World map with geographic grid. What is the geographic latitude and longitude of an object: explanation and determination of geographic coordinates of latitude and longitude on the world map, Yandex and Google map online

They differ in geographical location, size and shape, which affects the characteristics of their nature.

Geographical location and size of continents

Continents are distributed unevenly on the Earth's surface. In the Northern Hemisphere they occupy 39% of the surface, and in the Southern Hemisphere they occupy only 19%. For this reason, the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth is called continental, and the Southern Hemisphere is called oceanic.

Based on their position relative to the equator, continents are divided into a group of southern and a group of northern continents.

Since the continents are located at different latitudes, they receive unequal amounts of light and heat from the Sun. In shaping the nature of the continent important role its area plays a role: the larger the continent, the more territories it contains that are remote from the oceans and not affected by them. Has great geographical significance mutual arrangement continents.

Geographical location and size of the oceans

The continents that separate them differ from each other in size, water properties, current systems, and features of the organic world.

And they are similar geographical position: they stretch from the Arctic Circle to. almost entirely in the Southern Hemisphere. It has a special geographical position - it is located around North Pole within the Arctic Circle, covered sea ​​ice and is isolated from other oceans.

The border between continents and oceans runs along the coastline. It can be straight or rugged, that is, having many protrusions. In the rugged coastlines many seas and bays. Protruding deep into the land, they have a significant impact on the nature of the continents.

Interaction of continents and oceans

Land and waters have different properties, while they are constantly in close interaction. The oceans greatly influence the natural processes on the continents, but the continents also take part in shaping the characteristics of the nature of the oceans.

Latitude (shown as a horizontal line) is the angular distance, in degrees, minutes and seconds of a point north or south of the Equator. Lines of latitude are often referred to as parallels.

Longitude (shown as a vertical line) is the angular distance, in degrees, minutes and seconds, of a point east or west of the Origin (Greenwich) Meridian. Lines of longitude are often referred to as meridians.

Line spacing

If you divide the circumference of the earth (approximately 25,000 miles) by 360 degrees, the distance on the surface of the earth for each degree of latitude or longitude is just over 69 miles or 111 km. Note: As you move north or south of the equator, the distance between lines of longitude becomes shorter until they actually meet at the poles. At 45 degrees N or S of the equator, one degree of longitude is approximately 49 miles.

Minutes and seconds

For the sake of accuracy, the degrees of longitude and latitude have been divided into minutes (") and seconds ("). Each degree has 60 minutes. Each minute is divided into 60 seconds. Seconds can be further divided into tenths, hundredths, or even thousandths. For example, our office on Galveston Island, Texas, USA, is located 29 degrees, 16 minutes, and 22 seconds north of the equator and 94 degrees, 49 minutes and 46 seconds west of the Prime Meridian.

For example, our office on Galveston Island, Texas, USA, is located 29 degrees, 16 minutes, and 22 seconds north of the equator and 94 degrees, 49 minutes and 46 seconds west of the Prime Meridian.

Relative Locations

Relative Location of a city or destination on a planet - its relationship to another place or nearby landmarks.

As an example, our US office is located on Galveston Island, located in southeast Texas on the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 48 miles southeast of Houston. This is our relative location.

Absolute Locations

Absolute Location is the categorical location of a place, using a recognized coordinate system. In terms of latitude and longitude, our office in Galveston, Texas is 29°16" North, 94°49" West, marked with a red dot on the map above. To find the absolute location of any destination use the resources shown above for relative location of any country, go

Physical map of the world allows you to see the relief of the earth's surface and the location of the main continents. A physical map gives a general idea of ​​the location of seas, oceans, complex terrain and elevation changes in different parts of the planet. On a physical map of the world, you can clearly see mountains, plains, and systems of ridges and highlands. Physical maps of the world are widely used in schools when studying geography, as they are basic for understanding the main natural features various parts Sveta.

Physical map of the world in Russian - relief

PHYSICAL MAP OF THE WORLD displays the surface of the Earth. The space of the earth's surface contains everything Natural resources and the wealth of humanity. The configuration of the earth's surface predetermines the entire course of human history. Change the boundaries of the continents, stretch the direction of the main mountain ranges differently, change the direction of the rivers, remove this or that strait or bay, and the whole history of mankind will become different.

“What is the surface of the Earth? The concept of surface has the same meaning as the concept of geographical envelope and the concept of biosphere proposed by geochemists... The earth's surface is three-dimensional - three-dimensional, and by accepting the geographical envelope as a unique biosphere, we emphasize the paramount importance of living matter for geography. Geographical envelope ends where living matter ends.”

Physical map of the Earth's hemispheres in Russian

Physical map of the world in English from National Geographic

Physical map of the world in Russian

Good physical map of the world in English

Physical map of the world in Ukrainian

Physical map of the Earth in English

Detailed physical map of the Earth with main currents

Physical world map with state borders

Map of the world's geological regions - Geological map of the world's regions

A physical map of the world with the ice and clouds

Physical map of the Earth

A physical map of the world - Wikiwand A physical map of the world

The great importance of the structure of continents for the fate of mankind is indisputable. The gap between the eastern and western hemispheres disappeared only 500 years ago with the voyages of the Spaniards and Portuguese to America. Before this, connections between the peoples of both hemispheres existed mainly only in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean.

