What is dihydrotestosterone responsible for? The effect of dihydrotestosterone on the male and female body

It is a hormone that is produced from testosterone under the influence of enzymatic reactions. There are some differences between testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, which affect the functions of hormones in the body. DTG controls the normal functioning of the prostate and all organs of the genitourinary system.

Dihydrotestosterone is responsible for the timely appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in young men and with age its concentration in the body may change. A deviation of the hormone level from the norm may indicate various pathologies, so it is important to regularly undergo tests and monitor DHT levels in the blood. To know, dihydrotestosterone-What this is what it is and what significance it has for a man, you can consult a urologist.

Functions of dihydrotestosterone

What is the difference testosterone from dihydrotestosterone, and what functions do such hormones perform in the body? ? Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone produced in men. Compared to testosterone, it interacts more with cellular receptors, so its androgenic activity is much more noticeable. This substance has a significant effect on the development and functioning of the prostate in the future, therefore in medical practice it is widely used to eliminate prostate diseases.

If the concentration of dihydrotestosterone in the male body increases greatly and exceeds the permissible norms, then a noticeable increase in the size of the prostate is observed. In addition, various pathologies begin to progress and tumor-like formations are detected in the prostate tissue.

The concentration of dihydrotestosterone is determined by the production and content of testosterone in the male body. The higher the content of the latter, the greater its amount is fermented into DHT. It is necessary to maintain normal levels of this hormone by controlling testosterone, the production of which is controlled by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

Dihydrotestosterone is actively involved in the development and functioning of other organs, and also has a direct effect on biological and physiological processes. This hormone controls the condition of the genital organs, muscle mass, hair follicles and the skeletal system.

DHT has a positive effect on physical development in adolescence and not only in terms of secondary symptoms. This hormone helps accelerate the formation of muscle mass and the decomposition of fat. DHT affects a man's sexual behavior, so its deficiency in the body becomes one of the causes of impotence and decreased libido.

Symptoms of deviations

The very first symptom indicating that increased dihydrotestosterone in men, hair problems arise. In other words, hair falls out, its growth slows down and over time the man becomes bald. This hormone in the male body also affects other tissues and organs, so a violation of its content is accompanied by the appearance of certain symptoms.

Hormone deficiency in boys causes pronounced disruptions in sexual development. Such children do not develop hair in the armpits and other parts of the body, and also have abnormalities in the structure of the genital organ. In addition, there is a noticeable lack of muscle mass, and the penis or testicles are greatly reduced in size.

In case if dihydrotestosterone in men demoted, then some femininity, disproportion of the limbs and awkwardness of the figure may appear. Typically, such patients stand out among people by their apathetic and quarrelsome character, and are very withdrawn into themselves. A lack of DHT in men leads to decreased sexual desire and impaired potency, including problems with erection.

In case if Dihydrotestosterone is elevated in men, then nothing good comes from this either. In men, there is a clear imbalance of hormones, hair growth on the head stops and active baldness is observed.

An increase of even a few pg/ml is accompanied by too tall a teenager, underdevelopment of his larynx and increased pallor of the skin

Reasons for deviations

Any deviations in the level of DHT in the male body indicate the progression of pathologies. In fact, both too high results and rather low results are dangerous for the patient’s health.

It is possible to identify certain abnormalities using a blood test for DHT, which requires certain preparation. If the concentration of DHT in the male body is higher than normal, the reasons may be hidden in the following pathologies:

  • Morris syndrome;
  • the presence of adenoma in the testicles;
  • hypergonadism;
  • enhanced expression dihydrotestosterone blocker 5-alpha reductase in skin;
  • adrenal tumor;
  • malignant neoplasms localized in the testicles or adrenal glands.

The reasons for low levels of DHT in the male body may be the following:

  • hypogonadism of primary and secondary nature;
  • taking medications from the group of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors;
  • insufficient production of androgens as a result of menopause in men.

Often, a lack of androgens and a reduced concentration of DHT is observed in those patients who take anabolic steroids without specific indications. A mistake many men make is taking anabolic steroids to quickly gain muscle mass. This is not allowed, as this causes disruption in the production of your own androgens, which can cause hormonal imbalance. Men should know what it is dihydrotestosterone, and from which doctor treat hormonal imbalances.

DHT test

An increased concentration of the hormone in the blood may be a sign of certain pathologies progressing in the body. At the very beginning, to confirm the diagnosis it is necessary pass on blood.

Dihydrotestosterone test It is recommended to do it in the morning before meals. Before the study, you are allowed to drink only water without gases, and it is best to avoid all other drinks. In addition, the evening before the procedure you should exclude fatty foods from your diet.

Approximately a few days before the scheduled date of the DHT test, you should refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking. In addition, lifting weights and strenuous sports are not allowed. Before the procedure, you should stop taking all medications, be sure to coordinate this with a specialist.

In the clinic, 30 minutes before blood is drawn for testing, the man needs to rest and take a comfortable position. It is important to remember that on the eve of the DHT test, any stress or emotional stress is contraindicated. It is not allowed to come for the procedure immediately after X-rays and ultrasound examinations, physiotherapy and massage.

