Congratulations to livestock farmers. Cool congratulations on getting a job

Strange as it may seem, but all people want to eat. And not sometimes, but every day. But people are accustomed to the fact that store shelves are always full of a variety of products and often do not value the work of workers Agriculture, those who provide the entire country with food. And these are not necessarily workers of large agro-industrial complexes, these are people who spent their entire lives on the land, that is, they worked in private subsidiary farms, in small private enterprises, raising livestock, developing vegetable growing, plant growing and processing grown products for public consumption. They provide us all with fresh milk and meat, fruits and vegetables... Having assessed the role of agriculture and its processing in the life of the country, by presidential decree of May 31, 1999, every second Sunday in October is considered Agricultural Workers' Day and processing industry.

I wish you a great harvest,
So that your income continuously increases,
And so that people respect your work,
Was very fertile every year.

Love and happiness to your kind families,
Prosperity and luck in everything,
I wish you awards and many prizes
For your success in such great work!

Everyone involved in agriculture
He dedicated his life and work.
Congratulations on a wonderful day,
May you have enough strength for everything.

Thank you for your work,
After all, you feed the people.
I wish you good health
And not to know adversity in fate.

May work be a joy
The result warms my soul.
On the way to prominent victories
Let there be fewer barriers.

Today I want to congratulate you on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. I wish you stability, success, prosperity and prosperity in your activities. Let your work bring you pleasure. Let life delight you with happiness every day, let your loved ones and loyal friendly support be nearby.

Today we congratulate great people.
You won’t find any more difficult work in the world:
And keep the livestock and harvest the crops,
And recycle it so that the region is well-fed.

Congratulations to the industry workers
Which has long become the main one
For human life. And let this work
Always respected, appreciated and honored.

You are in agriculture like a fish in water,
So let it be in everything to you, always and everywhere
Luck accompanies, just luck.
And may happiness certainly find you!

In agriculture
All of Russia is worth it!
It is our wealth
And in it is our strength.

We congratulate you,
Good luck!
Your work for the country
It means a lot!

Let there be health
And there is prosperity in families,
And she will be worthy
You get paid for your work!

Thanks to everyone who sows, plows,
Who protects our crops,
Handles them thoroughly
So that the harvest gets to our table.

I wish you health and strength in abundance,
So that you go to work with a smile,
Clear weather daily
And the atmosphere is soulful for you!

Agricultural workers, our deepest bow to you
For hard work and eternal worries.
Thank you for creating all the good things,
For your important and difficult work.

For your hard work, honor and praise to you.
May all early dawns be kind,
May the country respond kindly to you...
And your children will be happy and healthy!

On your bright holiday, may your dreams come true.
Let the earth please you with its yield.
Let it be joyful, joyful in your soul.
And all the best to you, how else could it be?!

Land lovers, rural workers,
It’s not an easy fate and life is always about work.
We wish you well and all the blessings of life,
So that it would be good, because you are held in high esteem by us!

Your holiday is dear to everyone, everything rests on you,
Everything we have is the result of immeasurable labor.
We wish you warmth, prosperity and love,
And faith that good will certainly return!

We cordially congratulate you
Happy professional day!
We wish you good luck in everything -
At work and in the family circle.

Let there be a friendly team,
Laughter helps with work.
Supply the country with goods,
You feed all the residents.

We wish you good health,
And don’t get sick and don’t get sick.
We wish to always be an example
And overcome all obstacles.

Your work is the prosperity of the country.
So let her not forget you.
Let him appreciate the work by which we live,
And more often than not, he rewards you for everything.

Let there be respect and honor,
Regalia, recognition and benefits.
May you, of course, be lucky in everything,
And so that there is joy from work.

May there be happiness and comfort in your home,
Health to you and your household.
Let your income exceed all expectations,
And there would be no reason to be upset.
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Congratulations on Agriculture Day

You, brother, were toiling away in the arable land,
He sowed rye, turnips, peas,
And think about yesterday
I couldn’t talk about today.

