The largest lips in the world. The largest silicone lips (photo)

Large sensual lips are a symbol of sexuality. Today, thanks to the new possibilities of medicine, many foreign and Russian stars, and even the most ordinary girls, became the owners of plump, juicy lips. The queue for lip augmentation procedures is not decreasing, but is even growing from year to year. But the main thing here, as in any matter, is not to lose a sense of proportion and reality. But not everyone succeeds.

Angelina Jolie and the fashion for plump lips

This sexy, skinny beauty has been driving men crazy since the late 80s. And the highlight of her film image was just super sexy and super big lips. Back then, such a size could still surprise and amaze inexperienced spectators. And besides, it is they who, in the image of a film star, are 100% natural.

No matter how much evil tongues would like to offend the Hollywood beauty with something else, it will not work. Jolie's famous huge lips are a real miracle that nature awarded her. But this innocent source of pride and new medical possibilities have led to massive lip augmentation of hundreds of women using silicone implants, cheiloplasty, laser treatment, mesotherapy, including hyaluronic acid. Many, many girls wanted lips like Jolie or Roberts.

Victims unsuccessful operations very famous public divas fell: Duquessa de Alba, Joan van Ark, etc. Find a clear line between natural swelling and huge lips it turned out to be very difficult

The biggest lips in the world - Christina Rae

Despite her overseas name, Christina Ray is an ordinary Russian girl from St. Petersburg. She hides her real name, saying that it was so disgusting that she changed her passport and quickly forgot about it. In addition to her name, Christina was able to change her appearance almost beyond recognition in a few years, ending up in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the largest lips on the planet. The girl’s biggest lips appeared as a result of more than a hundred silicone injections, which cost more than 6 thousand dollars, which her parents allocated to her.

And it all started at the age of 16. There were two reasons for such changes - the girl was greatly made fun of at school because of the natural shape of her lips, and she also wanted to be like the cartoon red-haired beauty Jessica Rabbit, a series about which was on TV at that time. Today the girl is just over 20 years old, and she cannot stop: she has become addicted to plastic surgery. Continuing to enlarge her lips, Christina also made herself elven ears, enlarged her lobes, cut out a snake tongue, shaved half her head and made a tattoo on the shaved part of her skull.

1 place

A girl with the largest diameter was found in Ethiopia lower lip. Attaye Eligidagne in 3 years she managed to stretch her lip to 59.5 centimeters. The circumference of the lip is 19.5 centimeters. According to the custom of some Ethiopian tribes, girls, in order to please men, remove several lower teeth and make an incision in the lip. After this, a special disc is inserted into the lip, causing it to stretch. Twenty-year-old Attaye's disk has a diameter of 30 centimeters, which is twice the size of a normal one.

2nd place

Representatives of the Negroid race have the largest lips (10 to 13 centimeters thick). But, according to the Guinness Book of Records, a St. Petersburg woman is recognized as the owner of the plumpest lips Christina Ray. Over the course of 7 years, the girl made about 100 silicone injections, which cost her parents about 7 thousand dollars. The girl is not going to stop there and plans to continue visiting the center plastic surgery. Her dream is to have lips like Roger Rabbit's wife, Jessica. Although, it seems that she has already surpassed her ideal.

3rd place

Infamous American actress Lindsay Lohan reluctantly became the owner of very “pumped up” lips. The desire to improve her appearance brought Lindsay to the office plastic surgeon. But the result of the injection was unexpected. Instead of attractive plump lips, the actress received two huge “pillows”.

4th place

An unsuccessful injection did not benefit another Hollywood star Priscilla Presley. An unqualified surgeon was put on trial, but the actress still cannot normalize her lips that have become too large.

5th place

TV presenter Masha Malinovskaya, who loves to experiment with her appearance, also decided to enlarge her lips. But the procedure was not very successful, and the silicone inside the singer’s lips began to clump. Now socialite has not only large, but also very ugly lips.

6th place

Thick lips of the once popular Russian singer Masha Rasputina repeatedly became the subject of ridicule. The quest for endless growth different parts the singer's body apparently turned into some kind of mania. Lips are also not left without constant attention. Apparently, Rasputina decided to give Ray serious competition.

7th place

The pursuit of idealism almost led to a fatal outcome Alex. The low-quality drug in the injection syringe not only made her lips unattractive, but also deprived the girl of her health for a long time. The singer’s life is no longer in danger, but so far plastic surgeons are unable to do anything about her huge lips.

8th place

The singer became a big fan of silicone Yulia Volkova. It seems that she, like Rasputin, injects constantly. This is evidenced by the size of her lips, which are constantly growing.

9th place

Angelina Jolie- one of the few Hollywood beauties who are given plump, attractive lips by nature. Of course, envious people claim that Jolie had plastic surgery, but such claims are unfounded. Rather, the actress's Southern blood played a big role. Angelina's lips have always been like this. However, like her mother.

