How does it affect the human body? Impact of the environment on human health

Healthy image life (sometimes called abbreviated as healthy lifestyle)- one of the important components of normal human life.

Many people have heard that a healthy lifestyle allows you to look young and remain productive throughout your life. But few people know what exactly it is?

1. Human lifestyle: his diet, regime, nature of work and rest, presence/absence of bad habits (tobacco, alcohol), sports, material and living conditions. The condition of our body depends approximately 60% on these characteristics.
2. Surrounding us external environment , climatic conditions and the state of the ecology in the territory of residence have a 20% significance for human health.
3. Genetic predisposition , hereditary factors occupy approximately 10% on the scale of importance.
4. The same degree of significance for the quality and life expectancy has level of healthcare in the country.
As can be seen from this list, the most significant factor is a person’s healthy lifestyle. This, in addition to the listed components, includes hygiene and hardening of the body.


Exercising is beneficial not only for muscles:
Properly dosed physical activity also has a positive effect on a person’s state of mind. In this case, the type of sport does not matter, it is only important that you like it, give a feeling of pleasure and cheerfulness, and provide an opportunity to take a break from stress and emotional overload, which are so common in modern world.

The habit of a healthy lifestyle is formed in childhood.
If parents explain in time and by their own example prove to the child the importance of proper nutrition, adherence to standard rules of hygiene, etc., then, as an adult, the person will also follow these guidelines.

However, we should not forget that a healthy lifestyle is not just a list certain rules, but also the style of your life, your thoughts, actions and deeds.

Everyone wants good health, because it ensures the harmonious development of the individual, determines the ability to work and is the main human need.

And, unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with the factors that determine health. People often shift responsibility onto others without taking care of themselves. By leading a bad person by the age of thirty, they put the body in a terrible state and only then think about medicine.

But doctors are not omnipotent. We create our own destiny, and everything is in our hands. This is what we will discuss in this article; we will consider the main factors that determine the health of the population.

Indicators that determine human health

First, let's talk about the components. There are:

  • Somatic. Good health and vital functions of the body.
  • Physical. Proper development and training of the body.
  • Mental. Healthy Mind and a sober mind.
  • Sexual. Level and culture of sexuality and childbearing activity.
  • Moral. Compliance with morals, rules, norms and foundations in society.

Apparently, the term “health” is of a collective nature. Each individual must have an understanding of the human body, the work of organs and systems. Know the features of your psychological state, be able to adjust your physical and mental abilities.

Now let's talk about the criteria that correspond to each component:

  • normal physical and genetic development;
  • absence of defects, diseases and any deviations;
  • healthy mental and mental state;
  • the possibility of healthy reproduction and normal sexual development;
  • correct behavior in society, compliance with norms and principles, understanding oneself as a person and an individual.

We have looked at the components and criteria, and now let’s talk about human health as a value and the factors that determine it.

Activity is encouraged from an early age.

There are:

  1. Physical health.
  2. Mental.
  3. Moral.

A physically and spiritually healthy person lives in complete harmony. He is happy, receives moral satisfaction from his work, improves himself, and as a reward he gets longevity and youth.

Factors that determine human health

To be healthy and happy, you need to lead. You need to desire it and strive for the task.

How to achieve this goal:

  1. Maintain a certain level of physical activity.
  2. Have emotional and psychological stability.
  3. Temper yourself.
  4. Eat properly.
  5. Follow your daily routine (work, rest).
  6. Forget about bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs).
  7. Observe moral standards in society.

It is very important to lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle for a child with early childhood so that later, in the process of building his future, the “walls” will be strong and durable.

A person is influenced by many phenomena. Let's look at the main factors that determine health:

  1. Heredity.
  2. A person’s attitude towards his own health and his lifestyle.
  3. environment.
  4. Level of medical care.

These were the key points.

Let's talk in more detail about each

Heredity plays a huge role. If your relatives are healthy and strong, long-lived, the same fate is in store for you. The main thing is to maintain your own health.

Lifestyle is what you are. That’s right, because proper nutrition, jogging, exercise, cold showers, hardening are your health. You need to be able to deny yourself for your own good. Let’s say your friends invite you to a nightclub, and tomorrow you have a hard day at work, of course, it’s better to stay at home and get some sleep than to plunge into work with a sore head, having inhaled nicotine. This applies to smoking, alcohol and drug use. Must have a head on your shoulders.

There are factors that determine human health that are beyond our control. This is the environment. Gas emissions from transport, consumption of goods and food from unscrupulous manufacturers, mutating old viruses (flu) and the emergence of new ones - all this negatively affects our health.

We also depend on the healthcare system that exists in the region in which we live. In many cases, medicine is paid, and not many people have the means to get help from a good, highly qualified specialist.

Thus, we have defined health as a value and examined the factors that determine it.

Health is a diamond that needs cutting. Let's consider two basic rules for building a healthy lifestyle:

  • phasing;
  • regularity.

It is very important in any training process, be it muscle development, hardening, posture straightening, assimilation educational material or mastering a specialty, do everything gradually.

And, of course, we do not forget about systematicity, so as not to lose the results, experience and skills.

So, we have looked at the main factors that determine health, and now let’s talk about processes that negatively affect a person’s lifestyle.

What makes your health worse?

Consider risk factors:

  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs, substance abuse).
  • Poor nutrition (unbalanced food intake, overeating).
  • Depressive and stressful state.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Sexual behavior that leads to sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy.

These are factors that determine health risks. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Let's define the term

Risk factors are confirmed or tentatively possible conditions of the internal and external environment human body, predisposing to any ailment. They may not be the cause of the disease, but contribute to a greater likelihood of its occurrence, progression and unfavorable outcome.

What other risk factors exist?

Here are some examples:

  • Biological. Bad heredity, congenital defects.
  • Socio-economic.
  • Phenomena environment(poor ecology, climatic and geographical conditions).
  • Violation of hygiene standards, ignorance of them.
  • Non-compliance with regimes (sleep, nutrition, work and rest, educational process).
  • Unfavorable climate in the family and in the team.
  • Poor physical activity and many others.

