine is released in very small portions. It is worth noting that a urinary tract infection, the symptoms of which are cloudy urine and severe lower back pain, is characteristic manifestation severe inflammatory process in the kidney area.


First thing after general examination The attending physician prescribes a list of tests, the main of which is a general urine test, which allows you to determine the level of leukocytes and the number of bacteria. It should be borne in mind that in some situations the first portion is not always informative, as it can give false positive result due to “flushing” from the genital area getting into it, as a rule, this most often occurs in women. Considering the fact that this flush may also contain bacteria, the reliability of the analysis is highly questionable. Based on this, the optimal portion is the middle portion - urine, which comes from the urinary tract located at the top. After receiving it, it is sent for laboratory tests.

The norm is considered to be results in which the number of leukocytes does not exceed 4 and there is a complete absence of bacterial flora.

But it is worth remembering that, for example, mycoplasma or chlamydia is a urinary tract infection that is not detected by the above method. In this case, it is recommended to use bacterial culture of urine or scraping of discharge from the genital organs, after which not only the number of bacteria and leukocytes becomes known, but also complete information is provided about those drugs that will be most effective in this situation.

Attention! How additional option diagnostics, you can use the PCR method, which is used when, after bacterial culture the pathogen has not been identified, and signs of a urinary tract infection persist.

To identify a more complete picture, specialists may also prescribe an X-ray contrast examination, which consists of assessing the structure and condition of the urinary system. This type of examination is called intravenous urography. Its use not only allows one to obtain auxiliary information about the state of internal organs, but also to detect possible deviations from normal or the presence of kidney stones.

The significance of the results should also not be ruled out. ultrasound examination kidneys and cystoscopy of the bladder, which not only go in combination with other laboratory tests, but are also often used as a first-priority diagnosis for making a preliminary diagnosis.

Manifestation of UTI in men

Urinary tract infections in men most often occur due to urolithiasis or with an enlarged prostate, that is, with situations where obstacles appear that prevent the normal outflow of urine. As practice shows, there are frequent cases of inflammatory processes occurring after instrumental methods examinations. Based on this, the best option the treatment of this pathology is to get rid of this obstacle.

As practice shows, chronic infection in the prostate gland can create additional difficulties in treating the disease. This is due to the fact that an antibiotic is required for a urinary tract infection with the subsequent prescription of restorative therapy. It should be borne in mind that the choice of antibiotic should be based on previously conducted studies, which should confirm its high sensitivity to a given microorganism.

UTI classification

One of the most commonly diagnosed urinary tract diseases is urethritis. There are specific and nonspecific. A specific type includes the inflammatory process in the urethra, the causative agents of which are various sexually transmitted infections. Unlike specific pathogens nonspecific urethritis are bacteria, fungi and other infections, for example, herpes urinary tract infection, treatment of which begins with taking antiviral drugs.

The main symptoms include:

  1. Burning sensation during urination.
  2. Discharge from the urethra.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, characterized by frequent and painful urination. The fair half of humanity is most susceptible to this disease. The main cause of cystitis is called urinary tract infections in women, but one should not exclude:

  1. Hypothermia.
  2. Unprotected sexual contact.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract infections.
  4. Instrumental interventions.

Bacterial damage to the kidney parenchyma is called pyelonephritis. But this designation should not be confused with tubulointerstitial nephropathy, at least until documents indicating infectious lesion. According to the latest statistical data, it is indicated that less than 20% of community-acquired bacteremias in women developed as a result of pyelonephritis. It is worth noting that pyelonephritis in men develops only in the presence of urinary tract pathology. Symptoms of acute pyelonephritis are similar to those of cystitis. The hallmark signs of this disease are:

  1. High fever and chills.
  2. Pain in the side.
  3. Nausea and vomiting.
  4. An easily palpable enlarged kidney.

Most often, pyelonephritis is diagnosed in pregnant women or girls aged 20-25 years. It is worth noting that this urinary tract infection practically does not occur in children.

Manifestations of UTIs in children

Manifestations of this pathology are typical not only for adults, but also for children. Thus, today the main ways of spreading the disease in children include:

  1. Rising. Most often observed in girls.
  2. Lymphogenic. Typical for children aged 1-3 years. Favorable factors for a urinary tract infection to begin to progress in children are frequent constipation or diarrhea.
  3. Hematogenous. It is one of the most rare paths of disease development. As a rule, it occurs in newborns as a complication of sepsis.

It is worth noting that in 90% of cases the causative agent is E. coli, which, when it enters the urethra, causes an inflammatory process there.

Manifestations of this disease include:

  1. Red spots on the external genitalia and anal area.
  2. Moodiness and decreased activity.
  3. Decreased or complete absence of appetite.