When to take dihydrotestosterone hormone for analysis, you need to ask your doctor. Experts recommend undergoing testing to determine DTG several times at intervals. In the event that the patient cannot stop taking medications for a certain time before how to pass dihydrotestosterone test, then it is necessary to inform a specialist about this. The fact is that many medications can distort the final results of the study.

Normal level of dihydrotestosterone

In order to determine the level of the hormone in the blood, venous blood is taken and analyzed, during which the serum concentration of the hormone is determined. The norm of dihydrotestosterone in men is 0.4–4.0 mU/l and it is determined by the patient’s age and changes in concentration. Deviations from the norm may indicate various disorders in the functioning of the reproductive organs and other malfunctions.

Elevated DTG levels

In case if normal dihydrotestosterone levels in men increased, then the reason may be hidden in the increased production of sexual hormones. An increase in the level of the hormone in the body can be provoked by taking medications with steroids and abnormalities of congenital enzyme systems.

Increased levels of DHT are observed in patients with the following pathologies:

  • hypergonadism;
  • idiopathic hirsutism;
  • prostate and testicular adenomas;
  • tumors of the reproductive system;
  • testicular feminization.

The result of increased levels of DHT in children is too early puberty. Young men experience rapid growth, dense muscle tissue, the formation of body hair, as well as changes in the timbre of their voice. In addition, the volume of the testicles and prostate, the length of the penis and the pigmentation of the skin on the scrotum increase.

In adult patients, excessive concentrations of DHT are accompanied by:

  • hirsutism;
  • baldness;
  • prostate tumor;
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia.

If the cause of the increased secretion of the hormone is a tumor, then in men there is an increase in the severity of symptoms over time. With cancer, the negative dynamics become more noticeable, and additional symptoms may appear, such as compression of nearby tissues, intoxication and hemorrhages.

Reduced DTG level

More often than not, men are looking for an answer to a question how to lower dihydrotestosterone in men, and how to increase it. A common cause of low hormone levels is congenital anomalies of steroidogenesis. In the absence of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, DHT simply is not produced from testosterone. In such patients with a genetic anomaly, deviations in the structure of the organs of the reproductive system are diagnosed from the very manifestation.

The main role of the hormone during the intrauterine development of the fetus lies in the correct formation of the external genitalia. At low dihydrotestosterone hair loss is considered an acceptable phenomenon, so you shouldn’t be afraid of it. Common causes of low DHT concentrations include primary hypogonadism, androgen deficiency with age, and use of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.

Dihydrotestosterone and hair loss are closely interconnected. In adolescence, insufficient levels of DHT result in delayed puberty or problems with puberty. Mostly, body hair does not grow in the male pattern, and the size of the genital organs does not increase. At low Dihydrotestosterone how to increase its level should be checked by a specialist.

In adult men, DHT deficiency may result in decreased muscle mass, impaired libido, and slow body and facial hair growth. In addition, a lack of DHT can cause infertility and problems with potency.

Treatment of DTG imbalance

Recovery Dihydrotestosterone levels in men carried out only after a thorough examination and under the control of laboratory parameters. This pathology is usually treated by an endocrinologist or urologist.

Reducing DTG levels

How to reduce dihydrotestosterone and can this be done with the help of medications? The main way to reduce the concentration of DHT in neoplasms of various types is surgical intervention. An operation is used to remove the adenoma, and if indicated, chemotherapy or radiation treatment is used as additional therapy.

How to increase dihydrotestosterone in a man in organism? With increased activity of 5-alpha reductase, therapy is carried out using drugs that inhibit this enzyme. Of the medications, two main drugs are usually used: dutasteride and finasteride. The concentration and action of hormones in a man’s body is also affected by taking medications that have an androgenic effect. Such medications suppress the synthesis of DHT or prevent its binding to receptors on target cells.

All androgens can be divided into:

  • non-steroidal;
  • steroid.

If the patient experiences premature sexual maturation, treatment is carried out using drugs that suppress the secretion of hormones from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

Increased DTG in the body

How to lower dihydrotestosterone in a man and normalize its level? The main way to increase DHT in primary and secondary hypodynamism is the selection of replacement treatment, and testosterone preparations are usually prescribed. If a man is diagnosed with functional disorders, it is necessary to reconsider his lifestyle. To increase the concentration of DHT in the body, it is recommended to correctly alternate periods of sleep and wakefulness, engage in moderate physical activity, give up bad habits and eat nutritiously.

Science experiment

Scientists conducted an experiment in which average men of reproductive age who suffered from erectile dysfunction participated. In addition, each patient had another additional disease such as prostate adenoma, chronic prostatitis, excess weight or diabetes. The main goal of such a study is to determine how a particular disease affects the concentration of DHT in a man’s body.

The results obtained looked like this:

  1. In patients with extra pounds and obesity, a deficiency of the hormone is observed in every fifth.
  2. Low levels of DHT were detected in more than half of patients with diabetes.
  3. Hormone deficiency has been diagnosed in 70% of men suffering from chronic inflammation of the prostate. The experiment showed that almost all men diagnosed with prostate adenoma had an excess of DHT concentration.