Having studied examples of risk, a person can only purposefully, persistently, and conscientiously work to reduce them and strengthen factors that protect health.

Let's take a closer look at physical health. Not only ability to work, but also life activity in general depends on it.

Physical health. Factors that determine physical health

This is the state of the human body, characteristics which helps to adapt to any circumstances when all organs and systems function normally.

It should be noted that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not just about playing sports, following a regimen and eating right. This is a certain attitude that a person adheres to. He is engaged in self-improvement, spiritual development, and increases the cultural level. Everything together makes his life better.

Lifestyle is the first main factor. Prudent behavior of a person aimed at maintaining his health should include:

  • compliance with the optimal regime of work, sleep and rest;
  • mandatory presence of daily physical activity, but within normal limits, no less, no more;
  • complete cessation of bad habits;
  • only proper and balanced nutrition;
  • teaching positive thinking.

It is necessary to understand that it is the factor of a healthy lifestyle that makes it possible to function normally, to do everything social objectives, as well as labor, in the family and household sphere. It directly affects how long an individual will live.

By 50% physical health a person depends on his lifestyle, according to scientists. Let's move on to discuss the next question.


What factors determine human health when it comes to the environment? Depending on its impact, three groups are distinguished:

  1. Physical. These are air humidity, pressure, solar radiation, etc.
  2. Biological. They can be useful and harmful. This includes viruses, fungi, plants and even pets, bacteria.
  3. Chemical. Any chemical elements and compounds that are found everywhere: in soil, in the walls of buildings, in food, in clothing. And also the electronics surrounding a person.

In total, all these factors amount to about 20%, which is not a small figure. Only 10% of the population's health is determined by the level of medical care, 20% by hereditary factors, and 50% by lifestyle.

As you can see, there are a great many factors that determine the state of human health. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to eliminate emerging symptoms of diseases and fight infections. It is necessary to influence all factors that determine health.

It is extremely difficult for one person to change environmental conditions, but everyone can improve the microclimate of their home, carefully choose food, drink clean water, and use less substances that negatively affect the environment.

And finally, let's talk about the factors that determine the level of population health.

Circumstances that shape people's lifestyles

Let's consider the most important indicators that affect the level of health:

  1. Living conditions.
  2. Habits that are harmful to the body.
  3. Relationships between family members, microclimate, as well as loss of family values, divorces, abortions.
  4. Crimes committed, robberies, murders and suicides.
  5. A change in lifestyle, for example, moving from a village to a city.
  6. Clashes that occur due to belonging to different religions and traditions.

Now let’s look at the impact of other phenomena on the health of the population.

Negative impact of technogenic factors

These include:

  1. Decreased performance of relatively healthy people, as well as
  2. The occurrence of genetic disorders leading to the appearance of hereditary diseases that will affect future generations.
  3. An increase in chronic and infectious diseases among the working population, due to which people do not go to work.
  4. Decreased health of children living in contaminated areas.
  5. Weak immunity in most of the population.
  6. Increasing number of cancer patients.
  7. Reduced life expectancy in people living in areas with environmental pollution high level.

Thus, it is clear that there are many risk factors. This also includes industrial and transport emissions into the atmosphere, dirty runoff into groundwater, landfills, vapors and poisons of which then again enter the human environment with precipitation.

One can note the negative impact of the media on public health. News on television, periodicals, and radio programs filled with negative material excite people. Thus, they cause depression and stress, break the conservative consciousness and are a powerful factor causing harm to health.

The quality of the water used is of utmost importance for humanity. It can serve as a source of spread of terrible infectious diseases.

Soil also has a negative impact on human health. Since it accumulates pollution from industrial enterprises coming from the atmosphere, various pesticides, and fertilizers. It can also harbor pathogens of some helminth infections and numerous infectious diseases. This poses a great danger to people.

And even the biological components of the landscape can cause harm to the population. This poisonous plants and bites from poisonous animals. Carriers of infectious diseases (insects, animals) are also extremely dangerous.

It is impossible not to mention natural natural disasters, which kill more than 50 thousand people annually. These are earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, avalanches, hurricanes.

And in conclusion of our article we can conclude that many literate people do not adhere to the right image life, relying on higher powers (maybe it will pass).

You need to rest. Sleep is very important, it protects our nervous system. A person who sleeps little gets up in the morning irritated, frustrated and angry, often with a headache. Each individual has their own sleep norm, but on average it should last at least 8 hours.

Two hours before a night's rest, you should stop eating and mental activity. The room should be ventilated, you need to open the window at night. Under no circumstances should you sleep in outerwear. You should not cover your head and bury your face in the pillow, this interferes with the breathing process. Try to fall asleep at the same time, your body will get used to it and there will be no problems falling asleep.

But you shouldn’t risk your health, you only have one life, and you need to live it efficiently and happily so that your healthy descendants can enjoy this priceless gift.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has succinctly defined health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of infirmity or disease. Numerous definitions of this concept boil down to the fact that health is the natural state of the body, which allows a person to fully realize his abilities, carry out work without restrictions while maintaining maximum duration active life. This approach takes into account the extent to which the environment around a person contributes to the preservation of health, the prevention of diseases, ensures normal working and living conditions, and comprehensive harmonious development.

In this regard, human health is most often called an assessment criterion, an indicator of quality of life. Health and illness are not a simple reflection of the state of the human environment. Man, on the one hand, has a certain biological constitution acquired as a result of evolutionary development, and is subject to the influence of natural factors. On the other hand, it is formed under the influence of socio-economic factors, which are constantly being improved.

Transformation of the environment affects the social, hygienic and psychophysiological conditions of work, life and recreation of a person, which, in turn, determine the mechanisms of reproduction, morbidity, level of development intellectual abilities of people. Thus, the health of the population is within biological norm is a function of both economic, social and environmental conditions.

