How to toilet train a toy. Toy Terrier

If a toy terrier lives in the house, the pet must be taught to be clean. Usually, representatives of this breed are easy to teach to go to the toilet in a specially designated place. But first you need to know how to train a toy terrier to use a tray. All important aspects Such training will be described below.

To quickly train an animal to use the toilet, you need to know what it should be like. When a dog is brought into the house, he is allocated one room in which he must stay for the first few days. This is done so that the animal does not shit all over the apartment.

Carpets and rugs should be removed from the floor in this room, as the puppy loves to urinate on soft things. It is also necessary to remove all dangerous floor objects (for example, wires) from the room. The animal may begin to chew them.

A toy terrier can pee in the following toilet variants:

  • special diaper. It is soft on one side and oilcloth on the other;
  • newspaper;
  • tray (same as for cats). A mesh version of the tray is used, which is not suitable for filler. Such a “pot” should have pronounced edges.

Until the dog learns to shit in the right place, the owner will have to clean up after him using wet and dry wipes.

Video “Interesting facts about toy terriers”

From this video you will learn several interesting facts about the Toy Terrier dog breed.

Requirements for placement

Once the toilet option has been selected, you need to decide on its location. If you choose the wrong place, it will be very difficult to wean the animal from going there.

The toilet should be placed close to sleeping place. However, you need to keep a small distance so that the smell from the toilet is not felt. You can do it easier and watch your pet. You can place a tray or diaper in the place that the dog has chosen to relieve itself. But sometimes, if you do this, the puppy may change his preferences.

When the format and location are determined, you can begin training.

Training technique

There are several techniques for training a toy terrier. That's why in every specific case certain actions are performed. To learn faster, you need to know following features dogs of this breed:

  • They usually walk “smallly” after sleep;
  • “In a big way” dogs relieve themselves after eating.

The fact that the dog wants to relieve itself is evidenced by restless walking around the house in search of a secluded corner. To accustom an animal to a diaper or tray, you should perform the following steps:

  • After sleeping or eating, the toy terrier should be placed in a diaper or in a tray. If the dog walks away, don't hold him. Let him move away a little, and then put him back on the diaper;
  • Having placed the animal in a specially designated place, it is necessary to voice the command “Toilet!” In this case, the pet will quickly remember it and will begin to do its business only in the diaper;
  • When the baby does his job in the right place, he needs to be praised. This way the pet will understand that he did everything right.

Such actions should be done regularly in order to develop a stable habit in the dog. To speed up the process, you can lay out the floor in the room with diapers, followed by a gradual reduction of such a surface to a mini-version. This approach is only used if the baby is kept in the same room. Every day one diaper or newspaper should be removed from a room in the house. As a result, only one diaper should remain.

This approach is often used to train a puppy, as it is difficult for him to get to the right place right away. In this case, the animal does not experience stress during the training process. The disadvantage of this format is that training may take some time. On average, training will take 2–4 weeks.

If the toy terrier is not kept in only one room, but can move freely around the house, the training technique will be slightly different, since the pet can relieve itself anywhere. In this case, the owner must closely monitor the dog.

Before going to the toilet, the dog always starts sniffing the places that are suitable (in his opinion) for this purpose. As soon as this behavior has been noticed, the pet is moved to where the tray is installed or the diaper is lying. After this, the previously described steps are performed. If the baby has successfully completed the task, he can be given a treat. You can't yell at your pet if he misses. Otherwise, all training will be ineffective. You will have to monitor the animal until it develops the desired reflex.

You can teach your baby to go to the toilet outside. To do this, you need to know how to stop your toy terrier from crapping inside the house and doing it outside during walks. In this case, walking your pet must be done at least three times a day. After each successful walk, the dog needs to be encouraged.

How should an owner behave?

In order to accustom a toy terrier to going to the toilet in a specific place as quickly as possible, the owner must do the following:

  • stick to the schedule. The dog should relieve itself in the morning and evening. In this case, it is much easier to monitor the pet and control its actions;
  • If the baby went the wrong way, you cannot shout at him or hit him. You just need to express your dissatisfaction. But this must be done immediately after a puddle or pile appears. If some time has passed, the dog will no longer understand the reason for your dissatisfaction. After this, the animal should be taken to the tray;
  • for boys you need to use a special tray with a column;
  • When the dog is in the tray, he must not be scolded (raise his voice sharply), hit or show other aggressive actions. This will form a negative attitude towards adaptation in your pet;
  • If the dog's waste products get on soft surfaces (for example, a carpet), they should be washed with powder to remove the smell. Otherwise, the pet will continue to go to the previously used place, as it will be attracted by the corresponding smell.

When a dog is trained to go to the toilet in a tray, it makes life much easier for its owners. To keep your apartment clean and fresh, it’s worth figuring out how to toilet train a toy terrier as quickly as possible and without mistakes.