The deep penetration of the northern continents into the Arctic has long made routes around their northern shores inaccessible. The close convergence of the three main oceans in the area of ​​the three Mediterranean seas created the possibility of connecting them with each other naturally (Strait of Malacca) or artificially (Suez Canal, Panama Canal). The chains of mountains and their location predetermined the movement of peoples. Vast plains led to the unification of people under one state will, strongly dissected spaces contributed to maintaining state fragmentation.

The dismemberment of America by rivers, lakes and mountains led to the formation of Indian peoples who, due to their isolation, could not resist the Europeans. Seas, continents, mountain ranges and rivers form natural boundaries between countries and peoples (F. Fatzel, 1909).

A world map is, in fact, a spread of a globe - a model of our planet Earth. Accordingly, the image reflects objective reality given to us, in sensations. Politically charged territories, the contours of which can be observed through a camera attached to an orbital station.

Detailed interactive world map in Russian
(to change the image scale, use the + and - icons)

The Google Earth service provides the opportunity to find a map of any city in the world online.

To move around the map, zoom in and out of the map, change the image angle, use the navigation in the form of arrows and + and – signs at the top of the map. Also try to control the map by holding the right mouse button.

Enter the name of the city:

For ease of finding coordinates, the world map is usually divided into parallels and meridians.
Since the planet has the shape of a geoid - slightly flattened at the poles, the meridian is 40008.6 km long, and the equator is 40075.7 km long.
The surface of the planet has 510100000 square meters. km. Sushi - 149,000,000, and water - 361,000,000 sq. km. Round numbers give rise to thoughts of miracle, eternity and divine providence... however, everything is much more prosaic - a meter is one forty millionth of the Parisian meridian. Here is the result of all the roundness.

The planet's landmass is divided into several well-known continents; it is worth clarifying that Eurasia is a separate continent, otherwise, to the point of gray hair, many people hold Europe as separate, whereas it is just “part of the world.”
Four oceans, an even simpler thing. You can ask any child which tourist forgot. The deepest ocean is the Pacific. Record depth is created for him by the legendary Mariana Trench... no, not a depression - worse, a trench descending to a depth of 11,022 meters. All the powers of the world, as well as chemical and bacteriological weapons, dumped radioactive waste there for many decades. So the real hell is wet and it's there.
Now more cheerful - the most high part Earth is a high stone peak in the Himalayas. Everest or Chomolungma, whichever you prefer, is 8848 meters high. But after the legless invalid Mark Inglis conquered it, the mountain shredded. For healthy people it became an ordinary event.
The largest lake is the Caspian. It’s so big that it’s long since been forgotten that the lake is called a sea. Well, that’s what they wanted – 371,000 kilometers. You need a patch the size of one and a half England to close such a hole in the surface.
Most big Island- Greenland. 2,176,000, could take an example from the Caspian and call itself a continent. But it’s too stupid - almost all under a layer of ice. It belongs to Denmark, so if it thaws, the size of the Viking state will increase dramatically.

Geographic latitude and longitude are plotted on a world map. With their help, it is easy to determine the location of an object.

A geographical map of the world is a reduced projection of the earth's surface on a plane. It shows continents, islands, oceans, seas, rivers, as well as countries big cities and other objects.

  • On geographical map a coordinate grid is applied.
  • On it you can clearly see information about the continents, seas and oceans, and the map allows you to create an image of the relief of the world.
  • Using a geographic map, you can calculate the distance between cities and countries. It is also convenient to search for the location of land and ocean objects.

The shape of the Earth is like a sphere. If you need to determine a point on the surface of this sphere, then you can use a globe, which is our planet in miniature. But there is the most common way to find a point on Earth - these are geographical coordinates - latitude and longitude. These parallels are measured in degrees.

Geographic map of the world with latitude and longitude - photo:

The parallels that are drawn along and across the entire map are latitude and longitude. With their help you can quickly and easily find anywhere in the world.

The geographical map of the hemispheres is easy to understand. On one hemisphere (eastern) Africa, Eurasia and Australia are depicted. On the other, the western hemisphere, are North and South America.

Our ancestors studied latitude and longitude. Even then there were world maps that were not similar to modern ones, but with their help you can also determine where an object is located and what. A simple explanation of what it is geographic latitude and longitude of the object on the map:

Latitude is a coordinate value in the system of spherical numbers, which defines a point on the surface of our planet relative to the equator.

  • If objects are located in the northern hemisphere, then the geographic latitude is called positive, if in the southern hemisphere - negative.
  • South latitude - the object moves from the equator towards the North Pole.
  • North latitude - the object is moving towards South Pole from the equator.
  • On a map, latitudes are lines parallel to each other. The distance between these lines is measured in degrees, minutes, seconds. One degree is 60 minutes, and one minute is 60 seconds.
  • The equator is zero latitude.

