Is it possible to drink valerian while breastfeeding? Is it possible to drink valerian while breastfeeding?

Experienced moms We are familiar firsthand with the painful state after childbirth. When heaps of housework, feeding, and caring for older children unsettle you, and an overwhelming feeling of nervousness, anxiety and unhappiness arises. Especially if the baby is sick, there is a feeling that the milk is about to disappear, the chest hurts, or, as trivial as it may seem, the husband is almost not helping with anything.

Then through tears everyone is remembered safe medicines that may help solve the problem. These include valerian infusion. Is valerian capable of breastfeeding harm the baby?

Valerian during breastfeeding

In order to get rid of worries, excitement, anxiety and find peace of mind, many mothers decide to resort to valerian. Since almost all medications are prohibited to take during this period, it remains the only salvation. Valerian – natural natural remedy, correcting the nervous system and affecting other vital important organs person. The action of the main substance (bornyl isovaleric acid) has a relaxing, antispasmodic effect and helps reduce nervous excitability.

According to the instructions, you can drink valerian while feeding only after consulting a specialist and under his strict supervision. In practical medicine, there have been no cases where valerian caused pathologies and health problems in newborns. But mom should always think about how the drug will be perceived by her own child and whether the sedative will cause the development of serious diseases.

Those who resort to medicinal method calming, it should be remembered that valerian has a calming effect not only on the mother’s body, but also on the baby’s body. Notyou need to rush to the pills at the first irritation or excitement. Many people drank valerian during pregnancy. Doctors even in the maternity hospital recommend taking 1-2 tablets to avoid depression.

Shehelps smooth out some emotional manifestations and overcome:

  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • depression;
  • migraine attacks;
  • overexcitement;
  • spasms of the brain and genitourinary canals;
  • tachycardia, rapid pulse, arrhythmia;
  • hypertension.

Sometimes taking sedative medications is necessary for further successful feeding and relieving stress. If a young inexperienced mother refuses to take pharmacological agents, literally collapses, worries and is nervous, then the baby also begins to worry, scream and cause additional trouble, increasing the mother’s tension. Against this background, milk production may decrease, which will lead to even greater nervousness and anxiety in the child. In order to break the vicious circle, you can take a valerian tablet, which will have a beneficial and gentle effect on both mother and baby. ButThe effect of the drug does not occur immediately, but after some time.

How to take valerian extract during breastfeeding

You can easily buy valerian in the public domain at your nearest pharmacy without much difficulty. Since it is produced in various forms, the features of each of them should be taken into account.

Release form

Manufacturersrelease a sedative drug in:

  • tablets;
  • dragee;
  • drops;
  • herbal teas in bags;
  • roots for making infusions.

Alcohol tincture is not allowed during breastfeeding, and nursing women should refrain from taking it.

For convenient control, it is advisable to take valerian in tablet form. And if therapeutic effect pure valerian is invisible, you can ask the doctor to prescribe herbal remedies called polypreparations, which in addition to it contain motherwort, chamomile, lemon balm, and hawthorn. Infusions are also produced together with motherwort and peony. This combination the best way will affect the body.

Valerian is not addictive and can sometimes be brewed instead of tea. Some needlewomen make a valerian pad and place it near them at night. You can lay out dry herbs on the windowsill and the essential oils will have a calming effect on mother and child.


In order to achieve best effect When breastfeeding, it is enough to take one tablet twice a day. In extremely complex and advanced cases, 2 pieces are allowed. straightaway. The therapeutic course takes about one to two weeks. Do not take the drug randomly or exceed the prescribed treatment period. Despite the fact that valerian is not addictive, like any other herbal medicine, it should be taken intermittently. This is especially true for women during breastfeeding, because the active substances are completely absorbed into breast milk.

Side effects for mother and baby

Even the most harmless weed can cause an adverse reaction.

Valerianis no exception and has contraindications for nursing women suffering from:

  • hypertension;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • mental disorders;
  • intolerance to valerian.

Since this medicine is a sedative, after taking it you should avoid driving or doing activities that require concentrated attention. Valerian increases the effects of antispasmodics and other sedatives, therefore it is prohibited to take it simultaneously with such drugs. It is forbiddentake sleeping pills.