Toy terrier toilet training should not spoil his cheerful character

In most cases, failures in training are not due to the stupidity of the dog, but to the inept approach of the owners to the training process.

Toy terrier toilet training

It will take a lot of patience, but it will be worth it. Successful training it is quite possible to finish the tray in two to four weeks. How to organize the process correctly?

First you need to decide what kind of toilet for the toy will be:

  • tray with filler and post for boys;
  • newspaper;
  • moisture-wicking diaper.

Only after deciding on the toilet and preparing it can you begin training. There are three main ways to toilet train a Toy Terrier.

First method. Quite simple, but requires space. If possible, you need to allocate one small room in the house or apartment for the puppy. Cover the entire floor with newspapers or diapers. Remove one newspaper/diaper every day. This way the toilet area will be gradually reduced to the required size. You just need to try to ensure that the newspaper/diaper remains in the place where you plan to make a permanent toilet for the puppy.

This method can take up to a month, because you cannot remove the litter too quickly. But the dog will get used to a certain place calmly, without stress and coercion.

Second method. Requires constant vigilance from owners. You need to carefully monitor the puppy. And when he begins to lubricate himself for wet work, usually after sleep and lunch, quickly carry him to the place prepared for the toilet. After the baby does everything correctly, you need to praise and caress him, treat him with a treat. Gradually, the toy will remember its place and get used to running to it on its own.

During the training period, it is better to remove all carpets and rugs from the floor. Any dog ​​will prefer to pee on something soft instead of a tray or newspaper.

Third method is based on meeting the pet halfway. You need to notice where he most often goes to the toilet, and “legalize” it by placing a tray there or laying down a newspaper. Praise every time the puppy does everything right. If he does not approve of your actions and starts going to another place, the toilet will have to be moved again. And so on until you come to a common decision.

How to make the learning process easier

To make it easier for the dog to understand what is required of it, you can use special sprays. Apply a repellent aroma to places where you cannot go to the toilet. And what is attractive is a tray or a place for the toilet.

If you decide that a dog will live in the apartment, it is necessary to develop the habit of going to the toilet from the very beginning of your stay.

Walking a dog is not difficult, it is even enjoyable.

However, it can be inconvenient to organize walks during the daytime.

Until the puppy is trained to go to the toilet, errors on his part are possible in the form of a puddle or a pile.

Punishments such as poking one's nose into bowel movements and rude attitude are unacceptable.

The faster you start training your puppy to use the litter box, the faster he will learn to go to the toilet at home, making it easier.

Raising a toy terrier is not difficult process, since these dogs lend themselves well to litter training.

It can be easier to train if she already has the skills. A dog can be trained by a former owner, with whom it was born and raised, if they worked with it.

At first, the puppy may not remember what it was accustomed to due to suffered stress(separation from mother, changes in usual environment).

You should show a sensitive and patient attitude towards the animal, and it will soon remember what it was taught.

If the toy is not toilet trained, you just need to give it more time and everything will be fine.

A small one can serve as a toilet:

  • sawmills with an absorbent outer layer and a waterproof bottom layer;
  • newsprint;
  • dog toilet, for males, with posts and low sides.

Dog owners are interested in how to train their terrier to go to the right place when needed. Three methods are used for training.

First method

We use it if it is possible to give the toy puppy a separate room or enclosure. Cover the entire floor of the room where the toy will live with absorbent films or paper.

Every day, remove some of the laid paper or film until the last one remains. The puppy will defecate on this diaper.

The advantages of the method are that the pet gets used to its toilet without unnecessary stress. For training, it takes 2-4 weeks for the toy terrier to learn to go about his business on a certain film.

Second method

A method suitable for dogs that move freely throughout the house. Here it is necessary Special attention owners.

As soon as the puppy begins to sniff anxiously and wants to sit in an unintended place, he needs to be moved to the tray.

When the dog does what it was brought to the tray for, you should praise it, caress it, and treat it with its favorite treat.

The method requires more time than the first, and if you don’t keep an eye on the toy, he will go about his business on a carpet or rug, as he likes to go on something warm and soft.

You can't hit a small pet. He will be afraid of his owner, and still ignore commands.

Third method

Create a toilet for the puppy in a place he likes, where you can lay out a diaper or place a tray.

They go about their business when they wake up. After sleeping they pee, and after feeding they usually poop.

When the dog wakes up, it should be picked up and carried to the tray or to the film. With the words “toilet” you need to put it on the potty.

Gradually the word will become a command word and a reflex will form. If the toy resists, you need to put him back down, repeating the word “toilet”.

The procedure should be performed without rudeness or noise. You need to board the animal as many times as needed. The dog needs to understand what is required of it.

You should not forcefully hold the terrier on the tray with your hands; he will want to run away and will resist.

As soon as the little one finishes his job, you need to give him something tasty right at the tray.