Sadly, a urinary tract infection in an infant causes difficulties in diagnosis. This is due to the fact that for staging correct diagnosis A rapid urine test is used, and to ensure that its readings are not distorted, an average portion of urine is required, which is quite difficult to take from small children.

The occurrence of UTIs in pregnant women

As sad as it may be, the development of this pathology in pregnant women is much higher than in other people. Such high level incidence, according to medical experts, is associated with several reasons. The main ones are:

  1. Hormonal imbalance, which manifests itself in pregnant women as a result of decreased immunity.
  2. A change in the position of organs that are located adjacent to the urinary system and specifically to organ secretions. An example is the increase in pressure created by the pregnant uterus on the bladder and ureters, which, in turn, leads to the development of stagnation in the urinary system, which leads to the growth and reproduction of bacteria in the body, resulting in a urinary tract infection during pregnancy. That is why regular monitoring of the condition of urine discharge by a medical specialist is one of the priorities of the expectant mother.

Urinary tract infection: treatment, medications

Typically, treatment of this disease begins with taking antibacterial drugs. Exceptions include obstructive uropathy, various anomalies anatomical and neurogenic in nature, requiring surgical intervention. Drainage of the urinary tract using a catheter has worked well. But instrumental intervention should be limited or even temporarily postponed lower sections urinary tract susceptible to this pathology.

As practice shows, a urinary tract infection, which subsequently causes urethritis, is diagnosed in overly sexually active patients. Today, experts recommend prescribing preventive therapy until STI test results are received. The main treatment regimens include ceftriaxone 125 intramuscularly, 1 g of azithromycin once or 100 mg of doxycycline 2 times a day for a week. For men whose urethritis is caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, fluorinchonols are prescribed for a period of up to 2 weeks. Women are prescribed treatment according to a regimen identical to treatment for cystitis.

Treatment of cystitis usually consists of a 3-day course of fluoroquinolones, which are not only effective means when symptoms of acute cystitis appear, but also eliminate aggressive microorganisms both in the vagina and in gastrointestinal tract. It is worth considering that this drug is only prompt help for the first manifestations of cystitis, and only further contact with a specialist can help answer the question: “How to treat a urinary tract infection?”

Pyuria, the causative agent of which is considered to be C. Trachomats, causes urethritis in women. Treatment in this case is necessary for both the woman herself and her sexual partner. As a rule, for complete recovery, one course of therapy using a drug that is sensitive to the identified microorganism is sufficient. But there are cases when it is not enough, and repeated tests again reveal a high level of leukocytes together with the previously detected pathogen. Then it is recommended to pass additional tests for the presence of pyelonephritis and undergo a 2-week course of treatment with co-trimoxazoles.

When asymptomatic bacteriuria is diagnosed in elderly people or with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, treatment is usually not prescribed. But it is worth noting that even if there is asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women, it, like any other UTI, requires antibacterial treatment. The only difference depends on the fact that not every drug may be suitable for pregnant women.

Currently it is believed that acute pyelonephritis- urinary tract infection, treatment of which is possible only in inpatient medical institutions. As medical practice shows, the course of treatment largely depends on the initial condition of the patient, the presence of nausea, vomiting and fever. Standard scheme treatment includes parenteral therapy, which should be based on the drugs that are most sensitive to infection. It is recommended to continue the prescribed therapy until clinical improvement occurs, which usually occurs within 4-5 days. Next, medications are prescribed for oral administration for up to 2 weeks.

Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of pyelonephritis in pregnant women. In this case, in addition to mandatory hospitalization, parenteral therapy with p-lactams is used.


In parallel with medicines It is recommended to use various herbal mixtures that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. One of the undeniable advantages of such herbs is that they are completely devoid of side effects, which cannot be said about antibiotics, right? Some of the most popular herbs that have an antibacterial effect include: bearberry, chamomile, wintergreen.


Prevention of urinary tract infections with frequent relapses in women is as follows:

  1. Drinking cranberry juice can significantly reduce the incidence of pyuria and bacteriuria.
  2. Replacing a bubble bath with a shower, as this will minimize the entry of bacteria into the urethra.
  3. Limit douching and the use of various sprays that can cause irritation with further infection.
  4. Moderate consumption of drinks and foods containing caffeine.
  5. At the slightest manifestation of symptoms of inflammation, immediately take vitamins C, which increase the level of urine acidity, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the number of bacteria in the urinary tract.
  6. In limited consumption of products that can serve irritating factor for the bladder.
  7. Avoiding wearing tight-fitting underwear.
  8. Direct urination immediately after completion of sexual intercourse.
  9. Refusal to use spirals and rings.
  10. Non-hypothermia.
  11. Use large quantity liquids. It is recommended to drink at least 14 glasses of water per day.

