Yulia Volkova: I knew that I would overcome the disease. Yulia Volkova told how she lost her voice after removing a cancerous tumor. What illness did Yulia Volkova have?

On Saturday, June 24, the next episode of the popular show “Secret to a Million” aired on the NTV channel. This time, the singer and ex-member of the world-famous group “t.A.T.u. » Yulia Volkova.

The main topic of the conversation and revelations of Yulia Volkova was the fight against cancer thyroid gland. According to the artist, when she heard the diagnosis, she did not believe it and was examined by other doctors. When they informed the star that she had a malignant tumor, Yulia decided to undergo treatment in Moscow. “At first I thought, who will my children stay with? With mom, dad. Then she pulled herself together and began to fight. But I didn’t dare to go abroad, I couldn’t imagine how I would be there alone, without my family,” the artist explained.

The singer also admitted that at the time of treatment and rehabilitation, many of her stage colleagues wrote her off as a potential disabled person. The star chose not to tell anyone about her illness and, during the recovery process, she herself supported former producer Ivan Shapovalov, who was undergoing chemotherapy for a brain tumor.

For the first time in the studio of the show “Secret to a Million”, Yulia Volkova spoke about her sister on her father’s side. It turns out that Volkova’s older sister Christina lives in Germany. For a long time their parents forbade them to communicate, then they grew up and finally decided to meet in 2013. Yulia was the first to go to Germany: “She has a completely different measured life there. Christina has a great husband who does everything himself and a wonderful daughter. Since then we have been calling each other all the time, writing to each other, exchanging photos. We became real sisters." Christina, who flew to Moscow and came to support her sister, also noted that she was very happy about the long-awaited rapprochement with her relative, whom until recently she had only seen on TV.

Speaking about relationships with the fathers of her children, Yulia Volkova especially emphasized that she did not love any of them. It was this factor that influenced the artist’s further separation from them. Now, after defeating thyroid cancer, Yulia started talking about a wedding with her new lover, who this moment lives in another country. Volkova chose not to talk much about him and only said that she had already introduced him to her daughter Victoria and son Samir. “I already want to get married. I want a wedding. “I already know what my dress will be,” said the artist. However, Julia did not specify whether her mysterious chosen one proposed.

“This envelope contains truth that could become dangerous for your entire family. The price of this secret is one million rubles,” said Lera Kudryavtseva, handing her an envelope to her guest at the end of the program. “The time has not yet come in my life to admit this. I’m not ready to open the envelope, let it stay with me,” answered Yulia Volkova and burned the envelope with her million-dollar secret.

Christina knew about the existence sister Yulia Volkova from the age of four

Ex-soloist of the Tatu group Yulia Volkova shared shocking news, admitting for the first time that she had overcome cancer. So, the singer said that in 2012 she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

“I didn’t tell anyone about this for a long time. This happened almost at the same time when it became known that Vanya (producer of the Tatu group Ivan Shapovalov) was ill. It was 2012. He was admitted to the hospital. Literally a month later I had a dream that I was sick terrible disease— and the next morning I went to the hospital for examination. After the ultrasound I was asked to take tests. And when I came for the results, they told me that I had cancer. Then I didn’t want to tell anyone anything. People are different, someone would probably be happy. Others would feel sorry, but I can’t stand pity,” Yulia said in an interview with Oksana Pushkina’s “Mirror for a Hero” program.

Volkova shared that the doctors made a mistake during the operation, which caused her to have problems with her voice. After this, the singer had to undergo three more operations to restore her vocal cords.

“During the operation, the doctors made a mistake: they hurt my vocal nerve, and I was left without a voice. Moreover, I myself insisted on having the operation in Moscow, although friends and family persuaded me to fly to Germany. When I came to my senses after the operation, I discovered that I simply could not talk, not even sing! I whispered. I didn’t cry, although in my heart, of course, I was worried. Then in two years I had three operations to restore my voice, two of them were performed in Germany. Then the German doctors threw up their hands, saying that there is nothing more we can do. Wonderful doctors from Seoul gave me back my voice...” recalls Yulia.

The singer admitted that it was a very difficult period in her life, but she is convinced that such trials are only given strong people.

“And it was unclear what was next: chemotherapy or something else. And I have two children at home! All my friends abandoned me, apparently considering me a “done” option. Nobody called me. Only Vanya Shapovalov was nearby, who was in exactly the same situation as myself. There was a creative break, I didn’t record songs or release videos. It was hard to read messages from fans on the Internet: they knew nothing about my illness and wrote that I only party, drink, take drugs... I know for sure that such tests in life are given only to very strong people. Even if a person dies, he will still remain very strong!” - says the singer.

Former lead singer of the group t.A.T.u Yulia Volkova made a frank confession: on Oksana Pushkina’s show “Mirror for a Hero,” the singer said that she had thyroid cancer.

Julia learned about her illness in 2012. “I had a dream that I had a terrible diagnosis. I go to do an ultrasound, they tell me that I still need to take tests. And in the end everything is confirmed. I didn't really want to talk about it. Someone would be happy, they say, stop being famous, stay at home, otherwise she’ll go wild and flap her wings,” said the singer.



During surgery to remove the tumor, the doctor damaged the Volkovic vocal nerve. Waking up from anesthesia, Julia realized that she could not talk. “I opened my eyes and was supposed to speak normally, but it turned out that I could only whisper. No, I didn’t cry; in general, I rarely cry. When I went for the operation, everyone called and said - hang in there, you are strong, you can handle it. And after the operation no one called me at all. Nobody. I was no longer needed,” the star shared.


Julia did not give up and tried to regain her voice. The singer underwent three more operations: two in Germany and one in Korea. “At least I spoke. Maybe not the way I would like, but nevertheless,” Volkova said. At that time, the artist had to take a temporary break from her work, but Yulia still managed to emerge victorious from the situation. On April 29, Mumiy Troll music bar will host Volkova’s solo concert, where she will sing live.


Representatives of the artist also commented on her words: “There were a lot of rumors around the loss of her voice: she smoked, drank... And Yulia went to Oksana Pushkina’s show precisely for the purpose of talking about her illness.”