Training your Toy Terrier will help after a few attempts to toilet train it. The dog will go to the tray with pleasure and without whims, expecting a reward in the form of a tasty morsel.

After the puppy has grown a little and should go to the dog toilet, and he has become accustomed to diapers, you need to lay a film on the tray.

At first, the dog will walk on the diaper, not noticing small elevations. Then the mesh insert of the tray is wrapped in a diaper.

If the tray has the ability to secure the film, the film can be supported on it.

If the puppy is unable to get into the tray, you can train him to use the tray as follows: place a small diaper in the center of the tray.

You can place a large diaper under the tray. The diaper is changed periodically until the puppy learns the skills to walk properly when needed.

It must be remembered that the baby can mistake the carpet for a large and soft diaper, and where his toilet is, it is better to remove the rugs, or pre-treat them with a special substance so that the dog does not defecate on them.

Tricks for toilet training a dog

Do not scold the dog if it is in the litter box.

Having noticed a pile or puddle on the floor, express dissatisfaction in a sharp voice, then pick up the puppy and bring it to the diaper or tray.

Keep an eye on your pet at night. very sleepy and in a semi-sleeping state, they can walk around to relieve themselves right on the floor.

You need to pick up the puppy, who is making restless movements and does not know where the toilet is, and take him to the litter box.

Gradually, with the formation of the habit of going to the toilet, reduce potties around the apartment, wean off treats after using the toilet.

For best result you need to stick to the rules:

  • according to schedule: morning and evening;
  • praise each time for the correct hit and express dissatisfaction in the opposite case;
  • for boys, put a special tray with a column;
  • Even if a small toy successfully goes to the toilet at home, it is necessary to walk him.


If you bought a puppy, a pocket dog, you just need to teach him to relieve himself in the right place, and not throughout the apartment. In this video you will see practical advice from an experienced dog breeder on how to train your baby to use the litter box.

One of the advantages of small dogs is the fact that they can be easily potty trained at home. This will allow the owner to sleep an extra hour in the morning and not rush back from work in the evening.
If you decide that a dog will live in the apartment, you must immediately teach it to go to the toilet. While the puppy has not yet been taught this, errors in the form of a puddle or a pile are possible. You can’t punish your baby by poking your nose into his bowel movements or treating him rudely. The sooner you start training your puppy to use the litter box, the faster he will learn to go to the toilet where he needs to go and make it easier for him to take care of himself. Raising a toy terrier is not a difficult process at all, because these dogs can quickly be taught to do their business in the litter box.
As soon as the baby begins to sniff himself anxiously and squats in an unintended place, he needs to be moved to the tray.

Accustoming terms:

Everything is very individual. Usually, understanding comes to puppies after several repetitions; developing skills can take two weeks. Your task is simply to control and bring your skills to complete perfection. This period is the longest. It may take a couple of months. In most cases, “punctures” happen precisely because the puppies are still very small. They cannot stand it for long, they flirt, get distracted, and may forget or not have time to reach the tray.

Time limits are reduced if:
1) the puppy was taken at an age (from 1 to 1.5 months);
2) if the puppy was trained by the breeder;
3) if the puppy’s mother went to the litter box (they imitate her);
4) if the puppy is the only animal in the apartment (no one is distracting);
5) if you have the opportunity to take a month off.

For training, you will need 3-4 cat trays (not for litter because the sides are too high), as well as tasty treats. For example: cheese, crispy diet bread, banana, etc. The goodies should be cut into pieces and placed in a saucer, which should be placed not far from the pots, so that the puppy cannot reach it. Make sure the product is fresh!

So, the toy terrier puppy is at home. It is very important, first of all, to give him a room in the apartment that can be closed. How smaller area rooms, the better. It is clear that the bathroom, storage room and toilet are not suitable. It's great if it's a kitchen. Firstly, you go there very often, and secondly, the baby will not feel lonely, and it will be much easier for you to keep an eye on him.
In the room where the puppy will be kept, it is advisable to hide the electrical wires and remove the rug. Anything that could not be removed should be treated liberally with Anti-Gryzin. Place 3-4 litter boxes together to create a large litter area. Place this “structure” not far from the puppy’s bed (puppies go to the toilet very often)

T Techniques for training a puppy to use the litter box
So. After sleep, they usually pee, and after they eat, they poop. Over the course of 3-4 days, you will learn your pet's individual regimen. The technique is simple. As soon as the puppy wakes up, pick him up gently and take him to the potty. At the same time, explain to him “toilet” and put him there (in the future this will sound like a command).
Put the puppy on the potty with the words “toilet” until he understands what you want from him. It is important that you do everything patiently, without irritation and fuss. As many times as needed. No need to hold the puppy in the tray with your hands!
He will resist and you won’t succeed! And remember to have treats on hand! When your pet has finally done his job, praise him and give him a treat without leaving the tray. When such “exercises” are performed several times, the puppy will no longer be stubborn, but will obediently go to the potty and look forward to a tasty reward. Your helpers are patience, affection and time.

