Higher education abroad. Foreign educational systems and their features

Every year, higher education abroad becomes more popular and much more accessible for our compatriots. Russians who have graduated from foreign universities, as a rule, easily find their niche in the international labor market and successfully move through career ladder. Higher education Abroad - in America, Europe, Canada, Australia or even China - this, of course, is also an opportunity to perfectly study the foreign language in which training is conducted, and most often more than one. We must not forget that foreign universities often have a much more developed educational, material and scientific base than domestic ones. And the centuries-tested, refined teaching system provides fundamental knowledge and the opportunity to use it as effectively as possible.

22 countries for higher education of your choice!

Higher education programs

Higher education system: from general to private

Higher education based on classical European system, has a similar structure in different countries. The first stage - obtaining a bachelor's degree - takes 3-4 years. After another 2 years of study at the university, students receive a master's degree. Postgraduate study lasts 2-3 years and is a stage research work and writing a dissertation, upon completion of which a doctorate degree (PhD) is awarded.

No less attractive for our compatriots is a second higher education abroad, which is often easier to obtain than the first, as well as additional postgraduate education, for example, MBA programs. Among foreign universities teaching these programs, the undisputed leader remains American universities, which are the founders of the top management education system.

Higher education in different countries has a number of national characteristics. Thus, in Germany and France, after 2-3 years of a bachelor’s program, you can receive a professional diploma of a licentiate (Licentiate), which allows you to teach without having an academic degree.

In France, along with the pan-European standard of education, there is a system of so-called “short” and “long” university cycles, at the end of which a diploma of higher technical education and a diploma of higher specialized education (Master 2) are issued, respectively.

Every Spanish university own rules training, the level of qualifications assigned to graduates and the number of steps.

Postgraduate studies abroad may also have national specifics. In Germany, after defending a diploma project or dissertation, graduates are awarded a master's degree (Magister Artium). Then students who have had teaching practice can take qualifying exams and immediately receive a Doctorate degree. In other countries, there is no “shortened” graduate school and training lasts 2-3 years.

In order to be able to objectively evaluate the knowledge of students acquired at different universities and different countries, a pan-European system for transferring and accumulating credits, ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), was introduced. ECTS simplifies academic recognition when transferring from one university to another or when taking individual master's courses at several different universities.

To study abroad

In universities of each individual country, in addition to the variety of academic courses, programs and disciplines, there are a number of characteristic rules and requirements for applicants. The procedures for accepting documents, interviews, passing exams (where they are provided), and making decisions on admission to a university are very individual and depend both on the traditions of the education system of a particular country and on the academic results of the applicant himself.

One of the universal requirements is a sufficient level of proficiency in the language in which teaching is conducted. Therefore, it is logical to start a student career abroad with language courses and preparation for passing the international exams TOEFL, IELTS, etc.

Since school education in Russia is 2-3 years shorter than in the West, entering a foreign university in the year of graduation is often problematic for our graduates. The solution is to complete 1-2 courses at a domestic university or preparatory courses at a chosen university abroad.

Thus, to enter a British university, you must have an A-level diploma or complete the Foundation training program. And in Germany, for example, there are special one-year preparatory colleges Studienkolleg. During this year, future students significantly improve their language level and pass the necessary qualifying exams.

Despite the fact that entrance exams are most often not held in European universities, some prestigious universities in England and higher schools France, for example, can arrange exams and interviews. And for admission to all creative universities, applicants will definitely need a portfolio.

Tuition fees can vary greatly depending on the country chosen and the specific university (public or private). But, in some cases, foreign students studying for a master's degree abroad can apply for scholarships and grants from the state, the government of their country, or various foundations.

Education abroad has always been perceived not only as a sign of quality and prestige, but also as a thoughtful investment in future life. Education received abroad becomes a starting point platform for career growth, besides, is an excellent way to broaden your horizons, gain invaluable experience and skills, the opportunity to become a full-fledged member of the world community.

