How to make a compact elevator in Minecraft. Even the most experienced players are wondering: how to make an elevator in Minecraft without mods

Sometimes, after building high building, I get tired of running around the floors. This problem is solved by building an elevator. There are two methods for creating it; they differ both in the principle of operation and in the complexity of the device. Let's take a closer look at them.

First way

This elevator provides high speed ascent to absolutely any height (depending on the height of the building). In order to build it, you will need: a button, redstone, repeaters, sticky and regular pistons, as well as any opaque blocks.

You should start by building a lifting mechanism, because without it nothing will work. First you need to make a pillar 2 blocks wide. It is done like this - blocks and simple pistons are placed in a checkerboard pattern, front side out. Next, sticky pistons are placed directly behind the regular pistons, also with the front side facing out. That is, both types of pistons should point in the same direction.

Next, we work our magic on the connection diagram. It's hard to describe in words, so it's better to look at the picture. If you look from left to right, then the first repeater should have a delay of 2\4, the one in the middle should have a delay of 1\4, and the third repeater should be set to maximum delay. It is worth noting that repeaters are placed at the rear of the structure, that is, on the opposite side of the front surfaces of the pistons.

Next you will have to connect the circuit on the sides. This is a very important part and you can’t make mistakes. The picture shows left-hand side elevator Those repeaters that stand on a zigzag “ladder” should have a delay of 2/4. After this, it will be necessary to seal the front of the structure with glass. Glass is not only chosen for good review, and also to ensure that the player does not get stuck or suffocate when moving. If you use something else instead of glass, you won't be able to drive it.

If everything is done correctly, the elevator will work. In order to rise, you need to stand in the middle of the opening and press the button. You need to stand in the middle so that the player is pushed by two rows of pistons.

Second way

Previous construction may be difficult to replicate. If you want to build something simpler, you can use a different elevator. You will need to stock up on signs (ladders are not suitable), buckets of water, as well as any blocks.

We build a 3x3 pipe with a well in the center (in other words, an empty pipe). Next we put a sign, water above it, then another sign, and again water. We repeat this until the pipe is filled. After this, we make an entrance from below, 2 blocks high. If water flows, then we put a sign under it again. To rise you will need to hold down the spacebar and float to the top.

The most convenient and fastest means of moving around tall buildings in Minecraft is the elevator. It will take you not only to the top floor, but also to the basement or a secret underwater room. But the construction of ski lifts is considered one of the most complex processes in the game, and not every beginner can build, for example, a piston device. In this material we will talk about how to build an elevator in Minecraft in simple ways, and there are not so few of them in the game.

The easiest way is to make an elevator from bulletin boards, and even a beginner in the game can do this task. To do this, you need to install the FalseBook or CraftBook mod and only then start construction. Create two notice boards from ordinary wooden planks(6 pieces) and one stick. Finding these items in the game will be quite easy, because they are not rare or expensive. Now fill in the top and middle rows construction panels with boards. Place a stick in the center of the bottom cell.

Next, place the finished board on the first floor, preferably closer to the entrance, and write the following command on it: . Place the second one on the next floor and write the following line on it: . If you want to continue the elevator further, then again make two boards and install them on adjacent floors. After this, to move to the desired height, you need to right-click on the sign.

When constructing a lift in this way, the following points must be taken into account:

  • You need to install the board on a block placed above head level.
  • All indexes must be written with a small letter and always in square brackets.
  • The lift can only be built if the plugin is available.

Using this device you can make a trap for “uninvited guests”. To do this, change the inscription on the elevator board to and then the “visitor” will go only in one direction and will not be able to return back.

For all its simplicity and convenience, such a lift has one significant drawback - teleportation is not much like “traveling” in an elevator. In order to give the lift a natural look, you can build a kind of cabin below from ordinary stone blocks.

The trolley is another simple elevator that even a beginner can handle building. Moreover, such a lift will work without additional plugins and will always take you to the desired height. To create an elevator you will need:

  • building materials;
  • trolleys;
  • rails.

To begin, build a structure with a U-shape and dimensions of 3x2x2. At the top of the building it is necessary to create the same structure, but with a step back one block. Place the rails on the empty spaces and place the trolley on top. You can build blocks in this way almost endlessly and as a result you will get huge stone steps. Now, to start moving up or down, click on the trolley with the mouse.

