The largest lips in the world. The girl with the biggest lips in the world

Girl with huge lips, living in Afghanistan, created another sensation in global network. Today, medicine in the matter of aesthetics has reached unprecedented heights. And various kinds of whims of clients have not been surprising for a long time, but still in their practice there are cases that definitely lead to slight confusion. The other day, netizens were amazed by another “beauty”, a victim of beauty injections.

Truly a woman's soul is darkness

The mysterious resident of Afghanistan, whose online nickname is 8gates2paradise, (translated as eight gates to heaven), is eerily reminiscent of famous character, the fish princess from the popular Soviet-Armenian cartoon “In the Blue Sea, White Foam.”

Huge lips made the girl popular

However, despite the obvious mistakes in proportions, the Afghan beauty has thirty thousand fans on Instagram. The girl's modesty is captivating. Despite some popularity, she does not want any subscribers.

A girl with huge lips is not interested in fame

A resident of Afghanistan in her microblock calls not to follow her, but to pay attention to Islam. Interesting opinion, given the obvious incompatibility of religion and.

They elevated dolls to the ideal

However, she is not alone. The desire to stand out from the crowd pushes people to do strange things in matters of aesthetics, and often plastic surgery And cosmetology makes them look like mummies or dolls. To get closer to the illusory ideal, young people go to beauty clinics without fear or reproach. A recent example is . He and she spent a fortune on plastic surgery to look like Ken and Barbie.

When combining the words “The most big lips" every normal person imagines in his head a real beauty with incredibly beautiful and lush lips. But, as it turned out, the owners of the most lush lips in the world did not achieve this title naturally. Yes, and not everyone would dare call their experiments with lip shapes beauty. But, nevertheless, in this material we will tell you about the owner of the most lush and largest lips in the world - Christina Ray. Her life cannot be called sugar, but, nevertheless, as the girl believes, she is striving towards her dream with confident steps.

The story of Christina Ray - the owner of the biggest lips

The main feature of the young resident St. Petersburg named Christina Ray are her lips. The most beautiful lips, according to young Christina, belong to the character of the popular Hollywood film “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” - Jessica Rabbit. At the age of 15, Christina was simply sick of the idea of ​​​​having the same perfect lush lips as the cartoon beauty.

When Christina grew up, she decided to take a very risky step to achieve her dream - silicone injections. To achieve the desired result, the girl has already given herself more than a hundred injections. But even after so many sacrifices, Christina's similarities with Jessica are difficult to find.

Psychologists believe that Christina’s manic desire to have huge, beautiful butts is associated with complexes that the girl acquired as a child. The fact is that Christina, even at school, believed that her lips were too thin and unattractive, and therefore boys did not look at her. Over time, this opinion began to haunt the girl, to the point that she considered herself ugly because of her small lips. Therefore, Christina, having earned her first money, spent it on operations and injections.

Now Christina Ray works in a nail salon and doesn’t earn much. But at the same time the girl manages to spend most your salary to make your dreams come true. By the way, the girl has already spent about 7 thousand dollars on her lips. Not so long ago, the girl even admitted that she had become a hostage to her dream and could no longer live without plastic surgery and injections.

The girl also said that her parents were very angry with her at first and did not understand her aspirations at all. But over time, the parents finally came to terms with their daughter’s “slightly” unusual appearance, because she is their only and beloved child.

Christina will never refuse the opportunity to insert even larger silicone implants into her lips. Moreover, the girl is well aware that this is harmful to her health in some way and takes a significant toll on her wallet, but she can’t help herself and still believes that she can achieve the desired result.

Wherever a girl goes, the first thing people notice is her lips. The girl admits that many passers-by are simply shocked by her appearance, while other people even admire her. But certainly no one remains indifferent, and in Christina’s opinion, this is already great achievement. The girl also, without undue modesty, believes that the sexiest lips belong to her, even if the majority disagrees with this opinion.

Christina Ray admits that this moment she doesn't have a permanent young man, but that doesn't mean she's lonely. Size and appearance a girl's lips do not interfere with her life at all full life, Christina even said that her lips do not interfere with her kissing. Perhaps the girl is disingenuous in some way, but nevertheless firmly states that numerous surgical interventions do not cause her any inconvenience and painful sensations. Christina eats and drinks normally, her lips do not limit her in anything, but on the contrary, helped her become who she has become.

At the moment, Christina wants to break her own record and secure the title of “The plumpest lips in the world” even better. To do this, the girl needs to make her lips even bigger. The girl says that she is not doing this for the sake of popularity, but only to make her childhood dream come true. All just for yourself.