The study showed that only benign organ tissue hyperplasia can cause an excessive concentration of the hormone DHT in the male body. With diseases such as diabetes, obesity and prostatitis, there is a decrease in the level of DHT in the body of men.

At low dihydrotestosterone Andractim is a gel that contains such a hormone and is prescribed to patients with physical inactivity. With its help, it is possible to enlarge the penis to the desired size. Such ointment with dihydrotestosterone It is not prescribed to all patients, but only if there are certain indications.

Prevention and folk methods

Many patients are interested in how reduce the level dihydrotestosterone in men using folk remedies? In order to maintain the level of DHT in a man’s body at a constant level, it is recommended:

  • sleep at least 7 hours a day;
  • create normal conditions in the room, that is, relax in silence in a well-ventilated area;
  • goes to bed no later than midnight.

Frequent stress and emotional overstrain lead to the fact that stress hormones are constantly produced in the male body. It provokes the release of cortisol, a substance that neutralizes testosterone.

In order to avoid a decrease in the level of this hormone, men should constantly monitor themselves and to relieve stress it is recommended:

  • exercise;
  • do breathing exercises;
  • do gymnastics;
  • walk slowly in the fresh air;
  • consult a psychologist.

To maintain normal levels of DHT in a man’s body, the following foods should be consumed:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • walnuts;
  • berries;
  • greenery;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits.

It is possible to increase the level of DHT in the blood using traditional medicine recipes that can be prepared at home. Healers recommend using plants for this purpose that contain a phytohormone, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the testicles and normalizes the endocrine system. It is recommended to use folk remedies until all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease disappear.

A plant such as Tribulus terrestris can be used even in the most difficult situations. It is necessary to prepare an infusion of 10 grams of crushed dry herbs and 300 ml of boiling water in a thermos daily. The resulting mass should be kept in a thermos for several hours or overnight, and then taken ¼ cup after meals.

Treatment with nettle allows not only to normalize testosterone levels in the male body, but also to get rid of pathologies that affect potency. In folk medicine, the seeds of the plant and its leaves are usually used. It is recommended to swallow 10 grams of nettle seeds every day and wash them down with water, in which you must first melt the honey. You can grind banana pulp and 5 grams of seeds in a blender, and then immediately eat the resulting mixture.

You can prepare an infusion of May nettle leaves and red fortified wine in a ratio of 1:10. After 20 days, the mixture should be filtered and taken 25 ml every evening before bed.

St. John's wort is considered a real male aphrodisiac, thanks to which it is possible to increase the level of DHT in the blood in a short time. It is necessary to pour 15 grams of the plant into a container, pour a glass of boiling water and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. After this, the resulting mass must be covered with a lid and left in a dark place for 40 minutes. You need to take this folk remedy several times a day, 10 ml before meals.

Ginger root helps fill a man’s body with tone and vitality. With its help, it is possible to restore blood circulation in the organs of the reproductive system, increase the level of DHT in the blood and increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones. You need to add a small amount of crushed plant root to tea every day or simply eat it with honey.

The level of DHT in a man’s body is an important indicator of his health, and any deviation from the norm may indicate various pathologies. Get advice about when to take it dihydrotestosterone, it is necessary to see a specialist. It is necessary to monitor the content of such a hormone in the body, and, if necessary, take a test as prescribed by a doctor. To know, what is dihydrotestosterone in men and how to maintain its level in the body, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Testosterone is considered the main male sex hormone, shaping the appearance, sexuality, fertility and character of the stronger sex. However, an equally important role is played by a testosterone derivative - dihydrotestosterone (DHT, DHT, 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone), which is a more active biological form of androgen.

Dihydrotestosterone is synthesized by the interaction of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase (5-AR) and testosterone, as a result of which 2 hydrogen atoms are added to the latter (hence the prefix “dihydro”). The more free testosterone, the more of its active form. About 70% of DHT is formed in peripheral tissues. Unlike testosterone, dihydrotestosterone binds to androgen receptors 3-4 times more actively, forms a stable complex with them, which ensures its more pronounced effect at a low concentration (10% of the level of testosterone circulating in the blood). The main volume of DHT is concentrated in the hair follicles, the skin of the groin area, and the prostate. The highest degree of activity is manifested in the brain, genitals, and skin.

Main functions of dihydrotestosterone:

  • Active androgen receptors are found in large quantities in nerve cells, so dihydrotestosterone has a significant regulatory effect on the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Promotes compaction and growth of muscle tissue due to nervous regulation (testosterone has a more pronounced anabolic effect);
  • Responsible for male-type hair growth, activity of the sebaceous glands, development of the genital organs;
  • Increases resistance to both physical and psychological stress;
  • Regulates libido levels and erection quality.

An important function of dihydrotestosterone in the male body is protection against estrogen. DHT blocks aromatase activity, with the participation of which androgens are transformed into estrogens. Men taking 5-AR inhibitors often notice manifestations of gynecomastia (breast enlargement) - a consequence of a lack of DHT.

Dihydrotestosterone in men also regulates the activity of cell division in prostate tissue, so an excess of this hormone often leads to hyperplasia of the gland and its oncological degeneration.

