Worldly life is a game and fun. Worldly life is just a game and fun

Dear brothers and sisters! Believers!

Strive for fear of God, do not become slaves to the temptations of the corruptible world, remember the verse of the Holy Quran:

“Fear the day when you will be returned to Allah. Then each person is rewarded according to his deserts. And no one will be offended" (Surah “The Cow”, verse 281).

Islam enjoins the avoidance of excess in religion and excess in worldly affairs. How many are there who have exchanged faith for luxury! They are interested in career, wealth and fame! The media often talk about religious fanatics, but they are silent about those who have forgotten future life after death! Fear Allah and do not exchange Akhirat for something that will soon disappear, everything earthly is not eternal! Don’t be like those who try to make money on faith and turn religious rituals into a personal “business”! The Islamic Ummah of Russia has experienced many difficulties. Despite the poverty of the 30s, 40s and 50s. the surviving mosques remained open, and imams helped those in need free of charge. What now? I was surprised when I heard that a turnstile was installed in one mosque in Russia! They began to demand money from parishioners for every visit to the mosque or Friday prayer!

True believers do not suffer from the disease of greed; religion, not wealth, comes first for them. Allah Almighty, describing them, says:

“People who are not distracted by either trade or purchase from remembering Allah, standing up for prayer, and bringing purification. They are afraid of the day when both their hearts and their eyes will turn upside down.” (Surah Light, verse 37).

The Messenger of Allah (alayhis salaam), the best of us, often went hungry, wore modest clothes, lived in a tiny clay house, slept on the sand or on a bedding made of palm fibers. He (alayhis salaam) was so modest that he did not ask wealthy companions for money. Only after the death of the prophet (alaihis salaam) did everyone learn that during his lifetime, his chain mail was pawned by a Jew for thirty “sagas” of barley (approximately 60 - 65 kg)!

The Almighty warns us against excessive love for earthly life:

“Know that worldly life is just a game and fun, decoration and boasting between you, and the desire to gain more wealth and children. It is like rain, after which the plants delight the farmers, but then they dry up, and you see them yellowed, after which they turn into dust. And in the Hereafter there is severe torment and forgiveness from Allah and contentment. Worldly life is just an object of seduction." (Surah Iron, verse 20).

We know many examples of how fanaticism towards earthly riches destroyed entire civilizations. Thousands of rulers and kings of the past have disappeared into history, where are they, where is their accumulated gold? Will their acquired wealth help them in Akhirat?

Do not make unprofitable trades - do not give up the pillars of the religion of Allah for the sake of a good job and a good life! Don’t become hostage to expensive cars, new cell phones And fashionable clothes, - Satan and his servants are trying to distract you from religion and the remembrance of Allah, they want you to remain in disbelief and after death become kindling for the Hellfire:

“Neither wealth nor children will help those who disbelieve in the sight of Allah. They are kindling for the Fire." (Sura “The Family of Imran”, verse 10).

Expensive shops and pavilions, luxurious life are just a test from Allah. Having achieved power and wealth, people often forget their loved ones. The Almighty has granted Muslims and non-Muslims a great blessing - health! There is a saying: “Health is the main wealth of a person.” Let's ask ourselves how we feel about this mercy, are we taking care of ourselves? Even with regard to a free divine gift, people behave unfairly. They smoke, drink, use drugs, commit adultery! Imagine if they were given money in the amount of a million dollars, how would they behave? What would they spend the money on? The Prophet (alaihis salaam) said:

“Verily, this world is sweet and green and, verily, Allah has made you (His) governors in it to see how you will act. Beware of this world and beware of women, for, verily, the first temptation of the Israelites was with women.” (Muslim).

All the gold, diamonds and diamonds available on the globe are of no value to Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (alayhis salaam), passing near a dead sheep that was thrown out by its owners, said:

“I swear by Him in Whose power my soul is! That worldly life is of no value to Allah, it does not mean more to Allah than this (dead sheep) to its owners.” (Ahmad).

The Almighty values ​​only fear of God, our sincerity, obedience and good deeds! He created us not so that we could become rich and not so that we would enjoy earthly blessings, but for worship!

"I created the jinn and humans only so that they would worship Me" (Sura “The Dispersers”, verse 56).

O Almighty Allah! Protect us from those who are trying to make worldly profit from religion!

The Prophet (alaihis salaam) compared them to a predatory, dangerous animal - a wolf. They are the ones who are stingy in their attitude towards those in need, they are the ones who post “prices” for religious services! The hadith says:

“The harm done to them by two hungry wolves directed at the sheep is no greater than the harm done to a man by seeking wealth and respect at the expense of his religion.” (at-Tirmidhi, hasan-sahih).

