Chipping of animals is one of the methods of computer modeling in animal husbandry.

The usual mark on the body of a cow or other animal is an integral part of strict zootechnical accounting on farms. The need for marking individuals of cattle (cattle) appeared at the very early stages of the development of animal husbandry. Then its goal was one thing - to provide recognition on the principle of "friend or foe". Over time, the label became more informational, which required from it not only uniqueness, but also protection against forgery, manufacturability in use.

Tagging in modern animal husbandry

Tagging on modern farms is a mandatory and main event in the framework of zootechnical accounting. An individual number for a calf, piglet and other newborn farm animals is assigned immediately after birth. This one of the first measures, along with the assignment of a nickname, is associated with the need:

  • distinguish animals and conduct their inventory;
  • track the health of individuals, keep statistics, for example, by weight, height, feed, milk quantity;
  • encrypt individual data for analysis;
  • register insemination, examination and treatment of animals;
  • plan the consumption of feed;
  • fix genetic properties in individuals during selection.

Marking in large and small farms is carried out by choosing different ways. Each of them has its own nuances, pros and cons.

Traditional hallmarking

It is one of the traditional and ancient ways markings. For example, the ancient nomads burned special sign- a brand, sometimes even in the form of a family coat of arms, on the hips of their horses. It is still common practice to use a hot iron for branding, especially in beef cattle. Farmers, using special tools, cauterize the body of a cow with metal blanks in the form of a set of numbers, forming an individual animal number.

In dairy farming, specialists prefer to use cold branding. The label is obtained as a result of frostbite of a small area of ​​the skin, in which the cellular elements responsible for hair pigments are destroyed. Because of this, the wool grows colorless - white. Labeling is done in this case with the help of liquid nitrogen, into which the metal number is immersed, followed by application to the cow.

An individual code with this method does not appear immediately - after about 2 weeks. This method is quite simple and less painful. You can also cauterize with nitrogen in order to obtain local baldness. This is achieved with severe frostbite.

For adult representatives of cattle, horn branding is used.

Labeling in breeding records

Marking as well as branding are classified as simple marking methods.

Ear tags with a special applicator are in special demand. Region auricle– the upper edge of the animal's ear is pierced with an applicator that automatically secures the tag. The needle is disposable.

Cattle tagging is one of the most popular animal marking methods.

Tags are used single or double - depending on the tasks of zootechnical accounting, different color, sizes and shapes - square, triangular, round.

Ear tags for cattle are now made from thermoplastic polyurethane.

Polyurethane, widely used in the production of ear tags, does not cause allergic reactions and irritation on skin animals.

However, tagging has a significant disadvantage - calves or adults can rip off the decals. Collars and nose rings can also serve as the basis for labels.

Plucking as a method of marking

This method consists in cutting out pieces of skin on the ears in the form of "codes" corresponding to numbers (Ivanov's key). For example, a pluck made on the upper edge of the right ear means the number 1, the left - 10. The number of the animal is obtained by adding the numbers on both ears. Plucking can be done with ordinary scissors or a special tool.

The tweezers can be different in shape - round or oblong. They are made in the area of ​​the ear where the smallest number of blood vessels is observed.

The pluck must be deep, otherwise it will quickly overgrow. The site of this small operation must be treated with iodine. Tagging by plucking is now used less and less. An individual number with this method is difficult to read, in addition, the procedure for applying it for an animal is very painful.

Electronic chips

Chipping technology can be applied to all types of farm animals. The mark on the body of a cow, or rather, in her body, is obtained due to the introduction of a microchip. This method is called the most reliable and modern. It has such advantages:

  • the procedure is completely painless;
  • cannot be lost or faked;
  • retains a unique code throughout the life of an individual.

Labeling during chipping will require a chip - an electronic device with a 15-digit code, an implanter with which it is inserted under the skin (replaceable needle or syringe), as well as a reader (scanner).

Chip recognition can be carried out from a distance of up to 30 cm, the encoded information is transmitted to a computer. According to them, all information about the animal is read, including date of birth, weight, name-nickname.