If, however, exacerbations do not decrease, then oral antibacterial drugs may be prescribed for prophylactic purposes. Eg, single dose 50 mg nitrofurantoin or co-trimoxazole 40/200 mg.

But it is worth considering that when taking some antibiotics, the enterohepatic circulation of estrogen is disrupted, which can negatively affect the effectiveness oral contraceptives that a woman takes.

Preventive measures for pregnant women, as a rule, are no different than for non-pregnant women.

Remember that more detailed information about this pathology can be found in the section of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) “Urinary tract infection”.

Urogenital infections are common among both men and women, as well as among adolescents. These pathologies require long-term observation by a urologist and constant monitoring of blood counts. In the future, untreated infections can threaten life and provoke the development of chronic renal failure. Doctor prescribing antibiotics for genitourinary infections- a necessary step; it is impossible to get rid of the disease in any other way. No methods of traditional therapy can neutralize microscopic bacteria that have settled in the urethra, kidneys, bladder and on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Antibiotics only wide range for genitourinary infections they will help get rid of discomfort and restore functionality.

General concept of genitourinary infections

You should be wary and contact a urologist or nephrologist as soon as possible if the following symptoms:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back (can be present on only one side, or on both sides at the same time);
  • heat and fever - in some cases the indicator can rise to forty degrees (in this case, you should not self-medicate, but call as soon as possible ambulance);
  • chills - tremor of the hands can become so severe that the patient is unable to press buttons on the phone to call for help;
  • chronic course accompanied by lethargy, asthenia, low performance, lack of desire to do anything;
  • the presence of blood and ichor in the urine;
  • urethritis (infectious inflammation urethra) is accompanied by severe pain when urinating.

Therapy involves not only taking antibiotics for genitourinary infections, but also maintaining bed rest, as well as eating according to the principles of medical diet No. 7 for kidney diseases. You should temporarily reduce your protein intake, as its metabolites put a strain on your already weak kidneys and bladder. While organs are fighting infectious process, you should forget about unhealthy and heavy food and give preference fermented milk products and boiled vegetables, fresh fruits.

Bed rest is very important. The patient will have to take sick leave during antibiotic therapy for the treatment of genitourinary infections. I'll have to forget about it for a month or two physical activity. And even with all the desire, most likely, you simply won’t have the strength to exercise: almost all patients during the period of exacerbation of genitourinary infections feel severe weakness. This condition most often lasts about ten days. Then, provided that properly selected antibiotics are used for genitourinary infections, your health improves. The patient recovers after an average of three weeks: he can return to his normal labor responsibilities, becomes cheerful and cheerful.

Common causes of pathologies

With inflammation of the genitourinary system, the cause of the problem in most cases is staphylococcus or streptococcus. Less commonly, E. coli disrupts organ function.

In men, urogenital diseases most often appear after severe hypothermia, unprotected sex, regular alcohol abuse in parallel with malnutrition.

In women, urogenital infections are often associated with either a diagnosis chronic pyelonephritis, or failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Also, “fertile ground” for genitourinary infections is low immunity, autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus, vaginitis and often recurrent cystitis.

If a genitourinary infection has taken hold in one of the organs - for example, in the bladder - we can confidently say that very quickly (within a few days) it migrates through the ureters higher - to the kidneys. And this is already very dangerous for the patient’s life in general: very often the disease develops into chronic pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis. And these ailments, in turn, sooner or later lead to the development of chronic renal failure. That is why it is very important as soon as possible, already at the first symptoms, to select universal antibiotic for genitourinary infections in men and women and pass full course treatment. If you do not do this, the disease will not go away on its own, but will only move to an increasingly more serious stage and affect everything. more organs.

Rules for the use of antibiotics for genitourinary infections

There are several basic rules on how not to harm your general health when taking antibiotic drugs. Some patients are afraid of taking such strong means- these are groundless fears. Antibiotics for genitourinary infections are usually prescribed a new generation. If the rules of administration are followed, they do not pose a toxic threat to internal organs.