By modern ideas, human health is determined 50 by a healthy lifestyle, 20 by heredity, and 10 by the state of health care in the country.

Human health is also largely determined by his ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Adaptation is understood as the process of active adaptation of a person to the environment, aimed at ensuring, maintaining and continuing normal life activities in the conditions of a given environment. The ability to adapt to environmental conditions throughout a person’s life is inherited. Adaptation can be carried out through biological and extrabiological mechanisms and end in a state of complete adaptation to environmental conditions, that is, a state of health, otherwise - a disease.

Biological mechanisms include changes in human morphological, physiological, and behavioral reactions. In cases where biological mechanisms for adaptation are not enough, the need arises for mechanisms that are extrabiological in nature. Then a person adapts to new environmental conditions, either isolating himself from them with the help of clothing, technical structures, appropriate nutrition, or transforming the environment in such a way that its conditions become favorable for him.

And finally, if there is a good social environment and rich biological properties, the state of human health may depend on one more factor - the natural and climatic conditions of the environment. A healthy person can lose his physical, mental and social well-being even if the region of his permanent residence ends up in an environmental disaster zone. The most serious consequence of biosphere pollution is its genetic consequences.

In order to strengthen and maintain the health of healthy people, that is, to manage it, information is needed both about the conditions for the formation of health (the nature of the implementation of the gene pool, the state of the environment, lifestyle, etc.), and the final result of the processes of their reflection (specific indicators of the health status of the individual or population).

Human health must be considered holistically, as the health of a single organism, which depends on the health of all its parts. In order to live a long, full and capable life, naturally, one must be born from healthy parents, receive from them, as part of the gene pool, high resistance of inherited immunity to various harmful environmental factors and good organization of vital morphofunctional structures. Hereditarily acquired biological properties of the body are an important, but not the only link that determines human health and well-being.

According to experimental and epidemiological studies, environmental factors even at low levels of exposure can cause significant health problems in humans. Environmental pollution, despite relatively low concentrations of substances, due to the long duration of exposure (almost throughout a person’s entire life) can lead to serious health problems, especially in vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and the sick. chronic diseases, pregnant women.

The result is mutations leading to the occurrence of hereditary diseases or the appearance of a hereditary predisposition to them.

In the inherited preconditions of health, factors such as the type of morphofunctional constitution and characteristics of nervous and mental processes, the degree of predisposition to certain diseases are especially important.

A person’s life dominants and attitudes are largely determined by the human constitution. Such genetically determined characteristics include the dominant needs of a person, his abilities, interests, desires, predisposition to alcoholism and other bad habits. Despite the significance of environmental and educational influences, the role of hereditary factors turns out to be decisive. This fully applies to various diseases.

This makes clear the need to take into account the hereditary characteristics of a person in determining the optimal lifestyle for him, the choice of profession, partners when social contacts, treatment, the most suitable type of load.

Often society makes demands on a person that conflict with the conditions necessary for the implementation of programs embedded in genes. As a result, in human ontogenesis many contradictions between heredity and environment, between various systems organism, determining its adaptation as an integral system.

In particular, this is of exceptional importance in choosing a profession, which is quite important for our country, since, for example, only about 3% of those employed in national economy Russian Federation of people who are satisfied with their chosen profession - apparently, there is no last value has a discrepancy between the inherited typology and the nature of the professional activity performed.

Heredity and environment act as etiological factors and play a role in the pathogenesis of any human disease, but the share of their participation in each disease is different, and the greater the share of one factor, the less the contribution of the other. From this point of view, all forms of pathology can be divided into four groups, between which there are no sharp boundaries.

The first group consists of the actual hereditary diseases, in which the etiological role is played by a pathological gene, the role of the environment is to modify only the manifestations of the disease. This group includes monogenically caused diseases (such as phenylketonuria, hemophilia), as well as chromosomal diseases. These diseases are transmitted from generation to generation through germ cells.

The second group is also hereditary diseases caused by a pathological mutation, but their manifestation requires specific environmental influences. In some cases, the “manifesting” effect of the environment is very obvious, and with the disappearance of the effect of the environmental factor clinical manifestations become less pronounced. These are the manifestations of hemoglobin HbS deficiency in its heterozygous carriers with a reduced partial pressure of oxygen. In other cases (for example, with gout), long-term adverse environmental effects are necessary for the manifestation of a pathological gene.

The third group consists of an overwhelming number of common diseases, especially diseases of mature and old age ( hypertonic disease, gastric ulcer, most malignant tumors and others). The main etiological factor in their occurrence is the unfavorable influence of the environment, however, the implementation of the effect of the factor depends on the individual genetically determined predisposition of the body, and therefore these diseases are called multifactorial, or diseases with a hereditary predisposition.

It should be noted that various diseases with a hereditary predisposition are not the same in the relative role of heredity and environment. Among them, one could distinguish diseases with a weak, moderate and high degree of hereditary predisposition.

The fourth group of diseases are relatively few forms of pathology, in the occurrence of which environmental factors play an exceptional role. Usually this is an extreme environmental factor, in relation to the action of which the body has no means of defense (trauma, especially dangerous infections). Genetic factors in this case play a role in the course of the disease and influence its outcome.

Statistics show that in the structure of hereditary pathology, a predominant place belongs to diseases associated with lifestyle and the health of future parents and the mother during pregnancy.

Thus, there is no doubt about the significant role played by hereditary factors in ensuring human health. At the same time, in the overwhelming majority of cases, taking these factors into account through rationalizing a person’s lifestyle can make his life healthy and long-lasting. And, conversely, underestimation of a person’s typological characteristics leads to vulnerability and defenselessness in the face of unfavorable conditions and circumstances of life.

Lifestyle is a leading generalized factor that determines the main trends in health changes and is considered as a type of active human activity.