10th place

According to many connoisseurs, lips Scarlett Johannson can compete with Angelina Jolie herself. Fans of the actress dream of having the same decoration on their faces. But not every plastic surgeon is able to create such perfection.

Today, plastic surgery and various body modifications are available not only to stars, but also to mere mortals. Some people start with minor and inexpensive changes to their appearance, and then simply cannot stop. Christina Rey is a bright representative of this category. Thanks to her passion for body modification, the girl even got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Complexes or discrepancy between appearance and inner world?

Cristina Rey admits that school years I considered myself terribly unattractive. At times it even seemed to her that she would never meet a guy who would pay attention to her. And yet it's not main reason for such dramatic changes in appearance, according to the record holder herself.

WITH adolescence ideal female beauty For herself, Christina considers the cartoon character Jessica Rabbit. It was the desire to be like her idol that brought the girl to the aesthetic medicine office for the first time. Christina says that she considers herself very creative and imaginative. Being such a versatile person, the girl could not live in an “ordinary body.”

The biggest lips in the world are a record!

If you look at the photos of Christina Ray before and after the operation, it is difficult to believe that they depict the same person. Many fans of this outrageous girl think that her lips are the work of plastic surgeons. In fact, Christina achieved incredible growth in a beauty salon.

The girl made her first silicone injections at the age of 17. Since then, she has been undergoing lip augmentation procedures regularly. Unusual record Christina is officially registered in the Guinness Book of Records. But even now, Ray says her world's largest lips can and should get even bigger. According to the girl, such an unusual shape of her mouth does not prevent her from speaking, eating, drinking and even kissing normally. This means that experiments on one’s own appearance will certainly continue.

"Magic" ears of Christina Ray

Giant lips are not Christina's only body modification. The girl’s ears deserve no less attention. She turned them into elven ones by removing part of the cartilage at the top. But the lover of shocking did not rest on this either. The lobes are stretched by so-called tunnels. Cristina Rey boasts that work on this part of the body is also ongoing.

The girl positions herself as a free artist. She believes that continuous work on oneself is one of the ways of creative self-expression.

Tattoos, piercings and colorful hairstyles

To change her appearance, Cristina Rey underwent split tongue surgery. Now the girl somewhat resembles a snake. The record holder also has: In addition, some time ago she implanted real horns into herself. Christina’s relatives say that the girl’s fangs are sharpened in the manner of a vampire’s. The body of the shocking lover is decorated with multiple tattoos. The most noticeable among them: biomechanics on the head, Chinese dragon on one forearm, clover on the other. Christina Ray never tires of highlighting her looks with bright and unusual hairstyles. Shaved temples, cascading haircuts, frequent change hair colors and, of course, dreadlocks. For going out and photo shoots, the girl does not spare cosmetics. Every time her makeup looks bright and original.

Expected body modifications

Christina does not plan to stop there. By her own admission, she is simply addicted to visiting cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. In the very near future, the girl plans to enlarge her breasts by several sizes and correct the shape of her nose.

The flamboyant record holder prefers not to reveal all her plans. If you look at the previous changes, then Rey fans do have cause for concern. Many are concerned about the question of where Christina got so much money for body modifications. According to the most conservative estimates, lip augmentation alone cost her about 200 thousand rubles. The record holder refutes all the most unpleasant rumors. She says that all the first changes were paid for by her parents, and she continued the changes at her own expense.

Creativity and life of the owner of the biggest lips

Who is Christina Rae? The girl loves to show photos before and after changes in appearance, but refuses to talk about her life and family. Christina calls herself a native of St. Petersburg. It is known that she was born on August 11, 1989. Christina began to gain fame by working as a manicurist in a beauty salon. Gradually, the free artist moved to a tattoo and piercing salon as a master. After registering a world record, the girl finally became famous.

She has repeatedly participated in popular talk shows and even appeared in the famous project “Dom-2”. Rey also appeared in many glossy magazines. What the bright record holder is doing today is not entirely clear. The girl does not give a direct answer to this question, but sometimes she mentions that she is very busy with creativity. Perhaps soon the world will see something new and extraordinary under the Christina Ray label. Today Christina has both loyal fans and ill-wishers. Many people don’t like the girl’s appearance so much that they don’t hesitate to make comments and even insult her. Rei states that this does not offend her at all, and she simply ignores such attacks. The most important thing is to like yourself and live in harmony with yourself.

They say about such people: “Once you see it, you can’t forget it.” It's about about girls who are not like the rest.

And here you can imagine what is hidden behind this dissimilarity: amazing beauty or hopeless stupidity, entailing ugliness.