Important nuances in training a puppy to use the tray
If the toy terrier baby went to the litter box at the breeder’s house, you don’t need to expect the same for you. Because the puppy found himself in a new place: a different environment, strangers. He's stressed right now. You will have to retrain it, however, it will not take much time, the toy terrier will soon remember his skills and what he was taught.
If you notice that the puppy has crouched on the floor, a sharp “ugh” should follow, you can clap your hands at the same time, then put the baby on the potty.
It is advisable to monitor the puppy at night as well. Usually when small pet too sleepy, the easiest to control.
You need to give the puppy a tour of the apartment. When the baby has gone to the toilet, peed, pooped, in other words, has become “safe”, open the door so that he can walk. Of course, all wires in the rooms must be removed or treated with Anti-Gnat. It is necessary to place a tray in each room. Late walking time around the apartment can be extended by supervising your puppy.

This stage can begin when the puppy has perfectly mastered the “toilet” command. As a rule, it is enough to call the puppy to the litter box and say “toilet.” The toy terrier baby immediately understands what they want from him, obediently jumps into the potty and does his business. Be sure to remember to encourage and treat your baby! This approach is no longer coercion, but only a reminder to the little toy terrier about the toilet. While the puppy is growing, his attention regularly switches from one thing to another - objects, sounds, toys, etc. Therefore, call your baby to the potty as often as possible and remind him to go to the toilet.
After a while, the closed room will no longer be needed. And even later, gradually reduce the number of pots in the apartment, eventually leaving one.
When the skill is formed, you should gradually wean the dog off the treat. Over time, encourage "toilet" every other time, then every other time, etc.
Many people recommend using newspapers for litter box training. Indeed, at first you can accustom your baby not to the tray, but to a newspaper laid on the floor. The advantage is that you can cover the entire floor with newspaper, which will improve the “hit accuracy.” Disadvantage - puppies really like to play with rustling newspapers, and therefore the floor will be a mess of torn scraps and excrement. In addition, you can taste the newspaper... That is, you will need more time for cleaning. In addition, the dog will still have to be retrained from the newspaper to the tray. And this is done as follows. Place a sheet of newspaper in the tray, gradually reduce the area of ​​the newspaper, and then stop putting it altogether.

As Olga Solntseva, a breeder of toy terrier dogs, noted: “At first, we trained our toy terrier puppies this way. But then we abandoned this method, since it does not speed up training, and only adds to the hassle of cleaning.”

A few more common cases:

The puppy does his business next to the litter box

It is necessary to monitor how this happens. If the baby does not climb onto the tray, then you have given him too little time to get used to it. It is necessary to return to the initial stage of training.
More often than not there is a different reason. The baby sits not in the center, but on the edge of the tray. Accordingly, everything flows under the tray. This is where the “newspaper” method can come in handy. We place a sheet of newspaper in the center of the tray, gradually reduce the area of ​​the newspaper, and then stop putting it altogether.

I have a male and there is a fear that he will raise his paw

The “newspaper” method will also work here. To do this, you should purchase a tray with a column. Teach your child to use this particular post, and not the corner of the chair. Wrap the post with a piece of newspaper. A puppy accustomed to a newspaper will quickly understand why it is attached to a post. Later, the surface area on the post covered with newspaper gradually decreases.

Puppy peeing on the sofa

The problem here is not with the toilet. Probably, in this way the puppy wants to attract the attention of the owner or expresses protest. Before punishing, think about what your pet wants to tell you.

From the first days a puppy appears in the house, you need to accustom him to cleanliness. There won’t be any particular difficulties in training a toy terrier to use a litter tray. The dog, thanks to its natural intelligence, quickly understands what is required of it. But you shouldn't expect instant results. This process is part of the toy terrier care package and requires time, persistence and patience. Before you start training, you will need to purchase at the pet store:

Disposable diapers;

Dog litter tray, preference should be given to models with low sides or without them at all;


A brush for cleaning the toilet.

First of all, you need to decide on the place that will be used as a dog toilet. It should be located close to the sleeping place, but not too close. Cover the area with a waterproof diaper. Small puppies go to the toilet very often. This is what you need to take advantage of. Immediately after sleeping, feeding, or active play, you need to put the puppy in a diaper and not let her out, not allowing her to go anywhere until the job is done. After each successful time, do not forget to praise and treat him with your favorite treats. Thus, act regularly and be persistent. Soon the terrier will understand what they want from him, and it will become his habit. This issue can be resolved by purchasing an enclosure. The floor in the enclosure is covered with diapers or newspapers. As the puppy gets used to a certain surface used as a toilet, you need to reduce its area to the required minimum.

How to train a puppy to use a litter box?