The structure of the lifestyle with its medical and social characteristics includes:

  • · labor activity and working conditions;
  • · economic and household activities (type of home, living space, living conditions, time spent on household activities, etc.);
  • · recreational activities aimed at restoration physical strength and interaction with the environment;
  • · socialization activities in the family (caring for children, elderly relatives);
  • · family planning and relationships between family members;
  • · formation of behavioral characteristics and socio-psychological status;
  • · medical and social activity (attitude to health, medicine, attitude towards a healthy lifestyle).

Lifestyle is associated with such concepts as standard of living (structure of income per person), quality of life (measurable parameters characterizing the degree of material security of a person), lifestyle (psychological individual characteristics of behavior), way of life (national social order of life, everyday life, culture).

Medical activity refers to the activities of people in the field of protecting, improving individual and public health in certain socio-economic conditions.

Medical (medical and social) activity includes: the presence of hygienic skills, performing medical recommendations, participation in improving lifestyle and environment, the ability to provide first first aid yourself and relatives, use folk remedies, traditional medicine and other.

Increasing the level of medical activity and literacy of the population is the most important task of the local general practitioner and pediatrician (especially the family doctor).

Important integral part medical and social activity is an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle (HLS). A healthy lifestyle is hygienic behavior based on scientifically based sanitary and hygienic standards aimed at strengthening and maintaining health, activating protective forces body, ensuring a high level of working capacity, achieving active longevity.

Thus, healthy lifestyle can be considered as the basis for disease prevention. Formation of a healthy lifestyle is the creation of a system for overcoming risk factors in the form of active life of people aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

A healthy lifestyle is an important health factor and includes the following components:

  • · conscious creation of working conditions conducive to maintaining health and increasing performance;
  • · active participation in cultural events, physical education and sports, refusal of passive forms of rest, training of mental abilities, auto-training, giving up bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking), rational, balanced nutrition, observing personal hygiene rules, creating normal conditions in the family ;
  • · formation interpersonal relationships V labor collectives, families, attitudes towards the sick and disabled;
  • · careful attitude towards the environment, nature, high culture behavior at work, in public places and transport;
  • conscious participation in preventive measures activities conducted by medical institutions, compliance with medical orders, the ability to provide first aid, reading popular medical literature, etc.

A healthy lifestyle also expresses a certain orientation of the individual’s activities in the direction of strengthening and developing personal and public health. Thus, a healthy lifestyle is associated with the personal and motivational embodiment by individuals of their social, psychological, physical capabilities and abilities. This explains the enormous importance of developing a healthy lifestyle in creating optimal conditions functioning of the individual and society.

Man strives for harmony of soul and body. Some people don’t care about excess weight, while others are driven into serious complexes. Excess weight is not a pathology, but a person with overweight body is more prone to atherosclerosis, diabetes, and heart disease. These pathologies are dangerous to health and difficult to treat.

How to lose weight correctly?

There are many ways. It is necessary to normalize the diet. Nutritionists advise eating 5-6 times a day in small portions. It is worth including easily digestible foods (boiled vegetables, fruits) in your diet. It is believed that you need to drink 2 liters of water per day, but this amount of liquid puts a strain on the kidneys. Drinking 2 waters of water at a time is strictly prohibited! The recommended intake for those who want to lose weight and simply keep their body in good shape is 1.2 liters per day (300 ml of clean water 4 times a day). The liquid stimulates metabolism and helps the body get rid of toxins. Moderate jogging helps to lose weight and improve overall well-being. physical exercise.

It is worth paying attention to nutritional supplements. Bee Spas drops help burn excess fat deposits. The drug has many reviews that confirm its effectiveness. With significant fat deposits and correct use Bee Rescue can lose up to 10 kg in one week. Bee Spas drops are safe as they are made on the basis of plant extracts.

  • Caffeine has a complex antioxidant effect. This component has a gentle effect on the gastric walls, while at the same time quickly removing toxins. Caffeine is often included in dietary supplements and creams designed to combat cellulite. In addition to its cleansing effect, this component rejuvenates cells, saturating them with oxygen and biologically active substances.
  • Grapefruit seed extract is another powerful ingredient. It contains vitamins and microelements that improve the physiological processes of the body. Flavonoids present in grapefruit seeds not only have a cleansing effect, but also have an antimicrobial effect.
  • Podmore Bee contains chitosan from bees. An important component of bee death is melatonin: this component is involved in lipid metabolism.
  • L-carnitine destroys excess fat cells and also restores the balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

The food supplement “Bee Saved” is taken 2 times a day before meals. For a one-time dose, 10 drops are required. After 2 - 3 days, the result will be noticeable: the metabolism will normalize, the body will be able to get rid of accumulated toxins. The result will be weight loss, as well as improved moral and physical well-being.

Factors predicting physical and psychological well-being

Research has shown that human health depends on six factors, these include:

  • biological characteristics of the body (functioning of the higher nervous system, hereditary tendency to certain diseases, temperament, mental abilities);
  • natural phenomena (state of air, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, flora and fauna);
  • climate;
  • socio-economic environment (living conditions, financial situation);
  • environment (cleanliness or air pollution).
  • medicine (development of this industry in a particular country, level of qualifications of doctors).

Modern scientists believe that 50% of health depends on lifestyle. The hereditary characteristics of an individual play a significant role: a person’s physical and psychological well-being depends 20% on genetics. Diseases or predisposition to them are often inherited. Accordingly, if a person is genetically prone to any pathology, his body is more vulnerable.

Other factors also play an important role. In the absence of morphofunctional prerequisites for diseases, good health can be judged. If a person lives in good living conditions and a favorable environmental environment, he is less prone to illness. Working in hazardous industries, living in a polluted atmosphere makes the body vulnerable and prone to pathological conditions.

The level of medical screening affects an individual's physical and psychological well-being. If a person undergoes regular preventive examinations and health care it turns out in a timely manner, he has a better chance of maintaining health. Thus, measures are taken to prevent a specific disease. Lack of medical control undermines health: a person may develop a disease, the existence of which he will not be aware of. If treatment is not started as soon as possible, the pathology will begin to progress, leading to dangerous consequences. Timely preventive examination and competent therapy play an important role in maintaining physical and psychological well-being.