There are 14 centuries between us and the Prophet Muhammad (alaihis-salam), despite this, prophetic promises continue to come true, look at how he (alaihis-salam) described the situation of modern Muslims:

“Soon the nations will call on each other against you, just as people call on each other to eat from a dish of food.” The man asked: “Will this happen because we are few in number, O Messenger of Allah?” He replied: “No, you will be numerous, but you will be like foam that is carried away by a stream of water. And Allah will certainly remove from the hearts of your enemies their fear of you and place weakness in your hearts.” Then one person asked: “O Messenger of Allah! What is the cause of weakness? He replied: “Love of this world, and dislike of death.” (Abu Daoud).

Most Muslims in the world suffer from hunger and lack of medicine. Everyone has heard about the situation of fellow believers in Somalia, Burma and Palestine. Are the rich Gulf countries helping them? Flying over Dubai, it is impossible not to notice the tallest skyscraper in the world, Buruj Dubai, a symbol of luxury and extreme wealth. The way of life of such “affluent” countries is amazing. Indigenous people often do not work anywhere; each of them has a servant. While in a rich Arab country, I visited a huge central mosque. Believe it or not, the mosque was only 60% full! Most of the parishioners were from India, Bangladesh and Pakistan! The same picture is in Russian mosques! I don’t divide between nationalities, I don’t make preferences, because everyone is equal before Allah! Coming from the CIS countries, fellow believers, despite the hardships, do not miss prayers and hold on to their religion. They have no relatives or housing in Russia, and they are often deprived of normal food. Still, iman does not fade away in their hearts, praise be to Allah! It’s a shame for my people, for the indigenous Tatars. Why are there fewer and fewer of them in mosques, where are the Tatar youth?

At the end of the sermon, I will remind everyone of the words of the Almighty:

“And the one who avoided and preferred the next life. That, truly, is Gehenna, this is a refuge. And whoever feared the presence of his Lord and kept his soul from passion, then, verily, paradise is a refuge.” (Sura “The Pluckers”, verses 37-41).

I pray to the Creator Almighty to cleanse our hearts from greed and arrogance! Let us ask Him for a cure for the disease of vanity and pride! May Allah grant us the wealth of iman and make humble believers from among the God-fearing!

Imam-mukhtasib of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region Munir-hazrat Beyusov

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings be upon the noblest of messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, his family and all his companions.

Without a doubt, the heart is the ruler of all organs, and they are its army, and if the ruler is good, then the army will be good. An-Nu'man ibn Bashir reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Verily, there is a piece of flesh in the body; if he is good, then the whole body will be good, and if he is bad, then the whole body will be bad, and this is the heart” [Al-Bukhari, 52; Muslim; 1599].

The heart is like a high fortress that has gates and entrances, and Satan, like an insidious enemy, is just waiting, sitting in ambush, for the opportunity to get inside the fortress and take possession of it. And this fortress can only be protected by guarding the gates and entrances, and man of sense must know these entrances in order to ward off this treacherous enemy from your heart and deprive him of the opportunity to spoil it.

There are many entrances through which Satan can enter the heart. For example: envy, greed, stinginess, greed, doing things for show to people, narcissism, bad thoughts about people and suspicions about them, haste, frivolity, anger, love for this world and attachment to it and its decorations - clothes, furniture, houses , means of transportation and so on.

With the permission of Allah Almighty, we will talk in this chapter about this last entrance of the shaitan, since it is also one of the ailments of the heart. We will talk about the essence of this world and how believers should relate to it, and also list manifestations of love for this world, the reasons for its occurrence, Negative consequences and methods of treatment.

We ask Allah Almighty not to make this world our main concern and the limit of our knowledge and to save us from falling into the Fire!

And peace and blessings to our Prophet Muhammad, his family and all his companions!

The essence of this world

Allah Almighty said: “Know that earthly life- just a game and fun, decoration, and boasting between you, and the desire to gain more wealth and children. It is like rain, after which the plants delight the sowers, but then they dry up, and you see them yellowed, after which they turn into dust. And in the Hereafter there is severe torment, and forgiveness from Allah, and contentment. Worldly life is just an object of deception” (57:20).

Al-Qurtubi said: “That is, know that earthly life is a false game and fun, which then passes. Qatada said: “Play and fun are eating and drinking.” They also say that these words should be understood literally, that is, according to their meaning in the language. And Mujahid said: “Every game is fun.” [Qurtubi].

Ibn Kathir said: “Allah Almighty said, emphasizing the insignificance of this world: “Earthly life is just a game and fun, decoration, and boasting between you, and the desire to gain more wealth and children.” That is, this is exactly how those who feel attached to it relate to this world. As Allah Almighty said: “The love of pleasures given by women, sons, accumulated kantars of gold and silver, beautiful horses, cattle and fields is embellished for people. Such is the transitory pleasure of earthly life, but Allah has the best place return” (3:14).

