What did Jesus say about blasphemous thoughts? Sinful thoughts and the fight against them

Prodigal thoughts

If you obey the thoughts that draw you into the world and bring you pleasure from carnal pleasures, then what is crazier than that? Be sure that you will not receive consolation for a short time, but you will always find torment and torment of conscience; when you resist, then with the help of God the enemy will run away from you (St. Macarius).

When you happen to fall through the accumulation and captivity of thoughts into mental darkness and captivity, then, without becoming rigid, fall to the Lord with repentance, humility and contrition of heart, and do not give in to despair, which is even worse than passion itself. Look for guilt, where did this come from that you suffered so much? And the guilt is: pride, opinion about oneself, humiliation and condemnation of others, sweet eating, excessive rest, association with the opposite sex, and try to avoid all of this as much as possible, and even more so try to humble yourself, for, according to the word of the Holy Climacus : where there is a fall, pride preceded it (Degree 23). Do not become rigid in revelation, and this leads to humility, exposing yourself to others; Do you remember when you hid the fact that you were hurt? (Venerable Macarius).

Do not betray your autocracy to the first thoughts of excuses, which, when added to them, kindle sweetness in the body (St. Macarius).

From thoughts that you don’t like and, according to at least, which you try to get rid of, you will not die. Just repent and humble yourself. And God will forgive you. What does the enemy draw for you? worldly life and marriage is his usual business. Both in ancient times and in modern times fornication and imaginary worldly peace are the very first weapons of the devil against monks. But when you get carried away by them and then repent, God will not make you sin (Venerable Anatoly).

The remedies for lustful thoughts are: humility, self-reproach, abstinence, and most of all - love for your neighbors - for the weak, infirm, sick, sisters captive to passions (Venerable Anatoly).

The most severe battles of thought: fornication, despondency. We must humble ourselves. Humility attracts God's help. The corrupting effect of lustful thoughts from enjoying them - the grace of God recedes for a long time, which can be attracted again only by sincere repentance and abstinence from these thoughts (Venerable Nikon).

Passionate waves and<бури>through thoughts and sleepy dreams they overwhelm your soul, and in them you find yourself guilty of negligence, laziness and other things. It is fair that you give guilt, but in all your attempts, always bring repentance to God with a contrite heart and constant self-reproach, and God will not allow the enemy to dominate your heart, only you yourself, as much as possible, resist passionate thoughts, do not allow them to the heart, but resort to God through prayer and awareness of your weakness.<Хорошо и>have no conversations about passionate matters other than revelation<духовной>mother, which would be very useful for you, but I see that you will stiffen in front of her with shame, and this is a form of pride (Venerable Leo).

You mention that sometimes you are overcome by lustful thoughts and the love of money; not having such thoughts at all is characteristic only of angelic nature, and not of human nature. For us, if and when something happens and we crawl, we immediately run with repentance, and reproach ourselves to the Heavenly Doctor; The man-loving Lord not only forgives our countless falls into sin, but also accepts those who truly repent as sons. For this reason, He, who came to earth, began to call sinners first, so that none of us would despair of our salvation (Rev. . A lion).

Humble yourself before those younger than you, live a temperate life, do not eat to the point of satiety, for this multiplies your thoughts. If you hold yourself very boldly and freely, then you will not escape the fierce carnal struggle (St. Joseph).

One should not understand passionate and sinful thoughts, but use the spiritual sword against them. I’m telling you and V., but thinking about passionate thoughts and analyzing them only strengthens them. May the Lord protect everyone from addiction. You must confess your thoughts with heartfelt contrition, with awareness of your sinfulness, with repentance, and you must also listen to confession with prayer, then there will be no harm. And there is no need to make unnecessary conversations or detailed explanations (Venerable Joseph).

This means that the evil one is deceiving you and flattering you. When there are times of lustful thoughts, place bows according to your strength. And without war, not a single soul entered heaven. The winners get married (Venerable Anatoly).

Use the spiritual sword against unclean thoughts—the name of God. Repentance must be brought to the Lord; One should not hide it from one’s spiritual father. The declared scabs will soon be healed (St. Joseph).