50-55% of health depends on our habits. A sedentary, moderately active lifestyle, dosed exercise, and psychological comfort help maintain health. If a person eats well, gets enough sleep, his organs and systems function smoothly. People who are constantly on the move and lack sleep are more prone to illness.

A hypodynamic lifestyle undermines physical health. In this case, a person becomes prone to pathological conditions such as obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension. Exercising strengthens the immune system; it makes the body resilient and resistant to pathologies. Dosed physical activity increases muscle tone and blood vessels Thus, the prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attack and a number of other diseases is ensured. Sport improves psychological well-being. It has been found that regular jogging relieves stress by 25%!

People who are constantly stressed are more susceptible to illness. An unfavorable work environment, psychological pressure, conflicts: all this undermines health. In addition to the above factors, health depends on our valeological literacy (valeology is the science of physical, moral and social well-being). If a person knows the basics of a healthy lifestyle and also knows how to apply them in practice, he has a better chance of avoiding diseases.

The influence of genes on our health

Parental chromosomes have a direct effect on the body. Why do some people get sick more often and others less often? It is worth considering the marriage bond. If a person marries a distant relative, there is Great chance that an unhealthy child will be born into this family. It has been established that such children are 50 times more likely to die than those born from unrelated marriages. Russia is a multinational country. A rich gene pool allows you to obtain offspring with good genetic traits.

If the chromosomes present in the germ cells, as well as structural elements These cells are exposed to negative environmental factors, and health suffers. Negative consequences accidents often affect the genetic material, thus the body becomes weakened. It is important to say that the attitudes of a particular individual, his physical and psychological health largely depend on heredity.

The latter determines the dominant needs of a person (aspirations, abilities). Not only a disease, but also a bad habit can be transmitted hereditarily. Scientists have confirmed that upbringing plays an important role in the formation of an individual, but hereditary factors are decisive. To choose a profession, lifestyle, or a partner to start a family for a particular individual, you need to analyze his heredity. There are cases when the living environment comes into conflict with the program laid down at the genetic level. The result of such a “conflict” is a violation of the mechanisms of adaptation to the surrounding world. As a result, mental health may suffer.

A person must lead a lifestyle that would not allow contradictions between the environment and hereditary factors. Everyday life should be associated with natural preferences, in other words, you need to listen to your inner voice and, if possible, not go against yourself. Otherwise, psychological discomfort will arise, which will slowly depress the body.

Environmental exposure

For millions of years, people have been adapting to nature. Initially, health depends on energy and the “whims” of nature. Atmosphere, water, landscape, biosystems, energy resources: all this affects our physical and psychological well-being. More than a hundred years ago, the scientist Chizhevsky drew attention to energy phenomena associated with the sun. He proved that the manifestations of some cardiovascular diseases depend on 14 summer period fluctuations in solar activity. Modern scientists claim that emotional and physical well-being depend on the phases of the moon. These phenomena predetermine a tendency to depression and pathologies affecting blood clotting. We can conclude that health depends on solar and lunar activity.

A person who knows the patterns of changes in solar and lunar activity can calculate favorable periods to implement your ideas. Nature is changeable: it greatly influences well-being and health. Fluctuations in atmospheric pressure lead to changes in weather. Most people clearly react to this feature. Changing weather conditions often disrupt general well-being (for example, a person’s blood pressure may increase).

How else does nature influence our health?

Every day we work and strive to protect ourselves from the “whims” of nature. During evolution, man has learned to adapt nature to his needs: build houses, sew clothes, get food. Automated systems have improved life: we have reduced the use of muscle labor. Production is being improved every day. To supply it with energy, a person uses the same Natural resources.

As progress develops, the relationship between man and nature changes, and along with this, the conditions of existence change. The fact is that we need the riches of nature. We need timber, oil, sand, coal, rivers. In order not to depend on nature, we need to build reservoirs and dams. Human intervention and its use of natural resources negatively affects the ecological situation. Economic development leads to pollution of nature. Technological progress has led to the fact that today pesticides, gases, and fumes enter the atmosphere chemical substances. Nature, without which man cannot exist, suffers greatly.

Evolution leads to changes in the environment. Human actions lead to extinction and disruption of the adaptive capabilities of animals. Initially, man did not want to adapt to the laws of nature; he did everything to subjugate it to himself. Reservoirs were purposefully created, and artificial substances were introduced into the soil that violated its properties.

Health directly depends on the vegetables and fruits that we grow on “artificial” soil. Products with nitrates disrupt the gastrointestinal tract, and in severe cases they lead to ulcers. In addition to this, consuming low-quality vegetables accelerates the aging process. Man has caused significant damage to nature, and as a result he himself has suffered. Natural resources are being depleted every day. More and more harmful gases are being released into the atmosphere. The creation of artificial sources of radioactivity leads to damage to the ozone layer.

How is our nature suffering?

Man strives to transform nature, but this leads to a deterioration in living conditions. Violations of the natural environment today are irreversible. By filling up reservoirs and building dams, people disrupt the water cycle. Forests must supply us with oxygen, but at the same time they are necessary for our needs. Deforestation mainly disrupts the ecological situation. The body becomes more susceptible to poisons and chemicals. Forests located in Siberia and the Amazon River are the strongest today.

Man violated the connections of biogeocenosis, and because of this he himself suffered. Pathologies are common in the modern world respiratory system: people living in major cities. Those who live in megacities are prone to cancer. Live in rural areas not as bad as it seems. It connects people with nature, which significantly affects their health. A person living in a polluted environment is 10 times more susceptible to asthma and 3 times more likely to suffer from mental illness. Changing habits led to life expectancy being reduced by 40 years.