Lived in great and varied labors
And I didn’t feel any changes,
That your holiday will come too,
And not only horseradish will sprout.

The day has come, agricultural worker,
Have fun, get drunk and drunk!
Let life be like Viagra!
By the way, you're wearing seeds!

Agriculture feeds the whole country,
Thanks for the bread and milk!
Happy holiday, Agriculture Day!
Fly your banner high!
Hard work, not everyone can do it,
Every year there is great suffering.
I wish you health, vigor and strength,
Joy and happiness forever!

Happy Workers' Day
With joy and pleasure
We want to wish you a lot
Various wealth:
Tractors, combines, money
And a big KAMAZ.
And we also wish you,
To be healthy
Be happy and cheerful
And live with love.

There is wheat in the golden fields,
Herds walk through the pastures.
And the villagers have faces like bronze,
Because every day is suffering.

They feed us tirelessly
They provide bread and milk.
And we are immensely grateful
Congratulations on their big day!

Our breadwinners and drinkers!
What do you need all these poems for?
Who, besides you, plows in the state?
Who is real - from the plow?
They do not tolerate the hands of sloppiness,
Minds know no idleness...
Happy Agriculture Day to all of you
We hasten to congratulate you today!

Autumn is a generous time,
There is a full harvest:
Both grains and vegetables
Enough for a hundred winter days.

So let's congratulate you, friends,
Hardworking agricultural workers.
Let's wish you to live to a hundred,
May the house always be full.

Agriculture is Russia's strong point!
Agriculture is Russian strength.
In the field you are not a warrior, in the field you are the master,
In the field you will meet the holiday with the wind on your date!

Well, after the wind we congratulate you!
Bowing low, we wish you:
Joy from the sun, happiness from the rain,
And may failures bypass (you) the fields!

Livestock breeders, farmers!
Today is your holiday, friends.
You love the earth with all your heart
And on this day I wish:
Health and happiness to you for years to come,
May smiles always bloom,
And let the weather forecast be
Favorable for work.

MORNING MILKMAN....(after the livestock specialist)

The morning's rays ran across my cheek...
It slipped into my eyes..., sounding the wake-up call
I stretched my whole body...-- How happy I am!!!
And how grateful I am, my dear, to you...
That evening you came in for a minute

This minute... dragged on all night...--
I didn’t sleep..., BUT WHAT a rest I had!!!
I sent all the woman's prejudices away
Casanova's love of love overcomes
You were able to do it with me... and I...-- I flew away...

With that happiness of the night I will now infect the whole day
Let all your friends be jealous...--
They will feel love... and YasenPen!!!
An avalanche of thoughts pushes the brain on one side
And the eyebrows... arched in surprise

I... won’t say a word to them all about that...
That my life..., suddenly..., has a bright meaning
Filled...-- All the past...-- NOTHING!!!
And I'm glad that it went away that night,
And everything that was hidden blossomed

When we open... the men will sit down,
All your friends will instantly become numb
And the old people will nod approvingly at us...
And the old women... suddenly their tongues go numb...--
All the old women will be so surprised

The whole village will talk about our couple...
What a village!!! - The whole area will be in uproar!
I can’t even believe it myself...-- How lucky...--
Everything that I was waiting for... came into my life with you
To the sound of an unexpected knock

For now... I don’t want to share my happiness with anyone
It's mine!!! ... and I'm drowning in it...
The strong thread that connected us this night...
I want to love!!! I want to be loved myself...
Everything will be that way! - I know this for sure

(Vladimir Vernik --

I met Maria immediately after milking...
How delicious Masha smelled of milk...
And the aroma is surprisingly persistent,
It's like eating cheesecake with cottage cheese...

We are walking, the road is not new...
In pitch darkness, cursing the bosses...
But the conversation is basically about cows...
After all, we are colleagues, I’m a livestock specialist...

What is the mood of the cows?
Work in a cowshed is not tourism,
An animal, it’s not your chicken,
And a very complex organism...

How about the food? Milk yield not falling?
This is how we walk sedately, slowly...
Today there are only two of us here...
What to do, Masha, it’s up to you to decide...