IN Russian Federation Since 2011, a bill on mandatory chipping of pets has been discussed. This practice has long been used in the US and Europe, where even children are microchipped for safety reasons.

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The founders of the "Electronic Herd", Marat Dusaev and Kamil Israfilov, told MP why to chip cows, as well as what is happening with agriculture and how to increase milk yield.

-- « Electronic herd» Is this a functioning name?

Yes. In addition to the technical director, i.e. me [Kamil Israfilov -- approx. ed.], we have a person who leads the project and talks with politicians, with large companies. If you go there with the name "Unified Register of Animals", then it doesn't work out very well. And with the "Electronic herd" we have something to build on - from " e-government», successful project. We have about the same thing, but with animals.

- What does the company offer?

The technology consists of four things: 1) a chip, 2) a reader for it, 3) a database (software, both for the producer and for the consumer, so that he knows the origin of the meat), 4) legal acts. Legislative framework there is none in the country and we prepare it ourselves. We thought they would help us with this, but so far somehow not very much. But we have a pilot project on the basis of the Ak Bars holding, and now we are learning. We have microchips, scanners, electronic scales as a product. There are whole complexes for sheep breeding. Thanks to these complexes, you can conveniently organize the sale of part of the herd, for example. The buyer will point a finger at the right animals, our complex will help to select them separately from the whole herd, and the microchip numbers will be written in the contracts.

First Person

- Is that already being done?

In the market, by and large, this is not done. And we do, but we go at our own peril and risk. Now the contracts specify some external signs necessary animals - right ear torn three times", "on the left side black spot 5 by 5 cm" and so on. So we are moving into the future. We will eventually have a large area for the sale of livestock, and deception here is easy to stop.

- Tell us about the chip?

We have a conventional T20 microchip, FDX-B format, 2x12 mm, made of biocompatible glass and with an anti-migration coating. In Moscow, we have partners who have a production line, and we take chips from them. We have a quota in the international ICAR system - 2 billion chips with a unique code, and we introduce these chips through a skin procedure. 132.4 GHz readout frequency, which we are not entirely satisfied with. We are now moving towards NFC tags in order to read information from smartphones. And then we will remove scanners from the market, because when working with them, you still have to enter data manually, and with the help of a smartphone this will happen automatically.

Chip and Scanner

- And when will you make NFC tags?

Probably within the next year. Now we are directly involved in software product, by the registry itself.

- Do you write it yourself? I heard about foreign software...

Of course, we write ourselves. Foreign systems functionality is very limited. Look, we are fighting for selection work to be carried out, which we do not have in the village now. This is the trouble. Any action of international programs takes place locally, they think there that there is no Internet in the countryside in Russia, the producers are dense.

-- Is not it?

Not so, we put wi-fi access points, we raise a 3G signal. We are Ubiquiti dealers, we have the ability to build networks in the allowed communication range. It costs 50,000 rubles. So we are bringing the village into the 21st century. We are obliged to do this, because without it we will not be able to implement our product.

- And what is the cost of chipping one cow?

600 rubles per head. It includes everything - chips, scanners. The agricultural producer counts per head, because he receives subsidies per head. And the subscription fee is 9 rubles per head per month.

In addition, chipping should be carried out by specialists. Many people think that they will do it themselves, “what is there? put a chip in your neck. And the neck is a good piece of meat. There was one case in Russia when it was as if the chip got into the meat and as if someone had eaten it, but this is some kind of marketing story. We have a skin procedure. We have a specialist good education and the necessary certificates, which deals with this. Now we are negotiating with the Veterinary Academy on how to make the Department of Education with Unified Register Animals. Specialists from this department will be managers on farms. In 5 years they will not even go to farms where the animals are not microchipped. For management, the main thing is statistics, but even if I know that today my cow gave 18 liters, and yesterday 23, it is important for me to know why. And here the register comes to the rescue - it gives recommendations on caring for animals.