Technological processes spoil the environment and pollute the air. There are 350 carcinogens that differ in structure in the air of the metropolis. Almost each of them has a pathogenic effect on cells. So that people can preserve natural resources and manage them correctly, the science of “Ecology” was created. The purpose of this science is to convey to man the idea that he is part of nature. Ecology teaches us to take care of the gifts of nature. If you develop long-term socio-economic programs, increase environmental and valeological literacy, and develop a sense of responsibility for yourself and others, you can improve the quality of health and prolong human life on earth.

The role of medical support

Modern medicine well developed, but medical service does not always meet our needs. Medicine was originally developed for the treatment and prevention of illnesses. With the development of civilization, science has changed its goals. Today, like a couple of centuries ago, it focuses on treatment. Doctors pay little attention to health. Scientists and philosophers have argued that medicine and health are diametrically opposed concepts. If doctors, according to a certain “template,” provide high-quality medical care, this does not mean that the population will be healthy.

Doctors tell you how to be treated correctly, but few talk about how to prevent a particular disease. Infectious pathologies are common by 10%. People often suffer from non-infectious somatic diseases. Functional mental disorders, alcoholism, and drug addiction are common. A serious threat to health is posed by: hypertension, atherosclerosis, HIV infection, metabolic disorders, mental disorders, and malignant tumors. Modern medicine does not have methods for preventing these diseases. The medieval philosopher Bacon wrote that medicine should preserve health, and this is its first duty, the second duty is to treat diseases.

What is the mistake of medicine?

Little attention is paid to prevention, doctors practically do not talk about it. About 80% of people are in a pre-diseased state, and if they do not know how to prevent the disease, doctors will not tell about it. Humanity needs educational work, the purpose of which should be to convey preventive measures. It is necessary to know more about the physiological capabilities of the body and measures that help prevent disease. The population needs the discovery of a theory of health.

The doctor should remember that a person is not a set of organs, but an integral system. In addition to organs, we have a soul that also needs to be taken care of. Stable psychological problems sometimes lead to illnesses; accordingly, one of the preventive measures is stress prevention. Most doctors do not understand the concept of “Health” as deeply as necessary, but only focus on the recommended standards.

The goal of official medicine is to improve the health of the body. However, it is important to look for the root cause of the disease and do everything to eliminate it. The doctor must work closely with the public. There are many people who show no signs of illness, but during preventive examination violations are identified and treatment is prescribed. The doctor does not know the psychological and pedagogical aspects that would allow him to carry out effective educational work aimed at preventing pathologies. Hygienists are somewhat different from “medics” in the broad sense; they have the opportunity to implement the idea of ​​primary prevention.

The therapeutic activities of medicine vary. The sages of old believed that a doctor has 3 medicines. The first is the word. When the doctor voices the cause of the illness, the person can eliminate it and recover. The second cure is medication. If the cause of the disease is unknown or not studied, medications are recommended to relieve symptoms. The third medicine is a knife. If conservative therapy is ineffective, it is prescribed surgical procedure. The cause of the disease can be eliminated with surgery.

Doctors who lived during the Middle Ages emphasized that the main task of medicine should be to eliminate the cause of the disease. If you seek temporary relief, there will be no stable result. The disease will be driven into a dead end. Wrong therapy leads to the disease becoming chronic. If a doctor does not know the methodology of healing, which is based on the adaptive capabilities of the body, he is not able to fully understand what health is.

It is important to comprehensively heal the body, ensuring the prevention of not only the main diseases, but also related ones. Medicines intended to eliminate symptoms create an imaginary effect of recovery. Achieving health must be a strategic approach. To properly cure a disease, you need to identify its cause, and then take preventive measures. It is worth considering the consequences of treatment tactics. To control your own health, you need to master self-healing tactics.

Introduction to a healthy lifestyle

Modern people understand that a healthcare worker will not protect against diseases, but will only provide assistance when one or another symptom appears. Today, more and more people are interested in a healthy lifestyle. Among them are doctors and people without medical education. The development of pathologies is often associated with in the wrong way life. In fact, a healthy lifestyle is one of the best preventive measures. America, unlike our country, is embracing a healthy lifestyle. Behind last years the death rate in this country has decreased, and average duration life has increased. If you independently improve your lifestyle, you can prevent physical and psychological disorders. Statistics show that the death rate in Russia is increasing; about 80% of men and 50% of women lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

The concept of “healthy lifestyle”

It includes a set of biological and social aspects necessary for full human life. The goal of a healthy lifestyle is to improve health, ensure competent disease prevention, achieve moral well-being and, ultimately, prolong life. A healthy lifestyle is also a model of behavior that is based on established sanitary and hygienic standards. If we analyze all the definitions of a healthy lifestyle, we can establish that they are based on a genetic factor. A healthy lifestyle must correspond to the characteristics of the body and the conditions in which it is accustomed to being.

Before defining a healthy lifestyle for specific person, it is necessary to analyze typological aspects. It is important to understand the adaptation mechanisms of a particular organism. In determining a healthy lifestyle for an individual, gender and the social situation familiar to him play a role. A healthy lifestyle is a set of factors and norms that help maintain moral and physical well-being.

  • physical activity;
  • good nutrition (consumption of foods with natural vitamins and useful microelements);
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • valeological literacy.

Mental health

It is an integral part of psychological well-being. As mentioned above, the body is an integral system consisting of interconnected elements. These elements are controlled by the nervous system. Physical health depends on our moral well-being. Frequent stress affects the condition of the skin and internal organs. Mental health is different for everyone. So-called “mental illnesses” affect people with weak, unstable psyches. Fine mental health must be age appropriate. A person with good mental health is able to perform tasks in specific areas of life.

The child’s psyche is formed in the womb. The health of the unborn child depends on how a woman feels during pregnancy. Mental illness, unlike physical ones, are not easy to determine. The line between health and mental disorder almost erased. If a person gets very tired when doing mental work, he may be overtired. Everyone has a different level of ability to work, and therefore it takes different amounts of time to complete the same tasks.