Miss Jessica Rabbit

home distinguishing feature young resident of Russia Kristina Ray - lips. Since the age of 15, the St. Petersburg resident wanted to be like the famous cartoon character Jessica Rabbit from the film about Roger Rabbit. This is a busty and full-lipped red-haired beauty with a daring and languid look. That's why Christina decided to make herself great amount silicone injections. So far, however, there are no obvious similarities with the cartoon, but the girl is making every effort to make her childhood wish come true.

Now Christina Ray is in her early twenties. Over seven years of self-experimentation, she made about a hundred injections into her lips. However, the girl is not going to stop there either. She is proud of her lips, which, by the way, are the largest in the world today.

Girl with complexes

At the age of 15, the schoolgirl was sure that all the troubles in her life were because of her thin lips. With those on her face, she considered herself ugly. In addition, she was constantly bullied by her classmates at school. To get rid of this state of affairs, Christina Ray decided to go to extreme measures. She turned to a plastic surgeon with a request to enlarge her lips. In her mind, she also outlined perfect lips. I wanted the same ones as those of the cartoon beauty Jessica Rabbit.

Christina Ray (by the way, she works in one of the St. Petersburg salons as a manicurist) spent about 7 thousand dollars on her beauty attribute. That's how much money was spent on silicone injections. All expenses for doctors were covered by Ray's parents. The girl has already realized that she depends on plastic surgery, but admits that she can no longer stop. She continues to visit doctors and increase her already pouty lips.

The girl says that the parents have already come to terms with the fact that their child has changed slightly. This is what she says about this: “Mom and dad have resigned themselves, because I am their most beloved and only daughter.”

Every time Christina Ray agrees to insert larger silicone implants into her lips when she comes for correction procedures. Moreover, the girl understands that this operation is not pleasant, but “extremely painful,” but she still agrees and, moreover, pays about $70 for each procedure.

Protruding lips

Wherever a girl appears, she immediately attracts attention. Eyes are directed to only one place - the lips, which are truly outstanding. Christina Ray believes people are looking at her because she finally “looks fantastic.” Therefore, the St. Petersburg woman feels happy. She even ignores caustic remarks and unkind reviews addressed to her by unfamiliar passers-by.

However, although plump lips attract attention, such a prominent part of the body does not solve Christina’s problems in personal life. Ray doesn't have one right now young man. But the girl does not despair of finding her soulmate, and is still grateful to her lips for making her look special. It is worth noting that lips do not interfere with Christina’s life full life. She insists that she eats, speaks and even kisses normally, just as she did before plastic surgery. The girl doesn't get in the way painful sensations after surgical intervention.

Now Christina Ray wants to break her own record and make her lips even bigger. Because she considers them not plump enough. And as soon as the girl has the opportunity, she plans to go even further on the body. Namely, to enlarge her breasts to a DD cup from a C cup. After that, she wants to change the shape of her nose and make her ears pointy, like an elf. The girl likes to be different from the rest so much.

“In general, I want to get as much extreme out of life as possible, for example, to look like my favorite cartoon character, which is why I want to have the biggest lips in the world. I believe that I am addicted to this idea, but all this only makes me happy. One thought gives me enormous self-confidence, and also takes away many complexes. My friends tell me that I don’t need to enlarge my lips anymore. They don’t yet know anyone with such huge lips in Russia, or in the whole world. But I’m not happy with my result yet,” says Christina Ray.

Star "puffy lips"

In fact, psychologists call the constant desire to improve one's appearance psychological deviation. They are associated with low self-esteem since childhood.

Film actress and singer Lindsay Lohan not only changed her hair color, but also worked on her lips. She changed their shape. However, the star clearly overdid it, her lips don’t look very beautiful and make her look older.

Interview with Christina

Oksana Fedorova, it seems, was not satisfied with the titles of “Miss Russia” and “Miss Universe”. She made an appointment with a plastic surgeon. In addition, a well-known cosmetics company offered her a contract. Maybe this was the impetus for external changes.

Actress Nicole Kidman decided to correct herself with so-called “beauty injections.” The girl has already gone under the plastic surgeon’s knife, but the result was not comforting. Upper lip Kidman was much larger than the bottom. Nicole, apparently, decided to correct the misunderstanding and agreed to the “injections.” But she does not admit this, but says that ideal appearance is the result proper care behind you.

The famous “tattoo” Yulia Volkova, after getting her eyebrows tattooed, went straight to the cosmetologist’s office. And she came out with new lips. The singer herself says that she simply decided to experiment.

TV presenter and model Masha Malinovskaya said more than once that she corrected the shape of her breasts and nose. But she never admitted that she did anything to her lips. And recently she boasted of her perfect lips on social networks, but did not comment on her transformation. Experts concluded that the new lips were made using hyaluronic acid fillers.