She thought a little and said:
Today you and I are not expected anywhere,
Everything in life starts all over again...
Well, okay, come in for five minutes...
...The morning rays ran down my cheek...
It slid higher, blinding for a moment...
I opened my eyes, you were lying next to me...
Such a familiar, dear face...

We were together with you that night...
The night flew by, I didn’t seem to sleep,
We'll get a full two hundred sleep later...
The dream will be beyond praise...

You are grateful to me, and so am I to you...
I came in for what seemed like five minutes...
And now you share a bed with me...
A son-in-law ready for your parents...

My happiness with you is limitless...
And yet, Masha, no matter what you say,
To be happy, it’s great,
We both love, we can’t dispute the fact...

And let everyone in the area envy us,
And let the village talk about it...
Let friends and girlfriends wag their tongues...
Let everyone know, we were just lucky...

In the evening we meet again after milking,
And the familiar aroma of milk,
Just as attractive and persistent,
And a warm, familiar hand...

(Vladimir Vernik --

NEXT DAY OF MILKING (after evening milking)

It was already getting dark... Masha after milking,
Smelling milk, I went home
She knew - waiting for a bed,
Our livestock specialist bought wine

At least rustic... but what a romantic...!!!
How not to be overwhelmed by such love...
When I come home... I'll take off my old quilted jacket...
And I’ll whisper...- Love me like this..., love...

Suddenly a stomp behind me interrupted my dreams
Lo and behold...-- the whole brigade...-- Dasha is ahead...--
Wait a minute, Marya! We know about dates...--
We must share! There is only one livestock specialist...!

There is no hope for the groom...--
The poor fellow was tormented by prostatitis...--
We went to complain to the village council...--
I'm impotent... - the chairman tells us...

And there are no more men in the village...--
Who is an alcoholic... - just drinks and sleeps...,
And the rest are either sick..., or ancient...--
No matter how hard you try... the unit hangs...

And the body dreams of a man's fate...
You yourself know how everything itches there...
You wanted... our woman's happiness
Grab everything for yourself... - She fell in love and is silent!!!

We decided to share it honestly...--
Everyone smells like milk after milking!
We believe in you, Mashutka, as a friend -
After all, you will share a male with your friends?

We'll draw up a schedule... we'll substitute...
Like a letter...-- For extra-large milk yield
We will be rewarded with a Zoo Male...--
Yield will instantly increase everyone's

Let's hurt ourselves...!!! and within a year
The brigade will "thunder" the entire area
After all, awards of this kind
Not every collective farm can pull it off...-- we can do it!!!

What could our Masha do?--
Whatever one may say...-- the girlfriends are right...
Both in body... and face... more beautiful than each other...
And they are thirsty for livestock specialists... Alas...

Masha nodded...-- there are no other outcomes...--
The Lord always commanded to share
Why produce freaks from drunks?!
Well... if only the livestock specialist wants...

Let's go girlfriends!!! Let's make the guy happy!
Let him live among us, as in a flower garden!
I hope our tight hugs
He will accept... and will not send you far...
And the brigade moved away from the farm...
Singing...-- How not to sing?!!! - the soul sings!!!
And our faithful livestock specialist is waiting at home...--
For now...--
After all, he doesn’t know what awaits...))))

The history of the milkmaid and livestock specialist, continued
Vladimir Vernik()

And here is the evening, let's sum it up,
All the dots are in place,
The decision has been made and the judges are strict,
Share a man! No, not in half...

Divide among the milkmaids into parts...
Is this possible? Here is the collective farm,
As it turned out, it's in female power,
And doing this is not a question at all...

He is good to everyone, handsome and well-mannered,
He doesn’t seem to smoke and hardly drinks...
Well-spoken, well-read,
Always keeps a joke in stock...

Finished Timiryazevka once,
He composes poetry, a verse in half an hour...
And most importantly, I’ll tell you guys,
He writes words without mistakes...

