The miracle of the resurrection of Claudia Ustyuzhanina (Barnaul miracle). Barnaul miracle

Word of mouth about " Barnaul miracle" - the amazing resurrection from the dead of Barnaul resident Klavdia Ustyuzhanina and her miraculous healing from cancer - has long stepped beyond Altai Territory. The story is old, but lovers of miracles cannot forget about it. Books and newspapers talk about the Barnul saint, her story, growing in detail, walks across the Internet: Orthodox Christians do not doubt the divine nature of the miracle, scientists are debating how to explain the phenomenon from a materialistic point of view. But no one doubts one thing - the authenticity amazing fact. Meanwhile, in reality everything was somewhat different...

K.N. Ustyuzhanina In 1964, during an operation for intestinal cancer in the hospital, a woman died - a simple saleswoman, Klavdiya Nikitichna Ustyuzhanina, who did not believe in God. Her body was taken to the morgue, where it lay for 3 days, and then the deceased miraculously came to life, and it soon became clear that cancer tumor she disappeared without a trace. After the resurrection, the former atheist became a Christian and a convinced preacher of faith in the Lord. This is the official version.

Here is how Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist (May 29, 1998) A. Polynsky talks about it from the words of a priest who once met with Ustyuzhanina: “During the operation, Claudia suddenly saw herself as if above her body and first watched the progress of the operation , and then - how the body was taken to the morgue. The doctors did not sew up the striped stomach, they only lightly walked with large “stitches”... And later, a morgue worker, passing by her body, suddenly drew attention to what was unnatural for a dead person. pink color legs He touched them and they were warm.” The doctors, naturally, at first did not believe in the resurrection of the deceased, but then they nevertheless took her into the operating room and “stitched her up normally.” The priest further says that Klavdia Nikitichna showed him a certificate of her own death and a medical history, which, however, only contained a record of resuscitation on the operating table. Ustyuzhanina’s son Andrei adds (quote from the same article): “A month later, mom went to bed repeat operation, which was conducted by the famous doctor Alyabyeva Valentina Vasilievna. After the operation, Valentina Vasilievna suddenly burst into tears and announced: there was not even a suspicion in the body of the person being operated on that there had once been intestinal cancer. Then my mother came to the surgeon Neimark, who operated on her for the first time, and asked: “How could you make such a mistake?” He replied: “An error has been ruled out, I saw the organs affected by cancer myself, my assistants saw the diagnosis, and the analysis confirmed it. Metastases were already occurring, we pumped out one and a half liters of pus from you.”

Nikolai Leonov writes in even more detail and emotion about these amazing events in the book “Secrets of Millennia,” published in 1998 by the Moscow publishing house Ch.A.O. and Co. with a circulation of 7,000. Here is the scene in the operating room: “...and there was no chance left to save the patient, although the team of surgeons tried for a long time to fight for her life...<...>Thought with incredible tension tries to find that last one. possible variant salvation, but alas. Death had already swallowed up its victim... The operation was undertaken by the well-known oncologist in the region, Israel Isaevich Neimark (in fact, he was not an oncologist, but a general surgeon, for a long time Headed the Department of Faculty Surgery at the Altai Medical Institute. - N.V.). The picture... was completely obvious: instead of the pancreas, there was a remnant of ugly, degenerated tissue, drowned in a huge number pus." Then the “unsewn up corpse” was sent to the morgue, and three days later “the orderlies who came to pick up Ustyuzhanina’s corpse suddenly discovered signs of life in it: she was clearly moving, trying to sit up! Abandoning the stretcher, they fled from the morgue in fear.” As you can see, the situation here looks more dramatic than in the Komsomolskaya Pravda version. Further - more: “The “secret” stamps were earned, office phones began to crackle, notifying Moscow about strange incident. From there came one order: SILENT!” It goes without saying that the minds corrupted by communism, materialism and atheism could not recognize the miracle, therefore, after the resurrection, Klavdiya Nikitichna was subjected to merciless persecution, and in medical documents a false record of simple clinical death remained.

There were other publications about the “Barnaul miracle” - for example. in the newspaper “On the Edge of the Impossible” (No. 4, 1998). This article is noteworthy in that it is narrated on behalf of Ustyuzhanina herself, although Komsomolskaya Pravda reports that she died of heart disease in 1978. You can still learn about Claudia Nikitichna’s excursion to heaven and her communication with the Mother of God first-hand: a detailed record of her story is, for example, on the Internet page

The case, needless to say, is extraordinary, and in this incredible plot, not only very real, but also very famous and dear people– I. I. Neimark, V. V. Alyabyeva. Naturally, I have long wanted to find out whether everything happened as they write about it, since there was an opportunity for this. Unfortunately, I. I. Neimark, who performed the operation, is no longer alive, but in Altai medical university The head of the Department of Urology is his son, Professor Alexander Izrailevich Neimark, also a surgeon and a famous scientist. I asked him about the “Barnaul miracle” and thanks to him I learned a lot about this story that journalists, lovers of stunning sensations, prefer to remain silent about.