There are detectors, for example, a pregnancy detector (pregnancy) of an animal. The cow is chipped and entered into the database within 48 hours after birth. After 18 months, when she can be inseminated for the first time ...

-- Is there a push notification “time to inseminate cow #0329”?

More precisely, a letter with a plan will come necessary procedures for the next month. The agricultural producer writes that the cow has entered the “hunting mode”. 10 days pass and the system reminds that it is time to inseminate. And he offers a choice of a seed from a breeding farm: “It would be good to inseminate this bull with this seed, whose mother gave 21 tons of milk.” And our cows give 3.5 tons of milk. This is so that there is an understanding in what **** [deeply depressed state] our selection is. In Holland they give 21 tons. And there is no big difference in the climate, all the same they feed the cows with milk-processing raw materials, the food supply is the same.

The system adjusts the ration, says what needs to be transferred to the dead wood, says when to wash and when not to wash. The system will say that it is time for the cow to give birth. When a cow gives birth, she starts asking for the number of the calf. It starts its own story. And after 20 days, it's time to inseminate the cow again. The system will remind you of this.

How long does a chip last?

The chip lives until the animal is slaughtered. There is a place for the final registration of citizens - a mortuary, but there is no place for the final registration of animals. We do not know to which cattle burial ground the cow was taken away, and the dairy direction, for example, cannot be used for meat - it must be disposed of. And then go and understand where the meat of meat-producing animals is in stores. No MORGE.

- Don't people care?

People don't care today. It doesn't matter where the meat comes from. You can stick a “halal” sticker on meat, but where does the confidence come from? How to check? We have introduced two new terms in this industry - "halal" process and "halal process". The halal process is when I know exactly when the calf was born, how and with what I fed it, I chopped it myself. And the “halal” process is what the registry does. We do point assessment of animal care. We see how timely and effectively the farmer took care of the animal and give it a rating. When buying meat in a store, the buyer can find out everything about this piece of meat through a QR code (or an HL code that we are implementing). People of faith will do it. Halal industry needs it.

- And "halal" is how many percent of the market? How much meat is "halal" or pretending to be?

There are no exact statistics, as such, but about 10-15%.

- And what is halal, except for ritual slaughter?

A lot of things, the whole technology of cultivation. For example, a cow that gave birth and gave milk cannot be "halal". Only a "chick" that has never been inseminated can be "halal". And many other nuances.

- And how is the cattle market organized in Tatarstan? Whose cows?

In fact, it turns out that all cows are state-owned. Subsidized.

- And how many farms are there in Tatarstan? Average livestock.

1200 farms, with an average of 500 heads. Total 600,000. There are very small ones of 20-25 heads - peasant farms, peasant farms.

Or maybe they don't need it at all?

Well they're in the market, so they need it. In general, we are acting on the basis of the order of the President of the Russian Federation of March 14, 2012. “By June 1, 2012, prepare a proposal to improve the cow accounting mechanism using modern technologies to determine the reliable number of dairy herds”. That is, we are now creating a mechanism that will say how many cows we have, and from this we will know how much money should be given to the state in order to produce so much milk.

- And now we do not know how many cows we have in the country? If you count all those for whom subsidies are now given?

We don't know. Subsidies are a tricky business.

- Are there "dark", unaccounted for cows?

Their ** *** [significant number]. Percent 15-20%. Here I am, for example, an agricultural producer. There is a program for breeding farms, they are given from 2 to 6 thousand rubles per head of subsidies. The criteria are simple - for 100 heads you must give 80 calves, a cow must give 5,000 liters of milk per year, 2.8 protein, 3.2% fat. But few of which cow will give so much milk. Therefore, part of the herd is taken into the shade. And the milk of "shadow" cows is added to the counted cows. And it turns out a breeding herd, subsidies are obtained.

- Isn't that a crime?

This is a criminal offence. They just can't prove it.

- Then you should receive resistance from the field?

We are getting tremendous resistance. We see that the Ministry of Agriculture and the agricultural producer are, in fact, one person, there are no former ones. They give us a little bit of money so that we continue to do this, but they don’t let us get to the truth, they don’t let us chip cows. Or they say "make sure that Moscow gives money for this and chip it." When an investor comes to us, who will give money to chip all the livestock, then a lot of fun will come up.