He will always put the point where it is needed,
I'm not talking about commas
Dash and ellipsis in every line,
And everything is in place, just like in the ABC book...

To put it another way, simply, scientist,
Let the livestock specialist, he is not an agronomist,
On top of everything, still in love,
Well, all the advantages are in it alone!

He met the delegation for a book,
Thoughtfully leafing through a serious volume...
But, puzzled by such intrigue,
He immediately invites all women into the house...

He listened to them with special attention,
And I found Mashenka among the guests,
She was just charm
Confused by these ideas...

...Summer comes again imperceptibly,
And in the local village council there was a conversation,
And fill out the form again,
Life moves against everything...

The milkmaid registers the baby,
There is a little son in an envelope with a ribbon,
From the pen of a dashing manager
Here comes one of the most important lines...

Date of birth, who is the father of the child?
Mom immediately says clearly:
Our livestock specialist is Vasily Plenkin,
Attracts women like a magnet

The secretary remarked in response to this,
Then he added, your son is the eighth,
And this is just the beginning of summer,
But June is not over, my friend...

All children have it written on their certificate
Still the same Vasya Plenkin, like a father,
Through all the villages from top to bottom,
Well what can you say, a true male!

How does it work in different villages?
The milkmaid immediately revealed the secret,
(Now everyone knows about this)
We bought him... a bicycle

© Copyright: Vladimir Vernik, 2012
Certificate of publication No. 11208277677

All of us mammals are fed on mother's milk. And it’s hard to imagine our life without dairy products - they are part of our diet, responsible for our health, youth and beauty. Thanks to the milkmaid, a beautiful and caring representative of the fair sex, personifying the ideal of a woman - a housewife, the breadwinner of the family. One cannot help but congratulate her on her professional holiday on this day, thanking her for her patience, work, care and affection, which is felt with every sip of milk, with every spoonful of cottage cheese. Let your congratulations sound like the most emotional and memorable for her on this day. Give this beautiful person a piece of care and attention. We celebrate Agricultural Workers' Day - the second Sunday of October.

The sunrise is beautiful and very bright,
So beautiful that there are no words!
We congratulate all the milkmaids,
They go to milk the cows
Sometimes without noticing the sunrise,
They may not have had enough sleep, but they are coming!
They understand perfectly well
Without milk, everyone will be lost!

Agriculture Festival
Celebrating in October!
Congratulations to all milkmaids,
That we woke up at dawn
To milk a cow,
Pour some milk for us all!
Thank you, dears,
Be happy, dear ones!

We wish you happiness, milkmaid,
In your difficult work,
So that the sun shines brightly
And the house was full!
Happy Agriculture Day to you
Congratulations today,
We wish you joy, love,
And we wish you happiness!

Braid to the waist, smile on the face,
You are a Russian beauty, milkmaid!
You don't live in a palace, of course,
But the sun shines brightly for you!
And you are glad to milk from the heart,
You love cows, and they love you, of course.
We wish your days to be good,
Today celebrate your holiday carefree!

Holiday, holiday for milkmaids,
Having fun and singing!
And the sunset burns brightly,
There's not enough room for the sun here!
Congratulations, dear ones,
And we say thank you
Your hands are golden
We thank you for everything!

Everything about you is motley and bright,
It's like the world is on fire:
Happy birthday, milkmaid!
Everything came together in him today:
Ribs and tails, hooves,
Muzzles, udders and horns...
The cup of life is not drained;
You are very dear to us!
Not for rhyme here: cow,
Milk, bucket and ointment -
Always be young and healthy
And love, my dear, to your heart's content!!!

At the helm, holding the udder,
In the sweet jingling of coins,
Wriggling and kalyma,
We have been “jackaling” for many years.
What, a milkmaid is not a gift?
Intractable, proud?
Where would you be without milkmaids?
Dear Gentlemen?
How much can you get rid of?
For you I’m faster than a top...
Are you not ashamed to attempt
On my legs?
They felt sorry for Piglet
We listened to the speeches...
Better listen to the milkmaid
And not cunning Muscovites:
“Give me some lamb for pilaf!”
Give me coins for sausage!
You are milking a cow,
You're milking a goat...
You and I are welded slaves,
Everyone fights for a piece.
Why not a milkmaid?
Should I tug on my nipple?