To establish a psychosomatic disorder, you need to comprehensively examine the body. When making a diagnosis, the opinion of a neurologist, psychologist and psychiatrist is taken into account. A person must independently control his health, regardless of external factors. Prevention of psychological illnesses means proper sleep, dosed mental stress, and an active lifestyle. It is important that the body takes a timely rest from work. An indicator of mental health is mental activity. It is characterized by the level of attention and memory. If a person has good performance, then we can assume that he is mentally healthy.

Manifestation of mental disorders

Decreased performance levels often indicate poor mental health. In this case, a person cannot concentrate on anything, thinking abilities and memory deteriorate. Apathy often occurs against the background of overwork: a person can withdraw into himself, trying to get away from pressing matters. There are cases when a decrease in performance is combined with autonomic disorders. Then physical symptoms appear: increased heart rate, headache, increased sweating.

Depending on the nature of the psychological and physical disorder, a person may experience pain in the gastrointestinal tract and heart. A sign of overwork is fear; in extreme cases, panic occurs. It is important to say that the psyche is unique and changeable. If you know its features, you can build a productive educational and educational program. Thanks to this program, a person will achieve moral well-being. You need to control your psyche in an organized manner and do everything to ensure that it develops in the right direction.

With the participation of the psyche, we achieve achievements that demonstrate our success and, perhaps, superiority. If we consider the child’s psyche, the family plays an important role in its formation. The child’s well-being and moral health depend on the psychological situation in the family circle. If a baby feels significant, he develops good mental health. It is also worth considering that moral well-being depends on genetic characteristics.

Formation of the psyche of a schoolchild

A school-age child must learn the individual typological characteristics of the psyche. The disadvantage of modern teaching is that the teacher uses generally accepted norms and patterns, without taking into account the gender and temperament of the student. Training program designed for the average child, which is fundamentally wrong. When a teacher gives a test in an exact discipline, he realizes that the student who completes more tasks will receive a higher grade. However, it never occurs to anyone to set tasks taking into account the child’s temperament.

For example, a choleric person will strive to complete more tasks. A phlegmatic child will begin to get lost and confused due to the time limit, and as a result, he may simply get nervous and quit the test. Due to the wrong learning model, some children think that to achieve a goal they need to prepare once, and the rest of the time should not be devoted to studying. Others believe that training is in vain and it will still not lead to success.

There are also nuances in physical education. Physical exercises in the school curriculum are designed for the average student, although children differ in height, weight, and endurance. One child can easily complete the tasks assigned to him, since he naturally has a strong physique, while another is not able to cope with the task. The child may feel that the specific goals that their studies define are unattainable. It is wrong to force a student to a certain standard. Girls are inclined towards humanitarian activities, boys want to assert themselves, so they strive to learn the exact sciences. The school curriculum does not take these features into account.

The mistake is made by teachers and parents who compare children. The child's self-esteem can be seriously damaged, resulting in an inferiority complex. If a child is smart, he may become arrogant and think that he will succeed in life without studying. Ideal training should be designed taking into account the physiological characteristics of children. If a child is better today than yesterday, his score should be higher. This approach could develop motivational abilities and a desire to learn new things. As we see, mental health is formed in childhood.

The importance of sleep in human life

Factors that determine health include sleep. It has been established that a person spends more than a third of his life sleeping. It is impossible to live without this most important function. In ancient China, there was an unusual torture: people who committed a malicious act were punished by sleep deprivation. The criminals did not survive. Sleep regulates the body's activities: this process improves mental activity, restores the functioning of internal organs, improves skin condition, and ensures the prevention of neurotic diseases. When a person is in a dream, metabolic reactions are reduced, muscles relax, and anabolic processes begin to activate. Such reactions are beneficial for the body: they help a person recover from severe physical or mental work.

The scientist Pavlov believed that sleep is not just rest, but a certain activity of the body. The brain works differently during sleep. He analyzes and processes the information he received during the week, month, year. Adequate sleep helps to free yourself from unnecessary information. The physiological process helps normalize the neuropsychic state. There is a distinction between slow and fast sleep. The slow one lasts from an hour to an hour and a half, the fast one - from 10 to 20 minutes on average. REM sleep is productive: it involves the deep structures of the brain. REM sleep is essential for children.

As the body matures, slow-wave sleep becomes longer. Scientists have conducted a lot of research on which sleep is more important, fast sleep or slow sleep. It was not possible to find a general solution. If we talk about full sleep, then it should be continuous, and the fast phase should be on par with the slow phase. Thus, the body will recover after a busy day. You can't shorten your sleep. If a person regularly experiences lack of sleep, he becomes prone to illness.

Dreams appear in the REM and NREM sleep phases. Those that are typical for REM sleep, are distinguished by brightness and realism. A person can see incredible scenes, fragments from his imagination. Sigmund Freud said that dreams are the language of humanity. He associated fragments of dreams with unconscious biases. According to Freud, if a person solves any important problems in a dream, it means real life Something is holding him back, there are restrictions. In a dream, everything is allowed.

Dreams depend on the psychophysiological state a person is in. They are also determined by habits and lifestyle. Experts believe that dream books have no practical meaning. What is your sleep norm? We are used to thinking that it is somewhere between 7 and 9 hours. In fact, the norm of sleep depends on the physiology of a particular organism. The nature of previous activity and the age of the person play an important role.

The importance of getting enough sleep

Uninterrupted sleep helps you recover after a hard day. If a person gets enough sleep, the brain will process information productively, memory reserves will be freed, and concentration will improve. It is recommended to go to bed at the same time, then there will be no problems with sleep. Knowledge workers need to sleep for a long time; it is extremely undesirable for them to work at night.

Consistent lack of sleep is dangerous to health and can lead to pathologies. The amount of sleep should be taken into account based on whether you are a night owl or a morning person. You should not eat or drink coffee before going to bed. You need to unload yourself mentally and physically. It is recommended to avoid watching heavy television programs. The body must prepare for sleep. If you ignore these rules, your sleep will worsen, and this will affect your health.

