Tariff qualification directory. Why is the etc of blue-collar professions needed and how to use it

ETKS 2018 blue-collar professions is a unified tariff- qualification directory, it specifies the qualification requirements. It is used for pricing, certification, when developing job descriptions and for other purposes, which will be discussed in the article.

Many Soviet-era personnel management tools are still relevant today, although some of the normative documents are morally outdated, the principle of their construction and application can be used quite successfully, especially with regard to production and National economy. Often in the speech of personnel officers there are phrases “ETKS-2018”, “2018 directory of blue-collar professions”. Various lists, classifiers, lists of qualification requirements - a lot of work has been put into their compilation, this is extensive material and it deserves attention. Let's figure out what is meant by ETKS.

What is ETKS and why is it needed?

ETKS 2018 blue-collar occupations is a special document that is a list of positions with qualification requirements for the workers who occupy them. It is used to determine worker qualifications, assign ranks, and conduct certifications. The abbreviation stands for Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory.

This is a fairly voluminous document, the main parts of which were initially approved by Government resolutions back in Soviet time, in the 80s. Since then it has been revised and edited many times. In the version existing on currently, 72 issues, which are also divided into sections. In them, positions are combined according to some characteristic: type of activity, sector of the national economy where they are used.

What is it needed for:

  • for tariffing. That is, in accordance with it, it is possible to determine the complexity of the work performed by the employee and, among other things, to set the rate wages;
  • to conduct certification and determine whether the employee meets the position and qualification requirements. Usually, taking this document into account, they are developed job descriptions;
  • to determine the correct title for a specific position. This is often difficult for managers who do not have special knowledge;
  • for the development of advanced training course programs.

How to use the directory

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory for 2018 occupations of workers is quite easy to use if you understand the principle of constructing the material in it. First you need to find the desired issue and section; their names give a clear idea of ​​the positions included and qualification requirements.

  • general characteristics of the duties performed by the worker, what functions are assigned to him;
  • what an employee holding a similar position should know; examples of work can be given.

And for each profession, categories are indicated, that is, a specialist of the 1st category is more qualified and does more complex work.

Is it mandatory to use?

The question arises: is the tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers, 2018, now mandatory? The answer is given in Labor Code RF: defines the principles of the tariff system of remuneration. General principle, established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is as follows: the more complex the duties, the higher the payment. It has been established that tariffication and assignment of categories are carried out on the basis of the Unified Tariff Qualification Directory or taking into account professional standards.

ETKS or professional standard

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers is applied along with professional standards, as specified in Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employer has the right to decide for himself which of these documents to use. It is very easy to download ETKS on the Internet, and you can select only the necessary sections, while acting with the necessary caution to comply with information security standards.

Upon registration employment contract And work book, other documents and certificates about labor activity it is important to write down the name of the position held in strict accordance with the specified regulatory documents. This is important because if it is included in list 1 or 2 or any benefits are established for such employees, for example, upon retirement, the names must be used exactly as in the directory or professional standard, otherwise Pension Fund may refuse to include this period of activity in special experience, and will have to prove it in court.

The requirements for professions that determine professional standards and the development of technology are constantly changing, and therefore there is a continuous process of changing, adjusting and updating educational programs, in particular for railway professions. On last week we got learning programs, agreed upon and approved by the Ministry of Transport and the Federal Agency railway transport by profession:

Learning to operate a railway crane

Last week, the theoretical training of a railway crane operator was completed. It was the railway crane operators who studied, taking into account all the specifics: shunting work, signaling and safety rules on railway... The course focused on cranes KDE-251 and KZhDE-25, as well as EDK-1000/2 with increased lifting capacity up to 125 tons.

Next week, the trainees will go to our training ground, where they will put into practice the acquired theoretical knowledge under the guidance of experienced instructors.

Introduction to Oil and Gas Production

Where does oil come from? How is it mined and what is it processed into? How are rigs built, drilled and completed?