One of the easiest ways to train a toy terrier puppy to use a litter box is to limit his access to secluded places where he can go to the toilet unnoticed. To obtain the desired result, you can use an aviary with a tray placed in it. By placing your puppy in a crate, it becomes easier to control his actions. Having noticed characteristic signs (restlessness, walking in circles, sniffing the floor), indicating his desire to relieve his natural needs. If the desired result is obtained, the dog must be stimulated with rewards and treats. We must not forget that the dog reacts to odors; by going to the litter box several times, he will be guided by the smell, which will cause further addiction. Toilet training is mandatory item for a complete education.

If it is impossible to restrict the puppy’s movements around the premises, trays are placed in secluded places. As your pet gets used to it, reduce the number of trays to the required amount.

By following these simple steps, you can see how quickly you can train your Toy Terrier to use the litter box. The issue will be resolved in the optimal time frame.

Undesirable aspects of toilet training a puppy

Toy terriers have a very vulnerable psyche that requires a special approach. Their character is quite unique. You can read more about the character of that terrier in a special article. Inadmissible actions during toilet training are:

Slaps, blows;

Other aggressive actions directed against the dog;

The process of toilet training a toy terrier is accompanied by numerous difficulties. Despite this, the owner must provide the pet with increased attention, care and love.

At the same time, excessive care can lead to deformation of the dog’s psyche and the development of incorrect behavioral characteristics. Only by adhering to the principle of the golden mean can you build with a pet harmonious relationships, giving joy and positive emotions.

If you have a little toy terrier in your home, we will tell you how to train him to the litter box in a matter of days. However, this does not mean that now the pet can sit locked up for days. A toy terrier needs to walk and breathe fresh air at least once a day.

Tray training a toy terrier: method 1

This technique will help to toilet train a toy terrier if the dog moves freely around the apartment and its living space is not limited to an enclosure or one room.

First, learn to track the moment when the puppy begins to sniff corners and sit down, looking for a place where he can go to the toilet. Noticing this, quickly but carefully pick him up and place him in the tray, which should be installed in the place where the dog's restroom will subsequently be permanently located. If the “operation” was successful and the puppy did its business in the right place, praise it, pet it, kiss it, and treat it with a tasty treat.

This method may take longer than others, but it gives reliable results. Be patient. But if you did not have time to put your pet in the tray and he made a puddle in the middle of the room, do not scold him and do not hit him under any circumstances. It just doesn't make sense. By throwing out emotions, you will only scare and antagonize the animal, but you will not be able to toilet train a toy terrier in this way.

Until the puppy gets used to the litter box, remove all rugs and carpets from the floor of the apartment. Since it is warm and soft surfaces that untrained dogs prefer to use as latrines.

Method No. 2

The following method, if you have purchased a toy terrier, will tell you how to train him to the tray in a period of two to four weeks, depending on individual characteristics dogs. This method is for those who plan to keep the dog in a separate room or in a limited space in the enclosure.

Cover the entire floor area with paper, newspapers or absorbent baby diapers. After one day, clear a small area of ​​waste paper. Do this until the last piece of newspaper remains in the corner of the room. For the next few days, she will be your Toy Terrier's toilet. Then put it in the tray. Once your pet gets used to the tray, you can do without paper.

This method will not allow you to quickly toilet train a toy terrier, but it is the most gentle for the animal’s psyche.

Method No. 3

And finally, the simplest method. Find where your pet relieves himself and place newspaper there, preferably lightly soaked in his urine. A clean newspaper in a puppy's secluded place can frighten him and force him to change his location. After a while, put the newspaper in the litter tray. Well, soon, as in Method No. 2, you will be able to stop using paper.

By the way, special sprays have appeared on sale that help teach a dog to defecate in a strictly designated place. You just need to treat the tray with this product.

And do not forget to praise the puppy often when he has done his business in the right place.

I’ll be honest right away - my experience was accumulated in a two-room apartment in which 2 female Russian toy terriers and 2 Cirneco del Etna live (all of them, naturally, go to the litter box), who periodically give birth to puppies (who are also already walking by 1.5 months on the potty).
Therefore, I don’t know how realistic it is for breeders who, say, have 18-20 dogs to train their puppies. But usually they are not puzzled by such problems.

Newly-made owners are often interested in these questions, wanting to maintain cleanliness in the apartment and their nerves. And many simply do not have the opportunity to take their toy terrier out for a walk strictly at a certain time.
Therefore, my recommendations are more aimed specifically at such owners who keep 1-2 dogs.

Accustoming terms. Everything is very individual. But usually puppies understand very quickly, within a few repetitions, and the skill is formed in two weeks. And then you simply control it, bringing the skill to perfection. This period is the longest. It may take a couple of months. But mainly only because puppies, due to their age, cannot endure for long, they play around, get distracted and may not have time or forget to run to the tray.