Crystal elevator

To make an incredibly beautiful lift you will need a lot of resources, but the result will exceed all expectations. For construction you will need the following items:

  • crystals;
  • wooden stairs;
  • glass;
  • trolleys.

To create such a lift, first of all you need to build a crystal tower with the required height. But when constructing a building, it is necessary to place stairs on every fifth block. And above them, build glass platforms with dimensions of 3 * 3 and a gap of one block, which should be located directly above the stairs. If this is not done or if at least one “floor” is missed, then the lift will not work. Now place a trolley on each staircase, and in order to launch the elevator, right-click on it.

Such a lifting device can only go up. If you want to get down, build a pool next to the building. And when you need to go down, jump into it like an “Olympic champion.”

Water lift

Such an elevator can be built at any height and almost anywhere, well, except for Hell, of course. After all, there is no possibility of spilling water in this area. For construction you will need the following materials:

  • signs;
  • buckets of water;
  • any blocks.

First of all, build a U-shaped structure with a width of three blocks and a height of two. Build the next floors in the form of a hollow pipe with dimensions 3 * 3. Now place the signs and water in a checkerboard pattern. If it is not clear how to do this, then pay attention to the following photo:

In this case, the signs act as a barrier to water and prevent it from spreading. Using this principle, build an elevator to the top floor. Then enter the lift and swim to the desired height. The gaps from the tablets also have one more property - they do not allow the player to suffocate when climbing even to a serious height.

Video instruction

The Minecraft universe is extremely diverse: in it the player will find both open plains and closed caves, and even dungeons. Treasures and various other treasures are hidden in them. He can get to them using the elevator.

To make an elevator in Minecraft, you can use various materials and methods. Some of them are available due to the developers' intentions, while others are due to their mistakes. So you can make an elevator from bulletin boards, a piston elevator, a lift with an elevator cabin, and even an automatic elevator due to game bugs.

How to make an elevator from bulletin boards?

This method is the simplest of all presented in the game, and therefore even beginners can use it. And, as is customary, you will have to introduce a mod into the file structure of the game, namely CraftBook. After installing it, proceed to collecting materials. You will need some ordinary boards and sticks from which you will need to assemble two bulletin boards.

One will need to be installed closer to the input-output, and write Lift up on it. On the floor above, install another, exactly the same notice board, writing Lift down on it. If you register only Lift up, your elevator will turn into a formidable weapon against monsters or other enemies. Anyone who uses such an elevator can only go up. And in order to descend, he will have to use other methods.
How to make a piston elevator?

This method is much more complicated than the previous one, but it still has an advantage: it uses only game resources. Simply put, this method takes full advantage of Minecraft mechanics. What materials will be needed? That's the minimum required list materials for creating a piston elevator: solid blocks, pistons, red dust, and a lever button.

The first thing to do is to lay out the pistons towards the player, that is, towards you, then cover them with solid blocks, and lay out a Christmas tree of the pistons. Then you should use a chain to mark the chain of connections between the pistons with dust. To do this, you should scatter it at a distance of three blocks from the central button. To set the pistons activation algorithm, you need to change the color of the blocks. You can set the algorithm by clicking. So, Blue colour denotes the full delay and is set with three clicks. White color can be set with one click, and grey colour remains unchanged. The algorithm should be set in the following sequence: white, gray, blue, white, gray, blue, gray, and white again.

Finally, it is necessary to glaze the resulting facade.

How to make a reliable piston lift with an elevator cabin?

You can also make a more reliable elevator using pistons. Despite the apparent similarity with the previous method, the methodology for creating a piston elevator and a piston lift are significantly different. And the second method will be difficult to some extent, because first you will at least have to switch to Creative mode. Next you will need to collect materials, and these are: 12 pistons, 10 repeaters, 4 buttons, 8 wooden hatches, and red dust.

First, you will need to build a C-shaped complex of eight blocks and fill it with red dust. Two more will need to be built above it. When the elevator shaft frame is ready, you can begin building the elevator cabin itself. Eight hatches must be positioned so that you get a 2 by 2 box. Then, there is no need to build a second one above the first box: it will act as a floor, and should have dimensions of 3 by 4.