Longitude is a coordinate quantity that determines the location of an object relative to the prime meridian.

  • This coordinate allows you to find out the location of the object relative to the west and east.
  • Lines of longitude are meridians. They are located perpendicular to the equator.
  • The zero reference point for longitude in geography is the Greenwich Laboratory, which is located in east London. This line of longitude is commonly called the Greenwich Meridian.
  • Objects that are located to the east of the Greenwich meridian are the eastern longitude region, and to the west are the western longitude region.
  • Indicators of eastern longitude are considered positive, and indicators of western longitude are considered negative.

Using the meridian, a direction such as north-south is determined, and vice versa.

Latitude on a geographic map is measured from the equator—zero degrees. At the poles there are 90 degrees of latitude.

From what points, what meridian is geographic longitude measured?

Longitude on a geographic map is measured from Greenwich. The prime meridian is 0°. The farther an object is from Greenwich, the greater its longitude.

To determine the location of an object, you need to know its geographic latitude and longitude. As mentioned above, latitude shows the distance from the equator to a given object, and longitude shows the distance from Greenwich to the desired object or point.

How to measure, find out geographic latitude and longitude on a world map? Each parallel of latitude is designated by a specific number - a degree.

Meridians are also designated by degrees.

Measure, find out geographic latitude and longitude on a world map

Any point will be located either at the intersection of the meridian and the parallel, or at the intersection of intermediate indicators. Therefore, its coordinates are indicated by specific indicators of latitude and longitude. For example, St. Petersburg is located at the following coordinates: 60° north latitude and 30° east longitude.

As stated above, latitude is parallels. To determine it, you need to draw a line parallel to the equator or a nearby parallel.

  • If the object is located on the parallel itself, then it is easy to determine its location (as described above).
  • If an object is between parallels, then its latitude is determined by the nearest parallel from the equator.
  • For example, Moscow is located north of the 50th parallel. The distance to this object is measured along the meridian and it is equal to 6°, which means that Moscow’s geographic latitude is 56°.

A clear example of determining geographic latitude coordinates on a world map can be found in the following video:

Video: Geographic latitude and geographic longitude. Geographical coordinates

To determine geographic longitude, you need to determine the meridian on which the point is located, or its intermediate value.

  • For example, St. Petersburg is located on a meridian whose value is 30°.
  • But what if the object is located between the meridians? How to determine its longitude?
  • For example, Moscow is located east of 30° east longitude.
  • Now add the number of degrees along the parallel to this meridian. It turns out 8° - that means geographic longitude Moscow is equal to 38° east longitude.

Another example of determining the geographic coordinates of longitude and latitude on a world map in the video:

Video: Determining latitude and longitude

Any map shows all the parallels and meridians. What is the maximum value of geographic latitude and longitude? Highest value geographical latitude is 90°, and longitude is 180°. The smallest latitude value is 0° (equator), and the smallest longitude value is also 0° (Greenwich).

Geographic latitude and longitude of the poles and the equator: what is it equal to?

The geographic latitude of the points of the earth's equator is 0°, the North Pole +90°, and the South Pole -90°. The longitude of the poles is not determined, since these objects are located on all meridians at once.

Determining geographic coordinates of latitude and longitude on Yandex and Google map online

Schoolchildren may need to determine geographic coordinates from maps in real time when performing test work or on an exam.

  • It's convenient, fast and simple. Determining the geographic coordinates of latitude and longitude on Yandex and Google maps online can be done on various services on the Internet.
  • For example, you just need to enter the name of an object, city or country and click on it on the map. The geographic coordinates of this object will instantly appear.
  • In addition, the resource will show the address of the identified point.

The online mode is convenient because you can find out the necessary information here and now.

How to find a place by coordinates on Yandex and Google map?

If you do not know the exact address of an object, but you know its geographical coordinates, then its location can be easily found on Google or Yandex maps. How to find a place by coordinates on Yandex and Google map? Follow these steps:

  • For example, go to Google map.
  • Enter the geographic coordinates in the search box. You can enter degrees, minutes and seconds (for example 41°24’12.2″N 2°10’26.5″E), degrees and decimal minutes (41 24.2028, 2 10.4418), decimal degrees: (41.40338, 2.17403).
  • Click “Search” and the desired object on the map will appear in front of you.

The result will appear instantly, and the object itself will be marked on the map with a “red drop”.

Finding satellite maps with latitude and longitude coordinates is easy. You just need to enter in the Yandex or Google search window keywords, and the service will instantly give you what you need.

For example, " Satellite maps with latitude and longitude coordinates." Many sites will open providing such a service. Choose any one, click on the desired object and determine the coordinates.

Satellite maps - determining latitude and longitude coordinates

The Internet gives us great opportunities. If previously you only had to use a paper map to determine longitude and latitude, now it is enough to have a gadget with a network connection.

Video: Geographic coordinates and coordinate determination