Suicidal thoughts

Your brothers Vladimir and Vasily and sister Vera are free-thinking people. - I feel sorry for them. But what to do? Pray for them more diligently with this prayer: “Organize, O Lord, for my brothers and sister (names) something useful and saving according to Your Holy will.” — Your sister Vera, who is prone to suicide, could greatly benefit from a sincere and humble confession to her spiritual father of her errors (Venerable Joseph).

Blasphemous thoughts

I am very sorry for your embarrassment, which comes from the enemy. You consider yourself such a sinner that there is no such thing, not understanding that the enemy is attacking you with blasphemous thoughts, putting his inappropriate and inexplicable words into your thoughts, and you think that they come from you, but you, on the contrary, do not you have them, but you are horrified, grieved and embarrassed, while they are not yours at all, but the enemy’s; you don’t have the slightest participation in them, and you shouldn’t even impute them to sin, but you need to be calm, not paying any attention to them and imputing them to nothing, they will disappear. And when you are embarrassed about this, grieve and despair, this consoles the enemy and he rebels against you even more with it. Don’t consider them a sin at all, and you will calm down; What need do you have to grieve for the sins of the enemy, he even blasphemed the Lord in heaven... But this is what guilt and sin on your part: you think a lot about yourself, are carried away by pride, despise others, condemn them and the like, and care little about this, That’s why this scourge is being unleashed on you, so that you humble yourself and consider yourself the last one of all, but don’t be embarrassed, for embarrassment is the fruit of pride. Stop judging, don’t think too much about yourself, don’t despise others, then blasphemous thoughts will go away (St. Macarius).

The Holy Fathers generally consider blasphemous thoughts not ours, but the enemy’s excuses, and when we do not agree with them, but also grieve that they creep into our minds, then this is a sign of our innocence in them. There is no need to be embarrassed that they are coming. For if a person is embarrassed, then the enemy will rise up against him, and when he does not heed them, imputes them to nothing and does not consider them a sin, then his thoughts disappear. Saint Demetrius of Rostov clearly writes about this in “Spiritual Medicine.” But although these thoughts are not a sin, they are found with God’s permission from the enemy for our exaltation, for our opinion about ourselves or about our corrections and for the condemnation of our neighbors. When a person, having recognized his sins, humbles himself and does not condemn others, but brings repentance for this, he receives liberation from them... (Venerable Macarius).

There is no sin for you in blasphemous thoughts, they are not yours, but the enemy’s, this is proven by the fact that you do not want them, but you also grieve when they creep into your mind. The enemy, when he sees that you are embarrassed by his suggestion, rejoices at this and attacks you more... That there is no sin in them, everyone knows, but they expose our sin of pride, which we do not recognize as a sin, and this one is very close to us. If we do something well, no matter what, we are consoled by it and, at the instigation of the enemy, we are deceived into having something good, and although like a poppy seed it increases, it increases, but we must always remember the word of the Lord: “and you, when fulfill everything commanded to you, say: we are worthless slaves” (Luke 17:10), and our whole life should be imbued with humility and repentance. Humility crushes all the snares and machinations of the enemy (St. Macarius).

Try not to accept blasphemous thoughts and do not believe them, and the Lord will forgive you. When thoughts come to you, do not accept them or reflect them, much less adjure them and do not contradict them - this is not your measure! And run to the Lord with prayer and humility. Fornication and fear are allowed for our pride. Reproach yourself and try not to look at the tempter - and temptation will pass (Venerable Anatoly).

And when blasphemous thoughts confuse you, don’t fight them, but simply despise them, that is, don’t pay attention to them: they are not our thoughts, but the devil’s, and therefore we will not answer for them. And we, monks, love God, for for the sake of the Lord we left the world. And it is the devil who will bring blasphemies, not us (Rev. Anatoly).

And if bad thoughts creep in, don’t be embarrassed. They even go after old women. Yes, since they know that God does not punish for repentant thoughts, they are not afraid of them (Rev. Anatoly).