It should be taken with extreme caution, since any violation of the instructions for use can cause a negative reaction in the baby:

  1. Allergy. If the dosage is exceeded, rash, burning, itching may occur. anus and discomfort.
  2. Overexcitement. In rare cases, taking valerian may cause reverse effect in a child, causing sleep disturbances and causeless anxiety. Children's body much more sensitive than an adult and can react to a harmless drug in an unpredictable way.
  3. Constipation. Long-term use causes dysfunction of the digestive system.
  4. Lethargy. Many mothers notice that the baby becomes lethargic, drowsy and can sleep for a very long time. daytime. Weak and excessive sucking long sleep– a signal to discontinue the drug.
  5. There is a concept that valerian has an inhibitory effect on milk production. But this fact has not been proven. If nervousness and constant excitement are the main enemies of breastfeeding, then valerian helps eliminate them.

Allergies, nausea, and vomiting during an overdose can also occur in the mother.

ExceptIn addition, side effects include:

  • disorientation in space;
  • state of stupor;
  • overexcitement and sleep disturbance.

Precautionary measures

  • follow the dosage and instructions of the doctor;
  • adhere to treatment deadlines;
  • monitor the child’s activity and behavior;
  • at the first allergic symptoms stop taking the medicine.

If valerian causes a negative effect on the baby or mother, and nervous tension causes many problems, you can take other herbal medicines that have no contraindications for breastfeeding. These are “Glycine”, “Novopassit”, “Tenoten”, “Persen”.

An alternative to medications is massage, classical music, a warm bath with lavender oil, proper nutrition, leisurely walks, good sleep. Some foods will cheer you up - delicious yogurt, seeds, dried fruits. You should sometimes make a holiday for yourself and be able to enjoy small joys without taking medications.

After the birth of the baby, the mother’s body is exhausted, lacking energy and vitamins. Almost all the energy and time is spent on the child. This causes anxiety, irritability and stress, which a nursing mother must cope with. After all, neglected stress develops into mental disorder or severe depression that will require long-term treatment and observation by a doctor.

When stressed, many are accustomed to special medications. But is it possible? It is known that every component that enters a woman’s body, along with breast milk, reaches the baby during feeding.

Use medicines dangerous during lactation. The composition of many medications will lead to poisoning, allergies or serious illness in the infant. The baby’s body, especially in the first three to four months, is weak and not adapted to new conditions. He reacts negatively even to new food, not to mention medications.

However, some medications will not harm the baby. Among the sedatives, these include valerian. A nursing mother can take a natural remedy, but with strict adherence to the dosage and recommendations for use.

Action of valerian

Valerian – herbal medicine, which contains bornyl isovaleric acid. It relaxes smooth muscles, relieves spasms and calms the cells of the central nervous system.

Valerian is taken if:

  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Nervous state and irritability;
  • State of stress Headaches and migraines;
  • Depression;
  • Loss of strength, decreased vitality;
  • Problems with bowel function;
  • Arrhythmia or tachycardia.

The calming effect of the drug occurs some time after administration. The drug has a positive effect on the body:

  • Insomnia goes away and sleep normalizes;
  • Feelings of anxiety and stress go away;
  • Relieves spasms;
  • Lowers blood pressure;
  • Dilates coronary vessels.

A popular form of the drug is tablets. In addition, valerian is produced in the form of dragees, tea, herbal tea bags for brewing, decoction or infusion. You can find the roots and rhizomes of valerian for preparing an infusion.

Valerian during breastfeeding

Thanks to plant composition The drug can be taken by many categories of people. However, a nursing mother should take the drug with caution. Keep in mind that the product penetrates into the blood and plasma, and, therefore, into breast milk.

Before use, be sure to consult your doctor!

Valerian during breastfeeding can lead to negative reaction baby:

  • Allergies (rash, redness, itching, runny nose, cough);
  • Sleep disturbance and overexcitation;
  • Lethargy;
  • Colic and increased gas formation;
  • Constipation and other stomach upsets.

If a negative reaction occurs, stop taking the medication. Consult your doctor to prescribe a safe dose of valerian during lactation.

To achieve the effect, take one tablet two to three times a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Rules for admission during breastfeeding

When taking valerian during lactation, strictly follow the doctor's instructions and do not exceed the prescribed dosage and course of treatment. Monitor your child's well-being closely. Then valerian will not harm the newborn during breastfeeding.

Please note that an overdose causes negative consequences for both the baby and the nursing mother. If exceeded permissible norm the following symptoms occur:

  • constipation and stomach upsets;
  • reverse reaction to the drug - overexcitation and sleep disturbance, increased blood pressure;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • anal itching.

During lactation stress, alternative medications can be used.