Time limits are reduced if:
1) the puppy’s mother went to the litter box (puppies imitate);
2) if the breeder trained the puppy;
3) if the puppy was taken to early age(1-1.5 months) provided that the first two points were not met;
4) if the puppy is the only animal in the apartment (no one will distract);
4) if you have the opportunity to take a month off.

What you will need for training

You will need:
1) 3-4 cat litter boxes (not for litter, because the sides are too high);
2) a very (!) tasty treat (it would be nice not to be perishable, since it will always be ready and not in the refrigerator)
Suitable: cheese, diet crispbread, banana, etc. what is enough imagination? The product is cut into pieces and placed in a saucer, which should stand close to the pots and out of reach of the puppy (on the table). Keep the product fresh!

So, the toy terrier puppy is at home. First of all (this is very important!) give him a room in the apartment that can be isolated, i.e. close The smaller the room, the better. Of course, a pantry, bathroom and toilet are not suitable :-) It’s good if it’s a kitchen. You are there often, the puppy will not feel lonely and it will be easier for you to keep an eye on him. In the room where the puppy will be kept for the first time, hide the electrical wires, remove the carpet. Anything that cannot be removed, treat generously with Anti-Grozin (sold in pet stores).

Place 3-4 cat litter boxes together in the room (see photo) to create a large toilet area. Place this “structure” near the puppy’s bed.
Puppies go to the toilet VERY often. And they don’t warn about it, that is, they don’t scratch like kittens :-) And now good news puppies do not have the stupid habit of looking for secluded, hard-to-reach places for the toilet.

How to make a puppy friends with a litter box. Technique

So. They go to the toilet after sleeping (usually peeing) and after eating (usually pooping). Within 3-4 days you will understand your puppy’s individual routine. If kittens are trained “after the fact,” that is, by scratching the scruff of the neck and into the litter box, then with a puppy the situation is different. It’s easier to warn here than to grab an already peeing baby (because you won’t have time anyway) and run headlong with him to the tray. Sorry for the comparison, it's like transporting water in a colander :-)

The technique is simple. The puppy has woken up, you gently pick it up and carry it to the potty. With the words “toilet” (in the future this will form a team) you put him there. While the puppy does not understand what they want from him, and, most likely, will try to escape from the potty. Place him again with the words “toilet.” Everything is done patiently, without irritation and fuss. As many times as needed. Do not hold the puppy in the tray with your hands! This will only make you resist!

And remember - treats should be ready! When your toy terrier has finally done his job, praise him generously and give him a tasty bite right there, without leaving the tray. You will see that after several such “exercises” the puppy will no longer be stubborn, but will obediently sit down and look forward to the treat.
That's all. It's just a matter of small things. Your helpers are patience, time and affection.

Important nuances in training a puppy to use the tray

1) If a toy terrier puppy went to the litter box in the breeder’s house, do not expect that he will immediately run to the potty at your place. Firstly, the puppy found himself in a new place: a new environment, strangers. This is naturally stressful. All stages of training will have to be completed again, however, it will not take much time, the terrier will quickly remember his skills and what he was taught. Be patient and follow the breeder's advice.

2) Never scold your puppy if he is in the litter box. For example, you caught him committing a “crime” and managed to grab him and put him on a tray, where he finished his business. Your actions: you noticed that he sat down with a semi-sharp “ugh”, you can clap your hands at the same time, then grab the puppy and into the potty. If the “process” is completed in the tray, praise and treat! And silently (!) you wipe up the puddle on the floor.

3) It is advisable to monitor the puppy at night. Typically, when puppies are very sleepy, they are easiest to control. WITH eyes closed they crawl out of their bed to go to the toilet (it’s easier for them on the floor, of course). But if you put him on the tray at this moment, he will not resist at all. He will do his work and go on to sleep.
It is usually more difficult when the puppy needs to be put into the toilet at the peak of activity, in the midst of play. Then they jump out of the tray like mustangs or play with your hands.

4) At first, the Russian Toy should be kept in an isolated room, but this does not mean that you cannot give him tours of the apartment. I went to the toilet, peed, pooped - “neutralized.” Open the door and let him take a walk. Naturally, all wires in the apartment have been removed or treated with Anti-Gryzin. Every room should have a tray, or even more than one (depending on the size of the room). A little later, walks around the apartment can be extended by controlling your toy terrier.

Start this stage when the puppy has learned the “toilet” command. Usually it is enough to call the baby to the tray and say “toilet.” The puppy already understands what this means, obediently jumps into the potty and does things. Don't forget to praise and treat! Thus, you no longer force, but only remind your Russian Toy Terrier about the toilet. As the baby grows, his attention constantly switches from one thing to another. another - sounds, objects, toys, etc. Therefore, call him to the potty more often and remind him to do things.
Over time, the need for a closed room will disappear. And even later, gradually reduce the number of pots around the apartment, eventually leaving one.