Doubts, just like lustful thoughts and blasphemies, must be despised and ignored. Despise them - and the enemy the devil will not stand it, he will leave you, for he is proud and will not tolerate contempt. And if you enter into conversations with them, because all lustful thoughts, blasphemies and doubts are not yours, then he will throw you down, overwhelm you, and kill you. Believer, loving God, cannot blaspheme, but nevertheless notices two threads in himself: he loves and he blasphemes. It is obvious that there is still some evil force that casts doubts. Notice that this is the seraphim mind. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that it can arouse and raise doubts, and what kind of doubts too! Don't pay any attention to them. How many sincere believers were there who suffered greatly because they accepted these doubts, considered them, reasoned... Therefore, you must despise these doubts, and blasphemies, and prodigal thoughts, then they will not harm you at all, especially if you open them to the elder -mentor. But they should not be opened in detail, otherwise you may harm both yourself and the elder. Especially to cover up lustful thoughts, you need to cover this stinking hole with a canopy, and not dig into it (Venerable Barsanuphius).

You were frightened by the thought that whispered to you that you would be a saint: what’s terrible about that, but it’s even very good. And then we would begin to honor you. But just know that real saints, who accomplished all the virtues, considered themselves in the depths of their hearts to be the worst of all, worse than creatures, worse than demons. And you and I have not yet begun good deeds. And there is nothing to be afraid of. This is the work of the devil - a blasphemous thought. Just don’t accept it, that is, don’t linger in it and don’t get carried away by it, but there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, we know that you’re not a saint yet (Venerable Anatoly).

Do not be embarrassed by blasphemous thoughts, but try to despise them. God will not punish them for them, they are from the devil (Rev. Anatoly).

Blasphemous thoughts multiply and strengthen from pride and condemnation of others. Therefore, beware of both, and blasphemous thoughts will fade away. Despise them as much as barking puppies, because they are not yours, but the enemy blasphemes, and you will not answer to God for them (Rev. Anatoly).

Especially do not be disturbed by blasphemous thoughts, which clearly arise from the envy of the enemy. On the part of a person, the reason for them is either a proud self-opinion or condemnation of others. Therefore, in the invasion of blasphemous thoughts, first of all, reproach yourself for judging others and proud opinions, for the present or the past, without worrying at all that we hear the unspeakable blasphemies of the enemy. And at the right time, sometimes pronounce against them the words of Saint John of the Climacus: “Follow me, Satan! I will worship the Lord my God and serve Him alone, and let your illness and this word turn on your head, and let your blasphemy rise on top of you in this and in the future” (Venerable Ambrose).

It is necessary for you at this time to keep in mind and firmly remember the advice of Isaac the Syrian; he writes in the 56th Word: “when a person, caring about inner cleansing, by the grace of God approaches the first degree of spiritual intelligence, that is, the understanding of the creature, then the enemy, out of envy, strongly arms himself with blasphemous thoughts against him. And you... may you not be without weapons in this country, lest you soon die from those who seduce you and deceive you. Let your weapons be tears and frequent fasting. And be careful not to read heretical dogmas; This is something that is weaponizing against you, as it is the greatest spirit of blasphemy. When you have satisfied your belly, may you not be satisfied with the experience of divine things and understandings, may you not repent. In the womb there is a filling of the mind with the mysteries of God.” Heeding these words of this great father, try to have strong abstinence in food and drink and a contrite and humble heart before everyone, in order to gain saving crying for past and present sins and thereby preserve yourself harmlessly in your present temptation from spirit of blasphemy. Know that the enemy, if he cannot harm someone, then out of his malice tries at least to confuse him, to annoy him with various thoughts and evil suggestions (St. Ambrose).

You cannot recognize yourself as more sinful and worse than others. This feeling is clearly proud, from which blasphemous thoughts and blasphemous verbs are born and strengthened, as Saint Climacus testifies, saying: “the root of blasphemy is pride.” If you want to humble yourself, then always remember the word of one saint, who says that the most correct life of a Christian man is like only a font, and the commandments of God are like an immeasurable sea, as the psalmist said to the Lord: “Your commandment is very wide” (Ps. 118, 96). If you compare the great sea with a small tub of water, then there will be nothing for the ascendant to ascend with. The Apostle does not say in vain: “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace” (cf. Rom. 3:23-24). To humble yourself, take for help the words of St. Gregory of Sinai, written in the 115th chapter, and repeat them to yourself often. Know that apart from humility and tears, it is impossible to get rid of blasphemy (St. Ambrose).