IN postpartum period serious things happen in a woman’s body hormonal changes. At this time she is prone to stress and depression. Mommy shouldn't forget that her psycho emotional condition has an impact on the child. If you cannot go through this period painlessly without taking medications, then you need to find those that will have the least impact on the baby during breastfeeding through mother's milk.

Basic Information about Valerian Extract

Valerian is a herbal drug. His active substance is isovaleric acid. It calms the cells of the central nervous system, relaxing smooth muscles and relieving spasms.

Indications for use

You can drink valerian if you have the following disorders:

  • depression;
  • increased irritability, nervousness, emotional instability;
  • insomnia and other sleep disorders;
  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue, loss of strength, decreased vitality;
  • disturbance of heart rhythms - arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • spasms of the stomach, genitourinary tract.

Valerian extract is classified as a mild drug, but taking valerian during breastfeeding (BF) without consulting a therapist is extremely undesirable.

Release forms

For nursing women great importance has the form of the drug taken. Valerian is available in several forms:

  • in tablets;
  • dragee;
  • bags for brewing soothing tea;
  • crushed roots for preparing decoctions and tinctures;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • oil for aromatherapy, massage;
  • as part of sedative preparations.

Not all forms of the drug sold in the pharmacy chain are indicated for use by a nursing mother.

Valerian during breastfeeding

There is a misconception that herbal preparations are completely safe and cannot harm either the mother or her child and they can be combined with breastfeeding without any restrictions. However, it is not. Besides positive therapy for a nursing mother, it may have a negative effect on the baby.

The effect of valerian on a woman

The drug has a positive effect on the body:

  • sleep improves;
  • spasms are relieved;
  • blood vessels dilate;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • Stress and depression go away.

Negative consequences are also possible:

  • increased drowsiness, lethargy;
  • decreased performance;
  • heartburn;
  • muscle weakness.

The therapeutic effect of the drug appears after a certain period of time after administration.

Effect of the drug on a child

Side effects may occur in case of overdose or due to individual intolerance:

  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • reverse reaction - due to stimulation of the central nervous system, sleep disturbance and increased agitation of the baby are observed;
  • allergic reaction;
  • colic and bloating;
  • anal itching and redness of adjacent skin;
  • problems with bowel movements long-term use drug;
  • decreased activity of the baby, including during feeding - he does not suckle so vigorously.

Basic rules for taking valerian

When taking valerian-based medications during breastfeeding, you must strictly follow the specialist’s instructions and not exceed the prescribed dosage and duration of treatment. You need to pay attention to the child’s well-being. These simple rules will help you avoid adverse consequences for a newborn.

Which form of the drug is preferable for hepatitis B

Before you start taking the drug orally, you should try other methods - they will probably help relieve unpleasant symptoms.

For cramps in the abdomen and intestines, you can do a light massage using essential oil valerian.

Alternative Methods

First of all, you need to try to improve your condition without using medications:

  • Daily walks with the baby. Give mom a chance to breathe fresh air, read a book in a quiet place - a square or park. This will help you calm down if you want silence and solitude. If you want to talk out, then you can invite a friend for a walk or find new acquaintances among walking mothers.
  • Warm bath. Add to it soothing herbs- valerian, lavender, pine extract.
  • Relaxing massage.
  • Don’t be too overwhelmed with household chores, don’t try to redo everything at once.
  • Listening to classical music.
  • Get enough sleep. You need to ask someone from your family to babysit the child. You can express milk first so that the mother is not woken up by a hungry baby. Sometimes, to improve the condition, a woman just needs to get some sleep.

If you cannot do without the use of medications, then you should pay attention to the group of homeopathic sedatives or others prescribed by the attending physician.

Number of possible side effects When taking valerian while breastfeeding, it is small. If you follow the dosage regimen, it will not harm either the mother or the child. In order not to negate the effect of taking valerian while breastfeeding, you should strive to properly organize your rest and life, and improve family relationships.

For any woman, the greatest happiness in life is to give birth to a long-awaited baby. With the birth of a child, a lot of pleasant worries and worries arise and, of course, many questions about health and upbringing.

Young mothers are often nervous and worried. This is largely due to adaptation to the new status of a mother, as well as an increasing level of responsibility towards herself and her child.

Sometimes it's hard to cope on your own nervous stress and the desire appears to take something sedative. Among the simplest, cheapest and relatively harmless, many choose valerian.

Nursing mothers rightly ask: “Can a nursing mother take valerian?”

One of the advantages of valerian is the absence negative influence on the woman's body. It has a sedative property, helps with insomnia, helps cope with nervous tension. If the mother is breastfeeding the baby, then the effect of taking this sedative also affects the child’s condition.