After the above-mentioned article appeared in Komsomolskaya Pravda, I. I. Neimark sent a letter to the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, in which he spoke in detail about what these events actually were. He never received an answer. But a copy of his letter has been preserved, and I would like, albeit belatedly, to still give the floor to a person who really knew the truth. This is what he writes.

"In February 1964, to the faculty clinic of Altai medical institute At the railway hospital, headed by me, Klavdiya Ustyuzhanina was admitted for surgery by oncologists with a diagnosis of transverse colon cancer. At the clinic, the patient was operated on under endotracheal anesthesia. During induction of anesthesia, cardiac arrest occurred. Resuscitation measures were immediately taken, and quickly, within two minutes, it was possible to restore cardiac activity. During the operation, a large inflammatory conglomerate was discovered emanating from the transverse colon, compressing and impeding its patency. No cancer metastases and 1.5 liters of pus mentioned in the article were found. A fistula is placed on the cecum to drain gases, intestinal contents and create conditions for eliminating the inflammatory process. Thus, cancer was excluded. The picture matched inflammatory process. The entire operation lasted 25 minutes. After the operation, the patient was unconscious for two days. She was in the intensive care ward, under constant supervision of doctors and nurses. She was breathing on her own and her heart was working normally. Then she regained consciousness and began to wonder what was found during the operation and what was done to her. I personally talked to her many times and convinced her that she did not have cancer, but had inflammation, and when it subsided, her fistula would be closed. But she didn’t believe me, because she often talked about this topic and told me that she had a boy, Andrei, growing up. There is no father, and if she has cancer, then [she] must think about how to arrange it. I assured her that there was no cancer and there was no need to do anything, that she would raise and raise him herself.

Consequently, Claudia Ustyuzhanina did not die either on the operating table or after the operation, so there was no need for her to be resurrected. I don't understand how she could show the death certificate and medical history. I also doubt that she was a “convinced atheist”; in the hospital she often prayed, and God helped her - her heart activity quickly recovered, and there was no cancer. Subsequently, Ustyuzhanina recovered. The tumor shrank and resolved. At the city hospital, Dr. V.V. Alyabyeva sewed up her fistula, and the patient completely recovered. On the eve of the operation, Valentna Vasilyevna called me on the phone, and I told her that the inflammatory tumor had resolved. V.V. knew before the operation that the patient did not have cancer.<...>As for Ustyuzhanina, she came up with a legend about how she rose from the dead. At the same time, the legend changed all the time. At first she spread the word that she had died, and they carried her naked in the cold to the morgue where the corpses lay. The hospital guard came, dropped the bucket, and she woke up. The soul flew to the market (Ustyuzhanina worked in trade), an angel met her and ordered her to return to Claudia, and she came to life. In fact, at that time no one died in the railway hospital, there were no corpses, and there were never guards in the hospital at all.

Ustyuzhanina promoted her holiness and organized a business, carried out ablutions and sold the used water as holy. Her public performance accompanied by rude exits and curses in in public places city ​​addressed to me and the employees of the railway hospital with a completely anti-Semitic connotation.

Articles similar to the one you published appeared many times in different newspapers, but with various options fiction... It is clear to me that the initiator of these speeches is her son Andrei, who now serves as a priest at the Holy Dormition convent Alexandrova. One has to wonder how, for 20 years after the death of his mother, he exaggerates the legend she invented to create popularity and fame for himself. Moreover, in all these publications there is a hint of anti-Semitism...

Behind long years surgical activity is the only case in my practice, when I have to prove the absurdity of such a publication. I could never imagine that you could publish this nonsense and become like the tabloid press... By this you caused [me] the deepest offense and mental trauma, which [I] didn’t deserve.”

The editors of Komsomolskaya Pravda, as already mentioned, did not respond to this letter, and probably for a very simple reason: there was nothing to answer.

It is quite obvious that the testimony of a professor-surgeon, a direct participant in the events, deserves no less confidence than the stories of journalists based on information obtained from third, or even tenth, hands. Are any comments needed here? There was no cancer, there was no death, there was no resurrection - all this, alas, is only the result of the unbridled imagination of Klavdia Nikitichna herself, her son and their followers. And the picturesque details of the operation, scenes in the morgue worthy of Hitchcock films, and other dramatic plot twists are entirely on the conscience of, to put it mildly, not very truthful authors.