Symptoms and causes of deviations from the norm

The normal level of dihydrotestosterone (reference values) in adult men is 250 - 990 pg/ml. About the fact that the indicator below normal, evidenced by a number of symptoms:

  1. Delayed puberty in adolescents.
  2. Reduction in muscle volume, fat deposition on the hips and abdomen, breast enlargement.
  3. Decreased libido.
  4. Stopping or slowing down the growth of body hair.

The causes of low dihydrotestosterone levels may be primary and secondary hypogonadism– lack of androgens due to congenital or acquired pathologies. Other factors:

  • Taking 5-AR inhibitors. Some have a congenital deficiency of this enzyme;
  • Hypogonadism;
  • Andropause (natural age).

ABOUT elevated level Dihydrotestosterone is indicated by the following signs:

  1. Previous baldness. Excess DHT causes degeneration of hair follicles, as a result of which the hair changes color, becomes thinner, and then falls out. Moreover, the temples and the back of the head hardly suffer; hair loss begins from the forehead and parietal part. The sensitivity of onion cells to dihydrotestosterone is determined genetically and is transmitted through the maternal line (“baldness gene” - Sox21).
  2. Excessively oily facial skin, acne(“hormonal acne”). Increased dihydrotestosterone provokes the sebaceous gland (more precisely, its cells - sebocytes, on the surface of which there are androgen receptors) to intensively produce sebum. As a result, the pores become clogged, thereby creating a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.
  3. Paleness of the skin.

Men who have elevated dihydrotestosterone often have different unreasonable aggressiveness, hot temper, unbalanced character.

Provoking factors for high dihydrotestosterone are:

  • Taking steroid drugs;
  • Morris syndrome (congenital lack of response to androgens);
  • Tumors of the adrenal glands and testicles;
  • Hypergonadism;
  • BPH.

If there are signs indicating an imbalance of dihydrotestosterone, you should contact a urologist, andrologist or general practitioner.


The level of dihydrotestosterone is determined by enzyme immunoassay of venous blood (ELISA). The cost of the study depends on the status of the medical institution and its territorial location. Average the price is 1300 rub. The result of the test for dihydrotestosterone can be found out in 7-9 days.

Indications for diagnostics are:

  1. Suspicion of an adenoma or the need to monitor the condition of the prostate gland during the treatment of hyperplasia.
  2. Alopecia (baldness).
  3. Signs of androgen deficiency or excess.

Rules for preparing for analysis:

  1. 8 hours before blood sampling, you can drink only still water, eating food and other drinks is excluded.
  2. Half an hour before the analysis, you should not overexert yourself emotionally or physically, or smoke.
  3. Avoid alcohol and caffeine-containing drinks one day before.

It is important to tell your doctor if you are taking 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. To ensure the purity of the result, the course of treatment with these drugs can be interrupted.

If dihydrotestosterone deviates from the norm, additional examinations are prescribed: ultrasound of the pelvic organs, prostate, testicles.


Treatment tactics are determined by the diagnostic results, the patient’s age and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

How to lower dihydrotestosterone

To reduce dihydrotestosterone levels it is necessary to suppress the activity of the enzyme that synthesizes it - 5-alpha reductase. For this, 2 types of drugs are used (DHT blockers): based on finasteride and dutasteride.

Finasteride (“Penester” and “Proscar” - tablets containing 5 mg of the active substance, “Propecia” - 1 mg) is a selective enzyme inhibitor (blocks type 2 5-alpha reductase), most effective for prostatic hyperplasia and baldness. When finasteride is used, serum DHT drops by approximately 70%. The therapeutic benefits of lowering dihydrotestosterone levels appear after 3 months of course admission– a noticeable decrease in the volume of the prostate is recorded, the oiliness of the scalp and face is normalized.

Reduces the level of dihydrotestosterone in the blood and prostate tissue. Inhibits the stimulating effect of DHT on the development of prostate adenoma. Price in pharmacies is about 500 rubles

Among the negative consequences of taking finasteride, there is a decrease in the weight of the epididymis, a deterioration in the morphology and motility of sperm, the appearance of depression, and chronic anxiety. If the course is canceled, the symptoms of hyperplasia return after 6-8 months. In the first year of treatment, men may develop impotence and a marked decrease in libido (“post-finasteride syndrome”). After 2-4 years of treatment, this side effect usually subsides, but not always.

Dutasteride (Avodart, Urofil, Alfinal) is a 2nd generation inhibitor that immediately blocks types 1 and 2 of 5-alpha reductase isoenzymes. Dihydrotestosterone levels decrease to a minimum after 1-2 weeks of use. This substance more effective than finasterideSerum dihydrotestosterone levels are reduced by 95%. Preparations based on dutasteride are often used in bodybuilding to neutralize the androgenic side effects of some steroids (alopecia, increased oiliness of the scalp and face, acne). But at the same time, there is also a negative effect in the form of a decrease in overall endurance and muscle mass. Some men are forced to take Viagra due to severe erectile dysfunction. It is also possible to develop gynecomastia due to suppression of the anti-estrogenic protection of dihydrotestosterone. Common side effects from taking both types of blockers are also swelling, itching, hives, and rashes.

In addition to 5-alpha reductase inhibitors to reduce dihydrotestosterone in some cases, antiandrogenic substances are used: flutamide, spironolactone.