With long-term use, the child may become drowsy or, conversely, sleep may be disturbed. allergic reactions, malfunctions gastrointestinal tract, vomiting, diarrhea.

In order to avoid all of the above consequences for the child, it is worth using valerian correctly.

The entire course of treatment with valerian should last seven to ten days.

How to use

  • When choosing the form of taking valerian, give preference to tablets.
  • Alcohol tinctures and special valerian teas contain too high a concentration of the active substance.
  • If you do not want to take pills, then a good option for a nursing mother - purchase a special soothing pillow. Inside it is dried valerian. Before going to bed, lie on such a pillow and inhale the aroma for about fifteen minutes. With the help of such a pillow, you can easily calm down without resorting to pills, and breast milk it will not be reflected.
  • You can take baths once a week, adding a little water infusion of valerian. The duration of treatment is as follows water procedure about fifteen minutes.

Everyone knows that many medications are not recommended to be taken during lactation. But there are also drugs that nursing mothers can take. Valerian during breastfeeding, as indicated in the instructions, is not prohibited. However, it should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. It is also important to know about possible side effects and effects on the baby.

Sedative during breastfeeding

A state of anxiety and stress is considered normal for many women who have recently become mothers. After all, colossal changes occur in everyday life, additional troubles and worries are added. Hormonal disbalance can also affect the emotional state of a nursing mother. In such cases, it is advisable to find a way to put your nerves in order and get out of a state of anxiety, without harming the newborn’s body. This is why valerian is one of the most popular means to calm down during guards.

This drug is considered safe not only for the young mother, but also for her child. It is difficult to find a simpler one, but at the same time effective remedy than valerian extract.

Benefit or harm?

In medicine, there are no descriptions of cases in which it is indicated that valerian extract had a negative effect on health. infant. But this does not mean that you can drink this drug without paying attention to the baby’s well-being. Every nursing mother needs to remember that everyone’s body is different, which means the reaction to valerian may be different. Especially when a child is prone to allergies, you should not take any medications on your own. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment and dosage during the appointment.

When can you drink?

Valerian is excellent remedy for those who are constantly under stress. This medicine is taken for:

  • migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • depressed state;
  • nervous excitement;
  • spasms that occur in the stomach or genitourinary tract.

Most often, valerian is taken in tablets; tincture also copes well with the problems listed above. Valerian Forte in tablet form provides a stronger calming effect. In any case, a nursing mother should not take the medicine on her own. You should definitely consult your doctor, since the dosage and form of the medicine may vary depending on your needs. various diseases.

How does the medicine work?

When a nursing mother needs to calm her nerves or cope with insomnia, she can drink valerian extract in tablets or in the form of a tincture. Due to the fact that this drug has vegetable origin, then there is practically no overdose or side effects from it. But since it is quickly absorbed into the blood and breast milk and enters the baby’s body, you need to take this medicine with caution.

The calming effect that this valerian extract has can be felt not immediately after taking it, but after some time. But the effect of the drug lasts for a long time, feelings of anxiety and stress disappear, blood pressure decreases. Valerian also eliminates arrhythmia and dilates coronary vessels.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that valerian is allowed during breastfeeding, nursing mothers need to take precautions. When there is a need to take this drug, you need to:

  • maintain the correct dosage;
  • do not take the medicine longer than prescribed;
  • follow doctor's orders;
  • monitor the child’s health during lactation;
  • Monitor the manifestation of allergies in the baby.

In case of overdose or individual intolerance to the drug, the following may occur:

  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • excessive excitability;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • itching in the anal area.

What can be replaced?

Valerian extract is considered the safest sedative. However, there are other medications that can help cope with stress while breastfeeding. Young mothers can take Glycine and Novo-Passit. Also positive reviews Nursing mothers talk about the drugs "Persen" and "Tenoten".

To calm down and relax, you can use a massage, a walk, listening to calm music, or taking a warm bath with essential oils.

Such non-pharmacological means will be much safer during breastfeeding. It should be noted that it is more difficult for a tired and irritated mother to cope with caring for a newborn. It is very important that breastfeeding women are in positive attitude and could calmly raise and educate their baby. Therefore, if there is a need to take valerian or other depressant, then it's better to do it. The fact that a small part of the drug may end up in breast milk may be much less of a problem than a nervous and sleep-deprived mother. And if there are none negative consequences from taking valerian, this drug should not be discontinued.