And blasphemous thoughts know what they fight for: first, for exaltation, second, for condemnation. Humble yourself, do not think about yourself that you are better than others, do not despise anyone, but reproach yourself for sins and attempts, then blasphemous thoughts will subside. However, in any case, do not be embarrassed - the Holy Fathers do not consider involuntary blasphemous thoughts a sin, and their causes are a sin (Venerable Ambrose).

Know that blasphemy inspired by the enemy against someone is completely sinful, harmful, and offensive to repeat (Venerable Ambrose).

Do not be embarrassed by blasphemous thoughts, but only reproach yourself at this time for the proud disposition of your soul and for condemning others. The first without the last are not imputed to sin (St. Ambrose).

If blasphemous thoughts come and condemn others, then reproach yourself for pride and do not pay any attention to them (Venerable Ambrose).


If you are considered proud for your solitude, rejoice. If they interfere with your prayer, do not be discouraged, but humble yourself (Venerable Anatoliy).

For God’s sake, I went to the monastery, to endure everything for the Lord’s sake, for the sake of the Bridegroom Jesus, who laid down His life for us and died a dishonorable death on the cross. So He is preparing His glory for you through sorrows and reproaches. And you will be with Him forever: I assured you, and I assure you with the true word. Not my sinful word, but the word of His, the Lord Jesus: “Where I am, there will My servant also be” (John 12:26). “If only we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified with Him” (Rom. 8:17) (Rev. Anatoly).

God's permission

What tempts you is that, perhaps, due to the machinations of the enemy, Mother Abbess does not force the lamp to light in front of the relics. The Apostle Paul was taller than the Mother Superior, and even he writes about himself: “we wanted to come to you once and twice, but Satan prevented us” (1 Thess. 2:18). Therefore, do not be surprised at anything, but consider it God’s permission. And don’t be offended by anything, but rather follow the advice of the holy Climacus, who writes this: if you want to have anger and resentment, then have them not against people, but against the demons who tempt people. Also, give up inappropriate jealousy, why this or that is not done in order, as you think, but better... pay attention to yourself, and doing this will be enough for you, according to what has been said: everyone will be glorified or disgraced by his own deeds (Venerable Ambrose ).

Blasphemous THOUGHTS

We should not be embarrassed by blasphemous thoughts, they are not from us, but from the enemy

I am very sorry for your embarrassment, which is coming from the enemy. You consider yourself such a sinner that there is no one like you, not understanding that the enemy is fighting you with blasphemous thoughts, putting into your thoughts inappropriate and inexplicable words; and you think that they come from you, but you, on the contrary, do not have them, but you are horrified, grieved and embarrassed, while they are not yours at all, but the enemy; there is not the slightest part of your participation in them, and you should not even impute them to sin, but you must be calm, not paying the least attention to them and imputing them to nothing; they will disappear. And when you are embarrassed about this, grieve and despair, this consoles the enemy and he rebels against you even more with it. Don’t consider them a sin at all, and you will calm down; what need do you have to grieve for the sins of the enemy; he even blasphemed the Lord in heaven... But this is the guilt and sin on your part: you think a lot about yourself, are carried away by pride, despise others, condemn them and the like, and you care little about this, and that’s why this scourge is unleashed on you So that you humble yourself and consider yourself the last one of all, but do not be embarrassed, for embarrassment is the fruit of pride. Stop judging, don’t think too much about yourself, don’t despise others, then blasphemous thoughts will go away (VI, 154, 252-253).

The Holy Fathers generally consider blasphemous thoughts not ours, but the enemy’s excuses, and when we do not agree with them, but also grieve that they creep into our minds, then this is a sign of our innocence in them. There is no need to be embarrassed that they are coming. For if a person is embarrassed, then the enemy will rise up against him, and when he does not heed them, imputes them to nothing and does not consider them a sin, then his thoughts disappear. St. clearly writes about this. Dimitri Rostovsky in “Spiritual Medicine”.