And then Allah Almighty made several comparisons designed to show that earthly life is a flower that quickly fades and a transitory blessing. He said, “She is like rain.” It refers to rain that comes after people have given up on rain. As Allah Almighty said: “He is the One who sends down rain after they despair.”(42:28). And Allah Almighty said: “She is like rain, after which the plants delight the sowers”. That is, this world delights non-believers in the same way that sowers admire the shoots that appear after the long-awaited rain. They hunger for it most and are most inclined towards it. “But then they dry out and you see them turn yellow, and then they turn into dust.” These plants dry out and turn yellow after being fresh and green, and turn into straw, dust. So is this world. At first he is like a young girl, but gradually he becomes like an ugly old woman. And a person during his youth is young and fresh, looks great - but gradually ages and changes, losing part of his strength and eventually turns into a decrepit old man, weak, inactive, who is unable to do many simple actions. As Allah Almighty said: “Allah is the One who makes you weak. After weakness, He gives you strength, and then replaces strength with weakness and gray hair. He does whatever He wills, for He is the Knower, the Almighty” (30:54).

Since this comparison indicates that this world will soon disappear, and this will certainly happen, Allah Almighty warns against this world and encourages us to do good from what is in it. Allah Almighty said: “And in the Hereafter there is severe torment, and forgiveness from Allah, and contentment. Worldly life is just an object of deception” (57:20). In the world eternal man expects either one or the other, that is, either painful punishment, or forgiveness from Allah and contentment.

And Allah Almighty said: “Worldly life is just an object of seduction”(57:20). That is, these are just pleasures that deceive those who are attached to this world. Such people are deceived by this world, and it leads them into admiration, and they begin to believe that there is no other abode besides this world, and there will be no resurrection. But in fact, this world is insignificant compared to the eternal world” [Ibn Kathir].

Allah Almighty said: “You would think that they are awake, although they were sleeping. We turned them over on their right side, then on their left. Their dog lay in front of the entrance with its paws outstretched. If you looked at them, you would run away and be horrified” (Surah 18 “The Cave”, verse 45).

At-Tabari said: “And one who has countless riches should not be proud of his riches, and he should not look down on others because of these riches. And the inhabitants of this world should not be deceived by him. Because he is like a plant that has stood upright from the rain and grows until the water stops flowing to it. Having reached completeness in its development, it then dries up and the wind scatters it. It becomes so insignificant that those who see it look away... [The inhabitant of this world] must work for the eternal world, which will not disappear anywhere, the permanent world, which will never cease to exist and will not change” [Tabari].

Ibn Kathir said: “Allah Almighty said: O Muhammad, give people as an example earthly life with its impermanence, decay and disappearance: it is similar to how We sent down water from the sky, and it mixed with the plants of the earth - more precisely, with the seeds, which sprout, grow and become covered with flowers, they are beautiful and fresh. And then, after all this, they turn into straw, which the wind scatters in all four directions. Allah can do everything, that is, He is able to do both this and that, and often Allah makes just such a comparison to show the essence of this world” [Ibn Kathir].

Allah Almighty said: “Earthly life is like the water that We send down from the sky and with which the earthly plants are mixed, which are used as food for people and animals. When the earth is covered with decoration and embellished, and its inhabitants believe that they have power over it, Our command befalls it night or day. We turn it into stubble, as if it was not abundant yesterday. Thus We make clear the signs for a people who reflect” (10:24).

Ibn al-Qayyim said: “Allah Almighty compared this life - which embellishes itself in the eyes of the beholder and seduces him with its decorations, and he bows to it, and desires it, and is seduced by it, and when he begins to believe that he has taken possession of it and gained power above her, he is suddenly deprived of her, and she suddenly, just when she needs her most, becomes inaccessible to him - He compared her to the ground on which rain falls, causing it to be covered with beautiful plants, the sight of which attracts and pleases the beholder, and he is seduced by them, and it seems to him that they are in his power. But something predetermined by Allah happens to them, and suddenly some kind of ulcer befalls them, and nothing remains of them, as if they did not exist at all. And the person is disappointed and left empty-handed. So is this world - and those who become attached to it and rely on it. And this is one of the most intelligible similes and analogies" [I'lam al-muwakki'in].

Allah Almighty said: “This worldly life is just a game and fun, and the Last Abode is real life. If only they knew this! (29:64).

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri also reports that the Prophet said: “Verily, this world is sweet and fresh, and verily, Allah has made you governors in it and is watching what you do. Beware of this world and beware of women, for truly the first temptation of the Israelites was women!” [Muslim, 2742].

'Abd Allah ibn 'Amr (may Allah be pleased with him and his father) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “This world is a transitory blessing, and the best thing that can be acquired in this world is a righteous wife "[Muslim, 1467].

Sahl ibn Sa'd al-Sa'idi reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If this world were worth even a mosquito's wing to Allah, He would not give even a sip of water from it to the unbeliever.” [Tirmidhi , 2320].

And Abu Hurayrah reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever” [Muslim, 2956].