Now you must go back to the frame and install the switches and pistons. You need to set the same algorithm as in the previous example.
When all the structural elements are ready, all that remains is to connect them. To do this, you need to install the descent and ascent. The descent and ascent are installed using any solid blocks and covered with dust. Here you also need to set an algorithm: blue will take the entire upper span, then two tiles of gray, and five of white. This is what lifting looks like.
When working on the descent, it is important to first cover everything with dust, then set the algorithm, which should exactly correspond to what you did on the ascent. The elevator is ready.

Regarding the differences between the two methods, it is worth noting the following. Advantage this method above the first - in reliability. And besides, it allows you to raise several players at the same time, although, of course, you will spend a lot of resources on its creation.

How to make an automatic elevator using Minecraft bugs?

The mechanics in the Minecraft game are very flexible, and this is, to some extent, due to its cubic structure. This is why it became possible to use the bug with trolleys to create an elevator. However, the method described below will only work in game version 1.3.1. You can use earlier versions of Minecraft; the lift will not work in newer ones. As for the actual methods of constructing an elevator, there are quite a lot of them, everything will depend on the purpose for which it is intended. The article will present the basic principles of building an elevator based on a bug with a trolley.

To build an elevator you will need trolleys, a ladder, a bucket of water, and a sign. First of all, you need to build a column from blocks, the height of which will correspond to the height to which you need to rise. Then you have to go down and install the ladder. The ladder is installed at a distance of three blocks from the ground. Next, you will need glass to build the platform. An opening must be left between the platform and the stairs. This is where the trolley needs to be placed. Next, you need to repeat the operation several times with the ladder, glass, and trolley until you reach the top of the column. The elevator is almost ready, all that remains is to pour a bucket of water onto the ground.

The peculiarity of this method of building an elevator is its accessibility, because... Rare expensive materials are not required. In addition, such an elevator will take you up almost instantly and bring you down just as quickly.

The elevator in Minecraft is very useful thing, which can be done without using additional mods. Only in this game he can send you to a dungeon or mines.

There are several types of elevator:

  • For movement on one floor;
  • For teleportation;
  • Elevator made of rails;
  • Mechanical elevator;
  • An elevator that consists of trolleys.

If you are the owner of a building consisting of two floors, the most suitable simple design, which one can hardly call an elevator. However, it fully copes with the functions inherent in an elevator. You can create such a mobile mechanism using water and a piston. We set the second one to maximum, and in the remaining repeaters we set it to two. In this case we're talking about about the action of a waterfall, when water falls down, causing the elevator to rise up.

Additionally, you can design a structure that will help you move between floors. To do this, you need a “Lift Up” sign, which must be attached to the block at head level. Now all that remains is to move yourself to other floors and place the same signs with the inscription at the same coordinates.

Now, in order to move, you just need to click on the sign. Note that such an elevator can only operate on two floors.

If you are an experienced player, you can create a premium elevator. It looks much better than usual and is different high speed movement. For example, if you have built a skyscraper, it is better to collect the required amount of resources and create such a device.

To create, you need to make two signs according to the principle shown below:

A mobile mechanism can be made from almost any item. For example, even trolleys will be an excellent material for creating this design.

One of the most primitive ways to create an elevator is to use rails that are attached to the wall. To go up, just click on the trolley.

Such a device is quite expensive. Before you create it, decide for yourself whether you are willing to spend a lot of resources on creating an elevator that will move exclusively in one direction.

To develop this design, you can use almost any blocks. You just need to alternate blocks and pistons. Please note that the pistons must be facing outwards. We install accelerators at the rear of the structure. Now all that remains is to glaze the front part, and the device is ready for use.

Thus, we have examined the main types of mobile structures in Minecraft and the principles of their creation. You just need to decide what kind of design you need and how much resources you can spend on creating it.

The elevator is the most convenient and quick fix moving in high-rise buildings in the world of Minecraft. The elevator can serve as a descent into a mine or a secret room under water. Eat various options manufacturing a descending device.

The easiest way to move, which is accessible even to a beginner, is an elevator made using notice boards. To do this, the server must have CraftBook (FalseBook). You need to create 2 notice boards from regular wood boards and sticks. Then, on one floor, for example, closer to the entrance/exit, place a notice board. You write the following in it: . On another floor, perform the same actions, but put up a sign with the inscription -.