Native land frosty winter
In frost, in snow, in fog.
The howling of the wind is menacing
It dries out your heart and confuses your thoughts.
All cows are milk-producing,
Each one is well-groomed...
Why am I restless?
Is the angry one disturbed by melancholy?
Day after day goes by without news...
“Or doesn’t he love you? Have you been deceived by him?
The wind hits the roof, the frost crackles.
The snowdrifts are a mess at the door.

Let the letter come! - the caretaker grumbles.
You shouldn't have hung your head.
Someone makes a joke:
Tell your fortune and everything will be revealed!
Well! Three thousand liters per year,
Here it is, my fortune telling!
If I can handle it, it means he loves me
In honor of whom did she take the task? A year has passed.
Newspaper article,
Where my portrait smiles,
Not into the unrequited space"
Sent to the lover!

Happy Agricultural Workers Day,
Congratulations today, dear ones.
And I will tell you without flattery or conceit:
Your hands and soul are golden.
I wish you for many years to come,
Strength, health, prosperity and happiness.
Let all adversity pass by,
And they avoid bad weather!

Let's celebrate workers' day
Agriculture we
In our friendly team
Only the best minds.
May our business prosper
Raising our income
We will continue to use
Just an innovative approach.
I wish you colleagues
Everyone should be more patient
So that your health is strong
We need to wash off the holiday
I propose a toast to your hands,
That everything is being done
After all, without them it would come quickly
All our plans are ruined.

We wish you happiness, milkmaid,
In your difficult work,
So that the sun shines brightly
And the house was full!
Happy Agriculture Day to you
Congratulations today,
We wish you joy, love,
And we wish you happiness!

What we eat is your fault
You try, you help each other
Is agriculture a joke?
But now a moment to rest!
After all, today we want to congratulate you
The whole country, the whole planet, the whole world
And while your harvest is growing here
Be joyful, healthy and happy!

Cities are growing, multiplying countlessly,
But you can’t live without rural labor
Not a day for either factory workers or miners,
Neither deputies, nor big actors.
All people on Earth need food.
Where can I get it without rural labor?
And people work in villages, hamlets
In the vast expanses of the field.
And for your diligent approach to yourself
The earth gratefully gives them
The harvest is getting better every year -
And all the people will be full and satisfied.
All workers...

Autumn is a generous time,
There is a full harvest:
Both grains and vegetables
Enough for a hundred winter days.
So let's congratulate you, friends,
Hardworking agricultural workers.
Let's wish you to live to a hundred,
May the house always be full.

Work in the countryside is hard!
You're in the field all day, until sunset!
Well, in the evening, tipsy,
Guys celebrate this day!
This holiday is rightfully yours!
You are an agricultural worker!
Let your homeland be proud of you!
Let your superiors congratulate you with the bonus!

For rural workers farms,
We wish you kind and generous management.
And to workers in various industries,
We wish everyone a varied life!
May good luck accompany you everywhere,
We wish a miracle to happen for everyone.

Dear friend, you are working in agriculture, and for this I congratulate you. The wind brought the grain spirit from the fields.. Soon we will dig potatoes with you, And then scatter manure, Carry apples in the garden into baskets. And the harvest has already been harvested from the fields, and we congratulate you on this. What is forgotten in the earth is not a pity. Every year we plant potatoes. Congratulations on your holiday, After all, chickens are counted in the fall. You are a farmer, and they love you here, They appreciate and respect you for your work. Happy holiday, be happy and healthy.

Rural work is hard, thankless,
In order for bread to become a loaf,
How much effort you need to put into it!
Is it possible to live without bread?

You received few thanks,
We haven’t been bored without work for a long time,
We will honor you today
For your hard work, noble one.