Al-Mustawrid ibn Shaddad reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “This world, compared to the eternal world, is like a finger that one of you plunges into the sea - let him see what he returns with.” [Muslim, 2858].

Believers and this world

How did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) relate to this world?

‘Umar said, describing the position of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “He was lying on a mat, and there was nothing between him and me. Under his head was a leather pillow stuffed with palm fiber, and at his feet were pods of Arabian acacia, and over his head hung skins. When I saw the mat mark on his side, I began to cry, and he asked, “What makes you cry?” I replied: “O Messenger of Allah! Truly, Khosroi and Caesar have what they have, and you are the Messenger of Allah!” He said: “Aren’t you pleased that they will get this world, and we will get the eternal world?” [Bukhari, 4913].

Ibn al-Qayyim said: “This world came to the Prophet and appeared before him, but he pushed him in the chest with both hands and made him turn back. After him, this world came to his companions and appeared before them, and some of them did the same and pushed him away. There weren't many of them. And some people asked this world: “What is in you?” He replied: “Permissible, doubtful, undesirable and forbidden.” They said: “Give what is permitted, but we do not need the rest,” and they took what was permitted from it. Then this world appeared before those who came after them, and they began to demand what was permitted from it, but they did not find it. Then they began to demand unwanted and dubious... But he told them: “Those who lived before you have already taken this.” Then they said: “Give me the forbidden!” - and they took him. Those who came after them demanded this forbidden from the world, but he told them: “It is in the hands of unjust oppressors, who took it and are in sole possession of it.” Then they began to contrive to take possession of him, using seduction and threats. And no matter which wicked person stretched out his hand to the forbidden, he would certainly discover that someone more wicked and stronger than him had already managed to get ahead of him. Moreover, they are all guests, and what is in their hands is actually borrowed. As Ibn Mas'ud said: “Everyone is a guest in this world, and his property is rented. But one day the guest leaves, and one day what was taken will have to be returned” [‘Uddat al-Sabirin].

The book “Remember Allah and He will protect you” gives the following version. One day ‘Umar came to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) when he was in a small room like a storage room. ‘Umar narrates: “I went in and saw nothing there that I could look at except a small amount of barley wrapped in a piece of cloth.” And he shed tears. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked: “What is the matter with you, O ‘Umar?” And on the side of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) there was a mark from the mat on which he was lying. ‘Umar exclaimed: “O Messenger of Allah! Khosroes and Caesar bathe in luxury... But you are the Messenger of Allah, and Allah has elevated you above people in this life...” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do you really doubt, O ‘Umar? Isn’t it enough for you that they will get this world, and we will get the eternal world?” [Bukhari].

(31) Those who denied meeting Allah were already at a loss. When the Hour suddenly comes for them, they, carrying their burdens on their backs, will say: “Woe to us for what we missed there!” How bad is what they will bear!

People who consider meeting with Allah a lie will certainly find themselves at a great loss and deprived of all good. Unbelief prompts them to commit daring crimes and grave sins, and therefore the hour of reckoning finds them in the worst state, in the most disgusting acts. And then they begin to regret what they have done and say: “Woe to us for what we missed in worldly life!” But it is already too late to regret it, and they have to carry their bad burden on their shoulders. She burdens them, but they cannot get rid of her. They forever fall into the Underworld and incur the endless wrath of the Mighty Lord.

(32) The worldly life is just a game and fun, and the last abode is better for those who fear God. Don't you understand?

Worldly life, in essence, is just a game and fun: a game for the body, and fun for the soul. She makes people lose their heads, their souls are filled with love for her, and their thoughts are associated only with her. It captivates people in the same way that games and entertainment captivate small children. But if a person fears God, then he will be much better off in the Hereafter, which surpasses worldly life in its qualities and in its duration. It contains all kinds of benefits that human souls crave, that the eyes revel in, and that bring a lot of joy and pleasure. However, these benefits will not go to everyone - they will go only to God-fearing righteous people who fulfill the commands of Allah and are careful not to violate His prohibitions. Are people really unable to reflect to understand which of these two lives should be preferred?

(33) We know that what they say saddens you. They do not consider you a liar - the wrongdoers reject the signs of Allah!

O Muhammad! We know that you are saddened and upset by what unbelievers say about you. We have commanded you to exercise due patience and have done this only so that you may achieve high altitudes and achieved great success. Do not think that they say such terrible words because they doubt the truth of your mission. They don't think you're a liar. On the contrary, they are convinced that you are right and know about your actions and your behavior. It was not for nothing that before your mission began, they called you faithful and trustworthy. Their words can only be explained by the fact that they deny the signs that Allah showed them through you.

(34) Before you, the messengers were also considered liars, but they tolerated being called that and insulted until Our help came to them. No one will distort the words of Allah, and some news about the messengers has already reached you.