Foreign education is necessary primarily for those who connect their future work with one of the foreign countries. A document confirming graduation from a university in Europe or America will be necessary for a person wishing to receive workplace in the Russian representative office of an American or European company. The knowledge acquired at a foreign educational institution will help climb the career ladder. In the end, a significant number of Russians prefer to educate their children abroad with the aim of subsequently transferring the family business into their hands.

The field of study must be chosen in accordance with the wishes, inclinations, abilities and interests of the person entering the university. Of course, there are certain features with this approach that cannot be ignored. For example, for a future physicist or mathematician, Russian language philologist, there is no need to attend a foreign university. But it will be very useful for studying the laws of doing business, financial management, features of the international market and management. In such areas of knowledge, a foreign diploma still means much more than a Russian one, and therefore, to achieve serious goals, you need to study in the West. The same applies to those who want to receive a music education or, for example, study at professional level epic of Ancient Germany. Very a respectful reason for studying in another country - getting to know its customs, the way of life of people, their way of life and morals.

Peculiarities preschool education abroad there are two: teaching children foreign languages ​​and their physical development. In conversations between parents, the question of when to start studying foreign languages takes almost the main place.

According to Glen Doman, who is the director of the Institute for the Development of Human Potential, located in America (Philadelphia), highest speed Human brain development occurs before the age of three. But modern system education provides for the beginning of the learning process after the end of this period. And all the knowledge that can be acquired before the age of six the first time is studied for several years in a row. Therefore, it is best to learn languages ​​before school.

The founder of Sony Corporation, engineer, businessman Masaru Ibuka, who created innovative methods of child development and wrote the book “After Three It’s Too Late,” also confirms this point of view. According to him, the program of teaching children exclusively after the age of three is very often discussed. However, at this time human brain is already almost 80% developed, and it is worth thinking about focusing on learning specifically before the age of three.

As proven modern science, language learning develops the human brain in preschool age. A child who grows up in a bilingual environment is much better able to learn the world compared to a child who knows only one language.

But preschool education abroad is characterized by more than one positive feature. The developed countries of Europe do not create unified system preschool education, so the child can be sent to the kindergarten whose curriculum contains exactly the material that can interest the child himself.

For children, for example, who love to draw, you can choose a kindergarten with an artistic focus (of course, this includes not only drawing, but also music, dancing, and any other activity). Then after graduation kindergarten The abilities of such children will develop even more, taking into account the proficiency in reading and writing. Such a system of preschool education abroad is when children do what is close to them, and not what is required state program– contributes to a person’s professional development.

When people talk about secondary education abroad, associations arise with small Alpine boarding schools in Switzerland and closed schools in the UK. These countries actually maintain the highest level of education standards, they formed the basis of the classical system of education in schools and, even more, the stability of life and economy in the developed countries of Europe. Education in elite schools gives their graduates a path to the best higher education institutions, which is why the classical education program in Europe has become world famous.

Graduates of American high schools receive a similarly high level of secondary education. Secondary education in Europe is considered classical, while in America an updated education standard is used. Thanks to him, children study a serious academic level program using game techniques. Innovative educational methods are not only a game approach, but also other various options for studying the material. The American certificate of secondary education, just like the European one, provides the opportunity to enter Ivy League universities, the most prestigious universities in the world.

Secondary education abroad provides a universal opportunity for every child to realize their potential. American and European schools are constantly developing and improving their curricula, base educational materials to survive in conditions high level competition and maintain your prestige. Natural Sciences are studied in specialized rooms, research is carried out in laboratories, the use modern technologies is studied in classrooms with multimedia equipment. Therefore, all conditions are provided for the development of students and the development of their potential. Children gain confidence in their abilities, independence, learn to navigate scientific and technical issues, and study business. During their training, they try themselves in various fields activities, and by the end of school they are more confident in choosing highly paid professional direction and faculty at the university.

The fact that children are far from their parents is of great importance for their studies. If in our country parents are afraid to let their child go, then abroad, being in a boarding school quickly accustoms the child to independence.

Foreign education makes it possible to maintain the ability to be independent both while studying at school and at a university; it teaches you to set and achieve goals, despite the difficulties. It is precisely such people who achieve success, reaching the top in the field of economics and politics.

