Anatomy of weight gain in printed form. Mikhail Prives - Human Anatomy

Prives M.G., Lysenkov N.K., Bushkovich V.I.


Ninth edition, revised and expanded


For more than 50 years, the textbook “Human Anatomy” has served higher education. medical education. Several generations of physicians began their journey into medicine by studying anatomy using this textbook.

In 1932, the first edition of the textbook “Human Anatomy” was published, created by N. K. Lysenkov. The fourth edition, which came out in 1943, was being prepared V. I. Bushkovich. In 1958, the fifth edition of the textbook was published, in the preparation of which he took part M. G. Gain. The fifth and all subsequent editions of the textbook (1968, 1969, 1974) were published M. G. Gain. The eighth edition (1974) of the textbook “Human Anatomy” was awarded in 1981 with a 1st degree diploma from the USSR Ministry of Health as the best textbook for higher medical educational institutions.

The textbook has been published several times in Spanish, and is currently being prepared for publication in English.

This ninth edition has been significantly revised and expanded thanks to the great work of the Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Professor Mikhail Grigorievich Prives , who headed the department from 1937 to 1977 normal anatomy 1st Leningradsky medical institute them. acad. I. P. Pavlova, and is currently her consulting professor.

The textbook is written taking into account the achievements of modern anatomical science. The material in the textbook is presented on the basis of the philosophy of dialectical materialism. Anatomy is presented not as a purely descriptive subject, but as an evolutionary, functional, effective and applied science - these are different aspects of one science - anatomy. New trends in anatomical science were also reflected - the influence of labor and sports on the structure of the human body. At the same time, individual variability is emphasized, due not only to genetic factors, but also to social ones.

The textbook examines the anatomy of a living person and emphasizes the differences in the structure of a living person from the structure and topography of organs on a corpse.

Human anatomy is presented not only in systems (systematic anatomy), i.e. analytically, but also as a single whole, in connection with its environment - synthetically. Therefore, at the end of the textbook a synthesis of anatomical data is provided. Anatomical terms are aligned with the International Anatomical Nomenclature.

This edition of the textbook corresponds to the new curriculum on human anatomy, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health, and meets modern requirements for higher school textbooks.

Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Yu. I. Borodin



Anatomy human being is a science that studies the form and structure of the human body (and its constituent organs and systems) and studies the patterns of development of this structure in connection with the function and surrounding the body environment.

It is based in the Soviet Union on the advanced philosophy of dialectical materialism.

Old descriptive anatomy posed one question: how does the body work? It was limited only to a description of the structure, which is where it got its name. She studied form without connection with function and did not seek to reveal the laws of development of the organism, i.e. it was metaphysical. For old descriptive anatomy, description was the goal. For modern anatomy it has become a means, one of the methods for studying the structure, one of its features ( descriptive trait).

Modern anatomy strives not only to describe facts, but also to generalize them, strives to find out not only how the body works, but also Why he's built that way what are the patterns structure and development of the body, its organs and systems. To answer this second question, she examines both the internal and external connections of the organism.

Dialectics, as opposed to metaphysics, teaches that everything in nature is interconnected. Likewise, the living human body is an integral system. Therefore, anatomy studies the organism not as a simple mechanical sum of its constituent parts, independent of environment, but as a whole, in unity with the conditions of existence.

Dialectics, in contrast to metaphysics, teaches that in nature everything changes and develops. The human body is also not something frozen, cast into one completely finished form; it is constantly changing from the moment of birth to the moment of death. In addition, man as a species is the product of a long evolution, revealing features of family similarity with animal forms. Therefore, anatomy studies not only the structure of a modern adult human, but also examines how human body in its historical development. To this end:

1. The development of the human race in the process of animal evolution is studied - phylogenesis (phýlon - genus, génesis - development). Data are used to study phylogeny comparative anatomy , which compares the structure of various animals and humans. In addition to comparative anatomy, which is a descriptive science, the principles of evolutionary morphology are taken into account, which reveals driving forces evolution and structural changes in the process of adaptation of the organism to the specific conditions of its environment.

2. The process of formation and development of man in connection with the development of society is studied - anthropogenesis (ánthropos - person). For this purpose, in addition to comparative and evolutionary morphology, mainly data are used anthropology- human sciences.

Anthropology studies the natural history of man and his physical nature taking into account historical development the social group to which he specifically belongs, and the leading role of labor in the process of anthropogenesis.

3. The process of development of the individual is considered - ontogenesis (ónthos - individual) throughout his entire life: uterine, embryonic ( embryogenesis ), extrauterine, postembryonic, or postnatal (post - after, nátus - born), from birth to the moment of death. For this purpose, data is used embryology (embryon - embryo) and the so-called age anatomy . Last period ontogeny - aging - constitutes an object gerontology- science of old age (Greek geron, gérontos - old man).