Open a company that
aimed at rural needs -
the step is not trivial these days,
but you calculated everything correctly,
anticipating, my friend, they gave.
You create a system filter
for milking machines
and you don't find a problem
implementation... Darling
mission, you have a friend,
to give every day
everyone a glass of milk
pure, magnificent!

Congratulations to those who know for sure
About how millet ripens in the field!
For you, who knows how to work,
Yes, he doesn’t spare his strength at all!
Easier work for you and more rain,
And since it’s winter, take a longer rest.
Always success in everything!
Let the house be great and huge.
Beautiful life, bright in it!
Work is not a wolf, they say here and there.
Don’t even let your wolves run into the forest!

Agriculture is Russia's strong point!
Agriculture is Russian strength.
In the field you are not a warrior, in the field you are the master,
In the field you will meet the holiday with the wind on your date!
Well, after the wind we congratulate you!
Bowing low, we wish you:
Joy from the sun, happiness from the rain,
And may failures bypass (you) the fields!

Poems for Agricultural Worker's Day, congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day

You, workers of arable land and fields,
Gardens and farms and delicious cheese dairies,
We congratulate you with all our hearts,
And we give fresh bouquets on holiday.
Thank you for the bread and milk,
For butter, meat, fruits and pickles,
Which don't come easy
And they require a lot of patience.
May your life be bright in everything,
So that no misfortune happens,
And the earth pleases like a warm home,
Granting you only grace every year...

Dear agricultural workers! Congratulations on your professional holiday. Agriculture is one of the most important areas of development of our state and our entire life. You can even say that our health is completely in your hands, because health directly depends on what products we use for cooking. And your products meet all quality indicators and have won prizes at exhibitions more than once - this is an indicator of your hard and painstaking work, in which you invest not only physical strength, but also your soul.
I would like to wish you endurance, success in hard work, patience, and may our nature be at one with you.

Congratulations on Agriculture Day! I sincerely want to wish you good, abundant harvests so that weather always contributed to this! Let agriculture develop at a rapid pace, and let your field of activity bring you pleasure and prosperity! Good luck, health and success in business!

Thanks for the bread and milk!

Fly your banner high!

Every year there is great suffering.

Joy and happiness forever!

Livestock breeders, farmers!
Today is your holiday, friends.
You love the earth with all your heart
And on this day I wish:
Health and happiness to you for years to come,
May smiles always bloom,
And let the weather forecast be
Favorable for work.

Eh, you are our breadwinner, you are our friend, we bow low to you, we hit you with our foreheads, we congratulate you on Agricultural Worker’s Day and wish you extraordinary health, red love and bountiful harvests. When we look at you, how you get up before dawn, how you bend your back in the field, how you give pigs and pigs something to eat, your heart rejoices and bursts into a smile. You are our farmer - you have no equal either in strength or intelligence! Always be like this, and we will come to visit you and drink vodka. Set the table, let's go for a walk!

Agriculture feeds the whole country,
Thanks for the bread and milk!
Happy holiday, Agriculture Day!
Fly your banner high!
Hard work, not everyone can do it,
Every year there is great suffering.
I wish you health, vigor and strength,
Joy and happiness forever!

Poems for Agricultural Worker's Day, congratulations on Agricultural Worker's Day

Happy Workers' Day
With joy and pleasure
We want to wish you a lot
Various wealth:
Tractors, combines, money
And a big KAMAZ.
And we also wish you,
To be healthy
Be happy and cheerful
And live with love.

Congratulations on the Day of Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry

Life would have boring prospects,
If only we knew, chewing bread for breakfast,
What is thorough, diligent, patient
A worker does his work in the village.
He does not strive for honors and glory, -
He is very modest and unpretentious in everyday life, -
His work simply brings benefit to the state,
Worshiping work to the ground.
He earns his hard bread later, -
Plow, sow, harrow, mow...
Like life, like a song for him work, -
This is how it is done in Rus'...
And the holiday is rare, but it will come if -
He will take out the accordion and pour a glass...
Happy holiday to you! And let the songs sound!
And may rewards and luck find you!