But these thoughts, although they are not a sin, are found with God’s permission from the enemy for our exaltation, for our opinion about ourselves or about our corrections and for the condemnation of our neighbors. When a person, having recognized his sins, humbles himself and does not condemn others, but brings repentance for this, he receives liberation from them... In St. Isaac the Syrian in the 79th Word, among other types of allowances, as a punishment for pride, there is this: “blasphemy against the name of God.” In the book's foreword Reverend Neil Sorsky... it is written like this: “there is no servility and unreasonableness, and not exactly not having in itself a single feeling, lower than the one gift from those foretold (i.e., those written above in that superposition), but lower than those who know when such: they were jealous of fasting and the labors of the saints, not with good reason and proposal, imputing this, like virtue, pass away. The devil, crouching like a catching dog, plunges into their womb the seed of a joyful opinion, from which the inner Pharisee will be nurtured; and thus, increasing day by day, betrays such to perfect pride, and for its sake the regions of Satan are allowed from God” (II, 112, 165-166).

There is no sin for you in blasphemous thoughts; they are not yours, but the enemy’s; this is proven by the fact that you don’t want them, but you also grieve when they come to your mind. The enemy, when he sees that you are embarrassed by his suggestion, rejoices at this and attacks you more... That there is no sin in them, everyone knows, but they expose our sin of pride, which we do not recognize as a sin, but it is very close to us. If we do something well, no matter what, we are consoled by it and, at the instigation of the enemy, we are deceived into having something good; and although according to the poppy seed it increases, it increases; and we must always remember the word of the Lord: even if you do all that is commanded, say, “We are unworthy servants” (Luke 17:10), and our whole life should be imbued with humility and repentance. Humility crushes all the snares and machinations of the enemy (V, 575, 774-775).

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Blasphemous THOUGHTS One should not be embarrassed by blasphemous thoughts, they are not from us, but from the enemy. I am very sorry for your embarrassment, which comes from the enemy. You consider yourself such a sinner that there is no one like you, not understanding that the enemy is fighting you with blasphemous thoughts, putting them into your thoughts.

The spirit of blasphemy torments you. Not only do blasphemous thoughts occur and amaze, but words are heard in the ears. The demon... produces them. He does this in order to confuse you and deprive you of the courage to pray. And what he means is, would you agree to some kind of blasphemy, in order to plunge you into the sin of blasphemy, and then into despair. The first thing to do against this demon is... do not be embarrassed and do not at all think that these are your thoughts, but directly attribute them to the demon. Then, against thoughts and words - thinking and speaking is disgusting. He inspires evil about the saint, and you say: you are lying, you sly; This is how he is... So against everything - and keep talking until they move away. Conclude this way: be damned, blasphemer, and let the words of blasphemy be directed at your head! Turn to the Lord with this prayer: I open my soul before You, Lord! You see that I do not want such thoughts and do not favor them. The enemy is in control. Get him away from me!

Regarding blasphemous thoughts, one must regret and repent before the Lord; but don’t lose heart and don’t think that this will cause harm. Just because you don’t want such thoughts and turn away from them, God is not angry with you. The thoughts are not from you, but the enemy does.

When the Assyrians under the walls of Jerusalem shouted to the Jerusalemites standing on the walls, uttering blasphemous words against God and trying to shake them in their faith in God and in loyalty to the king, then the pious Hezekiah did not order his people to answer, but he himself went to the temple and prayed. This is what Christians should do when their thoughts are overwhelmed. Don’t answer, don’t listen, go deep into your heart, call on the name of the Lord Jesus, protect yourself with the sign of the cross, externally and internally.

Turn to the Lord with the following prayer: “I open my soul before You, Lord! You see that I do not want such thoughts and do not favor them. The enemy is in control. Drive him away from me!”

The spirit of blasphemy lurks; but don’t think that he will leave you so soon. Accustomed to finding access to you, he will keep approaching you, to see if he can somehow confuse you even more. Everyone experiences this. That’s why they write that in the fight against the enemy you should never lay down your arms, but always be ready to resist him.

You think that they come from you, but you, on the contrary, do not have them, but you are horrified, grieved and embarrassed, while they are not yours at all, but the enemy; you don’t have the slightest participation in them, and you shouldn’t even impute them to sin, but you need to be calm, not paying any attention to them and imputing them to nothing, they will disappear. And when you are embarrassed about this, grieve and despair, this consoles the enemy and he rebels against you even more with it.

No one should think that he is guilty of blasphemous thoughts; for the Lord is a knower of the heart and knows that such words are not ours, but those of our enemies.

Despising him, and regarding the thoughts he puts in as nothing, we will say to him: follow me, Satan: I will worship the Lord my God and serve Him alone; but your illness and your words will turn on your head, and your blasphemy will descend on your head in this present age and in the future.