  1. In parallel with the course of antibiotic drugs, you should definitely take probiotics. This is necessary to prevent pathogenic intestinal microflora from multiplying. A broad-spectrum antibiotic for genitourinary infections destroys almost all pathogenic bacteria indiscriminately. As a result he suffers healthy microflora intestines and diarrhea develops. This condition cannot be left without treatment: it will take a very long time to recover on its own. The drugs “Linex”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Lactobalance” will come to the rescue.
  2. Women should use suppositories in parallel with a course of antibiotic drugs to prevent the development of thrush. During the period of exacerbation of genitourinary diseases, the immune system weakens greatly, and the candida virus (which is present in the body of almost every person) becomes more active. As a result, after a course of treatment, 80% of women suffer from vaginal candidiasis, or, as this disease is popularly called, thrush.
  3. For pathologies of the kidneys and bladder, you should temporarily limit the amount of protein in the diet. This is medical diet No. 7. It involves reducing the load on the kidneys. You can eat raw and boiled vegetables, porridge with water, lean turkey and chicken meat. Such a gentle diet helps reduce the load on kidney tissue, and recovery goes faster. But you should not starve or refuse food: this will not benefit the immune system. It’s just worth switching to diet food for a while.

List of broad-spectrum antibiotics in suspensions

Antibiotics in the form of a suspension are effective for genitourinary infections in men and women:

  1. "Amoxicillin." Also available in tablet form. Can be used to treat children. Actively used in nephrology since Soviet years. The disadvantage of Amoxicillin is that some bacteria are resistant to its action. The drug is prescribed only after an analysis has been carried out and the bacteria that have caused the urinary tract pathology have been identified. If you treat yourself with it, you may not get results.
  2. "Augmentin". For genitourinary infections in women, an antibiotic shows good effect, as well as in the treatment of almost all sexually transmitted infections. Produced in capsule and suspension form. Can be used to treat children and pregnant women (the dosage is discussed with the attending physician - self-medication is strictly prohibited). Before using "Augmentin" you must know accurate diagnosis and general urine blood tests were taken, which will help the nephrologist formulate the correct clinical picture.
  3. "Suprax" is an effective antibiotic for women from the cephalosporin group. Refers to modern third generation antibiotic agents. Also suitable for treatment of ENT organs, upper and lower respiratory tract. It is also often used to treat children six months and older. If the disease is caused by staphylococcus, then Suprax may be ineffective.

List of new generation broad-spectrum antibiotic drugs in tablets

  1. "Cefixime" is a fairly mild antibiotic drug. Effectively destroys cellular structure bacteria. Relief occurs after the first taken pills- the patient’s temperature drops, his mood improves, he feels a surge of strength. However, do not delude yourself and abandon the treatment you have started: the full course of therapy is at least seven days. You cannot prescribe Cefixime yourself - it must be prescribed by a nephrologist or urologist after drawing up a clinical picture based on the tests the patient has taken. The doctor will select the appropriate dosage based on weight and general condition health of the patient.
  2. "Unidox Solutab". An effective tablet antibiotic for genitourinary infections in women. The product belongs to the tetracycline group latest generation. Actively used in the treatment of colds, ARVI, intestinal infections, urogenital pathologies. The main active ingredient is doxycycline. During pregnancy and lactation, as well as for the treatment of children, use is not recommended, but is possible after the approval of the attending physician.
  3. "Rulid" refers to fourth generation antibiotic drugs. Actively used in medicine in the treatment of pathologies infectious nature organs of the urinary system and upper respiratory tract. "Rulid" has a rather narrow antibacterial effect. It is not recommended to use it yourself: you may simply not notice the result. Admission is possible only after identifying the name of the pathogenic bacteria due to the action of which the disease arose.

List of effective broad-spectrum antibiotics in ampoules

Injection form antibiotics for infections of the genitourinary system in women and men have proven their safety in comparison with tablet drugs. When administered intramuscularly or intravenously, the drug enters almost immediately directly into the blood. Tablets are almost always very aggressive towards the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach (which is why they are usually advised to be taken after meals). Injection administration does not have these disadvantages. Rarely anyone knows how to give themselves injections, so such products are used mainly only in hospital settings. In addition, for self-administration of injections, the sterility of the room is very important.

  1. "Cefoperazone" belongs to the group of cephalosporins. the drug is produced only in the form of ampoules for injection, which should be administered once or twice a day, depending on the pathology. "Cefoperazone" is used for infectious inflammation in the respiratory, urinary tract, dermatological pathologies. It has proven its effectiveness as an antibiotic for infections of the genitourinary system in men and women. In some cases, use in the case of gynecological infectious inflammation is justified.
  2. "Lincomycin" is a universal antibiotic. For genitourinary infections, the latest generation can be used both intravenously and intramuscularly. It is often prescribed for the treatment of the development of infectious pathologies after abdominal operations. Exact dosage and the frequency of administration is determined only by the attending physician.

List of modern broad-spectrum antibiotics in suppositories

Rectal and vaginal administration, to the same extent as injection, reduces the load on the organs digestive tract. Some patients are confused by this release form. Meanwhile, antibiotics for genitourinary infections in children are in the form rectal suppositories- some of the best. Depending on the chosen dosage, they can be used in children, adolescents and adults. When treating urogenital infections in women, vaginal suppositories with antibiotic action can be used.