Any person can achieve this by studying abroad, where they will learn how to manage time, effort and money wisely. Many people have built successful careers, become respected managers, talented managers, sought-after engineers, having graduated from private schools, studied abroad and received a European-style certificate.

Foreign education provides students from Russia with broad prospects: from internships and getting a job abroad, mastering modern professions, mastering foreign languages. Along with a document confirming graduation from a foreign university, you gain invaluable experience of studying, communicating and living in a multinational environment, the benefits of which will be felt all the years of your life.

Higher education abroad is divided into two levels: students first become bachelors, then masters. A bachelor's degree corresponds to full higher education in Russian universities; the duration of study is three to four years. The master's degree ends after receiving a diploma and gives practical use acquired theoretical knowledge in the chosen field. An analogy can be drawn with Russian medical universities, where there is residency and internship. To obtain a master's degree, you need to study for another one or two years.

Getting higher education abroad is not like getting it in Russia. There, students have a large choice, but must have a high degree of self-organization. Almost all Russian students find it difficult to study at foreign universities, but they also note great interest in the process itself. As stated above, basic education ends with a bachelor's degree. The main thing is what is different foreign university from Russian - this is the study of the chosen profession from the very beginning of training. There is no general courses political science and other “logy”, but along with the required core subjects, you can choose several electives - those that are of interest to the student.

In the master's program, professional centralization of education is maintained, but there is a choice of narrow specialization with the study of relevant subjects, real situations, and the creation of individual projects. The approach to learning is focused primarily on practical implementation, and as a result, students gain skills that will be useful to them in future work, and projects defended upon release receive the value of full-fledged work experience.

In general, studying abroad, higher education in particular, takes much more into account the preferences of the students themselves, has applied significance, and is focused on the use of independent work.

Foreign education ends with obtaining a diploma with any professional orientation. You can also receive additional business education abroad, which consists of an internship or advanced training. There are also MBA education- This educational opportunities for future business leaders.

Cost of higher education abroad

What price should you pay to study at a foreign university? It is almost impossible to briefly answer such a question. This is explained by many reasons, including the state, prices at the university itself, features curriculum and the duration of education itself.

Each country pursues its own political line in matters of higher education. Some of them leave the possibility of either cheap or practically free education for their citizens, and receive the main income from students from other countries. Others are more democratic in their relationships and there are no differences in tuition prices. It happens that a bachelor's degree is cheaper, and a master's degree is more expensive. Other countries may take different approaches. But pricing has no direct relation to its quality.

For example, in the most expensive university, in Spain, the price of education for its own citizens reaches 18 thousand dollars, and the level according to the QS rating is 375. The University of Barcelona, ​​which occupies 176th place in this ranking, charges up to 4 thousand dollars from foreign students (from their own - up to 2). The same famous Harvard, Cambridge and Oxford are not at all considered the most expensive universities in the UK and America.

What difficulties may arise for a student who decides to get a foreign education?

Of course, the advantages of education abroad are very attractive, but there are also disadvantages, or rather, some complications. The main thing is that you need to have excellent command of the language in which studies are conducted at the university. If your language level is insufficient (when English language learning or any other, did not give results) you can do the appropriate language courses in the same country - they will also play the role of the first foreign school. Another difficulty lies in the difficulties of adapting to living conditions in another country, starting from the peculiarities of communication and ending with studying the location of stores. Another difficulty is finding money to pay for education. Of course, everything is simpler when wealthy parents can pay for the entire course, but if there are no such parents, there is no reason to refuse to receive a foreign education. In fact, as a rule, the price of studying at a foreign university does not exceed the cost of education in a Russian one. There is a large list of programs that you can use get education abroad free of charge, there are grants and organizations that provide educational opportunities for talented students. If you define a clear goal for yourself and strive to achieve it, then all difficulties are completely surmountable.

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Higher education in many countries is paid, and therefore not accessible to everyone. However, there are countries with high educational ratings whose universities are completely free or very inexpensive.


Students from all over the world come to Norway for higher education of high European quality. A huge plus is the fact that higher education in this magnificent Scandinavian country is completely free, not only for its own citizens, but also for foreigners. The country's educational system is entirely financed from the state budget.