Before you, unbelievers also called God's messengers liars, but they patiently endured their insults and insults. Endure as they endured, and you will certainly win a victory similar to the one they won. You already know the stories about the messengers who are to strengthen your heart and give you confidence.

(35) If you are burdened by their disgust, then if you can find a passage in the earth or a ladder to heaven, then bring them a sign. If Allah had willed, He would have gathered them all on the straight path. Therefore, do not be one of the ignorant.

You strive to guide them to the straight path and want to convert them to the right faith, but if their aversion to religion continues to weigh on you, then do everything possible to guide those whom Allah does not want to lead to the straight path. If you can find a passage in the earth or climb a ladder to heaven to bring them a sign, then do it, but it will still not benefit them. Do not hope to guide stubborn atheists to the right path. If Allah had willed, He would have led them to the straight path, but divine wisdom demanded that they remain astray. It is not right for you to be among the ignorant who do not understand the essence of this and do not put things in their place.

(36) Only those who listen answer. And Allah will raise the dead, after which they will be returned to Him.

O Prophet! Only those who wholeheartedly listen to what benefits them can answer your call, accept your message and submit to your commands and prohibitions. Such people have intelligence and the ability to listen. The ability to listen here refers to the ability to listen with the heart and respond to the call, and not just the ability to listen with the ears, which both the righteous and the wicked have. Allah Almighty brought the truth to the attention of all creations, responsible for your business. They all heard His signs, and if they refused to accept them, then they will not find an excuse for their action. Allah then announced that the dead would be resurrected and return to Him. According to one interpretation, the meaning of these words must be contrasted with the meaning of the previous statement, that is, only people with living souls can answer the prophetic call, since those whose souls are already dead do not understand what can make them happy and bring them salvation. They do not heed the prophetic call and do not obey its commands, but when the Day of Resurrection comes, Allah will resurrect them and gather them to Himself. According to another interpretation, which is based on the obvious meaning of the verse, Allah Almighty confirmed the truth of resurrection and promised to resurrect the dead on the Day of Judgment, and then tell them about what they had done. In this case, the verse we are discussing encourages slaves to respond to the call of Allah and His Messenger (S.A.S.) and warns them against disobedience.

(37) They say: “Why was no sign sent down to him from his Lord?” Say: “Allah has the power to send down a sign.” But most of them do not have knowledge.

O Muhammad! The disbelievers, who stubbornly refuse to accept your message, are outraged that Allah did not send down the signs that they wanted to see, guided by their evil minds and evil desires. “They say: “We will never believe until you bring out a spring for us from the earth; or until you have a palm grove and a vineyard, in which you will make rivers; or until you bring down pieces of the sky on us, as you claim; or you will not appear before us along with Allah and the angels; or until you have a house of jewels; or until you ascend to heaven. But we will not believe in your ascent until you come down with the Scriptures, which we will read.” Say: “Glorified is my Lord! But I am only a man and a messenger” (17:90-93). Allah has the power to show people any signs, because His power knows no bounds. How could it be otherwise if all creations humble themselves before His power, and His power extends to all things?!! However, most people do not have the knowledge. Out of their ignorance, they demand to be shown signs that will bring them harm, because if they refuse to believe after seeing them, they will immediately be punished. This is the immutable decree of Allah. If they want to see signs that will allow them to know the truth and understand the straight path, then the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.S.) has already shown them irrefutable signs and presented convincing arguments confirming the truth of his teachings. Thanks to this, the servants of Allah can find many logical arguments and convincing texts on every religious issue that will not leave even a shadow of doubt in their souls. Blessed be Allah, Who sent His Messenger with true guidance and the religion of truth and confirmed his truthfulness with clear signs, so that those who perished perished with complete clarity, and those who remained to live lived with complete clarity! Blessed is the Hearing and Knowing Lord!

(38) All living creatures on earth and birds that fly on two wings are communities similar to you. We have not missed anything in Scripture. And then they will be gathered to their Lord.

All living creatures that live on earth and fly in the sky, livestock, wild animals and birds, are communities that are similar to the community of humans. After all, Allah created them thanks to His power and His unshakable will, which is also strictly fulfilled in relation to all humanity. He left nothing out of His writing. He wrote down in the Preserved Tablet all the important or minor events, and each of them occurs in strict accordance with the way it was written down by the reed in the Preserved Tablet. This verse indicates that the first Scripture contains information about everything that happens in the Universe. Belief in this is one of the four components of faith in God's predestination and destiny. These include faith in the knowledge of Allah, which encompasses all things; a record of Allah that extends to all creation; His will, which is strictly fulfilled in relation to everything that happens; and His creation of all creatures and even their actions. According to another interpretation, Scripture in this verse means Holy Quran. In this case, its meaning is similar to the meaning of the following verse: “We have sent down to you the Book to clarify all things, as a guide to the straight path, mercy and good news for the Muslims” (16:89). Then Allah announced that all nations would be gathered before Him on a huge and terrifying lists, and then Allah would reward each person according to his deserts, guided by His mercy and justice. He will pronounce a verdict for which He will be praised by the first and subsequent generations of creation, by all the inhabitants of heaven and earth.