As a local therapy Minoxedil, available in the form of a spray or solution, is used to treat baldness.. In extreme cases, hair follicles are transplanted from androgen-independent zones.

To reduce dihydrotestosterone levels in young men, doctors try not to use hormonal drugs so as not to provoke androgen deficiency. Folk remedies and dietary supplements can help reduce the level of active hormone:

  • Stinging nettle;
  • Dwarf palm fruit extract: “Prostaplant”, “Permixon”, “Prostakur”;
  • Vitamin B and zinc also help reduce 5-alpha reductase activity. To enrich the body with these elements, fish, beef liver, legumes, soy, and pumpkin seeds should be included in the diet.

If conservative therapy is ineffective or inappropriate, the prostate gland or adrenal tumors are removed.

Increased dihydrotestosterone

Increase dihydrotestosterone levels with can be achieved by stimulating hormone production or administering exogenous steroids. In the first case, human chorionic gonadotropin, thioctic acid, and antiestrogenic drugs based on clomiphene citrate or tamoxifen are used.

If constant replacement therapy is necessary, exogenous testosterone is prescribed, which can be in the form of injections, tablets, gels, hormonal ointments or transdermal patches. The latest generation drug is Nebido. To maintain normal levels of testosterone (and therefore dihydrotestosterone), 1 injection every 3-4 months is sufficient. Main advantages: no negative effect on the liver, kidneys and prostate gland, no hormonal surges.

Daily use of testosterone patches and gels (“Androgel”) also increases the level of androgens, but these forms are not entirely convenient due to the need for skin preparation, the likelihood of irritation, and the inadmissibility of contact with the skin of other people (when using ointments and gels).

If , then dihydrotestosterone preparations are used (Andractim gel, tablets).


Dihydrotestosterone is the driving force in the male body. Monitoring its level is as important as testosterone. You should not use steroid drugs or 5-alpha reductase inhibitors without a doctor's prescription, since their independent uncontrolled use can lead not only to hormonal imbalances, but also cause serious illness.

Dihydrotestosterone is an extremely important sex hormone in the human body. What role does he play? Why is it needed?

The male body has various hormones that ensure that all systems function properly. Testosterone helps the male reproductive system function, human growth hormone provides energy and supports body functions at the cellular level. Even estrogen has some effect on the male body.

What happens to sex hormones in the male body?

Testosterone is the main hormone that regulates all life activities of the stronger sex. But only 10% of this androgen actually affects the male body. The remaining 90% of testosterone is in the circulatory system in a bound, inactive state. It is bound by a special protein (globulin) synthesized in the liver. Therefore, the capillary walls do not allow testosterone to pass through.

What happens to active (bioactive) testosterone?

Some of this androgen is converted into the hormone dihydrotestosterone. The remaining part in the male body, under the influence of enzymes, becomes the female steroid estradiol. But dihydrotestosterone plays a special role.

After testosterone has completed its mission, it is destroyed in the liver and excreted from the body through urine. This main male hormone “lives” only 60 to 100 minutes.

Sometimes you can hear from men who are losing their hair that their body does not have enough dehydrotestosterone. Let's try to figure it out together, what is it?

What is Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

What role does this steroid play in the male body?

This is the most powerful steroid. It has a strong androgenic effect as one of the leading male hormones at the embryonic and fetal stages of development. The effect of this steroid is many times stronger than the effectiveness of its predecessor testosterone. The largest amount of this androgen is found in the skin of the genital organs and hair follicles. During a person's life, the content of this hormone changes.

Its action is regulated by:

DHT has powerful effects on other organs:

  • hair follicles;
  • skeletal system;
  • muscles.

Why do women need dihydrotestosterone?

This hormone is of great importance for women.

Under its influence occurs:

  • development of the mammary glands, hair on the body and in the pubic area in girls during puberty;
  • determining the age at which a girl begins puberty.

Thus, dihydrotestosterone promotes proper puberty in the female body.

How does an abnormal increase in the level of this steroid affect the male body?

  1. Since androgen receptors in tissues have a very strong connection with dihydrotestosterone, prostate hyperplasia develops. Happening fast. This threatens the development of malignant lesions of the prostate gland.
  2. There is an active process of baldness of the head or excessive growth of hair on the body of men and women. This process is called androgenetic alopecia. A completely healthy person begins to lose hair and develop a bald spot. Most often, sex hormones are to blame.
  3. Acne appears. Acne is often associated with elevated levels of this steroid.

If a man notices the onset of baldness or acne, he should know that this is one of the early signs of an abnormality. Therefore, he needs to go to a medical specialist to determine the level of DHT.

Once a man reaches the age of over 70, dihydrotestosterone no longer plays any real role in his body. Gradually the level of this androgen becomes very low.

But sometimes a situation arises when the male body begins to produce dihydrotestosterone again at a faster pace. This leads to hair loss as nutrients cannot reach the hair follicles and the hair slowly begins to weaken and die.

The longer a man waits to solve the problem of regulating the level of this male hormone associated with hair loss, the more likely it is that dihydrotestosterone will become his constant problem.

What happens in a woman's body if she has too much of this androgen?