5) When the skill is formed, gradually wean him off the treat. First, encourage “toilet” every other time, then after two, etc.

6) Many people recommend using newspapers for litter box training. Indeed, you can first accustom him not to the tray, but to a newspaper laid on the floor. Plus.- You can cover the entire floor with newspaper, so it will be better with a “precise hit”. Minus: - Puppies love to play with rustling newspapers, so the floor will be a mess of torn scraps and excrement. You can also eat newspapers...
That is, you will have more cleaning to do. In addition, you will still have to retrain from the newspaper to the tray. It's done like this. A sheet of newspaper is placed in the tray, over time you reduce the area of ​​the newspaper, and then stop using it altogether. At first, we trained our toy terrier puppies this way. But then they abandoned this method, since it does not speed up learning and only adds to the hassle of cleaning.

Types of dog trays

Trays come in different shapes and purposes. Trays for male dogs have a special design.
What types of trays are there, read on our page

Before you get a pet, think carefully about whether you can give it time, affection and care. After all, Toy Terriers are very friendly, have a light, cheerful and playful character, are very active, loyal, love to sit in the arms of their owner, immediately calm down and fall asleep. They are easy to train, it is not difficult to train them to use a tray, but this does not mean that you need to turn a dog into an affectionate cat. The dog needs walks fresh air, as a matter of fact, and its owner.

Now you will have the opportunity to tell your household that you urgently need to take your beloved child for a walk and you can safely escape from household worries. It is enough for a Toy Terrier puppy to be in the air for about 10 minutes, preferably after eating. But still, often, the owners do not have the opportunity to walk the puppy three times a day, and so that you do not get disappointed from the pet who has shit in your new shoes, you should teach him to relieve his needs in a specially designated place - the tray. You will need to have patience, because training for any dog, no matter how smart and good it is, is difficult. daily work. Under no circumstances should you scold, shout or poke the puppy into a puddle or pile he has made; he is still small and does not know how to restrain himself.

If your puppy’s mother was litter box trained and your child saw what she was doing there, then the little toy terrier will repeat after her and it won’t be difficult for you to remind him what kind of box it is and what needs to be done with it. Of course, once in new family he will be afraid to stick his nose out of his house once again, do not expect childish ingenuity from him right away, gradually the puppy will get used to it and then you will need to remind him about the litter box.

So, let's start litter box training. The first thing you need to do is put tray not far from the puppy's bed. As soon as the baby has eaten, you need to take him and put him in the tray, because... Puppies digest very quickly. Naturally, he will not like this and will try to jump out, be patient and put him back down, do not hold him by force under any circumstances, he may get scared. This manipulation must be done until the puppy gives up and does what you want from him. At the same time, talk to him, praise him and keep a treat ready. As soon as the puppy has done everything, immediately give him a treat and be sure to praise him. After a few days of such exercises, the dog will develop conditioned reflex, and he will climb into the tray himself. Watch whether he sits there for the sake of need or just pretends to get a treat. Don't pay attention if it's a simulation, give him a tasty bite and praise only after he does his thing. But you won’t always feed him after his simple deeds; to do this, at some point, replace the treat with praise. There is no need to scold your baby if he decides to play in this tray. Puppies are curious and want to explore every inch of your (and now his) home! But for you, these studies can end in failure, because everything that is not lying correctly will certainly be first sniffed, then licked and chewed until it is unrecognizable. So, immediately remove anything that may damage or injure him. Therefore, it is recommended to limit its space to one room. It is best to make a house for him where you are most often, for example, in the kitchen. There is always someone there and it will be easier to keep track of him. By the way, if the baby has stopped playing, then this is a signal to someone that he will now do his “tricks”.

Of course, you won't always be able to keep track of it. And so, if you see that your pet has already sat down to make a puddle, then calmly, without frightening him, go up and transplant him into tray. He will finish his business there, don’t forget to praise him and give him something tasty. Also, if you are not too squeamish, then you can take the rag with which you wiped the puddle or pile that he kindly left for you and put it in his tray. Let the toy terrier come up and sniff everything. This will push him to right thoughts. And traces of misunderstandings left on the floor must be thoroughly wiped off, or better yet, washed with powder and used a fragrance, because dogs have a very good sense of smell and, sensing their native outrages, they can go not to the tray, but to the same place and all your efforts will be useless.

When your puppy has established contact with the litter box, you can let him out to explore the whole house. Some people, when letting the animal out to walk around the apartment, place a litter box in each room, and even several “latrines” in a large room. You can also use the method of remembering commands, i.e. when you teach a puppy to relieve himself in the toilet, always tell him the word “toilet” and he, walking throughout the apartment, hearing your “toilet” will reflexively run to the tray. Over time, you will need to reduce the number of trays to one.