If we talk about specific suppositories, it is worth noting such suppositories as:

Antibiotic drugs for cystitis and kidney inflammation

Cystitis most often inevitably leads to pyelonephritis. And the reason lies in the fact that women, for one reason or another, postpone visiting the doctor and try to get treatment folk remedies or homeopathy. As a result, the infection rises through the ureters and chronic pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys and pelvis) develops. This is a very serious condition that after several years (and in some patients even faster) leads to the development of chronic renal failure. And this disease is already fatal and requires either a donor kidney transplant or attending hemodialysis procedures for the rest of your life.

The most effective antibiotics for pyelonephritis and cystitis:

  • "Cefotaxime";
  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Lincomycin";
  • "Augmentin".

The patient cannot prescribe these antibiotics on his own, since if the type of bacteria that caused pyelonephritis is outside the “action zone” of the drug, then the therapy will be in vain. Only after passing tests and drawing up a complete clinical picture of the disease is it permissible to prescribe treatment.

What antibiotic is the most effective for genitourinary infections?

There is no exact answer to this question, since depending on the general health and level of immunity of the patient, therapy will be different in each case. for example, if a urinary tract infection also spreads to the genitals, it will be necessary complex treatment several antibiotics at once. Such complex cases should be treated in a hospital setting, constantly undergo tests and monitor which antibiotic had the best effect on the clinical picture.

Based on the test results, an experienced urologist or nephrologist can accurately prescribe the most effective medicine with antibiotic action. In each specific case, the treatment regimen will be different.

Methods for preventing genitourinary infections

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. If you comply simple rules, then the development of genitourinary infectious diseases can be prevented, and antibiotic therapy will not be needed.

  1. Do not sit on a cold floor, on concrete, do not allow the lumbar region and legs to become hypothermic. In rainy, cold weather, wear only high-quality, warm, waterproof shoes.
  2. Watch your diet. Avoid fasting, refuse strict diets. The quality of the immune system, and therefore its ability to resist various infections, depends on the quality and quantity of food consumed. Once a quarter you should take a course of a high-quality vitamin and mineral complex.
  3. Do not swim in ponds with dirty water, do not stay in cold sea water for a long time. It should be noted that swimming in water in which other people are located often causes infection with various infectious diseases.

The most common complaints from patients are genitourinary infections, which can occur in any age category for different reasons.

A bacterial infection of the urinary system is accompanied by painful discomfort, and untimely treatment can lead to a chronic form of the disease.

To treat such pathologies in medical practice Antibiotics are commonly used that can short time relieve the patient from infection due to inflammation of the genitourinary system quickly and effectively.

The use of antibacterial agents for MPI

Urine is normal healthy person almost sterile. However, the urethral tract has its own flora on the mucous membrane, so the presence of pathogenic organisms in the urinary fluid (asymptomatic) is often recorded.

This condition has no symptoms and treatment is usually not required, except in pregnant women, young children and immunocompromised patients.

If the analysis showed whole colonies coli in urine, then antibiotic therapy is mandatory. At the same time, the disease has characteristic symptoms and occurs in a chronic or acute form. Treatment with antibacterial agents over long courses in small dosages is also indicated to prevent relapses.


Patients with mild and moderate stage pathologies are prescribed oral fluoroquinolones (for example, Zoflox 200-400 mg 2 times a day), inhibitor-protected Amoxicillin, or cephalosporins as an alternative.

Pregnant women and children under 2 years of age are hospitalized and treated with parenteral cephalosporins, then transferred to oral ampicillin with clavulanic acid.

Cystitis and urethritis


Can eliminate pain syndrome, improve urine flow. The most common medications include:


Diuretics to remove fluid from the body. Used with caution, as they can lead to kidney failure and complicate the course of the disease. Basic medications for MPI:

  • Aldactone;
  • Hypothiazide;

Today, medicine can quickly and painlessly help in the treatment of infections in the genitourinary system using antibacterial agents. To do this, you just need to consult a doctor in time and undergo necessary examinations, on the basis of which a competent treatment regimen will be drawn up.