Norway has eight universities, twenty public and sixteen private colleges. The most popular universities are the University of Oslo in the capital, the University of Bergen and Stavanger.

The University of Oslo is ranked among the top 100 universities in the world and is home to several world-famous scientists. Five graduates of this educational institution were awarded Nobel Prize, and for 42 years its presentation took place within the walls of the University of Oslo.

However, it is worth noting that the cost of living in Norway is very high. Students spend on average about 1000-1500 euros per month on living expenses, including apartment rent, food, clothing, health insurance, transportation costs and other costs.


Sweden is a little cheaper than Norway, not much, but still every penny is important for students. However, unlike Norway, only citizens of the European Union and the European Economic Area study for free in Sweden. For other foreign students, paid education has been practiced since 2010. However, Sweden is famous for its scholarships, which cover the cost of courses and often pay the amount necessary for living.

Although free tuition was abolished seven years ago, many universities offer cheaper programs or tuition fees for some courses, as well as full scholarships for outstanding students.

The universities of Lund, Uppsala, Stockholm and Halmstad are relatively easy to get into and are famous high quality education. Uppsala University, for example, was founded in 1477 and is famous for its scientific laboratory.


The third Scandinavian country ready to provide free education citizens of the European Union, the European Economic Area, as well as those living in Denmark on the basis of certain types of visas. Residents of the European region have the same rights as the Danes to receive education at the most prestigious universities and courses.

The universities of Copenhagen and the Technical University, as well as the Bohr Institute for Theoretical Physics, enjoy an excellent reputation around the world.

If you do not fall into the category of students subsidized by the Danish budget, obtaining a higher education in this country may cost you a lot. The cost of training ranges from five to twenty thousand euros per year.

In addition, the cost of living in Denmark, like the aforementioned Scandinavian countries, is very expensive. If you are saving and ready to eat custard noodles, the average student will spend from 700 to 1200 euros per month.


If you still intend to go to study in northern Europe, then it is best and cheapest to choose Finland. Education in this country is completely free for everyone, with the exception of some courses taught exclusively in English language.

To obtain a residence permit in Finland, it is enough to provide documents from the university and proof that you can spend 560 euros per month on living expenses. It is worth noting that this amount is underestimated and does not reflect the actual cost of living in the country. Depending on the chosen place of study, you can spend from 700 to 1000 euros per month.

In addition to excellent universities, studying in Finland is attractive because it is not limited by the standard study time: you can complete the program in four years, in two, or in seven years. Students are allowed to work up to 25 hours a week, but in order to find a job, you will have to learn Finnish, which, by the way, is one of the most difficult European languages. In addition, students of Finnish educational institutions receive significant discounts on vehicles, books and even movie tickets.


If you're looking for something warmer than Scandinavia and more exotic than Europe, then Brazil is the place for you. This country is famous for its beaches, carnivals and love of football, so it is not surprising that few people know about free higher education at Brazilian universities. Public universities do not require anything from students other than registration fees at the beginning of their studies.

However, not everything is as simple as it seems. Study in Brazil is in Portuguese and students need to provide results official test for knowledge of the language. In addition, there is a struggle for every place at the university, and you will have to show your knowledge in the entrance exam. Once you are accepted into a Brazilian university, all scholarships and programs are available to you.


France is one of the most popular destinations for students not only because of the Sorbonne and Paris-Tek. Of course, studying at one of France's grandes écoles, or elite schools, is expensive, but studying at regular universities and colleges is free.

In addition to the fact that most universities charge a modest registration fee of 200-300 euros at the beginning of their studies, regardless of the nationality of the students, France is a unique cultural place where, for centuries, students from all over the world decided how the science and culture of the future would develop.

If you still prefer to study at the Sorbonne or other grandes écoles, prepare to part with a small fortune, since tuition at these world-famous elite schools costs between five and fifteen thousand euros per year.