(39) Those who consider Our signs to be lies are deaf and dumb in darkness. Allah leads astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills to the straight path.

Allah has clarified the situation of the disbelievers who consider His signs to be lies and reject His messengers. They themselves closed the door leading to the straight path in front of them, and opened the gates leading to destruction in front of them. They are deaf to the truth and dumb when the need arises to speak the truth, since all their speeches are false and useless. They are immersed in the darkness of ignorance, unbelief, injustice, stubbornness and disobedience, because Allah Himself wished to mislead them. He alone decides who to guide on the straight path and who to lead astray. At the same time, He is always guided by mercy and wisdom.

(40) Say: “Tell me, will you call on anyone along with Allah if the punishment of Allah strikes you or the Hour comes, if only you speak the truth?”

O Messenger! Ask the polytheists, who equate their deities with Allah, whether they will call on them if they are struck by the punishment of Allah or the Hour of Judgment comes. Will they really call upon idols and graven images when they are struck by a great misfortune from which they want to get rid of? Or will they cry only to their Lord, the True and Clear Sovereign?

It was an ordinary sunny day.

I was walking along one of the streets and came across a cafe that stood by the road. When I went inside, I found that it was a bright, large and spacious room, which was beautifully decorated: a beautiful interior, pieces of furniture, the cafe workers were in colorful uniforms, and even the loaders were in overalls. Wow, I thought, they can do it whenever they want. After looking at everything, I went up to the counter and ordered shawarma. I was told to wait until the food was ready, so I decided to walk around the premises again. I immediately met a work colleague. We got into conversation and started wandering around together. At one point, one of the loaders walked past us and almost hit us with his large wheelbarrow. I remembered my Hajj and the crush that was there and began to tell my friend that during the Hajj nothing like that happened.

Time passed. He and I began to walk further and talk about something. I began to take a closer look at the surroundings and began to notice unpleasant moments - the reality of the “being” in which I was beginning to emerge: there was dirt on the floor, there were traces of blood, parts of a butchered chicken were lying on the floor, there were also traces of rodents on the tables there were bloody stains, the clothes of the cafe workers, which had previously seemed beautiful, turned out to be dirty, just like the owners of these clothes themselves... All this aroused in me a feeling of extreme disgust. I wanted to leave there by canceling the order. We approached the saleswoman, on whose exhausted face a feeling of doom was clearly visible, and just as I wanted to say that I won’t eat here, she puts my food on the table with the words “everything has already been paid for”... At that moment my phone rings and wakes me up ... I wake up in fear and joyfully realize that it was a dream.

I interpreted this dream as a reminder and warning.

A reminder that this worldly life is embellished for a person, it attracts him with its charms and beauties, but in reality it is perishable and cannot be compared with what awaits a person in the future - real life.

“The worldly life is just a game and fun, and the last abode is better for those who fear God. Don’t you understand?” (Quran. 6:32).

And reality will be based on whether a person was carried away by this worldly life, whether the devil was able to lead him astray with the help of the beauties of this world... If a person could not resist this temptation and strayed from the straight path, then one can sympathize with him. And his righteous deeds will not be able to help him, as in my case - the perfect Hajj, if after all this he has gone deeper into sins. From such righteous deeds, only memories will remain. And reality...

“They bought the worldly life for the Hereafter. Their torment will not be eased, and they will not be helped."(Qur'an 2:86)

Don't go astray...

“Oh people! Indeed, the promise of Allah is true. Let not the worldly life deceive you, and do not let the seducer (Satan) deceive you regarding Allah. Verily, Satan is your enemy, and treat him as an enemy. He calls upon his party to become inhabitants of the Flame. Those who do not believe will have a severe torment. And for those who believe and do righteous deeds, there will be forgiveness and a great reward” (Qur’an 35:5-7).

“Know that worldly life is just a game and fun, decoration and boasting between you, and the desire to gain more wealth and children. It is like rain, after which the plants delight the farmers, but then they dry up, and you see them yellowed, after which they turn into dust. And in the Hereafter there is severe torment and forgiveness from Allah and contentment. Worldly life is just an object of seduction. Strive for forgiveness from your Lord and for Paradise, the width of which is like the width of heaven and earth. It is prepared for those who believe in Allah and His messengers. This is the mercy of Allah that He bestows upon whom He wills. Allah has great mercy" (Quran. 57:20-21)

“Oh people! Fear your Lord and fear the day when a parent will not protect his child, and a child will not protect his parent. The promise of Allah is true, and do not let the worldly life deceive you, and do not let the seducer (Satan) deceive you regarding Allah” (Quran. 31-33).