Moreover, after another operation on her lips, Christina is not going to stop and wants to switch to other parts of the body. For example, on the chest. After all, if you remember, the fatal red-haired cartoon beauty Jessica Rabbit, in addition to gorgeous lips, also had luxurious breasts. Well, after enlarging her lips and breasts, Christina will work on her nose and ears. So the girl has everything planned out for a long time.

And, finally, I would like to add that Christina, because of her “bright” appearance, does not at all feel different from everyone else. She is happy with everything and believes that, compared to many other people, her life is simply amazing. As Christina herself admits, without extreme sports and extraordinary actions, her life would be completely boring and worthless. This is how she is, the owner of the biggest lips in the world. To condemn her or idolize her is everyone’s business. But the result, as they say, is obvious.

For some reason, it is this organ that girls want to emphasize and highlight. They can instantly attract the attention of men and the biggest lips in the world belong to Christina Ray. Christina lives in St. Petersburg and has the largest lips, photos of which you can see. The girl says that for a long time men did not pay attention to her, and she considered her appearance ugly. But if you look at the photo of the girl before the operation, you can say that, on the contrary, she was a very pretty girl.

So Ray decided to enlarge her lips and went to a plastic surgeon. It is worth noting that Christina loved one character - Jessica Rabbit. It is worth remembering the film about Roger Rabbit. It was precisely the same painted girl who had huge lips and an expressive appearance that attracted the girl. That's why Christina wanted to be like her.

Ray came to the specialist and described the whole picture and what exactly she wanted, and the doctor began to give her injections. Christina doesn’t even know exactly how many injections she made, but she confidently said that she spent about seven thousand dollars on it. Rae started getting lip augmentation while she was still in school. And she admits that she cannot stop and has become addicted to injections. Therefore, she is the owner of the largest lips in Russia.

Today, Christina is completely unrecognizable, besides the fact that she has the biggest lips in the world, she also has pointed ears and a tattoo on her head. All eyes fall on this tattoo. The girl herself says that she deserves this attention because she looks simply fantastic. It is worth noting that many people have a negative attitude towards the girl with the biggest lips. Some even call her names, but Christina does not pay attention to them and has already come to terms with it. Despite the fact that Christina achieved what she wanted, she still does not have happiness in personal life. But she hopes that there will be a guy who will love her, and will not even pay attention to her biggest lips in the world and everything else.

If we talk about the girl’s biggest lips, then they do not prevent her from leading a normal lifestyle. Besides that, Christina doesn't want to dwell on it. She believes that her largest, pumped lips have not reached their maximum size. And in the future she wants to increase them even more. The girl with the biggest lips also plans to enlarge her breasts and change the shape of her nose. But we will probably soon be able to find out what the outcome will be.

Today, plastic surgery and various body modifications are available not only to stars, but also to mere mortals. Some people start with minor and inexpensive changes to their appearance, and then simply cannot stop. Christina Rey is a bright representative of this category. Thanks to her passion for body modification, the girl even got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Complexes or discrepancy between appearance and inner world?

Cristina Rey admits that school years I considered myself terribly unattractive. At times it even seemed to her that she would never meet a guy who would pay attention to her. And yet it's not main reason for such dramatic changes in appearance, according to the record holder herself.

WITH adolescence ideal female beauty For herself, Christina considers the cartoon character Jessica Rabbit. It was the desire to be like her idol that brought the girl to the aesthetic medicine office for the first time. Christina says that she considers herself very creative and imaginative. Being such a versatile person, the girl could not live in an “ordinary body.”

The biggest lips in the world are a record!

If you look at the photos of Christina Ray before and after the operation, it is difficult to believe that they depict the same person. Many fans of this outrageous girl think that her lips are work plastic surgeons. In fact, Christina achieved incredible growth in a beauty salon.

The girl made her first silicone injections at the age of 17. Since then, she has been undergoing lip augmentation procedures regularly. Unusual record Christina is officially registered in the Guinness Book of Records. But even now, Ray says her world's largest lips can and should get even bigger. According to the girl, such an unusual shape of her mouth does not prevent her from speaking, eating, drinking and even kissing normally. This means that experiments on one’s own appearance will certainly continue.

"Magic" ears of Christina Ray

Giant lips are not Christina's only body modification. The girl’s ears deserve no less attention. She turned them into elven ones by removing part of the cartilage at the top. But the lover of shocking did not rest on this either. The lobes are stretched by so-called tunnels. Cristina Rey boasts that work on this part of the body is also ongoing.