If you prefer small and quiet cities to large cities, Luxembourg will be the perfect place. Few people live here, almost half of whom come from abroad. Luxembourg is a truly international place, so it's no surprise that the tiny state doesn't discriminate between insiders and outsiders when it comes to higher education.

Luxembourg has only one university, but it ranks second in the world in terms of the number of international connections. Each student pays a small amount per year for administrative costs. In the first year these costs are 400 euros, and in subsequent years of study they are halved.


You can get a quality education in Germany in both major cities, such as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Frankfurt, as well as in small towns with a rich history, such as Marburg, Nuremberg and Heidelberg.

The reputation of German higher education is supported by a huge number of successful specialists, and, which is especially attractive for promising students, education in Germany is free. Students pay an administrative fee, which includes student union fees.

In addition, living in Germany is relatively inexpensive, considering what students receive great amount discounts You can fully provide yourself with everything you need for 700-800 euros per month.

Getting a higher education in Europe is a real dream for many young people. And all because a European diploma is prestigious and opens up great prospects for future life. All educational institutions Europe has its own history and solid status, plus they are all located close to Russia. All that remains is to make a choice in favor of a country.

Getting a higher education in Europe is not only prestige and prospects, but also excellent training colloquial speech language of the selected country. If you have a greater inclination and desire to learn from German, then it is better to focus on Austria, Germany or Switzerland. The learning processes there take place in two languages ​​– German and English.

Facade of the central building National University in Zurich

Preferring a more English-speaking environment, better or the Czech Republic. In the latter, Russian is also used in the learning process.

Many people believe that you can choose any country and university, most importantly, in Europe. But this is a wrong opinion, because each educational institution and state has its own subtleties. And without knowing them you can be very disappointed.

Free higher education in Europe

Many people think that it is impossible to get a free higher education in Europe, but this is not true. In many EU countries in 2019, it is possible to enroll in public universities without paying a lot of money. The cost of training in them is fixed, but it ranges from 400 to 2000 euros per one academic year and goes to cover the educational expenses of the future student.

Comparison of tuition fees in different European countries Oh

Since such government agencies do not earn anything from foreign students, there is no need for them to advertise on the Internet or translate the rules for admission of foreigners for such a nominal fee. Therefore, you will have to look for information either yourself, using a translator, or with the help of agencies.

Free public education you can receive it in the language of the country where you want to go to study. There are also options for studying in English, but in this case the cost of studying can be $3,000 for one academic year, which is still much less than the amounts offered by private universities.

If you are planning to study in the EU after receiving higher education in Russia, then there are 2 options:

Some of the cheapest and available options get . There are also interesting options in the Czech Republic and.

Spain is making free public education less accessible to foreigners every year, although in 2019 there are still interesting options for enrolling in local universities in this country.

When asking for help from agencies that provide services for selecting an educational institution, you should check whether they have a representative office in the countries they offer, their location, whether assistance and support is provided locally, and the level of qualifications of the employees.

Exterior view of the University of Hamburg in Germany

Let's look at several of the most popular European countries in order to have an idea of ​​their features and subtleties for Russian applicants.


Russians and citizens of the CIS in this state have many chances to enter a university without passing entrance exams based on 11 grades. In Austrian educational institutions no prior knowledge of languages ​​is required. The cost of a semester for Russian students is 760 euros. Many people want to, but for this it is advisable to know German.

Austrian higher education institutions have long been recognized throughout the world, ranking high places in international rankings. In Austria a large number of musical institutions represented by academies, universities and conservatories.


Nowadays, German universities are very in demand and popular for young people from all over the world. And all because they perfectly combine old traditions with modern scientific achievements.

Taking a class on Faculty of Medicine at the University of Leipzig

The strongest educational institutions in Germany are technical, philological and medical University. And the diploma obtained there opens the door to employment in many parts of the world.

Facade of the building of the State University of Geneva

When entering universities in Switzerland, Russians are subject to inflated requirements - they must study at a Russian educational institution for at least two years, it must be a full-time course. An exam is passed, after which the question of admission is still open. Attention is drawn to the characteristics of the student. The decision is made by the selection committee.


Summer school building in Holland

On this moment about ¾ of all Dutch schools are private and public with a religious orientation. And also cultural and economic, with a heavy teaching load and requirements for students.