This leads to the following abnormalities in women:

  • the clitoris may become enlarged (clitoromegaly);
  • rapid growth of male body hair (hirsutism);
  • cessation of menstruation (amenorrhea)
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • hair loss;
  • infertility;
  • increase in the number of pimples (acne).

In teenage girls, elevated levels of this androgen cause:

  • absence of menstruation;
  • the appearance of a rough voice;
  • formation of a male skeleton.

What is the effect of insufficient amounts of this male hormone in men?

As a result of insufficient testosterone synthesis (for example, in the case of hypogonadism), there is a reduced formation of this essential androgen. Low levels of this important steroid in men can have dramatic consequences.

The consequence may be a violation of the sexual development of boys:

  • testicular feminization syndrome, which is characterized by tissue insensitivity to testosterone;
  • lack of hair on the face and body, characteristic of a man;
  • reduction in the size of the testicles and penis;
  • reduction in muscle mass.

In mature men - erectile dysfunction, decreased sexual desire, impotence.

How is dihydrotestosterone controlled?

The amount of this male androgen depends on the amount of testosterone. The higher the testosterone level, the more it is converted into dihydrotestosterone.

Therefore, normalization of the level of this male hormone in the body is achieved by monitoring the production of testosterone, which is under the control of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

In what cases is treatment with this hormone prescribed?

  1. It is prescribed to women when its level is insufficient.
  2. Men who have low libido, impotence.
  3. During the treatment of a benign prostate tumor.
  4. For athletes to increase athletic performance, adapt the body to intense training and build muscle mass.

The role of the hormone dihydrotestosterone in the body of men and women is great. A person always needs dihydrotestosterone. Even in the womb, its effect on the body begins. It lasts almost your entire life. But a person reacts very sensitively to abnormal levels of this androgen in the body.

Both increased and decreased levels of this steroid are harmful.

In case of pathological processes associated with this hormone, it is necessary to contact specialized doctors.

, produced in the male body every day, is converted into a special form of the hormone - dihydrotestosterone. It is believed that this hormone determines male sexual behavior. In women, dihydrotestosterone has been little studied, but it is assumed to influence the development of the body and hair growth in the pubic area.

Dihydrotestosterone is much stronger than testosterone and many of the hormonal effects in the body occur only after the activation of this form of the sex hormone.

Photo 1. Dihydrotestosterone is the hormone responsible for sexual desire. Source: Flickr (sage corson).

What is dihydrotestosterone in men

Dihydrotestosterone(DHT or 5α-dihydrotestosterone) is the active form of testosterone– the main male sex hormone. Included in the general group of steroid hormones produced by the male gonads, called "".

Dihydrotestosterone binds more strongly than testosterone to androgen receptors in tissues (3-5 times), which causes a more pronounced hormonal effect.

The level of dihydrotestosterone depends on the level of testosterone. The higher the amount of male hormone, the higher the levels of the male androgen dihydrotestosterone.

This is interesting! Some researchers suggest that testosterone be considered a prohormone: inactive, which does not independently have a significant effect on the growth and development of a man.

Role in the body

DHT is involved in sexual differentiation during embryogenesis and puberty:

  • Promotes the development of the penis and scrotum.
  • Responsible for hair growth on the face, body and pubic area and sebum production.
  • Takes part in the development of libido.
  • Development of seminal vesicles.
  • It is an estrogen antagonist.

Comparative characteristics of the main clinical effects of forms of sex hormones:

It is widely believed that DHT is a "bad" hormone; such a judgment is based on the high role of dihydrotestosterone in some diseases:

  • Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the prostate.
  • Increased risk of developing prostate cancer.
  • Androgenetic alopecia (baldness).
  • Acne and seborrhea.
  • Hirsutism (male pattern hair growth in women).

This effect is due to a very strong connection with all androgen receptors of dihydrotestosterone, the most powerful steroid.

Photo 2. Testosterone, like sweets, is good in moderation. Its excess can cause the development of diseases. Source: Flickr (Zoya Naskova).

Mechanism of conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone

The amount of dihydrotestosterone is directly proportional to the total level of testosterone in the male body.

The primary center for regulating hormone levels is the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. When the level of testosterone in the blood (and therefore dihydrotestosterone) decreases, GnRH is produced in the hypothalamus, which is sent to the pituitary gland and activates the production of luteinizing hormone (LH).

LH enters the Leydig cells located in the testicles and stimulates testosterone production.

The resulting testosterone is converted into its active form - dihydrotestosterone. This process is carried out under the influence of 5α-reductase: the covalent bond is removed with the addition of a pair of hydrogen atoms.

5-alpha reductase is found almost everywhere: in the prostate gland, in the liver, in the scalp, in the skin. This arrangement principle is due to the high need of these areas for the androgenic effects of the male sex hormone.

What indicator is considered normal?

DHT levels from the age of puberty (16 years) differ between women and men:

  • Men: 250-990 picograms/milliliter (pg/ml).
  • Women: 24-450 pg/ml.

Hormone levels in childhood are somewhat lower and also depend on the gender of the child.

Note! Values ​​may vary slightly among different laboratories performing the analysis!