Let us stop judging and condemning our neighbor, and we will not be afraid of blasphemous thoughts; for the cause and root of the second is the first.

And when blasphemous thoughts confuse you, don’t fight them, but simply despise them, that is, don’t pay attention to them: they are not our thoughts, but the devil’s, and therefore we will not answer for them.

Blasphemous thoughts multiply and strengthen from pride and condemnation of others. Therefore, beware of both, and blasphemous thoughts will fade away.

If blasphemous thoughts come and condemn others, then reproach yourself for pride and do not pay any attention to them.

Eva, Ekaterinburg

How to deal with blasphemous people obsessive thoughts?

Hello! My name is Eva, I am 16 years old, and I have a problem that I cannot solve on my own. The point is that it's already enough for a long time I struggle with blasphemous thoughts that appear out of nowhere, especially at times when I am upset or angry. They instill in me disbelief, they say that God is unjust, and that I should abandon Him and even insult... Sometimes they instill in me words of curse and say that I already agree with them and have accepted them, although I diligently reject them, I try not to pay attention , replacing them good thoughts and prayers. I studied a lot related to this problem, understood how to fight, saw the light ahead, but... suddenly I began to catch myself thinking that when I want to do something ordinary and everyday, something stops me and says that Because of what I'm about to do, something very bad will happen. For example, I want to go online, or take something from the refrigerator, and at that moment I hear in my head: “If you do this, something terrible will happen to God, the Virgin Mary or other Saints.” These thoughts say that evil will come out and begin to rampage, and no one will be able to stop it... And all this because I will do an ordinary everyday activity! Moreover, this thought appears somehow abruptly, so that I almost jump out of fear and doubt, what to do: obey them and constantly abstain, or just live and not pay attention to them? After the next occurrence of such a thought, I decided to abstain from all my activities, went to the temple, asked God to give me a sign if it was He, so that I would definitely understand that it was He. Throughout the day I prayed and asked the Lord to enlighten me. But I didn’t notice any special messages either that day or the next. Everything was normal and calm, the sun was shining, the sky was clear, and I decided not to listen to suggestions. Having done the same thing as with blasphemous thoughts (that is, starting to ignore), I developed a feeling of fear and shame. Thoughts say: “You chose temporary pleasure for yourself, and this was a sign from God, or a warning that you should leave this activity, and thereby prevent a catastrophe! It was special task for you, and you failed it, and now everything is very bad.” I told my parents everything, they tried to calm me down. I went to church for confession and communion, I pray every morning and evening. But the feeling of shame and fear haunts me. I understand that God is stronger than any evil, and that I, an ordinary girl, cannot in any way have a bad influence on God or the Saints. What's on everything God's will, and that He protects us people. And who am I? Nobody gave me any power. Sometimes it seems to me that this was God’s Will, that he decided to test me, what would I choose - His or my desires. But God could not say such terrible things! He will not harm himself, the Mother of God... Why would he let everything go because of me, just to show me my sins and shortcomings? It’s just my pride that thinks I’m worthy of conversations with God and such tests... Have I driven myself into a trap? Help me please! I can’t study anymore, I don’t have the strength to do anything, my thoughts are tormenting me, I can’t sleep. Am I to blame and should be punished, or did I make the right decision to ignore and just live and believe?... Sometimes the desire to live disappears. I constantly go over my actions and thoughts in my head, I feel guilty, I remember all the pros and cons, but I don’t come to anything and I spoil the nerves of those around me. Resolve my doubts! I really hope for your answer. Good for you!

Good health, Eva. Very nice end to your question. And good luck to you too!

What you are describing is very similar to an internal battle, an internal spiritual war between man and the devil through thoughts. The first stage of the struggle is precisely through thoughts, then, when the ascetics defeated the thoughts instilled by the enemy - thoughts, then the demons themselves entered into battle with them. This threatens us, who live in the world - not in monasticism. Our task is to learn to repel enemy mental attacks. What you have already read on this topic is already good. As I understand it, when you began to resist the blasphemous thoughts, they changed tactics and began to attack you from the other side. There is nothing surprising. Your words " Moreover, this thought appears so abruptly that I almost jump out of fear and doubt"seems very similar to me
the description given by the Holy Fathers:

There is nothing more fleeting in bodies, nothing faster and more instantaneous in spirits - than how this thought, with one subtle reminder - both timeless and unspeakable, and for others even unknown - suddenly reveals its presence in the soul, without preliminary conversation and association with it. (Philokalia, Rev. John Climacus).