It is important to consider the following points:
− The notice board must be attached to a block that is at the level of your head.
− This elevator is only relevant for two-story buildings in the minecraft world.
− Using this method, you can additionally set a trap for unwanted guests.

Lifting from notice boards is only possible if the CraftBook plugin is installed

How to make a trap? You just need to write on the notice board. Then your uninvited guest will “receive a ticket” only in one direction. He won't come back.

Automatic elevator due to a Minecraft bug

If someone thinks that bugs and features are for cheaters, then in the case of Minecraft this is a strong misconception. The fact is that the physics of cubes does not limit the imagination of players, so freedom of action and non-standard use of drops is one of the prerogatives of Mojang vendors. Returning to our elevators, it should be noted that there are countless construction options and everything will depend on the purpose of the elevator. The principle of crafting remains unchanged, which is based on a bug with trolleys. Therefore, we will look at the root mechanics and give a couple of design examples, and you, in turn, will customize the resulting lift at your discretion.

Note! This type The lift functions rationally only up to version 1.3.1. This bug has long been fixed in newer updates.

In general, the mechanics of such fast movement are based on a bug of any mount, where, being at a distance of 4-5 blocks, you can jump with your carcass into a boat or trolley, thereby covering this distance almost instantly. The key crafting ingredients here will be solid blocks, ladder links, a boat/trolley, a sign and a bucket of water. The last two components will be needed for the descent, if necessary.

So, using substitution, we build a column to the height we need and go down. We count three blocks from the beginning of the column and install a ladder on the fourth. Next, we build a platform from solid blocks, for example, cobbles or glass, exactly above the installed stairs, where we leave an opening.

After that, we place a trolley or its cheaper option - a boat - in an empty space. This, of course, will not affect the ascent speed, but will significantly save metal.

As you may have guessed, we carry out this sequence to the top of the column, alternating floors with mounts every 5 blocks (on every 4 I placed a ladder, remember?). Once you've had enough fun with your new elevator, it's time to think about the descent.

An economical option is to simply pour water on the ground, but we recommend not going to extremes and building a shaft, at the bottom of which use a bug with a sign and a bucket of water, so that if you fall you won’t flood the ground floor with your HP.

  • Relative cheapness
  • Almost instant lift
  • Exit control on floors
  • Doesn't work on versions higher than 1.3.1
  • No own descent

Piston elevator

The next example of an elevator relates to hard crafting, since instead of bugs, this method uses the piston, let’s say, “official” mechanics of Minecraft with all the redstone schemes that follow from it. In fact, after reading our series of guides, even a beginner will be able to craft such elevators, but at first glance it seems that there are no problems. The whole difficulty will lie in understanding the principle of operation of the repeater, but first things first.

We must immediately warn you that piston lifts only pay off on medium climbs using external design and styling. In other words, for some remote mine, building such an elevator makes no sense, since more than one stack of resources will be spent, not to mention the construction process itself.

The ideal application for one of the variations of piston lifts is a lift from the basement to the roof in mechanical houses, because only there it can be appreciated. Well, let's move on to actual crafting. To do this we need at least 2 stacks of solid blocks, pistons (sticky and regular), repeaters, red dust and a button/lever, as well as just a lot of patience.

Of course, if you have already encountered redstone schemes, then some elevator will seem like just fun for 5 minutes for you, but for the rest you will have to work hard. The basic principle of piston lifting is that each piston pushes the player to level 1 of the block, where he is already under the influence of the next one and so on until the “team” of the pistons pushes Steve to the very top.

As you understand, you will need to create a redstone circuit with a parallel connection, so everything is clear with this. To begin with, we lay out the sticky pistons towards us, then the regular ones, which we direct upward. After that, we isolate it with a solid block and lay out a Christmas tree from the pistons as in the screenshot.

We don’t forget about the principle of transferring charge through one block, so we add an additional layer of insulation on all sides except the back. We scatter dust at a distance of 3 blocks from the central button and draw these chains to all repeaters.

“Then how can we make sure that the pistons are activated one at a time?” - you ask, but this is where repeater mechanisms come in handy, which, by pulling the lever a certain number of times, thereby create a delay in the signal. Take a look at the screenshots as they will help you understand the repeater timings faster.