You need to fall asleep in a calm environment. You can go for a walk in the evening. If you can't sleep at night, it's still better to wait until nightfall. Daytime nap is considered harmful if it lasts more than 30 minutes. Some people nap during the day: this helps them gain strength for further work. A short nap helps relieve excess stress. It is advisable to choose a firm mattress; if necessary, you need to wear fabric glasses.

What are biorhythms?

Physical and psychological well-being depend on biorhythms. These are the mechanisms of nature that subjugate man, nature and the cosmos. All living beings obey a biological clock. These clocks are cyclical. The body develops under conditions of day and night, as well as the alternation of seasons. Biorhythm is the principle of all living things; it is a regulator of our activity. Biorhythms consist of biological processes that have a period, frequency, rhythm, phase and amplitude. Biorhythm cycles are divided into high-frequency with a maximum duration of 30 minutes, medium-frequency 5 - 24 hours and low-frequency, lasting from 7 days to a year.

The one and a half hour biorhythm is responsible for the alternation of neuronal activity of the brain. A person, as a rule, does not notice that during the day mental activity is changing. The one and a half hour rhythm determines brain activity during sleep. Research results have shown that every hour and a half a person’s excitability changes (increases and decreases). For example, we may lose our mood or begin to worry, regardless of external circumstances. Circadian rhythm lasts 24 hours. It manifests itself in wakefulness and sleep. The monthly rhythm characterizes changes in a woman’s body. The annual rhythm represents the change in health and well-being throughout the year.

Hormone levels change depending on the time of year. In spring and summer, a person becomes more resilient than in winter or autumn. The eyes exhibit maximum light sensitivity in June. Twelve-year and twenty-two-year biorhythms are associated with meteorological features. Biorhythms were also formed with the development of society. Our consciousness has adapted to the fact that 5 or 6 days of the week are work days. It has been established that with the onset of the weekend, performance decreases.

In conclusion, health depends on numerous factors. Mental well-being is formed in childhood and depends on the child’s heredity, upbringing, habits, and preferences. The tendency to diseases is genetically determined, and can also develop under the influence of unfavorable factors. Proper nutrition, dosed physical activity and adherence to other rules of health regulation will help keep the body in good shape and ensure the prevention of diseases.

Many people, when visiting a doctor, ask him a question: what affects human health. Some people turn to the doctor when they experience the first symptoms of illness, others try to find out in advance the main factors that negatively affect a person’s life.

What does human health depend on?

Human health largely depends on the environment in which he is located. People living near factories may suffer asthma attacks. People living in the city suffer from exhaust fumes and lack of fresh air.

There are a number of factors that have a great impact on human health

1. Ecology. The cleaner the environment, the better person feels himself. Unfortunately, every year the atmosphere becomes more and more polluted. This means that the person feels worse. To get their health in order, the population has to go annually on vacation to a sanatorium, where the air is cleaner and fresher thanks to the trees growing around the boarding house. People who have a summer cottage are able to improve their health by relaxing every weekend outside the city.

2. Weather. Many women begin to suffer from changeable weather after childbirth. But most often people with problems with cardiovascular systems, as well as those who are often overworked at work, react to the weather.

3. Stress or any other nervous disorder can affect a person’s health in a negative way at the most inopportune moment. A common cause of stress is overwork, as well as an uncomfortable environment in the workplace.

That is, if you are constantly in a stuffy room without air conditioning, your boss will overwhelm you overtime work not only on weekdays, but also on weekends, then after a while you will feel the first symptoms of a nervous disorder.

4. Personal life plays a big role in a person’s well-being. It’s not for nothing that they say that love heals. An ardent feeling can bring almost any dying person back to life. If a person is happy in personal life, he almost never gets sick. If a happy couple experiences a breakdown or breakup, the girl cannot come to her senses for some time. Sometimes she even gets sick without visible reasons. If you look at it, there is an explanation for this.

A girl experiencing a crisis in a relationship becomes absent-minded and pays little attention not only to her appearance, but also to food. At times she forgets to eat, which leads to weight loss and weakened immunity. the basics of wellness.

5. Technique not only helps, but also provides harmful influence on some organs human health. Let's take a computer for example. Since the Internet has firmly entered our lives, the number of happy owners of a treasured iron friend is growing every day. If a couple of years ago the age of the average user started from 15 years and above, now many 8-10 year old children confidently use a computer.

If the basic rules of working at a computer are not followed, after a while the user experiences vision problems, back and spine pain, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Noise affects the well-being of the individual. Loud sounds can give a person a headache, cause stress or a bad mood. Working in noisy environments can cause hearing problems.

How to protect your own health

To protect yourself from external negative factors, you will have to give up a measured life. A job that evokes bad emotions will not only cause stress in the future, but also heart problems. Unresolved issues regarding your relationship with your other half can cause prolonged depression.

If you are at the computer all day, give your eyes a rest in the evening. The more you look at the monitor, the faster your vision “sits down.”

In people with poor eyesight there is a habit of squinting while looking at the monitor, which can later lead to headaches from DC voltage facial muscles. Place a cactus next to your computer so that it absorbs harmful radiation. Eat blueberries in your diet, which can relieve you of vision problems.

Doctors claim that alcohol, cigarettes and poor nutrition negatively affect human health.
Alcohol not only clouds your consciousness, but also reduces the number of years you live. Cigarettes can cause problems with the lungs and tooth color. Poor nutrition- the first step to weight gain. And together with extra pounds shortness of breath, varicose veins and other troubles appear that prevent you from living a happy life.

Thus, what affects human health is a system of actions aimed at improving the well-being of the individual.

A healthy person always gives birth to healthy offspring. If you don’t have enough time to take care of yourself, then think about what it will be like for your future child, suffering because you didn’t give up your addiction at the right time?