All this was discussed at the course “Introduction to Oil and Gas Production,” which was conducted by specialists from the oil and gas division of PromResurs last week.

Although the course has ended, we will be happy to repeat it for you.

The course will be useful to you if:

Studied with us: Training of galvanizers

There are a little more people who have mastered a qualified specialty, Hurray!

Our specialists conducted regular training for employees of the galvanic shop with the organization of theoretical and practical classes. During practical classes, work was carried out to coat parts of complex shapes.

Now the galvanizers will be able to independently carry out the stated work, and the company will not waste valuable time on training them while working on productive parts and will reduce the level of defects in its production.

We welcome everyone who has not yet completed training!

Recruitment of a group of Railway Crane Operator in July

Friends, at the end of July, training in the profession of “Railway Crane Operator” will begin.

The training will consist of 2 parts: Theoretical and Practical.

The theoretical part is held from July 31 to August 18, 2017. The training will cover topics such as crane design, operation, loading and unloading, railway signaling and the basics of maneuvering.

Signalman on the tracks of JSC "Russian Railways"

Railway department specialists training center"PromResurs" has adjusted the training program for the profession "Signalist" in accordance with the requirements of JSC "Russian Railways". In particular, the requirements of the labor protection instructions and the job requirements of the signalman, approved regulations RUSSIAN RAILWAYS. Also, as part of the training, mastering the profession of "Track Fitter" is carried out - mandatory requirement when working as a signalman on public roads.

Buy a certificate - what's behind it?

Very often you can see advertisements with flashy headings “Buy a certificate”, “Buy a crust”, “Buy a certificate”. AND we're talking about not about the purchase of the certificate forms themselves, but about the sale of a ready-made certificate in your name, which confirms the qualifications you have declared. They offer to buy everything from an occupational safety certificate, fire safety, and ending with working professions, such as slinger, turner, etc.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2017
Issue No. 46 ETKS
The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 2002 N 47

Sewing equipment operator

§ 40. Sewing equipment operator 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of processing parts of medium complexity using automatic or semi-automatic sewing equipment. Ensuring uninterrupted operation of serviced equipment. Troubleshooting minor problems in the operation of serviced equipment. Quality control of cut, color matching of parts, products, threads, buttons and applied materials.

Must know: technological parameters processing of parts; types of seams; types and properties of materials used; purpose and principle of operation of the equipment being serviced; purpose and rules for using various devices, devices and automation equipment.

Work examples:

1. Sewing up the toe of hosiery.

2. Stitching the holes.

3. Processing of valves, straps, cuffs, leaves, slots, Pat.

4. Sewing on buttons.

5. Fastening clothing parts.

6. Connection of fittings.

7. Stitching seams and darts.

§ 41. Sewing equipment operator 4th category

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of processing complex parts of garments on automatic or semi-automatic sewing equipment, participating in their adjustment. Conducting the process of laying various materials in compliance with calculations of their rational use on an automated laying complex.

Must know: assortment of garments and technological parameters for processing their parts; purpose and principle of operation of the equipment being serviced, rules for its adjustment; methods and techniques for laying materials, taking into account their rational use; system for setting laying modes on the control panel of automatic equipment; tolerances and rules for setting the length of the deck; methods for regulating lifting mechanisms and speed of movement of the spreading device; requirements for the quality of flooring; properties of materials and features of their laying.

Work examples:

1. Quilting fabrics with curly stitches.

2. Processing of collars, sides, lapels, pockets.

3. Connecting parts of products (tights).

§ 42. Sewing equipment operator of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of manufacturing particularly complex products using automatic or semi-automatic sewing equipment. Conducting the process of cutting various materials on an automated cutting complex with program controlled. Maintenance automated cutting complex. Conducting the process of quality control of various materials using electronic computers. Calculation of pieces and leftover materials on an electronic computer (computer) and their assembly for cutting according to article, color and size.