Blue color is a full delay, that is, 3 clicks, White color– 1 click, but gray remains in the default position.

After which, the front façade must be glazed to avoid falls and failures.
You can always familiarize yourself with the principle in more detail in the screenshots, but you get the idea: a redstone chain, which, when you press a button, activates the pistons, the delay of which is controlled by the repeaters.

In any case, just copy everything as in the screenshots and remember that the further the chain, the weaker the signal, so if you plan to do something on your own, then take the trouble to install additional repeaters on particularly long redstone chains.

Upon completion of construction, the appearance of your “high-tech” elevator will be quite strange, so use your imagination and arrange it as befits a real hotel elevator. In other words, design your projects in such a way that additional walls and floors hide all wiring and mechanisms. As you already understand, popular minimalism cannot be applied to cubes, so don’t be shy about resources.

  • Relative performance on the latest snapshots
  • The mechanism is easily integrated into buildings
  • Unlimited elevator height
  • Possible malfunctions and stuns in textures
  • Difficulty in wiring connections

Reliable piston lift with 2x2 lift cabin

Let's look at another interesting variation of the piston elevator, but unlike the previous construction, which consisted of sequential activation of each mechanism, the new elevator will use the principle of grouping 6 pistons into two associations, which, when activated by a button, will push a cabin measuring 2x2 blocks vertically and reversely direction.

The operating principle of such a lift is based on a new set of wooden hatches, which, when pushed by a piston, create free space for our cabin. In other words, after installation we will get a real elevator, which we will be able to call both on the first and on the second floor, because the activation wiring for each group of pistons will be mirrored.

So, for crafting, it is best to switch your world to creative mode, and all because, unlike the previous option, the amount of materials here is already quite serious. We need 12 regular pistons, 2 stacks of redstone dust, 4 stacks of solid materials, 10+ repeaters, 4 buttons and 8 wooden hatches. The work will be at heights, so spilling a couple of buckets at the construction site won’t hurt at all.

First, we build a “C” shaped bracket of 8 blocks and fill it with red dust. We perform exactly the same manipulations with two more brackets, after which we lay this frame with the first group of pistons as in the screenshot.

Let us immediately note that, for example, we are creating an elevator on the surface, but in the case of installation in a real house, we will have to prepare a rather deep shaft and think about masking the upper part of the mechanism.

We build our elevator cabin on a frame measuring 4x4 and put 8 hatches in the resulting 2x2 box. Make sure to attach them to the top point in the same direction so that they all go down when closed. After which, we immediately install a second booth, in which the ceiling of the first will act as a floor, that is, instead of 4x4, we make 3x4.

Important! Leave the four center blocks on the roof of the top elevator empty, thus creating a small recess. This reserve is needed for optimal operation of the entire structure.

We continue the construction by duplicating the lower solid frame with pistons and red dust, with the difference that the pistons will now be directed downwards. Don't forget to also install 4 buttons, as in the screenshot.

Now the fun part is making the connections. So, from the lower right button we build a cascade from any solid blocks to the very base of the lift and cover it with dust. For the first edge we install the repeater with a full pull, that is, in three clicks, and for the second bracket we install it only by one division. As for the third, we simply leave a path here. As a result, the first ascent is ready, all that remains is to carry out the descent.

To do this, we lay out a cascade of solid blocks similar to the rise, but now to the second upper group of pistons. In the same way, we cover it with dust and install repeaters, where we set the same timings: for the first edge, a full spin, for the second one, and leave the third one, but in order to avoid loss of current due to an increase in the length of the chain, we install an additional repeater without delay.

The minimum functionality is ready, but if you want to organize everything to the end, then you will only need to mirror the connections with repeaters. In other words, the top left button will now be responsible for ascent, and the bottom left button for descent. The question will follow: “Why bother again?”, but the fact is that if you do not live alone or return the other way to the first floor, you will find an unpleasant picture of the filler instead of a booth, so do not be lazy to press both buttons.

  • 100% guarantee of lifting, subject to adequate clicking
  • Feeling like a real elevator
  • Raising at least two players
  • Multifunctionality
  • Colossal dimensions of the mechanism
  • High production cost
  • Lifting is limited to two floors