The girl positions herself as a free artist. She believes that continuous work on oneself is one of the ways of creative self-expression.

Tattoos, piercings and colorful hairstyles

To change her appearance, Cristina Rey underwent split tongue surgery. Now the girl somewhat resembles a snake. The record holder also has: In addition, some time ago she implanted real horns into herself. Christina’s relatives say that the girl’s fangs are sharpened in the manner of a vampire’s. The body of the shocking lover is decorated with multiple tattoos. The most noticeable among them: biomechanics on the head, Chinese dragon on one forearm, clover on the other. Christina Ray never tires of highlighting her looks with bright and unusual hairstyles. Shaved temples, cascading haircuts, frequent change hair colors and, of course, dreadlocks. For going out and photo shoots, the girl does not spare cosmetics. Every time her makeup looks bright and original.

Expected body modifications

Christina does not plan to stop there. By her own admission, she is simply addicted to visiting cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. In the very near future, the girl plans to enlarge her breasts by several sizes and correct the shape of her nose.

The flamboyant record holder prefers not to reveal all her plans. If you look at the previous changes, then Rey fans do have cause for concern. Many are concerned about the question of where Christina got so much money for body modifications. According to the most conservative estimates, lip augmentation alone cost her about 200 thousand rubles. The record holder refutes all the most unpleasant rumors. She says that all the first changes were paid for by her parents, and she continued the changes at her own expense.

Creativity and life of the owner of the biggest lips

Who is Christina Rae? The girl loves to show photos before and after changes in appearance, but refuses to talk about her life and family. Christina calls herself a native of St. Petersburg. It is known that she was born on August 11, 1989. Christina began to gain fame by working as a manicurist in a beauty salon. Gradually, the free artist moved to a tattoo and piercing salon as a master. After registering a world record, the girl finally became famous.

She has repeatedly participated in popular talk shows and even appeared in the famous project “Dom-2”. Rey also appeared in many glossy magazines. What the bright record holder is doing today is not entirely clear. The girl does not give a direct answer to this question, but sometimes she mentions that she is very busy with creativity. Perhaps soon the world will see something new and extraordinary under the Christina Ray label. Today Christina has both loyal fans and ill-wishers. Many people don’t like the girl’s appearance so much that they don’t hesitate to make comments and even insult her. Rei states that this does not offend her at all, and she simply ignores such attacks. The most important thing is to like yourself and live in harmony with yourself.

Large sensual lips are a symbol of sexuality. Today, thanks to the new possibilities of medicine, many foreign and Russian stars, and even the most ordinary girls, became the owners of plump, juicy lips. The queue for lip augmentation procedures is not decreasing, but is even growing from year to year. But the main thing here, as in any matter, is not to lose a sense of proportion and reality. But not everyone succeeds.

Angelina Jolie and the fashion for plump lips

This sexy, skinny beauty has been driving men crazy since the late 80s. And the highlight of her film image was just her super sexy and super big lips. Back then, such a size could still surprise and amaze inexperienced spectators. And besides, it is they who, in the image of a film star, are 100% natural.

No matter how much evil tongues would like to offend the Hollywood beauty with something else, it will not work. Jolie's famous huge lips are a real miracle that nature awarded her. But this innocent source of pride and new medical possibilities have led to massive lip augmentation of hundreds of women using silicone implants, cheiloplasty, laser treatment, mesotherapy, including hyaluronic acid. Many, many girls wanted lips like Jolie or Roberts.

Victims unsuccessful operations very famous public divas fell: Duquessa de Alba, Joan van Ark and others. Finding a clear line between natural swelling and huge lips turned out to be very difficult

The biggest lips in the world - Christina Rae

Despite her overseas name, Christina Ray is an ordinary Russian girl from St. Petersburg. She hides her real name, saying that it was so disgusting that she changed her passport and quickly forgot about it. In addition to her name, Christina was able to change her appearance almost beyond recognition in a few years, ending up in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the largest lips on the planet. The girl’s biggest lips appeared as a result of more than a hundred silicone injections, which cost more than 6 thousand dollars, which her parents allocated to her.

And it all started at the age of 16. There were two reasons for such changes - the girl was greatly made fun of at school because of the natural shape of her lips, and she also wanted to be like the cartoon red-haired beauty Jessica Rabbit, a series about which was on TV at that time. Today the girl is just over 20 years old, and she cannot stop: she has become addicted to plastic surgery. Continuing to enlarge her lips, Christina also made herself elven ears, enlarged her lobes, cut out a snake tongue, shaved half her head and made a tattoo on the shaved part of her skull.