Individual and gender differences in the shape, structure and position of the body and its constituent organs, as well as their topographical relationship, are also taken into account.

As a result, anatomy studies the human body as a whole, developing on the basis of certain patterns under the influence of internal and external conditions throughout its entire evolution. This study of the structure of the human body constitutes evolutionary anatomical feature.

Dialectical materialism also teaches that form and function are in unity and mutually determine each other. There are no structures in the body that do not perform some function, just as there are no functions that are not associated with some structure. Each organ is, to a large extent, a product of the work that is performed by it. Therefore, anatomy studies the structure of the body and its individual parts, organs in unbreakable connection with their function, which is functional damn her.

The entire study of human anatomy is not an end in itself, but is based on the principle of unity of theory and practice and serves the purposes of medicine, as well as physical culture (applied trait).

Descriptive, evolutionary and functional features are different sides unified anatomy. The main feature Soviet anatomy is its effectiveness, that is, not passive contemplation and description of the structure of the body (as Feuerbach’s contemplative materialism teaches), but the desire to reveal the laws of the structure and development of the organism and master these laws in order to influence the human body in the direction necessary for a favorable and harmonious development of man - the builder of a communist society.

L. Feuerbach pointed out that when studying nature, it is enough to observe it, passively contemplate it without interfering with it, and describe it, limiting itself to the descriptive nature of science.

K. Marx in his “Theses on Feuerbach,” criticizing him, wrote:

“Philosophers only in different ways explained peace, but the point is to change his"

Name: Human anatomy.
Authors: Prives M.G., Lysenkov N.K., Bushkovich V.I.

For more than 50 years, the textbook “Human Anatomy” has served higher medical education. Several generations of physicians began their journey into medicine by studying anatomy using this textbook.

In 1932, the first edition of the textbook “Human Anatomy”, created by N.K. Lysenkov, was published. The fourth edition, which was published in 1943, was prepared by V. I. Bushkovich. In 1958, the fifth edition of the textbook was published, in the preparation of which M. G. Prives took part. The fifth and all subsequent editions of the textbook (1968, 1969, 1974) were carried out by M. G. Prives. The eighth edition (1974) of the textbook “Human Anatomy” was awarded in 1981 with a 1st degree diploma from the USSR Ministry of Health as the best textbook for higher medical educational institutions.

The textbook has been published several times in Spanish, and is currently being prepared for publication in English.

This ninth edition has been significantly revised and expanded thanks to the great work of the Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Professor Mikhail Grigorievich Prives, who from 1937 to 1977 headed the Department of Normal Anatomy of the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute. acad. I. P. Pavlova, and is currently her consulting professor.

The textbook is written taking into account the achievements of modern anatomical science. The material in the textbook is presented on the basis of the philosophy of dialectical materialism. Anatomy is presented not as a purely descriptive subject, but as an evolutionary, functional, effective and applied science - these are different aspects of one science - anatomy. New trends in anatomical science were also reflected - the influence of labor and sports on the structure of the human body. At the same time, individual variability is emphasized, due not only to genetic factors, but also to social ones.

The textbook examines the anatomy of a living person and emphasizes the differences in the structure of a living person from the structure and topography of organs on a corpse.

Human anatomy is presented not only in systems (systematic anatomy), i.e. analytically, but also as a single whole, in connection with its environment - synthetically. Therefore, at the end of the textbook a synthesis of anatomical data is provided. Anatomical terms are aligned with the International Anatomical Nomenclature.

This edition of the textbook corresponds to the new curriculum on human anatomy, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health, and meets modern requirements for higher school textbooks.

Format: DjVu.
Pages: 672 pp.
The year of publishing: 1985
Archive size: 12.4 MB.

Buy a book By human anatomy in

Name: Human anatomy.
Prives M.G., Lysenko N.K., Bushkovich V.I.
The year of publishing: 1985
Size: 85.19 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian

The presented textbook "Human Anatomy" by M.G. Privesa et al. is one of the most relevant textbooks on anatomy. The book consists of a general part, which describes a brief outline of the history of anatomical science, anatomical terminology, man and nature. The following sections discuss the human musculoskeletal system, the doctrine of the internal organs - splanchnology, anatomy of organs internal secretion, angiology, anatomy nervous system- neurology, the study of the sense organs - aesthesiology, the last section presents the principle of integrity in anatomy.

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This reissue was prepared by Dr. medical sciences R.A.Prives-Bardina and Candidate of Medical Sciences O.M.Mikhailova. Terms in the textbook are given in accordance with the International Anatomical Nomenclature 2003.

Dear and dear students, future and established doctors and people simply interested in anatomy!

Here is an amazing textbook, which turned 70 years old in 2002. For these long years it absorbed the wisdom of the authors who prepared it, and was reprinted many times. Starting from the 5th edition, published in 1958, a person who is known as a major scientist, an excellent teacher and a favorite of students - Professor Mikhail Grigorievich Prives - took part in its publication and editing.