Options Listen to Original Original text اعْلَمُوا أَنَّمَا الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا لَعِبٌ وَلَهْوٌ وَزِينَةٌ وَتَفَاخُرٌ بَيْنَكُمْ وَتَكَاثُرٌ فِي الْأَمْوَالِ وَالْأَوْلَادِ كَمَثَلِ غَيْثٍ أَعْجَبَ الْكُفَّارَ نَبَاتُهُ ثُمَّ يَهِيجُ فَتَرَاهُ مُصْفَرًّا ثُمَّ يَكُونُ حُطَامًا وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ شَدِيدٌ وَمَغْفِرَةٌ مِّنَ اللَّهِ وَرِضْوَانٌ وَمَا الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا إِلَّا مَتَاعُ الْغُرُورِ Translit A`lamū "Ann amā A l-Ĥayāatu A d-Dun yā La`ibun Wa Lahwun Wa Zīnatun Wa Tafā kh uru n Baynakum Wa Takā th urun Fī A l-"Am wli Wa A l-"Awlā di ۖ Kama th ali Gh ay th in "A`jaba A l-Kuffā ra Nabātuhu Th umm a Yahī ju Fatarā hu Muşfarrāan Th umm a Yakū nu Ĥuţāmāan ۖ Wa Fī A l-"Ā kh irati`A dhā bun Sh adī dun Wa Ma gh firatun Mina A l-Lahi Wa R iđwā nun ۚ Wa Mā A l-Ĥayāatu A d-Dun yā "Illā Matā `u A l- Gh urū r i Know that worldly life is just play and fun, decoration and boasting between you, and the desire to gain more wealth and children. It is like rain, after which the plants delight the farmers, but then they dry up, and you see them yellowed, after which they turn into dust. And in the Hereafter there is severe torment and forgiveness from Allah and contentment. Worldly life is just an object of seduction. Know (people) that earthly life is just a game (for bodies) and fun (for the soul), decoration and boasting between you (means of life), and the desire to acquire more property and children, it is like rain, the plants (after) which lead to the admiration of those who hide [[The word “kuffar” in this verse means “farmers,” that is, those who hide grains in the soil, and not “ unbelievers.”]] (seeds in the soil) [farmers]; then they fade (and dry up), and you see them yellowed (after being green), and then they become dust. And in Eternal Life there is a strong punishment (for non-believers) and forgiveness from Allah and favor (for the believers). And earthly life (for the one who lives forgetting about Eternal life) is only a deceptive pleasure. Know that worldly life is just play and fun, decoration and boasting between you, and the desire to gain more wealth and children. It is like rain, after which the plants delight the farmers, but then they dry up, and you see them yellowed, after which they turn into dust. And in the Hereafter there is severe torment and forgiveness from Allah and contentment. Worldly life is just an object of seduction. [[The Almighty spoke about the true essence of the earthly world and worldly life and explained what the descendants of Adam want from this life. Earthly goods are fun and entertainment for human souls and tel. This is easy to see if you observe people who devote themselves to the hunt for worldly pleasures and delights. They spend their lives in verbiage and empty entertainment, without thinking about Allah and the retribution awaiting them. Some of them even consider religion as fun and entertainment. How different they are from the believers who work for the good of the Hereafter, whose hearts live in the remembrance of Allah, are eager to know Him even better and are overflowing with love for Him. They devote themselves to activities that bring them closer to Allah and promise good to them and those around them. The Almighty called worldly life an ornament because people crave rich clothes, magnificent dishes, delicious drinks, luxurious means of transportation, huge houses and palaces, high position in society and much more. The Lord also called it boasting between people, because every person tends to be proud of his successes in front of others and every person wants luck to accompany him in all worldly affairs, and the aura of glory to always surround him. He also called it a competition to have more wealth and children because people feel satisfaction from having more wealth and children than others. This is the criterion of success for those who are in love with worldly life and pin their greatest hopes on it. Such people are completely different from those who have realized the true essence of worldly life and realized that the earthly world is just a temporary abode, and not a permanent refuge. Such people strive with all their might to get closer to Allah and do everything to get to Paradise. Seeing how others try to surpass them in wealth and number of children, they in turn try to surpass them in good deeds. Then the Almighty gave a wise parable, comparing worldly life with a rainstorm, after which many plants bloomed on the earth, serving as food for people and feed for livestock. The rich harvest delighted the unbelievers, who did not care about anything other than worldly goods, but Allah Almighty sent them a misfortune that dried up and destroyed the harvest, and then the land regained its previous appearance, as if it had never shone with its amazing beauty and had never been the grass was blooming. The same can be said about worldly life. A person enjoys it while it surrounds him with its beautiful benefits. As soon as he wants something, he gets it. As soon as he starts something, all the doors open before him. But one day, Allah’s predestination comes true, and a person loses everything he had, is deprived of his former power, or even partes with this world altogether. That's when he realizes that he set off on a long journey empty-handed, that he took nothing with him on the journey except his shroud. Woe to everyone who pinned all their hopes only on this world and worked only for these perishable blessings! A person can derive real benefit only from those deeds that he does for the benefit of the Hereafter. The wonderful fruits of such deeds will be preserved and will remain with the servant of Allah forever. That is why Allah Almighty said that in the Hereafter, a severe punishment is reserved for the unbelievers, and forgiveness and mercy for the believers. Truly, after death people will either be punished or forgiven - there is no third option. Whoever spent his energy only on acquiring earthly luxury, disobeyed Allah, rejected His signs and responded with ingratitude to His countless blessings, will be subjected to painful punishment and will know what hellish shackles and chains are and what the horror of the Underworld is. And whoever realized the true essence of worldly life and sought to improve his Hereafter will be granted forgiveness and deliverance from the cruel torment of Hell. Allah will be pleased with him and will shower him with His mercy in the Abode of Favor. All this means that a person must be moderate in his desire to acquire earthly goods and must burn with the desire to find happiness in the Hereafter, because life in this world is just the use of seductive gifts. A person uses these benefits, benefits from them for himself and those around him, satisfies his needs with them, but he should not be deceived by them and rely on them, as do the reckless ignoramuses whom Satan has deceived and led astray.]] Ibn Kathir