I think I can give you the following advice: try to read and understand the issues of the truth of baptism. Through baptism a person enters the church, the birth of a new person takes place, not the old one, living according to passions and lusts. Baptism can be compared to the foundation of the building of all spiritual life and, ultimately, salvation. So, if baptism is not performed in three immersions, but in some other way, then it is not baptism (the basis is the 50th Apostolic Canon). Those denominations that have not preserved correct baptism (accepted since apostolic times) have also lost the Holy Spirit. Read the rules, it describes similar cases there. So, if you do not have the correct baptism and you do not belong to a church that has preserved all this, then we can say that you are trying to build the building of your salvation, your protection from these thoughts, on sand without a foundation. Everyone understands that such a building will certainly collapse and fall apart.

There is one more reason to find out how you were baptized. According to Christian teaching, Satan resides in a person’s heart before baptism. For example, you were baptized by sprinkling, that is, sprinkled, you think that you are baptized, but in fact you are not, and Satan remains completely calm inside you, and you cannot drive him out of there by any human means. After baptism, Satan is cast out of the heart, and all his attacks are no longer made from within, but from without. Naturally, it is easier to defend yourself when attacked from outside. And not like that strong blows. Here is my advice: find out how you were baptized, look for a church that has preserved correct baptism. Participate in the sacraments of repentance and communion, church and home prayer- correct, not changed, and, of course, read the Holy Scriptures. There is no way without him. Patience. Remember, the one who walks will master the road. Don't be discouraged.

Dear reader!

This material is collected from Patristic literature, which is freely available on the Internet, both separately (in excerpts) and in whole. e-books, the volumes of which are very large for the modern reader, who, as a rule, is accustomed to grasping only the superficial essence. The author of this project has systematized and selected the material as much as possible, highlighting the most important things, focusing on his point of view.

Creator of this project does not claim authorship of the presented materials and strongly recommends that interested readers purchase printed form full versions Patristic works. The sources used are listed in a special section of our website “Recommended Literature and Sources”; in addition, we accompanied each book with a short review, useful for all concerned readers.

About blasphemous thoughts

Blasphemous thoughts.... When bad pictures about Christ come to mind, Mother of God, Saints, about something Divine Saint or even about a spiritual father. There is never any need to retell these thoughts. All these blasphemies and sins are not ours - they come from the devil. Therefore, these sins must be confessed in general phrases, without explanation or detail.

Kind indifference is useful for a very sensitive person who is tormented by various thoughts.

When I am sad, I have blasphemous thoughts.

What happens: seeing you sad, the demon takes advantage of this and gives you sinful thoughts. If you take it the first time, then next time it will screw you up even more, and you will not have the strength to resist it. Therefore, one should never be in a state of sadness, instead it is better to engage in spiritual things. Spiritual activities help to come out of sadness.

If you are tormented by thoughts, they are from the evil one

Be peaceful and don't listen to them. You are an impressionable and sensitive person. The devil takes advantage of your sensitivity and instills in you the habit of giving undue attention to certain thoughts. He glues your mind to them, and you suffer in vain. He torments reverent and very sensitive people with blasphemous thoughts. He exaggerates their fall so that there will be sorrow. Dejection - melancholy - suicide. Often blasphemous thoughts come from the envy of the evil one.

But a person himself can give rise to such thoughts. If sad thoughts are not associated with excessive sensitivity, then they come from pride, condemnation, etc.

We overcome passions with humility, not with exaltation (Abba Isaac)

If blasphemous thought doesn’t leave, it means that somewhere he has chosen a place for himself. The most effective remedy is contempt of the devil. Paisiy recommends not even starting to read the Jesus Prayer, so as not to show your concern, but it is still better to sing Church singing.

Church singing is not only a prayer to God, but also contempt for the devil

I can't sing in this state. Even approaching Holy Communion is not easy for me.

It is very dangerous. The demon drives you into a corner.

And sing and take communion - after all, these thoughts are not yours.