Diagnostics and analysis for dihydrotestosterone

Hormone levels are determined by conventional venous blood sampling. Indications for the study may be:

  • BPH (prostate adenoma) and monitoring the effectiveness of therapy.
  • Alopecia (both men and women).
  • Congenital deficiency of 5-alpha reductase.
  • Menstrual cycle disorders in women.
  • Skin rashes (seborrhea, acne).

How to prepare

No special preparation is required, only the following recommendations must be followed:

  • Blood is donated on an empty stomach.
  • Necessary avoid physical activity and emotional stress one day before the test.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol the night before; You should not smoke an hour before taking the test.

How is the analysis carried out?

Analysis blood taken from a vein; Then the sample is sent to the laboratory for detailed study. results research will be ready within 5-7 days.

The effect of dihydrotestosterone on baldness

The exact cause of hair loss is not certain, however it is assumed that DHT is the main factor leading to baldness(moreover, a decrease in vegetation is observed only on the scalp; hair growth on the face and body remains at the same level).

Baldness in men occurs when hair follicles gradually miniaturize (shrink).

It is assumed that dihydrotestosterone attaches to the androgen receptors of the follicles, thereby leading to miniaturization the latter (the exact mechanism of this process is unknown).

Similar conclusions were made based on a scientific study: follicles were selected from areas of baldness and studied for DHT content; the hormone level was above normal values.

How to normalize hormone levels

Treatment and interpretation of study results is carried out on an individual basis doctor; The prescribed therapy depends on clinical signs and laboratory tests.

Reduced DHT levels

Reduced DHT numbers may indicate the following conditions:

  • Genetic disorders(5-alpha reductase deficiency).
  • Hypogonadism.
  • Delayed sexual development.

Treatment consists of hormone replacement therapy; The dosage of drugs is selected individually.

Increased DHT levels

A high DHT reading may mean:

  • Testicular neoplasms(or adrenal glands).
  • Hypergonadism.
  • Morris syndrome(testicular feminization).

Treatment is aimed at reducing DHT formation; This is achieved by using 5-alpha reductase inhibitors:

  • Avodart: one capsule per day. Usually used in the treatment of prostate adenoma.
  • Proscar: one tablet orally for six months. It is used both in cases of prostate hyperplasia and baldness.

Antiandrogens of steroidal and non-steroidal nature can also be used: spironolactone, flutamide, cyproterone acetate.

In some cases, the solution to the problem can be achieved surgically (for example, removal of prostate adenoma).

Author Oleg Dobrolyubov

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Dihydrotestosterone in women , like any other hormones, plays an important role in the body. Dihydrotestosterone is the most powerful androgen, which is essential for the growth of a woman’s bones and hair, the formation of her libido and the regulation of the sebaceous glands. Level dihydrotestosterone in blood women should not exceed the permissible limits or be less than the norm, otherwise serious malfunctions occur in the functioning of all body systems.

Dihydrotestosterone and the female body

To understand the role dihydrosterone in a woman’s body, it is necessary to understand what it is and how it is formed.

Dihydrotestosterone is a male hormone that, along with female hormones, predominates in the blood. Androgen, that is, the male hormone, is released adrenal cortex and partly ovaries. It is formed from testosterone (male sex hormone) with the participation of a special enzyme, a protein compound - 5-alpha reductase .

Dihydrotestosterone It has a stronger effect than testosterone and is very important for the female body.

  • participates in the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the regulation of sweating;
  • responsible for the growth of hair, muscle and bone tissue of a woman;
  • regulates female libido;
  • is an integral part of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism in the body.

Norm of dihydrotestosterone in women and men

To determine any abnormalities in the production of dihydrotestosterone in the body of a woman or man, experts use standard indicators. The concentration of dihydrosterone in the female body is determined using a clinical blood test, then the indicators are compared with standard values.

Table of norms for dihydrotestosterone in men and women by age:

Age, yearsNorm for women, pg/mlNorm for men, pg/ml
To 105-25 5-50
10-12 24-450 5-50
13-18 24-450 250-700
18-50 24-450 250-990
Over 5010-181 250-700

In women of reproductive age, the norm for dihydrotestosterone is considered to be a figure that is within 24-250 pg/ml , however, during the postmenopausal period this figure is slightly reduced. The peak activity of dihydrotestosterone in the body occurs precisely during the teenage transition period, when puberty occurs. At this stage, the level of dihydrotestosterone in the blood is extremely important, since this androgen is responsible for the harmonious development of the body.

Elevated levels of dihydrotestosterone

The balance of male and female hormones is responsible for the normal functioning of the genital organs and all body systems. If hormone level dihydrotestosterone in the body of a woman or girl elevated , then many systems fail. For example, in adolescence, girls show the first signs of an increase in dihydrotestosterone in the body:

These factors are not a deviation from the norm, however, if the cycle does not recover after two years, then this may be a signal increased dihydrotestosterone.

Hormonal disruptions of dihydrotestosterone often occur in adulthood.

U Women with elevated dihydrotestosterone experience the following symptoms:

Important!The occurrence of one of these symptoms may not indicate an increased level of dihydrotestosterone in the blood, but they are one of the reasons to consult a doctor.