Allah Almighty says, belittling the importance of worldly life and deeds (performed) for its sake: (ٱعْلَمُوۤاْ أَنّمَا ٱلْحَيـَوٰةُ ٱلدّنـْيَا لَعِبٌ وَلَهْوٌ ) “Know that worldly life is just a game and fun, ( وَزِينَةٌ وَتـَفَاخُرٌ بـَيـْنَكُمْ ) decoration and boasting between you, (وَتَكَاثـُرٌ فِى ٱلأمْوَٰلِ وَٱلأوْلْـٰدِ ) and the desire to gain more wealth and children” - i.e. This is the whole point of it for people. As Allah also said: “The love of pleasures given by women, sons, accumulated kantars of gold and silver, beautiful horses, cattle and fields is embellished for people. Such is the temporary pleasure of this worldly life, but with Allah there is a better place of return." (Sura 3, verse 14). Then Allah, citing as an example a parable about this near (earthly) life with its transitory and perishable pleasures, says: ( كَمَثَلِ غَيْثٍ ) “It is like the rain” that falls after people have lost all hope. As Allah said in another verse: ( وَهُوَ ٱلّذِى يـُنـَزّلُ ٱلْغَيْثَ مِن بـَعْدِ مَا قـَنَطُواْ ) "He is the One who sends down rain after they despair" (Sura 42, verse 28).

Words of Allah: ( أَعْجَبَ ٱلْكُفّارَ نـَبَاتُهُ ) “The plants of which delight farmers” - i.e. The crops that grew after this rain make the farmers happy. Just as plants delight farmers, worldly life delights non-believers. She is the most desirable and dear to them. ( ثُمّ يَهِيجُ فـَتـَرَاهُ مُصْفَرّاً ثُمّ يَكُونُ حُطَاماً ) “But then they dry out and you see them turn yellow, and then they turn into dust.” After the plants were green and fresh, they turn yellow, then wither and fall off. The same can be said about earthly life, which goes through the stages of youth, maturity, old age and decrepitude. The same applies to human life. At the beginning of life, a person is young, strong and beautiful. Gradually he matures until he completely turns into a frail old man. Similarly, Allah said: “Allah is the One who creates you out of weakness (creates you from a drop or creates you weak).After weakness He gives you strength, and then replaces strength with weakness and gray hair.” (Sura 30, verse 54). This parable points to the transience of worldly life and its inevitable end, while the Last Life is already coming. Allah calls to take care of the Hereafter and strive for its benefits. He said: ( وَفِى ٱلأَخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ شَدِيدٌ ) “And in the Hereafter there will be severe torment (وَمَغْفِرَةٌ مّنَ ٱللّهِ وَرِضْوَٰنٌ ) and forgiveness from Allah and contentment. ( وَمَا ٱلْحَيـَوٰةُ ٱلدّنـْيَآ إِلَّا مَتَـٰعُ ٱلْغُرُورِ ) And worldly life is just an object of seduction” - i.e. in the Last (Next) life, which is already very close, either severe punishment, forgiveness, or contentment awaits. ("And worldly life is just an object of seduction" - that is, it is a temporary pleasure that seduces those who consider it the only life and do not believe in the Future Life. But in comparison with Last life it is short and insignificant.

Ibn Jarir reported that the Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and greet him!) said: “The place of the whip in Paradise is better than this world with everything that is in it. Read (if you want): ( وَما ٱلْحَيـَوٰةُ ٱلدّنـْيَا إِلَّا مَتَـٰعُ ٱلْغُرُورِ ) ‘‘And worldly life is just an object of seduction.’’”