Infections of the urinary and genital tract are closely interrelated and are caused by the same type infectious agents: bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi. Distinguished as nonspecific inflammation activated by saprophytic or obligate flora (staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, fungi of the genus Candida albicans) when general or local immunity is weakened, as well as specific processes against the background of infection with bacteria such as mycoplasma, ureoplasma, gonococci, and spirochete pallidum. Also specific processes include chlamydia, when the culprit is a protozoan that has the properties of a bacterium and a virus at the same time. Viral lesions represented by human papilloma virus and genital herpes.
Lesions of the genital tract in women are represented by vulvitis, colpitis, cervicitis, endometritis, oophoritis. In men - balanitis and balanoposthitis, urethritis, prostatitis, orchitis and epididymitis. Urinary tract infections occur more easily in women due to the anatomical structure of the perineum. In men, urethritis is the most common, and lesions of the overlying sections (cystitis), as a rule, are secondary and occur against the background of disturbances in urine flow (anatomical abnormalities, prostate adenoma, urolithiasis).
The main symptoms of this group of diseases are pain during urination, burning and itching in the genital area, which intensifies during sexual activity. Also pathological discharge from the genital tract (purulent, mixed with blood during a bacterial process, curdled during fungal infections, mucous during viral infection) and changes in urine: darkening, turbidity and admixtures of protein and (or) blood.
Diagnosis of infections is carried out on the basis of bacteriological research methods (culture of scrapings on nutrient media) and serological studies blood (determination of titers of specific antibodies of classes M and G, giving an idea of ​​an acute or chronic process).
Of course, treatment can begin only after diagnosis and verification of the pathogen. Otherwise, the acute process quickly becomes chronic and can lead to severe complications and a long-term course.

Drugs for the treatment of genital and urinary tract infections.

I. Antibiotics.
1. Medicines are bactericidal as a result of disruption of the synthesis of microbial wall proteins.
A. Semi-synthetic drugs: oxacillin, amoxicillin (flemoxin), ampicillin, ticarcillin, carbenicillin.
B. Inhibitor-protected drugs: amoxicillin clavulonate (flemoclav, panclave, augmentin, amoxiclav), ampicillin sulbactam (unasin, sultamicillin, ampiside),
B. Combined (ampiox).
2. – lactam-free with a bactericidal effect.
1st generation: cefazolin, cephalexin;
2nd generation: cefaclor, cefuroxime;
3rd generation: ceftriaxone, cefixime, cefazidime, cefoperazone, ceftibuten, cefotaxime;
4th generation: cefepime.
3. . Due to disruption of microbial DNA synthesis, they are bactericidal. Ofloxacin (zanocin, qirol, glaufos,), lomefloxacin (lomacin, xenaquin, lomeflox), norfloxacin (quinolox, loxon, negaflox), ciprofloxacin (ificipro, quintor, zindolin,), lefloxacin, gatifloxacin, sparfloxacin (sparflo), moxifloxacin, levof loxacin .
4. . Clarithromycin, azithromycin (azitral, sumamed. chemomycin), josamycin.
1st generation: streptomycin, kanamycin, neomycin;
2nd generation: sisomycin, netilmicin, tobramycin, gentamicin;
3rd generation: amikacin.
6. Tetracycline, oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline.
The choice of antibiotic looks something like this. Chlamydial infections– mainly macrolides and fluoroquinolones. Mycoplasma – tetracyclines. Gonococci – azithromycin, cephalosporins, penicillins (piprax), fluorochlorine (norilet, raksar), aminoglycosides (netromycin). Ureoplasma is sensitive to doxycycline or azithromycin.

II. Nitrofurans disrupt oxidation processes in microbial cells. Used to treat urinary tract infections. They can be both bacteriostatic and bactericidal. Nitrofurantoin (nifurtoinol, furadonin), furazidin (furomax, furomag),

III. Antiviral drugs.
A. Antiherpetic. Acyclovir (Zovirax), valacyclovir (Valtrex), penciclovir (famciclovir, famvir).
B. Ion channel inhibitors (orvirem).
B. Specific chaperone GA. (arbidol).
D. Neuraminidase inhibitors (peramivir, Repenza, Tamiflu)
D. NP protein inhibitors (ingavirin).
2. Alpha and gamma interferons block the translation of viral RNAs and the presentation of viral antigens. Viferon, interferon, gripferon, kipferon.
3. trigger the synthesis of their own interferon. Amiksin, cycloferon, kagocel.

IV. Antifungal drugs.
1. Fungistatic effect.
A. Imidazoles. Ketoconazole (oronazole, nizoral).
B. Triazoles. Irunin, diflucan, fluconazole, flucostat, itraconazole (orungal), mycosist.
2. Antifungal antibiotics. Amphotericin B, pimafucin (natamycin), levorin, nystatin.

V. Antiprotozoal. Metronidazole. Effective for trichomoniasis.

VI. Antiseptics used to prevent sexually transmitted infections.
1. Based on iodine - betadine in suppositories or solution.
2. Based on chlorine-containing preparations: chlorhexidine in solution, Miramistin (solution, suppositories, gel).
3. Based on gibitan - Hexicon solution and suppositories.