Must know: arrangement of serviced equipment and methods for its adjustment; operating principle and operating rules of an automated cutting complex, adjustment of cutting modes; requirements for the quality of cut; methods and techniques for checking the quality of controlled materials; rules and methods for calculating pieces of materials, cutting schedules, material consumption rates and the permissible percentage of technological waste.

§ 43. Sewing equipment operator 6th category

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of cutting various materials on an automated cutting complex with program control and its adjustment. Participation in the development of cutting programs. Maintenance of an automated cutting complex and participation in its repair.

Must know: operating principle and operating rules of an automated cutting complex; design features of the serviced complex; design of mechanical, electrical and pneumatic subsystems; causes of malfunctions in the operation of an automated cutting complex, ways to prevent them; requirements for the quality of cutting, adjustment of cutting modes.

Secondary vocational education required.

ETKS 2019 for blue-collar professions is a unified tariff and qualification reference book that specifies qualification requirements. It is used for pricing, certification, when developing job descriptions and for other purposes, which will be discussed in the article.

Many personnel management tools of the Soviet era are still relevant today, although some of the regulatory documents are morally outdated, the principle of their construction and application can be used quite successfully, especially with regard to production and the national economy. Often in the speech of personnel officers there are phrases “ETKS-2018”, “2019 directory of blue-collar professions”. Various lists, classifiers, lists of qualification requirements - a lot of work has been put into their compilation, this is extensive material and it deserves attention. Let's figure out what is meant by ETKS.

What is ETKS and why is it needed?

ETKS 2019 blue-collar occupations is a special document that is a list of positions with qualification requirements for the workers who occupy them. It is used to determine worker qualifications, assign ranks, and conduct certifications. The abbreviation stands for Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory.

This is a fairly voluminous document, the main parts of which were initially approved by Government resolutions back in Soviet times, in the 80s. Since then it has been revised and edited many times. The current version has 72 issues, which are also divided into sections (you can see and open the directories below). In them, positions are combined according to some characteristic: type of activity, sector of the national economy where they are used.

What is it needed for:

  • for tariffing. That is, in accordance with it, it is possible to determine the complexity of the work performed by the employee and, among other things, to set the wage rate;
  • to conduct certification and determine whether the employee meets the position and qualification requirements. Typically, job descriptions are developed taking this document into account;
  • to determine the correct title for a specific position. This is often difficult for managers who do not have special knowledge;
  • for the development of advanced training course programs.

How to use the directory

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory for 2019 occupations of workers is quite easy to use if you understand the principle of constructing the material in it. First you need to find the desired issue and section; their names give a clear idea of ​​the positions included and qualification requirements.

  • general characteristics of the duties performed by the worker, what functions are assigned to him;
  • what an employee holding a similar position should know; examples of work can be given.

And for each profession, categories are indicated, that is, a specialist of the 1st category is more qualified and does more complex work.

Is it mandatory to use?

The question arises: is the tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers, 2019, now mandatory? The answer is given in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: it defines the principles of the tariff system of remuneration. The general principle established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is this: the more complex the duties, the higher the pay. It has been established that tariffication and assignment of categories are carried out on the basis of the Unified Tariff Qualification Directory or taking into account professional standards.

ETKS or professional standard

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers is applied along with professional standards, as specified in Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employer has the right to decide for himself which of these documents to use. It is very easy to download ETKS on the Internet, and you can select only the necessary sections, while acting with the necessary caution to comply with information security standards.

When drawing up an employment contract and work book, other documents and certificates of employment, it is important to write down the name of the position held in strict accordance with the specified regulatory documents. This is important because if it is included in list 1 or 2 or any benefits are established for such employees, for example, upon retirement, the names must be applied exactly as in the reference book or professional standard, otherwise the Pension Fund may refuse this period of activity is included in special experience, and you will have to prove it in court.