In men The main signs of elevated dihydrotestosterone are hair loss and aggressive behavior as a result of the development of prostate adenoma or infertility. As for the female body, then The reasons for the increase in dihydrotestosterone in the blood indicate the presence of the following pathologies:

  • androgenic adrenal tumor;
  • metabolic disorders in a woman’s body;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • infertility;
  • diabetes;
  • congenital or acquired pathological changes in the hypothalamus (division of the diencephalon, is responsible for the functioning of many systems in the body, including the control of the adrenal glands).

Reduced dihydrotestosterone levels

It also happens that the hormone dihydrotestosterone is poorly produced in women, its level is much lower than normal.

Dihydrotestosterone levels decrease for several reasons:

  • androgen deficiency;
  • Morris syndrome (congenital disorders of sexual development).
  • diabetes.

Decrease in testosterone levels and dihydrotestosterone can be determined by external signs. For example, in men with a decrease in dihydrotestosterone, hair loss begins, a decrease in muscle mass, disproportionate development of body parts and female-type obesity.

As for women, low levels of dihydrotestosterone are manifested by the following factors:

  • libido decreases significantly;
  • insomnia, fatigue;
  • dry skin.

Important!Only a specialist will be able to determine the true cause of the manifestation of such signs by examining the results of an analysis to determine the level of dihydrotestosterone in a woman’s blood. Perhaps the imbalance of dihydrosterone will not be confirmed.

Preparing for the test

If you consult a doctor with the symptoms described, he will most likely refer you for a test. analysis on determination of the level of dihydrotestosterone in the blood.

In order for the analysis of dihydrotestosterone levels to show the most accurate results, you need to properly prepare for it:

  1. Analysis of dihydrotestosterone levels in women is best done on an empty stomach. If you can’t do without food, then a person is allowed to drink tea or still water. Dinner on the eve of the study should be light, low-fat and low-calorie.
  2. Three days before the test for the level of dihydrotestosterone in the blood, you must stop drinking alcohol, smoking and taking strong medications.
  3. Avoid stressful situations.
  4. The analysis may give incorrect results if the patient had an ultrasound, x-ray, MRI or massage the day before.
  5. Be sure to inform your specialist about taking medications, the course of which you do not have the right to interrupt.

When to give it to women Is the analysis most successful if they are of reproductive age? When examining the level of dihydrotestosterone in the blood, one should take into account what day of the cycle for a woman it falls on this day.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure 2-4 days after the start of menstruation. Since the level of hormones associated with reproductive function may vary depending on the phases of the menstrual cycle.

Therapeutic measures

Any hormonal imbalance in a woman requires a systemic treatments that will reduce or increase dihydrotestosterone level. However, there are also non-pathological reasons high or low dihydrotestosterone levels in a woman.

In this case, to eliminate these problems, it takes time (adolescence) and regular consultation with a doctor who will monitor the manifestation of external signs of changes in dihydrotestosterone and will be able to begin timely treatment in case of prolonged imbalance.

Dysfunction of dihydrotestosterone is observed during pregnancy , menopause and taking certain medications Goserelin, Danazol, Phenytoin and other medications.The doctor selects medications individually for each patient and depending on the cause of dihydrotestosterone dysfunction in the female body.

Dihydrotestosterone and hair loss are interconnected, since the production of a protein compound depends on the functioning of the hair follicles. Therefore, a woman’s hair begins to thin and fall out. How to downgrade In this case, the level of dihydrotestosterone? To reduce androgen in women, special medications are prescribed - blockers 5-alpha reductase .

The most common drugs that reduce the level of dihydrotestosterone in the female body are:

Reduce The production of dihydrotestosterone is greatly helped by phytoestrogens (phytohormones that are produced in plants): dwarf palm fruits, red clover, soybeans, alfalfa, mint, chamomile, sage.

Nettle, as one of the types of phytoestrogens, has beneficial action to reduce dihydrotestosterone levels in women. Oral contraceptives are also effective in normalizing the balance of DHT in a woman’s body: Yarina, Janine, Diane-35 .

Important!Medicines that reduce dihydrotestosterone levels in a woman have a short-term effect, that is, while they are taken.

With polycystic disease, if a woman plans pregnancy , the observing doctor may prescribe the patient ovulation stimulants - solutions for intramuscular use (Puregon, Menogon) or pills Klostilbegit.

If a woman’s dihydrotestosterone level increases due to the insensitivity of tissue receptors to glucose, then it will be enough to follow a low-carbohydrate diet to lose excess weight. Over time, the hormonal balance will gradually be restored without the use of medications and the level of dihydrotestosterone production will return to normal.

With low testosterone, the doctor usually prescribes hormonal medications that will help replenish the woman’s body reserves.

In some cases, pathologies are incurable, in which case the level of dihydrotestosterone must be constantly monitored with medications.


Many women try to treat hair loss with folk remedies, vitamins and various cosmetic procedures, unaware of the serious problems with the production of dihydrosterone. However, symptomatic treatment does not provide long-term results.

Only an endocrinologist can diagnose and provide qualified assistance for hormonal imbalance of dihydrotestosterone in women. Do not self-medicate and do not neglect your health!