The main forms of release of drugs for the treatment of genitourinary infections are tablets and injection solutions. Except in cases of fungal infections of the external genitalia, external treatment is not very effective and systemic medication is required. Violation of treatment regimens, inadequate dosages or attempts local treatment urinary and genital tract infections contribute to the chronicity of inflammatory processes. Self-medication for sexually transmitted infections and urinary tract infections is not acceptable. Treatment should be carried out as prescribed by a doctor and monitored by laboratory tests.

When used for infections of the genitourinary system, inflammatory processes can be eliminated reproductive organs, closely related to the urinary system. The most common reasons infections are bacteria, fungi, viruses or protozoa. According to statistics, the genitourinary system of men bothers them less often than women. Antibiotics for genitourinary infections in women are used to eliminate pathogens, itching, redness, purulent discharge, pain. Among urogenital pathologies in men, cystitis is most often present. But sometimes men can get an infection due to poor uncircumcised hygiene. foreskin or the presence of pathogenic organisms in the partner’s vagina.

Concept of genitourinary infections

In case of inflammation of the genitourinary system, the causative agent may be E. coli or staphylococcus, streptococcus. If any organ of the genitourinary system in men is affected by an inflammatory process, this is due to decreased immunity, severe hypothermia or mechanical damage during anal sex. A woman can become infected in the genitourinary system due to poor personal hygiene when bactericidal microorganisms attack the urogenital tract. The male half of the population becomes infected with urogenital infections much less often than the female half, with the exception of older people.

In diseases of the genitourinary system of a woman, the kidneys with ureters, bladder, and urethra are also affected.

To the very frequent infections relate:

  1. Pyelonephritis is an inflammation in the area of ​​the parenchyma and kidneys, painful, accompanied by a feverish state, including nausea, weakness, and chills.
  2. Cystitis is one of the most common infections. Reveals itself frequent urination, blood in the urine, after stool there is a feeling incomplete emptying and there is severe pain.
  3. Urethritis occurs when the urethra becomes inflamed; during this period, bowel movements become painful and pus may be released.

Most effective method fighting a disease of the genitourinary system is taking an antibiotic that will relieve painful discomfort, will make it possible to have regular bowel movements, will eliminate gynecological pathologies. At the same time, the antibiotic is not a universal remedy for all diseases; it acts in combination with creams, ointments, and herbal decoctions.

The most effective antibiotics

The tendency to genitourinary infections in women is explained by anatomical structure organs, the short urethra, its proximity to the vagina and opening anus. On the contrary, men have a long urethra, so pathogenic processes occur in the lower urinary tract, causing prostatitis. Under the influence of antibiotics, infectious agents are destroyed; other drugs can serve as auxiliary drugs.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics for genitourinary tract infections include:

Penicillins. Bactericidal drugs that destroy the microbial wall due to protein synthesis. Drugs natural origin aimed at destroying gram-negative bacteria.

Semi-synthetic drugs. These include amoxicillin, oxacillin, ampicillin, carbenicillin. The group of aminopenicillins has become 25-30% sensitive to antibiotics, so the remaining 70-75% make it possible to fight sensitive bacteria in the urine and urethral discharge. When treated with ampicillin or amoxicillin, their removal from the body takes several hours.

Inhibitor protected drugs such as flemoklav, unasin, ampisid, augmentin or amoxiclav.

Combined drugs from semi-synthetic and protected inhibitors.

A number of cephalosporins are semisynthetic compounds, which are divided into 4 generations. Drug resistance increases with every generation. They are used if penicillins do not help, but they are poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

The first generation includes cephalexin and cefazolin, which are administered intravenously and intramuscularly, as well as cefadroxil in the form of powder and capsules. They are rarely prescribed, since they act mainly on cystitis. Not suitable for syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.

The second generation is represented by cefuroxime and cefaclor, but they are not as effective as the third generation of cephalosporins.

The third generation is characterized by the most popular drug of this group - ceftriaxone, as well as cefixime, ceftibuten, cefotaxime. The drugs destroy pathogens of gram-negative bacteria and are effective against cystitis, syphilis, and pyelonephritis.

Ceftriaxone is prescribed for the treatment of the genitourinary system of women and men, being a popular antibiotic of the cephalosporin subgroup. Universal drug with a wide spectrum of action treats urogenital infections such as pyelitis, prostatitis or cystitis and their chronic forms. It resists anaerobic and gram-positive bacteria, and is also prescribed when a number of penicillins and aminoglycosides are ineffective. Method of administration: intramuscular and intravenous. If there are serious indications, it is prescribed to children and pregnant women. The downside is that the drug does not interact with prostate tissue, therefore it is not prescribed to men with bacterial prostatitis.