- Wait, do the manufacturers themselves have to give you money for chipping?

And the farmer says “give me the money if you want to chip my cows”. Now we are revealing the problems of agriculture in Russia. When we start working with some farm, they begin to understand that we need to know the exact number of their livestock. We worked with one farm for 10 months. At first they had exactly 2800 cows, by the end of the 10th month they had 3200. From month to month, first 2900, 3000, 3100, and then 3200 cows. We asked, “Guys, of course, we are not collective farmers, but programmers, but tell us how you get exactly 2900, and not 2886, 3100, and not 3105. Doesn’t it happen the same?”. That is, they gradually legalized their cows.

You know how good they steal? Cattle are replaced on farms - at the exit, a good bull is taken home, and another one is brought in instead, changing the ear tag. There are scarier schemes when the conspiracy of everyone who works on the farm. Farm workers "reject" a certain number of heads, saying that they, for example, cannot eat. And the director has no time to check. Cattle are culled, taken into the account of wages, which the owner of the farm cannot pay. Then these bulls are taken to the slaughterhouse, where the weight is reduced to 250 kg, although there are 400. Defective cattle are taken at a price of 50 rubles per kilogram, and are sold as a result for 90. A good increase in wages is obtained.

Is it impossible with chipping?

Impossible. But these schemes will fail anyway. Eat large companies, holdings that are interested in production efficiency..

Are they your client?

Yes, our client is an investor in agriculture, a livestock owner. After all, they don’t steal, but they steal from them. But the investor himself is very often a producer. For example, there are large investors, they invest in their production. And everyone thinks that his house is in order. To admit that they are stealing from you is to doubt your team: “It cannot be that Ivanovich steals from me!”

Now we are writing a legislative initiative on the amnesty of illegal livestock. The agricultural producer will not get anything because he deceived the state if he chipped and legalized the cattle. And he will not be able to “hide” the chipped cows back. Our number of goals will increase by at least 15%. There were 20 million, there will be 23 million. It's great news.

- Have you already understood why you need a business incubator?

Communication is probably the most important thing. For example, recently there are some things that should be on the site, and we went to the guys from TaxiNado to consult on the license and tariffs. Someone constantly comes here, we present our project to them. They applaud.

- Tell us about the Online Farm project?

On the basis of the Veterinary Academy, we found a room where 10 calves can be placed. They placed them, inserted chips, installed cameras. Students will supervise animal care. We will have marketing ploy- "Buy meat for New Year". Through the site, you can choose a calf and participate in his life. Ask what they fed him, what injection they gave him. These comments will be saved, it will be possible to read everything about him. You can feed him yourself through the phone, like a Tamagotchi. And then buy it in whole or in part.

What do you end up working for?

We are working on a transparent production cycle for any product using modern process identification technologies, there is 20 point in the WTO rules - electronic identification of animals. In Europe everything is identified. In 1989, a Dutch man, Bam Bayer, invented the chip. We started introducing microchipping 5 years ago, we considered it an innovation. That's how far behind we are. The coolest thing is that by chipping all the cows, we will see in real time how much meat is eaten right now.

Now I am a member of the Public Council for Meat Quality Control under the President of the Republic. We were asked to write an analysis and a legislative initiative. We're doing it now, and I'm sure it will take new composition deputies, just elected. Because it is necessary within the framework of the republic. Many problems will go away. For example, in June anthrax came. Where did she come from? But since the skin was not identified, the state remained extreme.

- What is your optimistic forecast for chipping the entire livestock, say, of the republic?

Optimistic - yesterday. We have already chipped 24,000 cows. We also chipped reindeer, their skin is highly valued in Germany. Now we have 2 months of time to complete the product. We have partner investors from Naberezhnye Chelny, these are individuals who are interested in our product. I like how they promoted it: “We provide old age for our children and a future for our grandchildren. It is very important to know what they are eating here now. What if they feed him some GMO.