There are no kindergartens in Holland; children are sent to school at the age of 3-4, where they study until they are 12 years old. Then you should choose whether it will be a public school, a gymnasium or an atheneum. That is, it turns out that in the state children go through two stages of education:

  1. The first one is considered primary education, lasting 8 years.
  2. The second begins at the age of 12. The main goal of this stage is to prepare for further studies at a university.

But there is a certain choice, more precisely, two - preparation for university or training in a profession.

Utrecht University building in the Netherlands

This applies to those who are not very diligent in their studies. primary school and does not plan to study further in the future, then the second option is chosen.

I recently decided to get a second education, but not in Russia. Knowing about the quality education that my peers receive in Europe and America, I also wanted to follow their example. If you believe the statistics, 10% of Russian students annually go to study and conquer the USA, Canada, Czech Republic, England, China and other countries. Question free training abroad is still relevant today.

In which countries can a Russian student study for free?

First of all, I decided to decide in which country it would be easier for me to live, where education would cost me less.

Please note that you can study for free only in state universities. They provide free education to foreigners.

In other organizations, training is paid.

Many people call training “free” in quotes. The reason is that you must provide for themselves , you will have to spend money not only on food, but also on the library, gym and other services of the educational institution. Everything is paid annual contribution . In addition, if you yourself are entering a university not under a funding program, then you will need to transfer to your bank account sum of money , which would be enough for accommodation and food during the entire period of study .

Since I work and can support myself, I did not pay attention to the “free” education. While studying in Russia, we also spend on accommodation and food. Moreover, considerable sums are spent on rent, and if I live in a student dormitory , then my expenses will be much reduced.

So, I will list the foreign countries where you can get a free education and with what entrance requirements:

Note that educational institutions in the Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, China and other countries provide the opportunity to receive free education for Russian students.

But education at universities is not conducted in English, but only in native language of this country, for example, Czech, Chinese, etc.

Despite this, they are admitted to universities without exams, after school and after completing the first year of a Russian institute.

Basic requirements for applicants for foreigners

Each university and country has its own requirements, however, they are almost the same.

Foreign applicants can enroll in universities, taking into account the following requirements:

Documents required for studying abroad

The standard package of documents includes:

Each document submitted to the commission plays a big role.

If you do not submit any document, you may be denied admission.

5 ways to study abroad for free

There are several methods for obtaining free foreign education. All forms directly connected with free assistance . It can be provided to students by an educational institution, the state, a private entrepreneur, or a representative of a public foundation.

I will list 5 ways of such training:

  • Grants or so-called social help students , which is intended for educational expenses, implementation of a professional project, training in summer schools, courses, etc. The grant is issued as a one-time incentive. You can receive it again.
  • Scholarship . When receiving a scholarship that can cover the cost of all or part of your studies, a motivation letter plays a huge role. The scholarship can be awarded for achievements in volunteer, sports, creative, academic, or other talents. The scholarship can be issued by the university itself or by the Russian state.
  • Research Fellowship . This method of obtaining an education is intended for those who have graduated from a higher education institution and plan to enroll in a master's program for further research activities. Such a scholarship can be issued by the state, representatives of private or public foundations.
  • Assistant . Intended for those who wish to enroll in doctoral studies. In addition to teaching, you will work as an assistant professor. His responsibilities include teaching introductory courses in your specialty, participating in research projects that your department implements. Such financial support can be provided by both the state and the institution itself.
  • Global Education Program . A program was developed so that a student studying abroad at the expense of the Russian Federation budget, after graduating from a university in a master's, postgraduate, or doctoral program, would return to Russia and work at the enterprise for 3 years. This is a great opportunity to get a free education and have a job upon completion.

So, as you understand, get free education abroad is possible . The main thing is to have a desire. When choosing an educational institution, I rely on entrance exams and requirements.

If you are also planning to study abroad, then my advice is: think through everything down to the smallest detail, how you will finance your studies, how much money you will need for accommodation, food and other expenses, what exact documents should be sent to the university upon admission.