The fourth generation includes cefepime, a drug used in the treatment of complex diseases of the urogenital tract. System genitourinary organs affected by bacterial prostatitis, urethritis or inflammation of the kidneys and appendages, therefore it is important to use cefepime, the main contraindication of which is age under 12 years.

Tetracycline series. The drugs can treat E. coli, but cannot cope with staphylococcus. Medicines are not able to fight staphylococcus, but are effective against E. coli. For infections, tetracycline, chlortetracycline or oxytetracycline are used, depending on the pathology, chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonococci or ureaplasma.

In the form of ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin they are used to treat bacterial prostatitis. Women with bladder problems, urethritis, cystitis or pyelonephritis are prescribed levofloxacin or morphloxacin. Contraindicated in children and pregnant women, as it causes growth and bone retardation.

Nolicin or norfloxacin has a strong bactericidal effect and is a popular drug modern medicine. It is not addictive and leads to the rapid destruction of harmful microorganisms. Penetrating into a man's or female body, the drug is quickly absorbed and excreted from the body without causing harm nervous system and bones. It is not advisable to use the medicine in combination with antacids, as this interferes with absorption into the body. Nolitsin is recommended for dysentery or salmonellosis, yersinosis, and infections of the ENT organs.

Aminoglycosides. Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting, as they can cause toxic effects. Used to treat nosocomial infections and endocarditis. For tuberculosis, streptomycin or kanamycin is prescribed.

Group of macrolides. The most common are azithromycin, clarithromycin, erythromycin and roxithromycin. Due to low sensitivity to gram-negative bacteria, medications are most often prescribed in the case of non-gonococcal urethritis.

Infections of the genitourinary system in women are treated only with broad-spectrum antibiotics; for this purpose, a suitable group is determined, and recommendations are given by the doctor.

Drugs prescribed for genitourinary diseases

Antibiotics for infections of the genitourinary system help destroy bactericidal organisms, but the most common female pathologies are:

  1. endometritis;
  2. cervicitis;
  3. colpitis

The diagnosis of endometritis most often occurs in girls childbearing age, in which the uterine mucosa becomes inflamed, and infection occurs through the genital tract. Antibiotics are used to treat genitourinary infections, in particular endometritis:

  • from penicillin series– ampicillin, amoxin, ecobol;
  • from tetracyclines – tetracycline, doxycyline;
  • fluoroquinolones are represented by ofloxin, zanocin and tarivid;
  • The group of cephalosporins is represented by cefotoxin and cefazolin.

Some modern girls abortions are not given due importance, since they are the main cause of cervicitis or inflammation of the cervix. Antibiotics will help relieve inflammation:

  • , namely azithromycin, vilfaren solutab or erythromycin, sumamed, rulid;
  • From the category of penicillins - these are amoxiclav, ecobol and amosin.
  • Fluoroquinolones are represented by ofloxin, levostar, zanocin, tarivid.

Colpitis is one of the most common pathologies of the urogenital system, manifested by inflammation of the vaginal walls.

Antibiotics for the treatment of colpitis:

  • Cephalosporins include ceftriaxone and cefixime;
  • from a series of penicillins;
  • Levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin from fluoroquinolones;
  • Of the macrolides, Rulid is suitable;
  • Clindamycin is from the lincosamide group.

Side effects and contraindications

Men's urinary systems are less susceptible to infection than women's, but by-effect expressed the same way. Reception modern drugs for genitourinary infections does not relieve the patient from side effect, but you need to know them in order to avoid serious complications, but having familiarized yourself with them, you will definitely be wary of independent use.


  1. Sudden allergic reactions in the form of anaphylactic shock.
  2. Rash.
  3. Migraine.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Weakness and fatigue.
  6. Temperature increase.
  7. Thrombocytopenia.
  8. Thrombophlebitis.
  9. Candidiasis.

Contraindications for use:

  1. Individual intolerance to the drug by the body.
  2. Kidney failure.
  3. Pregnancy in most cases, since the antibiotic has a toxic effect on the fetus.
  4. Lactation.
  5. Child's age. Only certain types medications can be given to children as prescribed by a doctor.

Lesions in the bladder, urethra, adnexa, vagina or uterus are not treated universal remedy, only the attending physician can select medications. Genitourinary infectious diseases Diagnosed in most cases based on test results, but prerequisites may include severe itching and pain in the lower abdomen. The biggest mistake women make is trying to start self-medication without consulting a doctor, which can lead to serious complications in the form of thrombophlebitis, leukopenia, edema and rash.