This edition of the textbook is the 12th.

It is difficult to imagine that any textbook was republished in its own country 12 times. Through the efforts and talent of Professor M.G. Prives, this textbook turned from a manual on descriptive human anatomy into a reference book for his many thousands of students, absorbing all new data on functional human anatomy, including the most modern Scientific research, which were conducted by students of Professor M. G. Prives on the anatomy of a living person. This made human anatomy a science about living people and for living people. This work also includes his famous studies on x-ray anatomy and the anatomy of people of various professions, which he often liked to talk about: “earthly” and “unearthly”, exposed to various factors space flight. It is no coincidence that this textbook was translated into various languages, including Spanish and English.

As a student of Mikhail Grigorievich, I am especially pleased to say a few kind words in the preface to the 12th edition, including because he dedicated the 10th edition to the 100th anniversary of St. Petersburg medical university them. acad. I.P. Pavlova and the Department of Human Anatomy, where he worked for more than 60 years. Today, unfortunately, he is no longer with us, but the textbook he thought through and suffered through is being republished in Once again, and this is better memory about a person who will live among us forever.

A man passes away, but his memory lives on in his deeds, is carefully preserved in the minds and hearts of his students and all those who always needed him and will always need him. That is why we bow our heads and kneel in memory of talented person, A teacher with a capital T, who is rightfully called and will continue to be called the patriarch of Russian anatomy.

Head of the Department of Human Anatomy, St. Petersburg State Medical University. acad. I. P. Pavlova, Academician of the International Academy of Integrative Anthropology, Corresponding Member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A. Kosourov

(born in 1904) - Soviet anatomist, doctor of medicine. Sciences (1937), Professor (1937), Honored. scientist of the RSFSR (1963). Member of the CPSU since 1939

Graduated from medical school in 1925. Faculty of Voronezh university, worked there in the faculty surgical clinic, from 1930 to 1953 - at the State X-ray and Radiological Institute (now the Institute of Medical Radiology M3 of the USSR) in Leningrad; from 1937 to 1953 head. laboratory of normal and comparative anatomy in this institute. At the same time (since 1937) professor, head. Department of Human Anatomy of the 1st Leningrad Medical University institute, and since 1977 - consulting professor of the same department. During the evacuation of the institute to Krasnoyarsk (1942-1944) - one of the organizers and first director of the Krasnoyarsk Medical Center. in-ta.

M. G. Prives published ca. 200 scientific works, including 5 monographs, has 6 copyright certificates. He researched the influence labor activity person to change the structure of the musculoskeletal system vascular system; together with his colleagues, he studied in animal experiments the adaptation of the vascular system to the conditions of space flight (gravitational overloads, hypokinesia, physical inactivity, etc.). One of the first to use rentgenol. method for studying lymph. system and received radiographs of lymph. human vessels in a wedge. conditions. He worked on the problem of collateral lymph circulation, the regulating influence of the nervous system on it, and its condition under various extreme influences. M. G. Prives is the author of the formalin-free method of preserving corpses. He revised the anatomy textbook of N.K. Lysenkov and V.I. Bushkovich, recommended for honey. universities of the USSR. This tutorial has been translated into Spanish and was published 4 times for Latin American countries. M. G. Prives was the first (since 1932) to teach x-ray anatomy in the course of human anatomy.

M. G. Prives was elected chairman of the Leningrad branch of the All-Union Society of Anatomists, Histologists, Embryologists (honorary chairman since 1980), an honorary member of the All-Union and All-Russian Society of Anatomists, Histologists, Embryologists, as well as a number of foreign societies of anatomists (Mexico, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia); was deputy chief. editor of the journal “Archive of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology” (1950-1977).

Awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and medals.

Essays: Blood supply to human long tubular bones, dissertation, L., 1938; Anatomy of intraorgan vessels, L., 1948 (author of a number of chapters and editors); Radiography lymphatic system, L., 1948; Methods of preserving anatomical preparations, L., 1956; Human Anatomy, Leningrad, 1968, 1974 (together with others); Questions of aviation and space anatomy, c. 1, L., 1968 (author of a number of articles and editors); Further improvement of the method of preserving anatomical preparations, Arch. aiat., gistol, and embryol., t. 58, no. 2, p. 96, 1970 (jointly with others); Some results and prospects of space anatomy of the vascular system, ibid., vol. 61, no. 11, p. 5, 1971; Biosocial problems of our time and anatomy, ibid., vol. 69, no. 10, p. 5, 1975; Influence various types sports on skeletal growth in children's, adolescent and adolescence, ibid., vol. 74, no. 6, p. 5, 1978 (jointly with Aleksina L.A.).

Bibliography: Mikhail Grigorievich Prives, Arch. anat., gistol, and embryol., t. 78, no. 3, p. 120, 1980.

N.V. Krylova.