All of us in the project are 26-27 years old. We have a goal - to become successful at 30, that is, we see the success of the "Electronic Herd" in 3-4 years. But we have a lot of subprojects. Is the halal industry a project? Project. Holdings, farmers, the Ministry of Agriculture… A synergetic process, we are moving towards the same goal from all fronts.

- By the way, how do you feel about sanctions?

Fabulous. We make a product that no one else does with us. They came to us from Belarus, they said “we want to promote your product”, we are establishing relations with Kazakhstan, even in Spain we have people who are ready to move our project forward ...

- In Spain everything should be all right?

No one offers automation of such a scale as we offer. “If you want to conquer the world, think about the Olympics”, from this position we make a product.

- And what about the fact that the sanctions give rise to some movement in agriculture?

Sancki in agriculture breed sabotage. The price increase that has begun is sabotage. And we, knowing that there are so many cows, so much meat, would know that there cannot be objective reasons to raise prices and cut it down in the bud.

In general, the sanctions have shown that the market does not suffer, in any way. As we had showcases full, they remained. The market is saturated.

“But prices have gone up.

Sabotage. There will be surpluses in the future, which will be good for the consumer.

- And what will happen if your chip is injected into a person right now?

You can do it right now. Into the earlobe. But we only know yours from you unique number. No other data. But if you enter them manually, then we will know when you go to the toilet, what you eat.

How is communication with farmers going?

It's hard going. There is a misunderstanding, at the level of the farmer we are some kind of superprogrammers who implement incomprehensible things.

-- Maybe they need a successful case?

There is one. You can promote them - the company "Maxoil", Pestrechinsky district. They are restoring an old farm on the farm. This is the only company today that fully complies with our recommendations. For 3 months they increased milk yield by 5% in the herd. They have already paid for the implementation of our technology at least three times. They spent 116 thousand rubles on equipment and implementation, and the extra 5% of milk from one cow (this is 150 liters multiplied by 300 cows and 12 rubles per liter) gives 540,000 rubles of revenue per year.

- Well, tell this case to everyone else.

They will tell each other. We don't go in a hurry.

Using a GPS beacon to observe animals has been around for a long time. References to this method of controlling the movements of cattle have been appearing from time to time for more than five years. news feeds. And while skeptics are perplexed, advanced farmers are already fully enjoying the benefits of technological progress.

Which devices are suitable for livestock

The cow runs away from the pasture different reasons: Frightened by a stranger, other animals or annoying insects, looking for better grass or better weather. And even if there is a shepherd nearby, it is not always possible to quickly find an animal lost in the forest or fields. Meanwhile, livestock today is easily protected from being lost using satellite tracking technology.

Since not everyone has yet managed to appreciate the merits of GPS for horses or cows, devices for them are still in short supply. However, you are in luck: the GdeMoi service offers two variants of GPS beacons for cattle at once: X-Pet #3 and X-Pet #4. Before you apply, let's figure out how these beacons differ and how to choose the right one.

If cattle graze nearby

In the case when a cow or horse grazes near a shallow body of water and returns to the stall at night, a tracker will suffice. This compact device weighs only 110 grams. The cow navigator is easily attached with a harness and runs on 2 batteries. Depending on the selected mode, the operating time without recharging ranges from two days to one year.

If the cattle goes far and for a long time

In long-distance grazing conditions, when cattle roam in search of fresh grass for weeks, or even months, and can wander into unfamiliar terrain, a GPS shepherd model is better suited. This beacon is more massive - 260 grams, but it not only works much longer (from 40 hours to 1.5 years, depending on the selected mode), but is also completely protected from dust and water. This is especially important, for example, in the steppe area.

GPS beacon for large animals X-Pet 4

The lighthouse will also come in handy if the cow ran away not of its own accord, but was stolen. Large cattle it costs much more than a tracker for it, and besides, it is not necessary to supply all cows from the herd with beacons. It is enough to put GPS on the leader cow to monitor the movements of the entire herd at once.

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