Some people use newspapers for teaching. They need to cover the entire floor of the room in which your Toy Terrier is located. By gradually reducing the area of ​​newspapers on the floor and lining the tray with them, you, unnoticed by the puppy, teach him to go to one place. But here one trouble awaits us - the newspapers rustle and can be torn, so be prepared for the fact that your child will perceive this as a game and you will have a mess of torn newspapers, puddles and piles on your floor. This method is more problematic and takes longer.

Don’t forget that your puppy is alive and he simply needs communication not only with you, but also with the world around him. Be sure to take him outside for a walk, let him communicate with his own kind. He will be very interested in frolicking in the yard with puppies around his age. Of course, for large and adult dogs better than a baby not to let him near, they can injure him without meaning to. And it’s also very good to enroll him in a kennel club. There he will learn simple commands and will not be afraid of either small or big dogs, will be sociable, receive a large number of information and develop into a well-mannered and noble dog. And under the supervision of professional trainers and veterinarians, you can always correct the health and behavior of your beloved dog.

Instilling the habit of going to “your litter box” is a responsible task. When adopting a dog, especially in an apartment, the owner is constantly faced with the difficulty of how to train a toy terrier to use the toilet. Inexperienced owners make senseless attempts to force the dog to follow orders, but meaningful results are rare. Due to ignorance about the morals of the Toy breed, it is impossible to train a pet, no matter how smart the dog is.

The question justifiably arises: “If I have a toy terrier, how can I toilet train such a pet?” Let us say right away that you should not expect instant fruit from your educational work. , developing the skills you and he need is a matter of endurance, perseverance, and systematization. If the owner is not ready to devote some period of time to regular training, then the dog is unlikely to learn the skill. This period of accustoming to the tray lasts 10-20 days. Take care of what will become the future Toy toilet for the training period and further time. Namely:

  • absorbent, but waterproof underneath, dog diapers;
  • newspapers;
  • Tray for a pet - dog or cat - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that there is a special column for the toy boy, and always low sides. A toy terrier boy marks apartment corners and protruding elements. The column will subsequently become the marked part.

How to train a toy terrier to a litter box

From diaper to litter box

Used in situations where the dog's movement is limited. A donated room in an apartment/house, an enclosure, which becomes Toy’s refuge for the first time, will become a “combat territory.” Here the task is based on how to accustom the terrier to a diaper, which we later replace with a tray. The owner does not need to make any strong efforts: just line the area completely accessible to the baby with newspapers and diapers. We remove one or two of them every day. So, after a certain period, only one “toilet island” remains in the enclosure - a diaper. This will become the dog’s “precious place”.

The undoubted advantage of the method is the absence of stress and the need to urge your pet. So the animal will independently, on an instinctive level, develop the skill of going to the toilet in a specific place. The downside is the longevity of the method. Because quick release from spreading diapers does not contribute to the development of the dog’s skill. So, training may take 3-4 weeks.

If that one doesn't go to the toilet, the toilet goes to that one

This technique is applicable to dogs that are free to move. It is more ubiquitous and universal. The owner will be required to be observant, and even spy on the “pupil”. When sniffing and searching actions are noticed in the dog, you need to have time to pick up and transfer the pet to the tray. Every time he is ready to fit into a door frame or the leg of a sofa, we rather drag him to “his closet.” After your “wet deeds” in the tray, you need to praise the dog and reward him with some tasty treat.

During the training period, it is better to hide soft, pleasant-to-touch surfaces such as rugs, since “going” on something soft is much more pleasant than in a tray.

Important note!Using the “carrot and stick” technique is only half effective. That is, only the “carrot” is applicable to the dog, and the “stick” should be avoided.It is forbidden to punish, scold, or spank an animal, as this will turn it against you. The dog will develop fear towards its owner, rather than obedience and respect.

The disadvantage of this method is also the length. Here the owner may spend even more time than in the previous method.

Wherever I had time, I sat down there

The simplest and fastest option for training a dog to use a litter tray is to arrange a toilet area where your pet has chosen. Keep an eye on where the toy often “does business.” Place a tray there, lay out a diaper, etc. Although we note that there is a possibility that the dog will change his favorite toilet place. Well, what can I say - everyone needs a change from their everyday environment...

Convenience on the street

This option is street. It is for the owner who does not accept dog toilets in the house. This requires regular walks - at least three times a day. And the “gingerbread” technique will come in handy here. For the “obtained result” on the street, it would be nice to praise the pet. This way the four-legged baby will understand that he is acting correctly.

  • Always have a special spray in your dog breeding arsenal that provokes the dog to relieve itself in a specific place. Spray the spray into the tray and you're done. There is also the opposite active compounds. Having applied them to one place or another, the dog will avoid the treated area.
  • Feeding on a schedule also determines a scheduled toilet. And constantly pouring food into a bowl is an obstacle to “toilet mode.”

Follow the rules, choose a method - and the “toilet problem” will quickly exhaust itself.